Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth's climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR):
Dioxide Removal (CDR) and seqeustration. This is artificial trees, ocean fertilization etc. These projects are declassified for the most part. This method of geoengineering IS NOT the focus of this website.
2- Solar Radiation Management (SRM), controlling sunlight before it reaches the planet. THE FOLLOWING METHODS OF SRM ARE A PRIMARY FOCUS OF THIS WEBSITE.
A- Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-Engineering (SAG-SRM) is
the PROPOSED artificial modification of Earth's climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. The reflective material of choice is aluminum.
B- Chemtrailing is
the public's term for the CLASSIFIED ONGOING artificial modification of Earth's climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. The reflective material of choice is aluminum. Chemtrailing has other classified intentions, the foremost being rapid weather modification, the weapon of weapons. A foreign power can be brought to its knees thru drought and famine rather than soldier's boots on the ground. Other uses of chemtrailing include biological and chemical warfare. Aerosol death can be deployed over years or days, as a biological or chemical warfare delivery system. Weapons scientists have already admitted to conceptualizing geoengineering as a weapon. Several government agencies, including the Air Force, have released denials to civilian chemtrail research. Many people find it hard to believe that the government would be involved in any secret program or experiments that would harm the public. The evidence is to the contrary.
Both high ranking officials with the CIA and the FBI have come forward about the chemtrail program.
Here is the link to US code on chemical and biological warfare programs. Note the "exceptions". This is by NO MEANS, the only document the house on the hill can use to engage in civilian aerosol testing.
Chemtrail jets are known flying out of Pinal Airfield/Evergreen Air in Arizona, there are 4 planes flying out of the air national gaurd field at Lincoln Nebraska, and an unknown number of planes out of Fort Sill Oklahoma.
The program appeared to go "online" around 1997, though sightings of short-lived aerosol spray cloud construction goes back to the 1970s. Whistleblowers and discovered documents have identified the chemtrail program as Icarus, Deep Shield, Shield Project and Project Cloverleaf to name a few. Now the government is calling it geoengineering (and say it doesnt exist yet). But it is accurate to say that around 1997, one by one people became startled at the appearance of their first trail sighting. Within days there was a second trail and within months the trails that never disappeared, that were making clouds, were everywhere and alot of the time. THE MOST OBVIOUS SIGN OF THIS IS THAT CONDENSATION TRAILS DISAPPEAR QUICKLY, IN SECONDS OR A FEW SHORT MINUTES. LOOK IN YOUR PHOTO ALBUM FROM THE 50-80s. SEE THE MOVIE “AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS“. DO YOU SEE A TRAIL?
In summary, SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) is the intentional spraying of toxic heavy metal aerosol payloads with military and/or defense contractor, and/or commercial jet aircraft, for the stated goal of cooling the planet, or as stated in the Air Forces document, to control the weather over your enemy, or to deliver an aerosol agent that is chemical, biological or otherwise (and here!), over a population target, including US citizens (the obvious).
Aerosol spray geoengineering patents describe jet aircraft dispersing aerosols as reflective contrails that expand into clouds. The primary aersol in the Hughes Welsbach patent is aluminum. Other patents call for barium, sulfur, strontium and a host of other potential atmospheric additives.
Aluminum, Barium and other elements have been found in surface waters, air samples and soil tests, HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS OF TIMES HIGHER THAN EPA ALLOWABLE LEVELS.
Geo-Engineering also includes EMF/Atomspheric Heaters, like HAARP. Many researchers are linking HAARP and chemtrails, noting abrupt chem-cloud activities like "wisping", "blanketing" "hole in the sky" and other anomolies as if the trails/clouds were made of metals and a giant magnet were brought into proximity. Therefore, HAARP will be treated comprehensively on this site.

Aerosol Crimes
Morgellons Disease
A MUST SEE website! |
CARNICOM: Conducts progressive and cutting edge scientific and health related research for human and planetary welfare.
Provides advocacy and representation for public interests and concerns related to health and the environment.
Promotes an international collaborative of dynamic, informed and effective citizens to address unresolved issues of our times and to seek remedy. |
The current so called moratorium on geoengineering misleadingly blankets ONLY geoengineering proposed by scientists simltaneously aiding the cover of chemtrail operations. Although officials from many nations have voiced their revelations and concerns of chemtrail operations, no nation has officially acknowledged their exisistence.
There are MANY connections between geoengineers, their sponsers, and eugenics money. Bill Gates funds the two most widely known geoengineers, Calderia and Keith. Caldeira worked for Livermore with the people who made Star Wars and the Atom Bomb. Bill Gates is WIDELY CONNECTED TO EUGENICS AND DE-POPULATION PROGRAMS. Bill Gates has created and promoted a sterilization vaccine to control / lower population.
On the S0-CALLED moratorium side of things, at least the ETC Group is connected to Eugenics funding through the FORD FOUNDATION, (who has been with ETC for years). Is ETC COVERING UP chemtrails by denying their existence while promoting a moratorium that may be designed to make people believe today's skies are normal? Is ETC leading the way to cover up chemtrails in a strategy known as CONTROLLED OPPOSITION?
"The way to wield supreme power in any situation is not to stamp out any opposition. This would only create pressure that would eventually explode. What is needed is to allow for an opposition you can control and if this opposition believes it is independent it is even better for it will attack the ruling power and lead the people to believe that the power is tolerating descent. "
Control is thru funding. ETC is calling for world-governance of geoengineering. THATS A SINGLE AUTHORITY dispensing our weather. NONE OF THIS STOPS CHEMTRAILS.....is that the point?
Judging by the size of the plastic continents floating in the Pacific, it
would have been a lot smarter for humanity not to become plastic
gluttons. So, too it can be argued that humanity should have ignored the
bomb, terminator genes, DDT, Asbestos and thousands of
other creations of short-sightedness.
Too, it should be considered, that
mankind ALMOST ALWAYS allows the military to hijack inventions and
science. Industrial GEO-ENGINEERING, more so than any weapon in history, has the
capability to destroy continents, oceans...the entire planet.
In 1996 the US Air Force published WEATHER AS A FORCE MULTIPLIER: OWNING THE WEATHER 2025, Here is an excerpt:
“It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”
Also of note, all the things created that since have been proven
dangerous...have made their patent owners countless billions of
dollars...the primary motivation to invent, especially when the
invention is questionably immoral. Corporations, as we have learned,
think without morals and have bottom-line motivations that emulate
worship. Money drives every corporate emotion.
Whether you believe in global warming, OR NOT, geoengineering is a threat to you. If you don't think big brother is going to artificially and chemically modify the planet, just read the mainstream news releases on the BREAKING NEWS link. You will probably want to know just WHO is making the decisions to do it. Furthermore, leading scientists admit they don't really know if their "options" will reduce risks (bbc clip from interview with Ken Caldeira-leading geoengineer). (Full BBC Interview)
C-5 Galaxy cargo plane in Aerosol Operations |
Spray is coming from NOZZLES, Not engines |
Agricultural Defense Coalition webpage on Aluminum links, including aerosol spraying patents that use aluminum as a spray agent.
Rosalie Bertell, Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, received her Ph. D. degree in Biometrics with minors in Biology and Biochemistry from the Catholic University of America, in 1966. She is the founder of the International Concern for Public Health (IICPH) and she is also a founding member of the International Commission of Health Professionals, and the International Association of Humanitarian Medicine. She has identified a covert spray program,identical to what citizens are saying, and geoengineering scientists are DENYING. Here is ONE interview with Sister Dr. Bertell. Here is a quicktime version.
geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last
resort…There should be no lessening
of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies
on the Earth’s ecology and climate.” -The 36,000
member Institute of Physics
Sulphates in the stratosphere
When volcanoes erupt they release sulphates which are known to have a cooling effect on global temperatures by reflecting solar energy back into space. The eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 led to the ‘year without summer’. Planet-wide episodes of cooling also followed the eruptions of El Chichón (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991) Some scientists are therefore proposing to increase the level of sulphates in the atmosphere to simulate the effect of a volcanic eruption. Methods for getting the sulphur up to the stratosphere include using tens of thousands of balloons, using naval cannons, big pipes or specially designed aircraft. Another suggestion is to increase the sulphate emissions of conventional aircraft by using fuel with a higher sulphur content. It is estimated that five million tonnes of sulphur would be needed each year to compensate for a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations. Costs are estimated at around $25-50bn (£12.5-25bn) a year.
Beyond the overarching problems with albedo enhancement as a solution to climate change, there are a number of significant issues with this particular approach. It is essentially fighting pollution with more pollution. Sulphate pollution causes a thinning of the earth’s ozone layer. The sulphates will eventually come back down to earth, with an unknown impact on ecosystems. Governments have been working to reduce emissions of sulphates because they cause acid rain. Nobel prize winner Paul Crutzen, who advocated research into sulphate aerosols as a last ditch solution to global warming, predicted around half a million deaths as a result of particulate pollution. New studies have shown that the historic droughts in the Sahel region of Africa that caused widespread famine in the 1970s and 80s were caused in part by industrial emissions of sulphates in the West. The clean air acts that reduced this pollution helped trigger the return of the rain to the Sahel. It is impossible to predict which regions would be affected by this climate manipulation or how.
In Iran jet trails are non-existent except normal contrails that disappear behind the aircraft within seconds or maybe a minute or two. But what NASA refers to as LINGERING CONTRAILS, that spread out and become clouds....DO NOT EXIST OVER IRAN, NORTH KOREA, CUBA or any nation where airspace is restricted to friendly commercial air traffic. Here is a video documentary on IRAN and you will not see one trail nor find SAT images with trails over that nation. A government in the so-called FREE WORLD has the duty not to harm its citizens with classified dangerous experimentation and for that matter without lawful consent. Such a government would be in breach of all Constitutional authority to rule. Is this not true?

A Lawrence Livermore press release warns, “There are many reasons why geoengineering is not a preferred option for climate stabilization.” These proscriptions include risks of global “system failure” and the “unpredictable responses” of Earth's climate system to large-scale human intervention.
ADMINISTRATION, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign
Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels
on the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for
Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:
“Considers HAARP… by
virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global
concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to
be examined by an international independent body…; [the
Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States
Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing
…into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP
"Any humane and reasonable person must conclude that if the ends, however desirable, are uncertain and the means are horrible and certain, these means must not be employed."
- Howard Zinn

The Council on Foreign Relations may be the most influential and dangerous body of elites on the planet.
Here is what they have published on Geoengineering
The Geoengineering Option
Unilateral Geoengineering
Geoengineering- The last resort against global warming?
Geoengineering Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering
The Royal Society report on
Geo-Engineering attempts to rate twelve potential approaches to
engineering the climate by effectiveness, affordability, timeliness and
SAFETY- and to graphically compare the approaches in terms of these

The Stratospheric aerosol example rates considerably low in safety, yet
is the most widely used program known to date. Tens of
millions of people world-wide have discovered themselves the guinea
pigs in ongoing aerosol programs, sometimes known as "chemtrails",
when in actuality, the entire population is being exposed.
Citizens in Shasta County California, have been testing surface water and air samples for years,
as the skies above them are some of the most heavily sprayed in the
world. Naysayers argue that the skies have always been full of lines,
yet mountains of video evidence prove otherwise, including video
of military jets turning sprayers on and off and during passovers.
Physics response to the Royal Report
GeoEngineering Watch Internet Public Service Announcement
For a 59 Second Radio Spot of this, CLICK HERE
HERE is the Enviornmental Voices SKYLINES documentary
An Award-Winning
Documentary (see
the trailer)
Scientists are into this because
of hubris, and NOT but because of fear.
Global Sunscreen Won’t Save Corals
Emergency plans to counteract global
warming by artificially shading the Earth from incoming sunlight might
lower the planet’s temperature a few degrees, but such
“geoengineering” solutions would do little to stop the acidification of the world oceans that threatens coral reefs...
It is difficult to imagine that the broad spectrum of personalities in humanity will not produce aggressive reactions to scientists and governments forcing an aerosol atmosphere. Perhaps the best recent example of an aggressive
reaction towards the powers that be was the sad case of Joe Stack who had had enough of the abuse he received from the Internal Revenue Service. While few would condone his reaction, few would agree with the way the IRS has treated innocent humans trying to have a life. His suicide note, scoffed at by many mainstream media outlets, is an in-depth look at desperation, moments before a man sacrifices all against the forces oppressing him. After burning his home, he flew his plane into the IRS building where the individual making his life miserable worked.
Is THIS what chemtrails are for?
FINAL NOTE: The Sixth Extinction- Opinion, LA Times |