Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 19, 2024, #480


Dane Wigington

From unnatural firestorms to chemical cooldowns, "Global water cycle off balance for first time in human history, threatening half the planet’s food production" (CNN). "Scientists Warn of Irreversible Damage in 2024 Climate Report – The Future of Humanity Hangs in the Balance” (SciTechDaily). After decades of covert climate intervention operations, how's it going so far? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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4 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 19, 2024, #480

  1. Jeanette S says:

    Here is a tidbit Dane…*Barimetric pressure readings 30.6 is very high. 10/19/24,10:33amPST bmp 30.6 AshevilleNC, CharlotteNC,on the West end ; 30.5 Alexandria, NYC, Tewksbury, St. Louis, Branson, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Buffalo ; 30.4 W Ylwstne, Truckee, M City, Des Moines, Ok City, CharlestonSC, Green Bay, Savannah ; 30.3 Houston, Minneapolis, Tampa; 30.2 Miami; 30.0 Los Angeles. Tropical Storm Oscar is brewing in the Caribbean islands.*

  2. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    One last thing… I promise.

    Climate engineering is a secret weapon being used by the military. When have they ever allowed their secret stealth or sunkwork operations to be exposed? Why would geoengineering be any different?

  3. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    I just want to say this before I move on Dane. The climate scientists that I have befriended recently have asked me to convey their deepest and most sincere gratitude for bringing up the suspicious circumstances surrounding their colleague and friend Nick Wiltgen’s death in January of 2016.

    If anyone out there is paying attention, the matrix control structure has been using vehicular assassinations to silence anyone who tries to expose government and military corruption and nefarious covert operations. In the last five years alone 118 people who have been targeting for trying to do the right thing, including whistleblowers like those at Boeing, have all been killed in suspicious vehicle, plane and helicopter crashes. They even make them look like they are suicide by setting up the old tailpipe hose into the cabin deaths by CO2 intoxication, and by electronically (use of radio frequency waves) inducing heart attacks, self-inflicted gunshot wounds and pushing them out of windows or off of rooftops. But those methods raise too many questions these days, considering how many armchair detectives and sleuths there are on the internet. Even those whom they suspect might blow the whistle on them are being eliminated in speeding accidents. It truly takes courage and determination to mention these cases and they are all very appreciative of your efforts to bring them to the light of day. Especially Mr. Wiltgen's, who was never known to be suicidal a day in his life.

    Of those 118 mysterious deaths, 63 of them resulted in vehicles suddenly speeding out of control and crashing into concrete barriers or solid masonry buildings, impacting with moving trains, ripping through guardrails at steep cliff ledges, and over tall bridges plummeting into ravines and rivers. None of them, and they want to make this absolutely clear, that none of them involved multi-vehicular accidents. Except for those that crashed through or off of barriers before veering into traffic.

    Some were left in comas and later pronounced brain-dead, because of unknown medical circumstances or procedures that were inexplicably not performed in critical care situations, and a few of them somehow suffered from injuries that weren’t originally detected by paramedics and hospital emergency staff… or even the attending physicians and surgeons. They somehow received those injuries while in recovery. With most of them being blunt force trauma to the head.

    As though to follow up when the job had not been done the first time around, and these facts come from the climate experts themselves… not me. So, yes, it scares the hell out of them and they never know when they might be targeted next.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Short Nature story… this afternoon I noticed many honeybees in the yard, clearly stressed (pitch of wing beats is higher). Realized few flowers remain. They were hungry! I put out hummingbird food and had 50 +/- eating in no time. Then I fixed a shallow dish with gravel and nectar for the coming weeks.

    I get beef trimmings from local meat departments to help supplement the diet of some of the other wildlife that seem to seek me out. People have not been good stewards of the planet; I do not feel bad helping them.

    Keep your actions grounded in LOVE instead of fear as you ripple Life's waters. Remember too that your thoughts are like seeds- flowers or weeds? 

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