Search Results for: global warming

Geoengineering, Record Low Arctic Ice And Catastrophic Drought, What’s The Connection?


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers continue to orchestrate global weather patterns with catastrophic consequences. The US West has consistently been baked and dried into oblivion in order for the weather makers to create the headlines they want on the East coast, and also to hide news they don't want known in the Arctic. The NOAA map below shows what has become a typical (though historically unprecedented) pattern. The West experiences record heat, the East gets record cold.


The record breaking heat in the West continues to intensify as the weather makers try to hide the imploding Arctic ice pack from public view. Those who have been lead to believe Arctic ice is expanding have been deceived. False headlines filled with false data by powerful interests with self serving agendas have been accepted as fact by many who don't want to believe global climate and environmental conditions are as bad as they are. Media is not mentioning that January 2014 through January 2015 were the warmest 12 months ever on planet Earth. The rapid warming is triggering "feedback" loops like methane release which is of grave concern. So what is the current state of Arctic ice?

As of March 5th, 2015 Arctic Sea ice is at ALL TIME record low levels


The graph above shows the normal increase of Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) during winter months. The now descending 2014/2015 blue line reflects the Arctic ice declining into record low territory at a time of  year when it should still be expanding. What is the long term trend for Arctic ice volume? The graph below should be revealing. This image is assembled from the most scientifically accepted source of data on Arctic ice. The overall picture in regard to the state of the Arctic sea ice could not be more clear.


The climate engineers have been pushing cold air south from the Arctic over and over (polar vortex) with constant jet stream manipulation. 


This is accomplished from constant aerosol spraying and the use of the global network of ionosphere heater facilities comparable to the HAARP installation shown below.


The "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US West (which meteorologists cannot explain) is a part of the jet stream manipulation mentioned. What happens when the climate engineers rob cold air from the northern regions to create the headlines they desire in the Eastern US? The arctic then heats up. While engineered winter storms pile up record snow in Boston, Alaska doesn't have enough snow for the annual Iditerod sled race for the second year in a row and the Sierra snow pack is at record shattering lows. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below clearly shows the most anomalously cold zone in the entire world for the period from January 2014 through January 2015, the eastern half of the US lower 48. The Arctic and most of the rest of planet Earth is at far above normal high temperatures.


What will the climate engineers do now that they have created enough of their desired "winter" headlines in the Eastern US? They will lock the colder air to the north in their attempt to slow the accelerating ice melt, this will bring a rapid heating back to most of the lower 48 states as the NOAA map below clearly shows.


Note the NOAA maps "prediction" for a switch from the previous far above normal temperatures in Alaska (shown in the GISS global temperature map in this article) to below normal temperatures is a reflection of the "weather whack a mole" being carried on by the geoengineers. To accomplish this the US lower 48 will heat rapidly. Some of the spraying during the building of high pressure zones actually increases the UV radiation readings on the ground. Is a "lens effect" a goal of the climate engineers under certain circumstances? Are the climate engineers intentionally creating heat in some regions at some times in order to increase the strength of the high pressure zones which is used for jet stream manipulation. This appears not only possible, but likely. Though the geoengineers can create large scale temporary cool-downs, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming (overall global high temperatures continue to smash records). In addition, climate engineering continues to contaminate the entire planet and every breath we take.  


The Bottom Line

The power structure and the climate engineers control our weather. To a large degree they decide how much rain will fall, and on whom. They can (and are) engineering snow storms. They decide how toxic that rain or snow will be, how toxic our air will be. They decide if our crops will succeed of fail. They decide who freezes and who fries. We are all living under a constant toxic heavy metal and chemical all out assault (which amounts to biological warfare) in addition to the ongoing weather warfare.  We must all educate ourselves as much as possible, we must all share credible data with those around us and ask them to do the same. When we reach critical mass of awareness on this issue, the foundation of the power structure will crumble as populations around the globe realize they have all been willfully poisoned. Exposing and stopping climate engineering MUST be our top priority. DW


Geoengineering Is Causing Drought And Fueling Fires


Dane Wigington

All around the planet our skies are being saturated with toxic metal and chemical particulates. These particulates are being sprayed from jet aircraft as part of the global geoengineering/weather modification programs titled "SRM" and "SAG". Any that take the time to investigate the subjects of SRM (solar radiation management) and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) will find that many of the “predicted” effects of these massive climate altering programs are not disputed. The climate science community is blatantly lying about the ongoing climate engineering programs, claiming they are only "proposals". One of the many well known effects related to geoengineering which is not debated is DROUGHT. How bad is the engineered drought in the US West, specifically California? The latest drought monitor map is below, the climate engineering assault has consistently robbed rain from the Western US.


Saturation of the atmosphere with nano sized toxic particles and chemicals provides too many "condensation nuclei". Moisture in the atmosphere then adheres to these particles and continues to migrate in the form of dirty looking haze and/or artificial clouds. The overabundance of particles prevents droplets from combining to form heavy enough drops to fall as precipitation. Geoengineering further reduces rainfall by simply blocking the sun and thus evaporation over oceans. Less direct sunlight, less light photons, less evaporation, period. This causes the moisture in storm systems to be greatly reduced in many cases. "GLOBAL DIMMING" is now considered by most scientific studies to average fully 22%. This means that 22% or more of direct sunlight that reached the planet's surface decades ago now no longer does. I highly recommend taking the time to click the "GLOBAL DIMMING" link and watching the 6 minute video it connects to. This short presentation will increase ones knowledge of the effect sprayed particulates have on the atmosphere, global temperatures, and precipitation. Though this mainstream documentary preview does not directly implicate global geoengineering as the main source of "global dimming", one can make up their own mind, it is important to "read between the lines" so to speak. There are certainly agendas within this film, connect the dots on your own.

Yet another consequence of geoengineering is DIMINISHED WIND (this does not mean in all scenarios, but rather it is an overall effect). This also contributes to reduced evaporation over oceans and thus increased drought on land masses. All of the geoengineering effects cited and discussed above are well documented and can be easily researched online. In spite of the fact that numerous scientific studies admit to the drought/deluge causing climate altering decimation that geoengineering “would” cause, none of these studies are willing to admit to the fact that the global spraying of our skies has been a horrific reality for a very long time already.

In addition to the drought causing effects, the precipitation that does fall is laden with toxic heavy metals like aluminum, barium strontium, manganese, and others. These are all metals named in NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS. The impact of TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM on soils, trees, and plant life is well documented. When organisms like trees detect bioavailable aluminum exposure to their root systems, many species shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This causes a slow protracted death of the organism. Beetles and other pests move in and thus the forest begins to die-off. The weakened forest is of course much more flammable. Adding to the fire danger are the metallic dust particles which are constantly settling out of the atmosphere, coating the forest foliage. These microscopic PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES, pushing the potential for catastrophic fires ever higher.


Still another factor is the SHREDDED OZONE LAYER and increased UV radiation which results. This is also a major factor in the decline and demise of forests around the globe, and greatly increased fire danger. The OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES is also well documented and not disputed. It gets worse, jet stream movement is being radically manipulated with ionosphere heater installations, as many as 26 around the globe. The most well known is HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program). This JET STREAM MANIPULATION literally cuts off the flow of moisture to some regions while creating constant deluge in others. In the case of the continental US, the western half of the country bakes and burns, the eastern US is often freezing with engineered snow storms in winter and deluge in the summer months. Welcome to the world of completely engineered weather whiplash.

The "scientific community" is failing to inform the public of even a fraction of the larger picture. Some scientists are in denial, many others are simply afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Yet more scientists are simply paid to lie. The power structure controlled corporate media is also a primary tool that us used to cover the climate engineering crimes. The ongoing climate destruction resulting from countless human activities is pushing humanity and civilization over the edge. This is not about Al Gore, but rather it's about reality. The human race has done great damage to our planet which is now being pushed past the point of no return. Based on all available data, the ongoing global geoengineering programs appear to be the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (though the human race has caused immense harm to the planet on countless fronts including dumping 100,000,000 tons of Co2 a day into the atmosphere). No matter how much damage humanity has done to the environment, geoengineering is only making it worse. The planet must be allowed to respond on its own, this is our best option at this point. Flying thousands of jets around the planet day in and day out, spraying tens of millions of tons of toxic metal particulates, is simply insanity. Climate engineering is destroying the planet's ability to support life. Help us expose the global geoengineering programs while there is yet time. Educate yourself on this issue, arm yourself with credible data, and spread the word. DW











“Dramatic Thinning” — Arctic Sea Ice Enters Record Low Territory as Northern Polar Region Heats Up


Source: Robert Scribbler

The Arctic sea ice is melting. It is melting far more rapidly than ever expected.

This loss is measured in the form of square kilometers melted, in the form of ice thinned, in the form of new, blue water visible. Yet it is a loss beyond mere numbers and measures. A loss that has a profound impact to the Earth and its climate systems.

Weather patterns, the rate of warming in the Arctic, the rate of tundra melt, seabed warming, and carbon store release. The rate of glacial loss in Greenland. All are impacted by sea ice loss and related ocean warming.

And today, we mark another new record low. The most recent in a long series, with likely many more thinning ice days to come.

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare


Though extreme weather events have always taken place on our planet, how can we consider any weather truly natural when we know global weather has been subjected to climate engineering programs at a significant scale for over 65 years? How can we consider any weather truly natural when we know that at this point in time the entire global weather system is being completely hampered by geoengineering programs which are so massive in scope and scale that nothing is left untainted in regard to our weather? The climate engineers decide when it will rain or snow, where, how much, and how toxic the rain or snow will be, where there will be drought or heat, etc. There are of course uncontrollable variables, but in a broad sense the weather is being manipulated and disrupted on a scale that cannot be truly comprehended. One of the most powerful tools in the climate engineering toolbox is artificial/chemical ice nucleation. This allows the weather-makers to create temporary cold zones (a very shallow layer of cold) in a world that is in meltdown. Every "winter storm" the geoengineers orchestrate does immense damage to the environment and worsens the overall warming. The global contamination from the ongoing climate engineering is already irreparable in many ways. We are in a fight for life, this is not speculation, but mathematical fact. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all, every single one of us is needed in this battle. Make your voice heard. The short 10+ minute video below is a sample of weather catastrophes that have occurred around the globe in the last month alone. It will get worse fast from here on out.
Dane Wigington

Killing California, Climate Engineering Is Turning The State Into A Dust Bowl


California's water supply is being completely blockaded by a "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure and the constant aerosol spraying of the skies over the once golden state. Both factors are a part of the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs. Is California just a "climate sacrifice zone"? Or a target for catastrophic drought creation to provide governmental powers the premise to take control of water rights and for other purposes of control and profit? The likely answer is all the above. The entire country and indeed the entire planet are under an all out weather warfare and biological warfare assault, this has been the case for a very long time (since the elements being sprayed are highly toxic, the biological contamination must be considered an aspect of these programs). The geoengineers control the skies, rain will not return for the West unless or until the weather makers allow it. How bad is the situation in California? The article below penned by James Lee from TABU is an excellent summary.
Dane Wigington


Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population


Dane Wigington

(Updated) If you live in the eastern half of the North American continent you may be convinced that the planet is actually cooling instead of warming even though 2014 is officially the warmest year ever recorded on Earth. If you live on the east coast of the US would you believe that January 2015 was the warmest January ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere? It was.Those that have come to the conclusion that the whole planet is cooling should carefully examine the map image below. This is a GISS "departure from normal temperature" map for the entire 2014 year. What does this map reveal? The darker the colors, the further above normal the average temperatures were for the 2014 year. The light colors reflect departures from average to the below normal side. Where was the most consistent anomalous cold region on the entire planet for the 2014 year? The eastern half of the North American continent. How can this be when most of the world is far above normal temperatures? Climate engineering, is how. The engineered cooling of the Eastern US is very much a psychological operation. Most people cannot accept the possibility of a warm world if it is cold where they live. How short many people's memories are considering 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the continental US by far. In fact there were 362 all time record high temperatures set in the US during 2012, there were ZERO all time record lows. Why is it so important to know the facts in regard to the true state of the climate? Because spreading the "global cooling" propaganda is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do. To push the "global cooling" myth is in effect helping the geoengineers sell climate engineering as an effective method of climate mitigation when in reality the exact opposite is true. Climate engineering is making the climate scenario far worse overall, not better. Worse still, the ongoing climate engineering fallout is contaminating the entire planet with toxic metal and chemical particulates.

Engineered Winter Storm Assault, The Weather Makers Are Desperate For Headlines


Dane Wigington

Winter storm "Juno" is here, and it is engineered from top to bottom. The weather event that is unfolding on the East Coast of the US is a completely manipulated monstrosity. The total desperation of the power structure and the climate engineers is so very evident as they throw everything they have at the creation of a "winter storm" which is meteorologically as unnatural as it could possibly be. Snow now generally has nothing to do with elevation, rather, the "heavy wet snow" is focused where most of the moisture is. Massive amounts of moisture are necessary for the chemical ice nucleation process which transforms what should have been rain into snow due to the endothermic reaction it induces. This also lowers the temperatures on the ground as the more dense chemically cooled air (created from the nucleation process) sinks to ground level. The layer of cold air is very shallow, but it does lower the temperatures enough to produce the desired headlines.

How To Kill The World: A Timeline Of Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction


By William Thomas


Enraptured and enslaved by blinking, beeping, twittering gadgets; increasingly lobotomized by microwaves, toxic chemicals and manufactured “foods”, we are sleep-walking beyond the brink of an unimaginable abyss. As reams of expensive computer projections continue to lag behind daily events, attempting to inhabit no-longer habitable regions is already disrupting human and wild lives.

Hysteria? Hype? Exaggeration? Must be, because if you search “Sixth Mass Extinction” you will be stampeded by reputable scientists freaking out over what is going down. Scientists with hard-earned credentials are not professionally accustomed to writing “scary,” “frightening” and “terrifying”. But they’re using these words now. We need to listen up.

Jet Stream Manipulation Is Fueling Weather Extremes

The entire climate science community pretend to be scratching their heads over the ever more erratic jet stream patterns. The "experts" continue to come up with various explanations as to why the jet stream is behaving the way it is, but all of these explanations are willfully blind to the geoengineering elephant in the room. Ionosphere heater installations located around the globe are a major component of the ongoing climate engineering. These extremely powerful and dangerous facilities are being used to manipulate the jet stream. The climate science community as a whole is turning two blind eyes to the ongoing geoengineering insanity while Earth's climate and life support systems are being systematically torn apart. If the current trajectory of planetary destruction continues for much longer, we will have nothing left to salvage of our planet. We must ALL hold the "experts" to account. Email them, their associates, local media, groups, agencies, etc, and share these email contacts with others so that they can do the same. It's up to all of us to take every step possible in the critical effort to raise awareness with the still uninformed public and to give notice to those that are lying for the establishment that we know they are lying. The article below sheds more light on the increasingly destructive weather on our planet, even though the researcher/author of this piece will not mention the climate engineering issue. I have passed substantial amounts of geoengineering data on to the author (Robert Scribbler) and had nothing but silence as a response. Scribbler, just like the climate science community, knows that mentioning anything about the geoengineering issue is a very bad career decision, or worse. This being said, the article does accurately outline the rapidly increasing destruction from ever worsening weather. The entire climate system is unravelling, climate engineering is a major factor in this equation.

Engineered Winter, The Deception Of The US Population



Where is it cold? Where is it hot? The GISS "departure from normal temperature" map below should paint a strikingly clear picture to answer this question. Where is the ONLY bright blue area of substantially below normal temperatures? The Eastern half of the North American continent, why?



Climate Engineering And Dying Oceans

There are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the Earth's oceans, a book would be necessary to cover this subject with any degree of accuracy. This being said, what part is the global climate engineering insanity playing in regard to our dying seas?  It is likely the most major factor of all. When the plankton are gone the oceans will die. If the oceans die, the human race will immediately follow. Global plankton populations are now down some 50% to 60%, even more than the article below indicates. As already stated, there are many causal factors, but mathematically speaking the largest single factor is likely intense UV radiation due to a completely shredded ozone layer. Excessive UV exposure decimates plankton populations. What is the greatest single factor in regard to global ozone depletion? Climate engineering. Sounding the alarm on global climate engineering should be a top priority for each and every one of us. The geoengineering insanity is determining our collective fate at blinding speed. In addition to completely derailing all natural weather and irreparably damaging the atmosphere, the constant spraying of toxic metal and chemical particulates is contaminating the entire web of life. Every breath we take is laden with highly toxic nano particulates. When only the jellyfish are left, we will all be gone. Climate engineering must be exposed and halted before there is nothing left to salvage of Earth's life support systems. The article below should be a sobering wake up call for us all.

Year 2014 Pictures Dire Situation


Source: Arctic News

The year 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record and the heat is felt most strongly in the polar regions and in the oceans.
Surface Temperatures

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe

Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents,  all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered on a massive scale with well established weather modification processes.  Two known patents for the process of "artificial ice nucliation for weather modification" are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating "artificial snow storms" but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.

china snow

Engineering The Climate To Shape Public Opinion

How does the power structure continue to baffle and confuse the US population as to the true state of the climate? By engineering the weather in a manner that creates the desired headlines at times that will create the most impact in regard to public perception. In the coming week the completely engineered "polar vortex" will return just in time to finish out 2014 and bring in 2015. The timing of this completely engineered event will deliver just the sort of headlines needed to continue the totally orchestrated bigger picture confusion that has been the hallmark of the American population in regard to the true state of the climate. My thanks to Roger Landry for outlining the climate engineering deception that is being used to mask an unfolding global cataclysm while at the same time actually contributing to the very cataclysm itself.

Warm Water Rising From the Depths: Much of Antarctica Now Under Threat of Melt


Source: Robert Scribbler

Antarctica. A seemingly impregnable fortress of cold. Ice mountains rising 2,100 meters high. Circumpolar winds raging out from this mass of chill frost walling the warm air out. And a curtain of sea ice insulating the surface air and mainland ice sheets from an increasingly warm world. A world that is now on track to experience one of its hottest years on record.

Warm Arctic Winds Rip Polar Vortex in Half, Blast East Face of Greenland Ice Sheet


Source: Robert Scribbler

Last night, at around 9 PM Eastern Time, a broad region just south of the North Pole was undergoing an extraordinary warm-up. Temperatures along the 37 W Longitude line just 80 miles south of the pole had surged to 33 degrees Fahrenheit. A reading warmer than a region of central Michigan thousands of miles to the south but running over an area of sea ice more accustomed to -5 F or lower temperatures during the great dark of the December night.

Hiding The Crimes Of The Weathermakers


Dane Wigington

When the atmosphere is heavily aerosolized (sprayed with extremely small particles), it tends to migrate rain because there are too many condensation nuclei so the droplets don’t combine into a large enough drop to fall (there can be many other effects from atmospheric spraying depending on the elements used, exposure to radio frequencies, or the addition of chemical ice nucleating agents). Migrated moisture can (and often does) come down somewhere else in the form of a deluge. Are the climate engineers really spraying the skies over our storms? There can be no reasonable doubt about this if all available information is examined. Most will never see the crimes of the weathermakers on radar images as most of these images are “filtered” out. If the public were to regularly see the blatantly visible toxic particulate trails laced into their clouds and storm systems (as is clearly shown in the image on the left below) they would already be rioting in the streets to stop the lethal contamination and manipulation of the Earth’s life support systems.

Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Categorically Denies Climate Engineering Reality


Dane Wigington

Who is John Coleman? Why would he go to so much effort to try and “debunk” the climate engineering reality? Even more importantly, why would anyone who claims to be fighting the geoengineering insanity post information from Coleman as if he were an oracle of truth? Unfortunately, a few anti-climate engineering activists and individuals have blatantly ignored Coleman’s climate engineering denial in order to post his climate change denial rants. John Coleman was one of the Weather Channel founders, but he is NOT a meteorologist or a climatologist. In fact, Coleman is not a scientist at all, but rather he has a journalism degree.  This does not automatically discredit everything he says, but are his conclusions backed up with credible data? In regard to both subjects mentioned above, the answer is clearly no. National Radio show announcer Jack Blood publicly challenged John Coleman to debate the climate engineering issue on the air with me, Coleman refused. The Washington Post asks “Why Does Anyone Pay Attention To John Coleman”?   It does seem Coleman is just the sort of “journalist” the power structure likes to use for putting out messages of denial on subjects like geoengineering and climate change. So what has Coleman said about climate engineering? The video below is from Coleman, why would anyone who claimed to be fighting geoengineering post information from such a source?

Viewing Climate Engineering Through A Clear Lens


Many that claim to be in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering are forcefully and slanderously pushing the exact narrative given to them by the very power structure which is itself behind the geoengineering. Those that are pushing the well funded disinformation also spend much of their time slandering any who dare to dispute their unsupportable and incorrect conclusions. Posting inaccurate and false data does much harm in the fight against geoengineering. It costs our cause much credibility and creates much division. This being said, the more of us there are who do look at solid and verifiable data from proven sources, and post the same, the better we can advance the credibility of the anti-climate engineering movement. Some recent and important links to understand and share are below. I realize many are still struggling with their disdain for Gore and those like him (Gore is a hypocrite and is himself a part of the global power structure), but we must all get past that. Reality has nothing to do with such bias. Who would want us all to think that looting, pillaging, and plundering the planet has no negative effect or consequence? Who would want us to think that all the cool-downs are natural? Who wants to keep “business as usual”? Who would want to hide the magnitude of what is unfolding till the last moment? Bias and preconception is tough to get rid of, but we must all keep polishing the lenses through which we see the world. We MUST NOT throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sharing credible data with qualifying commentary is important for all of us to do as our time permits. The planet is not just warming, it’s in meltdown. Huge and well funded special interests are doing their best to hide this fact and the climate engineers are part of this effort, as is mainstream media. Global climate engineering is making an already bad situation far worse and poisoning all life in the process, let’s all do our best to sound the alarm with credible facts and data. The links below are important to consider in this effort, these links are the point of this post.
Dane Wigington

Maintaining The Engineered Cool-Down Of The US

The degree of climate "forcing" being carried out by the global climate engineering cabal is absolutely astounding. Even with all the unbelievable anomalies that cannot be explained by conventional meteorology, the entire climate science community tries to anyway. They remain locked in denial and will not admit to the climate engineering insanity. There are unfortunately many in the anti-geoengineering community who are locked in denial as well. They also refuse to acknowledge the effects of the climate engineering which they say they are attempting to expose. Many of these "activists" claim there is virtually no effect on the climate system from human activity. Even if we ignored all the overall damage done to the planet by anthropogenic causes (cutting down forests, paving huge areas, poisoning the oceans, and putting 100,000,000 tones of Co2 into the atmosphere every single day), isn't climate engineering human activity? Is it rational to claim to fight against an issue and then patently deny its effects at the very same time? Denying the effects of climate engineering helps to hide climate engineering, why are some in the activist community saying exactly what the power structure would want them to say?
The HAM map below shows "departure from normal high temperatures", do the extremes on this map look "normal" to you?


These are the extremes of climate engineering. The Rothschilds owned "Weather Channel" isn't talking about the record high temperatures all over the center of the country (or the rest of the world), they are only trumpeting the constantly engineered cool temperatures in the eastern US. Again, why are some "anti-geoengineering activists" following the Rothschilds narrative which helps to hide geoengineering and the truth in general? The massive fluctuations in temperatures will continue to worsen as the planet warms. The geoengineers will continue to try and hide this fact (making the overall warming worse in the process). 

Climate Engineering Is Creating Increasingly Extreme Weather Fluctuations


Global climate engineering is forcing the climate system far past the breaking point. The ever more radical fluctuations of temperatures and weather conditions is beginning to gain the attention of many around the world. Record high temperatures are now often followed immediately by record low temperatures. The geoengineers are desperately trying to create regions of “cool-downs” in a world that is rapidly warming. The “cool” zones are shallow layers of cold dense air that settles out of clouds and storm systems which are being heavily sprayed with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements. Profound jet stream manipulation with the use of ionosphere heater installations are also a major factor in the engineered “polar vortex” events and cool-downs. The radical lurching of the climate system will worsen rapidly as the damage to our biosphere increases. Make your voice heard in this critical battle, we must all work toward exposing and halting the geoengineering insanity.
Dane Wigington

Confronting Climate Shift And The Geoengineering Dilemma


by William Thomas, contributing writer for

Blame it on our Pleistocene wanderlust. When vast multitudes of latter-day hominids could finally hitch their two-million year-old nomadic genes to a hundred horses at the turn of a key – we did. “Happy Motoring” and cheap flights to Mexico transformed our lives. And the planet each of us depends on and so briefly inhabits. It now appears we’ve rubbed that magic oil lamp way too vigorously. The jinn has escaped and is two ways pissed: Drunk on petroleum overdose. Enraged at being uncaged.

Climate Engineering, Is It Working?


Dane Wigington

Is climate engineering cooling down our planet? Overall, absolutely not. If you live in the eastern half of the North American Continent, you may be very skeptical about the fact that our planet is warming at unprecedented speed, but it is important to remember that the eastern half of the lower US 48 states is only 1/2 of 1 % of the Earth’s surface area (.5%). Thats not much, and the world is much bigger. In addition, the massive all out climate engineering assault is radically stratifying the atmosphere which means that the geoengineers only have to create “cool” layer of air that sits on the surface (cold air is much more dense so it settles). Since the atmosphere is not mixing as it historically did, that cold layer creates much confusion and many “cold” headlines which is exactly what the climate engineers and the power structure wants. Completely engineered chemically ice nucleated storms help to create the cold layer just described. The climate engineers are cooling some regions down at the expense of completely contaminating the entire surface of the planet and worsening the overall warming.

Engineering Winter Storms


Dane Wigington

How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and "artificial ice nucleation for weather modification". The geoengineers were able to manipulate some weather headlines and produce a few cold records in the Eastern US  just before the end of October, 2014, with what they labeled as the "polar blast"(the constant record heat in so many parts of the planet are generally ignored by mainstream media). Engineered snow storms are a major part of the ongoing climate engineering assault on our biosphere. Massive fluctuations of temperatures and conditions accompany such unnatural events. There is no longer any "natural" weather, none.


Surreal photos from Slovenia's Worst Ice Storm In History (though mainstream media tried to make it seem as if such an event had happened before by saying it was the worst "in living memory", statistically it was an unprecedented event). I was contacted by people from Slovenia who made it completely clear that they believed this ice cataclysm was the result of weather warfare, punishment for resistance to outside political pressures.

Methane Meltdown And The Geoengineered Attempt To Hide It


The latest engineered cool-down is hitting the East today, but how cold is it really?

temps sat night

What are “real feel” temps? Real feel” is NOT the actual temperature. Why is “AccuWeather” using maps like the one above as if the temperatures shown are the actual temperatures? Because it adds to the illusion that it’s colder than it really is. On the map above it appears that Atlanta, GA may be in the 20 degree range on Friday, October 31st, 2014, when the actual forecast is for a high near 70F and a low near 40F.

So how warm is the rest of the country, and why don’t mainstream weather sources say anything about it?

hot cold map

The map above shows a scenario of temperature extremes that is historically unprecedented. The center of the country is hovering in record high temperature ranges 20 degrees above normal while the engineered cool down in the East produces below average temperatures. The “bullseye” cool zone in the West is also worth noting.

So what is the bottom line? The planet is not just warming, it is in total meltdown. This is not about Al Gore, but about facts. If we are to gain credibility in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering, we must stand on facts, not ideology and emotion. Though the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool-down large regions, it comes at the cost of a much worsened overall warming. Global geoengineering is making an already bad climate unravelling exponentially worse overall. There is a great deal of denial on all sides of the fence in this equation. The climate science community is completely denying the reality of geoengineering, and much of the anti-geoengineering community is completely denying the rapid warming that is occurring which is to some degree being masked by climate engineering and corporate media spin. DO YOUR OWN OBJECTIVE RESEARCH, A HEADLINE IS NOT A FACT. Investigate data from the front lines.

So how bad is the climate situation likely to get? If climate engineering is not stopped, and if the human race does not completely change direction, the horizon is beyond bleak. The article below should be examined, global methane release is a major part of what the climate engineers and their corporate controlled media is trying to hide.Climate engineering is making the methane scenario worse, not better. All need to make their voices heard in the battle to wake the masses to the challenges we collectively face.
Dane Wigington

Ominous Arctic Methane Spikes Continue — 2666 Parts Per Billion on October 26th

Source: Robert Scribbler

Imagine, for a moment, the darkened and newly liberated ocean surface waters of the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas of the early 21st Century Anthropocene Summer.

Where white, reflective ice existed before, now only dark blue heat-absorbing ocean water remains. During summer time, these newly ice-free waters absorb a far greater portion of the sun’s energy as it contacts the ocean surface. This higher heat absorption rate is enough to push local sea surface temperature anomalies into the range of 4-7 C above average.

Remnant Arctic sea surface heat

Remnant extreme heat at Arctic Ocean surface on October 8, 2014. Extraordinary warmth in the range 0f 4-7 C above average is due to recent loss of summer sea ice in the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Beaufort Seas. Newly exposed dark surface waters absorb more of the sun’s rays which results in a highly visible temperature anomaly. Image source: Climate Reanalyzer. Image archived by: Arctic News.

Some of the excess heat penetrates deep into the water column — telegraphing abnormal warmth to as far as 50 meters below the surface. The extra heat is enough to contact near-shore and shallow water deposits of frozen methane on the sea-bed. These deposits — weakened during the long warmth of the Holocene — are now delivered a dose of heat they haven’t experienced in hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of years. Some of these deposits weaken, releasing a portion of their methane stores into the surrounding oceans which, in turn, disgorges a fraction of this load into the atmosphere.

The rate of release intensifies throughout summer. But during the Arctic Fall, it reaches a peak. Then, as sea ice begins to re-form over the surface waters, a kind of temperature inversion wedge develops. The surface cools and the ice solidifies — forming an insulating blanket, trapping heat. The insulating layer, in turn, pushes the anomalously hot mid level waters toward the bottom. This process delivers a final and powerful dose of heat to the Arctic Ocean bottom water and sea bed.

Methane release rates spike as the methane flooding up from the sea bed squeezes out through cracks in the newly forming ice or bubbles up through open waters just beyond the ice edge.

Observed Arctic Methane Over-Burden

During recent years, a troubling methane over-burden has been observed in the atmosphere above these regions during the months of September through November. Dr. Leonid Yurganov — a researcher at the University of Maryland — has been using the IASI sensor to record these events. Last year, he developed this map of September through November methane readings for the 2009-2012 period:

Arctic methane concentrations Sep-Nov 2009-2012

Highest lower troposphere global atmospheric methane readings were found in the region of the East Siberian, Laptev and Kara seas during September through November of 2009 through 2012. Data provided by IASI. Image source: Dr. Leonid Yerganov via Arctic News.

The readings above show near-surface averages over a three month period in the regions of highest release. Note that highest methane levels occur over coastal Siberia and in the above ocean zones of near-Russia Arctic Ocean waters.

These measurements have been ramping higher in recent years with near-surface readings in the range of 1950 to 2000 ppb now common for the months of September through November in the areas affected (for comparison, global surface averages are now in the range of 1840 ppm).

By themselves, these measurements are evidence of a substantial Arctic methane release. But further up in the troposphere — at the mid cloud level — even higher levels of methane have been recorded.

For as methane releases from the sea and land surface, it becomes trapped in the mid-cloud layer. There, a sandwich of cloud and moisture form a cap beneath which methane tends to concentrate. In this layer, readings can be quite a bit higher than surface measurements. Recent years have shown numerous instances where methane readings in the mid-cloud layer spiked above 2300 parts per billion.

Last year during September, the now annual plume of methane emitting from the Arctic Ocean pushed readings as high as 2571 parts per billion at this level of the atmosphere. It was a reading more than 700 parts per billion above the global surface average. A spike fueled by the anomalously high rates of methane emission from the Arctic surface waters and Siberian tundra during the Fall of 2013.

This year, despite extraordinarily spotty coverage due to cloud interference, the METOP sensor found Arctic methane concentrations in the range of 2666 parts per billion in the mid cloud layer. The spike occurred just this past Sunday and exceeds the September 2013 spike by 95 parts per billion — a level more than 800 parts per billion above current global surface averages.

Arctic methane spike 2666

Arctic methane spikes to 2666 parts per billion in the mid-cloud layer on Sunday October 26. Image source: OSPO/METOP.

In combination, observations of a rapidly warming Arctic Ocean and observations of Arctic methane readings between 6 and 60 percent above the global average in near surface regions and in the mid cloud layer are a clear signal that human-caused Arctic warming is forcing an ever-greater methane release. To a greater and greater extent, large carbon stores are being weakened and tapped by the various mechanisms that are an up-shot of human warming. The location of these large-scale releases, as observed in the satellite record, is confirmation of ground and ocean based observations conducted by Arctic researchers such as Dr. Semiletov and Shakhova. And the releases themselves may well be some validation of our more dire concerns.

This new spike is yet more evidence of a sizeable, anthropogenic-spurred, release that is impacting not only regional methane levels, but global levels as well. Whether this newly observed release is part of a slow global response to the initial human heat forcing — one that will take centuries to fully emerge — or is part of a much more rapid and dangerous response to an also very rapid human heat forcing is now unclear.

What is clear is that feedbacks to the human heat forcing are now starting to become plainly visible. That they are providing evidence of a stronger release from some sources on a yearly basis. A troubling amplifying feedback to the already dangerous and extraordinary human emission. One that should serve both as a warning and as a spur to reduce and eliminate human greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and to switch energy systems away from fossil fuels as swiftly as possible.

Source: Robert Scribbler

Earth Cooking Up Record Temperatures


Source: Dallas News

Earth is on pace to tie or even break the mark for the hottest year on record, federal meteorologists say.

That’s because global heat records continued to be set in 2014, with September the latest example.

Arctic Ice Sixth Lowest In At Least A Thousand Years


The more people get over their disdain for Al Gore and begin to do honest investigation, the more they will be able to recognize well spun propaganda from Big Oil And The Geoengineers. Arctic ice is plummeting overall and the data to prove that is beyond any doubt or dispute. Extremely deceptive headlines are pumped out by powers who want to make the public believe all is well on our planet when the truth is anything but. Facts and figures are spun, distorted, or completely omitted in order to assemble a specific headline that sounds convincing to those that have not done a bit of objective research, unfortunately this includes most of the American population. If you want the truth, look at the facts. The article is the very latest data on the overall Arctic ice scenario.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 15, 2014


Antarctic Heat Heralds Hottest September in the NASA Record


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 11, 2014
