Search Results for: global warming

Climate Engineering Continues To Fuel Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

The spraying of Earth’s atmosphere with toxic metallic nano particles and unknown other chemicals is getting worse by the day. There is absolutely no plausible denial of this as we have film footage of US military jets, like KC 10 tankers, spraying at altitude.

Arctic Heatwave Goes Unreported By US Media

Though the article linked below does not mention climate engineering, it does give a glimpse of a dire and rapidly worsening global picture. Of particular interest is the color GISS map in the beginning of the article, this is the “deviation from normal” temperature map for March 2014. Note that the only significant area of “below normal” temperatures is eastern Canada and eastern US, much of the rest of the planet is in bright oranges and reds that indicate radically above normal temperatures. The geoengineers are focusing particularly hard in the populated areas of the US in order to create headlines and confusion on the overall state of the global climate. Their efforts have had considerable success as many in the US don’t have any idea about what is going on with the “weather” in the rest of the biosphere. It is important for people to understand that the geoengineers are creating huge cooling anomalies such as that in the Eastern US, but at the cost of a much worsened overall warming effect for the rest of the planet. —DW

A Day in the Life: 4/17-18/14


Toeing the Line for Big Oil and the Geoengineers


by Dane Wigington How does the power structure keep people from uniting in a common cause? Divide and conquer. This strategy has in many ways been applied against the anti-geoengineering community.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)


Five facts CBC listeners didn’t hear from Canada’s geoengineering cheerleader


What’s missing from David Keith’s climate change charm offensive

by Jim Thomas

Melting Arctic Opens New Frontier, Challenges


In this Saturday, March 22, 2014 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, sailors aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS New Mexico tie mooring lines after the submarine surfaces through the arctic ice at Ice Camp Nautilus, north of Alaska. Cracks in polar sea ice are prompting the Navy to break down the camp that provided support for an exercise involving submarines. (U.S. Navy via AP)

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update Feb 2, 2014


Finally the public at large is beginning to realize there is something very wrong with the snow. Chemically nucleated artificial snow storms have been the norm for a very long time.

Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?


What’s up with the snow?

Weekly Geoengineering Update January 19, 2014


The weather over the lower 48 yet again is still in the same engineered track. Catastrophic drought producing high pressure dome over the entire Eastern Pacific with the ongoing parade of engineered snow events over parts of the Great lakes and the east.

Engineered “Cool Down” Is Short Lived


The temperature map below shows degrees “ABOVE NORMAL” for this Saturday. Almost the entire country is above normal , much of it 15 and even 20 degrees ABOVE NORMAL. Of course on any given day the climate engineers can change predictions, plans, alter forecasts and the reality on the ground, so any forecast maps are subject to change.

Climate Engineering and Weather Warfare, An Unfolding Catastrophe


There is literally no “natural” weather at this point, none.

Watch the Left Hand: Fukushima may be the Right


Something is far beyond contaminated and glow-fishy about the Fukushima meltdown. For two years it has been discussed and swarming with expertise, but with no limiting or actual efforts to stop the radiological contaminants from being released into the Pacific and all other connected oceans, the largest food and oxygen sources on the planet. Yet, surfers are surfing, swimmers are swimming, children are playing on beaches, and restaurants all over the earth are eating Pacific fish and also contaminated Atlantic fish according to multiple reports.

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe


Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

Mass Methane Release Accelerating


Mass methane release appears to be picking up speed by the day in the Arctic as well as countless other locations around the globe.

The IPCC Finally Mentions Geoengineering


The Elephant In The Room Is Getting Ever Harder To Hide.

Russians Request Geoengineering To Be Addressed In IPCC Report

Are the Russian’s inching closer to wanting disclosure of the ongoing global spray programs?

As damage to the earths climate system increases by the day, the geoengineers appear to be ready to “double down” by increasing the decimating programs to even larger levels.

Barrie Trower WiFi Report – Humanity At The Brink


As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.

Don’t Believe UV Radiation Levels are “Off the Charts”?


Massive UV Levels Are Not So Easy To Hide. (Even if the disinfo agents lie about the facts)

Textbook Disinformation: “Weather Studies”


As astonishing as it may sound, we are witnessing a full-blown disinformation/re-education campaign against the children of the United States. They are being taught that chemical aerosols (geoengineering/”chemtrails”) being sprayed from jets are “harmless water vapor”.</p>

Some Anti-Geoengineering Activists Are All Over The Board


So many people with so many different opinions in regard to what is going on in our skies. Who do you believe? If you read someone's opinion on the dire issue of geoengineering/chemtrails, is it possible to find any real science data to back up that opinion? Or is the opinion just more "hot air" ? (Which we already have far to much of)

Climate Change & Geoengineering


The short video below was just sent to us at by a veteran anti-geoengineering activist from Greece, Wayne Hall. Wayne correctly addresses the fact that one branch of the global power structure is pushing for “carbon credits” and increased “carbon taxes” to combat increased greenhouse gases from air traffic, while another branch of the same power structure is in complete contradiction. This second group typically denies any notion of “anthropogenic climate change” while at the same time pushing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) as a cure for the climate change that they say does not even exist in the first place.

Climate Change & Geoengineering


The short video below was just sent to us at by a veteran anti-geoengineering activist from Greece, Wayne Hall. Wayne correctly addresses the fact that one branch of the global power structure is pushing for “carbon credits” and increased “carbon taxes” to combat increased greenhouse gases from air traffic, while another branch of the same power structure is in complete contradiction. This second group typically denies any notion of “anthropogenic climate change” while at the same time pushing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) as a cure for the climate change that they say does not even exist in the first place.

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic “Cool Down”


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic "Cool Down"


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Disinformation Through Our Spiritual Leaders


The website Evangelical Environmental Network, is an example of disinformation by clergy, which is being funded through grants by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF).  The UN and RBF’s “Man-Made Climate Change” doctrine and  “Sustainable Development Program“, (more popularly known as”Agenda 21“)  are being advanced on all conceivable fronts, in this case; religion.  Their strategy can be seen in the document “Guidlines for Engaging Faith Based Organisations as Agents of Change“, and the website “Interfaith Partnership for the Environment“.

Extreme Weather Fluctuations as the Climate Reacts to Geoengineering
