Dane Wigington
Media in Northern California is the epitome of criminal reporting and "gatekeeping" of legitimate information. The "Record Searchlight" (Northern California's primary newspaper) is owned by the Scripps Howard institute, a part of the corporate media empire. The editor at the Searchlight has done his best to toe the line for the power structure by constantly publishing his personal views. The post directly below was published front and center in the editorial section of the Record Searchlight on December 7th, 2014. The spin and omission of the facts by Mr. Silas Lyons is typical of his "coverage" of the climate engineering/geoengineering issue in the past. If you are outraged after reading all that is contained in this post, perhaps you should let editor Silas Lyons know what your opinion is, he can be reached at the email shown in his editorial publication below.
About That Protest
By Silas Lyons
I have no doubt that most of the folks who came out in the light rain Friday to protest the Record Searchlight before heading over to KRCR Channel 7 have sincere intentions.
They truly believe that the United States government is spraying poison from the sky and, in the words of leader Dane Wigington of Bella Vista, hastening “the collapse of civilization.” Why the collapse of civilization would benefit the elites spraying the stuff — who already have the money and power in the current civilization — is beyond me, but never mind that. The protesters are truly baffled as to why legitimate media outlets won’t cover the issue as if it were real.
I love a good protest on public property, although I didn’t appreciate them packing into the lobby at one point and harassing the folks who work at the front counter and have nothing to do with news decisions. Thankfully, they returned to the sidewalk.
The fact is, I’m not at all certain that the government isn’t doing secret things that would outrage us all if we knew about them. Government officials bring such suspicion on themselves with their denials of actual programs such as the NSA’s domestic spying and their paranoid efforts to dismantle transparency and shut out the public and news media from routine federal business.
But a conspiracy that, by nature, would have to involve at least thousands of people, both government employees and civilians, poisoning themselves and their own families and loved ones, over a period of many years, and that no one has ever broken ranks and disclosed?
There are a lot of things discussed on Coast to Coast AM, but they aren’t the kinds of things a newspaper of record should spend its resources chasing down or to which it ought to lend unearned legitimacy. With all due respect.
Reach Editor Silas Lyons at 225-8210 or slyons@redding.com. He’s on Facebook and Instagram, and on Twitter @silaslyons_RS.
The letter below was submitted by me to the RS editor Silas Lyons in response to the climate engineering "hit piece" he published above.
Speak your piece submission to Record Searchlight – letters@redding.com
The Searchlight Again Tries To Hide the Climate Engineering Issue
Unfortunately, Silas Lyons and the Record Searchlight did exactly what we would expect the corporate media to do, and exactly what we have seen them do in the past, complete spin and omission in regard to the subject of climate engineering. Why did Mr. Lyons call me the "leader" of these citizens, does he believe those in attendance can't think for themselves? Virtually every activist sign at the "protest" had a "geoengineering" or "climate engineering" statement on it, why did Silas Lyons totally omit these science terms? Mr. Lyons says "legitimate media outlets won't cover the issue (geoengineering) as if it were real". Mr. Lyons, perhaps you should pick up a cover of the current issue of Newsweek, "Geoengineering" is the cover article subject. In fact, we gave copies of the Newsweek article to you and your staff, but you neglected to mention that. If Mr. Lyons and the Searchlight took the time to actually investigate the issue of climate engineering, they would find that the entire climate science community and most governments around the globe are speaking about geoengineering as a top priority. But again, Silas Lyons and the Searchlight completely omitted any and all science terms from the "hit piece" they put out in order to uphold their positions as the the gatekeepers of legitimate information. Our media seems to be well aware of who pays them in the end, their completely immoral "journalism" is a testimony to this fact.
Dane Wigington
Bella Vista California
Below is the "edited" version of my submission that the paper published. The editor made changes and omissions to the original letter. Gone is any reference to the Newsweek article, and much of the statement of the letter was altered to suite Mr. Lyons's dictates.
"Mr. Wigington, I’ll be happy to run your letter as edited below. Let me know if this works for you." (from editor Silas Lyons)
Dane Wigington: Corporate newspaper shirks its responsibility
Dane Wigington, Bella Vista
Unfortunately, Silas Lyons and the Record Searchlight did exactly what we would expect the corporate media to do, and exactly what we have seen them do in the past: complete spin and omission in regard to the subject of climate engineering. Why did Lyons call me the “leader” of these citizens, does he believe those in attendance can’t think for themselves? Virtually every activist sign at the “protest” had a “geoengineering” or “climate engineering” statement on it. The climate science community and most governments are considering the possibility of climate engineering, although those discussions are, at this point, in the future tense. Lyons and the Searchlight completely omitted any and all science terms from the “hit piece” they put out in order to uphold their positions as the gatekeepers of legitimate information. Our media seems to be well aware of who pays them in the end, their completely immoral “journalism” is a testimony to this fact.
In addition to the papers spin on the "sit in" by citizens on December 5th 2014, the Searchlight COMPLETELY OMITTED any coverage whatsoever of a major community event on November 21st covering the climate engineering issue. The letter below was submitted to the Newspaper by one of many citizens that are increasingly outraged over the behavior of this so called "News source" (unfortunately it has not been published).
Record Searchlight, Ducks Its Responsibility To The Public
December 5, 2014
by Rose TaylorWhen my partner and I called the Record Searchlight today we asked Carol Ferguson, the news desk editor, why they didn’t cover the Geoengineering Forum on Nov. 21st, where over 500 people attended?
She said, “The chemtrail issue is not a legitimate news story and we don’t believe in your vast government conspiracy theory.” When we responded with the fact that all five Shasta County Supervisors voted unanimously to investigate the aluminum/geoengineering issue, she diminished the Board of Supervisors and said in effect, “Oh that, that was crazy of them!” I then said, “So what you are telling us is you will only report what you believe in and that you are actually editorializing instead of reporting the news."
The truth be said, they refused to cover one of the largest public events that occurred in Redding, California on November 21st, 2014. Due to the personal prejudices and beliefs of the Record Searchlight editorial staff, they felt no obligation to report the news to the citizens of Redding, California. They felt no obligation to report the fact that one of Shasta County Board of Supervisors, Bill Schappell was in attendance. He was there to give a follow up report to the public regarding efforts by the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to pass on to appropriate agencies and officials what was deemed to be “credible and compelling evidence” of a serious aluminum contamination in their county and citizen concerns over the climate geoengineering issue.
This is a legitimate news story and the Record Searchlight had no legitimate right to keep from the public what the supervisor had to say. Mr. Schappell said he had deep concerns over the lack of response by government agencies and officials who should care about this issue. He said, their silence is very disturbing and this issue goes way beyond any concerns for reelection or public approval ratings.
Shame on the Record Searchlight, they do themselves, their families and our country a huge disservice when they chose not to report the news. Your behavior certainly gives credence to John Swinton’s claim in 1883, when he said:
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper …. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
John Swinton (1829–1901) a Scottish-American journalist, newspaper publisher, and orator. See: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Swinton
One more example of the letters submitted to the Record Searchlight from outraged citizens is below. Again, if you wish to voice your own concerns to editor Silas Lyons and the Record Searchlight about their deliberate attempts to marginalize or completely omit the climate engineering issue, his public email is here. slyons@redding.com
From: Terry Rapoza
Subject: Conspiracy Theorists?
Date: December 6, 2014 11:04:43 AM PST
To: Silas Lyons Record Searchlight–Editor <slyons@redding.com>Dear Mr. Lyons,
Since you wouldn't come out to meet us yourself yesterday, I wanted to share with you some pictures of the "Conspiracy Theorists" at yesterday's Rally for Media Awareness. Notice anything? They are young and older and middle aged. They are comfortable, middle class and lower income levels. There are people with long hair, and people who have served in the military. People who own businesses and people who work for the government. Yet, you dismiss all of these citizens (many of them who at one time used to buy your paper!) by your blatant disregard for their concerns.You ignored the invitation to attend the Nov. 22 forum where people came from long distances-Alaska, Arizona, Oregon, Tahoe, San Luis Obispo the Bay area and many other places. Experts in their fields of meteorology, medicine, aeronautics, and the defense industry confirmed that Climate Engineering is occurring. Even our own Board of Supervisors in July of this year, agreed to try to get some more info on the health effects of Geoengineering. There were several elected officials in the crowd at the Sequoia Theater as well. Are they conspiracy theorists too?
Even NEWSWEEK magazine had an article in it this month acknowledging the existence of these programs and what Scientists are attempting to do "save us from global warming."
Planet Reboot: Fighting Climate Change With Geoengineering
Are the writers of this article also Conspiracy Theorists?When this many people show up on a rainy Dec. morning in an attempt to bring Awareness to an issue of importance to them, most newspaper editors would take the opportunity to listen, not dismiss them. Your arrogance is showing.
Sally Rapoza
Another important response to newspaper editor Silas Lyons from a concerned citizen…
Sent by Craig Trotter
Mr. Silas Lyons,
Please allow me to respond to your "About That Protest" editorial from the Dec 7th, 2014 edition of The Record Searchlight in Northern California.
First, you state that:
"They truly believe that the United States government is spraying poison from the sky and, in the words of leader Dane Wigington of Bella Vista, hastening “the collapse of civilization.” Why the collapse of civilization would benefit the elites spraying the stuff — who already have the money and power in the current civilization — is beyond me"
This characterization implies that the primary purpose of Geoengineering programs is to poison the public and collapse civilization. However, these feared catastrophic effects of geoengineering programs are not the primary intent, but rather collateral damage resulting from a poorly thought out and non-transparent government response to a developing global climate emergency (please review recent press release from the COP20 Lima Climate Change Conference at http://ameg.me/). To understand the official stated goals of geoengineering, one needs only to research recent mainstream media coverage of "proposed" geoengineering efforts – including the story on the recent cover of Newsweek magazine. Have you done this?
Next, allow me to respond to this quote from your editorial:
"But a conspiracy that, by nature, would have to involve at least thousands of people, both government employees and civilians, poisoning themselves and their own families and loved ones, over a period of many years, and that no one has ever broken ranks and disclosed?"
First, you imply that our government is incapable of keeping a large program of this nature a secret, due to the sheer number of potential whistleblowers involved. How about the Manhattan Project? Thousands worked on that effort – and yet no one spoke a word before the first bomb was dropped. It is called "compartmentalization of information" and yes, it IS possible to keep people from speaking out about sensitive matters. Yet, we do in fact have whistleblowers speaking out against geoengineering, right now. You would know this if your paper had covered the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting in July 2014 (https://geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-investigation-demanded-by-shasta-county-residents/), in which scientists and many other experts publicly presented objective data demonstrating that our soils and water are being contaminated with the very same elements named in geoengineering patents. There are also people like Kristen Meghan (USAF), who is speaking out as a witness to the actual procurement of these toxic materials by military bases for use in geoengineering programs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHm0XhtDyZA).
Further, you present the idea that our government leaders would never undertake an action which could poison themselves or their families. This too is easily disproved by history: Atomic above-ground testing occurring over decades around the world, or the use of depleted uranium munitions in wartime, just to name a couple of obvious ones. As you state – it doesn't make sense that they would do this – and you are right about that. I don't claim to understand it either but sadly, it happens all the same.
Mr. Lyons, there are two possible explanations for the content of your editorial and your refusal to give fair coverage to this topic. One is that you are honestly ignorant regarding this topic because you simply "don't want to know" (like so many others) – and I can understand that viewpoint. At the same time, because of your chosen profession you have a critical obligation to inform the public about matters that affect their lives at the most basic level. A fair assessment of the information that I have provided in this email (and at www.geoengineeringwatch.org) will go a long way toward educating yourself on this topic. The second possibility, and the one that I am leaning toward, is that you are intentionally helping to cover up a crime that is being committed against the public by refusing to allow fair coverage of this topic in your newspaper. In either case, the public will eventually hold people such as yourself to account if fair coverage of this critical topic is judged to have been withheld, either intentionally or unintentionally.
17 Responses
I have so much respect for these protesters. I would just LOVE to be in a national one . If their was enough people brought together and we could all go to Washington it would be great. the sad fact is that it wouldn’t stop them from their evil course but would inform and be an example for many ignorant people.It also might scare the establishment,and that’s when they get out the hoses and machine guns, but i regress
Hey everyone: Pieces of pig excrement like Silage Lyons will soon be choking to death in their own beds. Denial is a harsh mistress, and Death is a very democratic process. People have been avidly voting for Death and extinction for centuries.
Hey Silage? You won the argument!!! Happy Trails!!!
Dane, way to handle Mr. Lyons. Not sure what it takes for so many influential people to continually avoid/discredit truthful evidence.
I can’t imagine your frustration since you’ve fought this catastrophic agenda SO LONG and HARD!
With everything you make available on your site to educate and embolden us, you are giving wings to our words so we can help fight the fight as well.
Not sure if this has already been posted: “Global March Against Geoengineering/Chemtrails” taking place April 25, 2015. Several locations in USA. Michigan march to be held in Flint.
I left a message today at my local news station, trying to jam in as much information as possible and referencing your site and the Global March.
May 2015 be the year to align more people to the truth and gain momentum to stop this insanity!
It is currently 33 degrees with light rain falling in Nikiski, Alaska at 1:30 AM. I remember my official awakening last January when our temps reached 50 degrees or more for several weeks. The willow trees were budding out three months early. When I moved to Alaska in 1995 I never imagined I would experience a Christmas without snow. I doesn’t look good this year. The scheduled weather for the next week is snowless with temps in the mid 30’s.
I’d like to write to Mr. Silas Lyons but I’m afraid I’d have to resort to just calling him an ass, so I’ll refrain from it this time! 😉
This morning I sent a lengthy letter with my opinions to the Record Searchlight. I did not send it to just Silas, I visited their email directory page in order to contact the ENTIRE staff as well, because I want them ALL to know that the organization that THEY associate with is complicit in covering up this dire issue.
I urge for anyone who gives one iota about the SAG programs to contact the editors of this paper who think it is alright to perpetuate disinformation.
It’s 37 degrees with light rain falling in Nikiski, Alaska At 2:15 AM. I’ve lived here for 20 years and it looks like this will be our first Christmas with no snow. THEY stole our winter again and THEY are sending it to Toledo, Ohio. This pattern has been repeating itself every three to five days for two months. I’ll give another update tomorrow night.
Craig Trotter’s letter is my favorite. I will be using some of his arguments and phrasing next time I discuss this with the unaware.
Pointing out the 2053 nuclear explosions that have taken place since 1945 will immediately shut down the ‘but then they’d be doing it to themselves’ argument, the depleted uranium one is a bolsterer.
What we’re up against here is primary a mass psychological problem. All the facts and evidence in the world aren’t going to easily a population that has sustained substantial emotional damage over the course of their lives and is therefore highly vulnerable to manipulation and deception.
I’m talking about primarily about crappy parenting skills, years of authority worship and obedience training in government schools and a tidal wave of propaganda and media brainwashing by the information warfare wing of the military and elite commonly known as the corporate mainstream media.
The quote by John Swinton is delicious, I will be saving that and using it down the road as well.
Excellent post Dane.
Thank you for speaking up Geoff.
I just received a reply from Salias Lyons regarding the letter I sent this morning… it is listed below. It is at least as thoughtless as the article….
Email 2:41 pm
Dear Ms. Florio,
Thank you for your note. I appreciate you taking the time to give me input.
This is typical of the sold media today!(could be this the case?) This looks like the kind of people or newspaper that doesn´t deserve our precious time on efforts to make them to report what they were probably ordered for not to talk about or to not report !(maybe aluminum industry are funding them too and not only the alzheimer´s association ).This people seems part of the big Mechanism that have the common goal to hide or cover Geoengeneering issue! What better way of hiding geoengeneering in our skies than not even making it an issue or subject ? what a better way to hide these programmes than calling activists lunatics or conspiracy theorists or laugh with irony ?…In my opinion i would like to ask Mr silas what explanations does he have to what we are seeing now daily in our skies ? contrails? doesn´t he have any better explanation? cause in my mother´s youth she never saw so many contrails working in these regularly bases leaving persistent trails like these in our skies…Does Mr Silas thinks that this is normal to see if contrails never behaved like that before? (Or people would have notice these intensive sky manouvers and substances long ago)or does he think we are stupid ?(maybe stupid like him for not opening his mind to all the possibilities…)At least if they want to make fools of us they could give us a better explanation cause jets exausthation is impossible specially when they have a behaviour pattern of off/on of the vaporazation along their ways/routes and leave persistente dense white kind of cloud trails…and about poisining as a crazy thought for Mr Silas :is he telling us that all those geoengineering projects that scientists are telling us to use just as the last resource “to save the planet from global warming”is a “conspiracy theory ” also?doesn´t exist such thing as aluminum etc.in these SRM or SAG geoengeneering project programmes? those geoengeneering patents don´t exist or are not real too? Dave Keith and ken caldera geoengineers conference talks about such “cheap” programes don´t exist either?yes ,cheap ,it´s cheaper than all the logistic of using entire Armies or any other methods to “help to cool the planet” as they say…If Mr Silas have doubts (or do not believe) that they would do that to their own family or loved ones he should ask that to Mr Keith or Mr.Caldera or to government cause they were the ones working on projects wich substances that they use to reflect the sun are harmful to people !…For sure Mr Silas wouldn´t have found this so impossible if they have made some research but i guess he was not worried about the “convicted impossibilities” but about his paid check at the end of the month(?) …Even if people will look at all this subject with skeptic eyes people will see too MANY COINCIDENCES between geoengeneering projects ,geoengeneering patents ,geoengeneers statements (as Dave Keith ,ken caldera or others in several vídeos or articles)and the “COINCIDENCE” of what is happening everyday in our skies .
So what´s of so impossible or crazy here that a responsible,impartial,autnomous and informative jornal could not spend resources on chasing or reporting on this people´s legitimate protest.I wonder what kind of report to the public “earned legitamacy”in this newspaper ? “American Idol winner”? “a motard concentration”? “a game in town”? “california girls beauty pagent”? obituaries? publicity? What? why such legitimate and important subject is less important than any other trivial things happening in our daily lifes ? cause this is something happening in our daily lifes in case Mr Silas & Co. haven´t notice yet !
And the Elites don´t earn everything as Mr silas thinks ! Or Mr Silas are owned by them(the Elites) ? Mr Silas must know the answer to this simple question but for sure doesn´t know well the Elites or would not be too stupid to say such things ! Maybe the Elites own Mr Silas and his newspaper but he doesn´t own us or all the diverse awaken populations in the world and we are becoming more each day no matter how much descredit Mr silas and his newspaper are putting on us!I feel sorry for people with a blindfold …just as it happens with 9/11 ,if they were preparing a next 9/11 with this planes coming and going people would not see a thing happening in front of their own eyes …
Mr Silas said/wrote:
“The fact is, I’m not at all certain that the government isn’t doing secret things that would outrage us all if we knew about them. Government officials bring such suspicion on themselves with their denials of actual programs such as the NSA’s domestic spying and their paranoid efforts to dismantle transparency and shut out the public and news media from routine federal business.”…REALLY?how many people worked or works on spying business in USA or in NSA?were not enough to have disclosed lots of things?(and long before Snowden or wikileaks?):you in USA never had secret files or operations going on?.And about aluminum ,who says they consider this so bad if they consider this necessary ? does víruses or Mercury do any good and we are not vaccinated with these things since birth?does radiation do any good to us and don´t we use it to make exams or have it in nuclear plants that we use as “clean” energy (clean killings for sure !).Nuclear tests are good ? it´s a conspiracy theory also that these tests were donne even using USA soldiers as guinea pigs? Looks to me Mr Silas and his newspaper just believe things afther someone else has had the courage to brake ranks and disclose “the conspiracy” as he cal it!
with all due respect :WAKE UP Mr Silas! and be more generous with people that are demanding the answers from your government that you don´t have the courage to ask or even to think of…
From Portugal my sincere thanks to Mr Wigington and to all the other concerned citizens !
I sent this email to Mr. Lyons today:On Dec 15, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Geoff McGilvray wrote:
Dear Mr Lyons,
You do yourself and your readership a disservice by marginalizing and dismissing those who want a public discussion on Geo-engineering as “Conspiracy Theorists” There is plenty of mounting evidence to indicate that geo-enginerring is already taking place. Please do yourself a favor and take some time to educate yourself on the matter.
You can start by reading theAir Force Research paper written in 1996 “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” which you can read at the link below. https://geoengineeringwatch.org/documents/vol3ch15.pdf
In your own words:
The fact is, I’m not at all certain that the government isn’t doing secret things that would outrage us all if we knew about them. Government officials bring such suspicion on themselves with their denials of actual programs such as the NSA’s domestic spying and their paranoid efforts to dismantle transparency and shut out the public and news media from routine federal business.
Well, read the Air Force Paper at the link below and ask yourself if this is not an action plan that is being implemented by research and active application. If you can admit to yourself that this research continues then maybe you could take the time to connect the dots of all the circumstantial data out there that points to geo-engineering and climate engineering is indeed happening. People in the military have to sign legal documents, making it a crime for them to talk about classified material. Civilian contractors to the military also have to sign those documents too. So, hiding secret programs, at least for a while is not as hard as you think. Remember the “Agent Orange” debacle of the Vietnam war era, and how long the govt. denied we were spraying our own soldiers. There are many more examples of such behavior by our military and govt.
Instead of being a tool, try being brave and getting out in front of this story by doing “due dilligence” research on this matter that in now making its way into the main stream public awareness as seen on the cover of the current issue of Newsweek magazine.
Healthy skepticism is a good thing, but a closed mind is not so good,
Geoff McGilvray
I live just south of Montreal Canada.The last snow Storm dropped a heavy sticky snow that crushed my cedars.I spent a few hours removing the snow and repairing the damage the best that I could.The snow seemed different colder.Lets say when i point this out to people they give me a strange look.
What gives power to this matrix is the dollar.Trillions cuts to the planet life support.It being the world reserve currency.The dollar bill has been decoded but the vast majority of humanity is not aware but nun the less are slaves to it.First it is note dept owed to the federal Reserve.A private bank.On the top right hand corner of the front of the bill .The number one is inside of a crest this
is the crest of the Rothchild family on the top left side is an owl, symbol of the occult meaning hidden knowledge .This owl is them laughing at us.A flyer with the dollar decoded would a good way of waking people up.We are slaves to that dollar maybe we should know what it means.
Such arrogance. As a journalism major (Hobart, 1960) I am appalled by what has happened to the profession. We are clinging by a thread to what little remains of a free press.
When I look at and hear about the demonstrations up in Norcal (500 attendance!) I am heartened that our issue is at long last gaining traction. But when I see how this punkass newsrag up in NorCal treats geoengineering I don’t know whether to cry or to scream. So I’m doing both. But I won’t despair because I can see that ever so slowly we are gaining ground in fighting the machine and that WE WILL WIN!
Excruciating…. I just sent the following email to Salias:
Perhaps you should do a little research as to the global impacts/implications/repercussions of geoengineering/SAG
spraying and HAARP. You absolutely validate the fact that news coverage minimizes the government/media/
Monsanto/DOD/weather modification iInvestor, involvement and danger.
It’s sad that you are so lackadaisical in your research that you have wasted an opportunity to do some true reporting, and make
an irrefutable impact on educating the public; who, by the way, are in desperate need of knowledge regarding this topic at this time.
Nikki Florio
Sustainability Resource and Education Consultant
I have relentlessly conveyed my urgent concerns about GEO-ENGINEERING,and Fukushima nuclear disaster continuing to meltdown for 3 an a half yrs(3 reactors)to every news outlet,family,friends and strangers.Resistance to this tragedy is remarkable,almost like a bad horror movie.Invasion of the status qou,unhuman,non feeling corporate ass sniffers.These pod people ,i call them have been brainwashed to avoid any controversial subjects.They are mire concerned about there image,wealth,status,a small tightly knit little pond they live in.Anything outside there tiny perspective of rational is a ,”conspiracy” ,and avoided,ridiculed and criticized to protect there fragil mythology.
WE as a country,society must double are efforts to take back our sold out media(sold out in 2006 F.C.C)at all costs,because without communication and news coverage(besides edited internet)the task of alerting the world is nearly impossible.
If we are unable to change geo-engineering,nuke disasters soon we’ll all be to impaired to make a difference.
At least these bastards wont be able to enjoy their profits,or live outside a controlled environment,or vacation on their yachts,or eat untainted food and water.Unless their growing it in controlled environments(is that their plan;live in underground cities/space until toxic effects change and than take over world and remaining resources?).If this was their plan they wouldnt be able to fit many of their comrades in these facilities.Maybe a million.
Did you know the the military is setting up camps(fema) across the U.S and spending billions recently on small arms ammunition and are drilling for martial law scenario’s?Maybe they know lots of americans are on to them and instead of conceading power plan to mske us all prisoners.Or force us to be exposed to higher rate of new toxins.
JFK warned us of a monolithic secretive society,that has unlimited human and material resources,from intelligence,economic,scientific,political,military,ect.And how the media must protect,inform,point out dangers/opportunities,mold,inspect,anger public oppinion.He was talking about corruption in corporate america(not communism,or foreign power).Then these same powers killed him and his brother bobby that would have followed JFK’s lead and become president.This was a pivital time in history that should never be forgotten.A time when we could have changed course to a better reality.
God help us all…
Mr. Lyons profoundly “immature” stance, for a man in his position proves something about what is really going on. To refer to the geoengineering topic and associated concerns as illegitimate is, in essence, a cowardly, passive-aggressive maneuver so often seen used by mainstream scientists regarding the UFO phenomenon or Bigfoot and so forth. Just more of the same from the cowards whose OWN LIVES AND WELL BEING ARE ALSO AT GRAVE RISK!!! The gallant protesters at this event are marching not just for the public at large but for just such men as Mr Lyons himself though, incredibly, he is either too stupid or too beholden to realize it.