Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation


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When I was a child, I knew that the elite preferred to use starvation to nuclear weapons because those Hydrogen bombs killed rich people. Starvation was a great weapon in their opinion because it only struck down poor people. I had estimated at that time that at least 2 to 3 million Americans had died from starvation during the Great Depression. I have since learned that between 3 and 7 million Americans actually did starve to death. Of late I have been writing of the Great Starvation which is what I have called the next Great Depression because it will starve at least 10 million Americans to death and kill a billion people overseas.

Of course these deaths and suffering need not be if we had worldwide Debt Cancellation and monetary reform.

Today I want to specifically include Chemtrails on the list of programs designed by the elite to starve 10 million Americans to death. Chemtrails are also being used to degrade the health of Americans so many of them will be too sick to resist the Evil that passes for their government. And, when the plagues are released, the hungry and the sick will have a lowered resistance to diseases created for them in labs.

I also said when I was in high school that America would face a rising NationalSecurityState because Wall Street was stealing our pensions, savings and paychecks. This was long before they blew up the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City and the WorldTradeCenterTowers on 911.

Chemtrails spray 20 million tons of aluminum oxide, barium oxide and strontium oxide on human beings, plants, trees and the water we all must drink. These metal oxides have been linked to several human, plant and animal diseases.

Aluminum oxide raises the ph level of soil depleting the soil of micro-organisms needed for organic gardening. Trees are dying. Aluminum oxide is an accelerant for forest fires.

Ozone is depleted by aluminum oxide. Cosmic rays are blocked by Ozone.

The videos below present some interesting facts.

The parents of a young girl who was raised on an organic farm in Maui, Hawaii had her hair analyzed. Her hair proved she was poisoned by aluminum.

There are 160 Geoengineering patents. A defender of Geoengineering (Chemtrails) admitted two billion people could have their food sources interrupted while we are Geoengineering the planet. Rephrased in standard American this becomes ‘We are willing to starve a couple of billion people to death to conduct our scientific experiment.’

It is claimed Chemtrail combats Global Warming. I personally believe we are beginning a period of Global Cooling much like the Maunder Minimum. Scientists say spraying 20 million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere does cool the planet during the day but it traps heat at night so Chemtrails are ineffective in countering Global Warming.

Chemtrails are said to be part of weather modification. This causes droughts which bankrupt small farmers and send food prices higher all to the benefit of speculators and the GMO seed companies. Monsanto has a drought resistant GMO corn. In the videos below organic farmers say that Chemtrails will put them out of business forcing them to raise GMO crops.

One in ten American teenagers by their 19th birthday have livers functioning no better than senior citizens. This is thought to be due to the rapid increase of GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup in the US diet. A degradation in the functioning of the human liver can only aid the elite in their plans to reduce the population of planet earth.

Several European nations have recently banned GMO food. The European Union Commission overruled the member states and have allowed GMO food. Chemtrails can kill plants and reduce organic food production to force the Europeans to accept GMO food. Weather modification has caused droughts in Africa and Latin America which will also force those nations to accept GMO food.

GMO food fed to animals in labs causes tumors and reduces fertility in the first generation. By the third generation the few remaining lab animals are sterile runts with undersized organs and hair growing out of their mouths.

We the people of Planet Earth deserve the right to say No to GMO food and to Chemtrails.

The elite have had hundreds of studies conducted at their Foundations and at select Universities telling us that we need to reduce the world’s population to a billion or so. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument says we need to reduce the total world population to 500 million. Since I believe there are a few hundred million more Chinese people than their government admits, I take that to mean there is a well organized group in this world that wants to kill 7 billion human beings.

I ask them this: ‘By what right do you justify killing 7 billion people?’

Previously, I have written of the Epicyte corporation which spliced a protein that causes sterility into GMO corn. By what right do they sterilize people who eat corn? The government of the United States has intentionally added cancer viruses and other contaminants to the vaccines they require us to take. The German military refused vaccines given to the general public and successfully received cleaner versions normally reserved for high level politicians.

The food in America is laced with dangerous chemicals that are often banned in other countries. Bisphenol is a plastic used to line cans. It causes cancer and is an estrogen mimicker. It raises estrogen levels in men and women which causes cancer and sterilizes us without our consent.

These additives, the Chemtrails, the radiation from Fukushima, the vaccines and the coming spike in food prices at a time when the dollar is set to collapse will challenge our immune systems. The combination of poor health, the consumption of GMO food, contaminated vaccines and starvation will make billions of people susceptible to a coming series of plagues. MIT released a study saying that when the dollar collapses a half billion people die from starvation and riots and that a few billion will die from plagues.

The question is: why do they want us dead?

Please understand this: Wall Street and the City of London have stolen all of your pensions and savings. The coming currency crash will cut wages in half in the United States and Great Britain. The elite knows that the people will come after them demanding the return of the tens of trillions of dollars they stole from them. The Bankers have designed the NationalSecurityState to prevent effective opposition from forming. But they also know when the economy crashes and the Great Starvation begins people will have nothing left to lose. How can you threaten a man or woman with fines and jail if they have no food for their children? The bankers and their friends have decided that instead of allowing reform they will kill us by the billions.

And that is why they are poisoning our vaccines, our food and our water. That is why they are spraying the skies.

They want you and your family and your friends dead.

If you are unfamiliar with my writings, please consider the following:

Video: GMO Ticking Time Bomb, The Bankers Want You Sterilized And Then Dead

Video: The Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel Is A CIA Subsidiary

Eddie Reborn Into A World With Debt Cancellation

How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World

The Russo-Chinese Pincer Movement Against The US Treasury and The FED

This video goes into Chemtrails in some detail.


16 Responses to Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation

  1. Stacy says:

    Well it's 11/12/2021. Are you sure you didn't have a time machine when you wrote this piece! As you wrote it, so it is certainly appearing in plain site for all to see! Thanks for being a herald! And doing your best to warn me and other for these many decades! I just quite literally "Woke Up' fully in  2020! 

  2. Jason walker says:

    I found your article very intriguing and informative. I’m aware of some of these issues, because on the Canadian border in NY,they spray (poison) us usually the 2nd week of the month,(9th-14th) depending on wind/weather patterns. I’m very surprised at the # of people who are oblivious to chem-trails. The day of the spraying I walk around & say to people,look up man, do you know what that is? 90% or more people can’t answer CHEM-TRAILS! Most chaulk me up to a theorist, so i just send them to

  3. Lee LaFave says:

    I find your article most fascinating. How do I acess your article regarding the Bilderbergs.

  4. Dan Cieri says:

    From the article – “It is claimed Chemtrail combats Global Warming. I personally believe we are beginning a period of Global Cooling much like the Maunder Minimum. Scientists say spraying 20 million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere does cool the planet during the day but it traps heat at night so Chemtrails are ineffective in countering Global Warming.”

    Clifford Carnicom did extensive research on this topic (go to for papers he’s written about chemtrails, biologicals in the trails, ELF detection he found from HAARP and other weapons systems that horribly affect our bodies natural functioning as well as allow mind control, and much more), and was able to prove that the chemicals they put into the chemtrails actually causes the atmosphere to warm. It’s hard to believe that these people doing the spraying don’t know this…they are intentionally spraying barium, which not only causes your body to glow when you are in the sights of X band radar (like police radar to catch speeders), but also pulls in and bonds to water molecules…barium holds 60 times its own mass of water. Think, after millions of TONS of barium in the atmosphere, that’s a lot of water that’s being held in the atmosphere. That is a big reason we have these droughts. Add the warming effect of spraying these chemicals in the first place, and you have the perfect beginnings of a food destroying drought.

    Also from the article – “GMO food fed to animals in labs causes tumors and reduces fertility in the first generation.”

    They have found, maybe more horribly, that pigs fed GMO corn have their stomachs dissolve. What an absolutely horrifying thing to do to an intelligent animal, regardless if you like to eat them. They are unhealthy and live painful and short lives and die horribly awful deaths. Read up on this and it might make you want to think twice about eating pigs in the first place.

    Considering how big this ‘program’ as I call it is, is the very reason people feel cognitive dissonance when approached and asked to try to comprehend the massivity of what is happening. We try to help them become aware, and sometimes it works, but the masses looking the other way will be the demise of us all. Critical mass will be hit, if it hasn’t been already, and by then there will be no turning back, for any of us.

  5. Jim Myers says:

    All of this is a Maneuver to install Agenda 21 and split up the world for the ” Global Elite”. They think they have the upper hand but they are so wrong. Hitler tried to do the same thing during WWII but failed. Their day is soon coming When they will meet the one who made them and Justice will be served. You Don’t run away from God because He even knows your thoughts. I am no prophet by any means but I can read and understand what the Bible says, about the wicked and their fate and it isn’t pretty.

  6. […] I must admit that the lack of political will to act is rather depressing, especially given the huge challenges ahead. So, I can understand that this can make some of us pessimistic at times. Nonetheless, I am an optimist at heart and I am convinced that we can get it right by giving more support to a Climate Plan that is both comprehensive and effective, as discussed at Posted by Sam Carana  *** […]

  7. gustav says:

    “MIT released a study saying that when the dollar collapses a half billion people die from starvation and riots and that a few billion will die from plagues.”

    Thanks for the info but I’m looking for this study.

  8. Carl says:

    So now we know about Chem Trails. What countries on planet earth forbid chem trail spraying?? It would be nice to know for our own salvation! Why the secret? Please list the countries we’d be safe to move to.

  9. Horse237 says:

    Steve Keen was interviewed by Max Keiser of Russia Today which airs on YouTube. Max has his own website . Dr Keen is an Australian and rarely makes it to England and America. I follow his work because he favors worldwide Debt Cancellation as that is the only way to stop the Depression without a war and/or starving a couple of billion people to death.

    There have been hundreds of studies over the years talking about reducing population through starvation, plagues and wars. Also softer methods like polysorbate 80 in vaccines and Bisphenol linings in cans. The latter is an estrogen mimicker. It causes cancer. But it also makes men less fertile. There is also the protein that the Epicyte corporation spliced into the genes of GMO corn. It causes sterility in men and women. You might want to look at the Georgia Guidestones. They want to reduce world population to 500 million. I have been reading of these population studies since high school. I concluded that these college professors were talking about mass murder on an unprecedented scale.

  10. gustav says:

    Horse do have a source for Steve Keen?

    And what MIT study?


  11. Horse237 says:

    I am the author of the above article. I need to explain a few things about money. The dollar is about to crash. Jim Rickards is a member of the CFR and a Pentagon consultant. Professor Steve Keen said we are headed to the worst Financial Crisis in 500 years. I wrote the annotated Bilderberg series. My most recent article at my site is about my prediction that the Bilderbergers will start a series of devaluations of the dollar. This will continue until the dollar loses 80% of its value.

    Please stay away from paper gold and silver. Venice was on a fractional reserve gold standard in 1348 just like GLD and SLV are today. The Swiss Franc has been pegged to the euro. That is not good. I recommend clean food and water before you do anything else. Food prices are spiking already. Even an initial 20 to 30% devaluation in the dollar could set off food riots and political turmoil. People might begin to listen when their world starts to crash around their heads.

  12. JR says:

    The whole valley over Las Cruces, N.M. is inundated super bad today with the spewing overhead. El Paso, Texas was just as bad today as well. It’s just crazy how people (the majority) can’t see these chemtrails or want to know what’s happening?! Amazing how I could write small article on update without resorting in using the F word. Come on people? There could be youngsters reading here, is it necessary???

  13. Mystic says:

    Read Harvey Dent’s 2014 book, The Demographic Cliff..he discusses the coming economic crash, relating it very much to decreased spending on goods by the masses of baby boomers, suggesting the housing market will crash, but also the stock market crash will make 2008 crash look like a party. However, he predicts the US dollar will do well, comparatively. As an economist, his bio says he has not been wrong about large market corrections in 30 years. As the crash plays out, large numbers of small businesses will not survive, jobs will be lost; but there will be ways for certain businesses to stay afloat and new businesses will develop. He says the price of gold is coming way down in price.

    Re: “One in ten American teenagers by their 19th birthday have livers functioning no better than senior citizens.” Unbelievable. I have spent a lot of my free time contacting organizations about geoengineering over the past several months, and it has been a constant uphill battle. Their minds won’t accept it yet.

  14. thorolf nyfors says:

    Unfucking believable.

  15. Tim says:

    Buy Swiss Francs (FXF on the exchange) and Gold (GLD) and Silver (SLV). A 1/3 in each portfolio will crush any other allocation over the next decade.

  16. Excerpted from: Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation

    [“Chemtrails spray 20 million tons of aluminum oxide, barium oxide and strontium oxide on human beings, plants, trees and the water we all must drink. These metal oxides have been linked to several human, plant and animal diseases.
    Aluminum oxide raises the ph level of soil depleting the soil of micro-organisms needed for organic gardening. Trees are dying. Aluminum oxide is an accelerant for forest fires.

    Ozone is depleted by aluminum oxide. Cosmic rays are blocked by Ozone.”]

    Just let the gentle Cosmic Rays into your crown chakra, and you will find the glorious light… Is all fucked up.

    Ignore the obvious. It’s so easy…

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