Yet again the rumors turned out to be exactly that and nothing more. A year and a half ago the word was put out that HAARP was being taken off line and would be torn down. The geoengineering denial propaganda machine went into high gear stating the elimination of the HAARP facility proved all the “conspiracy theories” were wrong. Then came the reprieve for the ionosphere heater facility, it was funded again, and kept operational. Then some months back the whole scenario of lies and deception played out yet again. Even many in the anti-geoengineering community swallowed the lie once more and considered HAARP to be all but gone. Its still standing and now appears to have yet another extension granted to its life. Even if this installation was removed, what difference would it make? There are two dozen or more other large land based ionosphere heaters located around the globe. There are SBX (Sea Based X band radar) platforms in multiple locations, one is shown below.
There are a great many smaller rf transmitters all over the globe. Confusion is the goal of the power structure and their corporate media puppets, the up and down stories surrounding HAARP have caused much of this. Until there is nothing more than an empty field where HAARP once stood, HAARP should be considered a part of the climate manipulation arsenal of total insanity.
Dane Wigington
Pentagon delays demolition of HAARP facility in Alaska

The Pentagon has delayed its plans to knock down a controversial Alaskan radio research facility until next year, for a possible transfer to a university or scientific institution, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, announced.
Murkowski said July 2 the Air Force had agreed to halt demolition of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility until May 2015 while research institutions, including the University of Alaska, develop funding proposals for it.
HAARP, located on 30 acres adjacent to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in southeastern Alaska, features 180 antennas that beam electrons into the ionosphere for research into radio communications and surveillance. Conspiracy theorists contend the Defense Department uses HAARP, which went into operation in 1997, to conduct mind-control experiments and to modify global weather patterns.
At a May 14 Senate hearing, Murkowski questioned why the Pentagon planned to demolish HAARP this summer to cut costs, and asked whether it was fiscally sound to destroy a $290 million facility when it costs less than 1 percent of that to run it each year.
Scientists from around the world sent Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel last month a petition that decried the HAARP closure and demolition. Robert McCoy, director of the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute, urged Hagel to begin “serious negotiations with other government agencies to find a sustainable model to ensure this unique and extremely valuable national resource is available for atmospheric research in the future.”
Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James wrote in a July 2 letter the service has received “significant value” from HAARP over the past 17 years “in fields as diverse as underwater communications, radar propagation and space radiation belts.”
James said military users of HAARP have completed their applied research at HAARP, which led to the decision to close it and remove DOD-owned equipment. But, she added, the Air Force “recognizes the potential for HAARP as a user facility for fundamental atmospheric research.” Defense, James said, remains open to a proposal that provides a sustainable option for another entity to take ownership and provide for the facility without DOD continuing to pay for the overhead and maintenance costs.”
Source: Sign of the Times
12 Responses
Muad’dib, you’re right. Less money for seniors mean more money for the military. All they want is war, control over people, experiments, and see how much they can destroy in this world, no matter the cost. Take care of the people who pay them all that money, of course not. Look how they treat our Vets. When the end comes we’ll see if the elite let them in the bunkers. They’ll be out here with the rest of the 99%, including the military who did their dirty work. I love my country and it’s hard to believe what goes on, but when it’s right in your face you believe it.
I think they are trying to reduce life expectancy to retirement age: 2003 life expectancy was 77.8 now its 69.3 effectively saving the USG 40-50 trillion in medicare and retirement benefits with those 8 years lost to 100 million people. They are decimating their unfunded liabilities by decimating our lives.
HAARP is causing the problems in California, causing the water to move around California. This is why all the northern states got our rain and it was too much for some of them and they ended up flooding. Also, the chain reaction happened and the UK got flooded.
At Francis,
It is easy to say but HARD to do. We all need money to survive unfortunately that is the way the U.S. Government has set it up. Here is how we can beat the system I know I have done it.
1. NEVER put money in the bank. Buy a safe put it in your house.
2. Start a business and make money so you dont have to be a slave to a coorporation. They make all the money YOU live from paycheck to paycheck. I own a business and I run it WITHOUT employees and have been saving money ever since.
3. DON’T waste money on alcohol, drugs, meaningless entertainment like MOVIES at the movie theater.
4. Eat as healthy as possible. Make food at home and DON’T EAT OUT except for once in a while.
5. Don’t watch TV especially the local news stations THEY are brainwashing you.
6. Quit drinking COFFEE CAFFIENE is just another drug and the OPIATE of the masses. If YOU SMOKE QUIT.
Go COLD TURKEY. I have done it.
7. NEVER DONATE money to politicians, churches, or any organization. SAVE the money. DON’T buy STUFF you don’t need. NEVER buy the crap at the checkouts at all grocery stores, walmarts ect. You know what I mean. NEVER buy cars from car dealers or borrow money to buy cars. Buy a car off craigslist with cash.
8. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE as much money as possible. Money is power and that is why the CONTROLLING ELITES have it and YOU don’t. They get you to buy stuff you don’t need on credit cards at ALL their stores and THEN you pay THEM interest on top of all the other money you are giving them.
10. Finally, FOLLOW all the rules they have set up for us. WE are forced to and the only way to beat them is to follow all the rules pay taxes, keep driver’s license, tags and insurance. It is the way it is.
Douglas Bickford
If you do those few things you will be able to beat the bastards at their own game. I own my home, cars, business AND NEVER BORROWED ONE RED CENT from the banks to get it. NOW I am continuing to save so I can get off the grid and completely out of the EVIL system they have created for us.
It is a fake put out there by the so-called elites. I was born in 1955. They make this stuff look legit. The pictures you are seeing in the book are pictures of today made to look old. Photo’s can be photoshopped. I lived in the Pacific Northwest. The blue skies I used to see are NOW FOREVER GONE. The clouds we see today are because of Geoengineering period. Unless the bastards quit spraying us we are all doomed. The Media has done a DAMN GOOD JOB at making all of us that see what is happening look like loony toons. All the biggies on TV like Diane Sawyer, Charlie Gibson(retired) and ALL NEWS ANCHORS, WEATHER FORCASTERS even at the local level can only broadcast what they are told to AND they are paid big bucks to do it. The ones that do come forward and say something either get fired or even worse.
Douglas Bickford
The HAARP facility has a number of covert “missions” beyond ionospheric manipulations, and the alleged decommissioning of the facility is yet another bald-faced lie. This antenna array can produce any number of radio frequency products, and this is where investigators are totally failing in their science and public disclosure.
There are ZERO published papers or reliable investigations into day-today RF emissions being propagated by these types of facilities. RF emissions can be easily measured using conventional off-the-shelf spectrum analyzers and EM metering devices. Why is this not being done???
Radio frequency (electromagnetic) emissions are known to cause significant behavioral changes in human and animal species, particularly if these emissions are combined with pulsed digital induction fields. Persons all over the world are complaining of near constant low frequency “humming” noises and tinnitus.
Where are the highest source anomalies being produced, and what are the specific frequencies involved? This is where the focus of discussions should go, as it’s obvious these frequency effects are disturbing more than just the ionosphere.
Wasn’t hard to brainwash masses. That’s why they(controlling elite) invented TV, radio and newspapers. Think about this set out 7 chairs put 7 people in the 7 chairs. Have an eighth person whisper something into the person in the first chair that person then whispers what he/she heard to the second person in the second chair repeated until the 7 person in the seventh chair. Have that person say what he heard. It will be completely different. This is how the U.S. Government( controlling elites) have done it. Think about 1 billion people hearing the same story on TV, radio or newspapers and what their mind does with it. It is because of all the media outlets that they can get away with it. They(U.S. Government) would NEVER have got away with 9/11 with blowing the WTC’s with explosives without the media. The media told the masses muslims did it. The media showed controlled demolitions on TV and told us burning jet fuel and melting steel caused the collapse. They are doing the same thing with geoengineering. We the people see jets dumping chemicals on us turning our blue skies to milkly white and the TV, radios and newspapers say we are all conspiracy theorists/crazy. The U.S. Government is using ALL media outlets as a weapon against us. Just think about the JFK assassination the CIA murdered him and that was a long time ago. Youtube is all in on it. Go look at the comments about Dane Wigington on any of his videos on Youtube. Go look at what in the world are they spraying. We NEED an ARMED REVOLUTION in this country to stop the madness.
Douglas Bickford
This video demonstrates the effect of frequencies on texture, structure, water and oil. It states that everything owes it’s existence to sound because frequency holds everything together. HAARP’s capacity and the hands that dictate it’s output is more disturbing than any other thought I’ve ever entertained.
It trumps nuclear weaponry.
Can someone please tell me if they know if the fully illustrated “Cloud Studies” by Arthur Clayden (1905) is an honest to goodness real book… or if it’s a phony… or what are your opinions on it. That would clear up a lot of things for me.
I am utterly convinced Haarp and its likes are super transmitter microwave weapons and nothing demonstrates this notion better than the reliable voice of Barrie Trower in the below video. It is my suspicion that ecosystem wars have been occurring. Haarp and its likes can intentionally destroy ecosystems and slow kill people and even cause violent unrest where targeted on any size area.
Of course haarp can effect weather and it does as part of the geoengineering agenda. It’s a multitasker. But primarily it’s a weapon I think. The reason for total silence could be 2 reasons. One they think everyone will panic and it will also implicate them. 2 they know they’ve damaged the ozone layers and Earth is at risk, equals panic also. Plus they had the technology first so this is why these wars would have occurred, after they had descided to destroy someones ecosystem as part of an agenda. Are chemtrails part of their defense for communications? Obviously they don’t care about health.
Who could we have been at ionespheric microwave weapon war with or still are? Apart from it being used against all of us, I could only guess at Iran possibly. Do they have a haarp? Worth researching. If not Iran, who? Whose ecosystem has this been targeted at, how many? Is it America targeting California or is it another nation?
This 2011 video is very telling ..please look into all of this Dane, you’re doing great work
People are mind controlled. Thus, the muted reactions to the chemtrails. Only the truly spiritual are seeing them and reacting.