
Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earths climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and seqeustration. This is artificial trees, ocean fertilization etc. These projects are declassified for the most part. This method of geoengineering IS NOT the focus of this website.

Solar Radiation Management (SRM)

Solar Radiation Management (SRM), controlling sunlight before it reaches the planet.

Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols Geoengineering (SAG-SRM)

The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a global dimming effect has made them a possible candidate for use in geoengineering projects to limit the effect and impact ofclimate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft and balloons has been proposed. (click image for more...)


Chemtrailing is the publics term for the CLASSIFIED ONGOING artificial modification of Earths climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds.


Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones


Click To Open Each Presentation / Video

Geoengineering, Biosphere Destruction, and the Last Chance for Life on Earth

Want proof of the spraying of our skies?Watch the 90 second video below.


Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault. In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness. read more


Please take a moment to watch this presentation and familiarize yourself with this ongoing crime against all life on earth.

Engineered Drought Catastrophe Continues, Target California


View the trailer for the film LOOK UP!, narrated by William Baldwin.

Arctic Death Spiral and the Methane Time Bomb


Climate Engineering, Media Deception, And Hard Facts


UPDATED!! Engineered Snow Storms


    • Spotlight

      • “SQUARE” CLOUDS?

        Dane Wigington Does nature make "square" clouds? Shocking satellite images reveal 90 degree angle corners on clouds. How unnatural do our skies have to become before more wake up and start to question? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, Read More »
      • US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?

        Dane Wigington Global climate engineering operations are the most massive untold story of all. How are such obvious and extensive operations kept from public awareness? How toxic are the climate engineering elements that are being dispersed into our skies? How can the illegal climate intervention operations be fully exposed and halted? All of these issues Read More »
      • Climate Engineering Or Weather Warfare? Testimony From Top Experts

        Dane Wigington Top geoengineering scientists claim climate engineering is just a dangerous proposal and not an ongoing devastating reality. Are we to believe what they tell us? Or, should we believe what we can see with our own eyes in skies all over the world? Please view this hard hitting 7 minute video with damning testimony from the Read More »
      • Geoengineering Watch: Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing

        Dane Wigington After substantial difficulty and expense, Geoengineering Watch has utilized two types of aircraft to complete multiple atmospheric particulate sampling flights up to and exceeding 40,000 feet. One of the aircraft we conducted our testing missions in is also used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their atmospheric testing operations. The Geoengineering Watch Read More »
      • Google & Soros-backed ‘Fact-Checkers’ Join Forces To Control News Search Results

        Source: RT   Google has partnered with an organization largely funded by billionaire George Soros to “fact-check” news stories, a move that could affect search results for certain news agencies.   Erica Anderson, Partnerships Manager at Google News Lab, announced Thursday that the company will partner with the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Read More »
      • High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

        Dane Wigington Refuting the "its just condensation trails" official lie is easily done if specific fundamental facts are understood and remembered. The short article and 7 minute video tutorial below provide essential information for debunking the "condensation trail" false narrative. We are told by all "official sources" that the sun blocking weather disrupting jet dispersed trails Read More »
      • New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

        Dane Wigington Kevin Shipp (author of "From The Company Of Shadows") was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing Read More »

The map below is the most recent GISS surface analysis from NASA. This map is the absolute bottom line of reality regarding the true state of our warming planet. The extremely radical range of temperature variances is tell tale of the immense and ongoing geoengineering assault on planet earth.GISS-Map-December-2015GLOBAL TEMPERATURE MAP DEVIATION FROM NORMAL TEMPERATURES. Note where the geoengineering focus is most centered, which are the cool regions in Canada and the eastern USA, and a region of Antarctica where the research vessel is stuck in the ice. Was this incident truly just accidental? Or perhaps a well orchestrated media maneuver? Impossible to say, but the press sure made the most of it and many took the bait. The well orchestrated media machine and loads of manipulated data have convinced a great many that our planet is cooling overall, this could not be further from the truth.

    • Featured Articles

      • Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?

        Dane Wigington To what degree can the seismic forces of nature be manipulated? Please watch this 4 minute video that will provide insight and points to ponder. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every
      • Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed

        Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. Aluminum nanoparticle fallout from climate engineering operations are building up in our snow, soils and runoff
      • Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed

        Dane Wigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes. A formerly classified US military document titled "Forest Fire As A
      • Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop

        Dane Wigington Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming what is known as a “dead pool”. When this milestone is reached, the ramifications for tens of millions of Americans is beyond grave. What is
      • Hurricane Manipulation: Weather Makers Exposed

        Dane Wigington Climate engineering operations are the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. A quiet weapon for silent warfare. A weapon with which entire populations can be brought to their knees without ever even knowing they are under siege. Is hiding the climate
      • Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)

        Dane Wigington Are covert climate engineering operations connected to the exponentially increasing wildfires all over the world? June, 2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our planet. July, 2019, is expected to break the all time heat record that was just
      • Debating The Geoengineering Reality, Dane Wigington and Cal Tech Scientist Douglas MacMartin

        Dane Wigington In regard to critically important issues that have extreme ramifications, live on air debates of verifiable facts are absolutely essential. Global climate engineering programs pose an immense and immediate threat to the Earth’s life support systems (and thus
      • New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

        Dane Wigington The walls of the power structure are beginning to buckle, those that have served the power brokers are beginning to respond to their own instinct of self survival. The University of Michigan Department of  Environmental Health Sciences has just
      • “Popular Science” Warns About “Weather As A Weapon”

        Dane Wigington I recently acquired two exceptional original copies of "Popular Science" from June of 1958. Almost 60 years ago the dialog about weather warfare was more open. As the power structure began to consider how negatively the public would
      • Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

        Dane Wigington How big does the climate engineering elephant in the room need to be before it can no longer be hidden in plain site? How much more historical proof do we need of the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare before
      • Geoengineering Dangers Discussed By Officials, Agency Scientists And Other Experts

        On November 21st, 2014, a diverse panel of experts was assembled in Northern California to discuss the profound environmental and human health dangers posed by the ongoing global climate engineering programs. Northern California media completely blacklisted this important event and
      • Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger

        This video presentation was done in Northern California on November 21st, 2014, it is a wake up call. When the ship is going down, one must prioritize their time, their actions, and their energy. The planet is dying. Though there
      • Monsanto Has Purchased “Climate Corporation” For Nearly A Billion Dollars, Why?

        Monsanto purchased "The Climate Corporation" in 2013, why? Because those who are connected to the climate engineering insanity (and the decimation it is causing) need to control the flow of information in order to better capitalize from the ever increasing
      • Engineered Snowstorms, What Are They Spraying?

        Dane Wigington The constant reappearances of the “Polar Vortex” and the unprecedented swings in temperatures that come with this type of climate engineering insanity is finally raising some eyebrows. We have known for a long time that snow storms
    • Geoengineering Updates

      • Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert

        Dane Wigington Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature? What do you think? Are networks of ground based frequency transmitters being utilized to manipulate and steer hurricanes? This video footage provides visual evidence of the interaction
      • Hurricane Hilary: Failure Or Mission Accomplished?

        Dane Wigington Hurricane Hilary was highly sensationalized by mainstream media, what agendas might Hurricane Hilary have served for those in power? Could Hilary have been utilized to carry out objectives as far away as the Northeastern US? What technologies can be utilized to
      • Climate Engineering Or Weather Warfare? Testimony From Top Experts

        Dane Wigington Top geoengineering scientists claim climate engineering is just a dangerous proposal and not an ongoing devastating reality. Are we to believe what they tell us? Or, should we believe what we can see with our own eyes in skies all
      • Is It Game Over? New NASA Report

        Dane Wigington Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. The jet sprayed aerosols are intended to mimic the affect of extended volcanic eruptions. A
      • Coming Collapse Q & A, April 7, 2022

        Dane Wigington On this Coming Collapse Q and A session, a highly credentialed scientist from a top 10 science testing facility joins us for a shocking front line report. Recent testing has now confirmed that the highly toxic element graphene
      • Graphene Skies?

        Dane Wigington What aren’t we being told? Is the highly toxic and controversial element graphene being seeded into our skies as part of the ongoing covert climate intervention operations? Is climate modification the only motive behind the elements being utilized for atmospheric
      • Climate Engineering News Q & A

        Dane Wigington In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch has decided to produce an online “Climate Engineering News Q and A”. We will try to post a new segment every Wednesday. Please check
      • Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington, September 16, 2020, #2

        Dane Wigington How dire are conditions in our last remaining wilderness areas? What primary factors are fueling the record wildfires that are incinerating formerly thriving forests? What aren’t official agencies telling us? Geoengineering Watch will produce a series of short videos to
      • Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington, September 10, 2020, #1

        Dane Wigington How dire are conditions in our last remaining wilderness areas? What primary factors are fueling the record wildfires that are incinerating formerly thriving forests? What aren’t official agencies telling us? Geoengineering Watch will produce a series of short videos
      • Geoengineering Watch: Our Most Comprehensive Climate Engineering Presentation

        Dane Wigington Climate engineering and weather warfare are ultimately one in the same. The ongoing atmospheric experiments taking place in our skies have a long history with many objectives and agendas being carried out, the equation is complex. If we
      • The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down

        Dane Wigington Until recently official sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth's ozone layer was recovering, that blatant lie is now becoming impossible to maintain. Our planet's ozone layer is disintegrating, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor (though no
      • Geoengineered Christmas Cool-Down

        Dane Wigington The weather makers continue to manufacture winter weather whiplash in an ever more desperate attempt to confuse and divide populations regarding the true state of the climate disintegration. “Winter Storm Dylan”  is the latest creation of the climate engineers that
      • Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality

        Dane Wigington In the mid 1940's global powers made the decision to intervene in Earth's climate and life support systems without the knowledge or consent of populations. The weather makers tell us their programs are a form of mitigation for
      • Climate Engineering Denial In The Face Of Planetary Meltdown

        Dane Wigington So many circles in academia have completely betrayed the populations of the world and, indeed, the planet as a whole. Even now, as Earth continues to free-fall into what is already a runaway warming scenario (mathematically speaking), the ongoing blatant global


View the Government Documents

(Click picture to open document)


What The Council on Foreign Relations has publicly posted on the topic of Geoengineering:
