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Weaponizing The Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents And The CIA


Source: Global Research, article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

‘Conspiracy theory’ is a term that strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States, raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs… CIA Document 1035-960 played a definitive role in making the ‘conspiracy theory’ term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question. – From CIA Document 1035-960  

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. – William Casey, Ronald Reagan’s first CIA Director (from Casey’s first staff meeting, 1981)

It is quite easy for a disinformation agent to spin a rich disinformation tale and then craft several different versions of the tale with new ‘facts’ to support the story in each one. These tales are usually a good mix of verifiable facts and cleverly designed lies, so that people who check the ‘facts’ tend to believe the lies that are mixed in. –– from:

It wasn’t very many years after the world-wide web became operational that it was contaminated by secret disinformation agencies and also by individuals that were eventually called internet trolls. Trolls (defined below) began interjecting themselves – uninvited and unwanted – into otherwise useful and productive conversations involving web-groups of like-minded individuals.

These trolls, intent on scurrilously confusing various website commenters, seemed to delight in angering up certain online groups. Typically, a lot of time and effort was wasted in such fake arguments before members of the group finally realized that they had been ambushed by a disinformation agent.

Many folks might recall how promising were the prospects for the internet’s new method of communication that was affordable, quick and paperless. Many envisioned an internet that was “without commercial interruptions” and a way to promote healthy interactions between well-meaning people of different races, religions, politics, commitments, lifestyles and cultures.

Progressive-thinking folks without ulterior motives saw the internet as a new way to explore and solve some of the common threats to them or the planet. Peacemakers saw the internet as a tool that could expose the ideological enemies of the exploited 99% and perhaps even unite against the predatory elites in the ruling 1%. Some saw opportunities to expose and then eliminate fascism, racism, militarism, corporatism, bigotry, pollution, over-population and income inequality (and, more recently, global climate change) and to foster understanding and cooperation between various cultures.

Tragically, before you could say “corrupt crony capitalism”, the web was dominated – and then essentially owned – by profiteering corporations that saw world peace and cooperation as a threat to their greedy profiteering goals. (Peace is never as profitable as war or the rumors or war.)

In the viewpoint of amoral corporations, the internet was seen as just another way to market their products to otherwise inaccessible consumers, even if their infernal advertisements were uninvited and unwanted by most internet users (albeit sometimes entertaining) .

But, while Big Business and the investor classes took over the internet, the web also became a recruitment tool for assorted hate groups like white supremacists, religious bigots, racists and neo-fascist talk show hosts who all developed a following and websites that allowed them to spew their hate, bigotry and disinformation much more efficiently.

Why and How Propaganda Works

The internet, like so much of what passes for technological advancement in our commercialized society, has, predictably, become a force for ill, not unlike how Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi Party used the universally-accessible and very affordable radio to spew their right-wing hate propaganda in the 1930s and 40s (after first smashing the liberal media’s printing presses, of course).

But the ruling elites who own the trans-national mega-corporations also own our legislative bodies and our major media. That often nefarious Gang of Four has brain-washed their way into our hearts, minds and bank accounts. Many of them can be seen eagerly pig feeding at the trough of more than one government bureaucratic agency that may be busily granting no-bid contracts behind closed doors.

These corporations, in the interest of unlimited (and unsustainable) stock price growth, have been compelled by their stakeholders to plunge head-long into the soul-destroying muck of the dog-eat-dog-competition that exists in both business and political spheres. The muck has become much less embarrassing – but no less odious – since the democracy-destroying Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision of 2011 that legalized the anonymous bribery of most political candidates and made the fiction of corporate personhood the law of the land.

As an example of how propaganda works, we need to examine the CIA, America’s major national intelligence agency and propaganda machine. The unofficial motto of the CIA, “Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter-accusations.” was blurted out by Porter Goss, GW Bush’s second CIA director in 2005. The official motto of Britain’s CIA-equivalent MI6 is “Semper Occultus” (Always Secret) and, according to the whistle-blowing, ex-Israeli Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, the Mossad’s motivating motto has always been “By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War” (derived from a phrase from the book of Proverbs).

Weaponizing the term “Conspiracy Theory”

But the fact (not just the theory) of widespread official conspiracies (along with the obligatory disinformation and cover-up operations) isn’t really new. As one prime example, the CIA (which by law is forbidden to have anything to do with domestic affairs [the FBI’s job]) has been a huge disinformation agency for as long as it has been in existence.

The CIA institutionalized the term “conspiracy theory” in its very successful attempt to derail the honest attempts to investigate the roles of various governmental agencies and individuals that were involved in the execution of President Kennedy in 1963. (See the documentation of that assertion at the end of this column.)

Of course, all clandestine state-sponsored secret service agencies (like the CIA, MI6 and the Mossad) routinely and shamelessly make use of lies, secrecy, deception and false flag operations in their daily affairs. It is a fact of life for such secret agencies and it is all accomplished in the name of “national security”.

The CIA has admitted that it routinely “plants” stories in the mainstream media. Those “press releases” contain disinformation that influences the perceptions of the electorate and thus national policy. See the evidence for that in the following video (and the narrative that follows):

It is a certainty that the FBI, the NSA, the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the White House (not to mention most corporations) do the same.

Secret intelligence agencies such as the CIA routinely concoct conspiracies that involve spying, regime changes, de-stabilization of governments, expansion of military bases and even torture, disappearances, “suicides” and extrajudicial assassinations as a matter of course. Of course, all leaked evidence of what are often unethical, immoral or even criminal deeds must be denied.

On 9/11/01, for example, many investigative journalists and alert citizens saw with their own eyes that the three WTC towers had obviously been suddenly and unexpectedly brought down by controlled demolitions. Their suspicions were affirmed by the multitude of video and science-based evidence that abounds online. (Start your own edification by listening to real experts who know the real science of controlled demolitions by clicking on:

If You See Something, Say Something (Unless it’s Conspiratorial)

We American citizens have been advised by our government to “say something if we see something”, so those patriots who loved their country enough to have a lover’s quarrel with it, kept pointing out the improbability – indeed impossibility –  of the Bush White House’s conspiracy theory (that a group of Saudi Arabian nationals conspired to fly two jets into two buildings, causing office fires that rapidly burned down three concrete, massively steel-reinforced, essentially non-flammable high-rise towers, with ach of the three buildings successively collapsing into fine powder in less than 10 seconds). Unbelievable.

Bush failed in trying to silence those patriotic observers from speaking out by holding a very unconvincing press conference denigrating those who espoused “outlandish conspiracy theories”. However, the mainstream media (including the New York Times, which falsely claims to publish “all the news that’s fit to print”) got thoroughly on board with the cover-up. Sadly, since then, anybody who didn’t see what really happened on that day has been effectively brain-washed to believe whatever the major media dis-informed them on, and that includes most of the millennials who were either unaware or unborn at the time of the deed!

Tragically, most of the distracted, deceived or too busy Americans succumbed to the totally blacked-out propaganda efforts and their in-bred need to be obedient to authority figures; and thus most Americans were led to believe the deniers of the truth rather than the powerful evidence of conspiracy.

One of the reasons that I am addressing this topic in this column is the fact that recently there have been a number of examples of disinformation in my local media about real conspiracies about which I have enough expertise to be able to disprove the claims that were made.

A recent letter to the editor in my local newspaper regurgitated the disproven “conventional wisdom” that live virus, mercury-containing or aluminum-containing vaccines are all safe and effective, that they never cause neurological damage to infants and that the infamously-smeared British gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield’s research on autism and vaccines was a fraud.

(For those uninformed or misinformed about the Big Pharma-manufactured Wakefield pseudo-controversy: In 1998, the once-prestigious British Lancet medical journal published Dr Wakefield’s ground-breaking research that proved the connection between (the British pharmaceutical company) GlaxoSmithKline’s live measles virus-containing MMR vaccine and a disabling measles virus-caused inflammatory enterocolitis disorder in a group of severely-regressed autistic kids (each of whom had been developing normally until being injected with the scheduled MMR vaccination). The validity of the study, incidentally, has been replicated by other researchers, but the pharmaceutical firm Glaxo cunningly executed a massive disinformation campaign that resulted in the complicit British Medical Association stripping Wakefield of his license to practice medicine!) For documentation of the Wakefield smear campaign, go to a series of videos, starting with this one:

Another recent article in my local newspaper falsely claimed that the persistent aerosol spray that can occasionally be seen coming from large, non-commercial jets are simply “contrails” that are capable of making hazy the cloudless blue skies that the weatherman had forecast the night before. (Contrails are an abbreviation of “condensation trails” that can indeed represent frozen water vapor from jet engine exhaust, but that only momentarily freezes at the extremely cold temperatures at extremely high altitudes and then evaporates rapidly.) The proven fact of the matter is that any jet plane trail that lasts longer than a few seconds is actually a “chemtrail” that is composed of metallic nanoparticles like aluminum, barium or strontium that are sprayed, as part of secret governmental/military weather modification experiments, but which persist in the air, potentially cooling the earth slightly by reflecting the sun’s rays upward (watch for the documentation).

Definitions to Help Understand Disinformation Agendas

Therefore, in an attempt to explore the interactions between the pejorative term “conspiracy theory” and the prevalence of “disinfo agents”, I include here some relevant definitions of terms, obtained from easily accessible online sources:

Conspiracy theory: An explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact. Such conspiracy theories are frequently proven to be truthful when the bullying disinformation campaigns that try to silence them are revealed as false, misleading, impossible and/or unscientific.

False flag operation: A covert operation that is designed to deceive in such a way that the operation appears as though it is being carried out by entities other than those who actually planned and executed them. Usually there is an ulterior motive, such as starting a war or invasion under false pretenses and blaming the war on some other entity, such as the victim of the false flag op.

Misinformation: False or inaccurate information.

Disinformation: False information that is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization or a corporate advertiser.

Troll: A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose ancestors were thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Living in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges, they are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Internet shill: Someone who promotes something or someone online for pay without divulging that they are associated with the entity they shill for. Shills promote companies, products, public figures and viewpoints for profit, while pretending to have no motivation for doing so other than personal belief. Alternatively, they sometimes denigrate someone or something, such as a political viewpoint or a competitor’s product, that is in conflict with the entity they serve. Shill jobs are telecommute positions or are conducted from temporary offices which are frequently moved to avoid detection.

Conventional wisdom: opinions or beliefs, often theoretical and even erroneous, that are held or accepted by most people. Often such “wisdom” contradicts known facts. (Ex: “The earth is flat” was at one time conventional wisdom for over 99% of the population.)

Propaganda: Information of a biased or misleading nature and used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Corporations call it advertising.

Clandestine/Covert: Referring to secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception.

Hate group: A group whose members have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people. They all have websites. (A few examples from the courageous Southern Poverty Law Center are at: Ku Klux Klan, White Nationalist, Racist Skinhead, Christian Identity, Neo-Confederate, Holocaust Denial groups, Anti-LGBT groups, Anti-Immigrant groups, Anti-Muslim groups, etc.

How Disinformation Agents Spread Their Webs of Deception

Information obtained from:

It is quite easy for a disinformation agent to spin a rich disinformation tale and then craft several different versions of the tale with new ‘facts’ to support the story in each one. These tales are usually a good mix of verifiable facts and cleverly designed lies, so that people who check the ‘facts’ tend to believe the lies that are mixed in.

The disinformation agent has only to feed these versions of his tale to several of the many conspiracy oriented websites out there, and it’s all over the Internet – but not on reliable websites. These same disinformation agents will use pseudonyms to join in on the discussions generated by their “news” so that they can manipulate the direction that comments take.

Below are excerpts from a short article that was published on the website on January 22, 2013:

CIA Document 1035-960 and Conspiracy Theory: 

the Foundation of a Weaponized Term

‘Conspiracy theory’ is a term that strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States, raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.

…it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively ‘weaponizing’ the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism about the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus, titled ‘Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report’.

The dispatch played a definitive role in making the ‘conspiracy theory’ term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

“This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance deHaven-Smith, titled Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. deHaven-Smith devised the State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

The agency was especially interested in maintaining the CIA’s own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.

The memorandum lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for ‘countering and discrediting the claims of the so-called conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries’.

The agency also directed its members ‘[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose’.

CIA Document 1035-960 further delineates specific techniques for countering ‘conspiratorial’ arguments centering on the Warren Commission’s findings. Such responses and their coupling with the pejorative label have been routinely wheeled out to this day in various guises by corporate media outlets, commentators and political leaders against those demanding truth and accountability about momentous public events.

Today, more so than ever, news media personalities and commentators occupy powerful positions for initiating propaganda activities closely resembling those set out in 1035-960 against anyone who might question state-sanctioned narratives of controversial and poorly understood occurrences.

…the almost uniform public acceptance of official accounts concerning unresolved events such as the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, 9/11, and most recently the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, is largely guaranteed.

The effect on academic and journalistic inquiry into ambiguous and unexplained events that may in turn mobilize public inquiry, debate and action has been dramatic and far-reaching. One need only look to the rising police state and evisceration of civil liberties and constitutional protections as evidence of how this set of subtle and deceptive intimidation tactics has profoundly encumbered the potential for future independent self-determination and civic empowerment.

Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. He writes a weekly column for the Reader, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, psychiatric drugging, over-vaccination regimens, Big Pharma and other movements that threaten the environment or America’s health, democracy, civility and longevity. Many of his columns are archived at and at

Source: Global Research, article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

Sky Criminals, Chuck Norris Speaks Out On Climate Engineering


Internationally recognized martial arts champion and celebrity Chuck Norris has yet again shown exceptional courage by continuing to publicly address the critical climate engineering issue in an extremely direct, articulate, and forceful manner. Mr. Norris has previously addressed the power structure's attempt to silence anti-geoengineering researches and informational sites.  Now, in the article below, he continues his examination of global geoengineering, and publicly states his warnings on this extremely dire issue. Let's hope that other well known personalities take a much needed example from Chuck Norris's unyielding moral fortitude. I wish to extend my deepest regard and respect to Mr. Norris for his steadfast and courageous effort to take a critically needed stand for the greater good.
Dane Wigington

Sky Criminals

Exclusive: Chuck Norris Examines Geoengineering "In Skies Above Us"

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

Country legend Merle Haggard, who died of a lung infection (double pneumonia) on April 6, sang in his song, “What I hate”: “What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.”

Several months ago, I wrote a column titled, “Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled?” In it, I gave an array of evidence from scientists that geoengineering and, specifically, covert chemtrailing is taking place in the skies above us and unbeknownst to us.

For those who are unfamiliar with the subject and stratospheric lunacy, let me reiterate a few definitions:

Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary technologies: Solar Radiation Management, or SRM, and Carbon Dioxide Removal, or CDR.

CDR technologies include “bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, biochar, direct air capture, ocean fertilization and enhanced weathering,” according to Wikipedia.

SRM technologies “seek to reflect sunlight and thus reduce global warming. Proposed examples include the creation of stratospheric sulfate aerosols.”

Stratospheric sulfate aerosols “create a global dimming effect [that] has made them a possible candidate for use in solar radiation management climate engineering projects to limit the effect and impact of climate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as sulfuric acidhydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft and balloons has been proposed.”

Chemtrailing is the “public’s term for the classified [covert] and ongoing artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds.”

Camp Verde, Arizona (3:20:16). Photo credit: Levin Rutherford

Geoengineered skies in Camp Verde, Arizona. Photo credit: Levin Rutherford

Sarah Zielinski, an award-winning science writer and editor, wrote a piece in December 2015 for the Smithsonian, titled, “Airplane Contrails May Be Creating Accidental Geoengineering.”

In the article, Zielinski explained, “Geoengineering involves the manipulation of an environmental process in such a way, usually deliberate, that it affects the Earth’s climate.”

Zeilinski cites Charles Long from the NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, who reported at a press conference this past week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco: “This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies. We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here.”

Many other scientists would say – as we shall see in a moment – intentional geoengineering.

Long went on to explain, “Its existence demonstrates yet another way that humans might be altering the climate system, and you can see this with your own eyes.”

I know, because my wife, Gena, and I have seen it in the skies over our own Texas ranch.

Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research concluded, “It seems quite possible that [Long is] seeing something that’s real.”

Long still calls the haze “a mystery,” but at the moment primarily blames air traffic exhaust and other aerosols as the most likely culprits of those particles.

But is the origin of it all so unintentional and innocent? Or are there deliberate sky criminals who are also chemtrailing above us with other chemical agents?

Long himself is puzzled how certain areas around the country like one in Oklahoma have significant sky whitening yet don’t get as much known air traffic.

When Snopes was investigating the recent accusations that NASA was spraying lithium (the anti-manic psychiatric medication) into the atmosphere and, hence, onto Americans, the liberal fact-finding website even had to confess that, “Buried among the tinfoil were a few actual facts: it was true that a 2003 study examined the feasibility of mass vaccination by air.”

The actual 2003 abstract from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a part of the U.S. federal government’s National Library of Medicine – a branch of the National Institutes of Health, reads:

The feasibility of using aerosol vaccines to achieve mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas, is being assessed on the basis of current available information. The aerosol mode of vaccine introduction, which best follows the natural route of many infections, may first lead to development of immunity at the portal of entry, and may also induce a more generalized defense. The recommended optimal way of introducing an aerosol vaccine is nasal breathing, which is more suitable for geriatric and pediatric populations, permits use of greater antigen volumes, and allows easier monitoring of results. Technical requirements for ideal aerosol vaccines and delivery systems, possible adverse effects, and cost-effectiveness are other issues addressed. Several thousand human subjects have been aerosol-vaccinated over a period of many years in Russia with live-attenuated strains against many diseases. Extensive field trials in South America with aerosolized live-attenuated measles vaccine have also been successful, and excellent results have been reported with pilot projects employing inactivated or live-attenuated aerosol influenza A vaccine. We conclude that aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination. Although some basic information is still lacking, this method has already been used successfully in large populations and has therefore passed the phase of initial feasibility evaluation. [Emphasis added by me.]

Over the past 13 years since the study, does anyone think it’s possible that such mass vaccinations or immunizations have occurred by air in trial locations in the U.S.?

How many plane-dropping chemical cocktails have already been sprayed around the world in the name of securing public health?

When the heads of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention publicly sound the alarm that the Zika virus is “scarier than we initially thought” and the mosquito transmission ranges have increased from 12 states to 30 in just weeks, does anyone think there’s discussion of the NCBI 2003 study?

Whatever the intent or justification, and whether or not the purpose is for mass vaccinations or some other devious plot, if you don’t believe there’s some smoke-screening in the sky trails above you, I have a London Bridge to sell you in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.

Supreme among the evidence for the smoke and mirrors in the skies above and in halls of Washington is the work of Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, an American interdisciplinary scientist who earned his bachelor of arts degree in physics in 1970 from the University of California, San Diego, and his Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry in 1974 from Texas A&M University.

Herndon wrote an article that was reviewed and published on Aug. 11, 2015, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, titled, “Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health.” Again, the abstract from the article says it all:

The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.

Interestingly, on Sept. 2, 2015, just two weeks after it was published, Dr. Herndon’s entire 16-page scientific article was suddenly and completely retracted from the journal based upon only two chemical composition questions and an overarching explanation with no further explanation than this: “The language of the paper is often not sufficiently scientifically objective for a research article.”


It’s time again to wake up, America. I’m not Shakespeare, but something is definitely rotten in the state of Denmark.

Or as another music legend, Prince, who just passed away this past week, sang in his song, “Dreamer”: “While the helicopter circles us, this theory’s getting’ deep, Think they’re spraying chemicals over the city while we sleep? From now on I’m staying’ awake, you can call me a dreamer too, wake up, wake up.”

(For further information on geoengineering and its related subjects, I encourage you to go to

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

Former Air Force Officer Warns Of Atmospheric Spraying And The Coming Collapse


The great unraveling is gaining momentum by the day, and even now the majority of the masses are fast asleep at the wheel. Our skies look like something from an apocalyptic future, our trees are dying, our oceans are dying, our planet is dying, and still the majority remain unaware. Those in power are utilizing every option at their disposal to keep populations from waking until the last possible moment. Is there still time to change course and keep any part of the ship floating? That remains to be seen, but if there is yet a chance, it will require the concerted, focused, effective, prioritized, and completely dedicated efforts of all those that are already awake. The essay below was penned for by a former USAF communications officer, Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D. Though I have no means of conclusively confirming the information presented by Randall, available date does generally confirm his estimations and conclusions. The essay does not address the implosion of the climate system, methane release, or the horrific impact of climate engineering on the above mentioned factors. This being said, the content of the essay is important, especially when the source is appropriately considered. My most sincere gratitude to Col. Randall Smith for this important input and perspective on the immediate horizon that we face.
Dane Wigington

Former Air Force Officer Gives A Stern Warning

Article by Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D., Commander, NECN, contributing writer for

To a very great extent, America is fighting several wars – some on foreign soil, one on our own. Aside from disrupting or eliminating the flow of items key to survival (clean water, nourishment, sanitary living conditions, etc.), governments (federal and state) are executing plans for complete disruption of our usual means of communication. This includes telephony in all of its forms (land-lines, cellular, VOiP) and the internet. You are already acutely aware of the "blackout" of the major news organizations, all of which are owned and controlled by major corporations or "banksters". 


Geoengineered skies in Mesa, Arizona. Photo credit: Christopher DiBagio

I am a former USAF electronics/communications officer and a licensed amateur radio operator. Several years ago, as I began to learn more of what at the time seemed to be literally unbelievable, I thought about the need for an emergency communications network that would reach beyond our shores and borders and to which every American could have access for a nominal cost in equipment and without a license from the now DHS dominated Federal Communications Commission. Several colleagues across the United States are attempting to do the same thing at the state level. For example, in my own state, it is fellow Oath Keepers who have stepped forward to assist in this undertaking. In other states, it is their militias who have accepted this important responsibility. Though I wish I could report that all states have in place an emergency communications network, for various reasons, I cannot. Some of those reasons include lethargy, fear, the infamous "somebody else will do it" syndrome, and religious precepts, among others.

My first active duty assignment was at Vandenberg AFB, California with the First Strategic Aerospace Division. As a young "shave-tail" from the mid-west, I soon came to love California and many of the people I met while stationed there. It has been painful for me to follow the drought situation that affects so many people is so many different ways. It has been equally painful to come to understand the reasons behind that drought.


The completely engineered California drought is far from over in spite of the most powerful El Nino event ever.

By now, you are certainly aware of the nationwide airborne aerosol spraying program which is, and has been for years, conducted by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard. KC-135 (and perhaps other) aircraft, which were originally designed and built as "tankers" to permit in-flight refueling, have been converted to carry payloads of a wide variety of chemical and biological "payloads". Fitted with nozzles, they have dispersed and are dispersing tons of these agents over all of the "lower 48" states, plus Alaska and Hawaii. This project is not limited to the United States or North America. It is part of a world plan. At first, many Americans thought that these were the familiar "contrails" that follow jet engines at altitude. As a B-52 and, ironically, a KC-135 electronics officer, I can tell you with absolute certainty that these are not contrails. Contrails are created when very hot, burned jet fuel vapors combine with cooler, humid air. The interaction of the two causes a cloud-like contrail. Typically, contrails are fairly short in length, and they dissipate after only a few seconds (thought they continue to follow the aircraft during its flight) so long as ambient air is cool and humid. They do not grow in width as a function of time. Very few Americans have not noticed what have come to be known as "chemtrails" (chemical trails) which may run in parallel lines or perpendicular patterns in our skies. To my knowledge, no portion of the United States has been spared. There is a great deal of useful and helpful information on "chemtrails"(geoengineering) on the internet. As always, be selective in what you read, and think critically.

Many reasons have been given in regard to the purposes of these flights. Reasons have included such things as reduction in global warming, redirection of violent weather patterns to safer locations, an aid to military communications, a defense against enemy radar and satellite surveillance/reconnaissance, etc. Another frequently cited reason has to do with controlling the weather of other countries, particularly those in which we have troops involved in conflicts. There were also many reasons given in the FEMA-Wal-Mart conspiracy, e.g. these stores are being closed because of multiple, simultaneous "plumbing problems"? To repair those plumbing problems, FEMA had portable guard towers strategically in the parking lots of some stores, complete with searchlights and acoustic assault speakers. Or the fact that the closings and modifications began during operation Jade Helm 15? Despite their unmistakable presence and coverage patterns, no viable or credible reasons have been given for them. Reasons that have been given are at variance from one another and seem to skirt the facts that these chemical and biological agents are demonstrably and extremely dangerous to the health of humans, animals and plants. The effects on animal life (fish, birds, perhaps the mysterious, drastic decline in the bee population, etc.) and agriculture have been nothing short of disastrous. Perhaps you have seen some of the photographs of thousands upon thousands of dead fish lining a coastline, or dead birds covering fields, roads, homes and yards. To me, this is an example of the military-industrial-government complex that we have been forewarned about repeatedly for decades operating at its best and most efficient with no interruptions, interference or objections from the people that this affects most profoundly – American citizens. I believe that, regardless of one's theological beliefs (and I am certainly no Biblical scholar), Scripture asks questions that seem particularly salient now: "Do you have ears, but do not hear; do you have eyes, but do not see?" In my field, we make a distinction between listening and looking (passive behaviors) and hearing and seeing (active behaviors, often requiring hard work). We have been warned repeatedly by several Presidents over the decades about this unholy alliance, however, for whatever reasons, we have failed to pay attention to these alerts, and we certainly failed, as citizens living in a Republic, to act on them. Now, we are seeing the consequences of our inattention and lack of involvement in our governments, and no one is more guilty than I.

So rather than being allowed to express our wills by means of the "Initiative" or the "Referendum" as provided by the Constitution on such significant issues as the construction of over 800 FEMA camps (some equipped with recently expanded crematoria), the conversion of closed military installations into detention centers, passage of the "Patriot Act" and the "National Defense Authorization Act", the formation of an out-of-control DHS and its purchase of over two-billion rounds of "hollow point" or anti-personnel ammunition (which, contrary to what DHS told us, is not for "target practice"), construction of underground, multi-level interstate highways which run from Denver International Airport to Washington, D.C. to Maine with multiple diverging routes between these points, a high-speed underground railroad and over one-hundred underground cities complete with ample, long-term supplies of food, water, medical supplies (even operating suites), etc., we passively allowed these things to come into being. We and our Congress were effectively by-passed or short-circuited by a President who unilaterally enacted a series of illegal "Executive Orders" (which no one questioned), a President who, in all likelihood, does not meet the criteria specified in our Constitution for someone to hold that office legally, a President who, when not self-constrained, exhibits unmistakable symptoms of megalomania. The ability of the people to be able to vote on these kinds of issues takes on additional importance when one considers that our elected representatives in Washington are no longer there to represent us or our best interests. My personal opinion is that they are motivated principally by greed for wealth and power.

If you are deluding yourself that writing letters to these "elected representatives" will, in any way, make a difference, please stop and apply your thinking, actions and words in more productive approaches. As a colleague once expressed it, "We are playing baseball; they are playing football". The effect, then, is that there is, in reality, no longer a "Republican" or a "Democratic" party. There is one party, and it is not accountable to the people. It operates entirely in concert with the stated goals of U.N. "Agenda 21" (or 25 or 30) and the illuminati's fundamental tenets which include a one-world government and religion (a/k/a "The New World Order"), and massive depopulation. Their fundamental "commandments" are inscribed on the vertical stone tablets placed in Georgia. Their goal calls for a world population that does not exceed 500,000,000 people. In order to achieve that goal, a reduction will be required in the current world population on the order of six billion human beings. The beginning point for this process of depopulation is the United States, followed quickly by Canada and Mexico to create the NWO's "North American Command Center". Hence, the observations of foreign military personnel at or near several of our military bases. Those foreign troops are not limited to Russian soldiers. They include U.N. "Peace Keeping" troops from several nations as well as military mercenaries (e.g. the "Blackwater Group") whom the CIA has used for years. These foreign soldiers have been training beside American military personnel in such areas as "riot control", inmate management and forcibly disarming Americans of weapons. They are here because, to Obama's chagrin, about 60% of American military personnel have indicated that they would honor their oaths, and not fire on American citizens if ordered to do so. Hence, the "forced retirement" of the largest number of senior military officers in our Nation's history. It is referred to as Obama's "litmus test". For them, that would constitute (and is) an unlawful order according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice which, if Martial Law is declared, will be modified, set aside or superseded as will the Constitution. At the same time, Obama is expected to deploy more American troops to foreign countries (e.g. Iraq). Meanwhile, these other non-American troops will be used to arrest and transport Americans to predesignated FEMA "resettlement" or "re-location" or "internment" camps and, depending on the American citizen's status as determined by DHS, incarcerated or executed. It is important to note that each of these FEMA camps is currently fully staffed and ready for operation despite the absence of detainees. You are probably aware of the hundreds of thousands of "casket liners" stored at various locations around the country – most, but not all, at military installations. Numbers reported vary from 500,000 to a million or more.


FEMA CDC coffins stored in Madison, Georgia

A major concern is that Obama, prior to the November elections, will declare a state of "Martial Law" on some fabricated pretext or false flag terrorist event – unless he can incite enough Americans to clash over racial, religious or other differences. Operation Jade Helm 15, which ran from July 15, 2015 through September 15, 2015, was not, as we were told, a "military exercise". It provided an opportunity to re-distribute military vehicles and ordnance across the Country, as well as to equip law enforcement agencies with "excess" military gear – weapons, ammunition, protective vests, armored personnel carriers and, in some cases, tanks. Perhaps you have seen one of the 2-3 mile long freight trains, consisting solely of 80' flat cars, fully loaded with APCs (armored personnel carriers), tanks, MRAPs (mine-resistant ambush protected) vehicles and even field artillery pieces. 

I cannot stress strongly enough the importance of thinking, planning, preparing and behaving more aggressively (but still peacefully) in each of your own communities as opposed to writing to your "elected representatives". Someone once said, "The most dangerous item in your home is your recliner", to which I would add, your computer. Your thoughts, opinions and concerns are irrelevant to them. Their safety, and that of their families has been provided for underground. If you do not know your neighbors, make it a point to get to know them. For as long as they will work, create phone "call lists". A principle use of a call list is not only emergency communication, but the transfer of "intel" or intelligence on such things as the movements of enemy forces, the influx of armored vehicles, etc. As a long-time friend, an active duty Lt. Col. told me recently, "I cannot say much, but I will tell you that the fuse is very short". At this writing, my understanding from an active duty senior NCO is that Chinook (many of them black and unmarked, therefore FEMA) helicopters, C-130, Boeing 727, 737 and 747 fixed-wing aircraft are being fitted with wide-range radio jamming equipment. The purpose is to neutralize civilian cellular, survivalist or militia communications. Initially, Chinooks will be used to transport detained American citizens to nearby FEMA camps. If a detainee is to be held at a more distant FEMA camp location, he or she will be transported by one of the aforementioned aircraft. The senior NCO with whom I spoke did not know whether these jamming devices were being installed on other military vehicles, ships or base locations, however, given that the President has the authority to control the airwaves (all of them), it seems likely that taking away the ability for us to communicate would answer that question.

Until we learn otherwise, we have several communicative options currently at our disposal. Many of you remember the days when CB (Citizens Band) radios were popular, and some of you may still own one. Well, they are popular again. If you own one, you may wish to consider dusting it off, installing an antenna (preferably outdoor) and providing it with 12 volt D.C. power from a power supply, a boat or car battery or your solar power system. Channel 3 has been designated as the national CB emergency frequency. If your radio has single side-band capability, channel 36 LSB (lower side-band) is also available as an emergency frequency. Single side-band signals use a narrower slice of the radio spectrum, travel greater distances than other modes of communication, and are slightly less affected by man-made or naturally occurring noise.


Communications will be essential once the coming collapse commences.

In recent years, a relatively new radio service which uses hand-held, low power radios has become very popular among campers, boaters, hunters and others. These radio utilize the "Family Radio Service" or FRS. An FCC license is not required to use this service. These radios have a range, depending upon terrain, obstacles and weather, of about 2-6 miles (despite inordinate claims of greater ranges by manufacturers). As with CB frequencies or channels, channel 3 has been designated as an emergency or calling frequency for FRS radios. FRS radios share several frequencies or channels with another, older radio service, The General Mobile Radio Service or GMRS. These radios are a more powerful alternative as they are typically installed in vehicles. However, just as with CB radios, providing them with a 12 volt D.C. power source will allow them to work in any location. Their output power, and therefore their range, are greater than either CB or FRS radios and varies by model. Technically, a license is required to operate on GMRS frequencies, however, according to the FCC, an individual can operate on any frequency, with or without a license, in an emergency. The radios used by highway (and other) construction personnel (e.g. who rotate signs that read "Stop" or "Proceed with caution" (or whatever) use radios that operate in yet another unlicensed band or service, the Multi-Use Radio Service or MURS. These radios are available in five frequencies and do not require a license. Their range is greater than FRS radios, however they are more costly. As with CB and FRS radios, both GMRS and MURS radios use channel 3 and the primary calling frequency. FRS radios should have no less than 50 channels, some of which communicate with GMRS radios. An excellent portable, lightweight and durable radio manufactured in China by a company called Baofeng has become extremely popular across the United States. I have provided first responders who fight wild fires in California with these radios, and they have performed admirably. They produce either 5 watts (Baofeng UV-5R series) or 8 watts (Baofeng BF-F8HP series) of power. These are referred to as "dual-band" radios, not unlike traditional commercial "AM" and "FM" radios. Frequency range for both transmitting and receiving is very broad – from 136 to 174 MHz. (VHF or Very High Frequency) and from 400 to 520 MHz. (UHF or Ultra High Frequency). They also receive commercial FM radio stations. The MURS frequencies are either close to around 151 or 154 MHz., so these are covered by the Baofeng radios. FRS and GMRS frequencies, which fall in the 462 MHz. range, can communicate with these radios as well. They also receive all 10 NOAA weather frequencies. In many communities, they will receive local Public Safety transmissions (police, fire, EMS, state police, etc.). They are available from Amazon or on eBay. Shipping origin for some eBay sellers is China and requires considerably longer delivery time. Radios from Amazon, though a few dollars more, are shipped from within the United States. I strongly recommend purchasing at least one spare heavy-duty battery and an optional, longer Nagoya NA-771 antenna (greater length equals greater range). If you become active with radio communications,please educate yourself on "comsec" or communications security. Learn commonly used code words used in all radio communications, keep transmissions as brief as possible, never reveal any information pertaining to yourself or your location and try to verify with whom you are talking (e.g. using pre-determined passwords, etc.). As a matter of course, we use two-person teams – one as the radio operator, the other as a spotter or lookout. Both are armed.

The mainstay and bedrock of reliable, long-distance radio communication is amateur radio. Amateur radio operators and experimenters have contributed significantly to the body of knowledge surrounding electronic human audio and video communications for decades, and have earned many of their operating privileges from the FCC because of their efforts, particularly during major wars. Both amateur radio operators and the military use similar frequencies which is both an advantage (intel or gathering intelligence information) and a disadvantage (comsec or communications security e.g. monitoring). Amateur radio signals are capable of traveling all over the world, either by traditional ionospheric propagation or via amateur radio satellites. Because of their power capability (up to 1,500 watts) and the wide range of frequencies on which they can operate, only amateur radio stations participate in the emergency communications networks themselves. Just as there are ways to interfere with signal propagation (e.g. "jamming"), there are effective technique for circumventing jamming. Amateur radio operators communicate using conventional voice transmissions of various types (CW (Morse code), AM, FM, USB, LSB) or via computerized digital communications. These amateur stations are referred to as "net control" stations. Depending upon the current alert level, they are prepared to operate 24/7. Part of my initial goal was to make emergency communication available to as many Americans as possible. Fortunately, many amateur radios are able to transmit and receive all of the frequencies utilized by the various unlicensed services mentioned above: CB, FRS, GMRS and MURS. In an emergency, establishing contact with an amateur net control operator would be your first task, keeping in mind safety considerations such as location, brevity of transmissions, etc.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to educate yourselves now with current and accurate information regarding what the military-industrial-corporate complex is doing in and to our Country, your state, county and community for they have penetrated to those levels. You are already intimately aware of the incredibly deleterious effects that over-spraying our Country with tons of toxic and potentially toxic elemental, chemical and biological agents has done, and is doing. To me, as a teacher, therapist and researcher, only people who are truly psychiatrically disturbed could even contemplate, let alone carry out, these kinds of heinous, egregious crimes against his or her fellow Americans, let alone innocent people in other parts of the world. For years,I think we all believed that the Holocaust represented the epitome of cruelty and inhumanity. My concern is that, if allowed to proceed unchecked, the cost in terms of suffering and human lives during the creation of the New World Order will surpass the Holocaust many times over.

Of major concern to anyone involved in civil defense is the possible loss of mains power (120 or 240 volts A.C. house current) from our major power grids, and the horrendous ramifications that that would entail, particularly as far as nutrition is concerned. While people have petitioned Congress for years to "harden" our power grids as most major nations of the world have, they have consistently refused to do so. Whereas this process would have cost upwards of 500 million dollars ten years ago, today, it would cost approximately 50 billion dollars. And still, Congress has refused to take any action – on our behalf – to provide this additional protection not only to those of us who can fend for ourselves, but for those children and adults who are hospitalized, using medical appliances as part of their home health program, or our sick and elderly residents of long-term care facilities. At present, our understanding is that two electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) devices detonated at an altitude of 50 miles in the eastern and western portions of our Country would completely eliminate all electrical power in the United States. Furthermore, all unprotected electronic equipment, including on-board computers in vehicles and aircraft, would be destroyed. What follows, in terms of human behavior, you can imagine, particularly if your remember hurricane Katrina: looting, theft, and civilian casualties as food and water sources grew scarce and hunger and thirst increased. Some New Orleans law enforcement officers chose, instead of reporting to work, to loot stores, pharmacies and the abandoned (or occupied) homes of flood victims. As an aside, amateur radio operators provided communications for Coast Guard and other agencies who, for whatever reasons, were unable to communicate with each other. This could be monitored by most amateur radio operators across the Country.

While Obama is merely a puppet of the so-called "elites" or the "illuminati", he is not a benign puppet. He has demonstrated his lust for absolute power over all Americans, and his ability to be dishonest in the tradition of George Bush, Jr. who told us repeatedly about Saddam Hussein's hidden cache of "weapons of mass destruction", of which none were ever found or Bill Clinton's adamant denials of having any involvement with Monica Lewinsky. American Presidents, Cabinet Members and Congressmen lying to Americans has become something of an American political tradition. In my estimation, we have lots of politicians, but very few, if any statesmen or statespeople.


The "political parties" are simply two sides of the same power structure.

Instead of living in fear from day to day of imminent monetary collapse, the illegal declaration of Martial Law, a second Civil War or a third world war, fear of being detained indefinitely in a FEMA camp or, if your name appears on a DHS "Red List" or "Blue List", being "neutralized", why are so many Americans seemingly afraid to assume their proper roles as citizens of the United States who are accountable only to their Creator and to whom all government employees (a/k/a/ public servants) are accountable? We have the God-given authority to put an end to all of this if only we will act. That means setting aside petty differences, discarding selfishness and coming together as one group with one very important common cause: the saving of a Nation. The late Dr. Samuel Hayakawa (linguist, general semanticist English professor Emeritus, President of San Francisco State College and U.S. Senator to California) wrote: "A difference, in order to be a difference, has to make a difference". Are the "differences" that separate and divide us as a people really differences? For example, compared to the challenges we now face, and those that have been promised to us, exactly how much difference, in practical, realistic terms, do the color of a person's skin, his or her ancestry, one's religious beliefs or the manner in which they wear their hair really make? I believe that, if we could eliminate these relatively insignificant differences, be more cooperative, serve without necessarily being the "commander", etc., the United States that would emerge would truly be a great nation – not necessarily in terms of financial or military strength, but as a wonderful place in which "…to live and love and grow" (to borrow from my undergraduate school's Alma Mater). 

Several elegant University studies have shown that, throughout the course of civilization, whenever as few as 3.5% (or 5% according to another study) of the population came together and, acting together with purpose and determination, demanded the dissolution of a corrupt government, they were successful 100% of the time. For example, in more recent history, the citizens of Egypt did this not once, but twice. They converged on Cairo and demanded the ouster of all corrupt governmental officials – and they succeeded. It took them two tries, but they eventually succeed. You've probably heard of the patriotic group called the Oath Keepers. This group consists primarily of military veterans, law enforcement officers and others who have sworn an oath before the Almighty which states, in part, "…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God". There is no expiration date. You may be familiar with another "sister" organization of the "Oath Keepers" called the "Three Percenters". Their name derives from the fact that, during the Revolutionary War, only about 3% of the colonists were willing to go up against the greatest military power in the world. The other 97% went about their daily lives, drank ale and watched to see who would win. When it was announced that America had won her independence from Great Britain, suddenly the numbers of "patriots" swelled exponentially. So an historical fact is supported by several well-designed and well-executed University studies, and vice versa. By now, almost everyone is familiar with the expression, "Freedom is not free", and it is not. One visit to Arlington or any other national cemetery or veterans memorials will bear this out. I am not advocating violence or a second civil war. However, it takes two parties to reach that decision. I hope and pray that we are wrong when we say that "most Americans are asleep", i.e., they are unaware of the realities that surround and affect them, some profoundly. And I cannot bear to think that our nation's current population lacks the courage, selflessness and determination to fight to preserve a Nation that we profess to love. Recall that there is no other nation on earth that has a Constitution and a Bill of Rights such as ours nor the freedoms that we, until recently, have enjoyed. To me, there is no alternative available to us. I will not disavow my faith, I will not break my oath. At the same time, I have no illusions about the fact that, if we cherish what we have, and will not live under tyranny or forego our own personal religious beliefs in favor of worshiping Lucifer, then there may be no alternative to an armed confrontation. That concerns me deeply, but it does not paralyze me. I've been there before. While serving in Vietnam, I freely admit that I was scared most of the time, both for my own safety and that of my men. I'm sure the same was true of my troops. However, we did not allow that fear to immobilize us, mentally or physically. We followed orders, did what seemed appropriate to do and covered each others backside. We were not heroes. The Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen who fell, were captured or were designated as MIA were the true heroes. This is not about me or my lovely wife, our daughter and son-in-law and a brand new grandson. This is not even about my home state or the United States of America. This is about an unbelievably evil scheme to create a New World Order, the same phrase used by Adolf Hitler in "Mein Kampf". So, historically that idea and that phrase are not new. Right at this time, all but 132 countries have pledged their allegiance to the NWO. Putin claims to remain independent of the NWO, however has has conspired with Obama to place his "special forces" and other foreign troops at American military bases for the express purpose of forcibly collecting, transporting and confining (if not executing) American citizens. If history repeats itself, it is only a matter of time before those 132 small countries that currently wish to remain apart from the NWO does not decrease with time.

Some reasonable objectives might include the removal of the Obamas from our White House, removal of all senators and representatives from Congress, placing a term limit of one term on all elected officials (i.e. no "career politicians), locking and, if necessary, guarding entrances to their buildings and offices. The same would apply to our "bought and paid for" justices of the federal court system starting with the Supreme Court, revamping a grossly unjust criminal justice system (in which private companies have contracted with federal and state governments to provide guards and other prison personnel). At the same time, these "prison personnel providers" lobby legislators conscientiously to enact more and more stringent laws in order to incarcerate more Americans which, of course, establishes the need to construct additional prisons, a project that I think Vice-President Cheney and Halliburton would be more than glad to undertake, complete with their inflated billing to the government. After all, Halliburton built or re-vamped all of the over 800 FEMA detention centers. In some cases, legislators allow lobbyists to actually write the bills or acts that "our" elected legislators and representatives are paid to write. All they do is vote on them likely with their passage a foregone conclusion. Again, removal of several infamous "alphabet agencies" starting with DHS followed closely by the NSA would seem appropriate. The process will not be as uncomplicated as it was in 1776. That does not mean that, as a group of Americans with a common purpose and common goals, we cannot accomplish what we set our hearts and minds to do.

At the same time, elimination of the out-of-control "3 letter" agencies would seem altogether appropriate, including dismantling the NSA and, if the people feel it is needed, revamping the CIA. It is, or should be, a well known fact that every state and federal representative and senator is, in fact, a corporation thanks to the efforts of armies of attorneys. Judges and prosecuting attorneys exist principally to convict private citizens while exonerating corporations for illegal activities. Most police officers are minions of the judges and prosecuting attorneys. All of these people are bonded, a fact which is held in strict confidence for obvious reasons. If, for example, a police officer loses his or her bond for misconduct, not adhering to his or her oath, etc., he or she will never work in law enforcement again because in order to do that, one must be bonded. Following "house-cleaning" at both federal and state levels, authentic special elections could be scheduled in which the popular vote is the only vote that determines the outcomes. No "delegates" and no "super-delegates" or other groups to obfuscate the true results of the popular vote.


President Eisenhower's stern warnings of the military/industrial complex have been completely ignored by American citizens.

As early as the 1950s, President Eisenhower warned Americans of the potential dangers of what he termed the "military-industrial" complex.

Not long before his assassination, President Kennedy issued a similar warning about the "government-military-industrial" complex, and the dangers of secret societies in relation to government. At the time of President Kennedy's death, lots of theories were expressed: it was the mafia, the Cubans, etc. Now, in light of what is, and has been  going on in America for decades, I no longer believe that any of those theiries is accurate. Today, we can name several of these "secret societies": the "Skull and Bones" fraternity for male college seniors at Yale University, the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, the "elites", etc.). By not remaining active in local, state and federal politics and government through preoccupation with education, work, raising a family, computers and computer games, Netflix and the pursuit of other pleasures, we have unintentionally handed over the reins of government to individuals who were only too glad to take them. It is, to me, understandable that the pursuit of hobbies, interests and other things that give pleasure is natural living in a free society. However, I think we neglected one very important and necessary activity. What we failed to realize was (1) somewhere in that list of daily activities, we should have made time for and included attendance at city council or county board of commissioners' meetings, and (2) the reins we were handing over were those given to us originally by our Nation's founding fathers. Thousands upon thousands of mostly young men, with the vast majority with their lives before them, shed their blood, suffered in unimaginable ways, returned home with mental and/or physical handicaps or died in the field trusting that they were dying for a nation worthy of their sacrifices. As both a former Vietnam combat veteran and a therapist and consultant in rehabilitation at several V.A. medical centers, I have some idea of what I am writing about. Many of these young men had never known a woman, never completed their educations, never experienced the joys of marriage or parenthood, never achieved the high point of their careers. They took no vacations, and they enjoyed no retirement years. And we continue to send our young men and women to foreign lands to be wounded or killed when, in actuality, we have no good reason to either have a military presence in that country, interfere with its customs, traditions or religion or jeopardize the safety of our men and women. To me, this is political gamesmanship of the worst order: gambling with human lives. The sad truth is, we did not uphold our part of the bargain; we let our wounded and killed troops down and, unless we act swiftly and decisively, they will all have suffered and died in vein. If you have ever seen the monument to all Marines in Arlington, Virginia serving as a constant reminder of their perseverance and bravery in Iwo Jima located near the back entrance to Arlington National Cemetery or visited the Cemetery and the monuments that honor fallen soldiers from WW-I, WW-II and Vietnam, I feel certain you understand what I am talking about. If those are just monuments to you, I think you should ask yourself exactly what it is you mean by the word "just". 

Behavioral scientists (psychologists, psychiatrists, social psychologists, etc.) tend to agree that approximately 14% of the American population suffer from mental disorders that, while lacking in obvious, unusual or overt symptoms, compel them nonetheless to secretly gravitate toward positions of power and authority over others. How many positions in governments at all levels, from the "cop on the beat" to the POTUS can you think of who could easily fit into this category? Today, we are certainly seeing it in law enforcement circles with the unprecedented number of murders of children, teens and adults by those who have sworn to "protect and defend" us, and sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution when effective, non-lethal means of arrest or apprehension were not, but could have been, used. In many cases, these victims are unarmed. Somehow, these officers are receiving the message, overtly or tacitly, that it is alright to shoot defenseless Americans with little or no provocation or justification. Often, officers involved in these tragic contacts fabricate untruths to avoid punishment. The murder of 19 year-old Zachary Hammond in South Caroline several months ago, along with others, provides an excellent case in point. When will we reach the point at which we agree that, not only Black lives matter, but that all lives matter?

I thought it was interesting to view a videotape provided by a life-long friend, a young attorney turned FBI agent. He eventually served as the SAC or Special Agent in Charge of the southeast region. He reminded me (again): "Never speak with police without your attorney present, no matter how friendly they may seem. Their job is to put you away. If you say you left a restaurant at "about 9:00 p.m." and you were seen leaving at 9:20 p.m., then you have just been caught in a lie. Lying to a federal officer is, in itself, a federal offense. He reminded me of the first sentence of the Miranda Rights: "You have the right to remain silent". An interesting example of police "overreach" took place in this mall where three adult customers were talking. A young "mall cop" approached them. He appeared to be about 19 or 20 years old. His unusually large abdomen protruded over his belt and trousers. No doubt flexing his muscles, he told the group of adults that they would have to disperse, or he would call the police on them. The looks on the faces of the adults were those of incredulity. The mall cop asked them what they were talking about. As it turned out, they attended the same church and were discussing church related matters. The foolish, naive mall cop obviously could not think of anything to say, so he asked, "Do you go to Sunday School every Sunday?" In actuality, this mall cop had no probable cause and no expectation that these people had committed a crime. Even if he had full legal authority, he would have been unable to detain them. As a final parting shot, the young would-be cop told the group that, if they did not leave, he would call the police (calling in back up for a major crime, I suppose, like on television). The people did not leave, and the mall cop eventually drifted away. One of the 14%ers?

As the Lt. Col. mentioned above stated, "…the fuse is very short". Time is clearly not on our side. I hope you will find an area in which you feel that you can be most effective in changing what appears to be an unwavering period of history for America – for her citizens, patriots, veterans, patriotic law enforcement officers and military personnel and, perhaps most importantly of all, our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans.


The majority have, unfortunately, never attempted to investigate what really happened on 9/11/01

Beginning with the travesty of 9/11 which many, including myself, believe did not involve passenger aircraft and were not perpetrated by "foreign terrorists" (I recognize the right-hand underside of the fuselage of an American military aircraft when I see one) a series of events have occurred in our Country by our President and other heads of federal agencies to use a "bait and switch" technique on all of us. We were told, initially, that all of the dramatic measures that were being taken were for "our protection" from foreign terrorist attacks. While not an historian, I know a little about Adolf Hitler and Germany in the 1930s. The creation of DHS frightened me – literally. To me, it reminded me of the infamous Nazi "brown shirts" who then, after "the night of the long knives", became the "black shirts" and ultimately Heinrich Himmler's infamous Schutzstaffel or SS and Gestapo. DHS was another layer of "protection and control" which we were not asked to vote on and even when there seemed to be no legitimate need for it, it suddenly appeared – and no one questioned it, or demanded to know how or why it was created. Now, of course, we know. DHS quickly became involved in a whole lot more than providing protection from terrorists. Soon, a new DHS agency, the Federal Protection Service appeared on the scene. Then our airports became filled with TSA (DHS) personnel. If you look at a federal organization chart, you will notice immediately that DHS has purview over the FBI, DEA, BATFE, FCC and a host of other federal agencies. DHS has even written new rules and regulations which are supposed to govern how amateur radio emergency communications can function, but which cannot be followed because of their author's ignorance of radio communications. We do not need the superfluous, duplicitous DHS, but we have it. FEMA, a subdivision of DHS, has responsibility for control of American citizens in the (likely) event that Martial Law is declared. Then came the "Patriot Act" followed not long after by the "National Defense Authorization Act". If you read them, these "acts", advertised as steps to protect us from foreign terrorists, do nothing of the kind. What they do is widen the net of people who can be considered or suspected of being terrorists. More than that, they revoked fundamental rights that made America what it is, rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So now, we the people, are the terrorists – domestic terrorists. We are "domestic terrorists" in the eyes of Obama and his minions, the illuminati, the U.N. and the New World Order. Even though we have committed no crimes, we are to be arrested, detained indefinitely at a FEMA camp and, depending upon which list our name appears, either re-educated or executed. Even a blind person can see that Obama, et al. are slowly but surely chipping away at our Constitution and Bill of Rights. To these people, these documents and, more importantly, the ideas that they contain, are a major threat to the NWO and must be destroyed.

In the military, each individual is assigned a job, called an "MOS" (military occupational specialty). The U.S. Army has recently started advertising to recruit individuals to fill a new MOS: 31E. This MOS is described as an "internment/re-settlement specialist". You may be interested in perusing a couple of Army training manuals that were leaked about a year ago. They're available on the internet. They are 3-19-40 and 3-39-40. The first is written for Military Police; the second for detention center personnel. Note the dates of publication on both of these manuals. Manual 3-39-40 discusses the classification of detainees. Physicians and clergymen or women will receive somewhat preferential treatment compared to the rest of the detainees. However, "preaching" or "teaching" by ministers or rabbis will not be permitted. All will be expected to work without pay.  


Citizens of the United States have so far largely ignored their own government's preparations for total collapse.

DHS has purchased and/or ordered nearly two billion rounds of ammunition. The DHS' story is that these cartridges are for "target practice". The only problem with that little untruth is that the ammunition they have purchased uses a special kind of bullet (the part that leaves the gun). It is known as a "hollow point". Hollow point bullets have an opening in the center of the top of the bullet. It's purpose is to allow the bullet to expand upon contact with tissue, muscle, bone, etc. This not only increases wound size, but it increases hemorrhaging at the wound site as well. "Hollow point" bullets are not used for "target practice". These are unquestionably anti-personnel bullets designed with the intent to kill. These are not new. They are still not permitted under the terms of the Geneva convention. Target ammunition is much less expensive. It typically has a round or slightly pointed, solid surface. To punch a clean hole in a paper target, a variation of a target bullet involves one that has a smaller diameter, blunt tip with a small flange that runs around the circumference of the bullet about half way down it's length. The idea is that as this bullet passes through a paper target, it acts much like a paper punch and cuts a clean, round hole to facilitate accurate scoring. These target bullets are referred to as "wad cutters" or "semi-wad cutters". This information, coupled with the fact that DHS is supplying guns and ammunition to the Postal Service, Social Security offices, IRS offices and other federal agency offices frequented by the public suggests a more sinister purpose for the purchase of "hollow point" bullets beside "target practice". This is enough ammunition to kill every American man, woman and child 6 times. Most of us, whether we fly or not, are becoming increasingly aware of the change in the attitude and aggressiveness of DHS' TSA agents as they view and "pat down" passengers. According to one report from another federal investigative agency, the names of 82 DHS employees were identified on their own "no fly" list of suspected terrorists. How is that for accurate and effective vetting?

The next time you are driving in a heavily traveled part of your city's downtown area, look at the tops of electric traffic signals. Do you see a tube facing in your direction of travel? This is a forward viewing camera and it is intended to capture a frontal view of you and your vehicle.

The meteorological tampering being effected by our military is but one portion of a much larger plan in which most Americans are not expected to survive. Because of its cost effectiveness, leaders at the U.N. and the "New World Order" have decided that the use of deadly biological agents and starvation are the two most cost effective approaches to depopulation. You may be familiar with the results of studies by various Universities and medical schools with respect to the "medicines" used in commonly administered "flu" shots. One component that I recall is mercury. Ask you favorite neurosurgeon or neurologist about the effects of (1) the contents of "chemtrails" and (2) mercury on the brain, particularly the developing brain, and nervous system. I would also encourage you to learn about the elemental, chemical and biological contents of the tons of material that have been blanketing our Country for several years. I promise you it will be an "eye opener".

God bless you and yours, and God bless America. Yours in liberty, Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D., Commander, NECN

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Irrefutable Film Footage Of Climate Engineering Aerosol Spraying


The geoengineers continue to ramp up their ongoing aerial bombardment of planet Earth. In order to wake up the sleeping masses to the war being waged against them in skies around the globe, visual proof is essential. Numerous forms of jet aerosol dispersions have been captured on film which inarguably reveal that elements are in fact being sprayed into the atmosphere. Footage of "on and off" dispersions from jet aircraft at cruising altitudes prove that what we are seeing is NOT CONDENSATION. ALL commercial flight carriers and ALL military tankers are equipped with a "high bypass turbofan jet engine". This type of jet engine is essentially a jet powered fan and is thus, by design, nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. Even then, only a short, very rapidly dissipating, trail could ever be produced from a "high bypass" jet engine due to its design characteristics. The 2 minute video below is exceptional and inarguable up-close film footage of an aerosol spraying assault. We must all make our voices heard in the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Awareness, The Skeptics Are Now Waking Up


"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win". These words of profound wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi should be kept in the front of our minds as we march forward in the battle to expose and halt the greatest single environmental assault ever launched by the human race. The geoengineering elephant in the sky is now becoming impossible to ignore even for circles that have formerly stayed well away from the critical subject of climate engineering and the threat it poses to us all. The comprehensive article below (which was just posted by "Stress Free Attorney USA") is further proof that a critical mass of weather warfare awareness is growing by the day. The geoengineering atrocities must be exposed and halted, this battle belongs to us all.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering, It Is Real


By David Mispilkin

I have been noticing unnatural things happening in my local sky and am aware that everyone around me is ignoring what is happening right above them.

I first noticed that some days will be perfectly clear and then other days will be filled with planes leaving trails of smoke that then create wide “cloudy like trails” that do not go away.  I asked myself how come these lines, trails, cloudy trails can’t be seen every day. Is it that planes just don’t fly on certain days? No this can’t be because planes fly specific routes each and everyday without fail. The only times they are rerouted is when weather related problems arise.

So why am I seeing clear skies for several days and followed by a couple days with major trails that spread out in various grids and angles. These trails mostly block the sun and are always easy to see.


Local chemtrails exposed in Foxboro, MA

The T.V. media and other outlets will have you understand these are “Contrails” and perhaps you will do a little digging online and find “GEO ENGINEERING” come up and be lead to believe it is a legit program that is saving our planet. This could not be farther from the truth.

I ask those of you in the Foxboro, MA. (Patriots country) to take note of your skies and get a little educated on what Chemtrails are.  After you do some research it becomes clear as to what is happening right over our heads.  A great place to start would be Dane Wigington’s He has done years of research and is a hero in that he keeps moving forward even with the media’s lock on the American people.

I feel people are so addicted to television that it is clear that T.V. is the key activation. If you shut off T.V. you start to figure things out faster. What is happening in our skies is sinister and deserves more exposure than it gets currently. If someone can tell me what these lines are doing and why on some days planes do not fly at all, then I am all ears. I am not pushing this onto anyone as I am just expressing concern. ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, runaway flu outbreaks, sleeplessness, headaches etc. are accepted as atypical and normal. These are clues telling us to start  looking for real answers instead of waiting for the cause to be broadcasted by the so-called media. We will never learn the truth unless we help find the truth. It will take each and every person do to do his or her part at exposing truth.

We cannot wait anymore because chemtrails have been happening for many years and these so-called diseases will just be getting worse. Listen to this interview with Dane Wigington, Leader in the fight against Geo Engineering.

David M.
North Attleboro, MA.

Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider


The interview transcript  below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago, but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of government scientists. They are all "compartmentalized", they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious.


They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man's right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an insider's perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? To restate for the record, though the scientist in the interview below has chosen to believe that the climate engineering insanity is for the overall greater good, front line data completely refutes any such conclusion. Geoengineering operations are further fueling the biosphere implosion, not mitigating it.  All are needed to stand and make their voice heard for the greater good. What will you do?
Dane Wigington

International “Eluxe Magazine” Makes Their Voice Heard On The Geoengineering Threat


We can now add yet another source to the growing list of important publications that have already spoken out about the critical climate engineering issue, "Eluxe Magazine". Below is an excerpt from their impressive "about" section.

Eluxe Magazine is the world’s first ever publication fully dedicated to sustainable luxury. We’re a quarterly published paper magazine and a digital publication based in London and Paris, dedicated to showcasing luxury brands that demonstrate a strong commitment to good ethics and environmental sustainability.  We determine the sustainability of a brand on several factors, including whether it:

  • Uses organic, biodegradable, recycled or renewable materials
  • Traces the environmental accountability of the product throughout the supply chain
  • Follows a strict Corporate Sustainability Policy, with transparent annual reports.
  • Uses recyclable, recycled or no packaging
  • Creates a product whose consumption can greatly reduce the owner’s environmental impact

Other publications that have already done their part to sound the alarm on atmospheric spraying atrocities are SOCO magazine and National Health Freedom magazine. The wave of awareness and outrage is building very rapidly as people around the globe wake up to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent. Momentum is growing exponentially in the most critical battle of all, the fight to take back our skies from the grip of the collective insanity that has all but decimated our planet. We must all keep marching forward in this battle with all the strength and speed we can manage, every day counts. My most sincere thanks to Eluxe Magazine for solidly joining us in all important effort to expose global climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Troubled Skies: The Environmental And Health Dangers Of Geoengineering With Dane Wigington


Source: Global Freedom Movement Media | (Episode 56, GFM Media)

Attention: the skies, the soil, and the waters are being poisoned from above, and we are bringing you the leading authority on this “geoengineering” disaster: powerhouse researcher and educator Dane Wigington.

  • What in the world are they spraying?

  • Why in the world are they spraying?

  • Who in the world (or from off it) is behind this?

  • What is the long-range agenda?

  • Why are “they” destroying the very ecology that we ALL need to survive?

  • Why are soils acidifying for no apparent reason?

  • Why are animals vacating significant tracts of land for no reason connected to nature?

  • Why are “we” microwaving parts of the ionosphere?

  • What are the effects of the above actions?

  • Will we wake up in time to stop this madness?

“The Guardian” Addresses Geoengineering And The California Drought


The avalanche of awakening to the climate engineering insanity is beginning, all of us are needed to continue fueling the fire. By working together we have elevated the geoengineering issue to the point that it is becoming too big to hide. More and more mainstream sources are now compelled to address the issue in the attempt to do damage control. Such attempts will only have the effect of triggering an even more rapidly growing awareness and that is exactly what is happening. The new article below from The Guardian is yet another leap forward in the battle to fully expose climate engineering to the masses. At this critical crossroad it is imperative for all of us involved in this fight to help sound the alarm by sticking to the hard science data and terms. Credibility must be maintained in order for us to continue gaining the traction we desperately need in this all important battle.
Dane Wigington


CBS News Covers Climate Engineering


Though Northern California's ABC station (KQMS Channel 7) and Northern California's primary newspaper (Record Searchlight) blacklisted any coverage of the recent major climate engineering awareness event in Redding California. CBS (to their credit) came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event. Corporate media, of course, does their best to spin and marginalize the geoengineering reality (as they are paid and told to do), the story is still getting out and that is what matters. A 6 minute video and article from CBS news is below. My comments on their article coverage are highlighted in red and placed within the context of the written transcript. I have also listed 4 contact links at the very bottom of this article, which I hope all will utilize in order to express their views on the biased coverage (or lack of coverage) given to the critical climate engineering issue. Two of these links are for the two media outlets that boycotted the important Northern California anti-geoengineering awareness event with 1000 in attendance. The CBS Sacramento link is also included, as is the direct contact for the "scientist" CBS interviewed who did what he is paid to do, lie about and marginalize a completely science based issue. If you choose to message those on the contact list, a non-threatening and articulate manner will best serve our cause. Making our voices heard by those on this list is essential.
Dane Wigington


New Science Study Confirms Contamination From Climate Engineering Assault


The "International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health" has just published an in depth research report from Dr. Marvin Herndon that directly implicates the use of highly toxic coal fly ash with 99% certainty as base material in the ongoing climate engineering programs. Why would such a material be utilized for climate engineering? Because coal ash is light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods. Additionally, it would give the climate engineers a form of plausible denial in regard to the source of materials raining down on us. Using a refined form of coal ash as a base material for climate engineering would also effectively disposes of the extremely fine coal ash particles in the process which has always been a problem for the industry.

To match Interview POLAND-BELCHATOW/

 Poland’s Belchatow Power Station, pictured here, is the European Union’s most polluting coal-fired power station

The curtain of lethal deception continues to be pulled back exposing the total tyranny of those in power. While they claim to be attempting to clean up our air, all available evidence makes clear the fact that highly toxic materials have been intentionally and continuously sprayed into our atmosphere as part of the ongoing climate engineering experimentation programs. The newly published study below is a very important breakthrough in the ongoing effort to expose the weather warfare assault on humanity. It is a huge addition to reports already posted on by Dr. Herndon. My sincere thanks to Dr.Herndon for his valuable efforts in this critical battle for life on Earth.
Dane Wigington


Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015 / Published: 11 August, 2015


The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.


Geoengineering; coal fly ash; aerosol particulates; chemtrails; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); neurological disorders; chemically mobile aluminum.

1. Introduction

The interplay of political, military, and commercial interests during World War II led to the development and grand-scale deployment of a host of herbicides and pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). In her 1962 book Silent Spring [1] Rachel Carson called attention to the unintended consequences of herbicide and pesticide use, and launched the modern environmental movement. Half a century later there is growing evidence of a grave new and persistent global environmental health threat, again fomented by the interplay of political, military, and commercial interests. To date this new threat, posed by widespread, intentional tropospheric aerosol-particulate emplacement, has gone unremarked in the scientific literature for more than one decade. Here, based upon original research, the author discloses substantial evidence as to the identification and nature of the specific particulate substance involved and begins to describe the extent of this global public health and environmental threat.

Recently there have been calls in both the popular and scientific press to begin discussions about the possibility of engaging in future stratospheric geoengineering experiments to counter global warming [2,3]. Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere. The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world’s military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming [4]. Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s effort to engineer “the rivers of the sky”; the U.S. Army’s Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to “make mud, not war” over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, “a force multiplier” [5].

In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there. The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti. In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish (Figure 1). Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day. The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth’s biota to the fine-grained substance. The author’s concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here.

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Figure 1. Composite of four images of the blue sky over San Diego taken on cloudless days showing various instances of the on-going daily tanker-jet spraying of ultrafine-particulates into the troposphere. Upper Left: Spraying just started. Note that one tanker-jet turned off the spray in mid-flight. The “clouds” are dispersed particulates; Lower Right: Overcast “clouds” produced by intense tanker-jet emplacement of particulates.

Since the beginning of the 21st century there have been numerous observations of tanker-jet aerosol particulate spraying. Sometimes samples of rainwater, soil, and other residue were collected by concerned citizens and sent to commercial certified laboratories to be analyzed, although without an understanding of what tests should be made. The composition of the aerosolized particulate matter has been a tightly held secret. In the face of this unknown, there has been much sincere speculation in books and on the Internet, but also disinformation, attempts to convince the public that the particulate trails are nothing more than ice crystals formed from jet exhaust, and to pin on concerned citizens the pejorative moniker “conspiracy theorists”.

From the variety of observations reported in books and on the Internet, one might reasonably conclude that, at least during the early years, various weather-modification experiments were undertaken. But as indicated by photographic data and chemical analyses of post-spraying rainwater, one particular methodology was developed that ultimately was observed by the author to be operational on a daily basis in the skies over San Diego, and reportedly is now operational over much of the United States and in a number of foreign countries as well [6]. Beside the observational commonality, post-spraying rainwater was frequently found to contain aluminum and barium, two elements usually not present in naturally-occurring rainwater; sometimes strontium, a third element, was included in the tests and determined to be present [7]. The presence of strontium together with barium suggests that the undisclosed particulate matter is derived from a natural product, because alkaline earth elements, Group II on the Periodic Table, behave similarly and are often found together in nature. For example, cement contains calcium and often contains some strontium as well. That bit of insight evoked further considerations related to the potential costs and logistics of annually producing millions of tons of the undisclosed particulate matter and doing so out of public view.

Industrial coal burning produces four types of coal combustion residuals (CCRs): fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization product (FGDP), i.e., gypsum. Bottom ash is heavy and settles out; coal fly ash, on the other hand, is comprised of micron and sub-micron particles that would go up the smokestack unless captured and stored. Because of its well-known adverse environmental health effects, Western nations now mandate that coal combustion fly ash is to be captured and stored [8,9]. Representatives of coal burning utilities and their trade organizations actively promote commercial applications for coal fly ash, which, to name a few, include uses as additives to Portland cement, agricultural soil amendments, replacement for compacted backfills, mine reclamation, melting river ice, and as subsurface for roads. Some applications pose potential environmental health risks in the short term and/or in the long term as coal fly ash is a concentrated repository for many of the trace elements that were trapped in coal during its formation, including, but not limited to, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thorium, vanadium and uranium. 

Although seemingly unacknowledged in publicly accessible reports and in scientific literature as a potential material for geoengineering, coal fly ash is one major global waste product stream with the appropriate grain-size distribution for aerosolized tropospheric spraying that is readily available at extremely low cost and with existent processing and transport infrastructure. The author submits the following hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

The objectives of the research are to provide substantial scientific evidence as to the correctness of the hypothesis, namely, that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and to reveal some of the adverse human public health consequences and the antagonistic consequences on Earth’s environment and biota.

2. Experimental Section

The methodology is two-fold: (1) Compare element ratios analyzed in rainwater, which were leached in the atmosphere from aerosolized particulates, with the corresponding element ratios that were extracted from coal fly ash into water in laboratory leaching experiments; and, (2) Compare the element ratios analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a HEPA filter with corresponding element ratios analyzed in coal fly ash material.

One of the reasons coal fly ash is sequestered, usually in lined ponds, is that a variety of toxic chemical elements are readily extracted by water, including but not limited to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, thallium, lead, mercury and uranium. Scientists have conducted leaching experiments on coal fly ash samples, but none of the various investigations appear to be as thorough as that of Moreno et al.[10]. They obtained coal fly ash samples from 23 different European sources (from Spain, The Netherlands, Italy and Greece) which they analyzed for 33 chemical elements. They leached 100 grams of each coal fly ash sample with one liter of distilled water for twenty four hours, and then determined the concentrations of 38 elements in the leachate, the water-extract, from each experiment. Although there were some variations observed in the pre-leach coal fly ash chemical compositions and in the relative proportion of extracted elements in the leachate and variations in the resulting pH, the overall pattern of leachate elements was remarkably consistent among the different fly ash sources. Table 1 summarizes the average values for European coal fly ash pre-leach compositions and the average values of leachate chemical compositions that include those used in the present investigation.

Click image to enlarge

Table 1. Average chemical composition of the 23 un-leached and leached (leachate) European coal fly ash samples from Moreno et al.

With its normally limited natural cloud cover San Diego is ideal for observing tanker-jet dispersal of ultra-fine particulates. Because the city lacks heavy industries and their particulate pollution, it is an ideal environment to ascertain by rainwater measurement the nature of the specific particulates being sprayed which are leached by rainwater. The author personally collected rainwater samples for chemical analysis and compared those data to corresponding average values of experimental leachate chemical analyses [10], which as shown below provides a firm basis for identifying the particulate substance being emplaced as an aerosol in the troposphere as coal fly ash. Because of persistent spraying, rainwater devoid of spray contamination was not available.

For three months during a period of intense aerial spraying in 2011, an individual in Los Angeles, California captured and had analyzed outdoor air-borne particulates.The results were posted on the Internet [11]; subsequently the author obtained the analytical laboratory report. The requested analyses returned results for aluminum, barium and twelve trace elements. But the meaning of the data was not clear at the time. Comparison of those data with corresponding pre-leach average coal fly ash chemical analyses (Table 1), as shown below, further reinforces the correctness of identifying the particulate substance as coal fly ash that is being sprayed into the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering.

3. Results and Discussion

The average elemental composition of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash leach studied by Moreno et al. [10], presented as ratios relative to aluminum, is shown in Figure 2 as a function of Atomic Number. Normalization to one common element, in this case aluminum, makes comparisons possible when total mass or total volume is not available. In this plot, the less abundant leachate element ratios are not shown. Note that aluminum (Atomic Number 13), strontium (38), and barium (56), elements which are sometimes determined in post-spraying rainwater, are relatively abundant.

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Figure 2. The average leachate chemical concentration of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash (Table 1) studied by [10], normalized to aluminum so as to facilitate comparison with analyzed post-aerosol-spraying rainwater. Elements of lower concentration are not shown. Red leachate elements correspond to those measured in San Diego rainwater (Figure 3), from left to right, Boron, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Strontium and Barium.

Two commercial state-of-California certified laboratories, Babcock Laboratories, Inc. and Basic Laboratory, were engaged for the San Diego rainwater analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Their analytical results were consistent to within 2%–10%. Figure 3 shows concentrations of 8 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with corresponding element ratios in the [10] water-extract of coal fly ash leaching experiments (Table 1).

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Figure 3. The chemical concentrations of 8 elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with similar average element ratios in the leachate of coal fly ash from Figure 1. This figure shows that post-spraying rainwater leached the same elements, in similar proportions, to the elements leached from coal fly ash in laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 8-element ratios of the San Diego rainwater extract of the tropospheric-emplaced particulate matter match element-by-element the laboratory water extract of coal fly ash within the range of observations. Said another way, the tropospheric-emplaced matter has the same water-leach characteristics as coal fly ash for at least eight elements, which is indeed strong evidence of the identification of the aerosolized substance as coal fly ash. For any indicated element the difference between the rainwater extract and average experimental coal fly ash element extract is less than the differences observed between the element extracted experimentally from the various coal fly ash sources [10]. 

Without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). Furthermore, the 8-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 3 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties and thus provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

One limitation in the use of commercial laboratories is in their limits of detection for some elements. Note from Figure 2 that the experimental coal fly ash leachate element ratios span six orders of magnitude. When academic research laboratories, with their high sensitivity capabilities, hopefully repeat the post-spray rainwater measurements, additional “matched pairs” for other elements will doubtlessly be added to the coal fly ash “fingerprint” presented in Figure 3.

For about fifteen years concerned individuals have sampled water, soil, and other materials in attempt to learn what is being sprayed into the atmosphere. From 15 May 2011 through 15 August 2011, a period intense tanker-jet spraying, an individual in Los Angeles, California operated a Honeywell model HHT081 HEPA Filter in her backyard in the vicinity of Olympic and La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90035. Samples were collected and then transferred via chain-of-custody to American Scientific Laboratory, a state-of-California certified laboratory for analysis of aluminum, barium, and twelve trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 

Figure 4 shows concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash data (Table 1) from [10].

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Figure 4. The chemical concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash (Table 1) data from [10]. This figure shows the 14 elements measured in the collected filter dust occur in the same relative proportions as similar elements in un-leached coal fly ash from published laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 14-element ratios of the HEPA dust match well the corresponding average chemical element ratios of un-leached coal fly ash. As with Figure 3 data, without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average coal fly ash have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). 

Coal fly ash from difference sources vary somewhat in their relative proportions of chemical elements. Figure 5, a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10], provides an indication of the range of variation in the coal fly ash material from different sources. Significantly, for any indicated element ratio in Figure 4, the difference between HEPA dust material and average coal fly ash composition is generally less than the extremes observed between high and low values of the various coal fly ash sources shown in Figure 5. Furthermore, the 14-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 4 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties, implying a unique process, and thus further provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

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Figure 5. This figure is a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10]. It provides an indication of the range of variation in un-leached coal fly ash material from different sources. This natural variation in coal fly ash elemental compositions may help to explain the variations observed in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Reliable observers have reported tropospheric aerosol emplacement since the late 1990s. In the early phases of the program one might suspect that a variety of substances were tried. At what point was coal fly ash chosen as the preferred substance? In the past, one of the great uncertainties about analyzing post-aerosol rainwater has been which elements to measure. Aluminum was commonly measured, while barium and strontium were sometimes measured; other chemical elements were rarely measured. As aluminum, barium and strontium are prominent water-extracts of coal fly ash, their presence in post-aerosol rainwater might be taken as a 3-element fingerprint of aerosolized coal fly ash, albeit with much less certainty than the 8-element fingerprint shown in Figure 3. Based upon the 3-element fingerprint, with its limited certainty, the year 2002 is the earliest data found to date showing simultaneous measurement of these three elements in post-aerosol rainwater [12]. Within that certainty-limitation, the 3-element fingerprint in post-spraying rainwater measurements indicates the global extent of tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash dispersing: such measurements have been made in the United States, Canada, France, Portugal, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Further, this list is unlikely to be exhaustive. The global extent of tropospheric coal fly ash emplacement is inferred from rainwater analyses reporting the three elements (aluminum, barium and strontium) that are prominent in the leachate of laboratory coal fly ash water-leach experiments.

The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.

The rainwater and dust sample collection, in San Diego and Los Angeles, respectively, took place in areas far removed from aerosol-polluting heavy industries under circumstances of intense and persistent aerial spraying of fine grain particulates that left a white haze in the sky. The tropospheric lifetime of the particulates was sufficiently short as to necessitate near-daily spraying, which is an argument against the collected samples originating far away, such as from China due to the global movement of weather. Whereas the “fingerprint” evidence is compelling, strongly suggesting identical processes/materials, additional investigations should be undertaken and, indeed, are being planned.

Off the coast of Southern California individuals have observed tanker jets “dumping” massive quantities of particulate matter in relatively short bursts, colloquially called “bombs”, which disperse significantly before prevailing winds bring the matter to the coast line. One plan under consideration is to use aircraft to capture in flight some of the concentrated material, which would then be analyzed physically and chemically, and as well be subjected to leaching experiments. 

In the 1970s acid rain [13] liberated aluminum in a chemically mobile form from otherwise inert sources, such as mine tailings, that posed an environmental health threat to a host of organisms [14,15]. Forest die-offs, reduced survival or impaired reproduction of aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians were directly connected to aluminum toxicity, while indirect effects on birds and mammals were also identified [16]. Tropospheric aerosolized coal fly ash poses a similar environmental health threat without necessarily requiring an acid environment. In the experiments by Moreno et al. [10], distilled water led to aluminum extraction while other chemical reactions yielded leachate pH values in the range 6.2–12.5. The pH of post-spraying rainwater is a function of the composition of the coal fly ash and the degree of its equilibration with atmospheric water. Natural rainwater has an acidic pH of about 5.7 due to interaction with atmospheric CO2 [17]. The pH of the analyzed post-spraying San Diego rainwater was 5.2 whereas in instances elsewhere it has been observed as high as 6.8.

Long exposure to air pollution particulates, not necessarily coal fly ash, in sizes ≤ 2.5µm (PM2.5) is associated with morbidity and premature mortality [18,19]. One may therefore reasonably conclude that aerosolized coal fly ash, at least the PM2.5 component, is detrimental to human health.

The ultra-fine particles of aerosolized coal fly ash do not remain at tanker-jet operational altitudes: they mix with and pollute the air people breathe. Tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash can potentially endanger humans through two primary routes: (1) ingestion of rainwater-extract of coal fly ash toxins, directly or after concentration by evaporation and (2) particulate intake through inhalation or through contact with the eyes or skin [20]. In the latter instance, harm to humans can arise from in situ body-fluid extraction of coal fly ash toxins [21] as well as from the consequences of tissue contact [22]. Coal fly ash that is PM2.5is readily entrained in terminal airways and alveoli and retained in the lungs for long periods of time; the small grain size enables it to penetrate and reach deep within the airways where it can cause inflammation and pulmonary injury [23].

Coal fly ash contains a host of potentially leachable toxins, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium (III), chromium (IV), cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, strontium, thallium, thorium, and uranium. Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste [24]. Moreover, many of the most toxic elements are enriched in the PM2.5 component of coal fly ash [25]. Whether or not the coal fly ash used for geoengineering is selectively enriched in PM2.5is not known, but enrichment in the small particle size fraction would be advantageous in yielding greater surface area for sunlight reflection.

The extent of adverse health consequences from aerosolized coal fly ash depends on a variety of factors including age, physical condition, individual susceptibility, concentration and exposure duration. Moreover, some toxic elements from tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash, in addition to direct bodily input by inhalation or transdermal infusion, may be concentrated by processes in nature. Arsenic, for example, one of the coal fly ash toxins, poses the greatest health threat in its inorganic form. Arsenic can be taken up by a variety of organisms and, like mercury, can be passed up the food chain [26]. Arsenic can be involved with hypertension-related cardiovascular disease [27], cancer [28], stroke [29], chronic lower respiratory diseases [30] and diabetes [31]. Arsenic leached from coal fly ash taken in by pregnant women can crossover the placenta to the fetus [32]. Concentration and exposure duration increase likelihood of this happening. 

The evidence presented here of deliberate, widespread and pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe, opens new research possibilities into the physiological effects of long-term exposure to a substance that potentially releases multifarious toxins upon exposure to internal body fluids. Those subjects are beyond the scope of the present article. Nevertheless, mention should be made of perhaps the least appreciated coal fly ash potentially water-extracted toxin, chemically mobile aluminum.

Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids. Aluminum is implicated in such neurological diseases as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [33,34,35,36,37] all of which have markedly increased in recent years. Aluminum is thought to impair fertility in men [38] and is also implicated in neurological disorders of bees and other creatures [39,40,41].

If in fact some instances of neurological diseases are related to weather-modification activities during the last two decades involving the tropospheric coal fly ash aerosols, then the recent ramp-up in tanker-jet spraying, as witnessed by this author in San Diego, will likely cause a sharp spike in their occurrence. Epidemiological investigations of wide-ranging scope, including for example childhood and elderly disorders and birth defects, may begin to shed light on the human toll extracted by spraying coal fly ash into the troposphere. Those investigations should especially consider airline flight crews and frequent airline travelers who breathe the air at nearly the same altitude as the spraying.

The near-daily intense aerial spraying over San Diego witnessed by the author is part of a multinational Western, if not global, program that has been observed for a number of years in United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but never acknowledged publically by officials. Without public candor it is difficult to know the underlying motivations and the range of specific activities involved. One thing seems certain: the potential damage to public health and the environment is likely to be unprecedented in its planetary scope. 

The process of burning coal concentrates the impurities in coal fly ash, an unnatural anhydrous chemical complex whose environmental health hazards are well-known. For decades individuals and organizations have fought long and hard for regulations requiring sequestration of this hazardous industrial waste product. So what, one might ask, is the reason for the current, widespread, pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere with its potential harm to public health and the environment? 

Since the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 there has been much interest in global warming, which is perceived as a security threat. Geoengineering offers two basic approaches to the problem of global warming: Remove and trap carbon dioxide, or block sunlight from reaching the Earth. Trapping carbon dioxide is a difficult, prohibitively expensive, undeveloped technology. Blocking sunlight is almost universally recognized by geoengineers as being relatively inexpensive, easy to implement, and moreover has a precedent in nature: major volcanic eruptions inject ash into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) which may remain suspended for a year or more, dimming sunlight and momentarily cooling Earth. 

While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future [2,3], evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program. But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash. To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground.

Aside from the serious potential toxicity ramifications on public health and Earth’s biota that derive directly from aerosolized emplacement of coal fly ash into the troposphere, such pervasive, widespread, tanker-jet spraying affects weather and Earth’s heat balance in ways that act in opposition to cooling the Earth. Those who reside in locations where natural cloud cover is rare, like San Diego, notice the rapid cooling after the sun goes down, except on cloudy days when heat is retained. During the daytime coal fly ash clouds may block sunlight, but at night may retard heat loss from the Earth, act to prevent rainfall, and contribute to global warming. Nighttime tanker-jet spraying, presumably to the hide the activity from public view, further retards heat loss.

There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources. As reported by NASA, “Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out. These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop. Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size” [42]. In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall. That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash. The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production.

4. Conclusions

The original research reported here provides strong evidence for the correctness of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. That evidence is based upon the discovery that: (1) the assemblage of 8 elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and, (2) the assemblage of 14 elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.

Evidence indicates that tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash (1) has been taking place throughout the 21st century, (2) on an international scale, and (3) with significant ramping-up since about 2013. Throughout that period of time there has been a program of well-orchestrated disinformation, but no public disclosure, no informed consent, and no public health warnings.

The profound implications on environmental health include exposing humans and Earth’s other biota to: (1) chemically mobile aluminum, implicated in neurological disorders and botanic demise; (2) exposure to toxic heavy metals and radioactive elements; (3) preventing rainfall with concomitant loss of food production and habitats; and, (4) possibly contributing to global warming with concomitant arctic melting.

More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world’s attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture. Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught. Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science. The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth’s biota. Are we to remain silent? Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth’s perpetually moving atmosphere?


I thank Ian Baldwin for many helpful discussions, criticisms, and advice. I thank Weidan Zhou for professional statistics advice.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest. 


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Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Greg Hunter From “USA Watchdog” Covers Geoengineering Programs


Greg Hunter has again covered the climate engineering issue with this new interview and article on the subject. Greg is a very respected and highly experienced news correspondent who has won many awards for his investigative reporting and journalism. His news site "USA Watchdog" has a huge following of people that appreciate Greg's tenacity for uncovering and exposing the truth on subjects and issues that mainstream media won't touch. Hunter's coverage of the climate engineering insanity is extremely helpful in the effort to bring this critical issue to light.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Climate Change, Is This How It Ends?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

Hornby Island July 6, 2015  – Yesterday around 4 am, I awoke disturbed and opened my back door on an ominous orange sky. I'm either in an Alfred Hitchcock movie or it's the end of the world, I muttered.

Right the second time.

Last evening down at the cove, shutterbugs snapped away with giant lenses at a fat red ball that looked more like Mars than the setting sun. And this morning, I awoke hacking and choking. The smoke streaming through an open window smelled like a big building burning right next door. 

But there is no big building. 

And it wasn't burning. 

Even more unsettling, the usual daybreak cacophony of robins, ravens, eagles and crows was… silent.

The winged ones had fled.

I flipped on the laptop and booted up… 

“A haze blankets the majority of people in BC,” Global News was reporting. Comparing square-kilometers, this is the same as saying, “a haze blankets most people in California, New Zealand and the UK.” [Global News July 6/15;]


While I'd slept, across the Georgia Strait the Metro Vancouver Air Quality Health Index had gone to 10+ “Very High Risk”. Health officials are warning that secondhand wildfire smoke inflames lung and heart linings – and is especially dangerous for infants, the elderly and those who have diabetes, lung or heart disease. (Yikes! C'est moi!) 

As my wounded ticker protests this latest insult, the Times Colonist confirms that wildfires burning throughout the province are increasing hospital admissions for cardiovascular symptoms. People with chronic medical conditions are being warned to avoid “strenuous exercise” and stay the heck inside. [Times Colonist July 5/15; Global News July 6/15; CBC July 6/15]

I shut the window, cranked the HEPA filter up high and popped another baby aspirin. 

Somebody Call Somebody

Several burning BC communities have declared states of emergency, which means the provincial government must borrow more money to pick up the tab. With climate events cascading, we know how this ends. 

With most of British Columbia officially declared an “Extreme Fire Risk”, a province-wide ban on all fires, campfires, fireworks, torches, “exploding rifle targets” and similar shenanigans is in effect. The fine for violators is 100 grand. But at this point, anyone seen flicking a glowing butt towards the woods will probably be shot. And maybe not with a tranquilizer dart. [Vancouver Sun July 5/15]

A wildfire up north near Port Hardy is burning less than 300 metres from some evacuated homes. This is extremely weird. As a frequent visitor to “Port” informed me by phone, he's been there “maybe two days when it wasn't raining.” [CBC July 6/15]

But not recently. This “wet coast” town at the northern tip of Vancouver Island hasn't seen rain in two months. “People in the north island need to understand that we are in a very unusual place,” advises Port Hardy Mayor Hank Bood. “We’re not fooling around anymore.” [Canadian Press July 6/15]

“We’re in areas where we’ve never been before. We’ve never had a dry May and June like we’ve just had,” echoes North Vancouver Mayor, Darrell Mussatto. “We’re at record low inflows into our reservoirs.” [Global News July 6/15]

Can You Say British California? 

This is the first weekend of enhanced water restrictions. The “Level 4” drought rating currently in effect for southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, means “water supplies are insufficient to meet the needs of communities and ecosystems.” Residents are required to try to cut their water use by an additional 20% over “regular” reductions. [CBC July 6/15]

“Level 4” drought = Panic Now And Avoid The Rush

There is no Level 5. 

With nearly all of the lower mainland, most of Vancouver Island, and vast areas of northeastern and central BC now in extreme fire danger rating, it feels more like late-August 2030 than early July 2015. 

Despite a massive weekend tourist blitz, at least this tinder-dry, 11 square-mile isle isn't burning yet. But with 178 total active wildfires on nearby Vancouver Island and the BC mainland, we are surrounded by burning forests and desiccated grasslands to our north, south and east. [Global News July 5/15]

According to the authorities, much of the smoke settling in the trees outside is coming from a wildfire burning in steep terrain and heavy timber near Pemberton. Tripling in size overnight, this 2,000-hectare fire “is displaying a vigorous and aggressive rate of spread, with periods of organized crown fire,” the BC Wildfire Management Branch reports. Crown fires spread flames from exploding tree top to tree top, igniting “spot fires” ahead of their advance. [CBC July 6/15]

Pemberton is 299 kilometers away. 

Closer across the water, one firefighter has died fire-fighting in Sechelt, where the Shishalh Nation reports a spike in respiratory distress calls to emergency services. The 38-bed St. Mary’s Hospital is filled to capacity with health complications from smoke inhalation. [Global News July 5/15; Vancouver Sun July 5/15]

“It’s unusual for this time of year; there’s no relief in sight in the weather forecast. We’re expecting temperatures in the mid-30s [C], and absolutely no rain forecast in the near future. That’s definitely cause for concern,” worries Provincial Fire Information Officer, Kevin Skrepnek.

How about freaking out? 

Knock Knock. Who's There? Carbon Karma Collectors

And how about mentioning the perils of gung-ho carbon burning? In a deluge of news reports on BC's Big Burning, repeated mentions are being made of this record dastardly drought. But not it's cause. While industrial stacks belch greenhouse gases, and holiday-makers everywhere race crazily around in cars, boats and planes – total mentions of “climate change”, “global warming” and “record-high carbon emissions” in press stories relating to major fires now burning in three provinces, Alaska and Siberia… ?


High And Dry


So go ahead and guess the number of corporate-media references to ongoing geoengineering aerosols sponging up the remaining moisture over North America's gasping western seaboard…


“With temperatures 12–18 degrees [C] hotter than they normally are this time of year,” the Canadian Press suggests, “a massive ridge of high pressure will remain anchored over the Pacific Northwest [with] ongoing dry conditions and warmer than normal” temperatures.

Canada's national wire service neglected to mention how this “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” is being created by a flatlined jetstream, no longer driven by the usual north-south temperature differentials wiped out by human-induced warming… and daily maintained by an ongoing aerosol assault clearly visible to anyone looking up at those telltale white plumes who understands they should be seeing no icy contrails at this time of year. 


Atmospheric-heating gases at 350 parts per million are optimistically considered possibly/maybe/wait-and-see “safe”. 

Right now, on this freakish morning during Earth's careening Sixth Mass Extinction, carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gases (CO2e) are nudging past 478 ppm… [MIT]

Misha phoned next. “Nobody's gets it,” she said in a voice verging on despair. Indeed, frantic denialists are blaming The Big Drying on:

1. Bad luck
2. The pope
3. A vindictive sky god
4. “Cyclical” global extinction events
5. Just one of those things

A poll of 20 countries shows the United States comfortably leading the world in climate denial. Just four out of 10 Americans think climate change is a serious threat to their carbon-belching, weather-wracked nation. 

More than half of USers agree with the statement: “The climate change we are currently seeing is a natural phenomenon that happens from time to time.” 

But 74% of South Koreans and 78% of Japanese disagree.

The populations of France, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Argentina have also totally flunked climate denial, with 80% or more of those surveyed telling pollsters that human activity is driving climate change. While more than 60% of surveyed Spaniards and Italians and more than 70% of Japanese consider climate change a serious threat, in China 91% of those polled say we're doomed if we don't change our ways. [Think Progress July 22/14]

You Think?

Just 10 days ago, a NASA/MODIS satellite shot showed much of Baked Alaska shrouded under a 3,000+ mile cloud of smoke. Now enmeshed in the high-altitude jetstream, “it blankets much of the Northern Hemisphere in a brown-carbon haze.” [Robert Scribbler June 26/15]

Meanwhile, as the hot Pacific Ocean turns anoxic and acidic beneath the keel of my solar-electric outrigger canoe… throughout Siberia, Alaska and the high Arctic, no-longer-frozen permafrost continues to burn in vast underground peat fires. Hundreds of billions of tons of peat drying in record-high winter, spring and summer temperatures “creates an understory fuel that can keep blazes burning for weeks, months, and sometimes years,” Robert Scribbler warns, “pushing blazes to explosive size and dumping massive plumes of smoke into an atmosphere already heavily laden with Alaska’s brown carbon pulse.” [Electra Finds Some WindRobert Scribbler June 29/15]

Back in the White House, someone must be smelling smoke. Earlier last month at the National Hurricane Center, Obama dared suggest that climate change is fuelling extreme weather. “This is the only planet we’ve got,” came the predictable presidential sound-bite. “And years from now, I want to be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could to protect it.”

He'll be lucky if they don't whack him upside the head. This is the same guy who just green-lighted offshore Arctic oil drilling and promised to open vast tracts of public land to heavily-subsidized coal mining. [OtherWords June 7/15]

Reality 10, Denial 0

Here's the real deal: 

On June 18, 2015, some 320,000 square kilometers of reflective Arctic sea ice melted into dark, heat-absorbing waters in a single day. That’s an ice cube the size of New Mexico gone in 24 hours. [Robert Scribbler June 18/15]

In Alaska, on that same day, close to a half-million more forest acres burned. The 314 wildfires raging throughout the state brought the 2015 total to 1,912,000 acres incinerated by human-powered climate shift and abetted by geoengineering madmen. (At some near-future Eco-Nuremberg trial, we're going to ask them why.)

Also in a recent single day, 138 new fires erupting throughout northwest Canada propelled that burn pile to more than 2,250,000 acres since the start of 2015. Some of those fire fronts among the 30 blazes burning near Great Slave Lake were more than 15 miles long.

Oh, Oh, Canada

Nearly eight out of every 10 Canadians say that Earth’s climate is changing and the federal government is failing to address this growing “problem”. More than half of all Canadians (56%) are convinced climate change is the result of human activities. [National Post May 18/15]

But thinking isn't doing. 

With geoengineering aerosols and smoke plumes alternately obscuring our skies, the most pertinent question is:

What are you doing about it?


Stop The Geoengineers [Geoengineering Watch]

Stop Climate Change [Greenpeace]

We're Building A Global Climate Movement []

Center For Climate And Energy Solutions

WorldWatch Institute

Your Carbon Footprint Calculator

Be Part Of The Solution [EPA]

How Millions of People Can Help Solve Climate Change [PBS]

Planet Killers, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP. Who’s controlling it?


Source: The Crazz Files

This hour and a half interview with Dane Wigington is Jam Packed with a plethora of information.

Listen to the verifiable evidence that uncovers the horrific side effects linked to geo-engineering, climate modification, or what many call chemtrails. Barium, Copper, Manganese, Ecoli and Fluoride are just a few of the rouge elements found, being dispersed amongst the population disguised as contrails.

Dane discusses how Defense contractor Raytheon does the weather modeling for the national weather service and NOAA and Lockheed Martin handles weather modeling for the FAA. And Much More.

The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?


The short article below was authored by Penny Teal, a UC Berkeley trained PhD (chemistry). Dr. Teal has outlined straightforward facts on which sound conclusions can and should be formed in regard to the current state of the climate. Penny has also spoken out about the first hand experiences she has had with universities and their power structure paid for agenda to program their students and thus society. 
Dane Wigington


The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?

By Penny Teal, PhD, contributing writer for

The POTUS (President of the United States, or perhaps Puppet of same) has made it clear, most recently in an address to the cadets at the Coast Guard base in New London, CT, that climate change (more appropriately called global heating, or global meltdown) poses a serious threat to the planet's security. He did not clarify, however, what he meant by "the planet's security". From this citizen's perspective it is very clear that global warming poses an existential threat to every living thing on the planet; the planet itself, however, seems likely to remain on course around its star for millennia to come.

How do we know that global warming is a problem? It's in the data, all of which is available on this website already. Just one example: fourteen of the fifteen hottest years on record are to be found in the new century (that is, somewhat shockingly, in the last 15 years); the fifteenth is 1998. Already 2015 is on track to be the hottest year ever. Okay, that was two examples.

Obviously, if we care about the planet, we need to reverse global warming. And since we humans have caused it, we can, at the very least, stop doing whatever led to the problem in the first place. There is no doubt that human activity, primarily the wanton burning of fossil fuels, is causing global temperatures to rise. If you meet a skeptic, here is a simple defense of that statement – that is to say, that fact.

A Tale of Three Planets

One need only look over the planet's shoulders, toward Venus and toward Mars, then to our own blue Earth, to see a perfect model of the Greenhouse Effect (GE) that keeps life thriving on the planet in the middle, while making it impossible for life to develop (life as we know it, at any rate) on the other two.

The GE is quite simple to explain to the skeptic. Sunlight, in the form of… well, light (electromagnetic radiation, if you want to be more precise, because there are non-visible wavelengths in addition to the light) arrives at a planet, warms its surface, and is radiated back upward as heat (or thermal energy – you have to choose the terms based on the look of understanding or confusion on the sceptic's face here).

This radiant heat energy (because it involves only long wavelengths) interacts differently with chemical gases in the atmosphere differently than does the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Specifically, gases like carbon dioxide, water, and methane will reflect some of the heat, sending it back downward like the roof of a greenhouse (hence the name for the… you get it). Just as in a greenhouse, the area under the atmospheric "roof" gets warmer.

Mars, for starters, has no atmosphere to speak of. No atmosphere means no gases, hence, no GE. Hence, a very cold and barren (but nicely red) planet. Venus, over the other shoulder, has a planet thick with greenhouse gases, thus is extremely hot; and Venus is incapable of sustaining life as well (and Venus would not be significantly warmer than Earth without those gases, even though it is closer to the sun).

In the middle is our Earth, with its mix of gases wherein CO2 used to be present at under 300 parts per million (ppm). However, our industrial age burning of fossil fuels has filled the atmosphere with increasing levels of CO2, up to and now over 400 ppm – and done so inevitably. This is a fact that cannot be wished or hand-waved away. Increasing the greenhouse gases increases the heat- retaining capacity of a planet – again, this happens inevitably.

These two facts alone are proof that human activity has caused the planet to warm, regardless of what may have been happening with sunspots, regardless of whatever trend (warming or cooling) the planet has otherwise been on. The planet has means of adapting, within limits, but it also has a need to maintain a balance. Increasing a greenhouse gas by over 33% is utterly disrespectful of that balance.

Putting more red dye in a pool will make make it redder; you can dilute the pool water all you want, or add to it from other sources, but the dye still has the effect of making the water redder than it was. That is all that need be said to refute the claim that humans have not contributed to global warming. It may not satisfy all sceptics, but some people think there is virtue in claiming to keep an open mind (an attitude they would drop in a heartbeat if you told them they were about to be run over from behind by a buffalo, when they finally heard it snorting a half-foot away from them… but alas, too late. Same story with global warming, unfortunately.)

At present, the warming caused by increasing CO2 is intense enough that it is causing the tundra in Arctic regions to melt, and ocean waters to warm dramatically, both of which are causing methane (an extremely potent greenhouse gas – more than 100 times as heat-trapping as CO2 in the short term) to be released into Earth's atmosphere.

The level of CO2 is now well above 400 ppm, although several years ago we were warned that 350 ppm represented a point of no return. The methane level could soon begin to rise exponentially (it could, in fact, be doing that now). Again, all the data and all the sordid truth is to be found, fully documented, on this website, including a discussion of Venus syndrome. A familiarity with the latter might be handy, since the planet is well on its way to becoming more like Venus than like Mars. More like Venus than like Earth as we once knew it, more to the point.

While the Earth's biosphere and adaptive abilities add more variables to the climate equation, those have nothing to do with the direct correlation between the GE, CO2 and humans. Climate change deniers like to say that human activity could have made things swing either way, but it hasn't. It has made things swing toward a rapidly overheating planet – one that will soon be uninhabitable, if we don't make some drastic changes without delay.

The Blue Planet Blues

So what's a species to do, when it knows it has spoiled the beautiful relationship it had enjoyed for eons with its home planet? Going to outer space and going underground are for the ultra-rich exclusively (and both are doomed to failure; we haveto stand by our planet no matter what). The POTUS approach involves, apparently, tough love: he did, after all, insist that this was an issue of a threat to our national security. I must confess, I'm still scratching my head over that one, as well as his predilection for making this climate change speech to military (and other Homeland Security) audiences. Are they going to shoot the heat out of the sky? Does he not understand that that isn't the function of heat-seaking missiles?

I was surprised to notice that the POTUS did not mention putting a halt to jet-produced contrails as a necessary measure. After all, if those strangely non-cloud colored trails filthening our skies really are, as all government officials claim, contrails, that means there is significantly more cloud cover in the atmosphere than there need be; as we all know (from watching the difference in temperature drop on a clear versus a cloudy night, for example – meteorologists used to love to point this out), clouds hold in heat, thus adding to the greenhouse effect.

Given that even with more primitive technology jets were, for decades, able to fly all around without producing those spreading, persistent, non-cloud colored (ahem) clouds, we certainly could and should immediately take the step of eliminating all (ahem) contrails.

Or could it be that all those conspiracy theorists are right that they aren't really contrails, and there is geoengineering running amuck even as you read this?

One consideration that springs to mind: would jet engines really have gotten so much worse as time went on? After all, even the aesthetic effect of those trails is good grounds for eliminating them; besides which, they block the sun and therefore negatively impact plant growth (which means less CO2 absorbers, which means more greenhouse gases to cause global warming). But the reality is obvious. They are not contrails; they are mixtures of metals and other materials being sprayed intentionally into the atmosphere. They are the most deadly component of geoengineering. Documentation: all over this website.

Still, it is encouraging that the ruling class finally seems committed to taking positive action (taking them at their word). All the right measures have already been discussed at length, but lets go through the most important one in condensed form.

The first step is to halt the activities that are causing runaway warming. Without question, the first to go is, and must be, the spraying of metal particulates into the sky, along with all other forms of geoengineering. Not only has research proven that the spraying only worsens global warming, though that is reason enough, even for the most wooden-headed puppet.

Perhaps more importantly, the planet cannot recover unless its healing mechanisms are intact, or at the very least salvageable. Among other problems, the metals being sprayed (among which certainly aluminum, barium and strontium, and possibly others) are killing whole forests and other forms of plant life by poisoning them, by killing off pollinators like bees, by causing them to stop absorbing the nutrients they need from the soil, by reducing sunlight, and (somewhat paradoxically) by increasing the wavelengths of sunlight that can kill them on contact. The only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering immediately.

That bears repeating: the only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering, immediately. And since a fair amount of geoengineering involves spraying from military aircraft, perhaps the POTUS has a point in addressing a speech about global warming to members of the military. If that is what he is thinking, I'll stop with the POTUS and start referring to him as President Obama.

Geoengineering Is Destroying Our Health, A Doctor Sounds The Alarm


The total contamination that has been inflicted on our planet by climate engineering is mathematically greater and more widespread than all other sources of environmental contamination combined. The ongoing toxic spraying of our skies continues to add to the already lethal burden of contamination from climate engineering laid down over 65 years. The environment and our bodies are reaching and surpassing the breaking point. The report below was penned by a health care professional that fully understands the gravity of the damage which has been done to us from the geoengineering fallout. The well researched conclusions of Dr. Amato should be carefully considered.
Dane Wigington

Could Geoengineering Have Something To Do With My Failing Health?

By Dr. Steven Amato, D.C., contributing writer for

It is widely suggested by doctors and scientists that all one needs in order to stay healthy is to eat a ‘balanced diet’. This idea is drummed into the public’s consciousness to such an extent as to constitute absolute truth. Fact is nothing could be further from the truth. In today’s overly toxic world, eating a balanced diet is toxic in itself. Consider that our food is grown using inorganic fertilizers which have been shown to precipitate into the walls of your arteries and joints as arteriosclerosis and arthritis… or in your brain as Alzheimer’s; or that pesticide and herbicide residues become trapped in your liver – giving rise to fatty degeneration and subsequent hypertension; or that genetically modified foods have been demonstrated to degrade your cell wall structures. Dangerous radiation is routinely used on vegetables as a decontaminant. American’s swill down high fructose corn syrup, derived from GMO corn by the barrel-full on a yearly basis, and it’s hidden in many condiments as well.  These are just a few of the technological advances science has brought mankind, fueling the healthcare crisis that plagues this country by eroding its gross domestic product.


Three unmarked non-commercial, military type jets laid these down directly over my home

In order to fully grasp the seriousness of this problem, one need be mindful of the fact chemicals are ubiquitous. There are over 100,000 according to EPA estimates. The newest, most dangerous form of poisoning is happening in our skies – solar radiation management or chemical contrails, harmlessly labeled under the guise of geo-engineering. There is no escaping the grasp of the new religion known as science. The sad fact is that pseudo science today drives policy through consensus, not good science. Just like everything else in the New World Order, science has been monetized to the highest bidder. The most frightening part is that you and I have unwittingly become the scientist’s guinea pigs. The laboratory is planet earth and “science by consensus” is recklessly out of control. It’s no secret within the broader scientific community that “standards” established by establishment-scientific-researchers – the Jason Society – are awarded to the highest bidder. In an outcomes based world, this model is not only flawed, it is ethically and morally corrupt. Whether you believe chemically generated contrails exist or not is irrelevant. They exist, and the people who design and deliver them don’t care what you think…. they’re going to continue spraying these deadly aerosols despite what you say or do; you can be sure, since your taxes are paying for them, and the war on terror will continue long after you have moved on. American’s have become powerless as agents of change. You are faced with a choice, suffer the consequences or become pro-active. For those who disagree, the mantra “proceed at your own risk” and buyer-beware could not be more appropriate. For everyone else, protecting yourself starts now!

The two principle ingredients in these aerosols are barium (Ba) and aluminum (Al). Water-soluble barium salts are clearly toxic to human health. Water-soluble barium by far, carries the most risk. The main portals of entry for inhaled barium are the lungs and sinuses. This route allows direct access into the bloodstream, exposing red and white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin and organic iron to the oxidative effects of this dangerous substance. A thorough review on the importance of the blood vascular system is an exhaustive topic. Suffice to say, blood represents the substrate from which body tissues derive their nutrients – like fertile soil that provides the perfect medium for healthy and vibrant plant-life. Noxious chemicals in general, and heavy metals in particular degrade the quality of blood – their drying properties degrading the blood’s moisture content, increasing viscosity and driving up stroke risk.  It’s been reported barium can absorb up to 400 times its own weight in moisture. The particles involved are nano-sized, one-billionth of a meter, one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human strand of hair. This gives you an idea how easy it is for these particles to gain entry into your trillions of cell structures, where they rob your energy, making you feel chronically tired. Once inside, they disrupt mitochondria function – the energy generator inside each cell that provides the power to effect respiration, vitality and alertness.  If you’re wondering what can be done to protect yourself, you’re moving in the right direction.


This "cloud" formation is inconceivable based on historic recordings of real clouds both in artist renditions and photographs

Aluminum, the second but no less serious toxic nano-particulate is important enough – its effect’s target central nerve system tissues like white brain matter. Al causes what are known as amyloid plaques to form in brain tissue, degrading nerve synapse end points, across which signals need to jump in order to maintain normal memory and problem solving capabilities – cognitive function.  Advanced accumulation of amyloid plaques have been identified in Alzheimer’s, a condition of rapid neurodegenerative cognitive decline. Parkinson’s, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Myesthenia Gravis are similar conditions, together characterized by rapid and advanced decay of nerve tissue – progressive and irreversible. The global pharmaceutical cartels are not for want of recognizing the potential profits, they are busy conducting next generation anti-neurodegenerative drug trials, based on the effects of chronic heavy metal poisoning from the ongoing decades-long geo-engineering false flag campaign.

A second, more troubling feature of barium involves its reaction with cardiac muscle. The heart relies on the trace mineral potassium to maintain healthy resting tone. Disturbances in heart potassium level (hypokalemia) can force high cardiac RPM’s (tachycardia), placing undue stress on both heart muscles and nerves. Barium competes against potassium – increasing CVA risk, especially in the overweight and obese. A condition known as arrested ventricular systole has been identified in studies designed to test barium effects on heart muscle. In layman’s terms this means ventricular hyper-tonicity or simply “heart spasm”.  Chest pain, lightheadedness, fainting, respiratory distress, shortness of breath, asthma, vision problems, pain into one or both arms or hands – with occasional numbness, morning stiffness, fatigue and bowel problems – can be traced back to the heart. And inhalers can make matters worse. The young and middle aged are not immune. Juxtaposed against the background noise present in solar radiation management chemicals, significant risk metrics cannot be ruled out. Health care consumers ought to exercise extreme caution before accepting prescription medications that are designed to sedate or stimulate. The wrong medication could bring on a serious consequence – quickly. Talk to your doctor about any medications he intends on prescribing you. Be sure to ask if there are any cardiovascular side effects mentioned in the drugs insert, or whether anemia could be a possible medium-term side effect. Follow-up questions to your druggist/pharmacist should be addressed. Ask questions and demand reasonable answers. Your druggist will ask if you have any known allergies to medications, rash, shortness of breath, lightheadedness… or any other unusual reactions you may have had to medications in the past.

Exposed individuals (everyone) should discuss with their provider the likelihood of possible inhaled heavy metal exposure from the contrails in the skies above your neighborhood and work site. Patients must pro-actively steer the dialogue to the need for blood tests geared to measure the metals aluminum, barium, lead and mercury, economized at the very least to barium and aluminum. Ask for a “blood heavy metals profile” naming the above items as particularly relevant. I learned that my blood barium levels were hovering in the triple digits (normally zero) following a heavy metals blood screening in March, this after particularly intense aerosol activity throughout that month. Ask your doctor to order a CRP (C-Reactive Protein), a test designed to measure endogenous heart inflammation.  If your doctor asks why you want your blood tested, explain that recent heavy metal exposure typically shows up in blood first, and hair perhaps weeks or months later. Mainstream medicine is not completely sold on hair mineral analysis, but the presence of metals in blood where none should be there could be diagnostic for heavy metal poisoning.


ON-OFF demonstration of an intended brief dispersion, compelling evidence

Maintaining a sense of awareness that dietary supplements, vitamins, and neutraceutic food concentrates represent your only protection against the unpredictable consequences of untested, broad, rogue and hasty scientific environmental experiments affecting the general population. The toxic chemicals manufactured in the laboratory since 1988 and by default, previous to ’88, have been cleverly cloaked as harmless by way of passage of the De Minimus Interpretation of the Delaney Clause, authored by Michael R. Taylor, a former chairman of the Food and Drug Administration. As a one-time Monsanto CEO and revolving door participant in the regulation of the companies he once worked for, while employed at FDA, Mr. Taylor’s interests are at best defined in shades of grey. This legislative maneuver unleashed a pandora’s box of new chemicals onto the US food supply market, when it effectively and substantially diluted the protective measures written into the original version of the 1958 Delaney Clause. Legislation that once forbade cancerous substances into the US food supply lost its bite when scores of new chemicals came onto the market as a result of this new amendment.  In summary all bets are off, now that labeling laws have been neutered or eliminated entirely. The only safe alternative remains grown at home food or farmers market produce, meats and poultry – Ukiah Natural Food Coop – notwithstanding. However – there are no guarantees unless you plant it and you harvest it.

Your cells have been under a full-scale attack, morning-noon-and-night by chemicals since the mid 1980’s. While these chemicals are drying out your body, your joints and your nervous system, they are simultaneously degrading your body’s cell-signaling hormone pathways – resulting in metabolic oxidation, reactive oxygen species (ROS), disruption of chromatid material and damage to the DNA molecule. Chromatin damage and DNA disruption are key features identified in terminal cancers. That’s why Vitamin’s C and E are so important as a preventative measure against 21st century-engineered chronic degenerative disease. There are many more vitamins and supplements capable of reversing cell destruction by gobbling up ROS, enhancing enzyme streams, promoting cell wall integrity and increasing Co2 removal.

Only you can make the right decision, by exercising your will to choose safety out of concern, prudence out of necessity and common sense out of urgency.

Come to the geo-engineering workshop taking place at the Hampton Inn, Ukiah. Wednesday, June 24th – 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  Steven Amato will conduct a Power Point presentation on his thirty years of research into the environmental effects of twentieth century scientific advances, with an emphasis on the latest moral hazard – chemical contrails, solar dimming and SRM. Bring a pen and pad. Admission is free. Call Hampton Inn (707) 462-6555 ask for Leslie

About Dr. Steven Amoto, D.C.

I began practice as a chiropractor in 1980. During my tenure as a physician and healer, I practiced both straight chiropractic with physical therapy, and clinical nutrition using kinesiology and muscle testing. I graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa, and did residencies in South Carolina and Nebraska. I am also trained in cranial specific manipulation, having studied under Drs. Sutherland, DeJarnette, Bludworth, Pick, M.L. Rees and Upledger. Proficiency in all extremity adjusting.

I maintained several practices in the northeast from 1980 to 2005. A change in priorities led to a move west in 2005. There I turned my energies to the land, reclaiming formerly logged tracts of old growth California Coastal Redwood forests, developing natural gravity fed springs. erecting fences and rehabilitating pastures for the raising of organic grass fed livestock. 

Rescuing this abandoned and mistreated stretch of timberland and pasture was a labor of love. It provided the bridge for what would follow: the first website using AI to generate a nutritional package targeted to your lifestyle patterns. This brand of lifestyle alternative medicine is based on almost forty years utilizing the most professional companies in the fields of nutrition and homeopathic medicine.

Graduated – Palmer College of Chiropractic 1979
Authored local newspaper health column named “The Spinal Column” 1980-1985
Developed ‘in service’ curriculums for Bergen County Police and Fire Academy 1982-1988
Sports Injury prevention training Indian Hills / Ramapo-Valley High School Districts 1982-1985
DEA, FBI, CIA, Local/state police seminar on injury prevention and postural biomechanics 1987
Certified Sports Physician Program CCSP American Chiropractic Association 1990
Presentations to over six thousand people attending seminars, workshops, speeches, lectures 
Appeared on television and radio shows – expert in alternative medicine, chiropractic, nutrition
Certified Contact Reflex Analysis 1995
Opened Alternative Medicine Clinic New York City March 1997
Trained in SE5 Radionics and scalar applications 1997 to present
Trained in Rife applications 1997-present
Presently engaged in research into the human health effects of geo-engineering, solar radiation management, weather modification. 

Making Your Voice Heard, An Activist’s Message To A Geoengineer


In the email exchange contained further down in this post, a very justifiably concerned father with an 8 year old daughter addresses internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith about the ongoing climate engineering dangers and Mr. Keith's part in these programs. Having met David Keith at an international geoengineering conference, and having a fairly extensive knowledge of his actions relating to his pro-geoengineering advocacy, I have long since concluded Keith is the epitome of what is wrong with the human race. David Keith has absolutely no regard for the truth, nor does he have any regard for the global cataclysm that the ongoing climate engineering programs (which he is doing his best to sell to the public) are inflicting on the planet and every one of us. The 5 minute video below is an exchange I had with David Keith at a geoengineering conference in 2010, the exchange was quite damning for Mr. Keith.

Geoengineering is not really a moral hazard, it's like free-riding on our grandkids.

I had a difficult time gaining access into the conference above, the AAAS organizers (American Association for the Advancement of Science) researched me and initially revoked my press pass. After David Keith's self incriminating and damning statements during our exchange, all press was banned from a geoengineering conference the following month. Keith further exposes himself in this 6 minute interview with Stephen Colbert.

Jonathan Létourneau is the father mentioned earlier, his heartfelt and moving communication with geoengineer David Keith is below. People like David Keith need to hear from justifiably outraged citizens. Mr. Keith's public contact is below, let him know what you think of his part in the climate engineering crimes, but don't stop there. We must all do our best to effectively and credibly sound the alarm in this most critical battle,  each and every one of us is needed in this battle.
Dane Wigington


The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out


The paradigm of industrialized society has been an orchestrated disaster for a very long time. How does it get so bad? The programming of children in the educational system leads to a programmed society. This in turn leads to a population that is completely blind and oblivious to the fact that they are being constantly sprayed with toxic materials. My gratitude to educator Cali Will for sharing his perspectives in the attached article.
Dane Wigington

County Supervisors Blatantly Ignore Concerned Citizens


Those who strive for and attain positions in local government more often than not tend to be a particular personality type (very much like those who strive for higher government offices). I make this statement from 35 years of experience with dealing with such people in multiple counties of California and Arizona. What I have noted is this, there is, in general, a complete lack of honor (with occasional exceptions). The vast majority of "elected officials" and especially "appointed officials" are there for self-serving reasons, not for the common good. Personal ideology, paychecks, and pensions are what guides them. Again, this is not always the case, there are exceptions, but those are few and far between. The article below is a case in point in regard to the honorless self-serving individuals that so often occupy governmental positions from the bottom of the ladder to the top. They are nothing more than minions for the power structure.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington

“Cloud Cover”, A Documentary On Climate Engineering


Clifford Carnicom is a veteran in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering. He first released a documentary film on the subject in 2005 titled "Aerosol Crimes". This film was very helpful for raising awareness, I personally purchased about 2000 copies and distributed them. The video linked below, "Cloud Cover", is an updated and condensed film from Clifford Carnicom. In this 43 minute documentary, many dire aspects of the ongoing climate engineering nightmare are addressed in a very straight forward fashion. The only aspect of the film that I would dispute is the notion that the shorter bright trails are conclusively "condensation trails". Various spraying applications are constantly observed and many are not the most visible horizon to horizon trails. The shorter bright trails generally produce the silvery white skies that are now so common as the power structure appears to be making an effort to be more covert with the spraying applications. High bypass turbofan jet engines are by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trails except under the most rare and extreme conditions. "Cloud Cover" shows very moving testimony from a former mainstream media reporter that outlines the extreme effort of the media and the power structure to eliminate any and all possibilities of the climate engineering story getting press coverage.This video is informative and compelling. It is a valuable tool in the fight to expose geoengineering and well worth the time to view. 
Dane Wigington

Eye On The Skies


Source: The Glen Rose Reporter, article by Lori Smiskol

I am a single mom and reflexologist and health practitioner in Granbury and I have seen unprecedented cases of one respiratory illnesses with my clients. Alzheimer's has increased 10 fold in recent years, allergies has increased significantly with my clients and cancer is in epidemic proportions.

One in three women are now contracting cancer and one in two men are now getting cancer. They have documented evidence that Agent Orange, which was sprayed to eliminate foliage, has caused cancer to all of our veterans. I was just discussing this with Pastor Ray of the Triple Cross Cowboy Church in Granbury today.

He shared with me that in his own congregation that cancer has significantly increased. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Is anyone alarmed with this?

The reason I am writing is to make more people aware of what is happening to our skies. I grew up as a state representative's daughter in Wisconsin in the 1960s. At that time, my father, Lewis T. Mittness, became a huge environmentalist.

He introduced, along with other assemblymen, the legislation to ban DDT in Wisconsin. DDT was a chemical they used to spray over the crop fields and near our towns and cities.

My dad used to have all kinds of concerned citizens calling him, and I remember this well because they were getting cancer at unprecedented rates, as well as alarmingly high birth defects. My dad fought against big business to end this and when the assembly unanimously passed the ban after much effort it was brought to the senate and they passed it as well.

Wisconsin was the first state to ban the use of this chemical pesticide DDT and then the whole United States followed. I feel now my dad would want me to speak up about what is happening every day to our skies. It is not only across Texas, but apparently the United States and even the world as many concerned citizens from all over the world have reported.

Yet no one listens that can change this and their cries go unnoticed.

This last Thursday and Friday before Easter, my son and I photographed 12 white unmarked jets spraying a chemtrail over us from one end of Granbury to the other. I even pulled a woman out of her car at Brookshires to show her the planes that were literally putting a dome over our Granbury area of this white chemical emission.

Contrails from jets dissipate within a matter of a few minutes. This does not. It only spreads into tiny tentacles that grow into rows across our whole sky but usually directed by the area of the sun.

Once these trails spread out in rows, it blocks the sun which results in cloudy white and grayish sky eliminating most of the blue sky most days lately. It may even be causing our drought as I have researched to see the two states being widely under chem trails at this time is Texas and California.

I just got back from Austin on Monday from a training and was amazed to see they were chemtrailing over our capital city and several cities on my way back home on Highway 281 in the middle of nowhere. They had these same white unmarked jets chemtrailing across the whole horizon and from the ground straight up by the sun. No flight path is vertical from the ground. They continued to loop through the same chemtrail path over and over until several rows are formed which form into the hazy clouds you see today.

Something needs to be done and this is why I can not be silenced any longer. We need to get answers as soon as possible.

Why is this happening to us? It’s up to us as citizens of our communities to start being aware. One way to do this is to look up and be informed. Then you may be inspired to take action in your own communities and with the people you know that can help bring this to media attention. Even though I was told by one of our own newspapers that I was not allowed to give my story on this highly taboo subject.

What has happened to our freedom of speech? It never used to be like this.

I am grateful to speak about this very urgent issue we are all facing. I guarantee you will see these jets and artificial clouds, which is almost every single day lately if you just look up and keep looking up.

I know my dad would not want me to be silenced any longer and to stand up for my basic rights of clean air, water and food – which is all being taken away from us right now. Don't take my word for it do your own research. If it is for our betterment then why can't we understand why this is happening to us? If it is not … and is affecting our health, I want to know why?

I hope you join with me in supporting this effort and talk to your community leaders to get answers so we can fight this just like my dad went up against impossible odds and won. We have a lot more power if we just stick together and I am open to forming a task force to see what we can do in my area of Glen Rose and Granbury. If we all start taking action then maybe we can take our sky back. There is a lot more info on this if you want to Google "Lewis Mittness" or "chemtrails."

There are now several national petitions, one has over 17,000 people that have signed it including myself addressed to our Senator Ted Cruz and other constituents in the state plus it will ultimately go to President Barack Obama against the chemtrail spraying over our communities.

I really hope you look into this in your own communities, where we all can make a difference just like my dad once did. I am so proud that he was my dad and I hope I can make him proud one day.

Lori Smiskol
Granbury, TX

Climate Geoengineering – The Secret Spraying Of Our Skies


Source: Project Censored

For decades now, and largely in secret, the US military-industrial complex has been engaged in the systematic “spraying” of large swaths of our sky in one of the largest and least-discussed global planetary experiments in human history, reports Jeremy Schulman for Grist magazine.  When human observers on the ground make it a point to “look up” and study our heavens, they witness strange anomalies beyond simple and expected patterns traditionally made by water vapor ice crystals or typical commercial airline traffic.  Instead, critical observers witness a variety of spray patterns: parallel lines, crosshatch lines, X, O, or U turn lines, even circular shapes. These spray patterns possess two unusual behaviors: they stay visible for lengthy periods of time, and they slowly spread out across significant sections of our sky, often for hours at a stretch.

These observed persistent ‘contrails’ are visible for several hours – and evidence suggests the contrails are aerosol sprays of metal oxides meant to reflect incoming solar thermal energy so as to cool the Earth by 1-2% and offset the greenhouse effect of increasing atmospheric CO2. (Note: the Internet is full of disinformation sites on this issue, and consulting these can make the unwary researcher doubt his own eyes and mind.) The “spraying” patterns reported by observers for more than 15 years have characteristics that contradict disinformation sources (official and unofficial). To wit, typical commercial flight patterns differ from these oft-witnessed heavy spray trail patterns in at least three distinct ways: 1) commercial airlines don’t go East-West and North-South in the same patch of sky; 2) commercial airlines do not fly in patterns that make X, U or 0 shapes; 3) commercial airlines do not fly heavily one day and not at all the next.

What’s in these sprays in our skies—and are they toxic? Global scientific data collection paints a picture of a multi-year systematic effort to engage in “climate geoengineering” through this spraying program, with troubling environmental consequences. For example, post-spray rainwater tests made in Canada, the United States, Europe, and New Zealand reveal the presence of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other heavy metals in varying amounts that are unsafe, often radically so, according to various official criteria (EPA, US states, Canadian provinces, UN, etc.). Numerous U.S. patents from the mid-1970s to the present, meanwhile, confirm the aerospace industry and the U.S. military’s high level of interest in aerosol spray technology, including electromagnetic technology, as well as an interest in specific metals/chemicals/oxides and their requisite particulate sizes. The problem with aerosol sprays is that what goes up comes down, either in months or in one to two years. When these sprays fall to earth, they are invisible and easily penetrate deep into human tissues as they are breathed, drunk, and eaten in food grown in heavy-metal-laced soils toxic to life. Citizens in various communities worldwide have organized hearings and protests and submitted petitions to government officials requesting clarification about what’s being sprayed on them and also to demand such spraying cease and desist. These communities include: Victoria, BC and Espanola, ONTShasta, CASuffolk County, NY; and Aigina, Greece.

What is so surprising about this climate geoengineering story is the almost-complete corporate news blackout regarding it, particularly given the massive amount of visual evidence available on the Internet. Independent media coverage of this story is robust. For a diverse array of recent stories, see George Barnes’ 2014 documentary, “Look Up!“; whistleblower Kristen Meghan’s interview, Michel Chossudovsky’s Global Research website; and a revealing exchange between influential climate geo-engineer David Keith and Geoengineering Watch founder Dane Wigington.

Source: Jeremy Shulman, This Geoengineering Scheme Could Halt Climate Change – But It’s Probably A Terrible Idea 
Student Researcher: Elora West (Burlington College)
Faculty Evaluator: Rob Williams (Burlington College)
Community Evaluator: Ian Baldwin (Chelsea Green Publishing)

Source: Project Censored


Is Geoengineering Pushing Us Into Climate Chaos?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

The short answer is yes.

Here's how…

Start with something dynamic, like the weather and its increasing propensity toward sudden, drastic and lingering surprises. As the geologic record of mass extinctions repeatedly shows, if pushed too far by various atmospheric forcings (like mass methane releases or meltwater shutdowns of ocean circulations),  the longer-term weather patterns we call climate can change drastically, for a very long time, within a decade. Or a year.

Geoengineers understand that complex weather behaviour emerges from a few simple initial conditions. Change those conditions along a broad atmospheric front by deploying aerial refuelling tankers to spread particles that accrete moisture and scatter incoming sunlight, absorb energy from ionospheric heaters like HAARP, or rapidly cool air masses by dispensing ice-nucleating chemicals like an airborne flash-mob – and you change the heat balance of that airspace and thus the resulting weather. Do this repeatedly, spreading megatons of atmospheric-forcing particulates behind hundreds of heavy aircraft for many years and even climate can be altered.

But which way will it jump? If the flapping of a butterfly's wings can randomly influence the course of a distant hurricane, consider an air force “wing” of 72 jet tankers, each spreading 200,000 pounds of aerosol particles one-tenth the diameter of a human hair along a flight path traversing thousands of miles. With our compounding emissions already hurrying heat and humidity in some places to the edge of liveable limits, geoengineering is the unwelcome bully that threatens to jerk the trigger on looming Abrupt Climate Shift.  (Geoengineering aerosols over Belgium – above)

Earth's climate system is chaotic enough to turn occasional stumbles into full-fledged flipouts. So the last thing anyone would want to do is to trigger such an upset with planeloads of monkey-wrenching aerosols.


To elevate such planetary roulette from blind swings at a constantly shifting atmospheric piñata to a reliably predictable science, the desired weather/climate output must be proportional to each atmospheric modification input. And the resulting atmospheric events must also react the same ways every time. That's why we call such predictable progressions, linear.

But the atmosphere, like life, is so nonlinear.

Nonlinear means “full of surprises”. While short-term moisture, temperature and pressure trends can presage near-term weather over a day or two, the further forecasts extend, the more variables are introduced by air masses feeding back on themselves. Other wild cards faced by the geoengineers include heat-trapping gases accumulated over the past 200 years, atmospheric and oceanic “feedbacks” like major methane burps, hyper-evaporation, warming waters and melting ice sheets, unscheduled volcanic eruptions, the fracking plague, and climax civilizations bristling with dirty stacks and exhausts – plus their own geoengineering efforts, ongoing since at least 1997, when I broke this story worldwide for Environment News Service. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas]

Because changes occur in Earth's intricately-coupled biosphere simultaneously and interactively, attempting to anticipate and alter so many constantly changing conditions makes large-scale climate modification an exercise in juggling snakes. Begin with a few characteristics of the longterm weather patterns you want to change. Just seven building blocks can interact with each other one million different ways. Jump to a hundred climate-determining factors and each one will interact with the other 99, yielding 10 billion possibilities. Some outcomes are more likely than others. But this hardly precludes unpleasant nonlinear responses to deliberate planet meddling. [“Considering Complexity” by William Thomas Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine 1994]

(William Thomas photos Mar. 21, 2015: above)

Remember, the atmosphere is an “adaptive” participant in every geoengineering mugging, responding to each input every time with widely different outcomes. Since abrupt discontinuities are a prime feature of nonlinear systems, when attempting large-scale weather modification, unintended consequences are built-in. Like turning off the African and Asian monsoons on which many billions of not-just-human lives depend. [20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be A Bad Idea]

Every pound of heat-hugging carbon we transfer from deep underground into the air will be our climate legacy for the next hundred years. Every time we start our fourwheeled carbon burner, we're a geoengineer. Every time a commercial jet climbs into the stratosphere, all onboard are geo-engineers. Ditto all those power plants pumping trainloads of burnt coal into the sky.

The big difference is, it's your choice whether to turn the key, board that plane, or join a grassroots group demanding clean energy. As for your input into whether those jets overhead continue dimming the sun – not so much.

The result of all this inadvertent and deliberate atmospheric forcing is climate chaos. “Chaotic” means “unpredictable”. Punch-drunk by our ever-accumulating heat-trapping exhausts, at least 17 years of concerted geoengineering efforts, a wonky jetstream, and dozens of amplifying feedbacks from thawing tundra, clearcut forests, burning forests, melting ice sheets and the expanding ocean heat reservoir (for example) – it's no wonder so much inconvenient weather is lurching across this planet.

With global warming causing more global warming, how do increasingly destabilized weather systems respond to deliberate further prodding by targeted laydowns of particulates powerful enough to disrupt air masses and soak up residual moisture like a sponge?

Nobody knows. The atmospheric predictions produced by our best supercomputers crunching incomplete data that ignores climate feedbacks and geoengineering are falling further behind the alarming headlines resulting from a churning complexity that is ultimately unknowable.

Given all the still-ignored feedbacks we've set in motion, most notably geoengineering, it's not surprising that climate changes continue to outpace our models. Any climate activist or “scientist” who continues to ignore these well-documented aerosol assaults is working with fatally flawed data. (Aerosols & contrail over Ontario -Jim Beck photo: above)

But “gross” geoengineering outcomes can be observed. There is no question that Solar Radiation Mismanagement (SRM) by allied governments is contributing significantly to the Great Drying, which may soon segue into the Great Dying. This is why the authors who studied Mount Pinatubo's eruption do not support geoengineering. “Creating a risk of widespread drought and reduced freshwater resources for the world to cut down on global warming,” they write, “does not seem like an appropriate fix.” [This Changes Everything]

To call geoengineering an inexact science is to suggest that if you repeatedly jab a gut-shot tiger with a stick it might do something unpleasant. We know from years of airborne experimentation that attempting to impose an inherently flawed model on Earth's atmosphere under the official hubris of “Owning The Weatherinvariably produces the opposite result. As Naomi Klein writes, geoengineering “may cause the earth to go wild in ways we cannot imagine, making geoengineering not the final engineering frontier… but the last tragic act in this century-long fairy tale of control.” [This Changes Everything]

So what does climate chaos look like?

  • It looks like dozens of craters, one more than a half-mile in diameter, caused by pockets of exploding methane in the thawing permafrost of northern Russia, where temperatures prowl up to +20°C above longtime norms, and the resulting wildfires over hundred-mile fire fronts are spreading solar heat-absorbing ash over vast stretches of the once reflective far north.
  • It looks like endless pools of meltwater acting as lenses across the tundra, focusing sunlight into thawing even more super-warming methane.
  • It looks like the 80 devastated islands of Vanuatu, where I once sailed my trimaran and where half the population has been left homeless by a hot ocean-fuelled Cyclone Pam.
  • It looks like that blocking high over Brazil, where Sao Paulo's 11 million residents face the prospect of dry taps. Another 33 million people in the Sao Paulo region fear the same fate. And they are not alone.
  • It looks like the sea level rise that has driven 100,000 people away from their Indus River delta farms due to repeated flooding and saltwater intrusion into the water table.
  • It looks like California's “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” of high pressure that anomalously persists, re-building itself after every surge of westerly winds or invading cold air threatens to collapse this weather wall, but to the continuous accompaniment of the aerosol jets… doesn’t. Weather researcher Daniel Swain can find no evidence of a North Pacific ridge of this magnitude and persistence “in the observational record.”

(Russia wildfires, summer 2010 jotman.blogspot: above)

(methane cavern -Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration: below)

As Rutgers University professor Jennifer Francis explains, the loss of reflective sea ice and resulting heated surface air rising from dark waters is producing a northerly bulge in the jet stream that builds high pressure in the East.

Winds flowing “downhill” from this embedded High bring cold Arctic air southward into eastern Canada and the United States, as a persistent high pressure dome off the west coast flows warm, wet air north into Alaska, where the international Fur Rondy sled dog race, held every year since 1946, cannot mush “due to warm weather and heavy rain.

So is atmospheric warming or geoengineering responsible for California's thirst and Alaska's failed winter? The answer: Both are so intricately meshed, it's no longer possible to distinguish one from the other. At least until we shut off Teller's sunscreen.

Are all these chemical and contrail sky plumes painting us into an untenable corner? Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, David Travis measured a roughly 2°F difference over those three contrail free days between the rising daytime and falling nighttime temps across the continental USA. (In 2005, James Hansen's NASA team  crunched slightly different numbers for 9/11 and came up with an  average mean temperature change of just .05°F – a perfect example  of a changed starting point drastically altering complex outcomes.)

There is no way a few days of absent contrails (while geoengineering continued) equate with the disrupted hydrological cycle from 5,000+ days of aerosol spraying. But the 9/11 “experiment” in mass mind control and atmospheric processes means we dare not continue an experiment that artificially desiccates air masses as short-lived speed bumps to skyrocketing air temperatures. If Hansen's right, geoengineering isn't working. If Travis is correct and we stop spraying particulates (whose tiny 10-micron size is deemed an Extreme Human Health Hazard by the EPA) we face an unknown instant temperature jump in a feedback-sensitive atmosphere already heading toward a 4°-6°C rise by 2035. Are your children down with geoengineering continuing to grease the skids into extinction? (Glenn Boyle photo)

Are you?

The geoengineers are saving us to death. Putting our planet's life-support on geoengineering life-support that can't be turned off without an instant spike in temperatures is not a wise idea, Naomi Klein suggests. While many point to geoengineering as the culprit behind the ever more disruptive climate change they otherwise deny, and geoengineers use “climate change” to disguise the climate chaos they're inciting, nearly two decades of large-scale geoengineering have erased the baseline by which we might measure climate impacts and gauge their rates of change.

When unstable systems like Earth's climate are pushed past critical thresholds, selfamplifying feedbacks cause chaos, which eventually degrades into a much simplified state.

Examples include disappeared rainforests flipping into deserts, a once-teeming ocean turning into a vast acidic dead zone, seasonal regional climates suitable for agriculture and human life “simplified” into enduring heatwaves, and seawater inching towards 634 million pairs of human feet.

Like a tightening trigger, climate change is carrying us toward explosively Abrupt Climate Shift. As Klein comments, when “university professor Rob Nixon describes the brutality of climate change as 'slow violence'; geoengineering could be a tool to significantly speed that up.”

Before we can agree to step back from the climate precipice, geoengineering is shoving us toward the kinds of social breakdown stalking Miami Beach, where “slimy green saltwater” from rising seas is filling streets, blocking doors, ruining vehicles, and inundating shops and homes. “Another foot of sealevel rise will be enough to bring salt water into our fresh water supplies and our sewage system,” warns scientist and South Miami mayor Philip Stoddard. “You won't be able to flush away your sewage and taps will no longer provide homes with fresh water.

“Then you will find you will no longer be able to get flood insurance for your home. Land and property values will plummet and people will start to leave. Places like South Miami will no longer be able to raise enough taxes to run our neighbourhoods. Where will we find the money to fund police to protect us or fire services to tackle house fires? Will there even be enough water pressure for their fire hoses? It takes us into all sorts of post-apocalyptic scenarios. And that is only with a one-foot sea-level rise. It makes one thing clear though: mayhem is coming.”

Instead of buying time, every aerosol mission is reducing the time left to act. And by obscuring the true pace of climate change under veils of artificial clouds and 40°F snow, the geoengineers are making it much harder to respond.

Every day the aerosol tankers fly, politicians beholden to Big Oil can delay meaningful action, while making Abrupt Climate Shift and a Canfield ocean more likely. “No reputable scientist I know thinks placing tiny reflecting particles in the stratosphere is a good idea,” saysPhilip Duffy, president and executive director of the Woods Hole Research Center, which focuses on climate change.

And no one's even discussing the quantum effects from aerosol technologies.

So I modestly suggest: Indict the geoengineers for reckless planetary endangerment. And ground the aerosol tankers now.


Use existing state/provincial, national and international air pollution and air traffic laws regulations to apply for legal injunctions to stop geoengineering experiments over cities and entire regions “if and when any such attempts are made.” Then, using the evidence needed to obtain those writs, launch class action lawsuits naming anyone responsible who can be identified by name, title/rank for trust betrayed and damage done.

Criminal charges will follow.

[Current carbon-equivalent emissions (CO2, NOx, CH4) on track to 6°+ C. Civilizations collapse at 4°.]

Sky Striping Backers Confer At Cambridge


Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

There’s a lot we don’t understand about the global climate system if we were to engineer this cooling of the planet. Certainly we can cool it. But it’s not going to be uniform around the world and its going to have a lot of other knock-on consequences. There’ll be changes in precipitation patterns. And how do you say to a country that’s experiencing a big drought *** whether it was the geoengineering that did it or whether it was going to happen naturally.
—Jennifer Francis, climate scientists, Rutgers University

The term “solar radiation management” is positively Orwellian. It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.
—­Raymond Pierre­humbert, geophysicist, University of Chicago co-author Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth

Scientists and proponents of mass climate intervention by jet gathered this weekend at the University of Cambridge (March 12 to 14, 2015) to explore how nation-states could use jets and other technologies to manufacture a more sun-reflective atmosphere. Their goal: Save the planet from industry, smokestacks, highway exhaust and the planet’s meager human population.

The conference had technical sessions on atmospheric chemistry, climate modelling, engineering systems and impacts, implications and consequences. Scientists and panelists discussed the moral, legal and political hazards implied in weather intervention, where one nation’s dimmed sunlight is another’s drought and yet another’s roof-collapsing snowstorm.

The scientists on Friday heard about how plume-stretching intervention could be disruptive of the weather. Piers Forster’s talk was “Potentially damaging precipitation side effects from solar radiation management” and Ben Kravitz spoke on “SRM Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle.”

Government intervention always has hazards and unexpected costs. Peter Davidson gave a talk on “The impact, implications and consequences of the use of manufactured particles to improve the feasibility and reduce risk for a Stratospheric Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Insurance.”

The conference’s last talk was by Peter Irvine, “Detection, Attribution and Climate Control — the Limits to Solar Radiation Management.”

At least one session late Friday gave notice to the health implications of official pollutants in sky striping on human health. Sebastian Eastham lectured on “Sensitivities of Human Health to Aerosol Climate Engineering.” But a commenter and sky striping critic says Mr. Eastham “paints a pretty picture regarding projected human mortality,” advocates a mass spraying of sulfur, ignores “the existing program” of spraying heavy metals in the skies daily, and takes no questions.

A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.
A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.

Local ‘contrail’ treatment in Chattanooga

A day after the conference in Great Britain ended, Chattanooga, Tenn., a heartland city along a bend in the Tennessee River, was heavily treated by jet aircraft. At 4 p.m. a great cloud bank hung along the atmosphere south and east of the city. Chattanooga received visible treatments of sky tattooing March 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15. Sky striping generally turns the sky milky white, thinning out sunlight and turning it to a brilliant orb in the sky many times bigger to the human eye.

Other days in Chattanooga were overcast. It is impossible to tell if jets are laying aerosol particulate eight miles up in the stratosphere with intervening fogbank weather four miles up blocking visual observation.

“Climate engineering is rapidly becoming a contentious issue within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change, in part due to a perceived lack of progress on crucial emission reductions,” according to conference notes. The conferees debate jet-lain sky stripes in light of the weak prospect of reduction of undesirable forms of pollution. Apparently the earth can bear no more than 1,000 gigatons of manmade pollution, “510 of which were already emitted by 2011, with currently about 10 more gigatons being added each year.” The conferees agree a crisis is building and nearing a breaking point.

It is estimated that, already, governments are putting millions of tons of aerosols into the atmosphere in a program outside civilian control. Chattanooga is regularly subject to a rain of aluminum, strontium and barium, according to the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau.

“Are climate engineering approaches fatally prone to error and misuse,” say the conference notes, “and worth excluding from the climate conversation on both practical and moral grounds? Are they an emergency measure which could have far-reaching and unpredictable consequences if deployed? Could they be a relatively straightforward remedy for some of the consequences of climate change? And how should research aimed at these questions be regulated? These questions, and many others raised by the prospect of climate engineering, involve diverse ethical, social, political and technical issues which are extraordinarily complex and incredibly interlinked.”

Small-scale tests proposed

For all the weather intervention already taking place, it is interesting to consider reports of scientists thinking small.

Weather intervention researchers in academia are proposing small-scale tests to see if, somehow, injecting aerosol microparticles into the air might allow weather to be made less sunny, with the sun’s heat deflected by a bright atmospheric shield constantly renewed by jet overflights.

Scientists meeting in San Jose in mid-February called for tests to see if a jet-borne cloud-creating program might work to “change the climate by blocking the sun’s rays.” Computer modeling isn’t enough, Lynn Russell says. She is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, San Diego. “Current research is not sufficient to allow us to decide if it could be useful,” she says. “We just don’t have enough information to make this decision at this point.”

Since 2013 Harvard professor David Keith has proposed small scale chemtrailing. Here’s how an MIT Technology Review story about it describes the test to increase the earth’s albedo, or reflectivity:

Customize several Gulfstream business jets with military engines and with equipment to produce and disperse fine droplets of sulfuric acid. Fly the jets up around 20 kilometers — significantly higher than the cruising altitude for a commercial jetliner but still well within their range. *** The planes spray the sulfuric acid, carefully controlling the rate of its release. The sulfur combines with water vapor to form sulfate aerosols, fine particles less than a micrometer in diameter. *** Once spread across the stratosphere, the aerosols will reflect about 1 percent of the sunlight hitting Earth back into space.

EPA says no ‘chemical, biological’ chemtrails

These agencies assure us local economy has nothing to worry about from sky striping.On Friday the federal environmental protection agency made a statement on its website debunking claims that geoengineering by jet overflight is already in progress.

“Contrails are line-shaped clouds or ‘condensation trails’ composed of ice particles that are visible behind jet aircraft engines under certain atmospheric conditions and at times can persist. EPA is not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.”

Whether aluminum would be considered a “chemical agent” is unclear. The statement links to a fact sheet posted at EPA’s website that has been largely unchanged 15 years. It describes sky striping as innocuous interactions between damp, cold air with hot jet engines.

Contrails are line-shaped clouds sometimes produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that often exists at these high altitudes allows the formation of contrails. Contrails are composed primarily of water (in the form of ice crystals) and do not pose health risks to humans. They do affect the cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere, however, and therefore might affect atmospheric temperature and climate.

The paper admits that contrails — the mere exhaust from jets — alter the weather with fresh cloud cover it says as exactly like that produced in nature.

“Persistent contrails are of interest to scientists because they increase the cloudiness of the atmosphere. The increase happens in two ways. First, persistent contrails are line-shaped clouds that would not have formed in the atmosphere without the passage of an aircraft. Secondly, persistent contrails often evolve and spread into extensive cirrus cloud cover that is indistinguishable from naturally occurring cloudi­ness.” (Italics added)

In a report March 14, the Christian Science Monitor goes out of its way to bring up the EPA fact sheet as a new contribution to the rising conflict over weather intervention, seeking to discredit critics of sky striping because they also opposed a purported new world order, gun confiscation, the prospect of martial law and other “subsidiary conspiracy theories.”

The federal government’s National Academy of Sciences in February published a 245-page report discussing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering as a solution to global warming if national governments prove incapable of slamming down energy consumption and manmade pollution. The F$55 book is available prepublication as a free PDF. It confirms my coverage of solar radiation management in the Chattanooga area but ignores the health dangers of deliberately injected “negative emissions” to people here and in other places around the globe.

This video introducing the Cambridge geoengineering conference suggests the geopolitical danger of national governments’ playing weather gods and even lets one interviewee discuss the “chemtrail conspiracy.” 3-minutes.

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. (Photo David Tulis)

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. Jets heavily treated Chattanooga Sunday morning and late afternoon. (Photo David Tulis)

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30.

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineerin conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineering conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the higher atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Aerosols begin to disperse over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Aerosols begin to disperse from a trail dripping over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Academia talks about chemtrailing in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Academia talks about climate intervention in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in chemtrailing as a form of polllution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, as a form of pollution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., looking southward toward Brainerd and Ooltewah. (Photo David Tulis)

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government chemtrailing proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government SRM proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, left, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed, right. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)


“Aircraft contrails factsheet,” Sept. 2000, revised September 2012,

Lisa M. Krieger, “Scientists call for ‘geoengineering’ tests to find ways to cool the planet,” Alaska Dispatch News, Feb. 15, 2015.

David Rotman, “A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming Intentionally engineering Earth’s atmosphere to offset rising temperatures could be far more doable than you imagine, says David Keith. But is it a good idea?” MIT Technology Review, Feb. 8, 2013.

Timothy Cama, “EPA confronts ‘chemtrails’ conspiracy talk,”, March 13, 2015.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

Fifty Shades Of Day


Source: Dorset Eye, article by Sean Hunter

I awake at four AM. And as I lay there in the darkness trying to retrieve a dream, I become aware of the constant droning in my head. After twenty minutes, unable to get back to sleep – let alone recover the dream – I get up to use the bathroom.

I take a sip or two of water, go back to bed and try to settle for sleep. But the droning noise persists, swelling and fading but never ceasing. Try as I might, I just can’t ignore it. What makes it worse is that I know the cause. I’ve been here before.

After an hour or so I concede defeat, take a shower and dress.

Downstairs, I make coffee and as I drink it I look out of the window. As dawn begins to break my suspicions are proved. In the sky there are scores of trails and struggling in the distance just above the horizon a weak sun shines. It resonates with the thickening sky and just like deadly nightshade, the colours are vibrant and strangely beautiful but indicative of the pure poison that lies within.

This small golden glow will be short lived. Most people, still sleeping, will not see the sun at all today.

I grab my camera and venture outside to get some pictures (see above). My neighbour is returning from walking her dog and smiles smugly “They’re just trails!” She says sarcastically as she passes.

“You still think that’s normal do you?” I reply, nodding at the sky.

It looks like an air display has just finished.

She doesn’t answer.

I admit I have failed miserably at educating my neighbours on the subject of geoengineering. I have bored them with my concerns, left them website links and information and handed out free copies of ‘Why In The World Are They Spraying’. They have decided that they don’t need to watch the film or investigate. Such is the extent of their hubris. For the sake of affability it is now, for the moment, a taboo subject.

Daybreak plus a couple of hours and the sky is white.

Don’t tell me that you haven’t noticed that the sky is white most of the time these days? Even during summer on a ‘clear’ day we don’t get true, blue sky – but in the winter we have what I call ‘sky fog’ most of the time. Sometimes the sky is a washed-out grey/blue with streaky, dirty looking clouds but mostly it’s just a dirty white.

Nobody questions this.

We walk around under this heavy, oppressive, foggy umbrella feeling heavy and oppressed ourselves but nobody asks where the sky went or why we only see the sun once or twice a week. It lowers our moods and our stature, curbs our smiles and deprives us of valuable vitamin D.

Other people in other countries live under different – but similarly unnatural skies.

I’ve been watching the sky and taking pictures for six years now. I have come to realise that you could write obscenities in the sky in capitol letters and no one would notice – because no one ever looks up.

I recently read an article by Joe Scanlan discussing chemtrails in Vaccination Information he posed the question:

Is your Eye/Brain switch set to off? I laughed out loud when I read it. I mean, how much more obvious does it have to be before people start to wake up?     

The geoengineering deniers would have us believe that the trails are just the result of normal flight. I live in a small county town. Does the picture above represent normal air traffic? I think not. The nearest commercial airport is about 20 miles away so, even if this was the result of commercial flying….I mean, come on! What the hell were they doing up there?

This is just one photograph taken on one day but I have photographed hundreds of anomalies like this.

It’s not as if the climate isn’t a subject on everyone’s lips. Even before The Kyoto Protocol, which came into force in 2005 and Al Gore’s 2006 documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, ‘experts’ were talking about pollution and the climate. 

I could drill down into the fine details here, about contrail science, aerosol dispersal patents and hockey stick temperature charts. I could discuss the thin and dubious ‘conclusive’ evidence ‘proving’ that you and I are to blame for the world’s weather and why we must, therefore, pay more for our energy.

But sadly, I know that by now I have already lost half the readers of this article – because we live in an age of apathy.

We are weary: War weary, recession weary, corruption weary and political promise weary. We’ve had so much bad news so often that facing the truth (more bad news) is about as nourishing as a fast-food burger.

We are told we must further tighten our belts as the bankers gamble with our savings and pay themselves yet more bonuses. But face the truth we must if we are to survive into the near future. That means holding the people responsible to account for their reckless attitudes and abuses of privileges right across the board – and that takes some courage and determination.

I recently wrote two other articles about geoengineering (details below) which addressed more of the science and agenda. Some irate Facebook comments and emails immediately followed which I then did my best to answer. But this article is not about proof, it’s about personal experience, observation and the employment of common sense – because it is so little used these days.

We are constantly being ‘nudged’ – to do only what we are encouraged to do, to believe only what we are encouraged to believe and we are persuaded that anyone who believes that the emperor really is naked is a conspiracy theorist – or worse, a terrorist! Well, the emperor in this instance is geoengineering and he’s waving his intimate parts right in our faces.

If you are not familiar with the subject of geoengineering you need to be. For it is THE biggest contributing factor in the state of the world’s climate by a long way – and the state of the world’s climate effects everything and everyone in so many different ways.

Yet in the climate change/global warming debate it is consistently and conveniently ignored. Despite the seeable, touchable, feelable evidence all around us, the devastating impact on our environment and rapidly rising levels of sickness, we are told that geoengineering is really mostly just theory. However, here at street level, just by using common sense, observation and logic it is so easy to see the lie.

As I have said before, as with many other serious and distressing issues, the greatest obstacle in the way of resolution is facing the fact that the people in whom we trust often do not have our best interests at heart. The world-wide ruthless betrayal of our trust has been demonstrated over and over again in government, banking, corporations, news media, health, child-care, the police and the courts.

So if what we are officially being told about the climate is true it would make it the exception to the rule by miles.

Any kind of investigation to find truth must begin with the assumption that, although innocent until proven guilty, all are initially under suspicion. Qui buono? – Who benefits? Is always a good place to start and when you look into it, you soon see who benefits from manipulating the weather. The globalists, the seed companies, bankers, investors and the military – just for starters – and how much can we trust them do you think?

But this article is not a scientific paper. It is not an investigation. It is my personal experience of geoengineering in action.

It’s about planes at four in the morning, an illusive, hazy sun, white sky, crazy trails, weird smells and rainbow coloured clouds. It’s about dying bees (I keep them) shrubs and trees and official denials to my requests for answers. It’s about a world of freak weather, dulled down people and an observed epidemic of cancer, Alzheimer’s and respiratory illness with little or no explanation.

But most of all it is about an overwhelming and all-consuminggeoengineering silence.

How could a field tested, historically documented project so many years in the making, that has involved government scientists, the military, the aircraft industry, tech manufacturers and the patent office, which has cost billions in investment and research and development and involved so many people –still be so widely unheard of? 

Does it mean that all of that time, money and research has just been shelved for a rainy day? Or could it mean that this highly controversial science has been covertly in operation for many years? 

Geoengineering is one of the most important, yet most ignored issues of our time. The sky-jacking of our weather. I ask you to use your eyes and ears, trust your own judgement, employ common sense, watch the sky and then ask yourself what on earth has happened to it?

Here are some very important links to help you.

Dane Wigington’s site:

Cliff Carnicom’s site:

The film Why In The World Are They Spraying:    

My previous articles published in Dorset Eye and on the net:

‘What’s Really Going On With The Weather?’

‘Chemtrails: The Conspiracy That Never Was’

Thank you for reading this.

Sean Hunter 

Source: Dorset Eye, article by Sean Hunter


Climate Engineering Omnicide And The Criminals Who Help Hide It


If you care about reason, justice, the planet, your children, yourself, or any other aspect of life on Earth, the 10 minute film clip below should fill you with justifiable anger. As awareness of the climate engineering insanity grows, so does the attempt by those in power to quench the growing fires of the awakening population. The "journalists" and disinformation site owners featured in this film will hopefully one day soon be held to account in a legal forum that should resemble the Nuremberg trials. Such cowardly and despicable individuals are all too willing to lie for a paycheck and a pension. They like to rant about the "conspiracy theorists" in the most derogatory tone, but what do psychologists say about the sanity of those who question as opposed to those who blindly parrot the official narrative? Studies show clearly that those who question are much more sane, what a surprise. The mainstream media disinformation in the video below tries to convince us that everything we see in the sky is just "contrails", but does this lie hold up to hard facts? What the disinformation people in this film did not tell you is that all commercial jets and military tankers have "high bypass turbofan" jet engines which is by design incapable of producing "condensation trails" except under the most extreme conditions. Did they mention the mountain of government documents and science reports on "solar radiation management" (SRM)? No, they did not even mention the term as that would have given credibility to this issue and that's the last thing they want. They show film footage of WWll B-17 bombers leaving condensation trails, but they did not tell you that these bombers had water vapor injection systems on them in addition to the very crude piston engines that put out a tremendous amount of particulate matter. Their entire video is filled with direct lies and lies of omission. If you want to make a difference in the battle to expose and halt global geoengineering, take the time to contact the two primary perpetrators in this mainstream disinformation piece and let them know you are not OK with them lying about the climate engineering crimes that will cost your children any chance for a future if these programs continue. One is Mark Allin from ATS (Above Top Secret). ATS is controlled and funded by William Irvine who has reported CIA connections. Then there is George Knapp, from Channel 8 news, who avoids completely the mountain of science relating to geoengineering and solar radiation management like the long list of patents and global governance documents. If you care about your future and that of your children, make your voice heard. Let those who lie for a paycheck and a pension know that you are not OK with their part in the cover-up of the covert climate engineering crimes. 
Dane Wigington


Lord Monckton, Ardent Geoengineering Denier


Lord Monckton is an ardent denier of the blatant climate engineering reality occurring in skies around the globe every day, so why would so many in the anti-climate engineering community post Monckton's rants? Because too many are not doing real research on the bigger picture but are rather marching forward with opinions based on bias, ideology, and preconception. Hard facts help our cause, the former personality traits mentioned do not. Because so many hate Al Gore (for good reason) they will post anyone that has an opposing view to Gore, but is this reasonable? If Gore said the world was round, should we take the position that it is flat? If activists in the anti-geoengineering fight expect others to actually investigate the spraying of our skies, are not we responsible for also having a solid basis for our opinions? Many activists also cite The Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, as a source of credible information even though Coleman has labeled the anti-geoengineering community "tin foil hat wearing nutcases". Again, I would ask, why would anyone in the anti-climate engineering community post the rants from such a person? Again, the answer is this, because Coleman disputes Gore and the reality of our changing climate. Monckton and Coleman are both former journalists, neither even claim to have spent significant time in solid and extensive research on the climate or geoengineering. The video below is exposes Lord Monckton in many ways. Monckton admits he is "not an expert on the atmosphere" but yet he claims to know that what we see in our skies are only "contrails". Why would anyone who claims to be against climate engineering post the baseless opinions of individuals like Monckton? Opinions and ideology must be exchanged for research and hard facts.
Dane Wigington


Radio Journalist Responds To The Washington Post’s Climate Engineering Article


The climate engineering elephant in the room is becoming bigger and harder to hide by the day. The Washington Post has now put out a second article on climate engineering in the span of a week. The difference of approach between the two articles "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" and "What Is The Right Temperature For Earth" is striking. In the article below radio journalist David Tulis puts a light on The Washington Post's less than objective coverage of the critical climate engineering issue. Still, the fact that The Washington Post is having to address geoengineering twice in a week is a clear sign ground is rapidly being gained in the effort to bring this issue to light.
Dane Wigington