Dear candidates for representation of European citizens from 2014 to 2019. You are seeking election to defend our interests and fundamental rights at the highest level of democratic European administration: the European Parliament.
We represent thousands of citizens in dozens of associations in the European Union. Unfortunately we also form part of that large percentage of citizens who have lost faith in European institutions and in our political representatives. We believe that for the most part they serve corporations and other political interests detrimental to citizens. Although in the past we may have voted with some measure of hope, we are today disillusioned and not ready to sign blank cheques. We would therefore like to know what you will be willing to do for European citizens on a very serious subject: climate manipulation, an accomplished fact, exposed by our associations in the European Parliament last year.
An example of institutional indifference and disdain for citizens
On 8th and 9th April 2013, organizations from 17 countries in the European Union exposed to the European Parliament, in a conference patronized by MEP Mrs. Tatjana Zdanoka, their concerns about clandestine aerial spraying of the European sky in the context of illegal ongoing climate manipulation / geoengineering programs, as a follow up to the Resolution of the European Parliament on “Environment, Security and Foreign Policy”, approved on 14th January 1999, on the basis of Report A4-005/99 by the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, Security and Defense Policy.
In its point T and paragraph on “HAARP – A military weapon system with devastating effects on climate”, the Report made it explicit that:
‘despite the existing conventions military research is in progress on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system. Defined as a weapons system which disrupts the climate, outside of any legal framework, HAARP is a matter of global concern and has to be regarded as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact on human life’.
Our conference was entitled “Beyond theories of climate modification – civil society vs geoengineering”. All members of parliament from all political groups were invited to attend but in spite of the subject’s importance NONE did so. No representatives from the media came to the press conference after the event either.
Following the conference, a petition was presented to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, demanding an independent investigation of facts – concerning environmental matters and consumer protection -, taking place without the knowledge and consent of citizens and in total defiance of the precautionary principle, which violate fundamental rights of European citizens as set out in the Treaties, such as the right to health, the right to security, and the right to integrity, as well as the right to be informed. We have just been notified that this petition HAS BEEN ADMITTED. (See attached documents &
Civil society is encouraged by this decision of the European Parliament, which gives hope. However the upcoming elections raise questions which would need to be clarified before May 25th. In this perspective and considering that this serious matter also entails an unconstitutional attack on national sovereignty, and in particular on food sovereignty, we would like to know if you, the 2014 candidates, are willing to:
(1) support the Committee on Petitions on its decision to investigate the facts that are the subject of our indictment
(2) promote a public debate on the subject
(3) legislate to ban all geoengineering and climate manipulation activity in Europe, implying that each nation must reacquire sovereignty over its sky;
(4) legislate the submission of military research programs to democratic and parliamentary control; and
(5) demand full implementation of the abovementioned European Parliament Resolution on “Environment, Security and Foreign Policy”. In anticipation of a prompt response. Sincerely.
Josefina Fraile Martín – Terra SOS-Tenible / Giulietto Chiesa ex-member of European Parliament 2004-2009 / Alternativa
3 Responses
Its really quite simple stop complying! We all pay property taxes and land taxes we just simply STOP PAYING until its dealt with We get together in our community and involve the police in discussions and act collectively
Surround the bases where these planes take off
All the governments are working for the corporations Either we take back our planet or we are all dead
ITS UP TO US!We the people or rather we the unwanted slaves have one strength… Numbers. We have one weakness ignore-ance
How do we stop it? Our parents stoped and changed things I think we can too if we band together and fight. It might be ugly but if we don’t we are just laying down to die. That’s nit American!
As European citizens and taxpayers we have the RIGHT to know what is going on with the spraying in the skies.
We are tired of LIES!