Search Results for: conspiracy

The Washington Post Covers Climate Engineering Issue

The Washington Post has now addressed the climate engineering issue, the weather warfare assault in our skies is becoming all but impossible to hide. As our collective reality continues to rapidly deteriorate, many are beginning to look around and some are finally looking up. Blue skies are now a rare site as the all out aerosol spraying bombardment continues to increase around the globe. Though The Washington Post used the usual mainstream media terms like "conspiracy theory", all things considered this article is a giant leap forward for the cause of exposing the climate engineering insanity. The reporters at The Washington Post certainly had an uphill battle in getting this article even accepted for print, my sincere gratitude to them for their efforts. We are nearing critical mass of awareness regarding global geoengineering, those that wish to further the strides made with this article should take the time to click the "original source" link, and then comment under the article. Let's make our voices heard more than ever before.

False Flags, Media Lies And A Willfully Blind Population

Clinically insane leaders combined with a majority of the population that is willfully blind, this is a recipe for total global extinction. The military industrial complex and industrialized society has long since pushed the biosphere past the point of no return. What is left for us to salvage? Only if enough people awaken and join the fight for the common good does the planet have any chance to continue supporting life into the future. Our government and others are being run by criminal cabals who are determined to achieve total power and control even at the cost and consequence of exterminating all life on Earth. Mainstream media and the tyrants who control it are completely manipulating and spinning the coverage of events perpetrated by the power structure for the benefit of the power structure. If we are to preserve any future for our planet and ourselves, we must wake those around us to what is unfolding. The article below is a summary of what is happening, why it's happening, and what we can do to help change course.

Nuclear Radiation and Geo-engineering: Two Threats to Life on Earth


Source: Global Research

“We have the risk of another Fukushima at any given nuclear power plant that’s past its prime, which is all of them in the United States.” —Mimi German

I believe mathematically it’s inarguable that the greatest single all-out assault on the biosphere is global climate engineering.” —Dane Wigington

Geoengineering: Like GMO On Steroids For The Environment

Awareness of the climate engineering subject is growing rapidly and the issue is justifiably frightening to the newly awakened. Those that are just beginning their journey into the global geoengineering rabbit hole are not quite ready to admit it is actually going on as such a notion is clearly and understandably terrifying to them.  Those of us that have been fighting to expose climate engineering for many years would do well to remember our own initial skepticism on this issue. What matters is that people like Kenneth Eade (the article author) are sincerely investigating and speaking out. Kenneth is a very successful author of considerable notoriety. His attention toward the critical issue of geoengineering is helpful to the overall cause of exposing the ongoing climate engineering crimes occurring in skies around the globe.

Corporate Media’s Mission To Marginalize Geoengineering Discussion


Dane Wigington

Media in Northern California is the epitome of criminal reporting and "gatekeeping" of legitimate information. The "Record Searchlight" (Northern California's primary newspaper) is owned by the Scripps Howard institute, a part of the corporate media empire. The editor at the Searchlight has done his best to toe the line for the power structure by constantly publishing his personal views. The post directly below was published front and center in the editorial section of the Record Searchlight on December 7th, 2014. The spin and omission of the facts by Mr. Silas Lyons is typical of his "coverage" of the climate engineering/geoengineering issue in the past. If you are outraged after reading all that is contained in this post, perhaps you should let editor Silas Lyons know what your opinion is, he can be reached at the email shown in his editorial publication below.

Climate Engineering Pilot Disclosure?

The two letters below were forwarded to "The HAARP Report", these texts were sent to me by the administrator of that site. The message source claims to be relaying statements from a US military pilot that is part of the ongoing aerosol spraying nightmare occurring in our skies day in and day out. Are the statements authentic? Is the source credible? I have no way of confirming in either case. This being said, the dots do connect with what I believe these pilots are being told. The power structure command always conveys a very simple message to troops, it's us or them. This is the basic theme below that is described by the alleged pilot. The fact that the climate modification aspect is not aluded to at all is not a surprise. Informing military men and women participating in these programs of this aspect would greatly complicate the equation. Such disclosure would likely cloud the "black and white", "us against them" mindset that those in power use to manipulate our brothers and sisters in the military. I am posting these messages as a matter of public disclosure. Though we have no way of verifying the validity of the posts below, the statements and assertions contained in the messages warrant examination.

The US Still Thinks It Owns The World


The Rollout Of Geoengineering


Source: The Sleuth Journal, article by Bernie Suarez

The systematic pre-planned roll out of geoengineering and aerosol spraying of our skies is now in full swing. This attempt to roll chemtrails out to the general public was predicted and anticipated by many in the movement for years, but now we are seeing the actual implementation of the agenda. Chemical spraying nation-wide has been relentless for years. All of humanity has been watching planes dropping their artificial sustained chemical trails which artificially start and stop whenever chemical barrels are empty or when perhaps the person or system controlling the release of these chemicals from the planes needs to. All of this has been happening in broad daylight. We’ve watched as these unmarked planes with transponders in the off position sneak around the skies (go to and confirm this for yourself). These same non-passenger planes are known to loop around and fly back in the same path previously traveled.

Whistleblowers have come out and confirmed many segments of these mass operations. I have personally interviewed someone who had regular access to a large military Air Force base and confirmed the spraying of the “white stuff”.  Others have taken up to sampling soil, water and air samples, all which have turned up exponentially high levels of improbable metals, and the accompanying pH increases that come with that. Many of the metals found just happen to match the metals required in the same weather modification patents issued to U.S. defense contractors. All of these metal elements are incompatible with life. All which have deleterious effects on all of nature, its life forms and its life cycles. All of these realities ignored by the U.S. government, its mouthpiece politicians and the mouthpiece geoengineers.

All of this information only confirms and vindicates the whistleblowers who have spoken out against chemtrails spraying operations. For years now, chemtrails operations have become common knowledge, having been exposed world-wide from deep in the trenches of the movement to the public and private letter writing efforts to politicians and other agencies informing and inquiring about these programs and asking for their help. At some point in say, the last 5-10 years the movement started getting attention from segments of media, but the script eventually became clear; chemtrails was to be denied and not talked about. Soon we saw those stories about chemtrails go away, ignored, side-step and even replaced by other environmental concerns.

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich may have learned about the need to keep chemtrails in denial mode the hard way when his brother was mysteriously “found dead” in his own home. Was this foul play? Who knows, but this much is factually known, Kucinich was also the one who specified “chemtrails” in his Space Preservation Act of 2001. He wasn’t kidding. The opposition and its internet trolls would have you believe he didn’t really mean chemtrails. It was all a misunderstanding. Anyone believes this? We may not know who was behind the mysterious death of his brother, but we do know Kucinich never spoke about chemtrails again.

As for the movement against chemtrails, it has been met with as much resistance and propaganda as any movement. My hat goes off to the chemtrails-geoengineering activists. They’ve had to watch as the control system literally re-edits old movies and animated films to insert chemtrails into them. This is the same system that is re-educating the children that cirrus clouds and geometrically straight (tic-tac-toe) lines in the sky are part of natural cloud formation. We’ve watched paid trolls defend chemtrails by asserting (blindly) that persistent contrails is the ordinary phenomenon which explains how temperature-humidity variations dictate whether planes can change today’s weather in a matter of an hour or two. These are just some of the piles of lies that the chemtrails movement has been subject to, up to now that is.

Up to now, the globalists and their politician minions have been sitting on the deny card. This plan is about to change. The trick is how to go from covert to overt. How to say we admit we’re doing it, but then sell the item as a good thing. This is a job that can only be pulled off by Barack Obama and his administration. In times like these, you need a sales closer to close the deal. Someone who can convince the victim that the punishment is good for them. Like a master slave relationship. Look for example, at how Obama is selling mass surveillance to the American public, even comparing the dreaded NSA to American heroes like Paul Revere. The control system knows no one can sell tyranny to America the way that Obama can. They know that the time to flip the mass perceptions of various conspiracies against humanity is now, while the current president is in power, and there is no time to waste. The rolling out of geoengineering seems to be well within this timing.

The move to roll out geoengineering and chemtrails seemed to have accelerated after the September 2013 revelation that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was prepared to put out a climate report that admits the earth had actually been cooling since 1998. This information which conflicted with all the global warming claims had to be dealt with in a manner that is conducive to continued spraying and continued advancement of agenda 21 and global carbon tax. Thus since then the administration signed an executive order to take over all climate change legislation. Then SHOWTIME cable network launched ‘Years of living dangerously’; a TV show promoting global warming and its ties to climate change. This also called for late year press releases from media reminding viewers that global warming is still alive … in the form of global cooling, of course! This also pushed IPCC to put out the official claim that since 1998 we are simply in a global warming “pause”.

As if that wasn’t enough propaganda, the control system then launched an attempt to go for it all. In early December 2013 government geoengineering front man David Keith goes on a national TV late night show and announces solution a; we need to spray the skies to help cool the planet against global warming. As if activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers don’t exist, Keith makes his claims on the Colbert Report to the sarcastic reaction of both host Stephen Colbert and the crowd before walking off seemingly uncomfortably. Had we seen the last of it then or was the system planning other moves to roll geoengineering out to the general public? As the New Year began, we all knew they were not done, but no one could know for sure which direction the control system would go next. Now we know.

Now we have a clearer picture of where the agenda is going in their quest to roll out geoengineering. Ironically, it was about mid-way last year when I received an email from someone defending against one of the videos posted on my website, asking me to take it down. The person said they agreed with much of the content and videos on the site, but this one video in which an individual recorded a chemtrails pilot admitting they are spraying is attributed to Weather Modification Inc., a weather modification company as the name clearly implies. The person claimed this company is legitimate and nothing to do with the chemtrails operations.

Why is this important? Because this raises fundamental questions such as; are we to view the spraying of metal particles chemicals to manipulate the weather as a “good” chemtrails spraying? Is spraying of metal particles (including silver iodide, aluminum, barium and strontium) approved by we-the-people? Have the long term effects of spraying been examined by physicians and health experts and deemed safe? How are these spraying programs being conducted by Weather Modification Inc. different from the spraying programs we are observing every day in our skies? What else does Weather Modification Inc. do? What if all chemtrails operations can be attributed to Weather Modification Inc.?  Does that give the public a reason to finally accept chemtrails as a normal operation being conducted by government good-guy contractors for your own good?

Let’s explore even deeper questions like: What public statements can Weather Modification Inc. issue regarding chemtrails planes? If what they are doing is moral and acceptable to the public, why isn’t Weather Modification Inc. upset about the chemtrails planes ruining their work? For example, if I’m a pilot with Weather Modification Inc., wouldn’t it concern me that while I’m dropping silver iodide, etc. in the atmosphere to create rain, another unmarked plane could be flying around dropping ‘other’ non-approved chemicals on the same atmosphere I’m working on. Where’s the conflict? Wouldn’t this scenario present massive problems and potential wasted money? That would actually give Weather Modification Inc. twice the reasons to protest chemtrails. After all, those planes illegally dumping chemicals are a threat to the effectiveness of Weather Modification Inc.’s work and a major threat to their reputation. If Weather Modification Inc. really believed this, wouldn’t they themselves want to track the chemtrails planes and want to file a lawsuit, criminal investigation or freedom of information act or anything to fight back against chemtrails? Is this a textbook example of compartmentalization of knowledge?

I think it is. Listening to the chemtrails pilot, it almost sounds like he genuinely doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong. It takes us back to the U.S. Air Force CHEMistry 131 manual with the ‘Chemtrails’ written all over the front. Surely most, if not all US. Air Force pilots will study this manual and not think this could be used in a bad way. If nothing else, the video above shows how they get the pilots to do the work. This is the magic of compartmentalization of knowledge.

Now in Southern California, where chemtrails operations have been at an all-time high, with chemicals being dumped at record levels into the sky every single day, we are now experiencing an engineered “catastrophic” drought. However, we know that where the ability to make rain exists the ability to stop it also exists. This is the fundamentals of weather control. This truth is being hidden from the public as Weather Modification Inc. has now been rolled out to the general public in a local news segment reporting not only the emergency drought that we are in, but the solution being delivered by Weather Modification Inc. After seeing this report, it occurred to me we’ve come full circle. Problem, Reaction, Solution. Another solution being offered to an engineered problem. Of course, we’ve known all along, this is how the control system operates.

So even though control of the weather was considered conspiracy not very long ago, now it is being put out into the public as a good thing. The history channel told us years ago, it (chemical spraying) was being used as a weapon (for creating drought and heavy rain) against potential enemies; even so, some disregarded the History Channel documentary as fiction and insisted all of this was conspiracies.(?) Now it’s being sold by local news as a solution to the current engineered west coast drought.

For a movement that has been eerily ignored, mocked and marginalized, the challenge now becomes to focus on the players that are choosing to play a role in the overt rollout of the chemical spraying crimes against humanity. Activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers need to expose these new players and claims seeking to insert their lies and deception into the hearts and minds of the masses. The same way that geoengineering front man David Keith was laughed off on the Colbert Report is the same way we, the awakened critical thinkers and concerned citizens must look to expose Weather Modification Inc. and any contractors, military or corporations who continue to work toward the agenda that involves the geoengineering of our planet. All geoengineering must stop now and we all have an obligation to demand this stops. I have never consented to inhaling nano-sized metal particles that are known to be dangerous to the human body and nature. This is exponentially worse than the dangerous vaccines the establishment is forcing on your children. This is unapproved mass genocide and human experimentation, all of which is prohibited by the ethical guidelines that apply to all experimental subjects. The first being knowledge. For any experiment to be considered ethical, the subject must have knowledge of the experiment being conducted on him/her. This knowledge has been hidden and these experiments on nature and humanity continue unapproved.

Let us never accept these lies and propaganda which have been planned in advance to usher in the rollout of geoengineering. Educate your children and keep sharing this relevant information about science, ethics, plane tracking, visual evidence and personal observational studies, and the hidden nature of the secret pseudo-science government studies that are supposed to prove that somehow ordinary emission from average planes can be emitted during normal flight and simultaneously change the weather. Think for a minute, how did the Wright Brothers miss this massive global climate altering side effect of their planes, and why didn’t this massive plane flight side effect make it to the literature and books about planes all these years? Why doesn’t anyone recall seeing lines in the sky before say 2000? Where are the childhood photos with chemtrails in the background? Did we all suffer from mass visual illusions of deep blue skies only?

This spraying agenda is very much a part of the global government plans for control admitted by the U.S. Air Force which has stated goals of controlling the weather by 2025. This control is already much more advanced and possibly in full effect now. Let’s keep the pressure on government to release the information they know about these spraying operations and let’s demand criminal investigations into those heading this agenda.  Let’s keep a mental note of; Thou shalt not be fooled, in the back of our minds as we continue to fight for exposure and criminalization of all forms of unapproved unethical geoengineering.

Will we ever get our once beautiful blue skies back? Will it happen in our generation? It doesn’t seem very likely given the pace of lies, deception laced in massive compartmentalization the system is embarked on. We may not know how this will end but let us at least focus on who the players and tactics are, so we can channel our energies and efforts in the most efficient way.

 Source: The Sleuth Journal, article by Bernie Suarez

What’s Really Going On With The Weather?


Source: Dorset Eye

Alerting The Public To A Climate In Crisis

The signs have been written in the sky in astonishing trails. The weather has been shouting it through drought and flood – and the documented evidence has been available on the internet for a very, very long time.

The Post-Tribune And The Geoengineering Elephant In The Room

The climate engineering elephant in the room is getting hard to hide. It is becoming ever more clear that phones and emails are ringing off the hook in the offices of newsrooms and public officials by people that want answers on the climate engineering insanity. We must continue this trend and increase the pace even further. Of course the Post Tribune finds an “expert” to say it isn’t so and that the public is just making it all up and does not understand the “laws of physics”. Why should we believe that it’s only “condensation trails” in the sky? Because the “Weather Channel” says so. Never mind that we have film footage of tankers spraying at altitude with the nozzles clearly visible and with the spray being turned on and off. Never mind the fact that lab tests from around the globe prove beyond doubt that we are all being buried in under massive amounts of toxic heavy metals that match climate engineering patents exactly. Just throw your sense of deductive reasoning out the window because the paid liars at the Rothchilds owned weather channel say it isn’t so. To cap it off, Jerry Davich from the Post Tribune delivers his final “conspiracy theory” insinuation by quoting an establishment trained “professor of sociology” who says we are all just choosing to believe legends of our own creation. We must hold these people accountable. Don’t stop phoning and emailing them until they show the courage to stop lying and start telling the truth.


Davich: Contrails, chemtrails or contemporary legend?

Source: Post-Tribune, News of Northwest Indiana, article by Jerry Davich


Look, up in the sky. No, seriously.

There’s a possibility you’ll see intriguing white streaks of, well, something.

Are they simply contrails from jet airplane engines, which have been leaving exhaust-related plumes for decades? Or are these murky streaks something more?

Possibly “geo-engineering” at work or chemical trails (“chemtrails”)? Or more radical explanations, such as human pesticides, biological agents and weather pattern manipulation, as I’ve been told by critical observers. Conspiracy theories, you say?

“Conspiracy possibilities,” replied Andrew Reed of Chesterton.

“I’ve seen contrails. These are different,” he insisted, pointing to a ton of Internet information and conjecture on this topic.

“I’ve studied chemtrails for a while now, but this was the first time I saw them happen for myself,” he told me earlier this week. “My experience today helped solidify my beliefs that planes are dropping something on an unsuspecting public.”

On that day, our Northwest Indiana skies were littered with these cloudy white streaks going every direction. I always assumed they were created by jets flying to and from the two Chicago airports. Not so, claims Reed and others.

“The planes were crisscrossing and making 90-degree turns right before my eyes,” said Reed, a sanitation worker for Portage. “The trails they left acted in accordance with everything I have come to know about them. They left a murky cloud-like haze that did not evaporate. They are real and shrouded in mystery.”

Mystery indeed, until you talk with a university chemistry professor or meteorologist from The Weather Channel.

“There is a very basic scientific explanation for these chemtrails,” said Kory Stiffler, a visiting assistant professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy at Indiana University Northwest in Gary. “They are essentially trails of water vapor left by the exhaust of airplanes, which condense in the cold air and form little trails of clouds, the same way a regular cloud is formed.”

The reason these water vapor trails (and clouds) are white is that the water vapor of which they are composed scatters sunlight in all directions, he noted. On the other hand, the scattering of sunlight by atmospheric gases (primarily nitrogen and oxygen) is the reason the sky is blue — these gases scatter blue light in all directions.

It’s all Physics 101, a course he teaches every semester.

Meteorologists from The Weather Channel agree, telling me that when weather conditions are just right, jets leave behind a streaming contrail cloud.

“Some conspiracy theorists believe these are trails of chemicals released by planes. However, that is not the case,” a Weather Channel spokeswoman told me.

In simplest terms, such conditions need a rather high relative humidity but below the point of saturation, with no clouds. A slight change in air temperature can lead to this condensation.

“Relative humidity is when temperature and dew point are close together,” the spokeswoman said. “When the temperature drops to the dew point, this is when you get the condensation or clouds, or contrail in this case.”

Reed and other critics of such scientific explanation don’t believe it.

“Why do people refuse to believe that geoengineering is real?” asked Reed, who took a photo of the sky that day, which accompanies this column. “We’ve seen what governments can do, with cases like Agent Orange in Vietnam and other instances of chemical warfare.”

Reed is certainly not alone with such thinking locally. I’ve heard from many other readers about these contrails or chemtrails, especially this past year.

“They were spraying big time today. It can’t be good,” said Jerry Gilles, a social media follower.

“They’ve been doing it for years but people are finally starting to realize what’s happening,” said Kathy Parsons of Gary.

Many of them insist doubters watch the 2010 documentary film, “What in the World Are They Spraying?” which reportedly reveals the chemtrail-geoengineering cover-up.

This is how it’s billed: “Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind.” But, “the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent.”

Reed, among others, is a believer.

“I believe it’s aluminum and possibly barium and strontium,” he said.


“Possibly to block solar rays to slow global warming,” he said. “Possibly to experiment on the population. To destroy plant life. To destroy soil on independent farms for big agriculture interests. Weather manipulation. There are numerous possibilities.”


“People can make all the tinfoil hat jokes they want, but I’m scared,” Reed said. “I don’t live my life based on fear, but this is so strange.”

From a sociological perspective, this is called a “contemporary legend,” contrary to an urban legend, used to differentiate modern legend from traditional folklore in preindustrial societies.

This type of legend reflects contemporary circumstances and paranoia about unseen enemies and threats to our country, such as “enemy agents,” “big government” or “big brother.”

As the sociologist W.I. Thomas taught us, “What people define as real becomes real in their consequences.” Even though the stories may not be real at all.

“Remember, it doesn’t mean these contemporary legends are real but simply that people believe them to be true and what such beliefs say about urban life and perhaps even history,” said Charles Gallmeier, professor of sociology at IUN.

Again, I tell you, look up in the sky. But also look in your psyche and your gut before coming to your conclusion.

Source: Post-Tribune, News of Northwest Indiana, article by Jerry Davich

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 31, 2014


The Ebola Card, Commentary From A Former Government Official


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a former Reagan administration cabinet official who has been an outspoken voice of truth and reason for decades. Dr. Roberts is highly respected and regarded internationally as a source of accurate perspectives and information. So what is Roberts saying about the whole Ebola situation? The article below makes some very important observations that should be considered. Whatever the global powers are up to in regard to the Ebola outbreak, all indications are that our government and others are highly involved with the manipulation of this situation. More and more information is piling up to indicate that the Ebola virus was likely engineered. The power structure is being pushed further into a corner with each passing day, this makes them more dangerous than ever. Even if steps were taken on the ground to curb the spread of the deadly Ebola pathogen, the aerosol spraying programs (geoengineering, SRM, SAG, SAI) could be utilized to distribute engineered pathogens anytime those in power wish. The collective health of the human race has already been horrifically compromised from what we conclusively know they are spraying above our heads (countless lab tests prove this), what might they be spraying that we don’t yet know about? If they are not yet spraying pathogens, what is to stop them from doing this at any point of their choosing? The spraying must be exposed and halted, it’s up to all of us to engage in this battle to expose the truth.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 24, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 22, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 20, 2014


Climate Engineering Assault On Chattanooga Documented


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 17, 2014


FEMA Pandemic Rehearsals And The Ebola Fiasco


What a true circus of insanity we all find ourselves in. The obvious orchestrations of events and scenarios that are closing in on us unfortunately still do not seem so apparent to many. Our biosphere is collapsing, the entire planet is now completely contaminated from countless sources, and now there is the manipulated threat of Ebola to contend with. Do those that help to carry out the insanity (as their job) ever consider that they are going to go down with the rest of us if they continue to do the bidding of those in power? Many are beginning to wake up, this fact makes the global elite more dangerous than ever. From the spraying of toxic metals and chemicals in our skies to the playing of the Ebola card, the stakes are more dire and more immediate than ever. Those who are already awake need to open the eyes of others around them, the battle to expose and stop the psychopaths that run our world is a responsibility that must be carried by us all.
Dane Wigington

The Human Race Is Descending Into Extinction: A Former Reagan Cabinet Official Speaks Out


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for the Reagan administration. Mr. Roberts has constantly been an outspoken voice of facts and reason in an increasingly chaotic and criminal world run by global powers that are unarguably completely out of control. About 4 weeks before the article below was released, I communicated with Dr. Roberts on the issue of global geoengineering (as I am sure some others have also). I expressed to him that his voice would bring great credibility to the cause of raising public awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. Though he stated his reluctance to address the subject as it was not his area of expertise, true to his courageous character, Dr Roberts put out the article below which covered the climate engineering issue (along with other critical subjects) shortly after our exchange.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 15, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 13, 2014


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 10, 2014


Psychopaths In Power


We are all living in a world gone mad, how did it get so bad? Who is steering the ship? Why are those in power doing what they are doing? Don’t they know they are going to go down on the ship with the rest of us if the insanity continues much longer? From climate engineering to endless wars, to nuclear cataclysms, who is behind all of this. What kind of people are we dealing with? Understanding the psychopathic mind can be very helpful in the quest to understand the questions posed. The study below shines a great deal of light on this subject.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 6, 2014


Mainstream French Newspaper Covers Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout


Our gratitude to the mainstream media in France for covering what US corporate media won’t, the ongoing climate engineering and the toxic fallout it produces. The article below was translated for For the original article in French, click the source link. Just as the article covers, many in the US have also seen the cobweb like filaments that occasionally litter the landscape after heavy jet spraying. I have tested some of the filament samples at the state certified lab and they were largely composed of aluminum. Unless spiders are using aluminum to weave their webs, this phenomenon is clearly a result of the aerosol spray operations. The occasional occurrences of the filament fallout are likely the result of a malfunction on the spraying equipment with specific aircraft. Many have reported becoming ill after handling this material. If we all keep pulling together in the battle to shine the light on the geoengineering nightmare in our skies, soon enough the US media will be forced into covering what they have tried so hard to hide.
Dane Wigington

Strange Filaments Falling From The Sky Analyzed By A Laboratory In Var (French Southern Region)



In Cuers (small city from the Var) filaments samples were passed to the mass spectrometer to analyze their composition. Luc Boutria

To understand their theory, you simply need to look up to the sky and observe. There’s a good chance that you come across one of those “beautiful” white trails left by jet-planes.Conspiracy theory, reactors residues … Individuals and organizations are questioning the discovery of white filaments. A laboratory in Var (French southern region) reveals that these filaments are not natural …

As good Gauls, we still fear that the sky may fall on our heads. This fear is justified, if one refers to the opinion of some individuals and an association, the ACSEIPICA *.

These long trails which run across the sky – which are called chemtrails ** in English – would contain strange whitish and sticky filaments, “airborne filaments” which disperse in nature … or in your garden!

These surprising discoveries on plants have attracted the worried attention of the people in the Var, as well as everywhere around France, who collected samples for analysis. At the lead you find the “AnAlytikA laboratory” in Cuers whose latest results on the composition of these mysterious filaments falling from the sky predict the worst in terms of public health.

Other scientists highlight the fact that condensation trails which can be observed at high altitudes of about 10,000 meters disappear quickly. While chemtrails appear at lower altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 meters and disappear very slowly … Worrisome, indeed. (worrisome) To the point of constituting the subject of a “questioning” at the National Assembly by the end of year 2013.

In Cuers however people seem to stay away from the military-complex/governmental conspiracy theory which speaks of spraying desigbed for climate control, demographics control, or even “chemical warfare military researches” …

Yet some associations fear that we are the victims of risky experiences. A new X-Files season?

* Citizens Association for the Monitoring, Study and Information about the Programs of Atmospheric Climate Manipulations. ** Neologism built with the contraction of the English word “chemical trail” or “trail of chemicals.”


National Media Host David Pakman Desperately Tries To Discredit The Climate Engineering Reality


David Pakman is the epitome of power structure controlled opposition. Though David covers some issues with what appears to be opposition to the power structure, on the issues that really matter Pakman's job is clearly to marginalize, discredit, and otherwise cloud the truth. 911 and Climate engineering are two of the most critical issues at hand which Pakman is doing his best to marginalize. One of the primary ways Pakman tried to marginalize the climate engineering issue was to insist on using the non-science term of "chemtrails". Semantics matter in this battle, the "chemtrails" term leads investigating individuals to "conspiracy theory and hoax" definitions. Using science terms like "geoengineering", "climate engineering", or "solar radiation management", etc, leads to science information that helps to confirm the validity of the climate engineering issue. In the 16 minute interview below that I just did with David Pakman, he is particularly aggressive and clearly has an agenda. It is also apparent that he spent considerable time preparing himself for his attempt to discredit the climate engineering reality. Never during the interview does it seem he has any interest whatsoever in honest investigation or facts relating to the subject at hand. I knew before I accepted the interview request that David was on a mission to "de-bunk" the dire issue of global geoengineering which so many awake activists are fighting to expose. With all of us working together, we are indeed gaining ground in this fight. If we weren't, Pakman would not have been sent by his paymasters to try and slow us down. The facts speak for themselves. Though David Pakman's faithful followers seem to blindly follow him with their comments below the video, most seem to be as long on ideology and short on facts as David was. Dane Wigington

Denial – Hey, That’s My Story – Oh, Your’s Too?

We are dumbfounded –  those of us deeply concerned about geoengineering and chemtrails –  by the apparent inability of so many people to see, acknowledge, or care about blatantly obvious chemical  trails in the sky.


10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop


Source: Activist Post

Has the ISIS psyop calmed down a bit? Before it dies out let’s examine some incredible ironies and oddities surrounding CIA’s ISIS. After all, the ISIS psyop deserves a thorough analysis from every angle, so I thought it appropriate to outline for the sake of humanity. Hopefully, humanity can use the ISIS psyop as a tool for the final or further awakening. It may be wishful thinking, but it is worth exposing every crack and corner of this psyop and let government know that we are not going for it this time.

California Crushed By Climate Engineering Assault


Conditions in the state of California are beyond belief. There are no sounds in the dead and dying forests as streams and lakes completely dry up. The off the chart UV radiadion beaming through the heavy metal aerosol filled skies is intolerable. It is uncomfortable to stand in direct sunlight even for a short time. Foliage is being scorched by the searing sun that is blasting through the radically depleted ozone layer, yet another consequence of the geoengineering insanity. The article below was just released by Natural News and authored by Richard Sachs. Richard has been in the fight for the common good for a very long time, my thanks to him for penning this constructive and informative piece. My thanks also to Natural News for helping to sound the alarm on the incredibly dire catastrophe being inflicted on the once golden state by the geoengineers.
Dane Wigington

9/11 False Flag Operation: HUGE Tipping Point As State-Sponsored Terrorism Is Exposed


State Actors That Staged 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Disclosed, Plot Revealed, Justice Inevitable

Source: State of the Nation

“The synthetic terror fabricated on September 11, 2001 is like a boomerang fashioned as a double-edged samurai sword.  Just as the manufactured War On Terror has since produced ‘death by a thousand cuts’ in those countries targeted by the real Axis of Evil, the karmic boomerang will now return to those state actors who launched the 9/11 false flag operation .”  – State of the Nation