Florida Drills For Martial Law


What does it take for people to wake up? “Homeland Security” orders 2 billion rounds of 40 caliber hollow point, USDA and many other agencies are stocking up on sub-machine guns, now training for martial law in US Cities? The walls are closing in by the day and most americans are standing like deer in the headlights. Wake up, get active, make your voices heard, sound the alarm in the most efficient, effective, and peaceful ways you can. We must reach critical mass of awareness on what is unfolding around us. We need to wake those in the US military as to what they are being used for, a tool against the American population, not for it. We need our military brothers and sisters on our side and not the side of the small number of psychopathic rulers that are currently running the asylum.

Dane Wigington

18 Responses to Florida Drills For Martial Law

  1. When it happens, martial law will end your way of life, if not our lives.

  2. Gene Maynard says:

    Carl, that is an excellent question and one deserving of an answer. The answer is no, Americans do not have that ability. The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances was in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution of 1776 was in effect replaced with a new constitution in 1871. Congress did this in secret. The old has slowly slipped into oblivion. The rights provided for citizens in the first were changed to privileges. What most fail to realize is, privileges are the exact opposite of rights; but then again, rights guaranteed by governments have always been privileges. We are only truly free in Christ. There is an excellent video on this web site filed under “The Coming Collapse”. It is entitled “Who is Really Running the Government”. It answers many questions about our current predicament. It is the crux of why people need to be made aware. I was never asked if I would like to shorten my life by 20 years, assure my children and grand-children would have no future, or live in a world void of plant and animal life.

  3. carl jung says:

    americans still have the ability, unlike others in the world, to appeal to their politicos and be heard. if this is all true why arent some celebrities or withit congress people heralding this urgent cause even if as a post post liberalist banter?

  4. Gene Maynard says:

    Come on Deez Med; That’s a pretty wild declaration. “It’s this kind of reporting that removes all credibility to anything you have reported in the past, and may report in the future”. Really? So now we are supposed to simply turn a blind eye to the tons and tons of aluminum that have been documented around the world in the soil, in our food and drinking water, not to mention our bodies. Before geoengineering aluminum didn’t even exist in the forms being found. How about the scientific documentations of the 20% dimming of the sun, or the collapse of the ozone layer, or the documented proofs of methane hydrates thawing? Or how about just simply looking up for crying out loud? I’m also looking at my sister with Morgellons; a disease that didn’t exist prior to geoengineering. Yes, there was a military exercise in Miami in 2012. Un-announced no less, frightening many Miamians. When you take into consideration our Presidents statement 0f 2008 as he said, “ We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to continue to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded”. In 2011 KBR (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) sent out a document in regards to the establishment of a “national quick response team” for their current contracts with FEMA and “anticipated future contracts”. In August 2013 a Department of Defense Training Manuel uncovered by Judicial Watch labeled supporters of individual liberties as “extremists”. Soldiers at Fort Hood have been told that; “anyone who is against taking the life of the unborn, anyone who supports Christian or members of the Tea Party, will face disciplinary action for supporting terrorists”. A 300 acre fake city in Virginia used for military training assaults has had a Baptist Church added; why? I could go on and on. Real people are experiencing real disease from the real geoengineering. Real people are suffering real weather calamities. I’m sorry but for me the only thing discredited here is you. I look at hundreds of documented facts and then I look at your poorly thought out statement and I think, by God’s grace you can do better and you really should.

  5. Deez Med says:

    i am very disappointed with this post. i researched ‘Florida Drills For Martial Law’ and discovered articles posted back in 2012: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=10010. really!!! it’s this kind of reporting that removes all credibility to anything you have reported in the past and may report in the future. this is not news – this is little chicken crying the sky is falling, the sky is falling (no pun intended!!). grrrrr

  6. Gene Maynard says:

    It’s amazing, I wrote a paper some time back entitled, The Silent Revolution. All about how we had sleep walked through America’s demise. I put it on my blog; no one even blinked an eye. I feel utter sorrow for the American people when they finally awake to reality. I feel sorry for the children. This didn’t have to happen. If we had only been mindful of God. If the churches had been healthy. We can still draw near to God, we should, we better; but we need to learn to do it in a nation we do not recognize.

    Coup d’etat; also known as a coup. “The sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. The chief prerequisite for a coup is control over all or part of the armed forces, the police, and other military elements”. America’s police and sheriff departments have been in the process of federalization for almost two years. The Armed Forces answer to the Commander in Chief. The constitution of 1776 exists only in the dreams of a sleeping America. Washington D.C is a city state separate from and unaccountable to the well being of the United States of America. Since 1871 Washington D.C. has had it’s own separate constitution. Our elected leaders in the house and senate are complicit, either directly or by default. They are all aware, make no mistake.

    We have transgressed God’s laws and we must wake up to that fact. It seems everything is tightening. “The Day of the Lord will be as if a man was fleeing from a lion only to have a bear meet him. He then flees into his house and leans his hand against the wall and a serpent bit him”;Amos 5.

  7. ross says:

    Info definitely not from mainstream news. ( FIVE companies own them all!) Blackhawk helicopters overhead in cities for training! These are not air and sea shows! Billions of rounds of ammo bought by EPA, Dept of Agriculture,USDA purchases sub machine guns, BLM (Bureau of land mgmt) highly armed!.. police being federalized.. Training grounds replicating americam cities not foreign countries, paper targets of women and children ordered by homeland security for training..FEMA camps…targeting of veterans and patriots (constitutionalists) as terrorists..Boston bombing (tsarnaevs worked for cia became patsies)/Sandy hook.. false flags for gun control. Mass shooters in schools were all on SSRI antidepressants- same w miltary base shooting. Obamacare is about control. Nothing to do with health CARE. Meant to bankrupt country. Population beholden to govt. Globalists can install their New World Order.. one world government and global currency. Increased alzheimers, autism, COPD, cancer. GMO foods and chemtrails. Yep, its happening. Right in front of everyone’s faces. Normalcy bias plagues our population! Somethimg will be staged and martial law comes in. Total suspension of Constitution. Globalists have to make sure police are prepared and citizens are unarmed first!

  8. Ken says:

    I feel your frustration. It is really hard to get people involved. They just don’t want their daily routine interrupted and choose to ignore this monstrous situation.

  9. Karin Six says:

    Dane, you know something’s up don’t you? While this video doesn’t show martial law, I have been following you for quite awhile and everything you say is scientifically based.

  10. usmc0311 says:

    I bet you are a obama supporter aren’t you

  11. Julie says:

    They are giving out military grade equipment to police departments around the country too! St.Joseph , Mo has 68,000 people yet our city just recieved two big pieces ! We are a pretty quiet community too. Sure we may have a murder once a year but nothing justifies the need of this equipment !!! What is shocking is most people think nothing of it, they are too busy playing on their damn cell phones.

  12. Kimberlee says:

    I’m thoroughly disguisted by the parents who think war is an honorable thing to teach their children. Peace is the only honorable option. I have no respect for the US military regime that has killed children throughout the world.

  13. Karen Strong says:

    Thank fully I have read other comments about this and people on that one are concerned and see this for what it is … Thank fully .. Some are alert and courages and see things for what they are … Where has peace gone in this world … That stirs the soul … This war mongering doesn’t … So much war … Think about it … Why would America want to even go there … I am seeing a future that is very scary … Pushed onto us by a few … We HAVE to start caring for each other .. This military display doesn’t do that ..the reason for this is fear ….

  14. Karen Strong says:

    Come on guys ..THIS IS NOT NORMAL …..Are you all so tuned into a mental Gun culture .. That you can’t see what is so WRONG with this … nd the Chidren …. Iam so glad I don’t live in your country … Listen to these people they are all HYPED UP …. It does beg the question WHY …. I FEAR FOR YOUR COUNTRY …. ITS A MESS …..

  15. an internet user says:

    Military drills and exhibitions/shows aren’t “preparing” us for martial law. regardless of whether or not martial law is coming, this video doesn’t prove anything. The military has been doing shows such as airshows and other similar exhibitions for years and these are common in other countries.

    seeing soldiers and things like these won’t “prepare” us or have us get used to soldiers doing martial law. I am a firm believer that my fellow Americans will rise up and defend the country against tyranny. The 2nd amendment wasnt created for us to have guns to go hunting, it was designed to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. Our forefathers knew the time may come again when we would have to fight against an oppressive government, so they were smart enough to make that part of the constitution.

    Again, whether or not martial law is coming, this video may be misleading and it is doing more harm than good. I suggest you remove it from the page

  16. I watched this show yesterday. Quite a Public Relations op for Mayor Buckhorn. My first thought was, what the cost to the American taxpayer. Second, training for possible war? Be realistic, if one listens to world news a different picture emerges.

  17. Lily says:

    This is where I worry about losing the people I’m finally waking up to “chemtrails”…too much so soon. I know this is important but others will not and once again throw all of us into the ” looney bin”….

  18. Diane Moffat says:

    where are you getting your information from?! how do you know they are now training for martial law in US cities and for what reasons?

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