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“The Guardian” Addresses Geoengineering And The California Drought


The avalanche of awakening to the climate engineering insanity is beginning, all of us are needed to continue fueling the fire. By working together we have elevated the geoengineering issue to the point that it is becoming too big to hide. More and more mainstream sources are now compelled to address the issue in the attempt to do damage control. Such attempts will only have the effect of triggering an even more rapidly growing awareness and that is exactly what is happening. The new article below from The Guardian is yet another leap forward in the battle to fully expose climate engineering to the masses. At this critical crossroad it is imperative for all of us involved in this fight to help sound the alarm by sticking to the hard science data and terms. Credibility must be maintained in order for us to continue gaining the traction we desperately need in this all important battle.
Dane Wigington


Climate Engineering Seeds Deadly Hail Storms


Dane Wigington

Artificial/chemical ice nucleation and highly destructive hail storms, what's the connection? The 2 minute video gives a brief, but very impressive glimpse of astoundingly large hail stones striking a body of water near Naples, Italy, on September 5, 2015.

This next 90 second video documents a devastating and and unprecedented hail storm that recently occurred in Mexico, which actually caused multiple mortalities. 

Our climate system is spinning out of control. Though there are countless causal factors and countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system, a great many  roads in this equation lead straight to the ongoing global climate modification programs.

Artificial/chemical ice nucleation is now constantly used in the covert weather modification programs. The use of these materials cools down the clouds and thus the air mass below the clouds. But what happens when these unnatural elements cause ice formation at far above usual temperatures, in far greater concentrations, and far sooner than the process would have otherwise occurred during the progression of a storm?

hail jet

hail windshield

hail baseball

hail house

Much more frequent hail storms and exceptionally large hail stones are the expected result. This is in spite of the fact that the jet sprayed canopy of aerosols above the storm systems (solar radiation management programs) are actually limiting cloud convection in many or most cases. Even passenger jets are being pounded by the rapidly worsening conditions.

Do records show an increase in the damage being done by unusually large and frequent hail storms? Yes, there has been an 84% increase in hail storm damage from 2010 to 2012 and that increase is still rising. 

Are there other recent examples of unprecedented "ice balls" created by massive artificial/chemical spraying of nucleating elements? Yes, again.

ice balls lakeshore

ice balls lakeshore 2

ice balls lake top

ice balls lakeshore news

Ice boulders on the Great Lakes never before seen until the last few years. Do you believe the explanations given for all the unprecedented oddities by the mainstream media "experts" who are paid to say whatever their told to say?

Global climate modification is a totally out of control juggernaut of complete insanity. There is no truly natural weather at this point, none. All is tainted by the all out geoengineering assault that has been unleashed on planet Earth. The climate engineers will continue to create ever more extreme conditions. Artificially/chemically nucleated storms with more frequency and intensity is a part of this scenario. In order to create the illusion of cold on a rapidly warming world the engineering of snow storms will also continue to wreak havoc around the globe. The constant engineered cool-downs in the Eastern US during recent years is a glaring example

All of us must work together in order to bring the climate engineering insanity to light and to a halt. There is no silver bullet, there is no easy way forward in this battle, but we are indeed making progress. When a critical mass of awareness is reached regarding the geoengineering reality, and global populations wake to what has been done to them, there will be a paradigm shift.

Geoengineered Forest Fire Incineration, Dark Ice, And Methane Extinction


Dane Wigington

Record forest fires are raging around the globe, climate engineering is a primary factor fueling the planetary burning. All over the northern hemisphere boreal forests are going up in flames and smoke, further loading the atmosphere with Co2 and soot. This in turn triggers multiple climate feedback loops which causes much more rapid warming than what is already occuring.


 White Cloud Helibase on the Tahoe National Forest. Murphy Fire on AEU CalFire unit. Photo credit: Chester Helitack

Siberian forests have been burning at a record pace in recent years. In April of 2015 the process began again. Regions in Siberia that have historically remained frozen until mid June were fully ablaze by early April.


The satellite image above shows clearly that by late April, 2015, the Siberian landscape was riddled with fires.

Alaska is also being scorched after a record warm winter and record low snowfall. While the US mainstream media kept the public distracted with the "Boston snow" story during the 2014-2015 winter, Alaska was warm, dry, and setting up for the coming summer burning.

Alaska Wildfires

The map above reveals a staggering number of wildfires in Alaska even as summer was just beginning.

In Canada the situation is no different as astoundingly high levels of once pristine forests continue to be turned into scorched earth.


In early July there were more than 418 wildfires actively burning in Canada. By that date in 2015 there had already been more than 4,500 fires that had charred more than 2,150,000 hectares of forest. This was twice the number of fires that there were at this time last year when just over 2,200 fires burned 515,732 hectares of forest. 

In the incredibly parched state of California numerous out of control fires have consumed landscapes, decimated wildlife, and destroyed many homes located in rural woodland regions. The climate engineers have been so consistent at blocking precipitation from California that one must ask the question, is California just a climate sacrifice zone, or a target of engineered drought?


Flames from the Rocky Fire approach a house in Lower Lake, California. The fire, now contained, burned nearly 70,000 acres and destroyed 43 homes.

Click to enlarge
Northern boreal rain forests are not the only rain forests going up in flames, in recent years large swaths of the Amazon are increasingly vulnerable to wildfires as the Amazon dries out. It is important to remember and consider that on a warmer planet, the laws of physics dictate more overall precipitation, not less. The atmosphere can hold 7% more moisture for every degree of warming centigrade. The only way there can be more overall drought (and less overall precipitation) is if there is a massive unacknowledged factor in the equation that is radically affecting the hydrological cycle. That factor is global climate engineering which is causing drought and fueling fires.
Satellite imagery shows smoke from fires in the Brazilian Amazon
Though record rains very recently pounded the state of Texas, now we are told of a recent phenomenon called "flash drought" that is already afflicting the formerly flooded landscape. Will Texas soon be on fire as well? As climate engineering continues to create historically unprecedented conditions and scenarios, the power structure paid meteorological community coins new terms to describe formerly unknown conditions. Such "labeling" from the "experts" gives the public the impression that the unique conditions they are witnessing are all just "natural variability" and not the result of geoengineering (which they continue to claim is only a proposal and not a reality).
A dust devil spins across a Texas Farm in late July. A stark contrast to the heavy rains of early summer, July produced very little precipitation with only a few brief showers. The Enterprise photo: Guiseppe Barranco
All the unprecedented fire activity is accelerating an even more dire unfolding scenario, the rapid melting of global ice deposits which in turn speeds the thawing and releasing of formerly frozen methane deposits. Massive amounts of smoke and soot are being pumped into the atmosphere by the record number of blazes. When this material settles out of the skies, much of it is being deposited on Northern latitude ice deposits, turning the ice dark.
This image from the Greenland ice sheets is only one stark example of what is occurring across northern hemisphere ice deposits.
Once the ice is darkened, it loses its former reflectivity and begins to absorb exponentially more thermal energy. This leads to a much more rapid melting of land and sea ice. As the reflective cover of ice is lost, unprecedented warming is triggered over landscapes and oceans alike. With this thawing, massive formerly frozen methane deposits are being released into the atmosphere.
If the planetary warming continues unabated, and thawing methane deposits continue to fill our atmosphere, our fate will be sealed. Climate engineering is making the unfolding methane catastrophe scenario far worse overall, not better. All is connected, all is interlinked. The ongoing geoengineering programs are the epitome of human insanity. Climate engineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare. If it is allowed to continue, the chain reaction of planetary catastrophes it is helping to fuel will be unstoppable (if it is not already). Climate engineering is not benevolent in any sense, it is about power and control. It is about hiding the severity of what is unfolding from the population for as long as possible (while making the overall climate collapse far worse in the process). The consistently engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US in a record warm world are an example of this (July 2015 was just officially reported as the warmest month ever recorded on our planet). All must unite in this battle to save life on Earth, make your voice heard.

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” For The Coming Winter In The US


Dane Wigington

"Forecasters" are now trumpeting the arrival of a "Godzilla" El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought (which can be directly linked to the ongoing climate engineering insanity). How can such a prediction be made so early on? Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels, why wouldn't this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California? 


The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as "the ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain starving scenario the result of the climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures?


The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations as shown in the image below. Is "solar radiation management" the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers? The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example.


Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world. Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population. How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers "departure from normal high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets.


What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event?


With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest "forecasts" call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland?


Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US, how can it be possible for winter predictions of a "below average" temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country? The "forecast map" below should be carefully examined.


Other maps (below) use terms like "wintry battle zone" to describe their predictions for the southern states (in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted). The map below also states there may be "above normal" snow in spite of warmer temperatures, who is making and running the weather forecast industry?


Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. The Rothschilds own much of the industry where the very defense industry contractors that are heavily involved in the climate engineering insanity actually supply the weather modeling "predictions" for government agencies like The National Weather Service and NOAA. The Weather Channel is owned by multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let's not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of "Climate Corp" for nearly a billion dollars. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists are (with few exceptions)  paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just "natural weather". Their job is to convince the population that "mostly sunny" predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to is just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineering insanity. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather. So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing, does anyone believe our government does not know how to do the same?


With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east in the US. Whatever unfolds this winter, this point should be clear, the geoengineers and the global power structure have a noose around our collective necks and they are not about to let go. They control not only the weather, but the toxicity of the air we breath, the water we drink, and the soils we need to grow our food in. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system (this must always be considered and remembered), climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most destructive single factor of all. If we are to have any chance at preserving Earth's life support systems, we must all make our voices heard in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering.

World’s Glaciers Losing Ice Faster Than Ever Recorded, Study Says

These photos of the Rhone Glacier, located in the Swiss Alps, were taken in 2007 (top) and 2014 (bottom) and offer an example of recent rapid glacial melt. Such melt is the subject of a new study, which evaluated decades of documentation to determine the rate of glacial melt for hundreds of glaciers. Simon Oberli

Source: Alaska Dispatch News

The world’s glaciers are retreating at a rate faster than any time in recorded history, according to a new study published online in the Journal of Glaciology.

Thirty-nine researchers with the World Glacier Monitoring Service compiled and analyzed data spanning more than 120 years. They looked at observations from 2001 to 2010 and compared them with satellite images, field and aerial photographs and even drawings and writings that were produced in previous decades.

In the 21st century, the hundreds of glaciers observed in the study have lost about 1 1/2 to 3 feet of ice per year, according to the University of Zurich’s Michael Zemp, the lead author and director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service.

Did Geoengineering Just Kill Almost 200,000 Alpacas In Peru?


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers have an endless array of weather scenarios to create havoc, destruction, and death. Completely engineered protracted droughts are one form of climate engineering assault as we currently see in California, Brazil, the Caribbean, the Philippines, Australia, Africa, Russia, and other regions around the globe. Deluge and flooding are also a weapons of the climate engineers. But there is another form of weather warfare that is less recognized and understood (even by many that are aware of the geoengineering issue), chemically ice nucleated winter storms. Though many think engineering snow storms is impossible, it is, in fact, a primary tool of the climate engineers. The Chinese openly announced their engineered snow storms until they did over a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing. On October 4th, 2013, a completely freak "winter storm"  killed nearly 100,000 cattle in South Dakota. This event was truly astounding given the very warm temperatures that surrounded South Dakota at the time. I took screen shots of the temperature maps at the time and penned an article of the event. Take a good look at the maps below, the scenario they show is shocking. Cattle are very cold tolerant animals, how could they possibly freeze to death at temperatures that were present on the October 4th event of 2013? There were far above freezing temperatures in South Dakota at the time, why was it snowing at all? There were temperatures of 85 degrees and rain in Chicago, what really killed the South Dakota cattle?


Spraying chemical and biological ice nucleating elements has allowed the climate engineers to radically (although temporarily) cool down large regions. We saw this throughout the 2014-2015 winter in places like the eastern US and Boston. In doing so, the desired headlines are created which then fuel division and confusion in regard to public opinion on the actual state of the climate. South Dakota is not the only place where engineered winter assaults are occurring. In 2011, some 200,000 alpacas were sickened and/or killed by an unusual cool-down. In 2013, 250,000 alpacas met the same fate. Now again, in 2015, the same scenario is playing out in Peru, nearly 200,000 alpacas have succumbed to extremely unusual conditions. Alpacas are built for cold, why are they dying in such massive numbers in a world that is experiencing record warmth? 


June 2015 was the warmest June ever recorded, following May 2015, also a record warm month. The start to 2015 is the warmest ever recorded even surpassing the start to 2014, the warmest year ever recorded. Why would we imagine so many unprecedented die-off events to be natural given the knowledge that the climate is being completely manipulated around the globe? When we know that artificial snow storms are real and even being reported on by organizations like FOX news? When we also know there are patents for creating artificial snow storms which then generate a completely unnatural "snow" composition? Chemically nucleated snow is sticky, typically heavy, and unusually cold to the touch due to the endothermic reaction from the chemical nucleation process. The climate engineers leave nothing untouched, nothing untainted. There is no natural weather, there is only the results of the highly toxic and  completely out of control climate engineering insanity. Get active, help to sound the alarm on the geoengineering assault.

The Big Unchill


Source: The Boston Globe, written by David Abel

The Big Unchill

The Arctic ice is melting faster than ever recorded, the warmth tied to the emissions of modern life. But it is the ancient ways at the top of the world that are most at risk.

BARROW, Alaska — A mile off the coast of the continent’s northernmost city, Josh Jones gunned his four-wheeler over ridges of buckling ice and through pools of turquoise water, where normally there would be a vast sheen of ice and snow.

Escorted by an Eskimo guard toting a shotgun to protect them from roving polar bears, Jones and a fellow climate researcher were racing to retrieve scientific instruments that gauge the thickness of the ice, which they worried could be lost to the uncommonly rapid melt of the Arctic Ocean.

They were also in a race with much bigger stakes.

In previous years when making the trip out here to set up their observatory, temperatures had been so raw that Jones’s eyelids froze. On this day early last month, it was a balmy — for Barrow — 41 degrees. When they arrived at the observatory, which was surrounded by sprawling melt ponds, they stripped off their parkas and rolled up their sleeves.

Their wind turbine and other equipment had collapsed in the melting ice. They’d almost lost their all-terrain vehicle, too, when it lurched into a sinkhole and stalled in a knee-deep pool of slush.

“Not a good sign,” Jones deadpanned.

Here, as close to the top of the world as you can get in America, the signs are serious indeed: The Arctic Ocean is melting faster than at any time on record. This February, the sea ice that stretches from North America to Russia reached its lowest-known winter extent and began melting 15 days earlier than usual. That continued a three-decade trend that has seen the ocean’s ice lose about 65 percent of its mass and about half of its reach during the summer. In 20 or 30 more years, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly devoid of ice in the summer, climate scientists believe.

The rapid changes in the arctic have consequences well beyond Barrow, altering ocean currents, weather patterns, and temperatures across the planet.
Cold Arctic temperatures are typically distributed in a way that affects the polar jet stream.
Typical, compact configuration – NOV. 14, 2013
The jet stream abuts the irregular pattern formed by the warming Arctic region and radical weather ridges and troughs developed.
Wavy polar vortex – JAN. 5, 2015
Scientists have attributed Boston's historic cold spell and snowfall last winter to shifts in the polar jet stream.
The normal polar jet stream has typically kept cold arctic air north of the mainland US in the winter.
The changed jet stream though has pushed cold weather down into the Eastern US, and pulled warm weather up through the western US and Alaska.
Jet stream patterns

SOURCE: Stanford Report," September 30, 2014; Skeptical Science, "A Rough Guide to the Jet Stream"
James Abundis / Globe Staff

But the changes that are incipient here in New England are already acute in Barrow, where the average temperature has risen 3.6 degrees since 1921 — more than twice the rise of average global temperatures.

“Barrow is among the fastest-warming land areas in the world,” said Rick Thoman, a climate scientist at the National Weather Service in Fairbanks.


Since 1979, the mean annual temperature in Barrow has increased more than five times as fast than the rest of the world.
Barrow warmer than planet
mean annual temperature change

Not only is the temperature warmer …
mean annual temperature

… there have been fewer colder days each year
number of days 40℉ or colder

… and more days above freezing.
days per year warmer than 33℉

SOURCE: National Weather Service Alaska Region
James Abundis / Globe Staff


And the effects on the way of life here — long preserved against change by remoteness and the desperate cold — have been profound. Life as they knew it for the 4,300 who call this treeless tract of tundra 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle home is beginning to feel irretrievable.

No one knows that better than the Iñupiat Eskimos, whose ancestors first settled here 1,500 years ago and who still constitute more than half of the local population on this stark, triangular spit of land where beached whale bones litter the black gravel shore.

The Iñupiat have long survived brutal winters when the sun doesn’t rise over the snowbound city of wooden homes for two months and summers when the ground turns to spongy black mud and the sun never sets. No roads lead to Barrow from elsewhere in Alaska, so they have learned to provide for themselves.

But now they are watching as the sheets of ice that have long encased the nearby Chukchi and Beaufort seas — where they hunt seals, walruses, and whales — are melting significantly earlier and returning later than ever before. The shores off Barrow typically remained covered in ice well into July and would refreeze in October.

Melt ponds now often start forming in May, and the massive sheets now typically break up in June. Since 2002, the ocean has not frozen over in October, according to the National Weather Service.

The changing climate is having a mounting effect on men such as Harry Brower Jr., who grew up hunting bowhead whales, ringed seals, king eiders, and other prey to feed his family. The 58-year-old captain of an umiak, a traditional seal-skin whaling boat, has found he can no longer rely on lessons passed through the generations.

Hunting is such a part of the city’s history that the Iñupiat name for Barrow is Ukpeagvik, which means “the place where we hunt Snowy Owls.” But all the time-tested patterns along the North Slope of Alaska — the currents, weather patterns, ice thickness, and the timing of whale migrations, among other things — have become less predictable.

“Everything’s changing,” Brower said. “It requires us to be more observant.”

Whales now often pass through local waters earlier in the year than they used to, and Brower and his crew have had to hunt in significantly less sunlight. That has made it more dangerous to haul their umiaks to the distant edges of the ice, where they build shelters and spend weeks stalking the massive mammals. Several years ago, he said, one crew got stranded when an ice sheet broke off unexpectedly. About 40 men had to be rescued by helicopter, and they lost all of their equipment.

“If we don’t have access to the ice, we can’t hunt,” Brower said.

Harry Brower Jr., captain of a whaling boat, has found that because of climate change, he can no longer rely on hunting lessons passed through the generations.

Harry Brower Jr., captain of a whaling boat, has found that because of climate change, he can no longer rely on hunting lessons passed through the generations. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

The warming has also forced local officials to do what they can to defend Barrow, where the natural forces are visible in the beached, broken fishing boats lining the shore and muted, weather-beaten homes mired in brown pools of ice melt.

Edward Itta, who served for much of the past decade as mayor of the region that includes Barrow, said the increasingly unsettled earth has destabilized roads and triggered expensive failures in water and sewer systems.

He and other residents are also concerned that the permafrost, the frozen ground underlying Barrow, is thawing at greater depths and releasing a surging amount of methane — a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

The melting earth has flooded and ruined residents’ ice cellars, which they carve out of the frozen ground, forcing them to scramble to prevent their prized stocks of whale and seal meat from spoiling.

“A lot of things we were taught don’t really apply anymore,” Itta said.

Last year, the 69-year-old was shocked when his 22-foot aluminum motorboat couldn’t make it through coastal waters and up rivers for his annual summer hunting trip. The winds — unlike anything he had experienced before — were too strong, and the rivers, whose waters are being absorbed by the thawing ground, were too shallow.

“The change is real, and we’re feeling it accelerating,” he said.



Officials have sought to protect Barrow, Alaska, which is fewer than 15 feet above sea level, by moving municipal buildings and lining the coast with berms and sandbags.

Officials have sought to protect Barrow, Alaska, which is fewer than 15 feet above sea level, by moving municipal buildings and lining the coast with berms and sandbags. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

The frozen Arctic Ocean has long served as something of a heat vent for the rest of the planet, its millions of square miles of snow-covered ice reflecting sunlight back into space. But the receding ice has meant more energy is being absorbed by the open ocean, a self-reinforcing cycle that has increased sea and land temperatures, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo.

The warming has resulted in the surrounding tundra greening with a proliferation of lichens and shrubs. Walruses and polar bears are losing the icy habitat where they have always hunted, while migration patterns of marine life and some seabirds are also shifting.

Several miles offshore from Barrow on Cooper Island, the decimation of a colony of black guillemots provides a stark example of the destruction, said George Divoky, a zoologist who has spent the past 41 summers studying the seabird colony.

With coastal waters 6 degrees warmer in recent summers than when he started his study, the number of guillemots that nest on the island has plummeted by half as they struggle to find their primary source of food, Arctic cod, which have moved farther offshore in search of cooler, ice-filled waters, he said. Now, only about half as many chicks survive as once did.

“We’re watching a disaster unfolding,” Divoky said while waiting last month for a helicopter to ferry him the few miles from Barrow to the island because it was no longer safe to travel by snowmobile over the melting ice.

When he finally made it to the island, he found the guillemots were already laying their eggs — earlier than in any previous year of his study.


Josh Jones worked to get his ATV out of water on the ice near Barrow, Alaska.

Josh Jones worked to get his ATV out of water on the ice near Barrow, Alaska. David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

Flooding is also a growing threat in Barrow. With less of a buffer from the ice sheets, which have long kept currents in check and buffered the coast, more powerful storms and waves have become common. As a result, many of the local beaches have been eroding twice as fast as they did in the 1950s, said Anne Jensen, an archeologist at the Barrow Arctic Research Center.


With waves pounding the seashore more often, beaches have eroded twice as fast.


Flooding has increased, forcing local officials to line the coast with berms and sandbags to slow erosion.


Residents who used to live close to the coast have moved and local officials have moved municipal buildings.


James Abundis / Globe Staff

“We’re seeing large amounts of land falling into the sea,” Jensen said while showing pictures in her cramped office of the eroding shore.


She worries that the city’s history, long preserved by the cold, dry conditions, is increasingly at risk. The warmer, wetter weather has accelerated the decomposition of bones, tools, and other relics of those who first settled in the area.

“We’re hitting a tipping point,” Jensen said. “Heritage that has been preserved for hundreds, if not thousands, of years is going to be lost in a matter of a few decades.”

Since Josh Jones’s team began tracking Barrow’s sea ice in 1999, the researchers have seen it thin by an average of 10 percent.

“That’s quite a big difference in such a short time,” said Andy Mahoney, a professor of geophysics who oversees the team’s research at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks.

The main source of melting used to be the sun beating on the ice, he said. Now, more of the melt comes from below, as the open ocean absorbs more sunlight and changing currents pulse the saltier, warmer waters of the North Atlantic through the Arctic.

As the researchers bored into the ice to take their final measurements, Mike Thomas, their guard, scanned the horizon for polar bears. Snacking on seal meat, he spoke of how years-old ice used to form towering ridges over the frozen ocean and how it was common for winter temperatures to plummet to 40 below or lower.

Jones told stories about previous trips on the ice when he had to use pliers to break the ice on a colleague’s mustache to help him breathe and how he once fell off his snowmobile into a moat of frigid water between the beach and the ice.

“It’s not something you want to repeat,” he said.

Late in the afternoon, with a sun that wouldn’t set for months still high in the sky, a cold front moved in, pelting the men with sleet. The researchers packed their equipment onto sleds and climbed back on their four-wheelers, sloshing through more melt ponds and slush on their way back to the solid ground of the beach.

Two weeks later, the ice pack melted and what remained began moving offshore — the earliest it had broken up in the past decade, according to the National Weather Service.

By the end of the month — Barrow’s warmest June on record — the remaining floes had drifted more than 10 miles out to sea, vanishing from view of the shore.

Source: The Boston Globe, written by David Abel








Geoengineers And Big Oil, The Dark Alliance


The curtain of deception continues to be pulled back on the powers that are decimating the planet while at the same time doing everything they can to confuse and bewilder the public in regard to what is actually unfolding. Climate engineering has been an essential part of the fossil fuel industry disinformation campaign. Engineered winter storms have been completely hyped by the mainstream media. The "record snow" in Boston was a primary headline all winter long while little was said about the virtually nonexistent snow pack in the Sierras. While mainstream media was trumpeting "record cold",  that was consistently manipulated by the geoengineers in a few regions, global temperatures have continued to soar. Standing on solid conclusions in regard to the true state of the climate is imperative so that we do not mistakenly accept false information from those with an agenda. So who is paying to create the confusion and thus hide reality? The Union Of Concerned Scientists has shed much light on this issue in the article below. Scientists are not yet willing to face the climate engineering factor (which is making the warming worse, not better), but the biosphere destruction being caused by climate engineering will be impossible to hide for much longer. 
Dane Wigington


Shocking List Of Global Species Die-Off


Source: End Times Prophecy

Below is a list of worldwide mass animal deaths for 2015, with pages also for mass die offs from the previous 4 years. There are animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions of poultry are dying from avian flu. The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease. Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen the massive consistent numbers that we are seeing today.

In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they have "never seen anything like this before".

Worldwide Bee Die offs       Our Dying Planet

INFO: 970 MILLION Monarch butterflies – a major pollinator – have been killed since 1990 in America by Monsanto's herbicide, wiping out 90 percent of America's total population of Monarchs (source)


383 Known MASS Death Events in 65 Countries (or Territory)

1st June 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up along Big Bear Lake in California, America. Link

31st May 2015 – 80 Kites found dead 'a mystery' in Tumkuru, India. Link

30th May 2015 – Dozens of dead penguins found on a beach in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Link

30th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of dead fish found washed up along Flanders bay in New York, America. Link

Dead Fish in Flanders Bay

29th May 2015 – 300 TONS of fish 'die suddenly' in Ogan Ilir Regency, Indonesia. Link

29th May 2015 – 10 dead dolphins wash ashore in Mumbai, India. Link

29th May 2015 – 50,000 birds to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link

28th May 2015 – 270 TONS of salmon are dead due to storms in Tasmania, Australia. Link

28th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in various locations in Connecticut, America. Link

28th May 2015 – Masses of shellfish found dead 'is a mystery' on the coast of Ngunguru, New Zealand. Link

28th May 2015 – 3 Million hens to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Nebraska, America. Link

28th May 2015 – Fish kill found in a river in Alandi, India. Link

28th May 2015 – 35,000+ chickens killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana. Link

27th May 2015 – 120,000+ antelope dead in a 'sudden die off' in Northern Kazakhstan. Link

Dead Antelope in Kazakhstan

27th May 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in a river in southern Mexico. Link

27th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Darlington, England. Link

27th May 2015 – 12 dead whales have washed up during past couple months in California, America. Link

27th May 2015 – Large amount of dead fish found in a river in Gandevi, India. Link

26th May 2015 – Thousands of sheep dying from 'unknown disease' in Uplistsikhe, Georgia. Link

26th May 2015 – Thousands of dead lobsters wash up on the coast of Baja California, Mexico. Link

26th May 2015 – 975,000 hens to be killed due to new outbreak of avian flu in Iowa, America. Link

26th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish in a pond in Dongxing, China. Link

24th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a dam in Evora, Portugal. Link

23rd May 2015 – 4 MILLION birds now to be killed due to new outbreaks of bird flu in Nebraska, America. Link also video here

22nd May 2015 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Haikou, China. Link

22nd May 2015 – 2,000 dead fish found floating in a lake in Georgia, America. Link

21st May 2015 – Hundreds of fish die suddenly in a lake in Florida, America. Link

21st May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Link

21st May 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand. Link

20th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in a canal in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Link

19th May 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of oysters dead due to storm in New South Wales, Australia. Link

19th May 2015 – 1.3 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link

19th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a stream in Montemorelos, Mexico. Link

18th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in Xiangcheng District, China. Link

18th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, America. Link

18th May 2015 – 1300+ sea birds found dead on beaches in Hualpen, Chile. Link

16th May 2015 – Dozens, maybe HUNDREDS of turtles washing up dead along Flanders bay in New York, America. Link

16th May 2015 – 2 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link

15th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Sakha Republic, Russia. Link

Fish kill in Russia

15th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a canal in Aiea, Hawaii, America. Link

15th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish washes ashore in Canakkale, Turkey. Link

14th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Macao, Portugal. Link

14th May 2015 – Thousands of fish dead from disease in Cayuga Lake, New York, America. Link

13th May 2015 – 115,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link

13th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Lorento, Mexico. Link

12th May 2015 – 200+ Camels dead, hundreds others sick from 'mystery disease' in Punjab, Pakistan. Link

12th May 2015 – 1.7 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian flu in Nebraska, America. Link

12th May 2015 – 1,000 birds dead, 12,000 killed due to avian flu in Betzet, Israel. Link

12th May 2015 – 20 TONS of dead fish found floating in a lagoon in Ursulo Galvan, Mexico. Link

12th May 2015 – Large amount of dead fish found in a river in Shenzhen, China. Link

12th May 2015 – 3 TONS of dead fish found in the waters in Lonate Pozzolo, Italy. Link

11th May 2015 – UPDATE: 5.7 MILLION birds now killed (or to be), after new outbreak in Minnesota, America. Link

11th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish washing up in Hamilton, Bermuda. Link

11th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish in fish farms in Xingbin District, China. Link

10th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in the fjords of More og Romsdal, Norway. Link

10th May 2015 – 37 dead whales found washed ashore near the Gulf of Penas, Chile. Link

Dead Whales in Chile

9th May 2015 – 2 TONS of fish have died in the Vam Co Dong River in Vietnam. Link

8th May 2015 – 100,000 dead fish found in a canal in Nagoya, Japan. Link also see Video

8th May 2015 – 4 MILLION birds to be killed in new outbreak of avian flu in Iowa, America. Link

8th May 2015 – 600,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Belize. Link

8th May 2015 – Dozens of dead waterbirds found washed ashore, 'never seen before' in Tonawanda, New York, America. Link

7th May 2015 – 400,000 birds killed since January due to avain flu in Plateau State, Nigeria. Link

7th May 2015 – 500+ cattle dead due to flooding in New South Wales, Australia. Link

7th May 2015 – Die off of ducks 'causes concern' on a lake, 'never seen before' in St Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

6th May 2015 – Hundreds of turtles continuing to die due to mysterious illness along the Bellinger River in NSW, Australia. Link

6th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Zhangzhou, China. Link

5th May 2015 – Millions more birds infected with avian flu, 20 MILLION total, in Iowa, America. Link

5th May 2015 – Large amount of dead fish wash ashore again on San Roque Lake, Argentina. Link

5th May 2015 – Dozens of dead sea birds found at the mouth of a lagoon in Naples, Italy. Link

4th May 2015 – 152 dead or dying Penguins found along the coast during past 2 months, 'all malnourished' in Tres Arroyos, Argentina. Link

3rd May 2015 – 70,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Balikesir, Turkey. Link

3rd May 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Qingdao, China. Link

1st May 2015 – 23 Whales beached, 16 dead in Murdeira, Cape Verde. Link also Video Here

Dead Whales in Cape Verde

1st May 2015 – 16 MILLION birds to be killed from outbreak of avian flu, 'state of emergency' in Iowa, America. Link

1st May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in Krishna river in India. Link

30th April 2015 – Large die off of fish found in the waters of Bocas del Toro Province, Panama. Link

30th April 2015 – Hundreds of fish dead due to algae in a lake in Jalisco, Mexico. Link

30th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in a river in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Link

29th April 2015 – Large die off of fish in a creek in Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand. Link

28th April 2015 – 20 MILLION fish have died due to volcano eruption in Los Lagos, Chile. Link

27th April 2015 – Massive die off of fish along 2km of reservoir in Cherepovets, Russia. Link

Dead fish in Russia

27th April 2015 – 200,000 birds to be killed in new outbreak of avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link

26th April 2015 – 2 TONS of fish, frogs and birds found dead on the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Link

26th April 2015 – 8,000 Turkeys to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Ontario, Canada. Link

25th April 2015 – Fish kill along the shores of a lake in Florida, America. Link

25th April 2015 – 71,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in North Dakota, America. Link

25th April 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Harbin, China. Link

24th April 2015 – 2.6 MILLION birds killed due to avian flu, 'state of emergency' in Minnesota, America. Link

24th April 2015 – 4 dead whales wash ashore this month 'is a mystery' in Northern California, America. Link

24th April 2015 – 400 animals dead after flooding in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. Link

23rd April 2015 – Thousands of dead starfish found on a beach in Cumbria, England. Link

22nd April 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of fish have died in farms along a river in Saraburi Province, Thailand. Link

Fish dead in Thailand

22nd April 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found washed up, 'a mystery' in Molde, Norway. Link

22nd April 2015 – Thousands of dead fish washing up on Ridgebury Lake in New York, America. Link

22nd April 2015 – 60,000 birds to be killed due to new outbreak of avian flu in Wisconsin, America. Link

22nd April 2015 – Large amount of dead fish washing ashore on Lake Champlain in Vermont, America. Link

22nd April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish washing ashore in the waters of Hulan, China. Link

21st April 2015 – 5.3 MILLION hens to be killed due to avian flu in Iowa, America. Link

21st April 2015 – 4+ dolphins found washed up dead along the coast of Asturias, Spain. Link

21st April 2015 – Mass die off of fish occuring in a river and reservoir in Magdalena, Colombia. Link

21st April 2015 – Mass die off of fish in the Bobos river 'is alarming' in Mexico. Link

21st April 2015 – 52 TONS+ of dead fish wash up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Link

Fish kill in Rio

20th April 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up along a lake in Florida, America. Link

20th April 2015 – Die off of shrimp due to disease in the south of Belize. Link

20th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating on a lake in Pennsylvania, America. Link

19th April 2015 – 27,000 Chickens to be killed due to avian flu in Oxford County, Ontario, Canada. Link

18th April 2015 – Large die off of fish in a harbor, 'a disaster' in Omsk, Russia. Link

18th April 2015 – Hundreds of marine mammals, including seals and whales have washed up dead during winter in Quebec, Canada. Link

18th April 2015 – 250,000+ birds dead due to more outbreaks of avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link

18th April 2015 – 1,000+ cattle have died 'due to drought' in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam. Link

17th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on Nuns' Island in Quebec, Canada. Link

17th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond in Bangalore, India. Link

17th April 2015 – Scores of dead dolphins and whales washing up 'is strange' along coast of France. Link

16th April 2015 – 200,000+ birds dead due to avian flu in Burkina Faso. Link

15th April 2015 – Thousands of fish dying due to algae in Norfolk, England. Link

15th April 2015 – Massive die off of fish in a reservoir in Longyan City, China. Link

15th April 2015 – Mass die off of fish along a canal in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Link

14th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish litter ponds across northern Pennsylvania in America. Link

14th April 2015 – 200,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Telangana, India. Link

13th April 2015 – Hundreds of birds killed in hail storm in Ahmedabad, India. Link

13th April 2015 – 20,000 birds dead, 180,000 to be killed due to bird flu in Wisconsin, America. Link

13th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a lake in Connecticut, America. Link

12th April 2015 – Massive die off of jellyfish washed up on Rockaway Beach, Oregon, America. Link

12th April 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of fish have died suddenly in fish ponds in Guangdong, China. Link

11th April 2015 – 150 dolphins stranded, majority dead on a beach in Japan. Link

Dead Dolphins in Japan

11th April 2015 – 1.2 Million birds dead due to avian flu, 'scientists puzzled', in Midwest America. Link

10th April 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia. Link

9th April 2015 – 2,440 birds dead due to avian flu on a farm in Maradi, Niger. Link

8th April 2015 – 139,000 cattle and 3.88 Million birds killed since December due to disease in South Korea. Link

8th April 2015 – Fish kills littering ponds in western New York, America. Link

8th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish line ponds across Massachusetts, America. Link

8th April 2015 – 40,000 chickens dead in Muritiba and Varzedo, Brazil. Link

7th April 2015 – 600+ Water birds found dead on a lake in North Dakota, America. Link

7th April 2015 – 7,500 turkeys dead due to avian flu in Ontario, Canada. Link

7th April 2015 – 5,000 dead fish found floating in a pond in Lampang, Thailand. Link

6th April 2015 – 7,600 Geese dead due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

6th April 2015 – Massive fish kill in Kolleru Lake in India. Link

6th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in the Kali Bein in India. Link

6th April 2015 – 12,000 birds killed due to avian flu in North Brabant, Netherlands. Link

6th April 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in the Tagus River in Portugal. Link

5th April 2015 – Masses of dead fish found in mangroves in Santos, Brazil. Link

4th April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in the Tonto River in Mexico. Link

4th April 2015 – 55,000 birds killed due to disease in the Northern District of Israel. Link

3rd April 2015 – Fish kill found in La Cienaga dam in Argentina. Link

3rd April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Bethlehem Township pond, 'never encountered before' in Pennsylvania, America. Link

3rd April 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found floating off Lantau Island, China. Link

Dead fish in Lantau

2nd April 2015 – Die off of sea birds along Seward City coast, 'very thin and emaciated' in Alaska, America. Link

2nd April 2015 – Tons of fish die suddenly in a pond in Hai Duong, Vietnam. Link

2nd April 2015 – Fish kill in Wascana Lake in Regina, Canada. Link

2nd April 2015 – 53,000 turkeys to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link

2nd April 2015 – Thousands of 'blue button jellyfish' wash ashore on Pensacola Beach, Florida, America. Link

1st April 2015 – 75,000 birds dead after heavy rains in Chimborazo, Ecuador. Link

1st April 2015 – Tons of fish have died in fish farms along a river in Saraburi, Thailand. Link

1st April 2015 – Dead fish washing ashore for the past week in a lake in New Jersey, America. Link

1st April 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up along Elizabeth river in Virginia, America. Link

1st April 2015 – Major fish kill found in a canal in Portmore, Jamaica. Link

31st March 2015 – Large die off of blackbirds near Picher in Oklahoma, America. Link

31st March 2015 – 5,800 birds dead due to avian flu in Gaza, Palestine. Link

31st March 2015 – Hundreds of chickens 'die suddenly' in Kulon Progo, Indonesia. Link

30th March 2015 – Mass die off of scallops in the bay of Pisco-Paracas, Peru. Link

30th March 2015 – 4,000+ hens have died due to avian flu in Agra, India. Link

30th March 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a fish farm in South Bangka, Indonesia. Link

30th March 2015 – Large amount of dead fish wash up in Sao Pedro da Aldeia, Brazil. Link

29th March 2015 – 4 TONS of fish found dead in ponds in Xiangtan, China. Link

28th March 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of dead fish wash up in Santa Marta, Colombia. Link

Dead fish in Santa Marta

28th March 2015 – 22,000 birds dead, 80,000+ to be killed due to outbreak of avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link

28th March 2015 – 100 Pelicans found dead 'due to avian flu' in the Danube Delta, Romania. Link

27th March 2015 – Fish kills continue to wash ashore along the Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia. Link

27th March 2015 – Masses of dead fish wash ashore in a reservoir in Guangxi, China. Link

27th March 2015 – 22,000 hens to be killed due to avian flu in Tzummarum, Netherlands. Link

26th March 2015 – 60,000 dead fish 'a mystery' in Ormelle, Italy. Link

26th March 2015 – Large fish kill in Spencer lake in Ohio, America. Link

26th March 2015 – Large fish kill in a river and lagoon in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Link

25th March 2015 – Sea birds found dead, 'stomachs littered with plastic' on Isle of May in Scotland. Link

25th March 2015 – Mass die off of fish in Madison lake, Ohio, America. Link

24th March 2015 – 21 Pelicans found dead 'due to bird flu' in Srebarna Nature Reserve, Bulgaria. Link and Here

24th March 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in the Vam Co Dong River, Vietnam. Link

23rd March 2015 – 20 Whales stranded, 12 dead in Bunbury Harbour, Australia. Link

21st March 2015 – 80 TONS of fish have died in a dam in Campoalegre, Colombia. Link

20th March 2015 – Die off of Geese 'due to harsh winter' across Rhode Island in America. Link

20th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish washing up every day at Geist Reservoir in Indiana, America. Link

20th March 2015 – 1,500 cattle dead due to drought in Bosconia, Colombia. Link

20th March 2015 – Fish kill on lake Jacqueline in Las Vegas, America. Link

19th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found covering part of the Kerian River in Malaysia. Link

Dead fish in Malaysia

19th March 2015 – Hundreds of ducks, other birds and eels found dead 'due to disease' in West Aukland, New Zealand. Link

19th March 2015 – Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Hefei, China. Link

18th March 2015 – 50 TONS of fish have died in a lake in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam. Link

18th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a stream in Kielce, Poland. Link

18th March 2015 – Hundreds of birds killed due to avian flu in Thanh Hoa, Vietnam. Link

18th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish and a dolphin wash up along a beach in Outer Banks, N.Carolina, America. Link

18th March 2015 – Masses of dead fish continue to wash ashore in Montevideo, Uraguay. Link

17th March 2015 – 2,000+ snow geese drop dead out of sky in Idaho, America. Link

17th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a canal in Tampico, Mexico. Link

16th March 2015 – Hundreds of birds dead from avian flu in Amethi, India. Link

16th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Link

15th March 2015 – Mass die off of cattle due to drought in Araucania, Chile. Link

15th March 2015 – Masses of dead fish appear again on the shores of Lake San Roque in Cordoba, Argentina. Link

15th March 2015 – 55 dolphins and 4 sea lions found dead on a beach in San Felipe, Mexico. Link

55 Dolphins dead in Mexico

15th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up along Chesapeake Canal in America. Link

15th March 2015 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Xiamen, China. Link

14th March 2015 – Massive die off of Salmon occuring in Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. Link

13th March 2015 – 80,000 birds killed due to more outbreaks of avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

13th March 2015 – 50 cattle have died 'mysteriously' causing shock in a village in eastern Botswana. Link

13th March 2015 – Large die off of fish in a lake 'due to disease' in Reeuwijk, Netherlands. Link

12th March 2015 – 40,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Arkansas, America. Link

12th March 2015 – 30,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Barneveld, Netherlands. Link

12th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a lake in Yate, New Caledonia. Link

11th March 2015 – Hundreds of TONS of clams have died off, 'never happened before like this' in Ha Tinh, Vietnam. Link

11th March 2015 – 200+ TONS of dead fish wash ashore along the coast of Montevideo, Uraguay. Link

200 Tons of dead fish in Uraguay

10th March 2015 – Large die off of ducks during winter on Long Island, New York, America. Link

10th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a pond in Uppsala, Sweden. Link

10th March 2015 – Tens of thousands of birds to be killed due to avian flu in Missouri, America. Link

9th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead turtles, plus hundreds of dead fish found in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Link

9th March 2015 – 250,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. Link

9th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found on a beach in Tolu, Colombia. Link

9th March 2015 – 19 dead turtles found on Pulau Tiga Island in Malaysia. Link

9th March 2015 – 100+ cattle have died 'due to suspected grass poisoning' in Gujarat, India. Link

9th March 2015 – 10,000 fish have died in fish farms in Sikao, Thailand. Link

8th March 2015 – 550 dead animals (mainly deer) found, 'due to snow and cold' in Leon, Spain. Link

7th March 2015 – 1,450 Sea lion pups have washed ashore this year ill and dying – 'possibly 10,000 have died' in California, America. Link

7th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in new die off in Lim Chu Kang, Singapore. Link

6th March 2015 – 600 TONS of dead fish due to algae in fish farms in the east of Singapore. Link

6th March 2015 – Massive die off of prawns, 'cause unknown' in Aroor, India. Link

6th March 2015 – 15,000 turkeys dead due to avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link

6th March 2015 – Hundreds of cattle are dead due to drought in southern Ecuador. Link

6th March 2015 – 10,000+ cattle dead due to flooding of the river Ebro in Spain. Link

5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link

Fish dead in Argentina

5th March 2015 – 12 turtles stranded, 3 dead, on a beach in Abruzzo, Italy. Link

5th March 2015 – 9,000+ birds are dead due to another avian flu outbreak in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Link

5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up along Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia. Link

5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in Cabo Frio, Brazil. Link

5th March 2015 – 1,100 Birds killed due to avian flu outbreak in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Link

4th March 2015 – 4.17 MILLION birds have been killed since January due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

4th March 2015 – 300 Snow Geese have died this winter due to disease in Illinois, America. Link

4th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found on coast of East Java, Indonesia. Link

4th March 2015 – 23,500 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Schwanewede, Germany. Link

4th March 2015 – INFO: 30 dolphins/whales and 54 turtles wash up dead during 2014 in Abruzzo, Italy. Link

3rd March 2015 – 'Lots' of dead turtles found on a beach in Piacabucu, Brazil. Link

3rd March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish, plus dead ducks found in a lagoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link

3rd March 2015 – Large die off of fish 'due to cold weather' at 3 sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. Link

3rd March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Hainan, China. Link

2nd March 2015 – 100,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Fuzesgyarmat, Hungary. Link

2nd March 2015 – Thousands of TONS of shellfish have died off during past few years in Whangarei Harbour, New Zealand. Link

2nd March 2015 – 3 dead whales found washed ashore in Chennai, India. Link

2nd March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Link

2nd March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found washed up along Columbia River in Portland, America. Link

1st March 2015 – Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Tennessee, America. Link

1st March 2015 – Masses of various marine creatures washing ashore dead on Pasir Ris beach in Singapore. Link

Dead creatures Singapore

1st March 2015 – Mass die off of fish and reptiles due to burst fuel pipe in Tabasco, Mexico. Link

28th February 2015 – 100 dead or dying turtles found in the Bellinger River in NSW, Australia. Link

28th February 2015 – 97 dead sea birds found along beaches of the North East coast of France. Link

28th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found on the banks of a river in Uttar Pradesh, India. Link

27th February 2015 – 10,000 birds dead, 23,000 killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. Link

26th February 2015 – Fish kill in 2 farm ponds in La Union, Philippines. Link

25th February 2015 – 5,000 Birds killed due to avian flu in Jigawa State, Nigeria. Link

25th February 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found, 'no explanation' in the port of Wolfersdorf, France. Link

25th February 2015 – 500 head of cattle dead from landslides in Northeast Afghanistan. Link

24th February 2015 – Masses of dead fish found floating in Guanabara Bay, Brazil. Link

Dead fish in Brazil

24th February 2015 – Dozens of dead sea lions found on beaches in Malibu, California, America. Link

24th February 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up along Runmaro Island, 'never seen this before' in Sweden. Link

24th February 2015 – 130 Birds burnt alive while flying over solar farm in Nevada, America. Link

24th February 2015 – 50+ dead birds found along the waterways in Kapiti, New Zealand. Link

23rd February 2015 – 2,500 cattle dead due to 'unknown disease' in Pariang County, South Sudan. Link

23rd February 2015 – 21,000 ducks to be killed due to avian flu in Bekes, Hungary. Link and here

23rd February 2015 – Fish kill occuring off the coast of Pasir Ris, Singapore. Link

23rd February 2015 – Mass die off of fish found floating in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey. Link

22nd February 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Ganges, India. Link

21st February 2015 – Thousands of dead crabs wash ashore on Balboa Island, California, America. Link

20th February 2015 – 3,000 birds have died due to another outbreak of avian flu in Katsina State, Nigeria. Link

19th February 2015 – 800+ (Possibly thousands) of dead turtles wash up along Odisha (different from last years incident) in India. Link

19th February 2015 – 150-200 Reindeer dead after avalanche in Trollheimen, Norway. Link

Dead Reindeer in Norway

19th February 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in the Uraguay River in Argentina. Link

19th February 2015 – 417,041 birds killed due to avian flu throughout Nigeria. Link

18th February 2015 – 100,000 birds dead, more culled in latest outbreak of avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

18th February 2015 – Dozens of swans found dead and more dying on Snoqualmie River in Washington, America. Link

18th February 2015 – Die off of fish in Araruama Lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Link

18th February 2015 – INFO: Spike in sick and dying bats 'sparks concern' in Broome, Australia. Link

18th February 2015 – Hundreds of fish 'suddenly die' in Georges River, 'reason unknown' in NSW, Australia. Link

17th February 2015 – 500 sheep have died from disease in Salento, Italy. Link

17th February 2015 – Fish kill discovered in Manila Bay, Philippines. Link

16th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a dam in Castelo Branco, Portugal. Link

16th February 2015 – 4,500 Birds killed due to avian flu in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Link

16th February 2015 – Major fish kill found in a creek in Haute-Saone, France. Link

14th February 2015 – 1 out of every 3 seal pups born last summer have already died in California, America. Link – more here and here

14th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a lake in Bongouanou, Cote d'Ivoire (Africa). Link

14th February 2015 – 140 Whales dead after 198 become stranded at Farewell Spit, New Zealand. Link

Stranded whales New Zealand

14th February 2015 – Dozens of dead birds found around Lake Rotorua in New Zealand. Link

13th February 2015 – Tens of tons of dead fish 'is a mystery' in Lake Singkarak, Indonesia. Link

11th February 2015 – 200 TONS of rock lobsters dead due to 'harmful algae' off coast of South Africa. Link

11th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Link

11th February 2015 – Mass fish deaths in Lake Nasser in Sudan. Link

11th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish and birds found in a lagoon in General Baldissera, Argentina. Link

10th February 2015 – 2 Turtles found dead, 80 dead since January along the Adriatic coast of Italy. Link

10th February 2015 – Hundreds of cattle have died due to industrial pollution in Cosoleacaque, Mexico. Link

10th February 2015 – Thousands of dead starfish wash ashore on Isle of Palms in S.Carolina, America. Link

9th February 2015 – 7,000+ Birds killed due to avian flu in Hunan, China. Link

Dead Starfish in S.Carolina

8th February 2015 – Thousands of pigeons dying in California, America. Link

7th February 2015 – 38 Dolphins stranded, 12 dead in a lagoon in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, Maldives. Link

7th February 2015 – Masses of dead fish wash ashore along beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link

7th February 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Fuzhou, China. Link

7th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Bhogavati river in India. Link

7th February 2015 – 70 Monkeys found dead throughout Kheragarh in India. Link

6th February 2015 – Massive fish kills occuring along the Tebicuary River in Paraguay. Link

5th February 2015 – Hundreds of animals killed by a storm in Punta del Agua, Argentina. Link

5th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear, 'causing concern' in the Black river in Argentina. Link

4th February 2015 – 1.07 MILLION geese killed (more than half of geese population) due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

4th February 2015 – 20,000 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Plateau State, Nigeria. Link

4th February 2015 – 16.5 TONS of fish 'die suddenly' in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link

4th February 2015 – 33 Whales and Dolphins washed ashore this year already, 'we've never had so many strandings' in Ireland. Link

4th February 2015 – 45 dead Geese found 'due to fatal crash landing' in Hoeksche Waard, Netherlands. Link

3rd February 2015 – 135 turtles found dead between December and January, 'a very worrying situation' in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Link

3rd February 2015 – Thousands of dead starfish wash up on a beach in Abergele, Wales. Link

Dead Starfish in Wales

3rd February 2015 – 2,000+ Starfish wash up dead along Padre Island in Texas, America. Link

3rd February 2015 – 10,000 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Hampshire, England. Link

2nd February 2015 – Thousands of birds dying from disease at Walker Lake in Nevada, America. Link

2nd February 2015 – 3,000 fish found dead in Collie River in Western Australia. Link

2nd February 2015 – Massive die off of fish in a river in Istanbul, Turkey. Link

2nd February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in Mississippi River in Iowa, America. Link

2nd February 2015 – 37,000 birds killed due to avian flu near Netanya, Israel. Link

2nd February 2015 – 50,000+ fish dead due to sewage pollution in Cartagena, Colombia. Link

1st February 2015 – INFO: 67 sick Sea Lions washed ashore already this year, 'no muscle, no fat, just skin and bones', 'it's a real shock' in California, America. Link

1st February 2015 – 10 dead whales during the past month 'baffle scientist' along south coast of Australia. Link

31st January 2015 – 150 turtles found dead along beaches in Baja California, Mexico. Link

Dead Turtles in Mexico

30th January 2015 – INFO: 8 Million+ animals died in 2014 alone from vehicles in Belgium. Link

30th January 2015 – Hundreds of birds dying 'a mystery' in El Reno, Oklahoma, America. Link

29th January 2015 – 5,000 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Washington State, America. Link

28th January 2015 – 60,000 fish dead due to pollution in a canal in Leicestershire, England. Link

28th January 2015 – Large die off of fish in a pond in Ambikapur, India. Link

28th January 2015 – 16 cows killed by lightning in Botucatu, Brazil. Link

27th January 2015 – 450 Turkeys dead, 8,000 culled due to bird flu in Kollam, India. Link

27th January 2015 – Mass stranding of dolphins, 4 or 5 dead along beaches in Pangasinan, Philippines. Link

27th January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found along the Ngaso river in Indonesia. Link

26th January 2015 – Hundreds of sea birds found dead on a beach in northern Iceland. Link

26th January 2015 – 350 turtles washed up dead during past 2 months 'is worrying' along Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Link

26th January 2015 – 300 Birds dead 'due to hailstorm' in Ivaipora, Brazil. Link

26th January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a dam in Apodaca, Mexico. Link

26th January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Saint-Loup-de-Gonois, France. Link

24th January 2015 – 40,000 turkeys to be killed due to avian flu in Sharon Region, Israel. Link

24th January 2015 – 4 TONS of fish die suddenly in fish ponds in Guangzhou, China. Link

23rd January 2015 – 10,000 dead fish found in the Lujan River in Argentina. Link

23rd January 2015 – 5,000+ dead fish in Oyster Creek in New Jersey, America. Link

23rd January 2015 – Large amount of dead fish found along an estuary in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Link

22nd January 2015 – Thousands of dead jellyfish wash up on Redcliffe Peninsula, Australia. Link

Dead Jellyfish in Australia

22nd January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in canals in Padre Island, Texas, America. Link

21st January 2015 – 22,573 birds killed due to avain flu in 7 states across Nigeria. Link

21st January 2015 – 73,000 birds killed due to avain flu in Kyushu, Japan. Link

21st January 2015 – 200 Birds dead covered in 'mystery goo' in California, America. Link

21st January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in ponds in Brownsville, Texas, America. Link

20th January 2015 – Mass die off of Tuna at a sea life park 'baffle experts' in Tokyo, Japan. Link

20th January 2015 – Hundreds of dead mackerel found in a lake in Nova Scotia, Canada. Link

20th January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a canal in San Justo, Argentina. Link

19th January 2015 – Another 220,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

19th January 2015 – Massive fish kill along a Canal in Fort Myers, Florida, America. Link

19th January 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river 'baffle authorities' in Gorakhpur, India. Link

19th January 2015 – 30 Bighorn sheep are dead 'due to pneumonia' in Montana, America. Link

19th January 2015 – Large die off of fish in a lake in Hanoi, Vietnam. Link

19th January 2015 – Thousands of fish die in a lake in Paranaita, Brazil. Link

18th January 2015 – 314 turtles wash ashore dead along beaches in Chennai, India. Link

18th January 2015 – Fish kill found in the waters of Holstein in Switzerland. Link

17th January 2015 – 100,000 turkeys killed due to avian flu in Aviel, Israel. Link

16th January 2015 – Dozens of sea birds found dead on a beach in ConCon, Chile. Link

16th January 2015 – 14 whales and 16 turtles washed up dead in Baja California, Mexico. Link

Dead Whales and Turtles Mexico

16th January 2015 – 200,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Okayama, Japan. Link

15th January 2015 – Thousands (8 TONS) of fish wash up dead along beaches in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Link

15th January 2015 – 10,000 fish have died 'due to algae' in Lake Mission Viejo, California, America. Link

14th January 2015 – 160,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. Link

14th January 2015 – 554 sea birds and 4 sea lions found dead on beaches in Baja California, Mexico. Link

13th January 2015 – 20,000 birds have died from avian flu in Jiangxi, China. Link

13th January 2015 – Dozens of birds found dead in Sultanpur National Park, India. Link

12th January 2015 – 2,000 Cattle are dead due to disease in Jonglei State, South Sudan. Link

12th January 2015 – Hundreds of pigeons are 'falling dead out of the sky' in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Link

10th January 2015 – Thousands of dead starfish wash up in Westerland, Germany. Link

Dead Starfish in Germany

10th January 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Oaxaca, Mexico. Link

10th January 2015 – Thousands of fish dead 'due to pollution' in a canal in Leicestershire, England. Link

10th January 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Jabalpur, India. Link

9th January 2015 – 1,370 birds dead due to avian flu in Kano, Nigeria. Link

8th January 2015 – Thousands of birds 'die suddenly' due to avian flu in Lendah, Indonesia. Link

8th January 2015 – 150 Birds dead due to oil spill in Northwest Ohio, America. Link

7th January 2015 – UPDATE: 100,000+ dead seabirds found since October along west coast of America. Link

7th January 2015 – Hundreds of animals dead from wildfires in Southern Australia. Link

6th January 2015 – 10 dead beacked whales during the past couple of weeks 'baffle experts' on West Coast of Scotland. Link

6th January 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in Sher Shah lake in India. Link

6th January 2015 – Hundreds (possibly thousands) of dead snapper fish found, 'a mystery' in Doubtless Bay, New Zealand. Link

4th January 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in a fish farm in Kampung Baru, Malaysia. Link

2nd January 2015 – 7 Turtles found washed up dead during past week in Cattolica and Rimini, Italy. Link

2nd January 2015 – Large amount of dead fish wash ashore on a lake in Carlos Paz, Argentina. Link

2nd January 2015 – Thousands of dead birds washing ashore along the coast between California and Washington in America. Link

2nd January 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Nevada, America. Link

Source: End Times Prophecy

“Mysterious” Extreme Warming Of Oceans Baffles Scientists


It is increasingly hard to find words which accurately describe the willful blindness of the so called "science" community. How high a price has the planet and global populations already paid for the behavior of the science community? No matter how enormous the global geoengineering "elephant in the room" becomes, no matter how much destruction and devastation the ongoing climate engineering assault causes, the effects are all a big "mystery" to the "experts". Ocean temperatures are skyrocketing along both coasts of the North American continent causing marine ecosystem collapse (see article posted further down this page). The experts correctly acknowledge that part of the warming is linked to carbon emissions, but then go on to admit "there may also be another explanation, so far undiscovered". The seas are warming so rapidly that researchers must constantly upgrade charts. The extreme ocean warming off the coasts of North America is clearly visible in the current departure from average sea temperature map below.

Click image to enlarge


Climate engineering is the most dire and immediate threat to the oceans, to us, and to the planet's life support systems as a whole. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest threat we face. Many blame Fukushima for all the die-off of the Eastern Pacific, but there is much more to what is unfolding. The toxic heavy metal geoengineering aerosols being sprayed from jet aircraft (and the radio frequency transmissions used to manipulate them) are completely altering atmospheric convection, wind currents, ocean currents, ocean "mixing", and the hydrological cycle as a whole. The climate engineers have actively tried to suppress the El Niño event since at least 2007. The climate engineering is forcing ocean stratification which is contributing to an increasing "canfield ocean" condition. Our oceans are dying, if the oceans die, we die. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to our biosphere, academia has so far not shown a shred of courage in regard to openly acknowledging the geoengineering assault on the planet. The recently published article below is yet more proof of this fact. It is up to each and every one of us to expose this criminal denial and thus bring climate engineering to light once and for all. 
Dane Wigington


Criminal Governments, Apathetic Populations, And Climate Disintegration


The all out human decimation of our biosphere is manifesting itself by the day. The planet’s climate system is unravelling as the planet continues into meltdown. The worse conditions become, the deeper many will descend into denial, but their denial will not save them. Earth is dying and even now most of the global population remains completely oblivious thanks to the constant bombardment of distractions from the government controlled mainstream media machine of deception which the majority of people are still all too wiling to embrace. When links begin to fall out of the chain that keeps industrialized society running, the implosion of the reality we have all known will be fast and furious. The power structure is rapidly preparing for this approaching inevitability, we must expose them before they have completely tightened the noose around our collective necks. If humanities current trajectory of total environmental destruction is not completely altered, it will very soon be game over. The single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. If we can do this, we must then face a long list of additional and rapidly mounting challenges directly related to the human assault on the planet. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do everything we can to credibly and effectively sound the alarm within the limits of our individual circumstances. Fighting for the common good is not an option, it's an obligation. The article below is hard hitting and well written, but, of course, does not mention the geoengineering reality. We must all understand that mainstream authors fully realize what would happen to them if they did speak of the climate engineering issue, they would feel the immediate wrath of the power structure.
Dane Wigington

Engineering Earth, Do We Really Believe The Government Would Ask Our Permission?


Dane Wigington

Any that answer yes to the question on the title of this article should do a serious rechecking of their reality. Top US military leaders have repeatedly stated on the record that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. In the 43 second video below, Obama's recent statements make the government's stance on our imploding climate system crystal clear.

What rationally thinking person would believe the US government/military industrial complex would ask for public permission before fully engaging in what they themselves admit is the greatest threat to national security? Though the ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already catastrophic climate scenario far worse, geoengineering is an immensely powerful covert weapon that the power structure is not about to admit to or give up. There is one thing you can truly depend on from governments (especially the US government), that they lie and deceive to a degree which can scarcely be comprehended. How consistently did the US government lie to the Native Americans? They signed over 500 treaties, ALL of which were broken. US citizens, who believe what they are told by the criminal cabal (that is our government), are living in a delusion. The criminally insane individuals that actually run our government (which are above our "elected officials" who are little more than puppets) ultimately view American citizens in the same light as the Native Americans, we are an increasing liability to the power structure.  As the American population awakens to the tyranny of its "government", the ever increasing surveillance of the US population is  yet more proof that our government ultimately views American citizens in the same light as any other adversary. Every one of us is being systematically poisoned by the constant highly toxic aerosol spraying of our skies.

The US military has been completely engaged in climate engineering for many decades, historical documents prove this fact. Their climate intervention/modification programs have radically added to the overall damage to the climate system. How bad is it now? Military installations in low lying coastal regions like Virginia are already flooding just from high tides due to rapid sea level rise. 2014 was the hottest year on record, 2015 is headed to shatter that record. Ocean temperatures are climbing so fast that charts constantly need to be remade. The heating is unprecedented in at least the last 3 million years and mass ocean die-off is occurring. Thousands of people are literally dropping dead from the heat in India while Alaska and SIberia are also undergoing rapid meltdown. California snow pack is at ZERO percent of normal

But what about the "global warming pause" that some have claimed is happening? Special interests have propagated the absolute lie of a slowdown in the rate of warming on our planet and now that lie has just been completely exposed.

Many believe it's getting colder in Antarctica overall, is that really the case? Well, NO. In 2015 Antarctica recorded record shattering heat. Ice sheets in Antarctica are now facing imminent collapse due to continued temperature acceleration. Though there is some sea surface ice expansion in Antarctica, this is largely due to the voluminous amounts of fresh water running off the melting land ice. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than sea water.

The military industrial complex does whatever they want because they can, because they are beyond any and all accountability or oversight. They have long since stated their desire to "own the weather". If you think they would ask your permission before intervening in the climate, you are not living in reality. Make your voice heard, get educated, get involved in the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. Our collective futures depend on the outcome of this battle.

Higher Elevations Are Warming Too, And Faster


Source: Radio Canada Int'l

For some time studies have indicated that polar regions, especially the Arctic, is warming at a faster rate than those regions closer to the equator.

A new international study appears to indicate that a similar phenomenon is happening to layers of air, such that higher elevations are warming at a faster rate than lower elevations.

Scott Williamson was involved in the research. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta with expertise in snow and ice climate feedback in the tundra (cryoshpere)


Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington

Sudden Onset Of Ice Loss in Antarctica So Large It Affects Earth’s Gravity Field

Photo Credit: Dr. Alba Martin-Español
Source: ScienceDaily and
A glacier system on Livingstone Island located near the Antarctic Peninsula, discharging ice into the ocean.
May 21, 2015
University of Bristol
Scientists have observed a sudden increase of ice loss in a previously stable region of Antarctica. The ice loss in the region is so large that it causes small changes in the gravity field of the Earth.

The Engineered Cooling Of The US In A Record Warm World


Dane Wigington

Record cold temperatures and a few late season snows are occurring in very isolated locations of the US, but what is the cause of this and what is the reality in the rest of the world? The climate engineers and their media servants are doing everything in their power to keep the division and confusion going with the US population in regard to the true state of the climate. Unfortunately far too many people are willing to ignore the facts and continue to base their opinions on what they would like to believe instead of what actually is. Does the map below look in any way "natural" or "balanced"? While mainstream media continues to focus only on the completely engineered cool-down of the lower 48 states, massive regions in the Arctic continue into meltdown due to far above normal temperatures.

gfs map

Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to reach record shattering ranges of near 90 degrees in areas of northern Alaska in the coming days (May 24, 2015). Where are the headlines from mainstream media about this? Even many from the "alternative" media are towing the line for the power structure by reporting a radically inaccurate perspective on the real overall climate picture. 

Alaska- has tried to consistently report credible and verifiable data on the completely engineered cool-down of the eastern US. Below are links to a few of the most important and relevant articles highlighting these engineered cool-downs.

Ionosphere heater installations like HAARP are utilized to manipulate jet stream patterns like the one shown below. Such configurations are used to contribute to the engineering the cool-downs of the eastern US at the expense of heating Alaska and the far north.
jet stream
The jet stream configuration in the map above is historically unprecedented though it has become common in recent years thanks to the constant ionosphere heater manipulation of the upper air currents. Cool air is pushed down from the Arctic and combined with moisture pumped in from the west. Where the two come together the climate engineers utilize chemical ice nucleation to complete the components of the engineered cool-down being created. The chemical nucleation process does not always produce frozen precipitation on the ground, but it does cool off the air masses below the clouds. Cool air is dense and settles down to ground level where it drops the temperatures. 
The map above represents the "departure from normal high temperatures" for a combined two year period from April 2013 to April 2015. The most anomalously below normal temperatures in the entire world for this two year period (with the single exception of the heavily geoengineerd Antarctica region) is the eastern half of the North American continent, this is the result of climate engineering (for further reference data refer back to the articles listed and linked earlier in this post).
What about the Arctic Ice cap? Even many of the "alternative" news sources have recently stated that the Arctic ice is at record highs, is that true? Sadly, many of the "alternative" news sources have consistently reported completely false news exactly as the mainstream media has done. In regard to Arctic ice, there was a record early start to the melt season and the ARCTIC ICE EXTENT IS AT ALL TIME RECORD LOW LEVELS right now. Has anyone seen any media reporting on this fact? The first four months of 2015 was the warmest start to any year on record following 2014 which was the warmest year ever recorded and also the 38th year in a row of above normal global temperatures. So far 2015 is "smashing" the trajectory of rising temperatures just set in 2014. But what about Antarctica, some headlines say all the ice is expanding there, is that true? No. In fact there is so much LAND ice melting off the continent that the loss of mass is actually having an affect on Earth's gravity field. Some sea ice is expanding in Antarctica but that expansion is due to changing wind patterns and massive amounts of fresh water flowing from the melt off of land ice (fresh water freezes at far higher temperatures than the sea water). The fact that we see virtually no headlines from the corporate media about these critical facts should be a glaring red flag. Though Obama and parts of the power structure are focusing on the unraveling climate to a degree in order to push their own agendas, they are not about to disclose how bad the situation really is. If the true gravity of what we face were made known, it would further expose the climate engineering insanity which the power structure is using to help temporarily mask the severity of the climate disintegration. Climate intervention is carried out at the cost of making the overall climate scenario we face far worse, not better. The geoengineers can and are creating large scale temporary (and highly toxic) cool-downs which intensifies the planetary warming in the long run.
Headlines are not facts, if you don't see reputable and verifiable sources of data to back up claims made by headlines, you should not take the headlines seriously and continue investigating. Again, climate engineering is fueling the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. 
global temp rise
Credibility is essential in the fight to expose and halt the geoengineering insanity. Those that are serious about winning this battle will make the effort to stand on solid verifiable facts. Conclusions that are built on outdated and irrelevant information, ideology, or denial, do not help us gain traction in this effort. New information must constantly be assessed and evaluated. A growing number of important allies from the science, environmental, and legal communities are now communicating with about the climate engineering issue because of our constant effort to publish scientifically verifiable data which is directly related to and affected by the ongoing geoengineering programs. These kinds of bridges must be built so that we can unite with other communities if we are to have any chance whatsoever of stopping the climate engineering insanity.  

Arctic Sea Ice At Historic Low


Source: Arctic News

On May 20, 2015, Arctic sea ice extent was only 12.425 million square km, a record low for the time of the year since satellite measurements began in 1979.

As the Arctic Sea Ice is at a historic low, Alaska faces temperatures as high as 31°C (87.8°F), as illustrated by the image below.

Engineered Winter Theater Continues In The US


Dane Wigington

Yet again the climate engineers managed another "winter" storm to keep the confusion and division of the US population going in regard to the true state of the climate. "Winter storm Venus" is the latest installment of manipulated weather from the weather makers. Take a good look at the temperatures on the map below, the white bullseye in the center of the US is the core of "winter storm Venus". The rest of the country is experiencing far ABOVE normal temperatures to RECORD HIGH temperatures (and tornados), while this extremely anomalous (and meteorologically ridiculous) "winter storm" is occurring.


Completely engineered (also temporary and toxic) cool-downs are exactly what the military industrial complex controlled media machine needs to produce the headlines they are looking for to continue fortifying the climate confusion of US citizens. Every engineered event that is carried out furthers the total destruction of Earth's climate and life support systems. Where are the engineered cool-downs being carried out over and over and over during the course of the last two years running? The GISS  temperature anomaly map below paints a very clear picture.


The map above represents compiled temperature readings over the last two years. How can the eastern US be so anomalously cold while the whole of the Arctic is in superheating, the western US is burning up, and while all of Siberia and most of the rest of the world is in meltdown? Recent peer reviewed study proves extreme and anomalous cold events ARE NOT connected to global warming, so what is the cause? Welcome to the world of climate engineering. The constant engineered cool-downs of the eastern US are psychological operation to hide the true extent of climate disintegration from the US population for as long as possible while the power structure makes preparations for total collapse. The NOAA map below shows with shocking clarity the radical extremes of contrast between engineered heat in the US West and the engineered cold in the US East, this pattern has been very consistant for two years.


What happens when populations in the western US start to wake up to the fact that they are being subjected to record drought and heat by the climate engineers? It seems that the geoengineers have scheduled a temporary unprecidented cool-down for the west in the attempt to cover their tracts. The NOAA "forecast" map below (which amounts to the scheduled weather as all of NOAA's maps are provided by climate engineering contractor Raytheon) is no less shocking and meteorologically unprecedented as the map above. 


I have covered the completely engineered cool-downs of the eastern US again and again and again, the articles linked below are filled with essential data and source links on this scenario. Those who wish to be most effective in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering should take the time to review as much information as possible. Clear understanding and credible conclusions which are essential if we are to gain ground in this most critical battle. DW

Scientists Can't Figure Out Why The Eastern US Is So Cold
Engineering A World Of Extremes
Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population
Engineered Winter, The Deception Of The US Population
Engineering WInter Storms
Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe
Engineered Snow Storms, What Are They Spraying?
Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought

5/9/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


Radical changes are coming for all of us. What is the “kill-them-all” mentality? How can anyone believe the official 9/11 story? Ignoring our current reality is no longer acceptable. Congressional staffers know the spraying is happening. Snow in San Diego while northern California in mid 90’s. Short trails are chemical aerosols too. Is toluene being sprayed? How to get involved.

Climate Scientists Allude To Total Failure Of Climate Engineering


Climate scientists cannot (or will not) yet openly admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room, but it seems they are finally concerned enough to begin shining some light on the issue. Based on all available data, the conclusions of have always been that global geoengineering programs were making an already bad climate situation far worse. This conclusion continues to be confirmed as new studies are published. Climate engineering has completely derailed and disrupted the entire life support system of planet Earth and contaminated the biosphere from the clouds to the ground in the process. The repercussions of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying assault (combined with the constant bombardment of radio frequency transmissions), has now pushed our planet well past the breaking point. Though the scientific community is still not directly acknowledging the geoengineering reality, they are moving ever closer to coming out of the shadows. The newly released article below is a big step toward exposing the total failure of climate engineering to cool the biosphere (clearly weather warfare and other agendas are the true foundation of the geoengineering programs). Not only is geoengineering not working to cool the planet, it CAN'T work. The laws of basic physics make this fact inarguable and the facts from the front lines on planet Earth confirm this. The geoengineers can create large scale (highly toxic) regional cooling at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Climate engineering programs are not benevolent in any way. What is being done in our skies is nothing less than all out weather warfare against populations around the globe. The highly toxic fallout is equivalent to biological warfare, this is an indisputable fact. Don't stand idly by, join the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. Our lives depend on winning this battle.
Dane Wigington


Scientists Can’t Figure Out Why The Eastern US Is So Cold


The whole of the climate science community is completely conditioned (or threatened) into taking a position that a reality can only be a reality if it is acknowledged by a "peer reviewed" power structure ordained study. Without such a study (which in the case of admitting to the ongoing climate engineering will NEVER be allowed) even if you can see something with your own eyes (like jets spraying materials into our skies), the reality does not exist unless a peer reviewed study exists. We are living in what can only be described as an alternate reality with much of the science community helping to tow the line. In the article below, scientists openly ponder the US "warm West, cold East divide". Why can't they figure out what is behind the completely unprecedented "freeze-fry" scenario in the US lower 48 states? Because these scientists are not willing or not allowed  to admit to reality. Again, and again, and again I have documented the completely engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US. "Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought" is one such portrayal. Then there is "Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population". There is also "Engineered WInter, The Deception Of The US Population", "Engineering A World Of Climate Extremes", and "NOAA Scheduled Weather Map, Alarming Forecast".  The climate science community is helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering crimes by their constant attempt to explain away the completely engineered as being "natural". Many that live in the eastern US have convinced themselves that the world is not warming because it happens to be cold in their location. Many more have convinced themselves of the same conclusion by referring to the eastern US as proof. When will climate scientists admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room?
Dane Wigington


California Continues to Shatter Temperature Records


Source: Climate Central

The dubious records keep piling up for California, a state wracked by four years of drought brought on by a pernicious weather pattern that has kept rains at bay and exacerbated by human-induced warming. Just one week after the state measured its lowest-ever snowpack, U.S. scientists have announced that the year so far has been the warmest on record, setting expectations for a long, hot, dry year ahead.

“2015 to date has been truly astonishingly warm in California, and we're breaking almost all the temperature records there are to break,” Daniel Swain, an atmospheric science PhD student at Stanford University, said in an email.

A time series of California annual temperatures, with an arrow pointing to the incredible heat of the past few years.

Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

At Start of 2015 Melt Season, Arctic Sea Ice is in a Terrible State


Source: Robert Scribbler

Strong Polar Amplification. With human-forced climate change, it’s normally something you’d tend to see during winter time. By spring, the increase in solar radiation in the Mid-Latitudes would tend to force a more rapid pace of warming there. The snow and ice cover, recently refreshed by winter, would be at highest annual albedo at winter’s end. That high albedo would create a warming lag from the upper Latitudes. The resulting increase in temperature differential would then tend to reinforce the Jet Stream — giving it a strengthening kick and providing the polar north with a kind of ephemeral haven. At least for a brief window during early spring time.

Not so with 2015. This Spring, the Jet has been a basketcase. A mess of meanders like a river finding its way through a wetland prior to joining the sea. Strong south to north flows have persisted over the North Atlantic and well into Western Siberia. These meridional patterns have repeatedly delivered heat into the Arctic — particularly through the oceanic gateway between Greenland and the Yamal region of Russia.

Courageous Educator Sends A Powerful Message To Expose Geoengineering


If there were more educators like Shannon Morgan, the world would be a much better place. In the article below, Shannon shares her journey of awakening in regard to the ongoing global climate engineering. As is the case with so many of us, she saw the world she once knew disintegrating around her. After doing objective research, and connecting the dots, Shannon has shown the kind of courage so desperately needed in our educational system and our society as a whole.
Dane Wigington

Antarctica’s Ice Shelves Thin, Threaten Significant Sea Level Rise

As Antarctica's ice sheets thin, the massive rivers of ice behind them can surge forward into the sea.

Source: Scientific American, by Andrea Thompson and Climate Central

Giant doorstops of ice are melting away

Over the past two decades, the massive platforms of floating ice that dot the coast of Antarctica have been thinning and doing so at an increasing rate, likely at least in part because of global warming. Scientists are worried about its implications for significant sea level rise.

The ice shelves—some of which are larger than California and tens to hundreds of yards thick—are the linchpins of the Antarctic ice sheet system, holding back the millions of cubic miles of ice contained in the glaciers that flow into them, like doorstops. As the ice sheets thin, the massive rivers of ice behind them can surge forward into the sea.

Antarctica holds enough ice, if it all melted, to raise sea levels more than 200 feet. That would take hundreds to thousands of years, but the recent thinning of the ice shelves means that there has already been an increase in the rate of Antarctica’s contribution to sea level rise, and it’s accelerating.

Fish Die-Off And Chemically Nucleated Winter Storms


Fish are dying off all over the globe in bodies of fresh water and oceans. There are of course many underlying causes, but what part may the ongoing climate engineering contamination play in this equation? The eastern half of the US lower 48 states has been pounded with engineered "winter" storms over and over in recent years. A major part of the geoengineering process related to these storms is the artificial/chemical ice nucleation process. This process not only cools the temperatures down in a storm system and on the ground, the nucleating material also causes ice to form and remain on bodies of water often with water temperatures that would otherwise have been too high for ice to form and remain for extended times naturally. Climate engineering is contaminating precipitation around the globe, countless lab tests prove this. What effect is this contamination having on the chemistry of lakes and streams? The chemical ice nucleating material causes an endothermic reaction. What effect is this reaction having on lake and pond chemistry and available oxygen content? In regard to the particular fish kill documented in the article below, "official agencies" of course say what they always say, that there is nothing to worry about.  The role of such agencies is to pacify public concerns, actual investigation and telling the truth is not part of their equation, it never has been for them. If we want the truth to be known, it's up to all of us to expose it. Governmental agencies and mainstream media will continue to do everything in their power to hide what is unfolding around us all for as long as they can.
Dane Wigington


Could a rare ‘Double El Niño’ lead to record high temperatures in B.C.?


Source: Global News

WATCH: Some climatologists say 2015 could be in for a double El Niño year. Ted Chernecki reports on what that could mean for us.

A rare “double El Niño” could be upon us, bringing record high temperatures with it.

El Niño is the equatorial body of warm water that oscillates between South America and Australasia, influencing weather patterns worldwide. A double El Niño occurs when warm water gathers in the ocean two years in a row.

This year’s event appears to have stalled in the mid-Pacific and is believed to be largely responsible for a series of typhoons to hit Hawaii and the South Pacific, yet leaving the B.C. coast with a storm-reduced winter and warm weather.

“What developed was sort of an almost Niño,” says Simon Donner, a climate scientist in UBC’s Department of Geography. “It didn’t quite develop as much as expected coming into December.”

Is Geoengineering Pushing Us Into Climate Chaos?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

The short answer is yes.

Here's how…

Start with something dynamic, like the weather and its increasing propensity toward sudden, drastic and lingering surprises. As the geologic record of mass extinctions repeatedly shows, if pushed too far by various atmospheric forcings (like mass methane releases or meltwater shutdowns of ocean circulations),  the longer-term weather patterns we call climate can change drastically, for a very long time, within a decade. Or a year.

Geoengineers understand that complex weather behaviour emerges from a few simple initial conditions. Change those conditions along a broad atmospheric front by deploying aerial refuelling tankers to spread particles that accrete moisture and scatter incoming sunlight, absorb energy from ionospheric heaters like HAARP, or rapidly cool air masses by dispensing ice-nucleating chemicals like an airborne flash-mob – and you change the heat balance of that airspace and thus the resulting weather. Do this repeatedly, spreading megatons of atmospheric-forcing particulates behind hundreds of heavy aircraft for many years and even climate can be altered.

But which way will it jump? If the flapping of a butterfly's wings can randomly influence the course of a distant hurricane, consider an air force “wing” of 72 jet tankers, each spreading 200,000 pounds of aerosol particles one-tenth the diameter of a human hair along a flight path traversing thousands of miles. With our compounding emissions already hurrying heat and humidity in some places to the edge of liveable limits, geoengineering is the unwelcome bully that threatens to jerk the trigger on looming Abrupt Climate Shift.  (Geoengineering aerosols over Belgium – above)

Earth's climate system is chaotic enough to turn occasional stumbles into full-fledged flipouts. So the last thing anyone would want to do is to trigger such an upset with planeloads of monkey-wrenching aerosols.


To elevate such planetary roulette from blind swings at a constantly shifting atmospheric piñata to a reliably predictable science, the desired weather/climate output must be proportional to each atmospheric modification input. And the resulting atmospheric events must also react the same ways every time. That's why we call such predictable progressions, linear.

But the atmosphere, like life, is so nonlinear.

Nonlinear means “full of surprises”. While short-term moisture, temperature and pressure trends can presage near-term weather over a day or two, the further forecasts extend, the more variables are introduced by air masses feeding back on themselves. Other wild cards faced by the geoengineers include heat-trapping gases accumulated over the past 200 years, atmospheric and oceanic “feedbacks” like major methane burps, hyper-evaporation, warming waters and melting ice sheets, unscheduled volcanic eruptions, the fracking plague, and climax civilizations bristling with dirty stacks and exhausts – plus their own geoengineering efforts, ongoing since at least 1997, when I broke this story worldwide for Environment News Service. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas]

Because changes occur in Earth's intricately-coupled biosphere simultaneously and interactively, attempting to anticipate and alter so many constantly changing conditions makes large-scale climate modification an exercise in juggling snakes. Begin with a few characteristics of the longterm weather patterns you want to change. Just seven building blocks can interact with each other one million different ways. Jump to a hundred climate-determining factors and each one will interact with the other 99, yielding 10 billion possibilities. Some outcomes are more likely than others. But this hardly precludes unpleasant nonlinear responses to deliberate planet meddling. [“Considering Complexity” by William Thomas Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine 1994]

(William Thomas photos Mar. 21, 2015: above)

Remember, the atmosphere is an “adaptive” participant in every geoengineering mugging, responding to each input every time with widely different outcomes. Since abrupt discontinuities are a prime feature of nonlinear systems, when attempting large-scale weather modification, unintended consequences are built-in. Like turning off the African and Asian monsoons on which many billions of not-just-human lives depend. [20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be A Bad Idea]

Every pound of heat-hugging carbon we transfer from deep underground into the air will be our climate legacy for the next hundred years. Every time we start our fourwheeled carbon burner, we're a geoengineer. Every time a commercial jet climbs into the stratosphere, all onboard are geo-engineers. Ditto all those power plants pumping trainloads of burnt coal into the sky.

The big difference is, it's your choice whether to turn the key, board that plane, or join a grassroots group demanding clean energy. As for your input into whether those jets overhead continue dimming the sun – not so much.

The result of all this inadvertent and deliberate atmospheric forcing is climate chaos. “Chaotic” means “unpredictable”. Punch-drunk by our ever-accumulating heat-trapping exhausts, at least 17 years of concerted geoengineering efforts, a wonky jetstream, and dozens of amplifying feedbacks from thawing tundra, clearcut forests, burning forests, melting ice sheets and the expanding ocean heat reservoir (for example) – it's no wonder so much inconvenient weather is lurching across this planet.

With global warming causing more global warming, how do increasingly destabilized weather systems respond to deliberate further prodding by targeted laydowns of particulates powerful enough to disrupt air masses and soak up residual moisture like a sponge?

Nobody knows. The atmospheric predictions produced by our best supercomputers crunching incomplete data that ignores climate feedbacks and geoengineering are falling further behind the alarming headlines resulting from a churning complexity that is ultimately unknowable.

Given all the still-ignored feedbacks we've set in motion, most notably geoengineering, it's not surprising that climate changes continue to outpace our models. Any climate activist or “scientist” who continues to ignore these well-documented aerosol assaults is working with fatally flawed data. (Aerosols & contrail over Ontario -Jim Beck photo: above)

But “gross” geoengineering outcomes can be observed. There is no question that Solar Radiation Mismanagement (SRM) by allied governments is contributing significantly to the Great Drying, which may soon segue into the Great Dying. This is why the authors who studied Mount Pinatubo's eruption do not support geoengineering. “Creating a risk of widespread drought and reduced freshwater resources for the world to cut down on global warming,” they write, “does not seem like an appropriate fix.” [This Changes Everything]

To call geoengineering an inexact science is to suggest that if you repeatedly jab a gut-shot tiger with a stick it might do something unpleasant. We know from years of airborne experimentation that attempting to impose an inherently flawed model on Earth's atmosphere under the official hubris of “Owning The Weatherinvariably produces the opposite result. As Naomi Klein writes, geoengineering “may cause the earth to go wild in ways we cannot imagine, making geoengineering not the final engineering frontier… but the last tragic act in this century-long fairy tale of control.” [This Changes Everything]

So what does climate chaos look like?

  • It looks like dozens of craters, one more than a half-mile in diameter, caused by pockets of exploding methane in the thawing permafrost of northern Russia, where temperatures prowl up to +20°C above longtime norms, and the resulting wildfires over hundred-mile fire fronts are spreading solar heat-absorbing ash over vast stretches of the once reflective far north.
  • It looks like endless pools of meltwater acting as lenses across the tundra, focusing sunlight into thawing even more super-warming methane.
  • It looks like the 80 devastated islands of Vanuatu, where I once sailed my trimaran and where half the population has been left homeless by a hot ocean-fuelled Cyclone Pam.
  • It looks like that blocking high over Brazil, where Sao Paulo's 11 million residents face the prospect of dry taps. Another 33 million people in the Sao Paulo region fear the same fate. And they are not alone.
  • It looks like the sea level rise that has driven 100,000 people away from their Indus River delta farms due to repeated flooding and saltwater intrusion into the water table.
  • It looks like California's “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” of high pressure that anomalously persists, re-building itself after every surge of westerly winds or invading cold air threatens to collapse this weather wall, but to the continuous accompaniment of the aerosol jets… doesn’t. Weather researcher Daniel Swain can find no evidence of a North Pacific ridge of this magnitude and persistence “in the observational record.”

(Russia wildfires, summer 2010 jotman.blogspot: above)

(methane cavern -Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration: below)

As Rutgers University professor Jennifer Francis explains, the loss of reflective sea ice and resulting heated surface air rising from dark waters is producing a northerly bulge in the jet stream that builds high pressure in the East.

Winds flowing “downhill” from this embedded High bring cold Arctic air southward into eastern Canada and the United States, as a persistent high pressure dome off the west coast flows warm, wet air north into Alaska, where the international Fur Rondy sled dog race, held every year since 1946, cannot mush “due to warm weather and heavy rain.

So is atmospheric warming or geoengineering responsible for California's thirst and Alaska's failed winter? The answer: Both are so intricately meshed, it's no longer possible to distinguish one from the other. At least until we shut off Teller's sunscreen.

Are all these chemical and contrail sky plumes painting us into an untenable corner? Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, David Travis measured a roughly 2°F difference over those three contrail free days between the rising daytime and falling nighttime temps across the continental USA. (In 2005, James Hansen's NASA team  crunched slightly different numbers for 9/11 and came up with an  average mean temperature change of just .05°F – a perfect example  of a changed starting point drastically altering complex outcomes.)

There is no way a few days of absent contrails (while geoengineering continued) equate with the disrupted hydrological cycle from 5,000+ days of aerosol spraying. But the 9/11 “experiment” in mass mind control and atmospheric processes means we dare not continue an experiment that artificially desiccates air masses as short-lived speed bumps to skyrocketing air temperatures. If Hansen's right, geoengineering isn't working. If Travis is correct and we stop spraying particulates (whose tiny 10-micron size is deemed an Extreme Human Health Hazard by the EPA) we face an unknown instant temperature jump in a feedback-sensitive atmosphere already heading toward a 4°-6°C rise by 2035. Are your children down with geoengineering continuing to grease the skids into extinction? (Glenn Boyle photo)

Are you?

The geoengineers are saving us to death. Putting our planet's life-support on geoengineering life-support that can't be turned off without an instant spike in temperatures is not a wise idea, Naomi Klein suggests. While many point to geoengineering as the culprit behind the ever more disruptive climate change they otherwise deny, and geoengineers use “climate change” to disguise the climate chaos they're inciting, nearly two decades of large-scale geoengineering have erased the baseline by which we might measure climate impacts and gauge their rates of change.

When unstable systems like Earth's climate are pushed past critical thresholds, selfamplifying feedbacks cause chaos, which eventually degrades into a much simplified state.

Examples include disappeared rainforests flipping into deserts, a once-teeming ocean turning into a vast acidic dead zone, seasonal regional climates suitable for agriculture and human life “simplified” into enduring heatwaves, and seawater inching towards 634 million pairs of human feet.

Like a tightening trigger, climate change is carrying us toward explosively Abrupt Climate Shift. As Klein comments, when “university professor Rob Nixon describes the brutality of climate change as 'slow violence'; geoengineering could be a tool to significantly speed that up.”

Before we can agree to step back from the climate precipice, geoengineering is shoving us toward the kinds of social breakdown stalking Miami Beach, where “slimy green saltwater” from rising seas is filling streets, blocking doors, ruining vehicles, and inundating shops and homes. “Another foot of sealevel rise will be enough to bring salt water into our fresh water supplies and our sewage system,” warns scientist and South Miami mayor Philip Stoddard. “You won't be able to flush away your sewage and taps will no longer provide homes with fresh water.

“Then you will find you will no longer be able to get flood insurance for your home. Land and property values will plummet and people will start to leave. Places like South Miami will no longer be able to raise enough taxes to run our neighbourhoods. Where will we find the money to fund police to protect us or fire services to tackle house fires? Will there even be enough water pressure for their fire hoses? It takes us into all sorts of post-apocalyptic scenarios. And that is only with a one-foot sea-level rise. It makes one thing clear though: mayhem is coming.”

Instead of buying time, every aerosol mission is reducing the time left to act. And by obscuring the true pace of climate change under veils of artificial clouds and 40°F snow, the geoengineers are making it much harder to respond.

Every day the aerosol tankers fly, politicians beholden to Big Oil can delay meaningful action, while making Abrupt Climate Shift and a Canfield ocean more likely. “No reputable scientist I know thinks placing tiny reflecting particles in the stratosphere is a good idea,” saysPhilip Duffy, president and executive director of the Woods Hole Research Center, which focuses on climate change.

And no one's even discussing the quantum effects from aerosol technologies.

So I modestly suggest: Indict the geoengineers for reckless planetary endangerment. And ground the aerosol tankers now.


Use existing state/provincial, national and international air pollution and air traffic laws regulations to apply for legal injunctions to stop geoengineering experiments over cities and entire regions “if and when any such attempts are made.” Then, using the evidence needed to obtain those writs, launch class action lawsuits naming anyone responsible who can be identified by name, title/rank for trust betrayed and damage done.

Criminal charges will follow.

[Current carbon-equivalent emissions (CO2, NOx, CH4) on track to 6°+ C. Civilizations collapse at 4°.]

The US Military Is Decimating Everything In Its Path, Including Its Own Country


The military industrial complex has been completely out of control for so long that the consequences to life on Earth may soon be total. The US military leadership has virtually no regard for anything or anyone including its own soldiers. In the military's endless and insatiable quest to expand and control the entire planet and everyone on it, all is expendable. This includes the environment (even in its own country),  and the citizens of the United States which it claims to defend. Though climate engineering is the epitome of the military's assault against its own citizens and the biosphere, there are countless other examples which all have dire consequences. Finally, the population is beginning to wake up to the ongoing insanity.
Dane Wigington

Scientists Say Arctic Sea Ice Just Set A Disturbing New Record

In this July 10, 2008 photo, ice floes float in Baffin Bay above the arctic circle as seen from the Canadian coast guard icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent. (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP)

Source: Washington Post, written by Chris Mooney

Two weeks ago, we noted here that the Arctic was on the verge of a scary new record — an unprecedented “lowest winter maximum” for sea ice extent. What that would mean is that during the season of the year when there is the most ice covering the seas of the Arctic, the peak extent of that ice was nonetheless smaller than in any year – at least since satellite measurements began in the late 1970s.

And now, the Boulder-based National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), which tracks sea ice, has indeed announced that the peak winter Arctic sea ice extent “likely” occurred Feb. 25, and that this maximum “not only occurred early; it is also the lowest in the satellite record.” However, the agency does include several caveats. That includes not only the word “likely,” but also the observation that “a late season surge in ice growth is still possible.”

The loss of sea ice around the Arctic has a vast number of consequences. They range from climatic — exposing more dark ocean water, which absorbs more solar radiation than ice does, leading to further warming — to social and cultural: Undermining the subsistence hunting techniques that Alaskan native villages have pursued atop the ice for generations.