Monthly Archives: December 2016

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 31, 2016


Dane Wigington

Will the hacking of Hilary Clinton's emails be the best excuse the western power structure can come up with to try and prod Russia into WWlll? According to the western media, Russia seems to be responsible for countless ills in the world and yet so far no proof has been produced by the accusers to back up these allegations. But in regard to computer hacking acts of war, which countries have indisputably committed the greatest crimes by far? The "Stuxnet" computer virus has done immense harm around the globe, including likely disabling emergency equipment at Fukushima (thus further contributing to the ongoing triple meltdown). Who created this highly destructive virus? Us citizens continue to be victimized by the worsening weather warfare. A massive engineered chemical cool-down is coming for much of the US. Those in power are desperate to usher in the new year with extremely anomalous (and completely unnatural) engineered winter weather in order to further confuse and divide the US population regarding the true state of the global climate. We will see if the climate engineers are actually able to temporarily chemically cool things down to the full degree that they have scheduled. And what about freedom of speech and freedom of the press? If those in power have their way, we will soon have no such freedoms. If that happens, we will all be completely cut off from uncensored information with only the constant flow of official lies from official sources. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

As the new year is ushered in, I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to all the dedicated activists that are doing their best in the critical battle for the greater good. For many in our willfully blind society, the converging threats we face will not seem real until these threats metaphorically kick down the door. We must alter the current equation of public apathy and blindness. We must wake the masses, that effort will take all of us.

This week's outreach booth is at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes


Dane Wigington

Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one example of a US government patent that is designed to give those in power the ability to engineer winter weather on a rapidly warming planet

Appl. No. 538,904

Filed Mar. 25, 1966 Patented Oct. 19, 1971 Assignee The United States of America as represented by the Director of the National Science Foundation WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD.

WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.

The present invention relates to weather modification and more particularly to the production of rain or snow by introducing into natural atmospheric clouds seeding agents having a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water.

Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Laboratory experiments have shown urea to be effective in producing ice crystals in a vapor cloud having a temperature as high as +6 C. ln field experiments, urea has been observed to cause snow showers… 

Such a seeding agent is capable of acting both as a condensation nucleus and as an ice nucleus. Typical materials which have a high solubility in water coupled with a large endothermic heat of solution in water are potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Laboratory and field experiments have shown finely divided, crystalline urea to be an effective seeding agent…

Weather warfare has been waged against populations all over the globe for decades, this includes the US population. Engineered winter weather events are now the norm. Though US media has done their best to sweep the subject of weather warfare under the rug in recent decades, there is a great deal of historical coverage. The article below was published in a 1958 issue of Popular Science, it is just one example.

Click any images below to enlarge

GeoengineeringWatch magazine1

Weather warfare has long since been the covert weapon of choice for the power structure.

An issue of Collier's Magazine that is over 60 years old is yet another example of the extremely long history of weather/climate modification and warfare.


This 1954 issue article of Collier's Magazine is essential reading for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of how long climate modification has been conducted by the US military.

The US military has made clear the fact that they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to the climate and biosphere in the process. 

A Massive Engineered Winter Chemical Cool-Down Assault On The US Population Is Coming

The latest NOAA long term forecast map below should be alarming to any that take the time to examine it closely. The latest theatrically named "winter storm" from power structure owned "The Weather Channel" was "Winter Storm Fortis". This engineered event pushed warmer than average moisture from the Atlantic Ocean over northern parts of New England where many regions saw chemically nucleated snow fall (facilitated by geoengineering jet aircraft dispersions of materials over precipitation zones) at far above freezing temperatures. "Winter Storm Gregory" will be named as part of the engineered winter scenario I am outlining in this article. Alaska, the Arctic, and parts of Florida are forecasted (scheduled) to remain at, or return to, record warmth. The arctic as a whole remains in a meltdown scenario while weather whiplash continues in the US and countless other locations around the globe. Engineering winter has long since been business as usual in many countries.


The projected (scheduled) record cold zone for much of the US comes after the warmest autumn in the US since record keeping began

When endothermic reacting (toxic) ice nucleating materials are utilized on a massive scale for climate intervention/modification programs, convection is greatly impacted, too many condensation nuclei are present, and precipitation is generally greatly reduced (from what it would have otherwise been) in the core of the engineered chemical cool-down zones. The NOAA precipitation forecast (scheduled weather) map below is for the same window of time as the  NOAA map above. It is not hard to recognize that the regions scheduled to get the greatest percentage of above normal precipitation are also generally the regions that are scheduled to experience the greatest above normal temperatures  ("A" refers to above normal precipitation on the NOAA maps, "B" is below normal).


In the NOAA map above we should ask this, how does moisture flowing in from the Pacific migrate directly over the Western States with far below normal precipitation? Then, as the moisture continues to flow east (further from the epicenter of the engineered cool-down zone), precipitation transitions to above normal. Why aren't NOAA and NWS personnel speaking out? An illegal federal gag order has been placed on them on all NOAA and NWS employees.

Global temperature deviations in the Average Temperature Anomaly map below tell the bigger picture story. The extremely blotchy composition of hot and cold zones should be alarming to us all. Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical/biological ice nucleation cool-downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out. NASA has also long since been a part of the ice nucleation experimentation, some of the elements utilized for this purpose are synthesized urea, and E-coli.


The weather modification chemical cool-downs create a cold, dense (but shallow) layer of air that settles down to the surface and lowers temperatures on the ground. This process is essential for the manipulation of climate perspectives. The engineered winter events are used to create and expand division and confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate.

Massive air mass manipulation is also accomplished with engineered high and low pressure zones. The use of ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are the a primary factor with this type of manipulation.


Extremely anomalous weather/climate patterns have now become the norm. Global climate engineering operations have completely derailed the Earth's natural climate system.

Meteorologists at The Weather Channel have already admitted to the highly unusual weather pattern that is helping to facilitate the coming abnormal cool-down on a rapidly warming world. High pressure ridges will remain locked anomalously in place on both sides of the North American continent. This configuration will assist with robbing what cold air there is in the Arctic, and will push this air south in an almost perfect outline that will cover the land mass of the lower 48 states.


The ability the climate engineers now have to manipulate Earth's life support systems is far beyond alarming. Geoengineering is nothing short of weather warfare

Again, how do flows of moisture coming from the west off of record warm global oceans create temperatures that are predicted (scheduled) to be nearly 40 degrees below normal in regions only slightly inland? What is the final product of the the climate engineering chemically ice nucleated cool-down for the US? Radically lowered engineered temperatures at ground level in parts of the US will accompany the start to the new year. The US media will hype and dramatize this completely engineered cool-down. This will obscure the previous climate headlines of the warmest autum on record in the US and also the fact that 2016 will be the warmest year yet recorded on planet Earth since record keeping began. We will soon see if the climate enigneers are actually able to achieve the level and duration of cooldown that they are attempting to carry out.


The scale of climate decimation being inflicted on populations around the globe by the climate engineers is so incomprehensibly massive, it could never be quantified.

So what are the "predictions" for the 2017 summer temperatures in the US? Above normal to far above normal temperatures for virtually all of the US.


Every single event that the climate engineers orchestrate adds to the total biosphere/climate destruction being inflicted on the planet by the human race.

We are in a fight for life, nothing less. The unfolding environmental/climate implosion cannot be hidden for much longer. As the desperation of the power structure grows, they will likely continue their push toward WWlll. Mathematically speaking, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. Not only are the geoengineers ripping apart the climate/life support systems of the planet, they are irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. The climate science community is (and has been) completely betraying populations and the web of life by remaining silent on the climate engineering/weather warfare total tyranny being conducted by our own government (and other governments). Anti-climate engineering activists are desperately needed to actually be active. Educate yourself on exactly how you can help to sound the alarm on the most critical issue of climate engineering, make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Winter Weather Warfare Assault Continues


Dane Wigington

The latest completely engineered winter weather assault to be launched on US populations is the theatrically named "Winter Storm Europa"  How severe does the rapidly worsening weather whiplash have to get before populations face the fact that ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs are decimating and derailing Earth's climate and life support systems?

How extreme, anomalous, and unnatural was the divide between extreme cold and record heat in the US on Sunday? The map below shows a shocking scenario.


The increasingly extreme temperature swings are wreaking havoc on all life forms.

Skies all over the globe are being sprayed with highly toxic aerosols that are a core component of the climate intervention operations (these are NOT condensation trails).  In the forecast model below, warm flows of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico are chemically ice nucleated by the geoengineers. This process creates the short term chemical cool-downs that have now become the norm.

The bullseye of impact from "Winter Storm Europa" was yet again directed toward the Dakotas.


Ice storms are now almost always seen in the transition zones between warm flows of moisture (used as fuel for the engineered winter weather events) and the core of the chemically ice nucleated zones.

The Dakota Water Protectors have been consistently and severely impacted by extreme "winter weather". This has occurred even after the US experienced its warmest autumn ever recorded. Is this also just a coincidence? The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers. Warm (far above freezing) flows of moisture can clearly be seen "flashing out" to snow for no apparent reason (meteorologically speaking). The power structure paid disinformation sources like "The Weather Channel" have now called this process "changing over to snow".  Official sources of weather forecasting and information are simply covering the tracks of the climate engineers as they have been paid to do. The radar loop shown below is undeniable proof of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification".

Chemical ice nucleation of the warm flow of moisture from the south is clearly visible in the radar animation above. A close examination also reveals radio frequency transmission manipulation with an epicenter located in Rapid City. Why don't we have whistleblowers sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity? The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration employees is certainly a major factor. 

In the map below, major ice storm impacts (mentioned earlier) are seen in the transition zone where the warm flow of moisture from the south is being chemically nucleated.


As mentioned earlier, disinformation sources (like The Weather Channel) are doing their best to convince populations that is is now normal to have a "warm side" and a "cold side" to a "winter storm".

The storm severity map below clearly shows the epicenter of the extreme weather from "WInter Storm Europa" is directly on top of the Dakota Water Protector protest zone. 


The red zones in the map above reveal the most severe impact zones of "Winter Storm Europa".

What is worth noting in the next map (shown below) are the extremely warm temperatures that exist in the flows of moisture that continue to feed "Winter Storm Europa". As this flow of moisture migrates to the North East, temperatures of over 60 degrees are visible only a short distance from the chemically cooled ice nucleation zones. We now almost never hear the power structure paid "weather forecasters" referring to snow levels based on elevations. Now, thanks to climate engineering, you are either on the warm side of the storm or the cold side of the storm. Elevation is now generally no longer a factor.


Scenarios like the one shown in the map above are historically unprecedented. Now such scenarios are considered the norm.

The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to try and cover up the rapidly worsening planetary meltdown with more and more "engineered winter" short term toxic cool-downs. The paradox is this, every climate intervention that the climate engineers carry out makes the overall warming of the planet worse, not better. The Geoengineers are destroying the ozone layer, disrupting the hydrological cycle, fueling forest fires, and contaminating the entire planet in the process. 2016 will be the third record shattering hot year in a row and this record will occur in spite of the fact that "official" agencies are UNDERREPORTING high temperatures, not exaggerating them. 


The meltdown of the polar region is of especially grave concern. The bright red zones at the top of this Temperature Anomaly map clearly reveals the ongoing Arctic meltdown. Massive formerly frozen methane deposits are now rapidly thawing and releasing. These methane releases may soon determine our collective fate, climate intervention programs are making the methane releases worse overall, not better

We must all work together in the most critical effort to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Those that have chosen to deny or hide from reality must realize that their denial will not stop what is coming. Join the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering planetary omnicide, help us in the battle to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2016


Dane Wigington

The clock of our collective futures continues to tick toward midnight. How much of the population has any real idea about what is unfolding at blinding speed? The record high stock market ponzi scheme house of cards has kept the masses pacified and willfully blind to corporate layoffs, environmental implosion, and countless other issues. Private banker printed fiat money is still ruling the day, but twilight is now upon us. Why are British and US soldiers fighting alongside terrorists in Aleppo? The public relations person in charge of climate engineering disinformation, Dr. David Keith, has come up with a new idea about what should be sprayed into our atmosphere by geoengineering jet aircraft. Keith now says we should use calcium carbonate. Dr. Keith, what happened to your promotion of spraying 20,000,000 tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually? Whether actively or passively, so many circles in the science community have completely betrayed populations and the planet. The same is true with the circles of the medical industrial complex. What will it take for the medical community to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines, fluoridated water, and many other issues? The Dakota water protectors get hit with yet another snowstorm while temperatures at the North Pole skyrocket to almost 60 degrees above normal, for the second year in a row. What is the shadow government doing while the unraveling of the biosphere and society progresses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Some feel no motivation to fight for the greater good unless they are given a guarantee of success, but we would do well to remember there are no such certainties in life.  We would do well to also remember that life is, at best, a seasonal occupation, and the season is short. Why are we here? If it is not to do our part for the greater good, then why?

Karim Sulayman – I Trust You


Source: Vimeo

Climate Engineering Cataclysm: A Live Presentation By Dane Wigington


Dane Wigington

For over 7 decades global climate engineering programs have been expanding in scope and scale. For over 7 decades the decimation these programs have inflicted on planet Earth has been accumulating. The biosphere on which all life depends has already been pushed past the breaking point on countless fronts. Though there are a great many forms of anthropogenic activity contributing to the ongoing destruction of Earth's climate and life support systems, climate engineering/geoengineering/weather warfare is mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we face (short of nuclear cataclysm). Exposing and halting the ongoing global climate engineering assault must be made our top priority if we are to have any chance of salvaging what still remains of Earth's life support systems. The live PowerPoint presentation below addresses the true severity of the threat we face from covert climate modification programs. My deepest gratitude to former CIA officer Kevin Shipp for emceeing the Northern California event at which this presentation was given.

Other speakers at this recent Northern California event included former CIA officer Kevin Shipp, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, VAXXED director Dr. Andrew Wakefield, VAXXED documentary producer Del Bigtree, and VAXXED producer Polly Tommey.


From climate engineering to forced vaccinations, the walls are closing in. All of us are needed in the critical effort to sound the alarm.

East Antarctica Is Melting From Above And Below

The calving front of the Totten ice shelf. Credit: Australian Antarctic Division

Source: Climate Central

East Antarctica is remote even by Antarctic standards. Harsh winds and ocean currents have largely cut off the region from the rest of the world.

That’s left its massive stores of ice largely intact, especially compared to West Antarctica where a massive meltdown is underway that could raise seas by 10 or more feet in the coming centuries. But as carbon pollution warms the air and the ocean, there are signs that the region’s stability is under threat. Two new studies of different ice shelves — tongues of ice that essentially act as bathtub plugs — have seen major melting that could portend a less stable future for the region.

So first, about those ice shelves. They are indeed like bathtub plugs. Except instead of keeping water in a tub, they keep ice on the continent of Antarctica. That’s good because when it ends up melting into the ocean, it causes seas to rise. East Antarctica contains about two-thirds of all the ice in Antarctica so its stability is crucial for the world’s coastal areas.

Washington’s Hypocrisy Over The Fall Of Aleppo


Source: Global Research

With the report late Wednesday that a deal to evacuate the last of the Western-backed Islamist “rebels” from eastern Aleppo was back on track, following an earlier renewal of clashes, the scale of the debacle suffered by Washington in its five-year war for regime-change in Syria is emerging ever more clearly.

The increasingly hysterical denunciations of the Syrian government and its allies, principally Russia and Iran, for alleged atrocities in the retaking of Aleppo is a measure of the disillusionment and bitterness within the ruling circles of the major imperialist powers, particularly the US, over this strategic reversal in the drive to overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad. The frenzied tenor of the public anti-Russian propaganda is matched by the intensity of the behind-the-scenes internal recriminations.

With the fall of eastern Aleppo, the US-backed “rebels,” a collection of militias dominated by Al Qaeda-linked Islamists, have lost control of their last major urban center, effectively precluding the successful utilization of these proxy forces for the overthrow of the government in Damascus.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 17, 2016


Dane Wigington

What factors may be contributing to the public's willingness and ability to face facts from the front lines? The fluoridated water poisoning of the population is progressing along with the expanding forced vaccination campaigns. How much are these issues impacting the cognitive function and overall health of the masses? Obama sidesteps existing laws in order to continue arming the terrorists in Syria. The agenda of regime change in Syria at any cost is still being carried out at the risk of triggering WWlll. The US military juggernaut is also pushing China toward conflict. A recent peer reviewed science study highlights some of the obvious and inarguable dangers of solar radiation management. In the meantime, the planetary climate engineering assault continues unabated, while the engineered cold zone remains parked on top of the Dakota water protectors. The censorship of any news sources that don't parrot the official narrative is already underway. Where do we go from here? The latest addition of Global Alert News is below.

Many activists are becoming fatigued in this long and arduous battle for the greater good, but we must not yield. Now more than ever we must effectively and efficiently make our voices heard.

This week's outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite Event Center, San Diego, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


British Newspaper Reports On Climate Engineering


With all of us working together we are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness, the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies are now becoming all but impossible to hide. The just published article below from the "Daily Express" is the most recent example of mainstream media addressing the global climate engineering assault. As we should expect, any mainstream source does utilize the "chemtrails" in attempt to marginalize the subject at hand. Those in power desperately want the to enforce the use of the non-science "chemtrail" label. This fact is glaringly revealed in a short interview I did with mainstream media "hitman" David Pakman. Another example is CBS, who also utilized the same tactic in an interview I did with them last year. The author of a recent article in "The Guardian" newspaper (from UK)  also consistently used the "conspiracy theory" term, though sections of his reporting  on the climate engineering issue were fairly objective. The more consistently we use the science terms to raise awareness (climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, etc), the more credibility and progress we will gain in this most critical battle. Use of the "chemtrails" term is not helpful to the credibility of our cause.  Let's all keep sounding the alarm (please take a moment to vote in the poll that is within the article below).
Dane Wigington

Are We About To Be Told Chemtrails Are Real? Harvard Says Emissions Could Save The Earth

Source:, article by Jon Austin

SO-CALLED "chemtrails" could be used to protect the planet from climate change, a team of scientists has claimed.


Scientists have said the principal of alleged chemtrailing could save Earth from climate change. Photo credit: Getty

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have identified an aerosol that could be used for "solar geoengineering" to cool the planet, while repairing ozone damage at the same time.

In a new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists said injecting light-reflecting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere would cool the planet, but there is a risk of damaging the ozone layer which protects us from harmful UV rays in the process. 

However, the team claims to have identified an aerosol that could also repair the ozone layer at the same time as cooling the planet.

The announcement will no doubt set tongues wagging in the chemtrail conspiracy theory community.

The chemtrail conspiracy is one of the most widely believed on Earth and centers around claims that world governments are secretly spraying chemicals into the air – as seen by the contrails on high-altitude airplanes.

At its most extreme, conspiracy theorists believe that the contrails which form behind jet aircraft are actually streams of toxic “mind-control” chemicals, which dilute before they reach the ground, leaving a gas we breathe in that keeps the general population in check.

But there are a growing number of chemtrail believers, whose number include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris, who claim the conspiracy is actually a secret global plot to change the Earth’s climate in the hope it will reverse the effects of climate change.


Chemtrail believers include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris. Photo credit: Getty

Dane Wigington, a solar energy expert and former employee of Bechtel Power Corp, now runs, a website set up to expose the “harmful” conspiracy which has had more than 24.8 million visitors.

He investigated why solar panels at his home lost power as aircraft contrails formed in the sky.

According to Mr Wigington, the contrails, or chemtrails, we see forming behind aircraft most days are carrying out geoengineering.

An introduction to the subject on his website states: “It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you."

He said a system called "Solar Radiation Management” (SRM) was being used, whereby scientists have tried to mimic the effects of a major volcanic eruption on temperature.

Bizarrely, scientists behind the new study are proposing to do what Mr. Wigington claims has secretly been happening.

But the team behind the new study insist this is all a breakthrough that has YET to be put into practice.

David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at SEAS and professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, the first author of the paper, said: "In solar geoengineering research, introducing sulphuric acid into the atmosphere has been the only idea that had any serious traction until now.

“This research is a turning point and an important step in analysing and reducing certain risks of solar geoengineering.”

They found that calcite, a constituent of limestone, could counter ozone loss by neutralising emissions-borne acids in the atmosphere, while also reflecting light and cooling the planet. 

But, the researchers said it was not an alternative to reducing emissions to slow down global warming.

Frank Keutsch, the Stonington Professor of Engineering and Atmospheric Science at SEAS and professor of chemistry and chemical biology, a co-author of the paper, said:

Geoengineering is like taking painkillers.

When things are really bad, painkillers can help but they don’t address the cause of a disease and they may cause more harm than good. 

We really don’t know the effects of geoengineering, but that is why we’re doing this research.

This research fundamentally rethinks what kinds of particles should be used for solar geoengineering.

Anytime you introduce even initially unreactive surfaces into the stratosphere, you get reactions that ultimately result in ozone destruction, as they are coated with sulphuric acid.

Instead of trying to minimise the reactivity of the aerosol, we wanted a material that is highly reactive but in a way that would avoid ozone destruction.

Essentially, we ended up with an antacid for the stratosphere.

Source:, article by Jon Austin

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down Continues


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are not a proposal, but have long since been a lethal reality. "Winter Storm Decima" is bearing down on the US, but is this storm truly a natural weather occurrence? Will the hyped headlines on this event tell the real story of the global climate picture? An examination of the latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map below very clearly reveals where it is cool, and where it is not. The rapid heating of the polar regions continues to accelerate (as is the overall heating of the planet), but key western power population centers are miraculously cool. How can this be? Why does mainstream media exclusively cover the cool zones (with enthusiastic theater-like portrayals) while at the same time completely ignoring temperatures in the Arctic that have recently been almost 60 degrees ABOVE NORMAL?


The chemically ice nucleated cool-down focus zones are very visible in the global "temperature departure from average" map above. The extremely anomalous cool zones (in a record warm world) are located in regions which provide the headlines of "dangerous cold" that power structure controlled western media sources like The Weather Channel are paid to hype.

There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by the completely out of control power structure, none of those agendas are benevolent or for the common good. One of the primary objectives of the climate engineers is to keep the first world populations of western nations confused and divided as to the true condition of the overall global climate. Keeping the masses oblivious and bewildered in regard to what is unfolding until the last possible moment is a key aspect of power structure planning. The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation/geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and/or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element). If you don't think water (cloud moisture) can artificially be chemically ice nucleated, think again. The Chinese government openly announced that they were engineering snowstorms. Engineered snowstorms are wreaking havoc around the globe. The two very short videos of lab tests below are examples of chemical and biological ice nucleation.

When the climate engineers seed storm clouds (via jet aircraft spray dispersions) with chemical or biological ice nucleating elements, precipitation that falls often reaches the surface before setting up and freezing. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly aggressive with the use of chemical ice nucleation in a desperate attempt to create short term (toxic) cool-downs.


In recent years freak ice storms have become the norm. Ice storms are occurring even in coastal zones with oceans that are at record warm temperatures. ​

The short weather radar map below should be examined carefully. Rain cells that are in far above freezing air masses can be observed anomalously "changing over to snow". This is a recently coined phrase that has now been adopted by many "forecasting" (scheduled weather) agencies.

Click to enlarge

Virginia Weather Radar Loop

In the animation above take note of the rain cells that are migrating toward Morgantown which are "changing over to snow". At the same time the radar map loop was recorded, the temperatures in Morgantown were from +35 to +41 degrees (shown in the screenshot below), why was the rain from a warm flow of southerly moisture suddenly "changing over to snow? 


As the chemical ice nucleation process progresses, a shallow cold dense layer of air is eventually created at the ground level. The chemical nucleation process creates an endothermic reaction that tends to reduce the overall precipitation amounts. 

The highly toxic short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming, this includes the Earth's oceans.  Sea surfaces are also being chemically nucleated in the polar regions.


The extremely anomalous sea ice formations along the polar shoreline shown above are a harbinger of aggressive chemical ice nucleation programs being carried out by the climate engineers.

Global sea ice volume (mass) is declining rapidly as shown in the graph below.


The plummeting sea ice levels are of grave concern, but there is very little media coverage of what is unfolding at the poles.

The thinning of sea ice is especially profound in the Arctic. As the melting of polar ice accelerates, the Arctic could be ice free by next year, the summer of 2017. The desperate attempts of the climate engineers to mask the unfolding reality is only greatly exacerbating the overall climate and biosphere implosion.


Arctic sea ice volume (mass) is seldom referred to by "official" sources for a reason, ice mass has crashed and is still declining. Massive sea floor methane deposites in the Arctic are also thawing and releasing into the atmosphere.

Climate ​engineering has also greatly contributed to exponentially increasing forest fires around the globe. The atmospheric soot and ash from these fires settles down on ice deposits making them darker and thus more prone to absorb solar energy.


Greenland ice is melting at a record pace, the meltdown will continue to contribute to rapidly increasing sea level rise. Photo credit: Sara Penrhyn-Jones

The west coast satellite animation below was captured as "Winter Storm Decima" began to hit the US west coast on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The flow of relatively warm moisture from the Pacific can clearly be seen "changing over" to snow over large regions for no logical reason as the incoming flow of Pacific moisture was not cold enough. Also of note in the satellite loop below is the anomalous precipitation-free zone that is around the Eureka region of the California coast. Precipitation flows toward this zone, stops, and then continues farther to the north east. With careful observation of the animation below, a microwave transmission location can be deciphered southwest of Eureka (these transmissions are part of the climate engineering process). A very high percentage of the moisture flowing over California (and the west) is heavily sprayed with atmspheric aerosols which effectively keeps much of the moisute from falling. The aerosol saturation contribues to vast expanses of largely precipitationless cloud cover. This helps the climate engineers to migrate available moisture further inland where they can continue the chemical ice  nucleation cool-down process. Additional seeding of the clouds with larger condensation nuclei further inland can bring the migrating moisture down in the location of choice for the climate engineers.

Click to enlarge

Redding Radar Loop

Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation dispersions are creating engineered snow storms in many regions where it is not cold enough for natural ice nucleation to occur. When chemical ice nucleation is utilized in colder zones, the ground level temperatures can be dropped to dangerous levels like those recently seen in the Dakotas which followed a record warm autumn in the US.

The satellite/radar image below shows the earlier mentioned microwave transmission source (southwest of Eureka) with much more clarity.


Radio frequency/microwave transmissions can manipulate the sprayed electrically conductive atmospheric particulates. This, in turn, can manipulate air masses and precipitation patterns. 

Anomalous "ice balls" have been washing up on shores all over the globe in recent years. Often these "ice balls" appear on bodies of water that are far above the freezing point, why? It is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements. This type of artificially nucleated material can also remain "frozen" in astoundingly high temperatures.


Perfectly spherical "ice balls" are now becoming common on shorelines in northern latitudes. Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

So, how cold is the start of "WInter Storm Decima"? Not so much. Warm moisture off the Pacific is nucleated as it heads inland. An "ice storm" zone exists in the transition zone between the warmer moisture and the chemical nucleated storm interior.


How cold will the end of "Winter Storm Decima" be? Outside of the chemically nucleated jet stream manipulated interior of the "storm", not very cold. Again, there are large "ice storm" zones predicted (from the chemically nucleated precipitation) in the transition zones between the warmer moisture flows and the interior sections of the "storm". Why are there "icy" zones predicted in regions with such high temperatures in the "forecast"?


It is essential to understand the full arsenal of climate engineering weapons that are being implemented against unsuspecting populations. Chemically nucleated engineered cool-downs and snowstorms are a primary aspect of the global climate engineering onslaught. Climate engineering will continue to fuel ever more abrupt and radical "wheather whiplash" events all over the world. Help us to expose and halt the insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Life On Earth Is Dying. Thousands Of Species Cease To Exist


Source: Global Research

On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist. Tomorrow, another 200 species will vanish forever.

The human onslaught to destroy life on Earth is unprecedented in Earth’s history. Planet Earth is now experiencing its sixth mass extinction event and Homo sapiens is the cause. Moreover, this mass extinction event is accelerating and is so comprehensive in its impact that the piecemeal measures being taken by the United Nations, international agencies and governments constitute a tokenism that is breathtaking in the extreme.

And it is no longer the case that mainly ‘invisible’ species are vanishing: those insects, amphibians and small animals about which you had never even heard, assuming they have been identified and given a name by humans.

You and I are on the brink of driving to extinction some of the most iconic species alive today. For a photo gallery of threatened species, some of which are ‘critically endangered’, see ‘World’s wildlife being pushed to the edge by humans – in pictures’.

If you want to read more about some aspects of the extinction threat, you can do so in these recent reports: ‘World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in protected species’ and ‘2016 Living Planet Report’ which includes these words: ‘The main statistic from the report … shows a 58% decline between 1970 and 2012. This means that, on average, animal populations are roughly half the size they were 42 years ago.’

Climate Engineering, Disinformation, And Lord Monckton, What’s The Connection?


Dane Wigington

Anyone who claims to be against climate engineering, anyone who claims to be in the fight to expose and halt it, and anyone who claims to care about the truth, has a responsibility to view the 15 minute video interview below. "Lord Monckton" adamantly and aggressively denies the climate engineering/weather warfare reality.

Now more than ever before the power structure's tools of disinformation and deception are in full operation. There are specific individuals who have become the front line of the disinformation effort relating to climate engineering and the true state of the climate. "Lord Christopher Monckton" is one of the most prominent faces of the ramped up disinformation campaign being orchestrated to cast doubt on climate engineering and the true state of the climate. Monckton has been touring and speaking in Northern California, below is a letter that was just published by the Siskiyou Daily News. If the truth matters, then the links in this letter should be opened so that the statements the letter contains can be verified.

Local Event Speaker Has Very Dubious Record

"Lord Christopher Monckton" was the featured speaker at a community meeting in Yreka that took place on Tuesday, December 6th.  "Lord Monckton" claims to be an expert on the state of the climate (and the environment), and he was represented as being a credible speaker on the subjects mentioned, but is he? Should Monckton be considered honest in any sense of the word?  A simple online search of "Lord Monckton" reveals a long list of damning information (from numerous credible sources) that exposes his inability to simply tell the truth. For example, the Guardian newspaper in the UK published this report

"The House of Lords has taken the unprecedented step of publishing a "cease and desist" letter on its website demanding that Lord Christopher Monckton……… should stop claiming to be a member of the upper house."

The cease and desist action taken by the British government in response to Monckton's fabrications is just the beginning. The excerpt below addressing Monckton's deceptions is listed clearly in the UK parliament website and numerous other sources.

 "The House of Lords authorities have said Monckton is not and never has been a member and that there is no such thing as a non-voting or honorary member of the House."

What other deceptions has "Lord Monckton" tried to propagate about himself? The excerpts below were taken from the long list of information that has been compiled on the "Lord Monckton Rap Sheet" public information website.

1. Monckton claimed that he has developed a cure for Graves’ Disease, AIDS, Multiple Schlerosis, the flu, and the common cold.  This is no joke–he actually filed applications to patent a “therapeutic treatment” in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

2. The list of diseases cured by Monckton’s miracle tonic expands from time to time.  At one point he claimed, “Patients have been cured of various infectious diseases, including Graves’ Disease, multiple sclerosis, influenza, and herpes simplex VI.”  At another time he said, “Patients have been cured of various infectious diseases, including Graves’ disease, multiple sclerosis, influenza, food poisoning, and HIV.”  Maybe some of you physicians out there can help me interpret this, but it looks to me like Monckton is claiming that his Wonder Cure will 1) wipe out any virus without harming the patient, and 2) cure auto-immune disorders that may (or may not) have initially been triggered by a viral infection.

3. "Monckton claimed to be a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore and the IPCC because he supposedly sent the IPCC a letter pointing out something that needed to be corrected in a draft report.  At one point he said the claim to be a Nobel laureate was all a joke, but it continued to be posted by Monckton in his bio at the Science and Public Policy Institute until early 2012, and the sorts of people who believe Monckton have often repeated the claim with a straight face. This brings up an important question.  On whom was Monckton playing the joke?"

4. "Monckton has made several dubious claims about what he did as a member of Margaret Thatcher’s policy unit."

5. "One example of these dubious claims is that he was the author of “a 1200-word article for the Daily Telegraph on the reasons in international law why the Falkland Islands are British, read out on the BBC World Service’s Argentinian broadcasts every 20 minutes during the Falklands War.”  George Monbiot phoned up the BBC, and they said they had never done any specifically Argentine broadcasts.  Maybe Monckton was confused about who did the broadcasting, however."

6. "Monckton is now claiming to be “an appointed expert reviewer for the forthcoming ‘Fifth Assessment Report’ to be published by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”  But all you need to do to be an “expert reviewer” is to make a self-declaration of expertise and volunteer.  The IPCC doesn’t “appoint” anyone as a reviewer."

"Lord Monckton" is also currently touring the US with a scientifically verifiable false message that he just put out on KCNR radio in Northern California: that he (Lord Monckton) has single handedly disproved the entire science community on the subject of global warming, (he further states) there is nothing wrong with the climate, more Co2 is good, the oceans are not acidifying and are in fact healthy and thriving, the Great Barrier Reef is fine, the planet itself is greening and thriving, there is nothing wrong with the environment at all, and we need to burn more coal in order to save lives.
It is unfortunate that "Lord Monckton" and his long list of deceptions were not in any way investigated by those who are now parading him around as an oracle of truth. Whatever "Lord Monckton's" motivation is, whatever his agenda is, willfully deceiving the public on the dire issue of the climate is not OK. Given Monckton's incredibly long list of verified public deceptions, why was he represented as a qualified expert and allowed to speak as such?
Dane Wigington

A final quote (not included in the published letter above) that was issued from the UK Clerk of Parliaments and posted on the UK Parliament web site:

I must repeat…… you are not, and never have been, a Member of the House of Lords. 

What actions cause great harm to the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering/weather warfare? "Lord Monckton" was recently the top speaker at an event in Arizona that was built completely around exactly the kind of verifiable disinformation "Lord Monckton" is spreading. The organizer of this event claims to be against the lethal climate engineering programs. If this is true, why would an ardent climate engineering denier ("Lord Monckton") be the top speaker at this event? Why would well known alternative news sites (who claim to be against climate engineering) also push this aggressive climate engineering denier who is propagating the exact narrative the power structure and the climate engineers would want him to put out? This only helps to hide the tracks of the climate engineers. Why would any website or group push "Lord Monckton's" false narrative when his total disregard for the truth (on countless dire issues) is a verifiable and undisputable fact of record? Why would anyone who claims to be fighting to expose and halt climate engineering help to advertise and advance the agenda of a speaker who so aggressively denies climate engineering? In the all important battle to expose the truth there is no room for ideology, preconception, personal bias, or personal agendas. Those who claim to care about the truth must show it by actually investigating the facts, and then building their conclusions on those facts. The "herd mentality" or peer pressure "groupthink" has no place in an honest search for the truth. The effort to expose verifiable truths must only be about the fight for the greater good. It must only be about the commitment to face unimaginably difficult realities head-on without closing our eyes in denial. It must be about prioritizing our available time, efforts, and energies toward the fight for the greater good no matter how daunting the challenge appears to be.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2016


Dane Wigington

The Orwellian dystopian world we all find ourselves in so far appears to be locked into its current course. Day is night, up is down, black is white,  whatever the official narrative is, the majority of the population seems all too willing to accept it. Militarized and industrialized power centers are now more dangerous than ever as the accelerating collapse of the biosphere and civilization looms. As the biosphere goes, so will the economic and societal systems that were built from relentless environmental looting, pillaging, and plundering. Highly toxic weather events (like those that just occurred in Australia, Kuwait, and London) continue to kill many and to put thousands more into hospitals. The most immediate nemesis we collectively face remains the climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare atmospheric spraying assault.Which critical news stories did corporate media hide from the public's view this week? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The weather-makers appear absolutely determined to radically cool down the land surface temperatures of the US (via jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation) in this last month of the year. The "scheduled" record cold chemically nucleated zone for much of the US is reflected in the NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below. This is truly shocking given the fact that the US just experienced it's warmest autumn on record (breaking the previous record set only last year), the 2nd warmest November on record, and 2016 is already certain to be the warmest year ever recorded on our planet since record keeping began.


Of note is the fact that the epicenter of the engineered winter anomaly is still centered over the Dakotas and the water protector protesters.

This engineered cool-down is being carried out while the arctic continues to melt with record heat and record low ice levels.


The vast majority of media sources (including most alternative media sources) are not covering what is unfolding in the polar regions.

And what about the world overall? The GISS map below illustrates global "departure from normal high temperatures"  for the last 30 years. Take note of the region with the least overall heat gain in the entire northern hemisphere, most of the North American continent. The US has by far the largest military, thus the largest (and most lethal) global climate engineering operation.The most anomalous cooler zone of reduced heating shown in the GISS map is, thus, over the North American continent. Geoengineering creates temporary toxic cool zones at the cost of a far worsened overall planetary heating.


Because the unfolding biosphere changes have occurred slowly over time, most are perilously unaware of the severity of the changes.

Global climate engineering operations are tearing apart the planet's life support systems, destroying our health, and irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. All of our lives depend on the state of the planet. The only way to effectively fight the insanity we face is to see the wider horizon clearly, to stand on solid verifiable facts, and to effectively share credible information with others. We must each do our part in the critical battle to wake the masses.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. My thanks also to the very dedicated activists that ran the booth. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Is Climate Engineering Contributing To Noctilucent Cloud Formation?


Dane Wigington

The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. "Official" sources are doing their best to pacify the populations on every front and this includes the subjects of noctilucent cloud formation, atmospheric methane accumulation, and climate engineering.


Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is occurring there.

Our miracle planet that was once so incredibly hospitable for countless life forms is now spiraling into a completely altered state of environmental and climate collapse.  The vast majority of the human race (for various reasons) is unwilling or unable to show any concern for the bigger picture. Thus the unfolding  fate of our species is now not only in question, but mathematically on track for certain near term total extinction if we remain on the current trajectory. Much of the populations in third world countries have their hands full simply trying to survive from day to day.  Much of the populations in first world countries are completely preoccupied with their own personal pursuits of profit and pleasure. In the meantime, the military industrial complex is continuing to expand its power and its completely out of control experiments on Earth's life support systems. Global climate engineering programs are the epitome of the military industrial complex insanity and hubris. Climate engineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe in countless ways. One of the most grave and immediate threats we face is mass methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits in Earth's strata. In the attempt to hide the already manifesting consequences of the methane buildup in our atmosphere, the power structure and the geoengineers have only fueled the overall fire. All available data indicates that the atmosphere is being microwaved in a desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to mitigate the methane buildup which risks turning our once thriving planet into a lifeless rock that resembles Venus. The temperatures in the polar regions are skyrocketing as are observations of the ominous noctilucent clouds which have emerged at the earliest date on record this year. Recent releases of information to some degree attempt to attribute the noctilucent clouds to natural processes, but is this true? Mainstream sources of information only elude to the methane/noctilucent cloud connection and the threat that is looming over the biosphere.


Photo credit: Anna Anikina

Every year, for a period of between five to 10 days, the night skies over Antarctica are visited by an unusual phenomenon known as night clouds or noctilucent clouds (NLCs). Residing at an altitude between 47 to 53 miles, these electric-blue clouds are the highest in Earth's atmosphere and can only be observed well after the sun has dipped below the horizon at twilight.


Photo credit: Juhku

According to NASA, night clouds are a relatively new phenomenon, with the first observations occurring a couple years after the eruption of Krakatoa sent tons of volcanic ash high into the atmosphere. They increased again after the Tunguska meteor event over Siberia in 1908. In 2007, NASA launched the AIM satellite (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere) to specifically study noctilucent clouds and discover the conditions that favor their formation.

"AIM and other research has shown that in order for the clouds to form, three things are needed: very cold temperatures, water vapor and meteoric dust," James Russell, an atmospheric and planetary scientist at Hampton University, said in a NASA article. "The meteoric dust provides sites that the water vapor can cling to until the cold temperatures cause water ice to form."

The Krakatoa event, says Thomas, likely "seeded" the upper atmosphere with dust, allowing noctilucent clouds to be seen over more populated areas. In its most recent observations, however, NASA is reporting that the blue cloud formations are not only starting earlier than normal, but also once again spreading beyond the polar regions. You can see a time-lapse animation capture by AIM of the clouds forming over the Antarctic in the tweet by NASA below.

Credits: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM/Joy Ng, producer

Researchers believe the beautiful twilight displays, observed as far south as Colorado and Utah, could be due to an increased abundance of methane in the upper atmosphere.

"When methane makes its way into the upper atmosphere, it is oxidized by a complex series of reactions to form water vapor," Russell added. "This extra water vapor is then available to grow ice crystals for NLCs."

Because methane is roughly 30 times more potent a heat-trapping greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide, its theorized that noctilucent clouds could potentially serve as a kind of "canary in a coal mine" on climate change. For now, however, the connection remains tenuous.

"I think the jury is still out,"'s Tony Phillips told the SFGate in 2015. "But it is undeniable that increasing levels of methane favor the formation of NLCs at very high altitudes."

If the masses do not wake soon and properly prioritize their efforts and energies there will be no chance for the long term survival of our species (and perhaps even all life on Earth). Industrialized society (which includes climate engineering) has all but decimated our once thriving planet. What are each of us willing to do in order to try and salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? Reaching a critical mass or awareness is the first leap forward, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm.

Methane Plume Seen On Radar Returns Moving NW From Offshore SW Of San Francisco Moving Toward Reno, Nevada


Source: otterwalks

Methane deposits are abundant on the continental margin of the Pacific Northwest coast as more methane is seen being released southward. It is calculated that warming at this depth would theoretically destabilize methane deposits on the Cascadia subduction zone, which runs from northern California to Vancouver Island, as well as other areas heading southward along the west coast. The Ring of Fire, with its Geologic processes, is one action which creates fissures allowing this type of release. Other potential Action/Reaction, Cause and Effect potentials, will be addressed here.

Here is a Link with more links to foundational research on the Methane GHG Issue. Methane is roughly thirty times more potent than CO2 as a heat trapping gas. There have been numerous Global Extinction Events over Earth’s history. Methane has been a culprit, the primary cause, in several of these events.

Dr. Dave Janda Interviews Dane Wigington – 12/4/16


Source: Dr. Dave Janda

Dane Wigington

Geo-Engineering Expert, Global Climate Engineer (

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Climate Change Escalating So Fast It Is ‘Beyond Point Of No Return’

The San Fernando Valley Generating Station in Sun Valley, California Getty Images

Source: Independent

New study rewrites two decades of research and author says we are 'beyond point of no return'

Global warming is beyond the “point of no return”, according to the lead scientist behind a ground-breaking climate change study.

The full impact of climate change has been underestimated because scientists haven't taken into account a major source of carbon in the environment.

Dr Thomas Crowther’s report has concluded that carbon emitted from soil was speeding up global warming.

The findings, which say temperatures will increase by 1C by 2050, are already being adopted by the United Nations.

November Was A Bad Month For Arctic Sea Ice. The Overall Picture Is Much Worse.



“We are all ice-dependent species.”

If you stumbled across an alarming chart about sea ice on Twitter last month and doomsday scenarios immediately leaped into your head, you’re not alone.

What the graph illustrates is true: There’s substantially less sea ice in the world than ever before. The Arctic ― and, for completely unrelated reasons, the Antarctic ― just closed out November with less ice than any other year in history.

But the real cause for alarm isn’t last month’s warming blip in the Arctic that temporarily stalled ice growth, an anomaly that happens from time to time. Nor is it the concurrent loss of ice in the Antarctic ― since, to the best of our knowledge, the behavior of sea ice in one hemisphere has nothing to do with the behavior of sea ice in the other.

The scariest part of all this is the long-term warming trend it follows.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 3, 2016


Dane Wigington

How stable are the world's democracies?  "Warning Lights Are Flashing Red" is a recent headline on the subject to consider. More and more of the Earth's atmosphere is being saturated with toxic particles from the constantly expanding climate engineering global assault. An update from Australia, as many as 8500 people were reportedly hospitalized from "thunderstorm asthma". Does anyone believe that this is the real reason behind the health catastrophe? The Weather Channel continues to lie about the geoengineering insanity. Since the US military is their primary sponsor, The Weather Channel's lying to cover the tracks of climate engineering comes as no surprise. We are told that over 100,000,000 trees have now died in California due to the drought, but there are lies contained in the media reports that say so. First, there are many more than 100,000,000 trees dead, it is not just the drought, and climate engineering is the primary factor related to the tree die off. The biosphere as a whole continues to collapse, more weather warfare is on the way for the Dakota water protectors, and all while a climate disinformation event in Arizona is attempting to deny there is anything even wrong with the climate (or the environment).  Countless biases are held by the masses and these biases are fueled by the power structure. How can such bias be overcome? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Our host, planet Earth, is dying. How many members of the human race are willing to make saving Earth their top priority?

A billboard on a Gem Faire event transport truck touring the Western U.S.


This week's outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.
