Search Results for: arctic ice

Engineering The Climate To Shape Public Opinion

How does the power structure continue to baffle and confuse the US population as to the true state of the climate? By engineering the weather in a manner that creates the desired headlines at times that will create the most impact in regard to public perception. In the coming week the completely engineered "polar vortex" will return just in time to finish out 2014 and bring in 2015. The timing of this completely engineered event will deliver just the sort of headlines needed to continue the totally orchestrated bigger picture confusion that has been the hallmark of the American population in regard to the true state of the climate. My thanks to Roger Landry for outlining the climate engineering deception that is being used to mask an unfolding global cataclysm while at the same time actually contributing to the very cataclysm itself.

Ocean Heat Drives Surge to Global Warming Record


Source: Truthdig

LONDON—It’s official, even though it won’t be conclusive for a few months yet: if present trends continue, 2014 will be one of the hottest years on record—and quite possibly the hottest of them all.

Hiding The Crimes Of The Weathermakers


Dane Wigington

When the atmosphere is heavily aerosolized (sprayed with extremely small particles), it tends to migrate rain because there are too many condensation nuclei so the droplets don’t combine into a large enough drop to fall (there can be many other effects from atmospheric spraying depending on the elements used, exposure to radio frequencies, or the addition of chemical ice nucleating agents). Migrated moisture can (and often does) come down somewhere else in the form of a deluge. Are the climate engineers really spraying the skies over our storms? There can be no reasonable doubt about this if all available information is examined. Most will never see the crimes of the weathermakers on radar images as most of these images are “filtered” out. If the public were to regularly see the blatantly visible toxic particulate trails laced into their clouds and storm systems (as is clearly shown in the image on the left below) they would already be rioting in the streets to stop the lethal contamination and manipulation of the Earth’s life support systems.

UN weather agency: 2014 on track for hottest year



With temperature data showing 2014 currently tied for the hottest year on record, the U.N. weather agency on Wednesday rejected claims that global warming has paused.

What Does The Union Of Concerned Scientists Say About Sea Level Rise?


Why is the power structure and the mainstream media they control, trying so hard to confuse the population on the reality of sea level rise? Because if the population truly understood the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding it would cause an immediate paradigm shift. Those in power are doing their best to delay public awakening as long as possible while they prepare for total collapse. Sea level rise alone will radically alter coastlines around the globe with catastrophic impacts on dozens of major cities located at sea level (this is not to mention all the other impacts from the warming). Mainstream media and special interest organizations have successfully confused many on the warming/cooling issue. The climate engineering insanity has further completely confused the population with highly toxic engineered “cool-downs” which are making the overall warming worse still.  What does the largest independent body of scientists in the world say about sea level rise? It’s happening rapidly and all available data fully supports this fact. Can sea levels rise on a “cooling” planet? No. can formally frozen methane deposits thaw and release on a “cooling” planet? No. Would forests burn to the ground around the globe at a rate many times normal if the planet was cooling? No, again. If the anti-climate engineering community is to gain the credibility necessary to expose and stop geoengineering, we must know the facts so we are standing on solid ground. Climate engineering has been skewing the Earth’s life support systems for over 60 years. The damage from climate engineering has added greatly to the overall damage done to the planet from many forms of human activity. All of us must abandon ideology and stand on facts from the most credible and verifiable sources.
Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering Is Creating Increasingly Extreme Weather Fluctuations


Global climate engineering is forcing the climate system far past the breaking point. The ever more radical fluctuations of temperatures and weather conditions is beginning to gain the attention of many around the world. Record high temperatures are now often followed immediately by record low temperatures. The geoengineers are desperately trying to create regions of “cool-downs” in a world that is rapidly warming. The “cool” zones are shallow layers of cold dense air that settles out of clouds and storm systems which are being heavily sprayed with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements. Profound jet stream manipulation with the use of ionosphere heater installations are also a major factor in the engineered “polar vortex” events and cool-downs. The radical lurching of the climate system will worsen rapidly as the damage to our biosphere increases. Make your voice heard in this critical battle, we must all work toward exposing and halting the geoengineering insanity.
Dane Wigington

Methane Meltdown And The Geoengineered Attempt To Hide It


The latest engineered cool-down is hitting the East today, but how cold is it really?

temps sat night

What are “real feel” temps? Real feel” is NOT the actual temperature. Why is “AccuWeather” using maps like the one above as if the temperatures shown are the actual temperatures? Because it adds to the illusion that it’s colder than it really is. On the map above it appears that Atlanta, GA may be in the 20 degree range on Friday, October 31st, 2014, when the actual forecast is for a high near 70F and a low near 40F.

So how warm is the rest of the country, and why don’t mainstream weather sources say anything about it?

hot cold map

The map above shows a scenario of temperature extremes that is historically unprecedented. The center of the country is hovering in record high temperature ranges 20 degrees above normal while the engineered cool down in the East produces below average temperatures. The “bullseye” cool zone in the West is also worth noting.

So what is the bottom line? The planet is not just warming, it is in total meltdown. This is not about Al Gore, but about facts. If we are to gain credibility in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering, we must stand on facts, not ideology and emotion. Though the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool-down large regions, it comes at the cost of a much worsened overall warming. Global geoengineering is making an already bad climate unravelling exponentially worse overall. There is a great deal of denial on all sides of the fence in this equation. The climate science community is completely denying the reality of geoengineering, and much of the anti-geoengineering community is completely denying the rapid warming that is occurring which is to some degree being masked by climate engineering and corporate media spin. DO YOUR OWN OBJECTIVE RESEARCH, A HEADLINE IS NOT A FACT. Investigate data from the front lines.

So how bad is the climate situation likely to get? If climate engineering is not stopped, and if the human race does not completely change direction, the horizon is beyond bleak. The article below should be examined, global methane release is a major part of what the climate engineers and their corporate controlled media is trying to hide.Climate engineering is making the methane scenario worse, not better. All need to make their voices heard in the battle to wake the masses to the challenges we collectively face.
Dane Wigington

Ominous Arctic Methane Spikes Continue — 2666 Parts Per Billion on October 26th

Source: Robert Scribbler

Imagine, for a moment, the darkened and newly liberated ocean surface waters of the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas of the early 21st Century Anthropocene Summer.

Where white, reflective ice existed before, now only dark blue heat-absorbing ocean water remains. During summer time, these newly ice-free waters absorb a far greater portion of the sun’s energy as it contacts the ocean surface. This higher heat absorption rate is enough to push local sea surface temperature anomalies into the range of 4-7 C above average.

Remnant Arctic sea surface heat

Remnant extreme heat at Arctic Ocean surface on October 8, 2014. Extraordinary warmth in the range 0f 4-7 C above average is due to recent loss of summer sea ice in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Beaufort Seas. Newly exposed dark surface waters absorb more of the sun’s rays which results in a highly visible temperature anomaly. Image source: Climate Reanalyzer. Image archived by: Arctic News.

Some of the excess heat penetrates deep into the water column — telegraphing abnormal warmth to as far as 50 meters below the surface. The extra heat is enough to contact near-shore and shallow water deposits of frozen methane on the sea-bed. These deposits — weakened during the long warmth of the Holocene — are now delivered a dose of heat they haven’t experienced in hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of years. Some of these deposits weaken, releasing a portion of their methane stores into the surrounding oceans which, in turn, disgorges a fraction of this load into the atmosphere.

The rate of release intensifies throughout summer. But during the Arctic Fall, it reaches a peak. Then, as sea ice begins to re-form over the surface waters, a kind of temperature inversion wedge develops. The surface cools and the ice solidifies — forming an insulating blanket, trapping heat. The insulating layer, in turn, pushes the anomalously hot mid level waters toward the bottom. This process delivers a final and powerful dose of heat to the Arctic Ocean bottom water and sea bed.

Methane release rates spike as the methane flooding up from the sea bed squeezes out through cracks in the newly forming ice or bubbles up through open waters just beyond the ice edge.

Observed Arctic Methane Over-Burden

During recent years, a troubling methane over-burden has been observed in the atmosphere above these regions during the months of September through November. Dr. Leonid Yurganov — a researcher at the University of Maryland — has been using the IASI sensor to record these events. Last year, he developed this map of September through November methane readings for the 2009-2012 period:

Arctic methane concentrations Sep-Nov 2009-2012

Highest lower troposphere global atmospheric methane readings were found in the region of the East Siberian, Laptev and Kara seas during September through November of 2009 through 2012. Data provided by IASI. Image source: Dr. Leonid Yerganov via Arctic News.

The readings above show near-surface averages over a three month period in the regions of highest release. Note that highest methane levels occur over coastal Siberia and in the above ocean zones of near-Russia Arctic Ocean waters.

These measurements have been ramping higher in recent years with near-surface readings in the range of 1950 to 2000 ppb now common for the months of September through November in the areas affected (for comparison, global surface averages are now in the range of 1840 ppm).

By themselves, these measurements are evidence of a substantial Arctic methane release. But further up in the troposphere — at the mid cloud level — even higher levels of methane have been recorded.

For as methane releases from the sea and land surface, it becomes trapped in the mid-cloud layer. There, a sandwich of cloud and moisture form a cap beneath which methane tends to concentrate. In this layer, readings can be quite a bit higher than surface measurements. Recent years have shown numerous instances where methane readings in the mid-cloud layer spiked above 2300 parts per billion.

Last year during September, the now annual plume of methane emitting from the Arctic Ocean pushed readings as high as 2571 parts per billion at this level of the atmosphere. It was a reading more than 700 parts per billion above the global surface average. A spike fueled by the anomalously high rates of methane emission from the Arctic surface waters and Siberian tundra during the Fall of 2013.

This year, despite extraordinarily spotty coverage due to cloud interference, the METOP sensor found Arctic methane concentrations in the range of 2666 parts per billion in the mid cloud layer. The spike occurred just this past Sunday and exceeds the September 2013 spike by 95 parts per billion — a level more than 800 parts per billion above current global surface averages.

Arctic methane spike 2666

Arctic methane spikes to 2666 parts per billion in the mid-cloud layer on Sunday October 26. Image source: OSPO/METOP.

In combination, observations of a rapidly warming Arctic Ocean and observations of Arctic methane readings between 6 and 60 percent above the global average in near surface regions and in the mid cloud layer are a clear signal that human-caused Arctic warming is forcing an ever-greater methane release. To a greater and greater extent, large carbon stores are being weakened and tapped by the various mechanisms that are an up-shot of human warming. The location of these large-scale releases, as observed in the satellite record, is confirmation of ground and ocean based observations conducted by Arctic researchers such as Dr. Semiletov and Shakhova. And the releases themselves may well be some validation of our more dire concerns.

This new spike is yet more evidence of a sizeable, anthropogenic-spurred, release that is impacting not only regional methane levels, but global levels as well. Whether this newly observed release is part of a slow global response to the initial human heat forcing — one that will take centuries to fully emerge — or is part of a much more rapid and dangerous response to an also very rapid human heat forcing is now unclear.

What is clear is that feedbacks to the human heat forcing are now starting to become plainly visible. That they are providing evidence of a stronger release from some sources on a yearly basis. A troubling amplifying feedback to the already dangerous and extraordinary human emission. One that should serve both as a warning and as a spur to reduce and eliminate human greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and to switch energy systems away from fossil fuels as swiftly as possible.

Source: Robert Scribbler

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 31, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) October 29, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 27, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 24, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 22, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 20, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 17, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 13, 2014


Climate Change Accelerating


Source: Arctic News

Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 11, 2014


“It’s Worse Than We Thought” — New Study Finds That Earth is Warming Far Faster Than Expected


Image Above: (Upper ocean heat anomaly map for 2002 through 2011 shows extreme global heating of the upper ocean during the past decade. Image source: Quantifying Underestimates of Long-Term Upper Ocean Warming.)

Global warming’s effect on oceans is greater than realized, researchers say


Effect of climate change on upper-ocean temperatures has been underestimated by 24 to 58 percent, a study by NASA and Livermore Laboratory concludes.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

The world’s upper oceans may have stored far more heat from the warming climate than previously thought, according to a new study that purports to provide the first rough estimate of the amount of heat researchers have missed in their attempts to measure changes on the oceans’ heat content.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 8, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 6, 2014


UN Report: Human-Caused Climate Disruption Is “Severe, Pervasive, Irreversible”


Source: Truthout

“Why is it . . . that in this world there are men [and women] whose hearts have been so numbed, whose sentiments of honor and delicacy have been so deadened, that one sees them pleased and amused by what degrades and soils them?” – Marquis de Sade

Threatening The Scientists And Masking Reality


So many have bought the lie that climate scientists are paid more or rewarded for stating the dangers of climate change. The fact of the matter is that climate scientists in many cases have been dealt with very harshly if they dare to state the facts as they really are in regard to the severely damaged climate. WIth this consideration in mind, there is absolutely no chance that any reputable climate scientist can openly address the climate engineering nightmare without being subjected to very real threats and potential dangers (this is clearly documented in the article below). Unfortunately, as already mentioned, many have chosen to believe a completely false narrative put out by the power structure, the fossil fuel industry, and the geoengineers. First, that the planet is cooling or not warming. Second, that climate scientists are promoted or rewarded by stating alarming conclusions about the state of the climate. What I hope readers of the article below consider most is that climate scientists and other related academicians are most certainly under threat if they dare to speak out about the ongoing climate engineering in any way, shape, or form. It’s up to all of us to raise awareness of the global geoengineering programs to the point where there is cover enough for the scientists to stand out from the shadows. We are in a race against time in regard to this task, all are needed to join this most critical fight.
Dane Wigington

Matt Ridley Returns With Error-Riddled Articles, As Wall Street Journal Discredits Itself


Source: Think Progress

Matt Ridley, perhaps the most debunked and anti-scientific Journal columnist in recent memory, is back from his hiatus. Turns out, when you look closely, Ridley’s self-proclaimed pause as a Wall Street Journal columnist was about as real as the supposed “pause” in global warming.

The Pentagon — The Climate Elephant


Source: Global Research

There is an elephant in the climate debate that by U.S. demand cannot be discussed or even acknowledged. This agreement to ignore the elephant is now the accepted basis of all international negotiations on climate change.

The Planet Continues To Burn To The Ground


Mainstream media is continuing to hide countless global catastrophes from the public view. Huge areas of Canada and Siberia are quite literally going up in smoke. Climate engineering is fueling the global meltdown, not mitigating it as so many in the climate science community would have us believe. The geoengineering programs are nothing short of mechanisms for weather and biological warfare against helpless populations. As the forests go, so will we. We MUST expose and stop the spraying. Though the article below does not admit to the climate engineering nightmare, what is unfolding on the ground still a reality.
Dane Wigington

Assault By Global Weather Modification


My thanks to the editors of “Lotus Guide” (a Northern California magazine) for their courage in addressing the dire threat posed by our collapsing biosphere and also for helping to expose the climate engineering factor in this equation.
Dane Wigington

The Planetary Burning Rages Out Of Control


The NOAA map below shows the climate engineered frying of the Western US is scheduled to continue. The ever darker colors of shading over the west shows degrees of warming above “normal”. The relentless aerosol spraying of the skies is creating heat, drought, and fires that are literally transforming the Western US.

Weird weather over Shambala


Source: Craigs List

Can anyone really doubt the reality of global weirding now?This is not normal summer time weather.104 degrees the other day, and 73 degrees today, plus heavy cloud cover, here in the Sacramento valley?!Went up to Tahoe Sunday, and the traditional smell of campfire smoke was totally absent due to fire danger.I looked at the trees as much as possible, and many are either dead, or not too healthy.To my eyes, it was still too soon to tell if they are just severely stressed due to the drought, or being slowly killed due to ozone deterioration from chemtrail spraying increasing the ultraviolet exposure?

Sweden Burning Under Record Heat
