“New evidence that air pollution has masked the full impact of global warming suggests the world may soon face a heightened climate crisis.”
– After reading this article you will find the above quote is grossly underestimated.
Understanding Global Dimming – Lisa Elkins Goodman
Discoveries in Global Dimming
In the early 21st century, it’s become clear that air pollution can significantly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Earth.
Evidence of the previously unknown phenomenon of Global Dimming, one that scientists believe could dramatically alter global temperatures
Climate scientists have discovered a phenomenon that threatens to disrupt our world. It may already have contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands through drought and famine. Unchecked, it will strike again. The good news is that there is a cure. The bad news is that the cure may be worse than the disease. If scientists are right, then we may be about to unleash a climate catastrophe on our planet the like of which it hasn’t experienced in its 4 billion years. These stark choices and about the dawning realization that all our predictions about the world’s climate may be wrong.
Like enormous clouds of volcanic ash, some forms of air pollution can significantly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface and lower temperatures. Climate researcher James Hansen estimates that “global dimming” is cooling our planet by more than a degree Celsius (1.8°F) and fears that as we curb these types of air pollution, global warming may escalate to a point of no return. Here, trace the historic events that lead to our understanding of global dimming.
Part of the 16-mile-long Laki fissure today. When this volcanic ridge
opened in 1783, altered weather patterns led to the greatest famine
in Iceland’s history.
Laki Eruption Cools Europe 1783
For millennia humans no doubt have noticed that smoke and ash from volcanic eruptions can block sunlight for many days. But Benjamin Franklin went a step further in 1783, proposing that a massive volcanic eruption of the Laki fissure in Iceland caused months of unusually cold weather in Europe. By the early 1900s, scientists had begun trying to quantify how volcanic eruptions affect climate, but measurements and climate models were too crude to conclusively link the two. It wasn’t until the late 20th century that scientists understood precisely how Laki’s eruption and the subsequent strange blue haze that wafted over Europe cooled temperatures, and how this related to the “human volcano” of air pollution.
How far would radioactive particles from nuclear explosions travel?
The need to understand such issues sparked aerosol science, but
wartime research was not always openly published.
Before scientists could even be in a position to suspect such a subtle phenomenon as global dimming, they had to gain a better understanding of aerosols, particles suspended in a gas. World War II provided them with that opportunity, as researchers investigated various types of smoke, poison gas, and nuclear fallout. Studies done for the Manhattan Project, in fact, led to the first handbook of aerosol science. Nevertheless, for decades after the war, few aerosol experts tackled issues directly related to climate change.
Cloud-seeding studies took place in skies around the world.
Here, a 1957 effort near Sydney, Australia
Cloud “Seeding” Attempted 1950s
Scientists knew that clouds form only when there are tiny particles in the air such as sea salt or pollen around which water droplets can condense. In the 1950s, various government and commercial groups began exploring whether it would be possible to “seed” clouds with silver iodide smoke and other substances in order to make rain and control local weather. The widespread cloud seeding efforts ultimately had very limited success. But they prompted suspicion, borne out decades later, that human pollution was inadvertently creating clouds that intercepted sunlight and impacted the climate of a broad region.

reforms since the 1940s, still plagues the city today.
By midcentury, rising levels of smog in cities had triggered public outcry and captured the attention of aerosol scientists. Most of the focus initially was on large particles that fell from the sky in a matter of days. In the 1960s, however, experts began studying how microscopic particles could linger longer and travel farther. Experts set up networks of monitoring stations to regularly measure atmospheric turbidity, commonly known as haze. In 1967, Robert McCormick and John Ludwig of the National Center for Air Pollution Control reported a rise in turbidity over regions spanning as much as 600 miles. Even remote areas of the Arctic appeared affected. It seemed likely that both industrial pollution and haze caused by slash-and-burn agriculture in the developing world were having a global reach.

Layers of ancient ice drilled from the immense
Greenland ice sheet offered clues that volcanic
eruptions had triggered climate cooling.
Ice Cores Reveal Past Trends
Late 1970s-early 1980s
Looking at ice cores from Greenland spanning hundreds of centuries, scientists repeatedly saw telltale signs that giant volcanic eruptions of dust and sulfuric acid were followed by cooler temperatures in subsequent years. On a different but related front, other experts realized that sulfuric acid and other small particle sulfates could stay in the stratosphere for years, persisting much longer than larger particles. Sulfate aerosols, whether generated by volcanoes or by humans burning coal, oil, and other fossil fuels, now seemed likely culprits in climate cooling. The Arctic Methane Group (AMEG) is a group of scientists/concerned citizens studying the release of methane trapped under our North Pole’s icecap. They claim that not only is methane currently being released, it is poised to explode again as it did in the dinosaurs age.

earlier models glimpsed. Today, using a version of NASA’s global
climate computer model, even high school students can run
climate change scenarios.
Early computer models of the global climate attempted to factor in aerosols. It was a daunting task: A wide spectrum of aerosols exists in the atmosphere—small sulfate particles, salt crystals from the oceans, soot, and many others. How these particles, at various heights, cause absorption or reflection of the sun’s radiation was poorly understood. Yet different groups of modelers came to the same tentative conclusion. Human-made aerosols, they found, were contributing to cloud formation, increasing the planet’s reflectivity, and causing a modest cooling. Some scientists even suggested that air pollution, if unrestrained, might trigger a new ice age. Yet great uncertainty remained over how the complex mix of pollution affected the climate.
Whether dinosaurs died out because a giant asteroid hit Earth
or because volcanic eruptions clouded the skies (another leading theory),
the basic mechanism of global cooling was the same.
Dinosaur Extinction Theory Early 1980s
In 1980, Walter and Luis Alvarez proposed that a giant asteroid striking Earth 65 million years ago had sent enough debris into the atmosphere to cool the planet and kill off the dinosaurs. The dinosaur extinction theory aroused public awareness of how rapidly Earth’s climate might change. It also encouraged aerosol and climate scientists to look more closely at issues related to global dimming. A few years later, in 1983, a different theory had a similar effect, when aerosol scientists warned that nuclear war could lead to an apocalyptic “nuclear winter.”
A 2003 satellite image of “ship tracks” off the Pacific Northwest coast.
The tracks appear as bright white squiggles within a thinner veil
of cloud cover. Shipping lane clouds form only in extremely humid air.
Shipping Lane Clouds 1987
Scientists had long theorized that air pollution might be “seeding” the formation of clouds. But decades of cloud-seeding experiments had failed to provide proof, and evidence for pollution-related clouds was tenuous. More conclusive evidence came in 1987, when satellite photos revealed persistent clouds over areas of the oceans used as shipping lanes. Smokestack exhaust from ships, dense with sulfate aerosols, was creating clouds that likely reflected sunlight and decreased the solar energy warming the ocean surface.
For months after Pinatubo’s eruption, a haze of sulfate aerosols hovered in the stratosphere, just as had happened in 1783 after Laki erupted in Iceland.
Pinatubo Confirms Climate Models 1991
When Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted, climate scientists seized the opportunity to test their models. The eruption released some 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, giving rise to a lingering haze of sulfate aerosols. NASA researchers led by James Hansen calculated that Pinatubo’s eruption would lower average global temperatures over the next few years by roughly half a degree Celsius (0.9°F), with the greatest changes in the higher northern latitudes. The prediction proved remarkably on target. By the mid-1990s, most scientists agreed that human-made aerosols were acting like an ongoing volcanic eruption, and that air pollution had likely been masking the impact of global warming for decades.
This 2001 satellite image captures the toxic aerosol haze blanketing northern India and Bangladesh, south of the Himalayan Mountains.
Indian Ocean Study Late 1990s
In a $25 million multinational study spanning four years, climate scientists led by Veerabhadran Ramanathan documented how pollution was severely dimming areas of the Indian Ocean. The study, called Project INDOEX, found that over northern regions of the ocean, where pollution streams in from India, a pollutant layer nearly two miles thick cut down the sunlight reaching the ocean by more than 10 percent—a far bigger effect than most scientists had thought possible. Ramanathan’s own models had led him to expect a dimming of only one half to one percent. Project INDOEX showed in detail how the toxic mix of soot, sulfates, and other pollutants both directly blocked sunlight and, even more critically, helped spawn clouds that reflected the sun’s energy back to space.
NASA’s Aqua satellite, launched in 2002, is filling in details in the big picture of global dimming. Data from Aqua indicates that aerosol pollution is cooling the climate by more than a degree Celsius (1.8°F).
Dimming Recognized Worldwide Mid-1980s to present
In the mid-1980s, when meteorologist Gerry Stanhill reported that a dramatic 22 percent reduction of sunlight had occurred in Israel between the 1950s and the 1980s, the news hardly made a splash in the scientific community or popular press. But Stanhill was not alone in measuring such a drop. When he combed the scientific literature, he found that other scientists had measured declines of 9 percent in Antarctica, 10 percent in areas of the U.S., 16 percent in parts of Great Britain, and almost 30 percent in one region of Russia. Alarmed by the trend, Stanhill coined the term “global dimming.” By the turn of the 21st century, with mounting evidence of just how human pollution had caused it, global dimming finally gained the attention it warranted.
Contrails, NOT JUST Chemtrails, the man-made clouds left in the wake of jet aircraft, does alter climate, particularly regionally.
Contrails may seem ephemeral but they are not as harmless of a by-product of the jet age but in fact do impact the climate. This is of particular concern in well-traveled air corridors, where contrails by the hundreds can spread into man-made cirrus clouds that can both block sunlight from reaching the Earth and trap radiated heat from escaping to space.
Whether contrails cause a net cooling or a net warming, their effect is something to worry about within the greater general concern about climate change.
With air traffic expected to double or even triple by 2050, leading contrail researchers say the influence of these artificial clouds cannot be ignored.
Out of the blue
A contrail will form behind a jet if, as exhaust gases cool and mix with surrounding air, the humidity is high enough and the temperature low enough for liquid water to condense. The air needs to be supersaturated and the temperature generally below -40°F, something that typically occurs only in the upper troposphere, the atmospheric layer several miles up where airliners cruise. Under those conditions, water vapor from the jet’s exhaust and secondarily from the atmosphere condenses into water droplets. Within a few tens of feet behind the aircraft, these droplets freeze into the snow-white particles that bring the contrail to life.
How long a newly formed condensation trail sticks around depends on the ambient humidity. If humidity is low, contrails will rapidly dissipate, looking like a comet’s tail. The ice particles sublimate—meaning go straight from ice to vapor—and you’re back to blue sky. If humidity is high, however, contrails can persist—and those are the ones that trouble climatologists.
The sheer number of contrails generated on a typical day in busy air corridors can come as a shock. A NASA satellite took this enhanced infrared image of the southeastern U.S. on January 29, 2004.
A lingering concern
If conditions are right, newly formed contrails will begin feeding off surrounding water vapor. Like vaporous cancers, they start growing and spreading. In time, they can expand horizontally to such an extent that they become indistinguishable from cirrus clouds, those thin, diaphanous sheets often seen way up high. These artificial cirrus clouds can last for many hours, and the amount of sky they end up covering can be astonishing. One study showed that contrails from just six aircraft expanded to shroud some 7,700 square miles.
With 9/11, climatologists realized they had an unprecedented opportunity to scrutinize individual contrails.
What consequence might these jet-triggered clouds have? Well, most clouds fall into one of two categories. High, thin cirrus clouds are normally warming clouds. They let sunlight through but are good at trapping heat radiating back upwards from the Earth. Low, thick stratus clouds, on the other hand, are typically cooling clouds, because they tend to be more efficient at blocking and reflecting sunlight than they are at trapping radiated heat. Contrails are initially thick, bright, highly reflective clouds, but over time they morph into wispy cirrus clouds. Are they then warming or cooling clouds?
For a long time, scientists didn’t even have a baseline from which to begin to answer that question. Studying contrails has always been difficult. They’re high in the sky and either so fleeting that they’re gone in minutes or so persistent that dozens or even hundreds can crisscross one another, making the study of individual contrails to get a baseline all but impossible.
In skies normally crosshatched with condensation trails, the only contrails seen in this image from September 12, 2001, were left by the plane returning President George W. Bush to Washington from Nebraska and several escort fighters.
Contrail hiatus
At least that was the case until September 11, 2001. For the first time since the jet age began, virtually all aircraft were grounded over the United States for three days. Even as they tried like the rest of us to absorb the enormity of the terrorist attacks, climatologists realized they had an unprecedented opportunity to scrutinize individual contrails, and several studies were quickly launched.
One study looked at the aforementioned contrails that grew to cover 7,700 square miles. Those condensation trails arose in the wake of six military aircraft flying between Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 12, 2001. From those isolated contrails, unmixed as they were with the usual dozens of others, Patrick Minnis, a senior research scientist at NASA’s Langely Research Center, and his colleagues were able to gain valuable insight into how a single contrail forms. Those once-in-a-lifetime data sets are so useful that Minnis is about to analyze them again in an expanded study.
Another study that took advantage of the grounding gave striking evidence of what contrails can do. David Travis of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and two colleagues measured the difference, over those three contrail-free days, between the highest daytime temperature and the lowest nighttime temperature across the continental U.S. They compared those data with the average range in day-night temperatures for the period 1971-2000, again across the contiguous 48 states. Travis’s team discovered that from roughly midday September 11 to midday September 14, the days had become warmer and the nights cooler, with the overall range greater by about two degrees Fahrenheit.
These results suggest that contrails can suppress both daytime highs (by reflecting sunlight back to space) and nighttime lows (by trapping radiated heat). That is, they can be both cooling and warming clouds. But what is the net effect? Do they cool more than they warm, or vice versa? “Well, the assumption is a net warming,” Travis says, “but there is a lot of argument still going on about how much of a warming effect they produce.”
In this true-color satellite image shot above northwestern
Europe, the contrast between skies with contrails and those without
offers a striking sense of the influence these pseudo clouds might have
on regional climate.
You need to have extreme temperatures to weed out the weaker species—it’s classic Darwinism.
The leading ‘robber baron’ capitalists reveal that many of them were influenced by the Darwinian conclusion that the strong eventually will destroy the weak. Their faith in Darwinism helped them to justify this view as morally right. As a result, they felt that their ruthless (and often illegal and lethal) business practices were justified by science and more importantly, being able to control it. They also concluded that Darwinian concepts and conclusions were an inevitable part of the ‘unfolding of history’ and consequently practicing them was not wrong or immoral, but was both right and natural.
Now for the really bad news……..
Global Extinction-Level Event or Geoengineering – Choose your pill
The Day The Oceans Boiled part 1
If you have kids, I hope you will watch this. It could be the most important video I’ve ever seen. Fifty-five million years ago there was a massive pulse of carbon released by the natural carbon sinks of the planet that caused an 8 degree C global air temperature jump. That temperature increase provoked another massive one not long after because the higher temperatures warmed the oceans which dry out the forests. Human carbon releases are causing the same phenomenon right now: warm the oceans, increase the length of the Amazon dry season, dry out the rainforest and it all burns at once causing a massive jump in CO2 levels, and maybe even a runaway greenhouse effect. If this video doesn’t make you cry, I don’t now what will. So if you care about your kids, or about any of the world’s forests, bring climate crisis organizing into your lifestyle. Please, before it’s too late.
The Day The Oceans Boiled part 1
The Day The Oceans Boiled part 2
Astonishing as it might sound, there have been times in the past when global air temperatures increased 20 degrees C in one human lifetime. The last glaciation cycle of the Ice Age began 120,000 years ago with a Madhouse Century of seventy feet in sea level changes. The conditions then are quite similar to what they are now. So there is nothing gradual about the climate crisis.
The Day The Oceans Boiled part 2
HAARP Geoengineering with Alchemy, Arctic Methane Global Emergency, UK Gov tells climate alarmists to “Chill Out”
The Arctic Methane Group (AMEG) is a group of scientists/concerned citizens studying the release of methane trapped under our North Pole’s icecap. They claim that not only is methane currently being released, it is poised to explode again as it did in the dinosaurs age:
This video claims that as a result of rising CO2 levels, methane was released rapidly and boiled the oceans. AMEG claims that the explosive release of methane is once again close at hand:
Arctic Sea Ice – Methane Release – Planetary Emergency
*”Remobilization to the atmosphere of only a small fraction of the methane held in East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) sediments could trigger abrupt climate warming….Our concern is that the subsea permafrost has been showing signs of deabilization already. If it further destabilizes, the methane emissions may not be teragrams, it would be significantly larger. The release to the atmosphere of only one percent of the methane assumed to be stored in shallow hydrate deposits might alter the current atmospheric burden of methane up to 3 to 4 times.”
AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, hereby formally complains to the UK government that the observations to which they refer in their statement do not exist. The observations taken directly from the ice and recently from satellite, support a very simple model of sea ice behaviour – that the melting, as reflected by the volume average for particular months, is closely following an exponential trend, towards zero for September 2015.
Therefore the government must take note of the implications of what happens when the sea ice behaves according to this non-linear sea ice volume trend. The implications, spelt out by AMEG, are life-threatening for every citizen on this planet and require immediate attention.
A failure of the government to act in the interest of its citizens in such a situation is surely criminal. It is a clear duty by UNFCCC Arcticle 3.3 that governments should protect citizens from the effects of climate change.
Climate change is most visibly happening in the Arctic. The only way to protect the Arctic is to cool the Arctic and restore the sea ice.
The government is refusing to accept clear evidence that the situation is deteriorating so quickly that strenuous efforts must be made to cool the Arctic this summer or otherwise risk that it is too late for any action to prevent an absolute catastrophe. The government does not need further evidence – and any delay could jeopardise chance of success.
Proposals exist for providing the necessary cooling, which have a chance of success if given full and immediate backing. The government must give the necessary support to ensure every chance of their success, with an international collaboration. The cost of such action is miniscule compared to the cost of failure.
John Nissen, Chair,
There are some 1000 Gt to 1400 Gt (10^9 tonnes) of carbon contained in the methane hydrates on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf and 700 Gt of free methane is trapped under the Arctic submarine permafrost (Shakova et al. 2008, 2010). Shakova et al. estimate that between 5% to 10% of the subsea permafrost (methane hydrates) in that region is now punctured allowing methane to escape at a rate of about 0.5 Mt (500,000 tonnes) a year and that up to 50 Gt (10^9 tonnes) could be released abruptly at any time soon. Release of this subsea Arctic methane would increase the worldwide atmospheric methane content about 12 times equivalent to doubling the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere.
As a result, AMEG released their Strategic Plan:
Consider practices and regulations that are having, or risk having, a heating effect on the Arctic. A postponement of drilling in the Arctic would be sensible, because of inevitable escape of methane but also because of the risk of blowout with or without oil spill.
Try to maintain or even enhance the current cooling effect from currently emitted sulphate aerosols in the troposphere at mid to high northern latitudes. For example the regulation to ban bunker fuel for ships should be relaxed while encouraging continued use of bunker fuel where the resulting aerosol emissions might be beneficial. Reduction of sulphate aerosol ‘pollution’ will be unpopular with many environment groups, but the priority to cool the Arctic has to be established.
Establish the positive and negative net forcing from contrails, and encourage flight paths of commercial airplanes to reduce positive or increase negative net forcing. The ban on polar flights, lifted recently, should be reintroduced.(Editors Note: Weather and Climate Engineering – William Cotton at the AMS )
Weather and Climate Engineering – William Cotton at the AMS
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Reduce black carbon into Arctic. Make for preparedness to fight tundra fires in Arctic and sub-Arctic.
Find ways to remove black carbon from coal fired power stations, while allowing or compensating for the cooling effect that their aerosol emissions would be producing without the scrubbing out of sulphur compounds.
“Prepare the supply and logistics for spraying aerosol precursor in large quantities, preferably into the lower stratosphere, for deployment by next March or April (not sooner because the risk of ozone depletion). Of course, possible negative impacts have to be considered before large scale deployment, but it is worth being fully prepared for such deployment on the assumption that this technique can be made to work effectively.2. Develop and test the deployment of suitably reflective particles, of such materials as TiO2, as alternative or supplement to sulphate aerosol. Prepare for large scale deployment. 3. Finance the development of, and deployment capability for, brought in. Boats and land installations need to be kitted out.4. Finance the development and deployment capability for cirrus cloud removal, since this is a promising technique.Suitable chemicals need to be identified/confirmed, with stock-piling of these cloud seeding chemicals. Aircraft need to be kitted out to spray these chemicals.5. Finance brainstorming sessions for geoengineering, with top scientists and engineers, such as to suggest further measures, improvements to above techniques and the development of other intervention ideas.6. Finance the research and trials of all promising techniques for helping to cool the Arctic, including the three geoengineering techniques above. Update Earth System models to deal with the actualities of sea ice retreat, such that the effects of different techniques can be modelled and optimum joint deployment strategies established.
1. Finance the research and trials of promising techniques for dealing with methane, especially the reduction of methane from wetlands draining into the Arctic. Use of diatoms to promote methanotrophs (and healthy conditions for fish) is one such technique.2. Finance the research and trials of promising techniques for dealing with surface melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) and for reducing the speed of ice mass discharge. The latter is accelerated by warm water at the sea termination of glaciers; therefore consideration should be given to techniques to cool this water.3. Consider techniques for reducing Arctic storms and their strength. Techniques should be developed for reducing the frequency and severity of tropical storms, such as to minimise damage, especially to agriculture and low-lying conurbations.4. Consider techniques for un-sticking of blocked weather patterns.5. Consider techniques for improving surface albedo of sea, lakes, snow and ice by brightening water with bubbles, covering snow and ice with white granules or sheets to prolong albedo, draining pools on ice, forming ice on pools, depositing snow on ice (as fresh snow has a higher albedo) and on land, discouraging growth of plants with low albedo, etc.Note that a new idea for improving surface albedo has been suggested in a paper to the AGU 2012, supported by AMEG founder member, Peter Wadhams.. His research on iceberg calving has led to ideas for reducing discharge of ice from the GIS.A word of warning about finance of research, development and field trials: it is important that the results of such activities are independent, unbiased and free from financial interest.Food security actions
Immediate actions to be initiated:
- Overall there is an immediate requirement for all major governments to establish an emergency ‘watchdog’ committee for internal and world food security issues. This committee should have direct access to the leadership of individual nations and include their UN Ambassador. The associated costs, in terms of humanitarian impacts alone, should warrant this move. When the assessed cost of the potentially associated national economic factors are weighed, there should be little disagreement regarding the necessity for establishing this ‘watchdog’ committee.
- The US Renewable Fuels Standard (“RFS”), a provision of the US Energy Policy Act of 2005, should be evaluated for a temporary stay. Depending entirely on the US corn harvest, this could transfer between 4 to 5 billion bushels back to the food market. That would reduce upward price pressure in the cereals markets and further assist by suppressing speculation in that area of food commodities.
- The European Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC should similarly be reviewed and measures put in place to temporarily divert all relevant crops from the fuel to the food market.
- In both cases outlined in points 3 & 4 the emphasis should be on ‘temporary emergency measures’ and should only be applicable to crops that can be diverted to the food chain.
- A general directive should be agreed between all nations at the UN to prohibit the sale of OTC derivatives, in any nation, by any ‘seller’, that have any content relative to food commodities. This action will assist in dissuading institutional investors speculating in food commodities.
- If the crisis deepens point 4 should be further reinforced by prohibiting futures contracts in food commodities being sold to any entity who will not take actual delivery of the contracted goods. Great care will be necessary with this proposal as it is known that hedge funds, and investment banks, have established warehousing to control certain commodity pricing. Typical examples are the attempted 2010 cornering of the world cocoa market by a UK hedge fund and the current Goldman Sachs control of the US aluminium market.
- An alternative international seed bank must be created to provide seeds for subsistence farmers; ones that are devoid of the ‘terminator’ gene. In periods of high crop failure the inability to harvest seeds for the coming year has a crippling impact on subsistence farmers. Note that it is estimated 160,000 Indian farmers alone have committed suicide since 1967 due in part to this situation.
Following the launch of AMEG’s ‘Strategic Plan’ the above actions will be communicated to all world leaders and relevant parties in the form of an ‘Essential Action Plan’ to match the pending circumstances of the change in the world’s weather patterns. For further details, see the website of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group at AMEG.me or contact AMEG Chair John Nissen at: johnnissen2003@gmail.com
UK Government Response to AMEG’s call for Geoengineering | Link
AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, hereby formally complains to the UK government that the observations to which they refer in their statement [1] do not exist. The observations taken directly from the ice and recently from satellite, support a very simple model of sea ice behaviour – that the melting, as reflected by the volume average for particular months, is closely following an exponential trend, towards zero for September 2015.
THE END…. or is it…..
On the subject of methane, geoengineering, and the arctic, I would like to add these additional findings. There was a HUGE methane leak in the North Sea just prior to AMEG’s proposals for geoengineering. Also there is the ANGELS proposals, and the Lucy Project involving HAARP.
The ANGELS Proposal, Arctic Natural Gas Extraction Liquefaction & Sales, is a plan to drill under the ice and extract gas/oil. This seems to be related to Project Lucy, which would involve three radars focusing their beams on methane clouds and turning those methane clouds into diamond dust, something formerly left to the science-fiction world of Alchemy. Apparently the methane molecule and a diamond are very similar, and they believe with a 13.56 MHz frequency they can break methane down and turn it into diamond dust, which will reflect sunlight slowing global warming (aka SRM | Solar Radiation Management, or Solar Radiation Management). Further, the director of HAARP says they can form noctilucent clouds above the HAARP IRI using three radars, and if their plan works, the heaters at HIPAS High Power Auroral Stimulation, Arecibo, EISCAT (Tromso), and Sura, Russia “could immediately attack the atmospheric methane as well.”
Radio and Laser Frequency and Harmonic Test Ranges for the Lucy and HAARP Experiments and their Application to Atmospheric Methane Destruction | Link
The main instrument at HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI). This is a high power, high-frequency phased array radio transmitter with a set of 180 antennas, disposed in an array of 12×15 units that occupy a rectangle of about 33 acres (13 hectares). The IRI is used to temporarily energize a small portion of the ionosphere. The study of these disturbed volumes yields important information for understanding natural ionospheric processes.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program The main MHZ frequency range (High Frequency Band 3 – 30 MHZ) of the powerful IRI transmitter is slightly different from the 13.56 MHZ needed to break down the methane. However it is very powerful with a 5.1 Giga watt effective radial power at maximum output. The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) at HAARP transmits over the range 2.8 MHZ to 10 MHZ slightly less than the 13.56 MHZ used to break down methane but as mentioned previously if the IRI transmitted a 10 MHz carrier waves modulated by a 3.56 MHz signal it will generate an Upper Side Frequency of 13.56 MHz which is the methane destruction frequency (Penguin Dictionary of Physics 2000). Noctilucent clouds which are common in the Arctic form from water condensing around meteorite dust in the mesosphere above 50 km altitude and are becoming more and more abundant and are being seen at much lower latitudes. The increase in the methane concentration in the stratosphere and its oxidation in the mesosphere is resulting in more water at these high altitudes and an increase in the noctilucent clouds. The noctilucent clouds help reflect the suns heat back into space so if we can break down more methane with the HAARP or Lucy transmitters we should generate more clouds and thus help reverse global warming by:-a) Getting rid of the high global warming potential methane at low altitudes and in the stratospheric global warming veil.
b) Generating sunshine reflecting noctilucent clouds in increasing amounts in the mesosphere which will reflect the suns energy back into space.
(HAARP) is a congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.The HAARP facility has discovered what they call Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes which are elusive phenomena which may be due to a thicker development of noctilucent clouds in the Arctic summer due to the increasing methane build up. These echoes are detected with the IRI transmitter when it is used as a radar with one 28 MHZ radar and two other VHF radars of 49 MHZ and 139 MHZ. If we could transmit 13.56 MHZ on the IRI transmitter and use the other radars and optical cameras to look for reflections from noctilucent clouds formed from the breakdown of methane in a circular zone above the HAARP transmitter we should be able to effectively test the system. There ought to be a buildup of the noctilucent clouds in the area where the HAARP transmissions are focused on the ionosphere. If it works there are 4 other similar facilities in the world (Hipas, Alaska; Arecibo, Puerto Rico, EISCAT, Norway and Sura, Russia) where they could immediately attack the atmospheric methane as well.HAARP Contacts, 2012.John Hechscher, Director, HAARP, Gakona, Alaskahaarp.alaska.edu
377th Airforce Base Wing Public Affairs, 2000 Wyoming Blvd SE, Suite A1, Kirkland Air Force base, NM, 87117
AMEG, part of the Geoengineering and Weather Modification Timeline | Link
April 2012
- Natural Gas and the Invisible Spill: How Much Methane Is Reaching the Atmosphere? | Total SA North Sea Platform blowout releases 350,000,000 cubit feet of methane gas. Official Response | Video
- The Angels Proposal: A Proposal for the Prevention of Arctic Methane | Link | The ANGELS Proposal – Arctic Natural Gas Extraction Liquefaction Sales
- A Proposal for the Prevention of Arctic Methane Induced Catastrophic Global Climate Change by Extraction of Methane from beneath the Permafrost/Arctic Methane Hydrates and its Storage and Sale as a Subsidized “Green Gas” Energy Source | Arctic News Blog | After 2015, when the Arctic Ocean becomes navigable (Figure 5 above, Carana 2012b) it will be possible to set up a whole series of drilling platforms adjacent to, but at least 1 km away from the high volume methane eruption zones and to directionally drill inclined wells down to intersect the free methane below the sealing methane hydrate permafrost cap within the underlying fault network (Figure 18 above).
June 2012
- Project Lucy: Radio Transmitter to decompose methane v2 | Iowa City Climate Advocates | Project Lucy Extended Version 4 | Arctic News Blog | LinkGEOENGINEERING ARCTIC COSTS
1. R&D and testing (this proposal)
2. Political negotiations (could be covered under existing diplomacy financial budgets)
3. Transport and installation (could be covered under existing military budgets)
4. Energy supply (could be provided by nuclear submarines)
5. Operational cost (could be part of military budgets)Project Lucy is part of a range of geo-engineering efforts to reduce warming in the Arctic. Other methods include:
– Methane capture in the Arctic
– Spraying particles in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight back into space
– Pyrolysis of organic waste and carbon burial, to reduce atmospheric CO2 and soot. The need to act on methane in the Arctic is such that, most likely, a range of methods will need to be deployed in parallel. Lucy has the potential to be very effective, as it can decompose methane while any resulting nano diamond powder could also reflect sunlight back into space.Project Lucy therefore aims to design, build and test a microwave transmission system targeting low-altitude methane clouds with the aim of breaking the first C-H bond as soon as the methane erupts into the atmosphere from the Arctic Ocean. The transmitters can be mounted on submarines, planes and after 2015 on boats and drilling rigs when the Arctic ice cap has melted (Arctic News, 2012).
A Final Note:
Cosmic ignited plasmas in the atmosphere can be heated by microwaves and generate gravitational waves. There is some indication that HAARP may be generating them now. (See Penn State Lecture below) ~ Bernard Eastlund
Just when you thought the world couldn’t get any crazier….
Penn State Lecture –
Artificial Generation of Acoustic and Gravitational Waves in the Atmosphere
Dr. Bernard Eastlund, Chief Technical Officer and founder of Eastlund Scientific
Enterprises Corporation, is an expert on weather modification and industrial
applications of intense ultraviolet light. Eastlund will discuss his research and describe a concept sponsored by the European Space Agency called the “thunderstorm solar power satellite,” as well as recent development of a method and apparatus to artificially create acoustic and gravitational waves in the atmosphere and applications to weather modification research.
Eastlund is a physicist with a B.S. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He holds twenty-three patents as inventor and co-inventor, including several which underlie commercially-significant products and several related to national security. http://web.archive.org/web/20080828212922/http://www.eastlundscience.com/CIPPAWEATHER.html
Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite – TSPS
HIPAS High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory
The HIPAS facility is engaged in the study of the Ionosphere through the use of high power radio transmission as well as a state-of-the-art LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging ) facility.
The Heater system consists of 8 transmitters capable of conducting amplitude modulation of 100 Hz – 20 kHz and phase modulation of 0 -20 kHz. Each transmitter can transmit up to 150kW at 2.85 or 4.53 MHz on CW mode.
The Heater antenna system consists of a circular array of 8 crossed dipoles, copper wire ground-planes and resonant triaxial baluns.
The LIDAR facility consists of a 2.7 meter LMT (Liquid Mirror Telescope) with a 4.5 meter focal length as well as 6 state-of-the-art lasers.
Project Lucy Radio Transmitter
The Silver lining Project- marine cloud brightening
The idea behind the marine cloud brightening (MCB) geoengineering technique is that seeding marine stratocumulus clouds with copious quantities of roughly monodisperse sub-micrometre seawater particles could significantly enhance the cloud droplet number concentration thus increasing the cloud albedo and longevity.
Chemtrail/Geo–Engineering Coverup Revealed:Information For Chemtrail Skeptics
Yes, the government constantly denies such a thing and calls people like myself conspiracy nut jobs. But when confronted and caught red handed, they go and say that they are to protect us from (the fraud) Global Warming or the Military will go and say they spray to block out enemy radar and satellites when deploying troops or launching an operation.
I would like anyone, believer or non-believer, to download this PDF file called HR 2977 The Space & Preservation Act of 2001. In this document the United States Government openly admits the existence of Chemtrails and weather control weapons; also, to boot, Mass Mind Control Weapons and Techtronic Laser Weapons. Please download this Bill and print out for your records.
This next document is an article from USA Today from Feb 25th, 2011 titled Can Geoengineering put the freeze on global warming? The article admits that Chemtrails and Geoengineering exist, but it’s done to protect us from Global Warming.
Still not convinced?? What if I told you that there are patents for these very such things. This was released on December 5th, 2010 Spraying the Skies: 1975 U.S. Patent for Powder Contrail Generation with patents dating back all the way to March 1st, 1927.
This is just the tip of the iceberg; there are so many other documents to prove such things exist.
‘I have been a pilot for over 10 years and have worked in the aviation field for about the same amount of years; from a professional point of view, I can say that there is a huge difference between condensation (con-trail) and a chemical trail (chemtrail). A condensation trail dissipates as the jet moves along; a chemical trail will stay and expand into man-made clouds used for various weather experiments loaded with toxic chemicals that we breathe in on a daily basis.
Chemicals include:
Arsenic, aerosol, barium, depleted uranium, high levels of mercury, aluminum and several other toxic chemicals. These are a huge cause in most respiratory breathing problems in America. I did a beta test on how many cases of an ambulance being called within a 8-hour period from respiratory problems, people of all ages infant to elderly that can’t breathe. I worked in a facility in Springfield, MA where I monitored operations and a police-fire scanner. I monitored an average of 8-13 calls every day within that 8-hour period of people who could not breathe.’
Once these chemicals are sprayed, several hours later they descend towards ground level and the human body inhales these toxic fumes. You may ask if wearing a gas mask is safe — well, you may protect your lungs, but also remember that plants breathe these chemicals in as well, affecting your foods grown and water you drink, along with the already added poison sodium fluoride and all its derivatives incorporated by your friends at Monsanto.
The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed.
By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: who is doing this and why. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 — and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.
Military Bio–Enviornmental Engineer Chemtrail Whistleblower
The Great Dying | lisaleaks
Permian–Triassic Extinction
251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth.
Experts agree that what is known as the Permian–Triassic extinction event was the greatest mass extinction event in the history of the world.
55 million years later another causing more mass extinctions during the THE LATE PALEOCENE THERMAL MAXIMUM
HAARP Geoengineering with Alchemy, Arctic Methane Global Emergency, UK Gov tells climate alarmists to “Chill Out”
Radio and Laser Frequency and Harmonic Test Ranges for the Lucy and HAARP Experiments and their Application to Atmospheric Methane Destruction
What is HAARP?
The Radiation Database: Directed-Energy, Electrosmog, & HAARP
Ionospheric Heaters: worldwide map of radars like HAARP!
ClimateViewer 3D
Arctic Methane Emergency Group
AMEG Strategic Plan
THE COLLUSION AND DECEPTION in the Gulf Deepens | lisaleaks
It was no coincidence that two US Navy (USN) submarines were despatched to the Macondo site on the eve of the 20 April 2010 DWH “accident”. Apparently their covert mission of sinking the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) with a military secret “Death Ray” weapon (also known as Directed Energy Weapon used to dustify 3 WTC buildings in 9/11) was aborted prematurely after puncturing a hole on the DWH helipad. Their real target was one of the two float pontoons (beneath the helipad) in order to sink the burning DWH; the real reason for the mysterious elongated hole on DWH heli-landing deck which had puzzled millions around the globe.
Salton Sea | lisaleaks
The Salton Sea: California’s Overlooked Treasure
The story of the Salton begins with the formation of a great shallow depression, or basin which modem explorers have called the Salton Sink. Several million years ago a long arm of the Pacific Ocean extended from the Gulf of California though the present Imperial and Coachella valleys, then northwesterly through the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. Mountain ranges rose on either side of this great inland sea, and the whole area came up out of the water. Oyster beds in the San Felipe Mountains, on the west side of Imperial Valley are located many hundreds of feet above present sea level. Slowly the land in the central portion settled, and the area south of San Gorgonio Pass sloped gradually down to the Gulf.
The Four Horseman Apocalypse | lisaleaks
What’s the connection between
gun control… a recent executive order…
and the coming food crisis?
There’s a reason why the US government is so eager to disarm the American people.
It’s got little to do with crime rates or mass murders… but everything to do with the very reason the 2nd Amendment was created for: to protect the people from a tyrannical government.
Man Made Disaster: BYPASS Well was NOT a Sidetrack lisaleaks
Jim Harrel was clearly taken aback when asked to elaborate on the specific problems encountered (such as loss circulation, pipe stuck, cementing and other safety issues) throughout the duration of the WELL (@min 5:30). Harrel clearly stumbled when he asked “….you…err…talking….about the well…” as if to ask if he was to detail out the problems on all the 3 wells BP had drilled since 3 Feb. He looked relieved when the counsel corrected himself by stating “the drilling of the well, the BYPASS” from “March to April”
The Day The Oceans Boiled (VARIOUS SEGMENTS) Part 3
UK Government Response to AMEG’s call for Geoengineering
Weather and Climate Engineering — William Cotton at the AMS (doped commuter aircraft fuels, chemtrails)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3rAZ8…
A Proposal for the Prevention of Arctic Methane Induced Catastrophic Global Climate Change by Extraction of Methane from beneath the Permafrost/Arctic Methane Hydrates and its Storage and Sale as a Subsidized “Green Gas” Energy Source
Natural Gas and the Invisible Spill: How Much Methane Is Reaching the Atmosphere?
The ANGELS Proposal
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Hello, My name is Myla Carlson and my partner and I are doing a project on global dimming,and we are looking at your website for our project and we are getting a lot of information on global dimming,so thank you for creating this website!