9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies
Source: Global Research They’re an American tradition. They date from the republic’s inception. Notable ones began in the mid-19th century. They facilitated annexing Texas. Half of Mexico followed. America became Cuba’s colonial power. Controlling the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories followed.
Creating Snow Storms, The Knollenberg Patent
The engineered cool-downs and artificial snow storms are already in full swing in parts of the US even as the sweltering triple digit heat in the Western US continues to break high temperature records. Most of the population as of yet has no idea that the record cool-downs in a record warm world are anything […]
Cancer, Heavy Metals and Climate Engineering
I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Levine at a conference in Los Angeles. His character and sincerity impressed me deeply in a very short time. Dr. Levine is a cancer survivor and has truly dedicated his life to the common good. His observations and conclusions regarding the dangers posed by the climate engineering heavy […]