Source: Nooganomics, article By David Tulis (full article is below sequence of pictures)

Jets flights perhaps numbering in the hundreds fly over Chattanooga this afternoon and evening, laying rake lines of white plume — some long and drippy, some stopping and starting. Others short and fat and in parallel formation — like a row of boys in highchairs burping all at once.
Heavy concentrations of aircraft overfly Knoxville, Nashville, Murfreesboro and Nashville, according to activists who watch the skies for evidence of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. SAG is a key ingredient in the so-called war on global warming and achieves a seemingly inconsequential effect.
The sky had been clear as my family and I arrived at church at 9:45 a.m., but become subject to a white tattooing at about noon. When I emerge from a second worship service at church at 4:15 p.m. at a church in Brainerd, the skies over downtown and beyond were littered with stripes and clouds of the sort that blow jagged across the sky from jet traffic.
Some jets drag long trails that stretch for dozens of miles. Other jets leave short trails only that vanish 15 plane lengths. Yet other jets in the otherwise blue sky leave no trail at all. This divergence of result suggests the stripes aren’t innocent contrails.
Climate report today blames man, ignores chemtrails
Elsewhere today the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases a “synthesis” report of its fifth full scientific climate assessment since 1990. “Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the pre-industrial era, driven largely by economic and population growth, and are now higher than ever,” intones the IPCC report, aiming its guns at human population, industry, energy consumption and the prospect of tougher regulation. “This has led to atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide that are unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years. Their effects, together with those of other anthropogenic drivers, have been detected throughout the climate system and are extremely likely to have been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.”
But sky striping expert Dane Wigington, in a post at, says the document “falls far short of stating how horrifically the climate is damaged and worse still the report does not say a word about the catastrophic and ongoing climate engineering programs. In our Orwellian world of total denial and omission the population is still completely oblivious to the fact that our biosphere is imploding.” Mr. Wigington says a “global geoengineering assault” is “radically accelerating this planetary unraveling.”
Cities sharply hit, even after dark
In Nashville, sky watcher Doug Diamond looks into the city’s sky and feels like gagging. “It’s the pharmaceutical approach to managing the earth. Oh, and it’s sickening. Literally.”
A Knoxville resident, Marla Stair-Wood, who works as a state bureaucrat, says sky striping is an attention grabber. “In Knoxville today it was mostly clear skies, and a lot of blue.” A haze developed from jet aircraft, and at sunset “they hit the west sky fast and furiously, with a lot of persistent aerosol trails.” The sky striping calmed down, she says, but revives later in the day. “Now at 9 p.m. they are spraying again; southeast sky is — I can see five trails, crisscrossing, making Xes, big fat persistent trails coming up and spreading over the moon as we speak.
“If this is solar radiation management,” she said, “why are they spraying at night?”
Tom Snowden of Sewanee says the sky was mostly clear on his drive to church, but a mess as he emerges. “I first noticed it after church in Franklin, looking up *** in the sky there were a lot [of trails] — at least a dozen concentrated crisscrossing in the sky, looking northeast toward Nashville.” Two were in parallel lines very close, but these began to expand into “one big band heading east and west.” Mr. Snowden, 48, drove to Murfreesboro and at Exit 81 stops at Wendy’s. There were sky stripes “everywhere. They were crisscrossing patterns. It seems like it was just everywhere you turned.”
Fresh ones knife across older trails that are ballooning into clouds. He says he saw one jet, glinting in the sun, follow closely a course set by another aircraft. The first jet lays a white trail, the second makes no signature.
Source: Nooganomics
17 Responses
2018, May 24
Same scenes, no talk. Steeple oblivious still.
Hey but we are in the end times so it won't last much longer. Just wait til the heavens and earth shake. Luke 21
It is all over middle TN. I am not sure what we can do to make this known. Everyone acts like I am crazy when I try to explain it to them. What can anyone really do though? I want to help, but I don't know how. I can't see the sun rise or the sunset anymore. There are rainbows in the sky on a hot dry day?? Crazy how no one believes me.
If somehow we could get the pychos to agree to a one-year moratorium in order to assess the damage and to see what happens naturally. Every single aware person needs to spread this information and contact representatives relentlessly. Eventually, they will have to do something if we don’t tolerate inaction.
THOU SHALL NOT “KILL”…HELL IS WAITING FOR THESE PEOPLE THAT FLY THESE PLANS KNOWING WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND THE ELITE GROUP BEHIND THEM. THEY ARE BY NO MEANS INNOCENT AND GOD IS ALL KNOWING AND ALL POWERFUL. He is certainly not happy with these people playing GOD…judgment day is coming and for these crimes to humanity they deserve what they will get which will be eternity in Hell…they will reap what they sow.
MJ: Making you sick…it’s probably affecting your lungs and GOD knows what else. May cause lung disorders or even cancer. This actually sounds like they’re trying to kill people with all these toxic chemicals they are spraying in the skies. It is a crime against humanity and what can we do about it?
Is everybody going to have to start wearing masks in order not to breath in this garbage?
Dane, this article will not post on Facebook. Says the content is no longer available. Humm? Are we now being censored? Tried twice…no luck. We are in an all-out assault. I videoed the same scenario today over Orlando, Florida. I can no longer go outside without an N-95 respiratory mask, since this has already made me very sick & cost thousands in medical bills. We must make 2015 the year of coming together in all-out resistance to this deadly crime against humanity.
In my area of the midwest we see very little of the lines anymore. We mostly just have constant filthy looking dark grey, silver and white aresole skies. So sick of only getting to see a few hours of sun a week. If you even want to call it sun. When we do see a little blue and sun it is always with clouds in the sky. Funny how before this started we would have endless days of pure crystal clear dark blue skies with never a cloud in sight, unless we got rain. Remember when it would rain all day and night? It was never this 1/10 of an inch crap once in a while. Oh how I long for a sky like those I knew my entire life until a few years ago. Watch the snow this year. The last 2 years I’ve taken pictures of the colored particles on the snow. You can see it when the sun hits directly on the snow. If they let us have any sun this winter!
Was in Nashville early in the summer and was aware of incessant spraying for the 3 days I was there. One night, and right under the full moon with clear skies overhead, a gigantic trail was sprayed out which crossed half the entire sky. Illuminated by the full moon, this trail was quite blatant and almost seemed like a giant ‘FUCK YOU’ to the general population.
There will eventually be a reckoning….may take months…or years….or decades. But soon we will realize a new definition to the term: WMD, weapons of mass destruction.
To: dawn and (the other) James
I notice you are both looking for a message board devoted to the topic. I created a form using open-source software to be found at this URL
It has a small membership, you are welcome to post messages there.
Yes! let’s get another form page together gather community, create photo archives, & organize regionally & nationally!
Get out of the System as much as possible. Shun the politicians, and un subscribe to mainstream media organizations including the cable and print media . Get closer to your immediate neighbors and practice the golden rule. Our Govt is corrupt to the core. The Aircraft are death machines, as we will soon find out.
Ditto in Petaluma,CA. Looks like a war zone. And in fact it may well be, as they go all out to only allow it to rain north of here while south of here withers. Eucalyptus trees hundreds of years old, and 5 + feet in diameter being knocked off like flies. Hillsides brown everywhere when it use to be green year around from here to the coast. In the last 30 days…only 4 days free of stripes in the sky. Must be what a death march feels like….knowing someone is deliberately attempting to shorten your natural lifespan.
Making and consuming probiotic foods daily trying to offset debris floating down from overhead. So far inflammation being held at bay.
We need an easy way to gather in our communities; to spread awareness. How can we start some sort of ‘board’ on line; to bring us people together and make a stand together to help open eyes and get this big heavy ball rolling, so we can stop this!!
This is really scaring its so awful so i dont have word for it, how shall this ended I feel so sorry for you in USA and also on all other places that this happends, It happends there i live too but not so much as here what i know b/c i can only see it just there i live and i never see any other write about it in Sweden , maybe it is but like i said i never see it. Im greatful for all ppl as sending in all this about aerosol spraying or els i shouldnt know anything b/c when i have talk abut it with ppl here they only said its water vipor but now i know better so thank you everyone and Thank you Dane
same thing in southern missouri. they stop our rain and what little we get is acid. burns the trees and leaves. poisons the plants almost like getting hit with with an all vegetation killer. i dread the sound of those jet engines. They create a cloud cover and fly above it. endless criss cross. never ending drone of their killer flights.
They can be seen making all sorts of scalar clouds. wavey ones. broken up clouds. always the man made clouds are inky oily looking. looks like pollution from a heavy populated area but these areas are rural.
It is a deliberate soft kill program. Designed to shorted the lives of the inhabitants on the earth as well as other lifeforms. Bird populations are vastly decreased. Same with insects. Fish, Deer, Turkey’s, pheasants, whales, dolphins. All life on the plant is being exterminated by design. The people responsible would claim it is ”necessary” or they are ”just doing their jobs”. they are in fact insane. that is plaint truth. They believe they themselves are divine. They rule by divine rights and are gods. Hence the disconnect in knowing they too are affected. They believe they are not affected. They are that crazy. Power tends to do that to people.
I do wonder how many of the flights are machine controlled. Drones don’t talk. People do and so few are speaking out about the systematic poisoning that i want to believe it is done by drone pilots. computer controlled. Hard to believe your own species actively works to wipe out their own kind.
same here in Western Colorado. The trails look the same all around the world. How do we stop something so global? seems impossible
no need for the photoshop image lol… if you need pics i have over 10,000 on my page all captured by me, you have my permission to use any ………..