

Geoengineer David Keith announced at the AAAS meeting in San Diego, On Saturday, Feb. 20th, that the stratospheric AEROSOL geoengineering program is now considering USING ALUMINUM, over 10 MEGATONS per year, instead of sulfur. (Video)

".....we havent done anything serious on aluminum (studies, research etc) and so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we havent looked at it."
- David Keith, at the AAAS meeting in San Diego

10-20 megatons of Aluminum a year without any testing of what that will do? Hey David KEITH....Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. Colic, rickets, gastrointestinal problems, interference with the metabolism of calcium, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, memory loss, speech problems, softening of the bones, and aching muscles can all be caused by aluminum toxicity. This disturbing report dovetails not so nicely with those pointing the scientific finger at increased stratsopheric geoengineering experimentation with aluminum already going on. USDA Scientist challenges David Keith's LACK of understanding of aluminum to be used in geoengineering with his research linking increased aluminum and it's affect on soil PH (killing the forest!) in northern California...after years of aluminum fallout following obvious SRM testing (illegal of course).

Here, David Keith tells the US House hearings that rich people could buy an ICE AGE with the stratospheric aerosol program, Here is the entire talk. Keith is partly funded by Bill Gates.

While Keith and other scientists deny that any spray program exists now
, THEIR PLAN IS IDENTICAL IN EVERY WAY to what citizens have said is already going on. Keith's plan, MATCHES citizens air, water and soil tests exactly. Keith's plan, MATCHES citizens claims of jet aircraft delivery, and matches the Hughes patent that citizens have said is the basis for the contamination growing across the globe.

Are "scientists" like Keith stealing these citizens ideas (after all their plan NOW is what we have been saying has been an ongiong deployment / experiment), or are unaware of the science behind jet trails that SHOULD NOT remain in the sky and turn into clouds, or are they decieving us about their knowledge of top secret government testing? Keith spoke to activists outside the meeting and said he had been working on the aerosol program for 10 years ALTHOUGH he admitted in the AAAS conference that NO TESTING OR RESEARCH HAS BEEN DONE AS TO THE AFFECTS OF ALUMINUM BEING USED AS AN AEROSOL ON THE ENVIRONMENT.

Just what HAS he been doing with all that money for 10 years? 10-20 megatons of Aluminum a year without any testing of what that will do? Hey David....
Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. Colic, rickets, gastrointestinal problems, interference with the metabolism of calcium, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, memory loss, speech problems, softening of the bones, and aching muscles can all be caused by aluminum toxicity. This disturbing report dovetails not so nicely with those pointing the scientific finger at increased stratsopheric geoengineering experimentation with aluminum already going on. USDA Scientist challenges David Keith's LACK of understanding of aluminum to be used in geoengineering with his research linking increased aluminum and it's affect on soil PH (killing the forest!) in northern California...after years of aluminum fallout following obvious SRM testing (illegal of course).

Professor Martin Bunzl Ph.D. is the director of the Rutgers Initiative on Climate Change, Social Policy and Politics. Recently he debated Livermore scientist /geoengineer Ken Caldeira on the BBC. A recent Rutgers report reveals that Caldeira's SRM scheme could leave over TWO BILLION people without food. Caldeira stated that "we" should look into creating institutions and the like to feed them and offer reparations for the damage his experiment will do.

Dr. Bunzl held the moral high ground and spoke with deep conviction. Caldeira on the otherhand seemed very unsure of his scheme. The Rutgers report clearly predicts Caldeira's SRM scheme could create great suffering on the planet (as well as other geoengineer's statements that Africa and other regions will suffer more draught etc.).

Mauro Oliveira, of Geoengineering Watch! stated: "There will likely be a great number of deaths attributed to geoengineering."
FULL BBC audiocast can be found here. Here is a video clip of Caldeira saying HE would kill some to save more.

Dr. Bunzl contacted geoengineeringwatch to emphasize this statement:
“The whole point was that we can't test for such adverse potential effects ahead of full deployment.”- Dr. Bunzl

Citizens have found government data to back up their claims. that this SRM "experiment" already is taking place. The most extensive recent testing is the Northen California Citizens for Clean Air efforts. To find water, air and soil tests outside of California (including international), start here. You will find our library here, including California state and Northern California private testing. Our video on post-aerosol pH levels here.
Central California Rain Test (video) is here.


Geoengineers WHO DENY STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOL TESTING ISNT ALREADY TAKING PLACE NEED: Explain then these video clips of unmarked military tankers during SPRAY OPERATIONS OVER POPULATED AREAS OF CALIFORNIA. Apparently Europeans alot of Europeans have had enough. Here is a report from a Post Man in the UK. Here is a Stanford link revealing that aersols in the atmosphere slow winds (decreasing wind power etc) and reduce rainfall.

Ken Caldeira and David Keith

First of all, Caldeira and Keith APPEAR TO BE DECEIVING US
A scientist named Robock (Rutgers), who works with David Keith (see below) admits the scientists know that the only experimentation that will work is full scale use, would be difficult, if not impossible to stop and take at least 10 years AT LARGE SCALE to know if it was technologically working.

Why wouldn't these scientists be protesting government inaction on greenhouse gas emission reductions with the EMOTION AND CLARITY WARRANTED? Why are they not declaring with the clarity and emotion befitting the circumstances? While appearing on their discovery channel shows, in their articles and interviews, why are they not telling us that THEY believe this matter is SO critical to Life, that no industry, political party ...virtually NO OBSTACLE should come between humanity and lowering emissions? Wouldn't everyone agree that our atmosphere is more important than our jobs, our stocks and our patriotism?
Keith's position on the matter dived further into question when he said outside the AAAS San Diego meeting that he "flies everywhere" (his words). This is too similar to Al Gore saying WE should all reduce emissions while being driven in limos and owning a ridiculously inefficient mansion. If Keith cares about our children why is he not finding alternative methods of transportation?

Would we really re-engineer our atmosphere BEFORE we gave up Coca Cola,Chevron and Monsanto? Would we divert the course of our Children's future towards CERTAIN UNCERTAINTY because the stock market MUST GO ON?

Its an excuse...a scapegoat, when these scientists say we should not deploy but do NOT ACT LIKE IT.

IF we are in grave danger, one that warrants geoengineering? Why wouldn't they be getting arrested like James Hanson? (NASA, and his stance on the urgency to stop the coal industry) Why would they DEPLOY experimentation (which is DEPLOYMENT) without first MAKING CLEAR to mankind that industry and government are criminal in their inaction to halt greenhouse gas emissions?

Historically, James Fleming pointed out, people have been fantasizing about manipulating the atmosphere for decades. They fall into two categories: “commercial charlatans and serious but deluded scientists.” -SmithsonianMag


The peoples of Africa and Asia (audio/bbc) should be very concerned and ANGERED over this(full bbc interview):

2-26-10 BBC: Caldeira says we can compensate and provide food to people who are "damaged" by geoengineering. Moral decision to hurt some to help many.

Ken says HE WOULD KILL some to save more. (video 375k)

geo-engineering scientists

Caldeira's Testimony to Congressional Committee reviewing Geo-Engineering on 11-05-09

Committee Web Portal

Contact Caldeira:

Ken Caldeira
Department of Global Ecology
Carnegie Institution of Washington
260 Panama St.
Stanford, CA 94305
phone: (650) 704-7212

Stanford Directions and campus map

Ken Caldeira-
Leading Scientist in Geo-Engineering Technology
Is He Willing to KILL YOU?

"If we keep emitting greenhouse gases with the intent of offsetting the global warming with ever increasing loadings of particles in the stratosphere, we will be heading to a planet with extremely high greenhouse gases and a thick stratospheric haze that we would need to maintain more-or-less indefinitely. This seems to be a dystopic world out of a science fiction story. First, we can assume the oceans have been heavily acidified with shellfish and corals largely a thing of the past. We can assume that ecosystems will be greatly affected by the high CO2 / low sunlight conditions — similar to what Earth experienced hundreds of millions years ago. The sunlight would likely be very diffuse — maybe good for portrait photography, but with unknown consequences for ecosystems. "

"We know also that CO2 and sunlight affect Earth’s climate system in different ways. For the same amount of change in rainfall, CO2 affects temperature more than sunlight, so if we are to try to correct for changes in precipitation patterns, we will be left with some residual warming that would grow with time."

“Geoengineering approaches come with all sorts of risks,” says Caldeira. “It is important we learn about the the full set of these risks and all of their implications.” He considers deep cuts in human emissions of carbon dioxide to be the most effective safeguard against a global environmental crisis. “One of the good reasons to prefer CO2 emissions reductions over geoengineering is that CO2 emissions reductions will protect the oceans from the threat of ocean acidification, whereas these geoengineering options will not.”

According to USA today- " First requested by Gates and colleagues last year, the patents describe methods "not limited to atmospheric management, weather management, hurricane suppression, hurricane prevention, hurricane intensity modulation, hurricane deflection" to manage storms."



ken caldeira

Caldeira, like the vast majority of climate scientists, SAYS he believes cutting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions is our only real chance to avoid runaway climate change. Yet, he DOES have a patent (2?) with Bill GATES. To this Ken has publicly state:

"in the unlikely event that that patent should ever make any money, I hereby assert that I will donate 100% of my share of the proceeds to non-profit charities and NGOs."

It MUST be said that MANY non-profits are dedicated to making profits for others:

The American Forest and Paper Association is a non-profit organization, yet has promoted timber practices like clearcutting, that has destabilized climate, led to the loss of biodiversity, polluted watersheds and increased forest herbicide and pesticide use, contaminating the environment.

MUCK AND MYSTERIES have pointed out some of Caldeira's Oral Irregularities

Geoengineering is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY when it is forced, without consent.
It is a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD).
Eventually, one would hope these programs and those responsible for them will be met with the awakened awareness of a public potentially caught between Life and Death. When farmers discover they can no longer grow crops because of soil PH, chemical pollution, reduced sunlight and precipitation theft, will there be peace?

When parents discover these programs and conclude their child's autism and their parents Alzheimer's (and their own) is fueled by Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, will they just sit by silently? When the masses discover their respiratory distress is directly a result of aerosol spraying, who will hold back outrage...the US military? Aren't their families breathing the same air?

When lives and ecosystems, oceans and forests, are likely destroyed by forced geoengineering, will those responsible escape the multitudes of humanity who have discovered the lethal actions of these scientific and political profiteers?


DAVID KEITH, of the University of Calgary is also funded in part by Bill Gates and works with Ken Caldeira. They have been Bill Gate's CLIMATE ADVISOR for years. He also declines to comment on his patents/funding.

This from the Calgary Herald- "On the same day Keith’s report was released by the science journal Nature, another science publication reported that at least part of Keith’s research on geoengineering the planet’s atmosphere is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates. In an interview Wednesday, Keith declined to comment on the report but added he would not deny it either."

Contact David Keith
Earth Sciences, ES 602 University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Campus Map

Its difficult to ever call these men "scientists" when their solutions are economic and not scientific. A common theme in their scheme is that it may cost a hundred times less to pollute the stratosphere then to grow up and become a mature society that respects the planet that provides everything for us. Its easier, CHEAPER, to pollute than to stop fouling the very air that we breath. What is scientific about polluting the atmosphere to cool the planet while destroying it? Nothing. In fact, Caldeira and Keith's aerosol solution is close to IDENTICAL to the conspiracy theories of so called chemtrail activists, and a program that Caldeira says doesn't exist (How scientific are men who cannot correctly identify a condensation trail from a cloud that was created from jet trails ). How convenient it doesn't exist YET he wants to start a program that is almost identical to it.

David Keith said outside the AAAS meeting in San Diego that he would be happy to look at citizen tests showing Aluminum, Barium and other elements are showing up in our water, air and soil. Keith also said that children should have a say whether geoengineering should be deployed and that democracy should be used...he suggested a referendum. He went on to say that NOT EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A SAY and sited that torture and nuclear weapons are examples of things kept secret for "the better good". This statement suggests he supports torture but perhaps he will clarify that.

Two sides to his mouth. Everyone, including kids should have a say, AND somethings are better kept secret for the better torture and nuclear weapons. HUH?


Caldeira has been (and many believe STILL IS) VERY MUCH INVOLVED IN MILITARY WEAPONS CONCEPTIONS, although his comments below a San Francisco Examiner article, tried to steer the reader from those facts. His comment in the examiner:

Caldeira (NOW): I do not have and never have had any relationship, financial or otherwise, with any US government spraying program. Furthermore, I do not believe there is a US government spraying program aimed at climate intervention. (Do you really believe the Bush Administration cared enough about climate change to risk political capital by engaging in secret activities to diminish climate change risk?)

We suspect Caldeira may be DEFLECTING his knowledge of what is really going on with HIS answers.

NOW, here is his comments just a couple of years ago. Here is the mp3 link to the actual interview, along with other scientists, made by New York Skywatch Journalist Geoff Brady:

Caldeira (THEN): I used to work at Lawrence Livermore Lab where we all participated in a meeting. Where we sat around the room thinking of ways to manipulate geophysical systems to use it as a weapon. That means could you somehow interfere with the earth's functioning in a way that you could use it as a military weapon. Could you change climate, what could you do to manipulate the earth's physical system. Some of the ideas were, could we blow up hydrogen bombs underwater or offshore to make a tidal wave that would go over a city. The result was isn't it easier to drop the hydrogen bomb on the city. Now, you could imagine putting pathogens in a cloud. Let the cloud go over somewhere and rain down on your enemy, do chemical or germ warfare. That may work on something as big as the former Soviet Union, where you could be pretty sure that in a few days that cloud would rain out.

Notice how he says there is no spray program for climate intervention. IS THIS A PLAY on words? Obviously such a program WOULD BE a capable weapons program, as stated in his own words. He ALREADY ADMITTED to having a connection with a think tank (Lawrence Livermore) for the branch of government that wages war and makes secret weapons. IS HE splitting the truth and forwarding a DECEPTION? Caldeira is a weapons innovator by his own words and was (and many believe still is) PAID TO DO SO BY YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Caldeira MODIFYs his statement YET AGAIN, this according to journalist Eli Kintish (an admitted friend of Caldeira) of ScienceNow, an AAAS owned media journal:

“I worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with Edward Teller and Lowell Wood,” Caldiera said later, citing the father of the H-Bomb and his acolyte. He feared the use of geoengineering as a weapon, not schemed to develop it as one (Kintish's speculation) . “They couldn’t get money for this work—I doubt anyone else can.”

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 (2.3 trillion) in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for.

Ken may have a problem doubting, casting doubt on his abilities.

THIS is the man essentially saying "TRUST ME".

Mad Scientist

Again, Here is what the American Association for the Advancement of Science, where Caldeira was a presenter, says about YOU, the civilian, the Citizen, the human being:

"...people make judgments based primarily on their values, belief systems, world views, and emotions. Facts play a much more minor role. This gap cannot be bridged by loading the public with facts, or trying to make the public more science literate. How should scientists deal with this awkward reality?"
- AAAS summary of seminar at annual meeting where Caldeira is a speaker

Exploring Caldeira's Livermore employment it is impossible to not be alerted to Lowell Wood and Edward Teller. Woods and Caldeira are consultants to BILL GATES. Caldeira also shares a geoengineering patent with BILL GATES. According to Rolling Stone Magazine, LOWELL WOOD IS THE PENTATON's TOP WEAPONEER.

bomb livermore

wood and teller
Lowell Wood and Edward Teller
Teller Invented the Hydrogen Bomb

Lowell Wood is an astrophysicist who worked with Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb. A member of the Director’s Technical Staff at the University of California’s Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Lowell is also a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, and he serves on the board of directors of the Hertz Foundation.

The above paragraph is from Bill Gate's own webpage, and states that Woods is a contributor to his (Gate's) work along with Caldeira.

Teller was also the founder of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, where Caldeira (still?) worked on ways to manipulate geophysical systems to use it as a weapon (his words).

According to Wikipedia (Teller) "In his later years he became especially known for his advocacy of controversial technological solutions to both military and civilian problems, including a plan to excavate an artificial harbor in Alaska using thermonuclear explosives."

Going further with wikipedia, and connecting ideology and (LOWELL) corruption to current issues:

"In the 1980s, Teller began a strong campaign for what was later called the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), derided by critics as "Star Wars," the concept of using ground and satellite-based lasers, particle beams and missiles to destroy incoming Soviet ICBMs. Teller lobbied with government agencies—and got the sanction of President Ronald Reagan—for his plan to develop a system using elaborate satellites which used atomic weapons to fire X-ray lasers at incoming missiles— as part of a broader scientific research program into defenses against nuclear weapons. However, scandal erupted when Teller (and his associate Lowell Wood) were accused of deliberately overselling the program and perhaps had encouraged the dismissal of a laboratory director (Roy Woodruff) who had attempted to correct the error.[38] His claims led to a joke which circulated in the scientific community, that a new unit of unfounded optimism was designated as the teller; one teller was so large that most events had to be measured in nanotellers or picotellers. Many prominent scientists argued that the system was futile. Bethe, along with IBM physicist Richard Garwin and Cornell University colleague Kurt Gottfried, wrote an article in Scientific American which analyzed the system and concluded that any putative enemy could disable such a system by the use of suitable decoys. The project's funding was eventually scaled back."

Teller had claimed he didnt want the bomb used on humans but first demonstrated to the Japanese. But since then, THAT was proved false. Again, Wikipedia:

"In the 1970s, a letter of Teller to Leo Szilard emerged, dated July 2, 1945: "Our only hope is in getting the facts of our results before the people. This might help convince everybody the next war would be fatal. For this purpose, actual combat-use might even be the best thing."

The question of whether Livermore scientists would go as far as using weapons of mass destruction on human populations was already answered on July 2, 1945.

MORE Who's Who of Elite Geo-Engineers (profiteering)
Bill Gates- Hurricane Supression
John Latham and Stephen Salter-Cooling by increasing the reflectivity of marine clouds
Bill Gates and Ken Caldeira seek GE Patent together
Hughes Aircraft/Chang

2008 GE Patent Filers:
Ken Caldeira
Bill Gates
John Latham
Stephen Salter

Here, Caldeira declines to comment on his patents

The site JetLib explains that Gate's funding includes aerosol spraying. Microsoft is quickly becoming the internet cop, jury and executioner, as well as sending all your windows keystrokes and data back to microsoft!

The Gates /Caldeira patent the patents describe methods “not limited to atmospheric management, weather management, hurricane suppression, hurricane prevention, hurricane intensity modulation, hurricane deflection” to manage storms.

According to Daemon News, Caldeira also works for Intellectual Ventures, an investment and intellectual property licensing company founded by Nathan Myhrvold, the former chief technology officer at Microsoft. Myhrvold and Gates have funded a company called TerraPower, which is trying to develop a breakthrough in nuclear power. According to Intellecutal Ventures, they are " built on the belief that combining capitalism and invention will benefit the world with more and better inventions as well as create financial rewards for investors".


DON'T WORRY though, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, GMO giants like Monsanto, Syngenta, and many other public and private donors, have created the Svalbard "Doomsday"Global Seed Vault. JUST IN CASE the Caldeira and Gates game of playing GOD collapses our climate systems and wipes out forests, agriculture and oceans, the Vault is designed to keep seeds viable for as long as humanly possible.

The Caldeira-Gates connection includes then Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont and other multi-nationals whose environmental and human rights track records speak for themselves.

Current Geoengineering plans are revealing the corporate players mixing it up with scientists.

doomsday seed bank



Scientists from around the world met at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting held in San Diego, California on February 18th, 2010. Ken Caldeira, a leading GE scientist, well known for his appearance on the Discovery Channel, was a speaker at the event. Caldeira is believed by many GEO-ENGINEERING watchers as a consultant scientist to a US miilitary aerosol spraying program, based on a patent from Hughes Aircraft.

There were three publicized GE presentations at the AAAS meeting. Here are the links and descriptions (AAAS) of those presentations :

Human Dimensions of Geoengineering

Can Geoengineering Save Us from Global Warming?

Geoengineering the Climate: The Royal Society Study

The AAAS bills itself as the worlds largest scientific society.


A Wobbly Three-Legged Stool: Science, Politics, and the Public
The Administration is committed to solving society’s grand challenges, with energy, health, and education policy topping the list. President Obama wants science to have a key role in a new, more pragmatic approach to governance. In our constitutional democracy an informed public must be able to judge the performance of those they elect. This requires a triangle comprising political institutions, the community of experts, and a responsible public, all of whom are well informed. How will the public become informed about energy policy, for example? Studies tell us the public strongly supports energy independence, new sustainable sources, and incentives for energy efficiency. But fewer than half of those interviewed could name a renewable energy source or a fossil fuel, raising the question of how firm the public’s views are. Studies show, however, that people make judgments based primarily on their values, belief systems, world views, and emotions. Facts play a much more minor role. This gap cannot be bridged by loading the public with facts, or trying to make the public more science literate. How should scientists deal with this awkward reality? How can science help create a more rational, pragmatic, and far-sighted society capable of addressing the challenges we face? Are new innovative methods required to engage the voters in supporting more rational public policies?

Doesn't sound like keeping you in the dark is too far fetched now,does it?

Watch THIS you want THESE people to control YOUR CLIMATE?

This WEAPON goes way beyond weather modification!

March-Monteray California
Weather Modification Association Annual Meeting, April, Santa Fe New Mexico