Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 26, 2024, #481


Dane Wigington

"ScienceAdviser: Geoengineering in the sky with diamonds" ( Seriously? From Yahoo News: "high levels of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere over long periods of time are significantly associated with increased non-accidental deaths, particularly from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases". Unfortunately, official air quality testing and reporting doesn't include nanoparticles, the primary particle size called for in climate engineering patents and showing up in lab test samples. Is the toxic atmospheric particle saturation also causing unquantifiable damage to our biosphere as a whole? Short answer, yes. "Scientists warn of societal collapse on Earth with worsening climate situation" (MSN). Can climate engineering and other forms of human damage to the planet be stopped in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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9 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 26, 2024, #481

  1. Boomerfred says:

    Boomerfred remembers. That company providing aluminum to spray

    was American Metals. Thanks for all of you who care what happens and

    Thank You Mr. Dane for all you've taught and now challenged us to do

    along with you as you expose the non-credibility of the credo at large!

  2. Boomerfred says:

    Hi Ben Billings,

    Your long comments are welcome, and your info essentially correct and fresh, however we must not forget the other domestic source especially for aluminum nano-particles.mentioned by Dane. It's name is American Chemicals (or close) If wrong, someone here will advise. Doesn't make you wrong, just completes the picture more.. 

    As a bonified 'weather warfare refugee' burned to the ground in Thomas Wilfdire in 2017 CA, frozen/droughted in Spring Branch Tx for four years then movig again to less but still geoengineered Ohio the correct name has been mentioned since finding brother Dane since #124. There are full pages of handwritten notes taken during his many steady talks

    It's a real shame how we're being scuttled, befuddled and muddled just trying to live our lives on this Wonderful Yet Vulnerable Planet.. More are awakening yet the half -truths leave many still off course.

    Father God and co-creator Christ made the galaxy and planet however they're not  charged with stewardship, we are and some among us disregard it's critical balance and generous gifts to all of our dismay.

    All for now, keep up the good fight, stay strong and well for another day


    • Ben Billings says:

      I remember Dane mentioning American Elements Corporation as a source of aluminum nano-particulates. I will continue researching down this rabbit hole. Thanks for your timely and compassionate comments.

  3. Stan Sylvester says:

    Climate catastrophe? Saudi Arabia doesn't seem to be concerned about that. Neom is an area that is 10,200 square miles. It is located in NW Saudi Arabia by the Red Sea bordering Egypt and Jordan. Neom now has the world's largest construction site in the world. 

    What is it? Why, it's a futuristic city. Move over Texas, things are big in Saudi Arabia too! It will contain 10 projects that will be known as regions. At the estimated cost of $1.5 trillion, it will be run totally on renewable energy.  It will be run with solar, wind and help from one of the largest hydrogen plants in the world. Meanwhile, during construction, this futuristic city is now currently swallowing up 20% of the world's steel.

    You won't need any cars or streets. Say goodbye to carbon emissions! The housing will actually be in a line, thus it is named The Line. Just hop on public transportation or walk! With the goal of completion by 2030, The Line is  to be 170 kilometers long. However, in April, Bloomberg reported that  it now appears that only 2.4 kilometers will be done by then. In addition, it was supposed to house 1.5 million people. Now the estimate is around 300,000. It must be hard for futuristic cities  to give futuristic estimates.

    Of course this project came with the promise of job creation to offset any dissent regarding ecological concerns. Alas, it is a tough job. One worker says that a typical schedule is 16 hour days for 14 days straight days. In addition, there is a 3 hour one way bus ride to and from the project that he is not paid for. He goes on about 4 hours sleep.  

    As the planet hurls toward climate catastrophe, The Line as part of the Neom futuristic city project lumbers forward. "Man plans. God laughs."   Harlan Cobern

  4. Ellen Aschenbrenner says:

    From Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:  "When a silent weapon is applied gradually to the public, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up." The ones doing this to us have total distain for humanity and relish what they are doing to us.  I see what they do in the sky, I see and feel the effects of what they are spraying on us, and I am thankful that I know what they are doing and I can tell others who don't believe it, because Dane, I listen to you every week.  No fear anymore, just resolve. 

  5. Mary says:

    They were spraying all day today in Columbia county New York

  6. Ben Billings says:

    Spruce Pine Mining District – Control – Two foreign corporations mining quartz in Spruce Pine, North Carolina – Part 2

    Who has the monopoly on mining and marketing perhaps the most unique and valued commodity on planet Earth – high purity quartz -? Answer: Two foreign corporations – Sibelco – based in Belgium, and the Quartz Corporation – based in Norway.

    Why is the quartz deposit in Spruce Pine, North Carolina important in the ongoing global competition for critical resources?

    Could it be that the Spruce Pine Mining District – a swath of land 25 miles by 10 miles – is the most valuable and sought after chunk of real estate on Planet Earth?  High purity quartz is essential for making semiconductors and computer chips – that go into billions of devices – from cheap 1 dollar watches to toasters, “smart”phones, motor vehicles, aircraft, up to mega-computers. They are everywhere globally.

    Did the statement by then Vice-President Lyndon Johnson in 1962 that “he who controls the weather controls the world” – been upstaged and overshadowed by – “he who controls the Spruce Pine quartz mines controls the world”?

    Here we examine Sibelco:

    From their website:
    “We are a global material solutions company with 6 Technical Centers – in 31 Countries – 43 clusters – 4683 employees

    We mine, process and sell industrial minerals at locations worldwide, focused primarily on silica, clays, feldspathics and olivine. We are also leaders in glass recycling.”

    “Sibelco was founded in 1872, initially supplying silica sand from deposits in Flanders to Belgium’s major glass producers. Our association with the UK clay industry stretches back even further. Today, Sibelco is a global material solutions business, operating 118 production sites in 31 countries with a team of over 5,000 people.”

    “Founded in 1872, we have grown into a multinational business with operations in 31 countries and an extensive multi-mineral portfolio. We work across a broad range of industries, anticipating and meeting our customers’ changing needs with innovative solutions that combine high-specification materials and dedicated technical support.”

    “Sibelco delivers solutions for society and supports the progress of modern life, from drinking water sanitation to solar technology and from flame retardants to smartphone screens. We serve industries as diverse as glass, ceramics, construction, coatings, polymers and water purification.”

    “Everything we do is guided by our purpose: material solutions advancing life. Our products help to build homes, cities and vehicles; to support the supply of renewable energy, food and clean water; to create technologies such as smartphone display screens, printed circuit boards and semiconductors.
    We do this within a robust sustainability framework, always balancing economic performance with environmental stewardship and social responsibility.”

    Materials mined, processed, and sold globally include: Silica, Aluminum Trihydrate (ATH), Feldspar, Cristobalite, ball clays , High Purity Quartz, Nepheline syenite, Kaolin, Baryte, Aluminum Oxide, Anorthosite, Wollastonite, Calcium Carbonate, Dolomite, Activated Carbon, Recycled glass, Bauxite, Bentonite, Iron based materials, Manganese, Olivine, Chromite,

    As well as our core portfolio, we offer a range of other materials including diopside, flint pebbles, fluorspar, fly ash, garnet, huntite, hydromagnesite, petalite, sodium silicate, talc & zeolite.

    The following appears on the Sibelco website with no context or explanation:
    Room 2615 (26 F),
    399 Kaixuan Road,
    Changning District,
    Shanghai 200051,
    (上海市长宁区凯旋路399号雅仕大厦26层2615室 200051)
    Tel: 86 21 5289 5000


    Sibelco is a multi-national corporation selling processed materials to anyone who will pay for them. Profit and money are paramount.

    Sibelco sells aluminum oxide Al2O3. According to Wikipedia: – Aluminum oxide  – commonly referred to as alumina – has many industrial applications. Ground down to nano-particulate size – this form of aluminum oxide is used – among many other applications – as a desiccant for the drying of gasses with deep dehydration to dew points of -60 deg/C and below. So yes, nano-sized aluminum oxide – sprayed globally from jet aircraft as part of the toxic brew for the alleged purpose of “Solar Radiation Management (SRM) – mops up moisture from the atmosphere which is composed of gasses (mainly nitrogen, oxygen and CO2). The nano-aluminum allows the mopped up moisture to be manipulated by earth-based microwave transmissions – often resulting in severe drought. Could it be that Sibelco is one of many corporations supplying Aluminum Oxide to the climate engineering/weather warfare conspirators?

    Another Sibelco product is fly ash – a waste product of coal fired power plants – believed to be the base material for climate engineering dispersions from jet aircraft. Again we ask – is Sibelco possibly neck-deep in the climate engineering/weather warfare insanity?

    Will the US Military-Industrial Complex criminal control freaks continue to allow the Spruce Pine Quartz mines to remain out of US control? Did the intensified and steered Hurricane Helene – and its total devastation to the region and its inhabitants – have anything to do with the foreign control of the Spruce Pine quartz mines?

    With China now being promoted as the #1 enemy of the US empire – how dare Sibelco sell high purity quartz to China so it can produce high-tech computer chips that outperform those produced by the US. And don’t forget the recent “sanctions” imposed on China by the Biden administration prohibiting the sale of US “high tech” computer chip technology to Chinese companies – Huawei and SMIC.

    Much attention has been focused of the possible rich lithium deposits in western North Carolina.- while the importance of the Spruce Pine quartz mines is almost overlooked by the various media outlets . We must continue to monitor this situation very carefully.


  7. Jonathan says:

    I urge all reading this to consider the horrific disruption in the balance and divine order of Life being caused by the predators' weather warfare. Dr. Masaru Emoto had much to say, his photographs perhaps even more, about how such things disrupt the fragile order of creation…

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