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A commercial copy of the DVD "Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare, And The Collapse Of Civilization" is available with an informational package shown in the "Book" section on the tool bar at the top of the GeoengineeringWatch.org home page. The full informational package includes the DVD, book of GeoengineeringWatch.org research articles, booklet, flyer, "Stop Climate Engineering" bumper sticker, and informational card. The price is $25 plus $5 shipping. This fee is only slightly over the cost of the materials and handling (any remaining proceeds will be put back into the awareness raising effort). The DVD is also a part of the flyer package and the booklet package shown on the left side of the geoengineeringwatch.org home page. The DVD contains 5 menu presentations with a total run time of over 3 hours. Included in these presentations are testimonies from former government scientists, former pilots, and physicians, and more. 

The only goal is to get these awareness materials into circulation. The DVD IS NOT COPYRIGHTED and can be FREELY DUPLICATED and distributed to others so long as it is not sold for a profit. Presentations from GeoengineeringWatch.org can also be freely burned to DVD's and distributed, again, so long as they are given away and not sold. The data on our site is for one purpose, to raise public awareness of the critical climate engineering issue.                         

                           Click image to order                                                     Click image to order                                                     Click image to order

GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD   GeoengineeringWatch.org DW book 3

46 Responses

  1. Thank you Dane Wigington!!  For the remaining days of my life on this planet, I am never going to stop telling people, sharing your website, and handing out your flyers!! You are a true hero, and Mother Earth is worth saving!! Please may we start a petition now, to get enough signatures, on state levels, federal levels, to get on the ballots. This is a sure way to make people aware and not be able to ignore any longer, if its something that must be voted on. If there are any planned protests or marches or anything in the state of Colorado, please lets work together, and get the attention from local news stations. Like Dane said, DON'T GIVE UP!!!!

  2. Thank you Dane for the info.. When I listened to you being interviewed by Gary Null I sent for your book and DVD & pamphlets to hand out. Some people do care but most could not care less! I really believe things will just keep getting worse especially since the Arctic ice is slowly disappearing. Polar ice is critical to our planets albedo and through ocean currents helps to cool water coming from the tropics. That is all changing. I wonder if I could charter a space flight to a distant star system and freeze myself for a few thousand years until I get to my destination. Only in my dreams I guess!. Thanks again Dane, great work!

  3. Thanks Dane!  I will put the material you sent me to good use.  The level of denial is astounding.  My own daughter believes the false debunking news that there is a correlation between people creating condensation when they breathe out on cold days as evidence that planes do the same thing and it's called contrails.  The magnitude of the issue makes it hard for the average person to wrap their minds around.  So sad…

  4. Dane, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and your team for what you are doing.  I have come across some information from a gentleman raising awareness about chemtrails. My only concern is that you cite your material with documents and research as this gentleman from what I can tell does not post his citations, yet is on point with all the information you give us as well.  I don't know how else to contact you to share this information, so please e-mail me and I will send you these links so that you may take the time to view them. They are 3 videos that range between 9-12 minutes long.  Again, thank you so very much and please feel free to share with me how I may become more active in raising awareness in my community so that I can help make an impact. Thank you for leading the way, and thank you for your weekly reports as I never miss one.  "Semper Fidelis!" 

  5. "The day the trees died".  No one talks about the effects of chem-trails, the trees, the birds, all forms of life on our planet, so we sit by and let it happen.  I work in the medical field as a CRT, What I have noticed is increase in stroke, respiratory problems, early death of the old people with all kinds of problems not relates to old age. None in the medical field seems to want to talk about chem-trails, i wonder why?   Just like the ALA does not want to talk about POT SMOKING,  Who gives these people the right  to chalk up our sky's?   This ia Florida, you know…blue sky's, etc.  I talk to people about chem-trails,  Reply; Oh you mean the air plane vapor trails!   Sorry, no one seems to care,  So where do we go from here?

    1. Hello Terrence, we are not allowed to add you to our email list, but you can sign up for it on the home page of GeoengineeringWatch.org. Thanks for your willingness to help us sound the alarm.

  6. Dane,

    What you are doing is above commendable, not only in your research, but in your all-out efforts to spread the word and hopefully, educate the masses. I am a retired educator with 3 life credentials- 2 of which are in areas of special education. I am writing my second book; the first had to be written under a pen name and is totally different than the one I am now writing. I've titled this one 'The Abysmal Truth of Our Food Supply and the Environment'.I have dealt with the soil, our food from the ground and from animals, including the sea and I am now starting with the air and water and have already had a problem with a local federal congressman. Your research is very timely for me. Thank you and God Bless You!

  7. After informing my very alert 90 year father of chemtrails, coincidentally, the very next day he said he saw the sky completely painted with chemtrails from one end of the sky all the way to the other. He was shocked! Nor, can he believe the 'real' reason our CIA run US Government and the Military Industrial Complex who murders for them, is in Syria and the Middle East right now. Putin knows the truth and so do many of us. The only legacy Obama's going to leave when he leaves the White House is the trail of blood dripping from his hands. In my books he traitorously handed America over to the UN and the NWO on a silver platter unbeknownst to the many 'sleeping'.

    Dane, thank you for the compassionate hard, dedicated work you do educating the world and speaking the truth. Soon our First Amendment Right on the internet is going to evaporate if Obama & Hillary have their way as Fascism continually creeps in. I'm not a Christian women but I pray to God that something can save us all during these trying times as Obama inches us ever so closely to war with Russia that neither Putin, nor we want. In fact, he's very concerned our Media is not informing us of this life changing impending doom. I have more admiration, support and respect for Vladimir Putin than I ever will Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton. Yes, I know Russia also uses HAARP technology I just printed out the 9 page article 'Death Chain – Antartic HAARP Activation'.  HAARP & CERN are playing with fire with no regard to the Earths homeostasis or the protection of humanity. Nicolas Tesla would turn in his grave if he knew our CIA weaponized every one of his technologies to destroy the planet and all of mankind.

    With great affection,  Sandra Villarreal

  8. Dane,
    thank you , thank you , thank you.
    i had been keenly aware of what was going on now for some time, being an avid outdoorsman i could see everything.
    up until recently ,i thought i had no-where to turn upon finding your website its almost my god given mission to tell everyone i make eye contact with our plight.
    i direct them right to the website after telling them our government, and the military , is destroying our very planet. i sincerely hope one day you can get out here to the east coast. you would not believe the severe chemical dumping going on around here on a DAILY basis . out of the past 40 days, we had 1 full day of actual blue sky.
    as i mentioned in my reply to kim, it did’nt print though, i even went as far as contacting my state senator Chris Murphy , the response i got was , “Thank you for your interest in global warming, as you know i have been in the fight to stop global warming for some time now ” , I wrote back and said, ‘ NICE TRY SENATOR, BUT THAT HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CONTEXT OF MY LETTER .”
    i just cant believe that these people think we are that stupid, or can be played like grandpas fiddle.
    please find a way to come to the east coast and have some type of convention.
    again, thank you Dane , for everything you do.

    1. I sorry for my English.I really wanted to construct a small note to be able to say thanks to you for the unique facts you are giving on this site. My time consuming internet research has at the end been recognized with really good know-how to share with my guests. I would tell you that most of us site visitors are unlceivoqauly lucky to exist in a fabulous website with so many brilliant individuals with helpful things. I feel somewhat fortunate to have discovered the web pages and look forward to plenty of more exciting minutes reading here. Thank you once more for everything.

    2. Bob I had a similar experience with Chris Murphy.  They don’t want to hear about it .  I attended a town hall meeting in Hamden with him and my questions were never addressed.   Total BS.  

  9. Hi Dane, I have just purchased stash of 100 dvd-r and plastic 14mm cases for them. I am going to use the master copy of all your power point presentations I got from you some time ago. I will make copies and distribute them.

    1. Good luck, I hope you can wake some people up. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview, and then you will have an idea of the uphill battle we will all have.

  10. Hey Dane, maybe I am missing something, but I noticed that there's no links here for DVDs. I was hoping to get another copy of Look Up! as I gave the only copy I had away. However I do have a copy of your other DVD with various presentations. I was going to see if you would like me to host an iso file of the DVD copy that I do have, so that you could link it, so that others would be able to download it and freely copy or view it at their leisure? Just an idea.

    1. Hello “D”, thank you for your efforts to help us sound the alarm. I am all for anything that can give people access to copying and distributing our DVD with multiple presenations. Geoengineeringwatch.org has one goal, to get the word out. Thanks again for your help “D”.

    2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By-6hp7ciRTceUFjaHdxNVhuNlk/view?usp=sharing

      Let me know if that link works…that is a copy of the dvd with four different presentations on it, including "weather warfare/collapse of civilization". It's an iso file that can be viewed through a media player capable of running iso files, as well as can be burned to DVD. It is compressed into a rar file, so will need to be extracted after download with winrar (or similar program). Let me know if it doesn't work and I will figure out another way. The file size is 3.82Gb. You may want to make an actual link at the top of this page. Again, if there is some kind of bandwidth limiting going on or it's not working right let me know, and I can switch to a paid service to accommodate.

  11. Thanks again, Leslie ps I am having my first geoE discussion group posted outside the library every Tuesday for a month using the elephant in the sky!

  12. I am trying to get people in finland and sweden to wake up,but its a slow way to do with facebook.

    I like to know how to get a quality dvd to finland that i can show to people

    I also wonder if Dane is thinking about going on tour to europe?

    My gess is that we can get 200 to 300 people in both finland and sweden to come and look about this problem. Specially south sweden are now sprayed daily. Here in finland Vasa we somethimes get sprayed with 6 planes 1 day and then nothing for 1 week until next sprayingday.

    Good work with this page…

    Sven Gästgivar



  13. Does anyone know where we can get a high resolution copy of Cloud Cover? We show geo-engineering movies and do other events in Sedona each month to raise public awareness. We plan to show Cloud Cover later in July but can't get a download with enough resolution to make it work on the big screen.

  14. I told my story a thousand times now and tell it every day to someone new. I experienced health problems in Ca. Went to doctor. He said geoengineering.The doctor said he is leaving the USA to get out of the range of geoengineering.I was watching the sky every day for about a month. Light light blue, mostly white in color . Then one day in the morning I was walking to the car . I felt rushes of energy go through my whole body . I looked up and saw a beautiful much deeper  blue sky and no geoengineering was visable. I realized the rush of energy came from oxygen that the grass and bushes were producing because the sun was able to reach the earth unabstructed from the geoengineering haze. I knew then I would be leaving CA. I would like any advise you can give me on how to be the most effective spreader of the truth. How can I help ???

    1. nick

      we must all become ambassadors of the message against climate engineering. There are several tools that continue to help individuals to spread the word and shine the light on this deadly subject. If you join SkyderALERT.com we will send you new communication tools as they become available. for now, dane's flyers and dvds along with the dvd "Look Up!" and the mobile app SkyderALERT are the best tools we have

    2. Nick,

      I've observed the exact same thing. Do you also notice how much louder the birds are when the filth is not obscuring the sunlight? And how much happier all the animals seem? I have also noticed my hair gets a "sticky," wirey feeling to it all the time now except the few hours when the sky is perfect or near-perfect. My hair feels normal again. The first year after I became aware I felt the need to wear a mask as the crap burns your nose and makes you feel sick. After awhile it became too much of a hassle so have probably doomed myself by breathing it anyway. I couldn't figure out why I was getting "whooping cough" every year or two?? Made no sense. Now it all makes sense. Most are now walking around with low-thyroid, severe Vitamin D deficiencies, frequent respiratory infections, cancer of some sort and brain fog. Such a crime of wreeking destruction like this on our entire Planet and all living things. We've got to bring this to an end no matter what. We are paying to kill ourselves and our only home.

  15. Hi Dane, love the job that you are doing and need a DVD of the Shasta County Supervisors meeting to present to our local County Commissioners Court.

    Thanks ….Frank

  16. Massive respect to all who are doing their part in this battle… Those who are not part of a solution are part of the problem. I believe we can win this if we keep strong and together, I have been pushed away by family and friends for standing up for what I believe, but like Dane says I know there is basically no greater threat to humanity and to this beautiful planet than these chemtrails. We must look at a solution like a petition in conjunction with educating and spreading the word. Peace Damo

  17. Well, Ronald, I for one will not just be watching. Simply directing people to the geoengineering watch site is very helpful! Almost everyone I know already knows they’re being sprayed and hates it! But yea, indeed…viva mass action. Hey I believe everyone I know would sign a petition!

  18. Dear Dane,

    All I can say is you are amazing…with all the information you have compiled how can anyone debunk it or be in denial. I thank God for you.

    Bonnie Flynn

  19. I want to say thank you again and again. I distribute information every day- I use your handouts and point out what I see in the sky. In Fairfax Ca so many people now know about this- we are no longer treated as if we belong in the looney bin- one of the best outreaches actually happened at the commonwealth club- how the organizers snuck it in I will never know- if anyone is interested you can see it at the on-line podcast:

    Direct link here:

    Podcast link in the upper right hand corner.

    lot of people seem to be open to watching this since it comes from the nationally acclaimed commonwealth club even though it’s a bit dated at this point it really is a great intro!

  20. Thank you so much Dane, for what you and the other geo-engineering watch organizations are doing! I hand out information and DVD’s “Look Up” whenever I can get anyone to listen. More and more people are waking up, but I am still amazed at the amount of people who do not even notice the skies or feel anything is wrong with it. My suggestion for society, is to put down the phone, stop keeping up with the Kardashian’s and look up and around at what is being done to OUR home! Thank you Dane for caring about civilization. Now its up to the rest of us to wake up our family and friends!

  21. I would suggest you get some advice from the French Labor leaders who consistently are able to shut down all commerce in that country over objections and laws put forth by a global Governess. Iceland would be another area where the people are not afraid and have a great track record of defeating the Global agenda

  22. I am mystified over the total disbelief of the chem trails conspiracy by the Governments.. people truly are sheeple and only think about right now. Awareness methods must move beyond websites and Alex Jones type news links that have been labeled as kooks. I am not saying that these sites are that just the perception is. Only mass demonstrations on a Gobal scale organized by a good central leadership will prevail. This site is very good and informative but its name “WATCH” is just that. Watching our demise in a well documented format.
    When will the Sheeple awake?


  24. Dane, as a chemical engineer retired from the industrial chemical business, I am very well aware of the incredible damage now being inflicted on the planet through the use of chemicals in chemtrail spraying, unnecessary and harmful toxic drugs, or GMO foods and the herbicide chemicals they contain. An understanding of chemistry is not essential to realize the harm they are now causing. People just need to speak out and question all chemical usage and purchase organic food whenever possible.

    1. kim,
      as a professional, YOU are thee exact type of person we need to speak out, i noticed you didn’t mention that you ever have . i have researched names of many geo-scientists, and earth scientists and local meteorologists .
      to no avail, i cannot believe that NO-ONE , will admit to something so frigging obvious, if not for themselves, for their kids or for those oh so precious grandchildren !
      just makes me want to lay down and cry, my children and their children will never know the weeks and weeks of beautiful blue sky and summer breezes i used to enjoy so-so- much. i miss them dearly.
      we all need to speak up.
      i really REALLY wish one of those doomsday tankers would crash. then we would have definitive proof. PLEASE , GOD , HELP US !

  25. All I have to say is, I hope they stop this spraying, because our kids are on the front line this time.

  26. Dane –
    Brilliant DVD!
    I share it with friends and family.
    The global elite have declared war on the planet – our planet.
    Thank you for all you are doing in the fight of our lives.
    Vincent Finelli, Broadcaster

  27. Dane and the team behind you at Geo. Watch, great job in everything you have done to try and put together information that is bringing to light the outright vandalism of our skies, globally.
    I spent approximately 15 years in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and had my You Tube Channel, “Brisbane Chemtrails djmskinart” but have now returned to my homeland, New Zealand and will continue to look up of course and film what i see on this part of the globe.
    My new You Tube Channel is “South Canterbury Sky Watch” if anyone is interested.
    I see this new dvd is only sent US, how do i get a copy to New Zealand??
    Keep up the fantastic work, its a huge job but all your hard work is well worth it. Mother Nature is NO MORE and needs to be returned to Mother Nature.

  28. Dane, thank you! I am grateful to have someone like you in our corner in this epic battle! I hope we can reach critical mass in time to get this insanity to stop!

  29. Thank you for an amazing presentation. I am so thankful for your work in this matter, you have really carried the weight for so many of us. Those other organizations need to stop sending out the back pack offers and get with the real program, I guess its a little late for them and they can’t admit it.

  30. Well done for raising this awareness and informative video . Much respect and support and thanks for sharing.

  31. Dane Wigington, I so appreciate your huge energy and efforts in trying to wake people up to this coming ‘cataclysm’ for our planet. I find your lectures incredibly informative and helpful, and I am sharing your great lectures, websites and handouts with as many as I can. Thank you for your passion and care. We need so many more who really ‘care’ for what is going on in our world.

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