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LIVE Updated Presentation – The Most Important Topic of Our Time


In this video, Dane Wigington gives a presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is no more critical topic today. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs.

Geoengineering Remains Invisible In Plain Sight


The climate “scientists” still have their collective heads buried in the sand. The article below is laughable and tragic at the same time. It is absolutely astounding how the so called “experts” grab at straws to try and explain the unexpected slowdown in the planetary warming. Do they never look up, ever? This would seem to be the case as the ongoing global geoengineering assault goes completely unnoticed by the vast majority.

The HAARP Storms


There is a live time event taking place this April 13th, which is an impossibility and yet it is being generated by unnatural manipulations to the weather system.

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Inside the WEATHERMEN \ Chemtrailers Exposed


Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. Lader is also a member of the RAND corp. and is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Inside the WEATHERMEN Chemtrailers Exposed


Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. Lader is also a member of the RAND corp. and is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic “Cool Down”


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic "Cool Down"


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


What Is "Venus Syndrome"?

"Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

Geoengineering and Ozone Destruction


Again it seems appropriate to wonder what will it take for the gravity of the aerosol spraying to be realized by a larger percentage of the population. What it will take to compel more people to make the spray issue a priority. What it will take to prompt more to take action in order to bring this most dire issue out into the light?

Each and every day the global assault on our planet, and all that lives and breaths, continues. The decimation being caused by the “SAG” (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) programs can never be quantified. Though the article below, and others like it, do not mention SAG as a causal factor, the mountain of data on the undisputed effects of SAG paint an all too clear conclusion (attached articles).

Earth in Crisis


(NaturalNews) Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former international correspondent for the New York Times writes, "What we are seeing is the beginning of a catastrophic breakdown of globalization. The world as we know it is coming to an end.