GeoengineeringWatch Launches Free Downloadable App

Our collective reality is becoming more critical by the day as the ongoing climate engineering insanity continues to tear the Earth's climate system apart. We must all intensify our efforts to reach critical mass of awareness. Our brand new, FREE GeoengineeringWatch app offers the ability to stay connected to the latest climate engineering/geoengineering-related articles, upcoming events list, archives of the “GeoengineeringWatch Radio” show, exclusive YouTube video content, newsletter sign-up, photo gallery, as well as a photo-share-with-us option, and of course access to our Facebook page. Download our new app today, for free from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, or use the HTML-5 version in your browser. Help us spread the word about our app so people can stay up-to-date on the latest, valuable climate engineering data and other useful information.

Click the buttons below to directly access the app on whichever platform you use
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5 Responses to GeoengineeringWatch Launches Free Downloadable App

  1. Freedom Ranger says:

    @Illia If you are having unusual broad spectrum problems with your health, escpecially heart, lungs and neural disorder after heavy spraying you may be experiencing barium toxicity.
    I found these articles very informative.

  2. llia says:

    Thank you, Dane! It is so important to get this word out! Operation Teapot victim here, offering to donate my living, breathing, and coughing self to you for scientific study and documentation. I’m not kidding, the poor and elderly are dropping like flies right now, and I want to help.

  3. Judy Rowe says:

    Thanks for the app. I live in the southern tier of NYS and have seen these planes all over our skies this fall into December. We tend to have sunshine and no rain the fun to the following week after I observe them.

  4. Bret says:

    Seems to be a well informed site.. Thank you so much for everything you are all doing to keep us informed

  5. sean cairney says:

    excellent, and thanks Dane for making this a free to use app for everyone

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