CHEMTRAILS: A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical Trespass of Property


Legality of Chemtrails Hotly Debated in Florida

State of the Nation is very pleased to announce a recent development in the State of Florida regarding the ongoing chemtrail debate.  The recent evolution of this debate is not whether chemtrails exist; rather, the discussion in Florida is whether such chemical assaults are legal under the rubric of international law.

This debate was catalyzed by a legal essay that was first published here at State of the Nation, which was then highlighted by the History Channel in their Weather Warfare Documentary.  There were a variety of legal issues taken up in that paper entitled: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity which can be summed up as follows:

“If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.”[1]

This ongoing legal discussion about the criminal nature of secretly chemtrailing the skies of the USA is an extraordinary success for the Chemtrail Truth Movement.  The legal theory revolves around two facts: (i) legally mandated disclosure of the various chemical ingredients of the chemtrail aerosols is not provided to those who are severely impacted and (ii) those same ingredients have been proven to cause bodily injury and emotional injury to those who are most sprayed and susceptible to their deleterious effects.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions


There are many legal authorities and government officials around the world, who have unequivocally stated, that chemtrailing the skies (and thus various national populations) around the globe constitutes a chemical assault.  Particularly in light of the fact that specific governments have been served with lawsuits by injured parties, do these allegations have legal merit.  The numerous open cases filed by organic farmers are particularly compelling, since their property has been trespassed and violated by the same chemical concoctions falling on their fields from the chemtrails sprayed above their farms.

“The legal theory behind the allegations would create, if framed as such, a new area of criminal law: Aggravated Battery by Toxic Chemical. Experts in criminal law believe such a legal theory is valid. It would require a court of international jurisdiction, such as the International Criminal Court, to prosecute the alleged conspirators and name individuals exposed to the chemical agents as victims.”[1]

On an international level, the following legal opinion lays bare the several issues at work. Anyone who is knowledgeable about the legal theory of chemical assault will understand the profound implications of the presentation in the following link:

Demands for Chemtrail Conspiracy Arrests

Here is a screenshot of the same article taken in order to capture a permanent copy of this critical legal essay. Articles of this import are frequently scrubbed from the internet, so we encourage all interested parties and stakeholders to do the same.

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Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 7.44.51 AM

Biomass Incinerators Were Attacked With The Same Legal Argument

For those who followed the raging legal skirmishes throughout Florida at the beginning of this decade, the same legal approach was often taken toward shutting down biomass incinerators statewide.  It all started with a letter to Governor Charlie Crist, wherein he was held personally responsible for serious health consequences and medical crises that result from the siting of incinerators near populated areas throughout Florida.

Letter to Governor Crist regarding Biomass Incinerator sited near Gadsden Correctional Facility

At the end of the day virtually all the major energy companies, which had active applications on file with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to construct biomass incinerators, withdrew them.   Most of them have left the state entirely, and have not come back — a very rare occurrence indeed.

Let’s hope the Chemtrail Truth Movement will have the same success terminating the clandestine worldwide chemtrail program.  Truly, the relentless spraying of the skies across the planet with dangerous chemicals is a scourge upon humanity.

Michael Thomas
May 30, 2014

Author’s Note:


I. Chemtrails must be stopped
II. Geoengineering must be terminated

Source: State of the Nation

7 Responses to CHEMTRAILS: A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical Trespass of Property

  1. Hawkeye says:

    Thanks JR! Florida is the same as you describe in NM. Don’t come it is bad. Dead Dolphins washing up on Ft Myers Beach, health dept. warnings to swimmers in the Gulf. Swimming in the Gulf is causing lesions all over people’s bodies now. The sun is gone, covered every day by massive chem clouds or freshly sprayed ones. Real estate is not selling. No one wants to sit on the beach under chem clouds blocking the sun, or watching dolphins wash up dead or my God, getting a body full of lesions from swimming in the Gulf. It is over for FL NOW. This article sounds like hope but I will believe it when I see no more planes spraying in our skies. Until then it is just words.

  2. Michel B says:

    I see a huge chance for progress in the real and ongoing legal battle to bring to light and hopefully halt SRM programs. I want to remind everyone that the above article is about dealing with the very real issues that some people have created and that some of us want resolved in the form of ceasing those damaging programs.

    Appparently, the ‘legality’ of programs such as SRM are based on a legal presumption that they can proceed because we the public did not withdraw our consent, even if we never knew about the programs to begin with! So, not knowing about the programs is a moot point to the legal eagles who invent a bizarre legal world of self justification and hidden agenda. It is the equivalent of the impending demolition of the earth by the Vogons for an interstellar bypass in ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’, wherein the notice to destroy the Earth was kept in a filing cabinet in a basement of a Government building on the Vogon’s planet but it was our fault back here on Earth that we didn’t know about it.

    We have to become critical thinkers of the highest order as those who are plotting against us are ceaselessly working on their plans and are very wily and ambitious and will stoop to any means to achieve their ends. This means understanding how the world works, how we have been complicit through our ignorance of it and how we can step out of that by getting totally serious about this very real and all too human problem.

    We must save ourselves and each other by spreading awareness of this issue. Tell everyone about this website and look up for G. Edward Griffin’s proposal for a political solution to this collectivist problem via a creed of individualism and creating a political platform based on a Constitutional Republic. G. Edward Griffin is a highly moral man who lives by Christian values and has exceptional insights into many problems in the world and also has extraordinary solutions in the real and practical world, but they require our action to work.

  3. Barbie says:

    JR, anyone who loves this beautiful planet and has a love for creation cannot help but feel distressed at what we are seeing! Imagine how our Creator feels. From the first rebellion in the Garden of Eden, He made a way to restore all things back to His original purpose of eternal life on a peaceful and cleansed earth through Christ. Though it is beyond HUMAN abilty to undo and reverse the damage, it is not impossible for God! Faith in that promise can bring us peace and hope. No human can restore life, this beautiful earth, and bring an end to the cycle of death and suffering which exists. Only God has the power to accomplish that. (Revelation 21:3,4 ) May you find peace, hope, and comfort in that promise. We are almost there….

  4. kay says:

    REST RELAXES BODY…SABBATH (even partial) relaxes mind….lack of SABBATH wiped outt many empires!!!!!!!!!!

  5. JR says:

    Hey Barbie; Thanks for your kind words. The word tells us to instill hope, comfort (holy-spirit) one another and not fear. It says don’t worry about tomorrow but let tomorrow worry about its own things, sufficient for the day is its own trouble. I know we are not meant to be worry warriors, yes we are in a spiritual battle no doubt and get angry and yet not supposed to sin. We were made to be good stewards of this world in all its abundance HE gave us. Good Day, Thanks…

  6. Barbie says:

    Yes JR. Revelation 12:12 reminds us that Satan was cast down and confined to the vicinity of the earth. The heavens and all faithful angelic creatures rejoice because Satan and his demons were cast out, but it is a time of unprecedented trouble and fear inspiring events for the earths inhabitants!!! Still, the promise of God is to restore this earth – Ecclesiastes 1:4( and His original purpose ) so that obedient survivors and resurrected humans can have eternal life on a cleansed and restored earth. (Psalms 37:10,11,29 ) . Humanity is on the brink of destroying itself, so it is evident we are close to this time of divine intervention! As Jesus said, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved…but it WILL be cut short.

  7. JR says:

    Hello People; I thank God for this day first and foremost. In good and thru bad he is above all. We are sojourners here on earth and we (His Children) will all be out of here one day in his Kingdom forever! We have been inundated all day (worse) than the picture above in this article, not precious to say the least here in Southwest- New Mexico, USA. These lowlifes will all be judged one day by Christ and the word says no one goes to the Father (God) except thru HIM, no if, ands, or buts. We have been living in and amongst a crooked and depraved generation down here for thousands of years. Evil is and has run rampant through out world in many shapes, sizes, and form. Satan is the Master of deception with many followers which is evident. Remember when Lucifer was casted out of Heaven it brought down 1/3 of fallen Angels. There is a spiritual warfare going on in the heavenly realms as down here daily. Pray to the Almighty for salvation as I do also. Love is #1 in His commandments. His peace be with you…

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