Source: Nooganomics

Hundreds of jets are flying over Chattanooga today (Sunday, Oct. 19) in what can be called nothing less than a breathtaking visitation. The demonstration begins early and lasts most of the day in spurts.
At church and during travels between Soddy-Daisy and Brainerd, I see three or four jets flying in diverse directions at any one moment. The sky is filled with crisscrossing plumes and great banks of cloud that develop as the trails enlarge and spread in the high atmosphere.
In a conversation at 7:30 p.m., a hunter friend, Donald T. Staton, and I stand in my driveway looking skyward, both of us with binoculars and me with a camera. We estimate that in the 15 minutes we chat 30 jets fly over in the high stratosphere, emitting plumes. Two or three planes we watch spews mist from the whole part of their rears, from wings and body, as if from an array of invisible ports. Other jets emit streaks that seem to begin from two or four points coinciding with their engines. We suppose the overflights might be government tests of a new jet, but realize it wouldn’t build six jets for a test, but test a single prototype. We suppose we could ask the EPA or Lovell Field about the flights, or call the U.S. military to ask “what’s up?” But Mr. Staton and I concur it would do no good to place phone calls Sunday evening, and that there’s no way for us to easily get an admission as to the jets’ purpose. Regular passenger jet service, we say, follows routine and dull paths; today’s show is extraordinary.
So remarkable is the aerial stage that my mother, Marianne, leaves a message on my phone: “I see big streaks in the sky, really something very special. I’ve never seen something like that. *** It’s not going to last.”
By my accounting, Chattanooga and Hamilton County in Southeast Tennessee are sky striped roughly every other day. Other days look like sky stripe days in result, but no jets are visible, suggesting deposit points downwind and a reliance on atmospheric drift.
The program should be understood to be of the U.S. government’s effort to combat “climate change,” as it is called, or climate overheating, the latter which has affected most parts of the world except the Eastern U.S. The program is much discussed in academic literature and at a geoengineering conference in Berlin as stratosphereic aerosol geoengeineering (SAG for short) and solar radiation management (SRM in ivory tower vernacular). What scientists publicly propose is already well under way by policy in many countries.
The jets are military Stratotankers or retrofitted civilian airlines whose flights are not marked by transponders and trackable on such websites as But I do not consult the website and cannot offer any difference between numbers of observed flights and those tracked. The jets I view appear to be civilian models
A bit of propaganda from NOAA
The national weather service’s Memphis unit on Sunday posted a photo of a chemtrail-laced sky and published on Facebook a lengthy discussion about how the plumes turning into clouds are harmless water vapor encountering subzero temperatures at 40,000 feet.
The length of time that a contrail lasts is directly proportional to the amount of humidity that is already in the atmosphere. A drier atmosphere leads to a more short-lived contrail, while an atmosphere that has more humidity will lead to longer-lived contrails. However, if the atmosphere is too dry, no contrails will form. If contrails persist for a long enough period of time, say on the order of an hour or more, they can spread out across the sky due to the prevailing winds at the level at which they formed.
Persistence of contrails is neither an indication that they contain some kind of chemical, nor that it is some kind of spray. As a matter of fact, sailors have known for some time to look specifically at the patterns and persistence of jet contrails for weather forecasting. On days where the contrails disappear quickly or don’t even form, they can expect continuing good weather, while on days where they persist, a change in the weather pattern may be expected.
This missive is similar to the 14-year-old FAQ by the EPA provided me by Bob Colby, director of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau. Jet engines no longer leave contrails after years of improved design.
The material deposited in aerosols are long reported to be aluminum, strontium and barium, with little consideration given into the academic literature about their toxic effects on human health. Aluminum, in fact, the ideal metal to convert into nanoparticulate and emit as an airborne light reflector, is officially off the radar as a pollutant, Mr. Colby says, it being of no consequence. The EPA, in setting this standard of indifference, coordinates with other branches of the American government. Environmentalists in Chattanooga ignore SAG and SRM as a danger because of political allegiance to the government.
Roberts takes notice
Meanwhile, an important U.S. journalist has been considering the prospect of the sky striping program being a matter of policy, not just aeronautic chance.
In a recent essay Paul Craig Roberts explores several seemingly existential threats to the American people.
“The U.S. government’s efforts to geo-engineer weather as a military weapon and as a preventative of global warming appear to be real. The DARPA and HAARP programs are well known and are discussed publicly by scientists. See, for example, Search Chemtrails, and you will find much information that is kept from you. See, for example, and
“Some describe chemtrails as a plot by the New World Order, the Rothchilds, the Bilderbergers, or the Masons, to wipe out the “useless eaters.” Given the amount of evil that exists in the world, these conspiracy theories might not be as farfetched as they sound.
Bizarre weather effects
Paul Craig Roberts is a noted defender of free markets and constitutional government.
“However, I do not know that. What does seem to be possibly true is that the scientific experiments to modify and control weather are having adverse real world consequences. The claim that aluminum is being sprayed into the atmosphere and when it comes to earth is destroying the ability of soil to be productive might not be imaginary. Those concerned about chemtrails say that weather control experiments have deprived the western United States of rainfall, while sending the rain to the east where there have been hurricane level deluges and floods.
“In the West, sparse rainfall and lightning storms without rain are resulting in forests drying out and burning down. Deforestation adversely affects the environment in many ways, including the process of photosynthesis by which trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The massive loss of forests means more carbon dioxide and less oxygen. Watershed and species habitat are lost, and spreading aridity further depletes ground and surface water. If these results are the consequences of weather modification experiments, the experiments should be stopped.
“In North Georgia where I spend some summers, during 2013 it rained for 60 consecutive days, not all day, but every day, and some days the rainfall was 12 inches — hurricane level — and roads were washed out. I received last summer 4 automated telephone warnings from local counties not to drive and not to attempt to drive through accumulations of water on the highways.
“One consequence of the excess of water in the East is that this year there are no acorns in North Georgia. Zilch, zero, nada. Nothing. There is no food for the deer, the turkeys, the bear, the rodents. Starving deer will strip bark from the trees. Bears will be unable to hibernate or will be able only to partially hibernate, forced to seek food from garbage. Black bears are already invading homes in search of food.
Unusual drought in the West and unusual flood in the East could be coincidental or they could be consequences of weather modification experiments.
Dusty gulch U.S.?
“The U.S., along with most of the world, already had a water problem prior to possible disruptions of rainfall by geo-engineering. In his book, Elixir, Brian Fagan tells the story of humankind’s mostly unsuccessful struggle with water. Both groundwater and surface water are vanishing. The water needs of large cities, such as Los Angeles and Phoenix, and the irrigation farming that depends on the Ogallala aquifer are unsustainable. Fagan reminds us that “the world’s supply of freshwater is finite,” just like the rest of nature’s resources. Avoiding cataclysm requires long-range thinking, but humanity is focused on immediate needs. Long-range thinking is limited to finding another water source to deplete. Cities and agriculture have turned eyes to the Great Lakes.
“Los Angeles exists because the city was able to steal water from hundreds of miles away. The city drained Owens Lake, leaving a huge salt flat in its place, drained the Owens Valley aquifer, and diverted the Owens River to LA via aqueduct. Farming and ranching in the Owens Valley collapsed. Today LA takes water from the Colorado River, which originates in Wyoming and Colorado, and from Lake Perris 440 miles away.
“Water depletion is not just an American problem. Fagan reports that ‘underground aquifers in many places are shrinking so rapidly that NASA satellites are detecting changes in the earth’s gravity.’
“If the government is experimenting with weather engineering, scientists are playing God when they have no idea of the consequences. It is a tendency of scientists to become absorbed by the ability to experiment and to ignore unintended consequences.
Readers have asked me to write about Fukushima and chemtrails because they trust me to tell them the truth. The problem is that I am not qualified to write about these matters with anything approaching the same confidence that I bring to economic, war and police state matters.
“The only advice I can give is that when you hear the presstitute media smear a concern or explanation as ‘conspiracy theory,’ have a closer look. The divergence between what is happening and what you are told is so vast that it pays to be suspicious, cynical even, of what ‘your’ government and ‘your’ presstitute media tell you. The chances are high that it is a lie.”
Source: Nooganomics
10 Responses
Hi, Dane. To add to my question about the hole in clouds over Anchorage–do they punch the hole using HAARP?
Thanks, again.
I have a question for Dane, if you please:) As Denise mentioned a day after spraying resulted in a clear blue sky (although not actually clear as we know). I’ve seen this happen where there appeared to be a hole in the clouds over Anchorage, yet it was cloudy in all directions at the edge of the hole. I’ve seen this done when we had global photo moments, such as the International Sled Dog races or other festivals. Are they able to produce a clear looking sky also, Dane (or Russ) Anyone?
Thanks very much.
Hello Bella, the clearer skies are generally seen after a storm front passes through, often the spraying is much less in this situation. Ionosphere heaters and aerosols can create openings in the cloud cover, other aerosol applications can and are increasing cloud cover.
Looking at that seriously messed up sky gave me a tight feeling in my chest. Those of us who are “aware” probably do restrict our breathing subconsciously upon exposure. It’s not good when a picture can cause that reaction.
Anyway, I know from experience, after you’ve had sixty or more jets spraying overhead, the next day, if you can get out of bed, you can’t get off the couch. Even my healthy 24 year old relative had that problem. I hope those exposed will speak out eventually telling of their resultant physical state. I bet others would relate to that, even if they know nada about geoengineering.
Same jet clouds in Cookeville. It can be a total whiteout for days on end. Sometimes I wonder if they are trying to hide something behind the thick haze.
The trees look bad. The leaves look burned and the bark just keeps falling off. I do not see the squirrels anymore for quite some time either. These little critters were everywhere now nothing.
I spent some time in Nashville, TN. early this summer. Almost non-stop aerosol trails could be seen at any given time of day.
Likewise, here in St. Louis, chemtrail blitz, then 2 or 3 days of nothing but “blue” skies. Everywhere, the war is raging almost as if there is some kind of dire emergency that necessitates absolute worldwide SAG. Methane release? I refuse to believe that this planetary blitzkreig is intended to moderate so-called global heating from vast methane releases.
As I understand it, the vastly increased percent of cloud cover generated by SAG actually contributes to warming at the surface. In either case, the sheer idiocy of a cabal of so-called scientists taking it upon themselves to prescribe THIS!? as a remedy for planet earth is evil in the extreme.
And perhaps the most f****d-up aspect of this entire scenario is that these criminals have been carrying out this agenda for many years COVERTLY!!!! That is to say, without full disclosure to the public. And still to this day, disinformation and denial is fed to the dumb-ass masses, most of whom never even look up and if they do there is zero comprehension, zero questioning.
The coming methane spike is a certainty and may translate into unimaginable suffering for humanity. If geoengineering is their answer, their science can’t see the forest for the trees. Absurd, heartbreaking, depressing, enraging….
They were spraying Northern Colorado on Saturday, 10/18. There were three or four planes at any one time leaving a trail, all day long. Yesterday and today, not a plane in the sky and beautiful blue skies.
There were over 800 postings from the picture and attached statement. A war of words went on with both sides making there claims. The anti Geo Engineering side was the first to rightly denounce the statement coming from NWS Memphis’s picture and we came out in numbers. The other side had several mouth pieces that tried their best to continue the false claim. There was much negative language,cursing and name calling from both sides.Several people stood out from both camps as informational leaders and they went at each other intensely. Needless to say,we won the day by their removal of such a fabricated statement to the obvious geo-engineered sky. Looking at their website,they are loaded with geo-engineered pictures and they continue to praise them as beautiful and natural. I am of the firm opinion that the 800 posts…if read by many…brought alot of insight to many people…without a doubt …the battle is on.
The reference to the propaganda that NWS Memphis TN posted on 10/19/14 (and has since removed entirely) consisted of this very blatant misdirection of facts – “Contrails have made for a beautiful sky over Memphis today.”
NWS Memphis went on to explain “contrails”, and encouraged people to post their “pics” of the same (geoengineered sky).
The post immediately generated many factual comments pointing out geoengineering, followed by the attention of trolls.
I suspect the NWS Memphis decided this morning to remove the post because it didn’t look good on them. A weekend staffer error in judgment? Perhaps so.
By the way, it was similar here in SW Iowa on Sunday morning October 19th. It looked like rockets races had just happened in the sky. Dozens of them, and all this was happening at church time in Irwin, Iowa pop. 330 where the townsfolk all file into 3 churches for a town of 330 people while they are being sprayed by their government they go into the churches like friggin’ zombies.