Search Results for: patent

The Prelude to the End of the American Era

by Ian Welsh

And so it begins.  Russia is not restraining the separatists, the Kiev government is finally really sending in the troops, Barack Obama and EU leaders claim they will impose real sanctions and Russia and China are set to ink a deal to export Russian Gas to China, the world’s industrial heartland.

A Day in the Life: 4/15-16/14


A Day in the Life: 4/17-18/14


A Day in the Life: 4/15-16/14



Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation


By: Source:

When I was a child, I knew that the elite preferred to use starvation to nuclear weapons because those Hydrogen bombs killed rich people. Starvation was a great weapon in their opinion because it only struck down poor people. I had estimated at that time that at least 2 to 3 million Americans had died from starvation during the Great Depression. I have since learned that between 3 and 7 million Americans actually did starve to death. Of late I have been writing of the Great Starvation which is what I have called the next Great Depression because it will starve at least 10 million Americans to death and kill a billion people overseas.

Bill Gates, Monsanto, Chemtrails & Vaccines – The Critical Tie Points


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency – April 9, 2014


Toeing the Line for Big Oil and the Geoengineers


by Dane Wigington How does the power structure keep people from uniting in a common cause? Divide and conquer. This strategy has in many ways been applied against the anti-geoengineering community.

California’s Engineered Drought


One of the most talked about topics in the media these days is climate change, but it is also the source of much misinformation and skewed science

Children Present Atmospheric Crimes and Danger


Jet Aircraft anomalies, metals in rainwater and patents all reveal that geoengineering our atmosphere has been deployed by the powers that be. This is literally an experiment with Life itself.

California: A Geoengineered Dust Bowl


Paul Adams, J.D.
Activist Post

Since November of 2013, the beginning of the rainfall season, California residents have experienced heavy geoengineering and chemtrail activity almost every day, which has transformed the Golden State, normally an agricultural miracle, into an arid dust bowl.

Gaia Foundation calls for more transparency on cloud formations


Our Time Is Running Out Fast


If you think this is an exaggerated or alarmist statement, you should keep reading.

Nothing Kills More Animals Than Geoengineering, HAARP, & Nuclear Contamination


Animal Rights and Abuse: No one kills or abuses more animals than the federally sanctioned and funded geoengineering campaigns, HAARP facilities and nuclear contamination.

Forget about the damages inflicted upon people from chemtrails/geoengineering campaigns and HAARP facilities for the moment. For now let us focus upon domestic animals and wildlife, critters who are affected far worse in many instances due to their size and total exposure to the out-of-doors’ elements. Beginning with insects, I cannot begin to tell you how many species no longer exist that existed in my childhood. The loss is, frankly, incomprehensible, and I know for a fact that we are rapidly approaching a total loss of insects. But before continuing, here is a refresher on the scientific divisions within the animal kingdom:

Is Mexico A Target For Population Control? What about other Latin American Counties?


Mexican birth rates are in “free fall” according to the latest statistics.

Dane Wigington on Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park


Chemtrails and evidence of geo-engineering are a phenomena that apparently only makes itself known to the more perceptive of humans. Deniers seem wilfully ignorant of them as sufficient evidence of geo-engineering can be easily obtained by the layman by- looking up. Dane Wigington has some alarming news on why that is.

Are Online “Contrails” Creeps An Organized Movement?


March 7, 2014
Truth and Art TV article
Contributed by Bernie Suarez

Activist Articles Collection: March 13, 2014


Thoughts on Nucleated Winter Assault 2013-14


by Nancy Levant

The autumn of 2013 brought an extraordinary, season-long sky show of geoengineering, chemtrailing, blocked sunlight, and deadly particulate rains and flurries. I’m surprised they didn’t sell tickets. Equally extraordinary was sky-witnessing the raining of silvery threads, some in yard-long strands that glistened the grass, trees and bushes….the ones children and animals so enjoy. Following these extravaganzas came the “Polar Vortex” winter storms named for mythological deities and creatures, and mythological they were.

Dane Wigington – Geoengineering: The End of All Life



Our investigation of geoengineering continues with a stunning segment featuring Dane Wigington, the founder and lead researcher at GeoEngineering Watch. A solar energy expert and a former Bechtel Power Corporation employee, Dane Wigington assisted Michael Murphy in the production of the award-winning 2010 documentary What in the World are They Spraying? His off-grid solar home in Mt. Shasta, California was featured in a cover article for Home Power, the world’s largest renewable energy magazine.

Articles by Keith Lampe


Sherborne researcher calls for halt to weather manipulation


By j-norman  |  Posted: February 28, 2014

A RESEARCHER from Sherborne is calling for a halt to geoengineering.

Geoengineering is the science of modifying weather to moderate global warming, and doctoral researcher David Lim is among a growing number of scientists who believe the government is currently influencing the weather without public consent.

Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship?


Al Gore brings climate change message to Kansas City … Former vice president Al Gore spoke about climate change Saturday during the Folk Alliance International conference at the Westin Crown Center hotel. But the former vice president, speaking Saturday in Kansas City, cited many more recent examples how heavy use of fossil fuels is contributing to extreme weather events and trends, in his view. Gore filled a Westin Crown Center ballroom with a 90-minute presentation, using photos and videos to illustrate a litany of floods, wildfires, torrential rains, droughts, dust storms, rising sea levels and increasing world temperatures. – The Kansas City Star

The Weather Channel Comedy Hour: Sponsored By US Department of Weather Propaganda


Main Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms.


Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar "Scientists" Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering

Media Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All


We Are All Lab Rats In A Grand And Lethal Experiment

Dane Wigington

Unimaginable global climate experiments have been going on in many forms for more years than most would believe. One can not even begin to touch the full depth of the rabbit hole without writing a series of books on the activities of the “collective insanity” that runs the world. How can small numbers of clinically insane psychopaths gain such control over the world’s populations? Because until now most could stay in denial, repeat the “official narrative” dictated to them by those in power, and stay in their comfort zone bubbles. The days of “head in the sand” denial are rapidly coming to an end as there is no longer any hiding from what is unfolding around us all. What we collectively do with the time we have will determine whether or not there is anything to salvage for life on planet earth.

Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization


Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault.

In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering.

Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?


What’s up with the snow?

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2


“we are reposting “The snowmen, turning warmth to winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.”

by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.