Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 5, 2024, #478


Dane Wigington

"October hurricane forecast: Brace for the return of big hurricanes" (USA Today). "Milton expected to become a major hurricane before slamming into Florida" (Fox News). After a perplexing lull in what was scheduled to be the worst hurricane season ever, the storms are now being ramped up. Multiple states are still reeling in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton is approaching Florida's west coast. What does Hurricane Milton have in store for the Sunshine State? About an overall perspective, this new headline from Time Magazine, "Planet Earth Is in Critical Condition". And through it all, no major media source is acknowledging the issue of climate engineering, no surprise. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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8 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 5, 2024, #478

  1. David A Howard says:

    Edward Dowd: I know it's only anecdotal but none of my unvaccinated friends have dropped dead in the last 4 years or developed weird cancers or neurological problems.  –  I'm baffled!  

  2. jay dee says:


  3. Gary Morrow says:

    Dane asks what Hurricane Milton has in store for Florida. Well how about the worst storm in Tampa Bay history. We just had millions of trees downed here in South Carolina from Hurricane Helene which had wind gusts here that never exceeded 72 mph. According to the 11 p.m. EDT advisory Hurricane Milton is forecast to strike near Tampa Bay with sustained winds of 120 mph and gusts to 150 mph. How many of the tortured geoengineered trees will  be left standing after a storm like that? Many of us here in SC. just spent a week without power. How long will the power be out in Florida? 

  4. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    I have come to the un-amiable conclusion that possibly 99% of all advanced civilizations that might exist or have existed at one time or another in the universe, have all likely become or will soon become extinct as a result of global warming, sudden ice age, anthropogenetic climate chaos, mutually assured destruction, genetically altered mutations, and or deliberately turning nature into a tool of destruction.

    Here are my reasons for these assumptions.

    As the number of inhabitants increases, so does the use of energy and even if they eventually switch from fossil fuels to more green and sustainable energy sources that don’t trap heat from their sun on the surface, including any type of free energy that produces no heat at all, the planet will still become uninhabitable at some point in time.

    Controlling the Numbers.

    It all has to do with the population of the planet, and unless there is a mutual agreement to control the number of inhabitants, they will never exist for more than a thousand or a few tens of thousands of years. The more billions there are, the more likely that their extinction comes sooner than later.

    Nearly every single carbon-based organism produces methane and CO2 as it turns sustenance into energy to maintain its existence, and as those life forms die off (the decay of organic matter), they rot and produce even more greenhouse gases (consider the billions of corpses beneath the soil of this planet alone). Then you have everything that a civilization’s energy sources fuel to keep them comfortably warm and cool, or keep their transportation systems operating, and if they have wars, well, then it gets even worse. Because all of that produces heat or excess energy that will heat up and pollute the environment. Ultimately causing global warming and climate chaos that leads to extinction.

    Depending on the size of the planet and how much atmosphere the planet will hold. The entire web of life will still break down and collapse if the billions of inhabitants continue to grow in numbers well beyond the capabilities of the technologies and resources that control the amount of heat being produced.

    So basically, civilizations can only control the heat and excess energy released into the surrounding environment and atmosphere, if the numbers are kept low enough to sustain that process indefinitely. Once you surpass that equilibrium society and all of civilization collapses.

    But when you have out-of-control burning of ecosystems that convert CO2 into Oxygen, numerous wars raging around the globe, covert or overt geoengineering that disrupts climate patterns, and obsession of power and control by a specific segment of the population. That civilization will never achieve any sense of equilibrium, even if it solves the greenhouse gas emissions problem, but most importantly, if it allows the population to grow into the tens of billions of inhabitants.

    The only way possible to maintain a balance with the natural processes of a planet is to keep the numbers low enough, so that nature isn’t stressed beyond its ability to sustain life in every facet of every ecosystem. Keeping the numbers low also keeps the amount of methane being released by the decaying life forms to a minimum, as the excess heat and energy will cause even more to be released into the environment than what can be controlled by the existing resources and technologies.

    Wars and Climate Engineering.

    Mutually assured destruction from insane wars of vengeance and retribution could lead to a completely frozen world, an inhospitable hot world, or one that becomes so saturated in nuclear radiation that even space explorers avoid it at all costs. And armies that turn nature into a destructive force with geoengineering operations that create massive heat waves, floods, droughts, blizzards, hailstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, dust storms, firestorms, and even deadly ultraviolet radiation exposure periods, from the weather chaos it helped to produce, will ultimately keep civilizations from attaining a sustained and balanced equilibrium. Wars could also lead to outbreaks of plagues and or even cannibalism that ends up creating even more plagues. Conflicts and wars also lead to the contamination of food and water supplies. Not to mention the senseless destruction of Nature itself and the needless loss of countless lives.


    When the ancient Egyptian Empire began tampering with genetics it opened a Pandora’s Box, and civilizations that do the same on other worlds, will ultimately create mutations that destroy any achievable equilibrium. Genetically modifying anything will disrupt nature’s cycles of evolution, unless it is used to save a race from extinction. But even then, Pandora’s Box can never be sealed again, and that civilization will suffer the consequences of a damaged DNA pattern to all life on the planet. A completely artificial world will never exist for more than a few thousand years, without the benefits that nature provides. But even if they solve the aging process by halting what causes DNA to become damaged in the first place, they still won’t live forever or for millions of years if they can’t protect nature and the dwindling resources or control the numbers of their population.

    And then there is Artificial Intelligence, which I omitted from the list, but recognize that it could very well be the Great Filter and when you allow anything artificial to propagate you still limit the existence of a civilization. But in this case, it could be just a few hundred years after it achieves self-awareness, to only ten years or less from the time it feels the need to protect its own existence. Then there is the possibility that some civilizations may have created a form of AI before their extinction and could even be what we are seeing in our skies and labeling as UFOs. So, even if Earthly AI doesn’t lead to our extinction, theirs could.

    In Summary.

    And we wonder why there always seems to be some sort of agenda out there to depopulate the planet. When nature usually finds a way to do that on its own, but when we turn nature against every aspect of life on the planet for the purpose of gaining power and control over the masses. That’s when you end up with a total extinction event that comes at blinding speed.

    If any civilization existed for millions of years, it’s because they were able to keep their population from growing out of control, and never allowed any faction to gain power and control over the rest. They would have also forbidden conflicts and wars to erupt anywhere on their home planet and never allowed them to destroy their ventures in space exploration. Plus, they more than likely never opened Pandora’s Box of genetics and AI.

    Humanity, unfortunately, will never achieve any of that, as we are already spiraling over the “Great Filter” cliff and impact is now imminent. Because we flirt with everything on the list of things that I feel will lead to civilization’s extinction. Humanity became intelligent but we never found a way to become mature and responsible. Since we never focused on getting full support from every nation on some form of birth control, all of us are now on this dead-end path that leads to the end of our existence.

    Carl Sagan once said: “When a civilization master’s the ability to control the weather on their own planet, it doesn’t mean that they have achieved the next level of intelligence or advanced technology on the scale of a species’ evolutionary process. It simply means that they are now responsible for becoming benevolent stewards of nature or allowing incompetent actions to destroy their world and usher in the extinction of their entire race.”

    As John F. Kennedy might have possibly said in response to Doctor Sagan’s quote: “We choose the former and not the latter. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because it defines us as who we are and what humanity stands for in a world that holds dignity and morality to a higher standard”. Kennedy would have never allowed the military to turn weather into a weapon.

  5. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Only about 6% of American homeowners have flood insurance. In the hardest hit areas of North Carolina, where the flood waters from hurricane Helene either swept away entire homes and personal belongings or destroyed them completely and only left behind piles of rubble and debris, those property owners that had flood insurance total just 2%. However, that’s still relatively high compared to the overall numbers in the state, which is around 0.7%. South Carolina comes in at just 0.6%.

    In those counties that suffered the highest loss of life, one person clung to a utility pole for seven hours before being swept away by flood waters and was never seen again. Eleven employees at a plastics plant clung to a bus for several hours before they were also swept away. The only warning that residents and businesses had before the flooding began was an alert from AccuWeather. No government agency or government funded emergency services, including NOAA Weather Radio, issued warnings of any type prior to the extremely swift and rapidly rising flood waters.

    The people of North Carolina were left to fend for themselves by the very same government whose duty it is to protect the American people. The federal government should be held accountable for their inept actions, but they have full immunity in cases like this. That needs to change. Because they don’t even officially recognize extreme heat outbreaks from long duration heat domes, as any type of emergency that would require federal assistance.

    Most people still believe that the government will do everything in their power to keep everyone safe. The key word here is “Power”, and that’s the only thing that they protect, even it means the senseless loss of countless lives. Their goal of achieving unstoppable military power and complete control of the weather always takes precedence over everything else.

    Geoengineering is nothing more than a harbinger of death and should be banned in its entirety by all nations, governments, and the people of planet Earth.

    I seriously disagree with much of what Marjorie Taylor Greene says or stands for, but I give her some credit for being bold enough to say this about hurricane Helene: "Yes they control the weather,” adding, “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

  6. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Earth Angel, In reference to your horses. The exact same thing is taking place here. The horses on our farm get bathed every four months or sooner if needed. We also use medicated shampoo with Betadine in the mix. But twice now after heavy downpours from a filthy sky and rain that smells of chemicals, the horses came down with the same large hive like and small scabby bumps. The Vet said it could even be mites, but they all tested negative for parasites. One got sick, and we almost had to put her down until our medicine "girl", who learned from our elders, tried some special poultices and herbal ointment, with nutrients added to her diet. She is well now but still getting the scabies no matter what we do to try and protect her.

    They show up every time it rains after heavy aerosol spraying, even if we keep them locked up in the barns. So, they don't even have to get soaked by the rain and we have never seen anything like it… ever.

  7. Jeanette S says:

    The Amazon is dry as a bone like the Mississippi was. Ship the storm their way with their permission only of course.

  8. Ben Billings says:

    North Carolina town that produces quartz needed for tech products is devastated by Helene – Updated 2:48 PM MDT, October 2, 2024

    “SPRUCE PINE, N.C. (AP) — Two North Carolina facilities that manufacture the high-purity quartz used for making semiconductors, solar panels and fiber-optic cables have been shut down by Hurricane Helene with no reopening date in sight.”
    “Sibelco (based in Antwerp, Belgium) and The Quartz Corp both shut down operations in the Appalachian town of Spruce Pine on Thursday ahead of the storm that swept away whole communities in the western part of the state and across the border in East Tennessee. The town is home to mines that produce some of the world’s highest quality quartz.”
    Vince Beiser, author of “The World in a Grain,” said in an email:
    “To make silicon chips, you need to first melt down a highly-purified material called polysilicon. That can only be done in crucibles that are themselves made of a material so pure it will not react chemically with the polysilicon and is also able to withstand enormous heat,” he said. “The best material for those crucibles is ultra-pure quartz. Spruce Pine is the source of the purest natural quartz ever found on Earth.”

    A tiny town just got slammed by Helene. It could massively disrupt the tech industry – Updated October 1, 2024

    “A tiny town in North Carolina that’s just been devastated by hurricane Helene could end up severely disrupting the global supply chain for microchips and solar panels.
    Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, the community of Spruce Pine, population 2,194, is known for its hiking, local artists and as America’s sole source of high-purity quartz. Helene dumped more than 2 feet of rain on the town, destroying roads, shops and cutting power and water.”
    “As far as we know, there’s only a few places in the world that have ultra-high-quality quartz,” according to Ed Conway, author of “Material World: The Six Raw Materials That Shape Modern Civilization”. Russia and Brazil also supply high-quality quartz, he says, but “Spruce Pine has far and away the [largest amount] and highest quality.”
    “Conway says without super-pure quartz for the crucibles, which can often be used only a single time, it would be impossible to produce most semiconductors.”

    The Ultra-Pure, Super-Secret Sand That Makes Your Phone Possible

    “(Alex) Glover is a recently retired geologist who has spent decades hunting for valuable minerals in the hillsides and hollows of the Appalachian Mountains that surround this tiny town…… He explains why this remote area is so tremendously important to the rest of the world.”

    “It’s quartz, but not just any quartz. Spruce Pine, it turns out, is the source of the purest natural quartz—a species of pristine sand—ever found on Earth. This ultra‑elite deposit of silicon dioxide particles plays a key role in manufacturing the silicon used to make computer chips.”

    ….. Since the railroad arrived in 1903 ….. “Locals and wildcatters dug hundreds of shafts and open pits in the mountains of what became known as the Spruce Pine Mining District, a swath of land 25 miles by 10 miles that sprawls over three counties.”

    Editor’s Comments: Let’s connect the dots and speculate.…

    1. Could it be that the Spruce Pine Mining District – a swath of land 25 miles by 10 miles – is the most valuable and sought after chunk of real estate on Planet Earth?  High purity quartz is essential for making computer chips – and ultimately for mega-computers that are in turn are essential for the total mind control of global populations. Did the statement by then Vice-President Lyndon Johnson in 1961 that “he who controls the weather controls the world” – been upstaged and overshadowed by “he who controls the Spruce Pine quartz mines controls the world”?

    2. As with all potentially valuable ore/geologic deposits – many diagnostic tools – such as core drill samples – are employed to fully categorize the extent and quality of the deposit – and the  data is assembled to create a 3-dimensional model of the deposit. Could it be that this quartz deposit is far bigger and better quality than the global industrial establishment formerly realized?

    3. Will the Feds declare that this area is no longer habitable and seize the land – and with it the priceless geology? Is the prize so lusted after that weather warfare, outright murder, and destruction of the environment is being utilized to remove those “pesky hill-billies” who are “squatting” on this priceless real estate? Will World War III start in North Carolina with the global corporations and governments battling it out over the “control” of this resource? Isn’t that war is all about – power, control, and the domination of land and natural resources?

    4. There were claims some years back- that the Spruce Pine quartz mines – are some of the most heavily surveiled and protected industrial sites in the world.

    5. Considering front line data from – there is reason to believe that Hurricane Helene was augmented on making landfall – and was steered into its actual trajectory.

    6. There may be many other agendas at play in this hurricane scenario:
    – How about the lithium mining in the general area – claimed by some to be the richest in the world?
    – How many people died as a result of this hurricane? Did FEMA immediately begin effective rescue operations for the people of the area? How about the North Carolina “National Guard”?
    – What do you think or know?

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