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The Great Greenland Meltdown



From a helicopter clattering over Greenland's interior on a bright July day, the ice sheet below tells a tale of disintegration. Long, roughly parallel cracks score the surface, formed by water and pressure; impossibly blue lakes of meltwater fill depressions; and veiny networks of azure streams meander west, flowing to the edge of the ice sheet and eventually out to sea.

The scientists flying over the world's largest thawing chunk of ice have selected a particularly auspicious summer to be studying the melt. The edges of Greenland's 1.7-million-km2 ice sheet regularly melt in summer, even in years when the ice sheet as a whole grows because of snowfall in its higher, colder center. But in 2016, the melting started early and spread inland fast. By April, 12% of the ice sheet's surface was melting; in an average year the melt doesn't reach 10% until June. And just before the scientists' journey, a violent river of meltwater, one of hundreds coursing out from the ice sheet, swept away a sensor, bolted to a bridge to measure the water's turbidity. It was the second time in 4 years such a device had fallen victim to the liquid fury of the glaciers. "I've been doing these trips for years, but I've never seen so much water," the helicopter pilot told the researchers.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 25, 2017


Dane Wigington

The forced contamination and degradation of populations and the planet continues from countless sources. The military/medical/industrial complex is showing signs of desperation on every front. The shadow government that controls our country will stop at nothing to defend its lifeblood, the petrodollar and the flow of oil. The pharmaceutical industry is helping to fuel the national opiate addiction epidemic that has already killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. Weather whiplash is evolving into full blown climate disintegration. Record heat to chemically ice nucleated snowstorms in a days time is now a regular occurrence. Below is an example from Northern California recorded on 2/24/2017.

This animation clearly reveals waves of far above freezing moisture from the Pacific "changing over to snow" (a newly coined term from The Weather Channel) even at very low elevations as jet air craft disperse chemical ice nucleating elements above the migrating rain cells.

Texas hits 107 degrees in February (shattering all former former February records for the entire US). Globally, 20,000,000 people are predicted to perish in the next 6 months due to starvation. The latest issue of Global Alert News is below.

What will it take for the masses to realize that we all sink or swim together? A committed collective effort to sound the alarm is the great imperative.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


USA Watchdog News Site Covers Critical Climate Engineering Issue


Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past.  Greg continues to make his voice heard as the producer and creator of The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that most of his peers are afraid to even mention. In the article and video below USAWatchdog helps to shine the light on the extremely dire issue of global climate engineering and the planetary devastation it is causing. The sixteen minute video in Greg Hunter's article below is the latest update from USA Watchdog on the critical climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington

Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth – Dane Wigington

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says the number one threat facing humanity is extreme weather modification (being sold as a mitigation measure) to cool the planet.  It’s being done by geoengineering (commonly known as chemtrails) and it must be stopped now because it’s having the opposite effect. Wigington says all climate engineering is really just “weather warfare” and explains, “How long can humans survive without habitat?  If we have an issue that is mathematically the greatest single assault launched by the human race against earth’s natural life support system, why wouldn’t we deal with that first and foremost above anything else?” 445

Geoengineered skies, Phoenix, Arizona. Photo credit: Josh Schultz

One scientific report shows that, at the current rate, life as we know it could end in 10 years. Dane contends, “That is not my data. That data is coming from the most recognized frontline arctic methane climate scientists.  Methane is an issue that is also not being reported.  That is the linchpin on our collective coffin if the atmosphere fills with enough methane.  I don’t want to downplay the damage done to the planet because we have cut down over half of Earth’s forests, we’ve poisoned the oceans, we’ve paved the planet and those are all significant sources of damage, but the single greatest assault on Earth’s natural systems at this time is climate engineering.  When we have that kind of engineering going on, it prevents the planet from responding to the damage done.”

Dane goes on to say, “The power structure knows this is going on, and they know they can’t hide it much longer. What’s their likely hole card that they will play when they know they can’t hide it any longer?  They’ll start World War III, and they are maneuvering for that right now.”

Dane also points out the phenomenon called “weather whiplash,” where it is hot one day and snowing the next, as it did recently in New York. Wigington says this is all being covered up to keep the public in the dark for as long as they can.  Wigington says, “We have the paid liars, and I wish I could use a more diplomatic term.  For example, The Weather Channel is owned by the corporate power structure. . . . We have the foxes running the hen house.  We have people at The Weather Channel trying to explain away the completely engineered weather as natural.  At this point, can we call them anything but paid liars?  With “weather whiplash,” people should understand that something is radically wrong in New York when more than a week ago, we went from record shattering high temperatures to snow in less than 24 hours. . . . This kind of “weather whiplash” can only be created by climate engineering.”

In closing, Wigington says, “We are facing converging cataclysms. When people focus on jobs, economy and retirement, how much will any of that matter if we have a planet that doesn’t support life?  If we lose our habitat and every breath we take is full of toxic heavy metal that is making us sicker and dumber by the day . . . . And my only goal is to bring this issue to light and to a halt.  We know we have major collusion between all the major powers in the world on this issue.  The single biggest leap we can take in the right direction is to expose and stop weather engineering which is weather warfare, and stop these programs in their tracks.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington, Founder of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview: 

Dane Wigington has jam packed with information, numerous sources and articles to back up his points. Wigington sent me a few links that reinforce the points he brought up in this interview, and you can click on them below.

You can also donate to, and that information can be found at the top right hand side of their homepage.

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

‘Beyond The Extreme’: Scientists Marvel At ‘Increasingly Non-Natural’ Arctic Warmth

Arctic temperature difference from normal during January. (

Source: The Washington Post

The Arctic is so warm and has been this warm for so long that scientists are struggling to explain it and are in disbelief. The climate of the Arctic is known to oscillate wildly, but scientists say this warmth is so extreme that humans surely have their hands in it and may well be changing how it operates.

Temperatures are far warmer than ever observed in modern records, and sea ice extent keeps setting record lows.

What The World Would Look Like If All The Ice Melted


Source: National Geographic


If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely, global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountaintops, raising sea level by 216 feet. Explore what the world’s new coastlines would look like.

This story appears in the September 2013 issue of National Geographic magazine.

The maps here show the world as it is now, with only one difference: All the ice on land has melted and drained into the sea, raising it 216 feet and creating new shorelines for our continents and inland seas.

There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. If we continue adding carbon to the atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet, with an average temperature of perhaps 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the current 58.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Onslaught


Dane Wigington

The now near total desperation of the climate engineers to turn warmth into winter is becoming incredibly obvious and blatant to any that are even slightly awake. "Winter Storm Jupiter" is the latest creation of the climate engineers. This so called "winter storm" is simply the product of ionosphere heater generated jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation processes. Highly destructive ice storms are occurring due to the climate engineering chemical cool-downs. These temporary toxic cool-downs are further fueled by "global dimming", a primary goal of the geoengineers and their "solar radiation management" (SRM) programs. The map below shows the "Winter Storm Jupiter" scenario just described. An extremely anomalous and deep jet stream dip is utilized to help siphon up copious amounts of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture.


The power structure owned and operated climate engineering cover-up institutions like The Weather Channel do their best to explain away the completely engineered and anomalous weather as being all just "natural" conditions.

The first satellite/radar animation below reveals the early stages of "Winter Storm Jupiter". As bands of warm moisture migrate north, they are bombarded with chemical ice nucleating agents from above via jet aircraft dispersions. The effect of this chemical ice nucleation process can be clearly seen as cells of precipitation suddenty "flash out" to frozen in spite of the far above freezing temperature moisture. 


A close examination of this animation shows rain "changing over to snow" as far south as northern Mexico while rain can still be seen as far north as Utah, Iowa, and Pennsylvania.

The next satellite/radar animation shows yet more anomalies of warm rain cells "turning over to snow" as moisture continues to migrate north. 


The zone of moisture over New Mexico is of special interest in the satellite/radar loop shown above. Not only is the rain "change over to snow" extremely visible, the radio frequency/microwave transmission manipulation of this moisture zone is also shockingly apparent (circular configuration). The epicenter of this New Mexico RF transmission zone is located just west of Albuquerqe.

The animation below reveals the epicenter of the RF transmission zone (just west of Albuquerque NM) and the effect to the precipitation from the transmissions. Also of interest is the precipitation free wedge that begins just east of the transmission epicenter. This precipitation free wedge is also very visible in the in the satellite/radar animation just shown above.

Radio frequency/microwave transmissions are a core aspect of the climate engineering process. Such transmissions are utilized to manipulate jet aircraft dispersed particulate/chemical elements causing these elements to repel or congeal.

The "forecast" (scheduled weather) map below reveals the core temperatures of the migrating warm moisture as chemically ice nucleated "Winter Storm Jupiter" was unfolding. 


As shown above, temperatures as high as 60 degrees (with rain) immediately decline toward the cores of the chemical cool-down zones.

The "forecast map" for 1/16/17 is even more revealing and shocking in regard to the incredibly warm temperatures in occurring in "Winter Storm Jupiter". With atmospheric conditions this warm, the chemically ice nucleating elements often reach the ground level before setting up as ice, thus creating extremely destructive "ice storms".


With warm migrating moisture with temperatures in the low 70s (straight out of the Gulf of Mexico), why is warm rain "changing over" to ice? With most temperatures on the ground still at well above freezing This is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements that are being utilized on an unimaginable scale as the climate engineers try desperately to turn warmth into winter.

How warm will it be following "Winter Storm Jupiter"? Temperatures will immediately rebound. 


As chemically created "Winter Storm Jupiter" fizzles out, weather whiplash yet again sets in.

Only days after "Winter Storm Jupiter" record or near record heat is forecasted to return to much of the US with some regions warming to almost 30 degrees above normal.


Formally anomalous temperature divides like that shown in the "forecast" map above have become the norm. The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to "force" the climate system by trying to chemically create short term (and highly toxic) cool-downs in a rapidly warming world (Japan and Europe are also being assaulted by completely engineered storms). The slightly below normal temperatures shown for the western US in the forecast map above likely contain the next engineered winter event for the US, "Winter Storm Kori". Warm moisture flowing in from the Pacific will be subjected to yet another climate engineering chemical onslaught in order to continue manipulating the climate perceptions US population. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face. Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity have done immense damage to the planet and climate system,  there can be no legitimate discussion of the weather or the climate system without first and foremost including the single greatest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, global climate engineering. Our planet is accelerating toward a state of total meltdown, though highly destructive (and toxic) covert geoengineering programs can create short term cool-doowns, this manipulation comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming. All of us are needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Arctic Sea Ice Collapse Is Happening Before Our Eyes — And It’s A Worrisome Sign Of What’s To Come


Source: Business Insider

north pole sea ice
A member of a team of Cambridge scientists trying to find out why Arctic sea ice is melting so fast, walks on some drift ice 500 miles (800 km) from the North Pole September 3, 2011. Reuters/Stuart McDill

As 2016 wound down and winter kicked into gear in the Northern Hemisphere, an ominous trend began in the Arctic: sea ice dipped to levels far below normal.

Earth On The Edge: Record Breaking 2016 Was Close To 1.5°C Warming


Source: Copernicus Climate Change Service

Reading, 05 January 2017

  • 2016 confirmed as the warmest year on record, warmer than 2015 by close to 0.2°C
  • Global temperatures reached a peak in February 2016 around 1.5°C higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution
  • Extreme conditions impacting several regions across the Earth

The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5°C warming, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Manufacturing Winter With Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

In the combination satellite/radar image below, two flows of moisture (one in the west, one in the east) are being orchestrated and utilized by the climate engineers in the attempt to cool large regions of the US with chemical ice nucleation processes. The "Pineapple Express" of warm air and moisture is flowing in from the Pacific in the west. This flow of warm moisture was the beginning of "Winter Storm Iras". In the East, an anomalous flow of warm air and moisture from the warm waters southeast of Florida is pushed up the eastern seaboard, this warm flow was the fuel for the final chapter of "Winter Storm Helena".


How can such warm sources of moisture "change over" to snow and cold? Welcome to climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation.

The radar map below was captured at the same approximate time as the combination satellite/radar image above. When comparing these two images, the following question should be considered: how does a warm flow of air and moisture originating from warm oceans south of Cuba suddenly "change over to snow"? The "change over to snow" term is now commonly used by power structure owned "The Weather Channel" paid actors (and other power structure owned sources of weather "forecasting").


Looking closely at the above radar map, some rain cells (unfrozen precipitation) are still visible near the eastern fringes of the chemically nucleated snow zones. 

The next combination satellite/radar map below was taken approximately 20 hours after the similar image shown earlier in this article. The flow of warm moisture from south of Cuba to Maine and beyond was still fueling "Winter Storm Helena". In the west, the "Pineapple Express" was ramping up to fuel "Winter Storm Iras".


As the ongoing global climate engineering assault continues to be ramped up, satellite and radar images are becoming increasingly bizarre. Note that in the image above the entire North American continent is completely covered with a canopy of clouds and atmospheric aerosols. The same is true of mainland Mexico and almost all of the Gulf of Mexico. This is "solar radiation management" in action.

The satellite map below must be compared with the satellite/radar map directly above. As already stated, the warm flow of moisture being utilized for "Winter Storm Iras" is flowing in from the warm Pacific. Consider that there is virtually no snow of frozen precipitation visible in California, even in extremely high mountain locations with elevations well over 10,000 feet. Why not? Because of the very warm sources of this moisture. The day before the image below was captured, it snowed at the valley floor in Redding, California. Redding is at an elevation that is just above sea level at 500 feet. Then, the next day, as shown in the image below, no snow anywhere in the state including at elevations of far over 10,000 feet. 


A final note on the map above to consider, snow is shown falling in southern Mississippi, and only rain at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. What is wrong with this picture?

The short satellite animation below was taken approximately 8 hours after the radar image directly above. The beginning of chemical ice nucleation processes were beginning to appear in California at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Further inland, the warm flow of rain can be seen "changing over" to snow. As the chemical nucleation assault unfolds, the temperatures on the ground level can and do cool dramatically as a cold dense layer of air is created.

Also of note in the animation above, the impact of powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions (used for climate modification) can clearly be seen in parts of Idaho and Washington.

The close up screen shot below is of a radio frequency transmission source in Washington, taken at the same time as the animation above was recorded.


The RF transmissions are a primary component of the ongoing climate modification processes.

The next close up screen shot below, taken over an Idaho RF transmission source, was also captured at the same time as the animation shown earlier.


The RF/microwave transmissions are just one more catastrophically harmful aspect of geoengineering programs.

The next two NOAA extended "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below reveal what is coming for the US, yet more extreme weather whiplash. The chemical cool-downs cannot be kept up indefinitely, the record warmth will again re-appear in the south and East.


Every engineered cool-down that is carried out by the climate engineers comes at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming.

The next extended forecast map below clearly shows a continued expansion of the extremely rapid rebound of warmth for the US. This extended "forecast" map also clearly shows where the climate engineers plan on focusing their efforts next, Alaska (along with continueing massive operations in Europe). The 48 of the US are headed back toward record heat as the geoengineers will do all they can to chemically cool the Arctic in their ever more desperate attempt to hide the implosion of the ice at the poles. The climate engineering chemical cool-downs are used to temporarily (and toxically) mask the ongoing planetary meltdown. 2016 was yet another record shattering warm year on planet Earth.


Radical weather whiplash scenarios will continue to rapidly worsen.

The final NOAA extended "forecast" map indecates that record breaking high temperatures will rapidly replace the preceeding  climate engineering chemical cool-downs.


We must expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, this is not an option, but an absolute imperative. Make your voice heard in this epic battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes


Dane Wigington

Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one example of a US government patent that is designed to give those in power the ability to engineer winter weather on a rapidly warming planet

Appl. No. 538,904

Filed Mar. 25, 1966 Patented Oct. 19, 1971 Assignee The United States of America as represented by the Director of the National Science Foundation WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD.

WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.

The present invention relates to weather modification and more particularly to the production of rain or snow by introducing into natural atmospheric clouds seeding agents having a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water.

Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Laboratory experiments have shown urea to be effective in producing ice crystals in a vapor cloud having a temperature as high as +6 C. ln field experiments, urea has been observed to cause snow showers… 

Such a seeding agent is capable of acting both as a condensation nucleus and as an ice nucleus. Typical materials which have a high solubility in water coupled with a large endothermic heat of solution in water are potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Laboratory and field experiments have shown finely divided, crystalline urea to be an effective seeding agent…

Weather warfare has been waged against populations all over the globe for decades, this includes the US population. Engineered winter weather events are now the norm. Though US media has done their best to sweep the subject of weather warfare under the rug in recent decades, there is a great deal of historical coverage. The article below was published in a 1958 issue of Popular Science, it is just one example.

Click any images below to enlarge

GeoengineeringWatch magazine1

Weather warfare has long since been the covert weapon of choice for the power structure.

An issue of Collier's Magazine that is over 60 years old is yet another example of the extremely long history of weather/climate modification and warfare.


This 1954 issue article of Collier's Magazine is essential reading for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of how long climate modification has been conducted by the US military.

The US military has made clear the fact that they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to the climate and biosphere in the process. 

A Massive Engineered Winter Chemical Cool-Down Assault On The US Population Is Coming

The latest NOAA long term forecast map below should be alarming to any that take the time to examine it closely. The latest theatrically named "winter storm" from power structure owned "The Weather Channel" was "Winter Storm Fortis". This engineered event pushed warmer than average moisture from the Atlantic Ocean over northern parts of New England where many regions saw chemically nucleated snow fall (facilitated by geoengineering jet aircraft dispersions of materials over precipitation zones) at far above freezing temperatures. "Winter Storm Gregory" will be named as part of the engineered winter scenario I am outlining in this article. Alaska, the Arctic, and parts of Florida are forecasted (scheduled) to remain at, or return to, record warmth. The arctic as a whole remains in a meltdown scenario while weather whiplash continues in the US and countless other locations around the globe. Engineering winter has long since been business as usual in many countries.


The projected (scheduled) record cold zone for much of the US comes after the warmest autumn in the US since record keeping began

When endothermic reacting (toxic) ice nucleating materials are utilized on a massive scale for climate intervention/modification programs, convection is greatly impacted, too many condensation nuclei are present, and precipitation is generally greatly reduced (from what it would have otherwise been) in the core of the engineered chemical cool-down zones. The NOAA precipitation forecast (scheduled weather) map below is for the same window of time as the  NOAA map above. It is not hard to recognize that the regions scheduled to get the greatest percentage of above normal precipitation are also generally the regions that are scheduled to experience the greatest above normal temperatures  ("A" refers to above normal precipitation on the NOAA maps, "B" is below normal).


In the NOAA map above we should ask this, how does moisture flowing in from the Pacific migrate directly over the Western States with far below normal precipitation? Then, as the moisture continues to flow east (further from the epicenter of the engineered cool-down zone), precipitation transitions to above normal. Why aren't NOAA and NWS personnel speaking out? An illegal federal gag order has been placed on them on all NOAA and NWS employees.

Global temperature deviations in the Average Temperature Anomaly map below tell the bigger picture story. The extremely blotchy composition of hot and cold zones should be alarming to us all. Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical/biological ice nucleation cool-downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out. NASA has also long since been a part of the ice nucleation experimentation, some of the elements utilized for this purpose are synthesized urea, and E-coli.


The weather modification chemical cool-downs create a cold, dense (but shallow) layer of air that settles down to the surface and lowers temperatures on the ground. This process is essential for the manipulation of climate perspectives. The engineered winter events are used to create and expand division and confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate.

Massive air mass manipulation is also accomplished with engineered high and low pressure zones. The use of ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are the a primary factor with this type of manipulation.


Extremely anomalous weather/climate patterns have now become the norm. Global climate engineering operations have completely derailed the Earth's natural climate system.

Meteorologists at The Weather Channel have already admitted to the highly unusual weather pattern that is helping to facilitate the coming abnormal cool-down on a rapidly warming world. High pressure ridges will remain locked anomalously in place on both sides of the North American continent. This configuration will assist with robbing what cold air there is in the Arctic, and will push this air south in an almost perfect outline that will cover the land mass of the lower 48 states.


The ability the climate engineers now have to manipulate Earth's life support systems is far beyond alarming. Geoengineering is nothing short of weather warfare

Again, how do flows of moisture coming from the west off of record warm global oceans create temperatures that are predicted (scheduled) to be nearly 40 degrees below normal in regions only slightly inland? What is the final product of the the climate engineering chemically ice nucleated cool-down for the US? Radically lowered engineered temperatures at ground level in parts of the US will accompany the start to the new year. The US media will hype and dramatize this completely engineered cool-down. This will obscure the previous climate headlines of the warmest autum on record in the US and also the fact that 2016 will be the warmest year yet recorded on planet Earth since record keeping began. We will soon see if the climate enigneers are actually able to achieve the level and duration of cooldown that they are attempting to carry out.


The scale of climate decimation being inflicted on populations around the globe by the climate engineers is so incomprehensibly massive, it could never be quantified.

So what are the "predictions" for the 2017 summer temperatures in the US? Above normal to far above normal temperatures for virtually all of the US.


Every single event that the climate engineers orchestrate adds to the total biosphere/climate destruction being inflicted on the planet by the human race.

We are in a fight for life, nothing less. The unfolding environmental/climate implosion cannot be hidden for much longer. As the desperation of the power structure grows, they will likely continue their push toward WWlll. Mathematically speaking, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. Not only are the geoengineers ripping apart the climate/life support systems of the planet, they are irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. The climate science community is (and has been) completely betraying populations and the web of life by remaining silent on the climate engineering/weather warfare total tyranny being conducted by our own government (and other governments). Anti-climate engineering activists are desperately needed to actually be active. Educate yourself on exactly how you can help to sound the alarm on the most critical issue of climate engineering, make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Winter Weather Warfare Assault Continues


Dane Wigington

The latest completely engineered winter weather assault to be launched on US populations is the theatrically named "Winter Storm Europa"  How severe does the rapidly worsening weather whiplash have to get before populations face the fact that ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs are decimating and derailing Earth's climate and life support systems?

How extreme, anomalous, and unnatural was the divide between extreme cold and record heat in the US on Sunday? The map below shows a shocking scenario.


The increasingly extreme temperature swings are wreaking havoc on all life forms.

Skies all over the globe are being sprayed with highly toxic aerosols that are a core component of the climate intervention operations (these are NOT condensation trails).  In the forecast model below, warm flows of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico are chemically ice nucleated by the geoengineers. This process creates the short term chemical cool-downs that have now become the norm.

The bullseye of impact from "Winter Storm Europa" was yet again directed toward the Dakotas.


Ice storms are now almost always seen in the transition zones between warm flows of moisture (used as fuel for the engineered winter weather events) and the core of the chemically ice nucleated zones.

The Dakota Water Protectors have been consistently and severely impacted by extreme "winter weather". This has occurred even after the US experienced its warmest autumn ever recorded. Is this also just a coincidence? The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers. Warm (far above freezing) flows of moisture can clearly be seen "flashing out" to snow for no apparent reason (meteorologically speaking). The power structure paid disinformation sources like "The Weather Channel" have now called this process "changing over to snow".  Official sources of weather forecasting and information are simply covering the tracks of the climate engineers as they have been paid to do. The radar loop shown below is undeniable proof of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification".

Chemical ice nucleation of the warm flow of moisture from the south is clearly visible in the radar animation above. A close examination also reveals radio frequency transmission manipulation with an epicenter located in Rapid City. Why don't we have whistleblowers sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity? The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration employees is certainly a major factor. 

In the map below, major ice storm impacts (mentioned earlier) are seen in the transition zone where the warm flow of moisture from the south is being chemically nucleated.


As mentioned earlier, disinformation sources (like The Weather Channel) are doing their best to convince populations that is is now normal to have a "warm side" and a "cold side" to a "winter storm".

The storm severity map below clearly shows the epicenter of the extreme weather from "WInter Storm Europa" is directly on top of the Dakota Water Protector protest zone. 


The red zones in the map above reveal the most severe impact zones of "Winter Storm Europa".

What is worth noting in the next map (shown below) are the extremely warm temperatures that exist in the flows of moisture that continue to feed "Winter Storm Europa". As this flow of moisture migrates to the North East, temperatures of over 60 degrees are visible only a short distance from the chemically cooled ice nucleation zones. We now almost never hear the power structure paid "weather forecasters" referring to snow levels based on elevations. Now, thanks to climate engineering, you are either on the warm side of the storm or the cold side of the storm. Elevation is now generally no longer a factor.


Scenarios like the one shown in the map above are historically unprecedented. Now such scenarios are considered the norm.

The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to try and cover up the rapidly worsening planetary meltdown with more and more "engineered winter" short term toxic cool-downs. The paradox is this, every climate intervention that the climate engineers carry out makes the overall warming of the planet worse, not better. The Geoengineers are destroying the ozone layer, disrupting the hydrological cycle, fueling forest fires, and contaminating the entire planet in the process. 2016 will be the third record shattering hot year in a row and this record will occur in spite of the fact that "official" agencies are UNDERREPORTING high temperatures, not exaggerating them. 


The meltdown of the polar region is of especially grave concern. The bright red zones at the top of this Temperature Anomaly map clearly reveals the ongoing Arctic meltdown. Massive formerly frozen methane deposits are now rapidly thawing and releasing. These methane releases may soon determine our collective fate, climate intervention programs are making the methane releases worse overall, not better

We must all work together in the most critical effort to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Those that have chosen to deny or hide from reality must realize that their denial will not stop what is coming. Join the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering planetary omnicide, help us in the battle to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2016


Dane Wigington

The clock of our collective futures continues to tick toward midnight. How much of the population has any real idea about what is unfolding at blinding speed? The record high stock market ponzi scheme house of cards has kept the masses pacified and willfully blind to corporate layoffs, environmental implosion, and countless other issues. Private banker printed fiat money is still ruling the day, but twilight is now upon us. Why are British and US soldiers fighting alongside terrorists in Aleppo? The public relations person in charge of climate engineering disinformation, Dr. David Keith, has come up with a new idea about what should be sprayed into our atmosphere by geoengineering jet aircraft. Keith now says we should use calcium carbonate. Dr. Keith, what happened to your promotion of spraying 20,000,000 tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually? Whether actively or passively, so many circles in the science community have completely betrayed populations and the planet. The same is true with the circles of the medical industrial complex. What will it take for the medical community to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines, fluoridated water, and many other issues? The Dakota water protectors get hit with yet another snowstorm while temperatures at the North Pole skyrocket to almost 60 degrees above normal, for the second year in a row. What is the shadow government doing while the unraveling of the biosphere and society progresses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Some feel no motivation to fight for the greater good unless they are given a guarantee of success, but we would do well to remember there are no such certainties in life.  We would do well to also remember that life is, at best, a seasonal occupation, and the season is short. Why are we here? If it is not to do our part for the greater good, then why?

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down Continues


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are not a proposal, but have long since been a lethal reality. "Winter Storm Decima" is bearing down on the US, but is this storm truly a natural weather occurrence? Will the hyped headlines on this event tell the real story of the global climate picture? An examination of the latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map below very clearly reveals where it is cool, and where it is not. The rapid heating of the polar regions continues to accelerate (as is the overall heating of the planet), but key western power population centers are miraculously cool. How can this be? Why does mainstream media exclusively cover the cool zones (with enthusiastic theater-like portrayals) while at the same time completely ignoring temperatures in the Arctic that have recently been almost 60 degrees ABOVE NORMAL?


The chemically ice nucleated cool-down focus zones are very visible in the global "temperature departure from average" map above. The extremely anomalous cool zones (in a record warm world) are located in regions which provide the headlines of "dangerous cold" that power structure controlled western media sources like The Weather Channel are paid to hype.

There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by the completely out of control power structure, none of those agendas are benevolent or for the common good. One of the primary objectives of the climate engineers is to keep the first world populations of western nations confused and divided as to the true condition of the overall global climate. Keeping the masses oblivious and bewildered in regard to what is unfolding until the last possible moment is a key aspect of power structure planning. The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation/geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and/or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element). If you don't think water (cloud moisture) can artificially be chemically ice nucleated, think again. The Chinese government openly announced that they were engineering snowstorms. Engineered snowstorms are wreaking havoc around the globe. The two very short videos of lab tests below are examples of chemical and biological ice nucleation.

When the climate engineers seed storm clouds (via jet aircraft spray dispersions) with chemical or biological ice nucleating elements, precipitation that falls often reaches the surface before setting up and freezing. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly aggressive with the use of chemical ice nucleation in a desperate attempt to create short term (toxic) cool-downs.


In recent years freak ice storms have become the norm. Ice storms are occurring even in coastal zones with oceans that are at record warm temperatures. ​

The short weather radar map below should be examined carefully. Rain cells that are in far above freezing air masses can be observed anomalously "changing over to snow". This is a recently coined phrase that has now been adopted by many "forecasting" (scheduled weather) agencies.

Click to enlarge

Virginia Weather Radar Loop

In the animation above take note of the rain cells that are migrating toward Morgantown which are "changing over to snow". At the same time the radar map loop was recorded, the temperatures in Morgantown were from +35 to +41 degrees (shown in the screenshot below), why was the rain from a warm flow of southerly moisture suddenly "changing over to snow? 


As the chemical ice nucleation process progresses, a shallow cold dense layer of air is eventually created at the ground level. The chemical nucleation process creates an endothermic reaction that tends to reduce the overall precipitation amounts. 

The highly toxic short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming, this includes the Earth's oceans.  Sea surfaces are also being chemically nucleated in the polar regions.


The extremely anomalous sea ice formations along the polar shoreline shown above are a harbinger of aggressive chemical ice nucleation programs being carried out by the climate engineers.

Global sea ice volume (mass) is declining rapidly as shown in the graph below.


The plummeting sea ice levels are of grave concern, but there is very little media coverage of what is unfolding at the poles.

The thinning of sea ice is especially profound in the Arctic. As the melting of polar ice accelerates, the Arctic could be ice free by next year, the summer of 2017. The desperate attempts of the climate engineers to mask the unfolding reality is only greatly exacerbating the overall climate and biosphere implosion.


Arctic sea ice volume (mass) is seldom referred to by "official" sources for a reason, ice mass has crashed and is still declining. Massive sea floor methane deposites in the Arctic are also thawing and releasing into the atmosphere.

Climate ​engineering has also greatly contributed to exponentially increasing forest fires around the globe. The atmospheric soot and ash from these fires settles down on ice deposits making them darker and thus more prone to absorb solar energy.


Greenland ice is melting at a record pace, the meltdown will continue to contribute to rapidly increasing sea level rise. Photo credit: Sara Penrhyn-Jones

The west coast satellite animation below was captured as "Winter Storm Decima" began to hit the US west coast on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The flow of relatively warm moisture from the Pacific can clearly be seen "changing over" to snow over large regions for no logical reason as the incoming flow of Pacific moisture was not cold enough. Also of note in the satellite loop below is the anomalous precipitation-free zone that is around the Eureka region of the California coast. Precipitation flows toward this zone, stops, and then continues farther to the north east. With careful observation of the animation below, a microwave transmission location can be deciphered southwest of Eureka (these transmissions are part of the climate engineering process). A very high percentage of the moisture flowing over California (and the west) is heavily sprayed with atmspheric aerosols which effectively keeps much of the moisute from falling. The aerosol saturation contribues to vast expanses of largely precipitationless cloud cover. This helps the climate engineers to migrate available moisture further inland where they can continue the chemical ice  nucleation cool-down process. Additional seeding of the clouds with larger condensation nuclei further inland can bring the migrating moisture down in the location of choice for the climate engineers.

Click to enlarge

Redding Radar Loop

Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation dispersions are creating engineered snow storms in many regions where it is not cold enough for natural ice nucleation to occur. When chemical ice nucleation is utilized in colder zones, the ground level temperatures can be dropped to dangerous levels like those recently seen in the Dakotas which followed a record warm autumn in the US.

The satellite/radar image below shows the earlier mentioned microwave transmission source (southwest of Eureka) with much more clarity.


Radio frequency/microwave transmissions can manipulate the sprayed electrically conductive atmospheric particulates. This, in turn, can manipulate air masses and precipitation patterns. 

Anomalous "ice balls" have been washing up on shores all over the globe in recent years. Often these "ice balls" appear on bodies of water that are far above the freezing point, why? It is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements. This type of artificially nucleated material can also remain "frozen" in astoundingly high temperatures.


Perfectly spherical "ice balls" are now becoming common on shorelines in northern latitudes. Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

So, how cold is the start of "WInter Storm Decima"? Not so much. Warm moisture off the Pacific is nucleated as it heads inland. An "ice storm" zone exists in the transition zone between the warmer moisture and the chemical nucleated storm interior.


How cold will the end of "Winter Storm Decima" be? Outside of the chemically nucleated jet stream manipulated interior of the "storm", not very cold. Again, there are large "ice storm" zones predicted (from the chemically nucleated precipitation) in the transition zones between the warmer moisture flows and the interior sections of the "storm". Why are there "icy" zones predicted in regions with such high temperatures in the "forecast"?


It is essential to understand the full arsenal of climate engineering weapons that are being implemented against unsuspecting populations. Chemically nucleated engineered cool-downs and snowstorms are a primary aspect of the global climate engineering onslaught. Climate engineering will continue to fuel ever more abrupt and radical "wheather whiplash" events all over the world. Help us to expose and halt the insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

November Was A Bad Month For Arctic Sea Ice. The Overall Picture Is Much Worse.



“We are all ice-dependent species.”

If you stumbled across an alarming chart about sea ice on Twitter last month and doomsday scenarios immediately leaped into your head, you’re not alone.

What the graph illustrates is true: There’s substantially less sea ice in the world than ever before. The Arctic ― and, for completely unrelated reasons, the Antarctic ― just closed out November with less ice than any other year in history.

But the real cause for alarm isn’t last month’s warming blip in the Arctic that temporarily stalled ice growth, an anomaly that happens from time to time. Nor is it the concurrent loss of ice in the Antarctic ― since, to the best of our knowledge, the behavior of sea ice in one hemisphere has nothing to do with the behavior of sea ice in the other.

The scariest part of all this is the long-term warming trend it follows.

Power Structure Wages Weather Warfare Against Dakota Pipeline Protesters


Dane Wigington

The Dakota pipeline protests have become the frontline representation of the critical struggle against a completely out of control totalitarian power structure. Those in power cannot afford to allow this justifiable protest to continue or succeed. Geoengineering/weather warfare has now been added to the already long list of criminal assaults that have been hurled at the peaceful pipeline protesters. In the coming days and weeks, weather warfare will likely be the most deadly and effective weapon that the power structure will wield against the pieceful Dakota pipeling protesters.


Record snowfall amounts have buried the pipeline protest camp at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, November 29, 2016​. Photo credit: Reuters

Climate engineering and the use of toxic chemical ice nucleation elements are the reason a record early season snow has just occurred in the exact region of the protests (named winter storm "Blanche"). If you don't believe snowstorms can be completely engineered, you have not done your research. Weather warfare has long since been a covert weapon of choice for the criminals that truly control our government. Is it just a coincidence that a record early season snowstorm also decimated the Occupy Wall Street protesters?


Occupy Wall Street protesters prepare for the record October, 2011, snowstorm that decimated their camp.

Weather modification activities were also noted over the massive historical gathering in Woodstock. The combination satellite radar images below clearly reveal extreme and completely unnatural weather anomalies over the continental US. The first satellite/radar image below was taken at 11:30 am (ET), Monday, shows a ribbon of warm air and moisture flowing in a northeasterly direction all the way from far west of Baja California, across Mexico and Texas (picking up even more warm moisture from the Gulf of Mexico). This flow of warm air and moisture pushes north where some of it eventually gets caught up in the counterclockwise low pressure system being held directly over the protest region (via atmospheric manipulation with radio frequency/microwave transmissions). An engineered winter chemical ice nucleation assault (by jet aircraft aerosol spraying) was then unleashed in the stationary low pressure circulation.


Note the center of the counterclockwise spinning low pressure system centered almost exactly over the pipeline protest region.

Massive atmospheric aerosol spraying operations were also occurring off of the US west coast on Monday, November 28, 2016. The aerosol saturation reduces west coast precipitation and thus contributes to the effective migration of Pacific moisture further east toward the low pressure vortex over the protest zone.


In addition to the extensive aerosol spraying visible in this NASA satellite image, some radio frequency manipulation waves can be seen in the upper right corner of the satellite image.

By the evening of Monday, November 28, 2016, the huge plum of warm moisture is pulled closer to the still stationary spinning vortex over the Dakota protests.


Aerosolized chemically cooled moisture flowing in from the Pacific also merges with the engineered Dakota snowstorm.

At 9:45 am (ET), November 30, 2016, the stationary Dakota vortex continues to spin (winter storm "Blanche"). The plume of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture is now directed at Maine, where "winter storm Blanche" has been scheduled by the weather makers to continue (completely separated from the still ongoing original "winter storm Blanche" over the Dakotas).


The engineered cutoff low pressure zone has remained incredibly stationary and nearly centered over the Dakota pipeline protest zone.

The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals just how warm it actually was in the regions near the center of the Dakota storm and along the entire track from which much of the storm moisture came.


Radical temperature divides, like the departures from "normal" reflected in the map above (shown in degrees Fharenheit +/-), are historically unprecedented. Now such incredible imbalances have increasingly become the norm.

The animation below contains the most revealing and important images of all. Drifting cells of liquid precipitation (rain) should not just "flash out" to frozen precipitation (snow) for no reason whatsoever (no change in topographical elevation and no colliding cold air masses). Areas of the storm then suddenly flash back to rain as the jet aircraft sprayed chemical ice nucleating agents settle down through the air column. Examine this animation closely, it is the "smoking gun" of a completely engineered chemically nucleated weather warfare assault.

Minnesota Weather Radar Loop

Massive climate engineering/chemical ice nucleation deployments can and will continue to create toxic cool-downs and radical weather anomolies. These anomalies will continue to manipulate the perception of populations who don't realize (or are not willing to accept) what is going on in our skies.  All the weather modeling for NOAA and NWS (National Weather Service) is done by private defense contractor, Raytheon, a corporation that is a primary climate engineering entity. This means that the weather forecasts are now the "scheduled" weather. Why don't employees of NOAA and NWS speak out about the climate engineering insanity? Because all the employees of both agencies have a federal gag order on them. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) extended temperature forecast map for November 6-10 is below. 


The ongoing geoengineered cool-down is then "forecast" to center almost directly over the Dakota protests (shown in the NOAA map below). Again, it is important to understand and remember that engineering snowstorms is a well established technology that has long since been admitted to by mainstream sources.


The center of the cold zone in the US has remained astoundingly centered over the Dakota water protecter region as the 3rd NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals.


The NOAA map above shows continued predictions for record cold temperatures at or near the Dakota pipeline protest for yet another 6-10 day period.  Also anomolous in the latest forecast map is the building heat dome in the US southwest. Climate enigneerign is greatly contributing to increasingly alarming extream temperature imbalances. Each color tear represents a 2-3 degree departure from normal high temperatures. The NOAA extended forecasts temperature predictions from late November were for the middle northern tear states to be at or near record high temperatures, what changed? The US military industrial complex has long since stated its desire to "own the weather" on the record, now they do. If you don't think that the order followers within the ranks of own government and military would carry out such toxic and deadly experimentation/assaults against US citizens, think again.

Why would the global power structure go to such lengths in the attempt to bring the Dakota pipeline protests to end? Because the Dakota protests represent the rapidly growing will and unity of the people to take a stand against the criminal corporate and government tyranny that has completely taken over our country. The power structure will clearly do anything they can get away with to crush this all important protest. We must not let this happen. is working directly with representatives from the protest to test samples of precipitation and aircraft aerosol spraying that has taken place at the protest site. All of us are needed in the critical battle to sound the alarm on what is occurring at the Dakota protest, share credible information, wake others up to the truth, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Arctic Ice Melt Could Trigger Uncontrollable Climate Change At Global Level


Source: The Guardian

Scientists warn increasingly rapid melting could trigger polar ‘tipping points’ with catastrophic consequences felt as far away as the Indian Ocean

VIDEO: How melting Arctic ice could cause uncontrollable climate change

Arctic scientists have warned that the increasingly rapid melting of the ice cap risks triggering 19 “tipping points” in the region that could have catastrophic consequences around the globe.

The Arctic Resilience Report found that the effects of Arctic warming could be felt as far away as the Indian Ocean, in a stark warning that changes in the region could cause uncontrollable climate change at a global level.

‘Climate Emergency’: North Pole Sees Record Temps, Melting Ice Despite Arctic Winter

"There are some areas in the Arctic Ocean that are as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit above average now. It's pretty crazy." (Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr/cc)

Source: Common Dreams

Arctic is losing ice and heating up despite seasonal onset of 24-hour darkness—phenomena that break all previous records

As 2016 continues on its march toward becoming the hottest year on record, the Arctic is seeing extreme warmth beyond anything previously recorded at this time of year—prompting alarm from climate scientists around the world.

"Folks, we're in a climate emergency," tweeted meteorologist Eric Holthaus.

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation, And Ice Boulders


Dane Wigington

Headlines from Siberia reveal an incident of uniformly spherical "ice boulders" suddenly washing up on the shores of Nyda, Russia. Are we to believe this is only an "act of nature" as "official sources" have told us?


Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

Why would the "ice boulders" occur with Arctic sea ice at record low levels? Why would perfectly spherical "ice balls" occur at all?  2012 was the previous record Arctic ice low for this time of year, 2016 has shattered that former record.


Why would such formations occur from the record warm Arctic Ocean? Sea temperatures in some zones of the Arctic Ocean are as much as 25 degrees above the 30 year average. This average was taken from 1981-2011, when the ocean temperatures were already warmer than the pre-industrial era.


Why are governments and media doing all they can to hide the reality of the record warm Arctic from the public? There are many reasons, none of them are benevolent. Temperatures in the polar regions are going completely off the charts as the "departure from normal temperature" map below makes clear. 


Siberia is undergoing massive engineered cooling assaults, but the extremely rapid warming of the planet is undeniable and climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. Are the climate engineers trying desperately to reduce the methane "blowouts" that are occurring in Siberia due to rapidly thawing methane permafrost deposits? Whatever the case, the short term engineered (and highly toxic) cool-downs come at the cost of a worsened overall warming.


Photo credit: Andrey Naumenko

Again, the "experts" tell us that the "ice boulder" phenomenon is a "natural" occurrence. But if this is so, why is there no long term historical record (or pre 1945 photographs) of this phenomenon occurring? There is no such long term record (pre 1945) because the ridiculously uniform "ice boulders" are absolutely not natural. The climate engineeres became very active in the polar regions immediately after the end of WWll, historical data confirms this fact. Again, about the ice anomalies being "natural, the "experts" are simply lying, as they are paid to do. We are all swimming in a sea of lies and deception that is propagated by countless individuals in academia, media, and "official sources", who have completely betrayed humanity in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When will the population reactivate their sense of sanity and reason? When will the population recognize that our geoengineered skies should not look like they do? When will the population face the fact that steel structure high-rise buildings (building 7 on 911) don't just fall down because of an office furniture fire on the lower floors? And why can't the masses discern that miles of shorelines covered with almost perfectly uniform and symmetrical "ice boulders" is completely unnatural?

Below is an article on chemical ice nucleation that I first posted in November of 2015. The information it contains is every bit as relevant now as it was almost exactly one year ago.

The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation

All around the globe, extreme, destructive, and unprecedented "frozen precipitation" events are occurring. A great many of these events begin at temperature ranges far above the freezing point (though temperatures on the ground can drop precipitously as the nucleation process unfolds). Why? Most have never heard of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification", but patents exist for this process and the Chinese government has long since admitted to engineering frozen precipitation events. The 90 second video below is astounding, a 200 foot wide river of ice flowing through the Saudi desert on November 2nd, 2015.

Extreme hail events are happening with alarming frequency, often in the most unlikely locations where such storms have not historically occurred.


"Ice storm" hits Saudi Arabia in Early November, 2015

When moisture laden storms are saturated with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements (due to the destructive attempt by the climate engineers to temporarily cool-down ground temperatures on the ground), storms that would have been a deluge of rain become unprecedented onslaughts of frozen precipitation.


Record hail storm in Quito, Ecuador, February 14, 2015

The damage being inflicted by the rapidly increasing hail storms is massive and growing.


Record hail event, Bogata Columbia, February 22, 2015

Africa is also being subjected to unprecedented hail events.


A record shattering 3 feet of hail is dumped on the East African nation of Eritrea, March 14, 2014

Below is a shocking photo of "ice balls" piled up on the shores of Lake Michigan. Why is there no long term historical record of such a profound phenomenon? Chemical ice nucleating materials form a central core of ice that builds up around itself. The motion of the waves then contribute to the spherical shape.


"Ice balls" have formed and accumulated on Lake Michigan in the last few years, why? Such "ice balls" have even formed on lake water that was 40 degrees, how is this possible at temperatures far above the normal freezing point? Without chemical ice nucleation, it isn't possible.

What is occurring on the shores of distant seas? Yet more "ice balls" have appeared in recent years.


"Ice balls" on the Baltic Coast in Northern Poland. "Official" sources say this recent unprecedented phenomenon is just "natural", are we to believe them? 

Other European countries are noting the same phenomenon.


Ice balls on the coast of Finland. The "official" explanation for this recent mysterious anomaly? Again, we are told it is a "natural" occurrence.

How natural do these "ice pancakes" look in the photo below?


CNN news called these "ice pancakes"  "mysterious". This phenomenon has also been observed on various lakes and rivers in recent years. It is the extreme uniformity of these formations that separates them from any natural phenomenon. Chemical nucleation materials are the core causal factor that produce the recent rash of profound ice formations

"Freezing rain" has now become commonplace. Extreme "ice storms" are wreaking havoc all over the globe. Depending on atmospheric conditions and temperatures, precipitation from storms that have been sprayed with chemical ice nucleating materials can reach the ground before actually freezing. 


This vehicle photo was taken in Versoix, Switzerland. Formerly unprecedented ice storms have now become the norm as the geoengineers do their best to create temporary chemical cool-downs in a rapidly warming world

Where can the most profound chemical ice nucleation examples be seen? The satellite photos below show completely unnatural ice formation structures on the Arctic ocean, September 15th, 2015. Arctic ocean temperatures have persisted at record high levels and the warming continues to worsen. Why would ice form in open water under such conditions, and in a manner that is completely different than the normal ice pack winter expansion? And all this during a year that has had record warmth and record ice melt in the Arctic? Surface ice formation on record warm seas worsens the overall warming by trapping the heat below.


Another satellite photo taken over the Arctic Ocean, September 15, 2015. Extremely anomalous sea surface ice formation is clearly evident.


Even into November, 2015, astoundingly high ocean temperatures have persisted and continue to shatter records. The map below clearly shows that sea surface temperatures were as much as 24.7 degrees ABOVE NORMAL in the Arctic ocean on November 7, 2015. 


Global ocean temperatures are skyrocketing so rapidly that scientists must keep updating charts to keep up.

The excerpt below was taken from a recently posted Article from "Arctic News", it should be read carefully. Arctic news describes the effects of atmospheric particulates (primarily from geoengineering which Arctic news refuses to admit to). They then state clearly the negative overall effects of these particulates (again, a result of geoengineering). And at the end of the article from which this excerpt was taken, Arctic News and the Arctic Methane Emergency Group calls for global geoengineering to be deployed immediately, as if it has not already been going on for over 6 decades in clear view and causing catastrophic effects. We must all diligently "sift the baby from the bathwater" so to speak. Though the front line data from Arctic news is accurate and verifiable from other sources, their constant call for geoegineering to commence is extremely alarming.

Particulates, in particular sulfate, can provide short-term cooling of the sea surface. Large amounts of sulfate are emitted from industrial areas in the east of North America and in East Asia. On the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect makes that such emissions will typically reach areas over the nearby ocean to the east of such industrial areas, resulting in the sea surface there being cooled substantially, until the particulates have fallen out of the sky. Since the sulfate is emitted on an ongoing basis, the cooling effect continues without much interruption.


This sulfate has a cooling effect on areas of the sea surface where ocean currents are moving warm water toward the Arctic Ocean. Because the sea surface gets colder, there is less evaporation, and thus less heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere during the time it takes for the water to reach the Arctic Ocean. As a result, water below the sea surface remains warmer as it moves toward the Arctic Ocean.


Similarly, as illustrated by above image, sulfur dioxide emitted in industrial areas in North America and East Asia can extend over the oceans, cooling the surface water of currents that are moving water toward the Arctic Ocean.

So the overall conclusion from Arctic News is that the atmospheric particulates are making a bad situation worse, not better. Yet, they continue to call for geoengineering deployment as if that is not the source of "atmospheric pollution" they have just condemned.

Below is a recent satellite photo of the sea surface off the coast of Greenland. Again we see an extremely anomalous and unprecedented pattern of ice formations like those shown earlier in this article. The massive chemical ice nucleation efforts in the Arctic, by the geoengineers, is undeniable.


The AccuWeather "forecast" (scheduled weather) for November 16-20, 2015, shows snow with a daytime high of 59 degrees and a night time low of 40 degrees. Why?


In the next map, we see snow again called for on the 22nd with the same temperatures as the earlier forecast, yet, on the 25th only rain is called for with much colder low temperatures? Snow is now often reported at temperatures up to 50 degrees and even above, welcome to the world of chemical ice nucleation. As previously mentioned, there are patents for such processes, and again, the Chinese scientists have openly admitted their programs to create engineered snow storms.


What scenario are the geoengineers creating in the US with their chemical ice nucleated cool-downs? The exact antithesis of what has been the case in the US for the previous 3 winters. The extreme scenario shown in the most current NOAA map below is historically unprecedented, but in recent years has become the norm.


The "scheduled" weather from the geoengineers is for temperatures to be up to 20 degrees below normal in the West, and 20 or more degrees above normal in the East.

Chemical ice nucleation of storms and precipitation does create a cold dense layer of air on the ground level that can drastically lower temperatures temporarily. But what is the overall cost? A decimated climate system, a worsened overall warming of the planet, and total contamination of the atmosphere and surface of our planet (due to the highly toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs). If you think your winter weather is natural, think again. Exposing the ongoing climate engineering insanity is challenge we must all face head on, make your voice heard in this battle. Forward solid information to all those that need to know and don't. Make every day count in this most critical fight.
Dane Wigington

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 22, 2016


Dane Wigington

The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has officially "disconnected" from the US. Is it a coincidence that at the same time when Duterte was rejecting any further US control over his country, the second major hurricane in a week was pounding the Philippines? Though all the major global powers are involved with the climate engineering insanity, the sheer size of the US military industry complex ensures that it has the most power to force the climate system. How much more manipulation can the climate system sustain before it completely unravels? Record smashing heat in the US North East has been followed by snow in some locations, what is wrong with this picture? What price has the planet paid for the proverbial "American Dream"? What price will our children now pay for this same delusion? Though nations all over the globe also bear a great deal of responsibility for the looting, plundering, and pillaging of the planet, The United States has led the ongoing environmental assault with mass consumption and an unimaginably out of control military industrial complex. Is the US population being informed of the fact that their government and Saudi Arabia are helping ISIS fighters to escape Mosul, Iraq, so that they can continue their carnage in Syria? When will the US population wake up and connect the dots? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Our problems are not going to magically go away by ignoring them, such apathy will only ensure our common demise. Only in facing the whole unvarnished truth, head-on, can we have any chance of making anything better. Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, this is a choice we must all make. The battle for the greater good rests on us all.

The latest information booth is photographed below. This effort took place at the Costa Mesa, California, Gem Faire exhibition (October 14,15 and 16). My deepest thanks to Gem Faire for all their help and support in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. My deepest gratitude also goes to the very dedicated activists that manned the booth for the entire three day event.


Geoengineers Disrupt Hydrological Cycle In A Desperate Attempt To Mask Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

Hiding the severity and immediacy of countless converging catastrophes from populations (until the last possible moment) remains a top priority for the global power structure. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below covers the period from October 16th through the 20th. NOAA modeling is done by private defense/geoengineering contractor, Raytheon, thus their "forecasts" amount to the scheduled weather. Every color tier reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" to the high side or low side, depending on the color hue. If the profound imbalance of temperatures shown in this map does not alarm you, it should. While record high temperatures are being set throughout much of the country (and the world as a whole), the US West Coast and parts of Alaska are temporarily (and toxically) cooled off by a massive plume of moisture (snow is even falling in the Western US). Atmospheric aerosol spraying (including chemical ice nucleation elements) are being dispersed by jet aircraft as the ongoing climate engineering operations further derail Earth's weather and life support systems. 


Record setting high, summer like, temperatures will continue into the week for much of the US.


At the same time that record high temperatures being set in so much of the US, snow is miraculously falling in other parts of the lower 48 states. Snow is occurring (due to chemical ice nucleating elements) in some locations in spite of above freezing temperatures and in spite of warmer flows of moisture off of the record warm Pacific Ocean. Snow (shown in blue on the map below) is cleary showing up across the Western US.


As the climate engineers continue to force the climate system to ever greater extremes of temperature imbalances, the biosphere's ability to cope is rapidly breaking down. In addition to the temperature extremes, there is the issue of the highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management fallout that is contaminating the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reflects variances from "normal" temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. These imbalances are already far beyond extreme and growing worse rapidly.


As the moisture flows in from the coast, the air masses below it are cooled by the aerosol/ice nucleating dispersions already mentioned (chemical ice nucleated events are occuring all over the globe). The same aerosols (which are manipulated with radio frequency transmissions) have the effect of scattering the moisture into vast expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. This is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM). The sun blocking aerosolized clouds, of course, also trap heat (in addition to countless other negative effects) which further fuels the overall planetary meltdown.  The planet is already warming at a "runaway" pace with nightime low temperatures rising even faster than daytime highs. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown in the combination satellite radar image shown below, the more aerosolized the cloud cover is.


The constant aerosol saturation of the moisture flows, as they approach from the west, continues to rob desperately needed rain from California. The US Drought Monitor map below does not begin to reflect the true severity of the drought and the decimation it is causing.


Why are National Weather Service and NOAA employees completely completely mute on the subject of climate engineering? Illegal federal gag orders have ensured their silence. Global climate engineering is weather warfare, and biological warfare, nothing less. Geoengineering is not mitigating the overall planetary warming, it is actually fueling it. In their increasingly desperate attempt to mask the unfolding climate crisis from the public, the climate engineers are tearing Earth's life support systems apart. Our battle for survival is here, and now. Help us with the critical battle to sound the alarm, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Ancient Andes Glaciers Have Lost Half Their Ice In Just 40 Years

On the run - Carsten Peter/National Geographic Creative

Source: New Scientist

The snowcapped skyline of the Andes is beating a hasty retreat. Since the mid-1970s, the area covered by glaciers in Peru’s Cordillera de Vilcanota range has nearly halved, with most losses occurring below 5000 metres.

Using Landsat images taken every decade, glaciologists at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil measured the snowline of the southern Peruvian range and found the ice caps that feed the glaciers shrinking.

Overall, they found that 48 per cent of ice had disappeared since 1975, with 81 per cent vanishing in areas below 5000 metres. As global warming continues, such tropical glaciers are likely to disappear.

Losses are occurring at different speeds on either side of the mountain range. “In general, the western sides of the tropical Andes maintain cold and dry conditions, whereas the eastern sides are humid and warm,” says Bijeesh Veettil, who led the study.

As Arctic Ocean Ice Disappears, The Global Climate Impacts Intensify

Arctic Ocean sea ice melt as seen from the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Cutter Healy.

Source: Yale – Environment 360

The top of the world is turning from white to blue in summer as the ice that has long covered the north polar seas melts away. This monumental change is triggering a cascade of effects that will amplify global warming and could destabilize the global climate system.


The news last week that summer ice covering the Arctic Ocean was tied for the second-lowest extent on record is a sobering reminder that the planet is swiftly heading toward a largely ice-free Arctic in the warmer months, possibly as early as 2020.

After that, we can expect the ice-free period in the Arctic basin to expand to three to four months a year, and eventually to five months or more.

Since my days measuring the thickness of Arctic Ocean ice from British nuclear submarines in the early 1970s, I have witnessed a stunning decline in the sea ice covering the northern polar regions — a more than 50 percent drop in extent in summer, and an even steeper reduction in ice volume. Just a few decades ago, ice 10 to 12 feet thick covered the North Pole, with sub-surface ice ridges in some parts of the Arctic extending down to 150 feet. Now, that ice is long gone, while the total volume of Arctic sea ice in late summer has declined, according to two estimates, by 75 percent in half a century.

The great white cap that once covered the top of the world is now turning blue — a change that represents humanity’s most dramatic step in reshaping the face of our planet. And with the steady disappearance of the polar ice cover, we are losing a vast air conditioning system that has helped regulate and stabilize earth’s climate system for thousands of years.

Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?


Dane Wigington

Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide. 


Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit:

The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning.


Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP

Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after. 


Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes.

The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry.


The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought.

Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead.


A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher

Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault.


A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup

The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India.


Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala

If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 28, 2016


Dane Wigington

We are all swimming in a sea of lies and the depth of the deception is rising by the day in lockstep with the desperation of those in power. So called "science" sources are still pretending global climate engineering is only a "proposal" while anyone with functional eyes and a still working sense of reason can and should acknowledge the weather warfare assault has long since been an inarguable reality. Take a quick look at the latest NOAA "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below, if these maps don't shock you, they should.


The map above shows "departure from normal high temperatures". Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure" from "normal" toward warmer or cooler than average, depending on the color of the shading (blue are below normal, oranges and reds are above normal). What we see represented in this map is alarming, unnatural, and historically unprecedented. A possible record low bullseye may occur in Texas for the period from June 1st through June 5th, while record warmth will likely occur in many other parts of the country, including Alaska.

For the period from June 3rd to June 10th, the engineered cool-down zone will again be focused on the most populated Eastern US, this is no accident and is certainly not a natural phenomenon. The engineered cooling of the US East, while the US West is fried and dried out, this has all too often been the norm in recent years.


Half the country is scheduled to bake and burn while the other half will bear the brunt of the latest scheduled geoengineering/solar radiation management assault.

The US precipitation "forecast" (schedule) is below. This map covers the same period as the NOAA map above. Note that the "prediction" is for far below normal rainfall in the west and north (the regions that will be frying under record high temperatures), while an excess of moisture continues in the same regions that are to experience below normal temperatures in a record warm world. The geoengineers need the moisture for their toxic chemically engineered cool-downs, when will the sleeping masses awaken to the ongoing weather warfare atrocities?


The climate engineers now decide where it will rain, how much, and how toxic the rain will be.

About the rest of the headlines, there are many, and they are dire. Global economic collapse continues to progress, the Canadian government is hiding something at the Fort McMurray fire site, Al Qaeda leaders freely visit the US, CIA officers caught commanding Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabian publications are now stating 911 was an inside job, and the US government's war against  the whistleblowers continues to accelerate. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The sand in the hourglass is running out, what will you do to help in the fight for the greater good? And when do you plan to take assertive (but peaceful) action to help expose the truth and wake the masses? No matter how dark the horizon looks, giving up can never be an option, ever. The only way we can know what good we can yet accomplish at this late hour is to fully focus on making a difference for the better each and every day.

Betrayal, The Climate Engineering Cover-Up By The Media, The US Military, And Academia


Dane Wigington

Our society is taught and conditioned to accept the dictates and opinions of the so called "experts" without questioning their conclusions. In so many circles of academia honesty and morality has long since been abandoned in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When one branch or group of the science community completely contradicts another group from the same field of study, shouldn't that be a glaring red flag? Nowhere do we have a more egregious and criminally negligent example than with the climate science community's complete denial of the climate engineering issue and its overall effect on the planetary thermostat. While the vast majority of climatologists/scientists and governments around the globe are either "investigating" or pushing for global geoengineering/solar radiation management to be deployed for global warming "mitigation" (as if geoengineering has not been going on for over 70 years already), other camps in the science community have long since confirmed that jet traffic and "contrails" (sprayed particulate trails) are actually a major contributor to global warming. A dozen sample articles are below which confirm the overall warming effect that is caused from jet aircraft traffic and "contrails".

"Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate" (NASA)

"Aircraft contrails may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation" (Think Progress)

"ScienceShot: Jet Contrails a Big Global Warmer" (Science magazine)

"Airplane contrails and their effect on temperatures" (Christian Science Monitor)

"The Contrail Effect"  (From NOVA and PBS)

"Jet Contrails Actually Do Alter The Weather" ( Discovery Magazine)

"Flying Further To Avoid Jet Contrails Might Help With Global Warming" (Popular Science)

"Plane Contrails Worse Than C02 Emissions For Global Warming" (Phys-Org)

"Airplane Contrails Boost Global Warming" (National Geographic)

But are we really witnessing "contrails" in our skies? Can "contrails" be turned on and off? No.

ALL commercial jet aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with "high bypass turbofan jet engines", does this type of prolusion system typically produce any "condensation" trails? No again.

The grand deception is this, all available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that the trails being used to blot out the sun and alter the weather around the globe are intentionally sprayed (and highly toxic) particulate trails that are the direct result of ongoing covert climate engineering programs. The closest the climate science community has come to telling the truth is to admit that "contrails" may be causing "accidental" geoengineering. How is it possible that we live in a "civilized world" in which such massive, obvious, and unimaginably destructive programs can be carried out in plain sight while the climate science community (and academia as whole) adamantly and criminally denies this verifiable reality? The quote below from climate scientist, Sarah Myhre, sheds some light on the mindset of many in academia (though still, of course, omits the issues of geoengineering/solar radiation management).

We scientists are the gatekeepers of the basic information that fuels decision making by nations, businesses and communities. As these public entities are more and more threatened by the advancing impacts of climate warming, from flooding, to water scarcity, to the spread of tropical diseases, our role as objective scientists has to change. We are so skilled at many, many detailed and quantitative tasks, but, as you would expect from a community of introverts, we are not great at shining that brilliant light back on ourselves.  

(Sarah Myhre is an ocean and climate scientist with expertise in the marine ecological consequences of abrupt climate warming.)

How bad is the true state of the global climate? As dire as the recent article excerpt below may seem, the unfolding reality on the ground is far worse and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire.

A so-called “Blue-Ocean Event” — a period during the melt season with less than 1 million square kilometers (a little over 386,100 square miles) of Arctic sea ice — was not expected to occur until 2070 to 2100 by most science modeling projections of the early 21st Century.

Recent polar ice observations, however, indicate extreme loss of volume. Daily sea ice loss rates since late April 2016 have averaged about 75,000 square kilometers (about 29,000 square miles) per 24 hours, resulting in continuously record low levels.

Many climate scientists now project the first “Blue-Ocean Event” within a decade or less. Some experts speculate it may even occur during the melt season of 2016.

The unfolding planetary meltdown is rapidly accelerating with Arctic ice at far beyond record low levels and a record early snow melt. The Arctic meltdown is now being described as a "train wreck" by scientists while global sea level rise continues to rapidly accelerate. All available data indicates 2016 will be yet another year of record shattering heat around the globe. We have already exceeded the point of no return in many respects and even now so many remain completely oblivious to converging catastrophes that are already taking an immense toll. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, global climate engineering is the epitome of that decimation. As the biosphere continues to implode, the military/industrial complex (and all those invested in it) have done exactly what they have historically done, further expand the global geoengineering assault in the desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to hide the collapsing climate from the population for as long as possible. Military personnel are being told they are engaged in benevolent programs for the good of their nation, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control at the cost of killing the planet, nothing less. The time for our military brothers and sisters to wake up to what they are being used for is long past due. They must remember the meaning of the oaths they have taken to protect the country and The US Constitution from ALL THREATS, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. The time is also long past due for the climate science community and academia to reclaim their virtue and tell the truth, the whole truth. To do otherwise is to continue in their betrayal of the human race and life on Earth. Finally, those in the media that have led the campaigns of completely criminal deception should be exposed in any and every possible public forum with their public email contacts posted for the world to see and utilize. No matter what challenges we face, if we all work together, effectively and efficiently, we can yet expose the insanity and all those who have participated in it. We may one day be able to hold Nuremberg style trials to hold accountable all those who have contributed to climate engineering crimes and the cover-up of these crimes. Though climate engineering can create short term highly toxic chemical cool-downs, these events come at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Help us in the battle to expose and halt the insanity in our skies, help us to reach the necessary critical mass of awareness, this is the only way forward in the fight. Make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down For The US


Dane Wigington

As the global climate system implosion gains momentum, the geoengineers are displaying increasing desperation in their attempt to create temporary toxic cool-downs in a rapidly warming world. Again, and again, and again, the Eastern US has been the focus of massive (and highly toxic) climate engineering cool-downs. Why? To continue feeding the climate confusion amongst the public in the most populated portions of the US while the meltdown of the planet continues into a runaway warming scenario with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Where are the only below normal temperature zones in the current "departure from normal high temperature" map shown below? Heavily populated regions of the US and Europe. Why aren't the paid actors on power structure owned propaganda programs like The Weather Channel (who also has ties with Monsanto) even mentioning the continued incineration of Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest,  Australia, India, Asia, the UK,  the Arctic, Siberia, and the rest of the planet as a whole? Because they are paid to pacify the population and to cover the tracks of the climate engineers


The bright blue regions of record low temperatures that stand out in the Eastern Center of the US are a shocking (and completely engineered) anomaly in a record warm world.

A further highlighting of specific temperature "departures from normal" is shown in the next map. 


Radical varied localized temperature extremes (that have become the norm in recent years) are historically unprecedented.

In order to carry out the chemical ice nucleated cool-down assaults (fueling devastating hail storms), considerable atmospheric moisture is required over the target zones.


Note the near 90 degree corner taken out of the precipitation convection zone to the west of Florida. This is an ever more common signature of radio frequency manipulation. 

Consider that much of moisture that fueled the record cold and May snow that just fell in the US East originated in a record warm Florida and gulf of Mexico. The morning LOW temperature in Florida on 5/17/2016  (the date the above satellite photo was captured) tied all time record of 78 degrees (again, 78 degrees was the nighttime LOW temperature). The record Florida warmth has also fueled record rain. (A record warm world/atmosphere must produce more precipitation unless the geoengineers choose to create drought as is the case in California and other regions around the globe which is radically impacting populations). How does record warm moisture flow north to create record cold and snow? Welcome to the engineered winter deception carried out with jet stream manipulation and chemical ice nucleation. As the weather makers prepare for the coming radical cool-down in the US West, massive aerosol spraying can be seen in the current satellite image shown below, taken on 5/19/2016


Blanket solar radiation management spraying over the oceans (and over land) is wreaking havoc on the web of life and the climate system as whole. "Ocean fertilization"  with highly toxic materials is another deadly aspect of geoengineering

So what is the "scheduled weather" for the days following the engineered cool-down of the Eastern US? The NOAA "forecast" map below is yet another shocking illustration of complete manipulation of the climate system. 


From record warmth in the US West, to potential record cold. The record cold in the East will flip to possible record highs. Each color shade represents 2-3 degrees of variation from normal, high or low, depending on the hue.

What is the bottom line regarding the overall state of the global climate? The planet is already in a runaway warming scenario, April 2016 yet again shattered all former global temperature records


The gravity of the overall global temperature rise cannot be overstated, climate engineering/solar radiation management is not a form of "mediation" as those in power would have us believe, geoengineering is a weapon of mass deception and war, nothing less. 

In the desperate effort to hide reality from the population for as long as possible (and thus to keep business as usual for the military/industrial/corporate complex) the climate engineers continue to create the toxic temporary cool-downs which are only fueling the climate destruction and overall warming of the biosphere. Why aren't employees of the National Weather Service and NOAA sounding the alarm? These government scientists have no first amendment protection and now also have also had an illegal federal gag order placed on them. The anomalous cool-downs are as engineered as the corporate media hype surrounding these weather whiplash events. The fight to expose and halt global climate engineering is nothing less than a fight for life, make you voice heard in this most critical battle.

Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration


Dane Wigington

Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with the Co2 and methane greenhouse gas buildup being all too real), global climate engineering programs are the single greatest factor creating droughts and fueling fires on planet Earth. What will it take for the human race to abandon their tendencies of suicidal denial? What will it take for the paid liars in the ranks of academia to start telling the whole truth about the climate implosion? A subject which cannot be legitimately discussed without including the lethal reality of climate engineering.


An exploding inferno of flames and unimaginably intense heat erupts along a highway near Fort McMurray, Alerta, Canada, May 7, 2016. This fire is expected to burn for months to come as the wild fire threat continues to increase around the globe. Even the Himalayas are now being ravaged by wildfires. Photo: Mark Blinch

The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres – an area the size of Mexico City – officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges.

Some mainstream sources are acknowledging the "extreme weather pattern" that has created the anomalous heat dome over central Canada. But, of course, the part climate engineering has played in this engineered weather scenario is completely omitted as is any mention whatsoever of the blatantly obvious and unarguable ongoing geoengineering atrocities visible in skies around the globe.. It is up to us to hold mainstream media accountable for their lies of omission

Unseasonably hot weather in Alberta, Canada, is fueling the worst wildfire disaster in the country’s history. An extreme weather pattern, known as an omega block, is the source of the heat.

[Fort McMurray wildfire evacuation was largest on record in Canada, database shows]

An omega block is essentially a stoppage in the atmosphere’s flow in which a sprawling area of high pressure forms. This clog impedes the typical west-to-east progress of storms. The jet stream, along which storms track, is forced to flow around the blockage.

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GFS model simulation of jet stream pattern and "omega block" over parts of Canada. Geoengineering is further fueling a climate of extremes that have now made "weather whiplash" the norm.

The "departure from normal high temperature" map below highlights the magnitude of the engineered heat dome over central Canada


Extreme (and historically unprecedented) temperature variations like those reflected in the map above have also been increasingly documented in the US over the last decade.

70 years of climate engineering insanity have left a decimating swath of total destruction across the entire planet. This statement in no way negates the countless other forms of catastrophic damage caused to the biosphere by human activity. But, mathematically speaking, climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are the single greatest destructive factor in regard to climate disruption, forest fires, and planetary contamination. Solar geoengineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare


How much decimation will have to occur before the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is acknowledged by the climate science and environmental communities? Photo: Scott Olson

On Friday, May 6th, 2016, record heat was also recorded in the US. On this date, the warmest location in the entire country was Minneapolis, Minnesota


On this same day (May 6th) that the all time high temperature records were set in Minnesota (in excess of 90 degrees), the Weather Channel live reporting forecast was for several inches of snow to fall in the US Southeast. By Sunday, May 8th, snow was still falling in some locations of Colorado and New Mexico. On the morning of May 9th, snow was falling in Montana at 45 degrees. Again, such radical anomalies are profoundly unprecedented, completely unnatural, and totally engineered. Chemical ice nucleation processes are a major component of the engineered cool-downs.​

The global "departure from average" temperature map below reflects an increasingly "blotchy" world of radical temperature extremes. There are, of course, countless contributing factors. One primary element is the buildup of greenhouse gasses (Co2, methane, and others). A second major factor is the creation of heat domes by the climate engineers (which are a part of jet stream manipulation process carried out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP). A third major factor in regard to the increasing anomalies are the chemical ice nucleated engineered cool-downs previously mentioned.  

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We now occupy a world of increasingly engineered climate extremes. This is in addition to the underlying overall damage to the biosphere and climate system by ongoing anthropogenic activity on countless fronts.

The satellite image below was taken on May 8th, 2016. Massive aerosol spraying particulate trails are clearly visible over regions off the US West Coast and over parts of the interior US. Two circular pressure zone perimeters are also very visible which are related to the jet stream manipulation already outlined.  So, while the fires in Canada rage on, the geoengineers continue wreak havoc on the climate with their all out assault against the planet and all life. Yet another ice melting heat wave is expected in the Arctic this week.


The atmosphere and the climate system have long since been completely derailed by the constantly expanding geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. This assault must be exposed and halted if Earth is to have any possible chance to find a new life supporting equilibrium given the level of irreparable damage already done by geoengineering and industrialized/militarized society

The GISS map below reflects the average degree of planetary warming that has occurred in only the last 16 years. The warming is now accelerating at unimaginable speed and is likely already a runaway event. Global climate engineering has further contributed to the overall meltdown of the of the planet, not mitigated it. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, there is no benevolence in these programs, none. The short term toxic cool-down anomalies created by the climate engineers (in order to mask the true severity of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible) have come at the cost of pushing the planet past the point of no return in regard to the once hospitable host that we formerly knew. The illegal federal "gag order" that has been placed on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees is yet another act of desperation on the part of the power structure in their ongoing attempt to hide climate engineering and biosphere implosion. All of us have been subjected to a grand and lethal experiment without our knowledge or consent, an experiment that massive US Senate documents prove has been going on since at least the late 1940's. If the climate engineering assault is not fully exposed and halted, very soon, there will be nothing left to salvage. If these programs can be stopped, the human race must then face the unimaginably long list of challenges that has been created by the damage inflicted on the biosphere due to anthropogenic activity (which, of course, includes climate engineering).  

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With each passing day, the unfolding planetary meltdown will be increasingly hard to hide or deny.

What is the single greatest battle we could collectively win for the survival of our life sustaining biosphere at this late hour? Exposing and halting the climate engineering assault. Please make your voice heard in this most critical battle while there is yet time to affect the outcome, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And Climate Reality


Dane Wigington

Those in power are using every tool at their disposal to marginalize the dire issue of climate engineering. The mainstream media puppets (the power structure controls) are being used as a tool to try and marginalize any that dare to speak of climate engineering. How do we win this game of chess? By standing on credible conclusions built on verifiable facts


Geoengineered skies in Phoenix, AZ. Photo credit: Josh Schultz 

What harms our efforts to credibly and effectively expose climate engineering? False conclusions based on false headlines put out by those who either don't have any understanding of current front-line realities, or who don't care because they are pursuing other agendas. 

Below are a few of the completely false narratives recently pushed by some who claim to be against climate engineering, but who are actually harming the effort by destroying credibility. Why are some helping the geoengineers to sell geoengineering? The criminal cabal that is completely committed to hiding climate engineering is also just as committed to hiding the climate disintegration. Below each completely false narrative are the verifiable front-line facts. The bottom line is this, the planet is warming at an astounding pace, climate engineering can create short term toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming.

False: "Global warming stopped 20 years ago"

Global Warming "Hiatus" Never Happened

Global Warming "Pause" Never Happened

Much-Touted Global Warming Pause Never Happened

False: "The planet has been cooling for the last 6 or 7 years"

Global Warming Is Accelerating

Permafrost Meltdown Raises Risk Of Runaway Global Warming

The Point Of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here

False: "Arctic ice is expanding "

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Breaks Record Low For Winter

Another Record Low For Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Winter Extent

Arctic Sea Ice Growth Stunted Again

False: "Polar bear populations are up 500%"

Polar Bear Population Declining Due To Rising Temperatures

Polar Bear Populations Crashing Due To Melting Ice

Polar Bears Losing Weight As Arctic Sea Ice Melts

Polar Bears Far From 'Strong And Healthy'

False: "Ice is growing in Greenland"

Scientists: Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Freakishly Early

Summer-Like Temperatures Smash Ice Melt Records For Greenland

Heat Wave In Greenland Triggers Record Early Ice Melt

False: "Antarctic ice cap is expanding"

Stable Antarctic Ice Is Suddenly Melting Fast

Melting Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Heading Towards Irreversible Collapse

Antarctic Ice Is Melting So Fast The Whole Continent May Be At Risk By 2100

Scientists Are Watching In Horror As Antarctic Ice Collapses

False: "Ice is always increasing and melting" (implying that the rapid ice melt is not from anthropogenic activity)

Human Activity Melting Glaciers

Human Activities Linked To Warming And Loss Of Ice

Arctic Melting Linked To Human Causes, Long-Term Review Finds

False: "snow in the Caribbean" (implying this proves global cooling and not a result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation patented processes)

Record Global Temperatures Are Shocking

Scientists Warn Of Perilous Climate Shift

Former Global High Temperature Records 'Blown Away"

False: "The sun is the only thing that effects the weather"

How Do We Know Humans Are The Major Cause Of Global Warming? (Union of Concerned Scientists)

Empirical Evidence That Humans Are Causing Global Warming

97% Of Experts Agree On Human Caused Global Warming

False: "The increasing speed of the pole shift has nothing to do with global warming/human activity" (which includes geoengineering/climate engineering)


Earth Is Tipping Because Of Climate Change

Climate Change Is Moving North Pole

Melting Ice Sheets Changing The Way Earth Wobbles On Its Axis

False: "Sea levels are not rising"

Sea Level Rise From Ocean Warming Underestimated, Scientists Say

Scientists Predict Huge Sea Level Rise Even If We Limit Climate Change

Oceans Will Rise Much More Than Predicted

Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner

How Far Sea Levels Could Rise


Photo credit: Bald Eagle Bluff/CC BY-SA 2.0

The most recent and most comprehensive study yet done on the cause of the current warming shows a "90-100% agreement" that it is anthropogenic (human caused, which again, includes geoengineering). But what about the 30,000 scientists that said global warming isn't so? Easily debunked, as is every bit of the "global warming is a hoax" military industrial complex false narrative. What about the Paris climate conference, didn't some of the scientists there dispute global warming? A handful did, every one of them connected to the military/industrial/hydrocarbon complex. In fact, there is a long list of professional disinformation actors doing their best to cloud the truth about the unfolding planetary meltdown. What are the odds of the current warming not being a natural cycle and not anthropogenic in nature? New studies conclude with 99.999% certainty that the current warming is due to human activity (which of course includes climate engineering). For those who wish to remain in denial about the true state of the climate and the biosphere, articles with opposing viewpoints can always be found. For those that want reality, honest investigation must be carried out.  The internationally award winning documentary film "Chasing Ice" contains front-line film footage that ends all confusion and argument for any that are truly doing objective investigation. Those that truly care about effectively fighting to expose and halt climate engineering must make the time to check their facts. The planet is spiraling into total meltdown and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire while simultaneously contaminating the the entire planet. The shocking short term chemically nucleated cool-downs (like the recent snow in the Caribbean) are absolutely the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation. Pretending or claiming such engineered events are "normal" or "natural" only harms the critical effort to expose and halt climate engineering.  To recite the false conclusions already listed is simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers.

How bad is the unfolding reality that we will all face? 

The Stark Realities Of Baked-In Catastrophes

In a civilization gone mad with delusions of grandeur, we’re left with tatters of human sociability held together by rancid mythologies.

Despite human fossil fuel burning recently reported to be “flat”, CO2 levels have been on a tear for the last six months, reaching new worrying levels which have some wondering whether permafrost melt may be contributing to the unusually high spike if no decline happens soon. The giant holes in Siberia serve as an ominous sign. Considering that the current El Niño is contributing only 10% to what we are now seeing, runaway global warming may be accelerating worldwide. But don’t worry, Warren Buffett says climate change is no more of a problem than the Y2K bug and will be profitable through increased premiums and inflation.

Ever dire studies continue to reaffirm worst case scenarios, making clear to anyone paying attention that Earth in the next century will be unrecognizable from its current state. Basic planetary geography and atmospheric conditions will be altered through warming oceans and rising sea levels which are now increasing faster than at any time in the past 2800 years. On average, sea levels were between 50 and 82 feet higher the last time CO2 levels were at 400ppm. Glaciologist Jason Box expects ice melt from the West Antarctic to become the biggest contributor to sea level rise in the coming decades due to a feedback loop not in the climate models. CO2 levels have been increasing around 3ppm per year, a twentyfold increase since pre-industrial times when the highest recorded increase was 0.15 ppm per year. We’ve long since passed the tipping point of melting Arctic summer sea ice; 300-350 ppm of CO2 was the threshold for many parts of the climate. These changes are irreversible on a timescale of human civilizations. Even if all human industrial activity magically ceased today, the footprint man has already left will be felt for eons.

In our warming world, the hydrologic cycle is changing and creating extreme weather; crop-destroying droughts and floods are becoming more frequent. The Jet Stream is transforming into something different, becoming wavier with higher ridges and troughs prone to stagnating in the same region. As global temperatures rise over time, hotter air will be trapped under these layers of high pressure from a mangled Jet Stream, cooking everything to death. Rising winter temperatures are beginning to destroy the “winter chill”needed for many fruit and nut trees to properly blossom and produce maximally. Climate change is also disrupting flower pollination and pushing fish toward North/South poles, robbing poorer countries at Equator of crucial food resources. In a new study, marine scientists are surprised to find a disturbing trend in the increasing numbers of a specific type of phytoplankton, coccolithophores, which have been “typically more abundant during Earth’s warm interglacial and high CO2 periods.”

Homo sapiens have only been on the planet for the equivalent of a few seconds in geologic time but have managed to overwhelm and foul up all of earth’s natural processes and interdependencies, leaving a distinct layer in the sedimentary record. There is nothing modern humans do that is truly sustainable. Here are a few glaring examples:

Relying on machines for answers to the existential problems of a species run amok with planet-destroying tools and weaponry is rather ironic and tragic. We’re locked-up inside a complexity trap of our own making. The human propensity for tool-building coupled with our discovery of fossil fuels has created a set of living arrangements in which we are now enslaved to those machines and tools. The globalized capitalist economy externalizes its destruction and atrocities, keeping the masses in a state of ignorance and denial. Our corporate overlords are not conscientious citizens, but mindless organizations whose sole purpose is to grow profits no matter the external damage done to society and the environment. Between the economic oil hitmen who ensure that profits flow smoothly and GOP politicians who openly espouse their science illiteracy, a hospitable climate for future humans seems remote. Hopeful delusions have given way to the stark reality of our predicament as scholars like Noam Chomsky who originally started his career fighting for a modicum of social justice have now set the bar at just the chance of human survival. Despite the best efforts of scientists, environmentalists, and activists, the wealthy countries most able to do something won’t “get it” until famine, disease, and war come to their country. All is being left for the almighty ‘free market’ to sort out at the same time that climate change, a conflict multiplier, ramps up.

Ideology, preconception, and desired beliefs do not help with the effort to expose the truth and end confusion. Such traits only add to the difficulty of gaining desperately needed credibility and bridge building with the climate science and environmental communities (that have so far been unwilling to join the ranks of the anti-geoengineering movement). If we are to have any chance of prevailing in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, reality must be faced on all sides of the fence. The Global Warming communities must face and acknowledge climate engineering (and the planetary cataclysm it is contributing to). The anti-geoengineering community needs to face and acknowledge the rapidly unfolding planetary meltdown (made far worse by climate engineering). Only when both sides fully open their eyes, can the needed critical mass of climate engineering awareness be reached. Those that truly care about this most critical battle will take the time to do real investigation and then stand on hard facts. False headlines and completely incorrect ideological rants from any source must be recognized for what they are, wrong. We must all make our voices heard while we can, exposing and halting climate engineering is the great imperative of our time.  

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Record Patch Of Warm Waters Point To More Global Heat Records Being Smashed


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

From hot oceans to shrinking Arctic ice and glaciers, the evidence of a warming planet has gone into overdrive in the first three months of 2016.

Sydney on Wednesday posted its hottest April day on record, with the 34.2-degree reading beating a mark that had stood for 30 years. Suburbs from Camden in the south-west to Richmond in the north-west topped 36 degrees.

Australia has also just posted its hottest March in more than a century of reliable data after a scorching heatwave to start the month that the Bureau of Meteorology said in some areas approached "record levels for any time of the year".

The planet hasn't been this hot since reliable records began about 130 years ago.

The planet hasn't been this hot since reliable records began about 130 years ago. Photo: Jeff Williams, International Space Station, via Twitter

Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race


Dane Wigington

Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates. 


The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating. 

Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race.


Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day.

In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue?


Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day.

As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome".


2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy.

How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace.


We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops.

The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia.


The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare.

In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences. 


The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents. 

The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map.


The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems.

What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding to what is already the warmest US winter on record ) as the West gets the toxic cool-down complete with constant chemical ice nucleation of the incoming moisture flow.


Extreme and unprecedented imbalances like those shown in the map above are telltale signs of a climate system that is completely unraveling. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, global geoengineering is mathematically the most destructive of all.

The Total Betrayal Of The Climate Science Community

Mainstream media is not the only group that has completely betrayed humanity, the climate science community has done the same. Though a constant parade of false headlines from well funded sources has convinced many that the climate change threat is being exaggerated, the exact opposite is true. What we face is far more grave and immediate than any of the "worst case predictions" from completely controlled organizations like the IPCC (the largest scientific panel ever created in human history). The most severe betrayal is now coming from "science organizations" like "AMEG" (the Arctic Methane Emergency Group). Though AMEG's assessment of the threat from thawing and releasing methane deposits is valid, AMEG's call for global geoengineering are nothing short of criminal tyranny

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) -Blog of AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, discussing the situation in the Arctic and the action necessary to avoid catastrophic warming, including the need for geoengineering to be accepted as an indispensable part of a comprehensive plan of action to cool the Arctic and to bring the atmosphere and oceans back to their pre-industrial state.

In regard to AMEG's call for emergency geoengineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for 70 years with catastrophic consequences), there are only two possibilities, either they are criminally ignorant of the very subject of which they claim to be experts, or they are lying. In either case, their calls for the commencement of climate engineering is criminal and should be publicly confronted. Taking the time to locate public email contacts for AMEG members, mainstream media and meteorological personnel, is essential. These contacts should then be circulated to others so that a constraint stream of communications calling for their accountability can be unleashed by the public. Such communications must be articulate and peaceful. This being said, the communications can and should point out that the public is rapidly waking up to the climate engineering crimes and will certainly soon hold legally and morally accountable ALL THOSE that directly or indirectly participated in these crimes. This includes all the journalists, scientists, and meteorologists that helped to hide the ongoing geoengineering assault by deceiving the public about the issue. There can be NO LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. As the climate system continues to implode, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever before. Will WWlll be their final option as populations awaken to their crimes? There is much work to be done in this critical fight for the greater good, all of us must make our voices heard while we yet have time to do so.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.