Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 7, 2024, #474


Dane Wigington

"Frost Warning Issued for Three States as Temperatures Plunge. Cooler weather has hit the Northeast and the Midwest this week, with Montana seeing a storm cause 12 inches of snow in Glacier National Park" (from Newsweek). "Heatwave across US west breaks records for highest temperatures. Hottest summer on record continues, with millions from Phoenix to Los Angeles to Seattle under heat alerts (from The Guardian). Geoengineering operations have pushed the climate far past the breaking point, impact is coming fast. This week's installment of Global Alert News is below. 

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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One Response to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 7, 2024, #474

  1. Ben Billings says:

    Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted a few weeks ago in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.

    Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !

    Here is one more rule.

    Rule # 9 – Always keep in mind that we are highly respected professionals – with many deserved letters after our names – awarded by academia. We live an elevated and lavish lifestyle – with most of us residing in secure gated communities – safely isolated from those of the lower socio-economic strata – the “unwashed masses” and the “deplorables”. We have all of our needs, desires, ambitions, and fantasies richly met. We have a vast network of associates, like-minded professionals to “peer review” our government financed papers, and we meet in conferences, university campuses, and seminars. We give speeches, lust after endless exotic social events and vacations, and enjoy rapt conversations at the golf clubhouse. Our world is complete – sheltered from the unruly turbulence of the common existence. We live in an impenetrable overarching protective shelter – much akin to a bubble – and should never allow any ignorant “conspiracy theory” gibberish – like the increasingly popular and absurd notion of “climate engineering” – to invade our lives in any way, via our thoughts, papers, textbooks, associates, and/or public pronouncements, etc..

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