Search Results for: drought

Climate Engineering Denial In The Face Of Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

So many circles in academia have completely betrayed the populations of the world and, indeed, the planet as a whole. Even now, as Earth continues to free-fall into what is already a runaway warming scenario (mathematically speaking), the ongoing blatant global climate engineering assault goes completely unacknowledged by the whole of the climate science/meteorological community. 


Hampshire, UK. Photo credit: Marcus William Biggs​

Though the climate science/meteorological community officially denies the rationally undeniable climate engineering reality (that is so clearly visible and occurring in skies all over the globe), individuals within these same science circles refuse to deny the geoengineering reality on the record. In a recent survey of almost 1500 scientists, not a single scientist was wiling to deny on the record that climate engineering/solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud albedo enhancement had already been deployed. In summary, not one of almost 1500 scientists was willing to deny (on the record) the climate engineering atrocities in our skies.

2016 has just been officially confirmed as the warmest year on record, by far. 2016 is the third record shattering warm year in a row. We have now passed over 30 consecutive years of above normal temperatures on planet Earth, and even now, individuals from the climate science/meteorological communities are actively propagating the blatant lie that climate engineering/solar radiation management will save us from planetary incineration (which geoengineering is making far worse, not better). All available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that  illegal, immoral, and unimaginably destructive climate engineering programs have been fully deployed for over 70 years. Yet, the official denial of ongoing geoengineering continues to be pumped out from the circles of academia. A case in point is a recent article titled "Solar Geoengineering Is The Terrible Idea That Just Might Save Us". Below are excepts from that article that clearly reveal the total deception that is being propagated by so many academicians. 

There are serious scientists in the world right now who believe that a last-ditch effort to save the planet from the worst consequences of global warming could include a bold plan to inject massive quantities of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere where it will partially block out the sun. 556

Reno, Nevada. Photo credit: Justin Pera

The climate science community still pretends sulfur dioxide is the material of choice for SRM (solar radiation management) programs (which would be unimaginably harmful). But in reality, aluminum is the chosen primary element for SRM due to the high albedo (reflectivity) of this extremely toxic heavy metal.  

“If the idea of putting megatons of sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere doesn’t scare you, I think there’s something wrong with you,” says Douglas MacMartin, a research professor with California Institute of Technology who studies the problem of deliberately manipulating Earth’s climate. He spoke Tuesday at a panel discussion hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on the subject of the role of aerospace industries in potential geoengineering schemes.

Solar radiation management by seeding the stratosphere with sulfates is undeniably risky. But we know that it works — large volcano eruptions perform this feat naturally, and the effect is that Earth gets cooler, at least for a year or two. It’s also likely to be feasible from economic, technological, and logistical standpoints.

“It’s very quick, and it’s probably very cheap,” says MacMartin. “All you have to do is basically fly airplanes up into the stratosphere and dump a pile of crap up there, and you’ll cool the planet.”

So, a region experiencing increased drought from climate change might become even drier through a solar engineering scheme. The local environmental effects are difficult to predict and measure.


Record setting drought is wreaking havoc all over the globe. The drought causing effects of geoengineering/solar radiation management are scientifically acknowledged and beyond dispute.

In all plausibility, the world will descend into deep and widespread climate crisis before a scheme like solar radiation management is tried on a large scale. MacMartin thinks it will get that bad.

Though, in this light, the prospect of solar radiation management starts to look less terrifying and more like a saving grace. “One can be depressed that it has gotten to this point, but one can also be hopeful for the fact that we may be able to alleviate a lot of human and non-human suffering,” says MacMartin.

The statements above from Callifornia Institute of Technology scientist, Douglas MacMartin, amount to total disinformation and deception. There are only two possibilities regarding Mr. MacMartin's denial of existing climate engineering (and his advocating of climate engineering as a potential cure), either MacMartin is unimaginably unqualified for the job he holds, or he is lying. The same is true for the rest of the climate science community that has so far chosen to deny the catastrophic climate engineering assault. The existing illegal federal gag order on all NWS (National Weather Service) and all NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) employees must be considered in this equation. In addition, there is no doubt that it is a very bad career decision (or worse) for any academician to openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering assault (which is a matter of historical record), but do these factors excuse the criminal denial of existing climate engineering programs by the climate science community? Absolutely not, life on Earth should matter more than a paycheck and a pension. We all face a very real fight for our very survival, and time is not on our side. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Earth Sets Heat Record In 2016 — For The Third Year In A Row


Source: L.A. Times, article by Amina Kahn

According to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the 1.78-degree jump over the mid-20th-century average marks the third year in a row that global temperatures have reached record-shattering levels.

It’s official: 2016 was the hottest year on record since scientists began tracking Earth’s temperature more than 100 years ago, according to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Earth On The Edge: Record Breaking 2016 Was Close To 1.5°C Warming


Source: Copernicus Climate Change Service

Reading, 05 January 2017

  • 2016 confirmed as the warmest year on record, warmer than 2015 by close to 0.2°C
  • Global temperatures reached a peak in February 2016 around 1.5°C higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution
  • Extreme conditions impacting several regions across the Earth

The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5°C warming, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Geoengineering Winter Weather Warfare Assault Continues


Dane Wigington

The latest completely engineered winter weather assault to be launched on US populations is the theatrically named "Winter Storm Europa"  How severe does the rapidly worsening weather whiplash have to get before populations face the fact that ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs are decimating and derailing Earth's climate and life support systems?

How extreme, anomalous, and unnatural was the divide between extreme cold and record heat in the US on Sunday? The map below shows a shocking scenario.


The increasingly extreme temperature swings are wreaking havoc on all life forms.

Skies all over the globe are being sprayed with highly toxic aerosols that are a core component of the climate intervention operations (these are NOT condensation trails).  In the forecast model below, warm flows of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico are chemically ice nucleated by the geoengineers. This process creates the short term chemical cool-downs that have now become the norm.

The bullseye of impact from "Winter Storm Europa" was yet again directed toward the Dakotas.


Ice storms are now almost always seen in the transition zones between warm flows of moisture (used as fuel for the engineered winter weather events) and the core of the chemically ice nucleated zones.

The Dakota Water Protectors have been consistently and severely impacted by extreme "winter weather". This has occurred even after the US experienced its warmest autumn ever recorded. Is this also just a coincidence? The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers. Warm (far above freezing) flows of moisture can clearly be seen "flashing out" to snow for no apparent reason (meteorologically speaking). The power structure paid disinformation sources like "The Weather Channel" have now called this process "changing over to snow".  Official sources of weather forecasting and information are simply covering the tracks of the climate engineers as they have been paid to do. The radar loop shown below is undeniable proof of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification".

Chemical ice nucleation of the warm flow of moisture from the south is clearly visible in the radar animation above. A close examination also reveals radio frequency transmission manipulation with an epicenter located in Rapid City. Why don't we have whistleblowers sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity? The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration employees is certainly a major factor. 

In the map below, major ice storm impacts (mentioned earlier) are seen in the transition zone where the warm flow of moisture from the south is being chemically nucleated.


As mentioned earlier, disinformation sources (like The Weather Channel) are doing their best to convince populations that is is now normal to have a "warm side" and a "cold side" to a "winter storm".

The storm severity map below clearly shows the epicenter of the extreme weather from "WInter Storm Europa" is directly on top of the Dakota Water Protector protest zone. 


The red zones in the map above reveal the most severe impact zones of "Winter Storm Europa".

What is worth noting in the next map (shown below) are the extremely warm temperatures that exist in the flows of moisture that continue to feed "Winter Storm Europa". As this flow of moisture migrates to the North East, temperatures of over 60 degrees are visible only a short distance from the chemically cooled ice nucleation zones. We now almost never hear the power structure paid "weather forecasters" referring to snow levels based on elevations. Now, thanks to climate engineering, you are either on the warm side of the storm or the cold side of the storm. Elevation is now generally no longer a factor.


Scenarios like the one shown in the map above are historically unprecedented. Now such scenarios are considered the norm.

The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to try and cover up the rapidly worsening planetary meltdown with more and more "engineered winter" short term toxic cool-downs. The paradox is this, every climate intervention that the climate engineers carry out makes the overall warming of the planet worse, not better. The Geoengineers are destroying the ozone layer, disrupting the hydrological cycle, fueling forest fires, and contaminating the entire planet in the process. 2016 will be the third record shattering hot year in a row and this record will occur in spite of the fact that "official" agencies are UNDERREPORTING high temperatures, not exaggerating them. 


The meltdown of the polar region is of especially grave concern. The bright red zones at the top of this Temperature Anomaly map clearly reveals the ongoing Arctic meltdown. Massive formerly frozen methane deposits are now rapidly thawing and releasing. These methane releases may soon determine our collective fate, climate intervention programs are making the methane releases worse overall, not better

We must all work together in the most critical effort to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Those that have chosen to deny or hide from reality must realize that their denial will not stop what is coming. Join the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering planetary omnicide, help us in the battle to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

British Newspaper Reports On Climate Engineering


With all of us working together we are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness, the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies are now becoming all but impossible to hide. The just published article below from the "Daily Express" is the most recent example of mainstream media addressing the global climate engineering assault. As we should expect, any mainstream source does utilize the "chemtrails" in attempt to marginalize the subject at hand. Those in power desperately want the to enforce the use of the non-science "chemtrail" label. This fact is glaringly revealed in a short interview I did with mainstream media "hitman" David Pakman. Another example is CBS, who also utilized the same tactic in an interview I did with them last year. The author of a recent article in "The Guardian" newspaper (from UK)  also consistently used the "conspiracy theory" term, though sections of his reporting  on the climate engineering issue were fairly objective. The more consistently we use the science terms to raise awareness (climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, etc), the more credibility and progress we will gain in this most critical battle. Use of the "chemtrails" term is not helpful to the credibility of our cause.  Let's all keep sounding the alarm (please take a moment to vote in the poll that is within the article below).
Dane Wigington

Are We About To Be Told Chemtrails Are Real? Harvard Says Emissions Could Save The Earth

Source:, article by Jon Austin

SO-CALLED "chemtrails" could be used to protect the planet from climate change, a team of scientists has claimed.


Scientists have said the principal of alleged chemtrailing could save Earth from climate change. Photo credit: Getty

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have identified an aerosol that could be used for "solar geoengineering" to cool the planet, while repairing ozone damage at the same time.

In a new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists said injecting light-reflecting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere would cool the planet, but there is a risk of damaging the ozone layer which protects us from harmful UV rays in the process. 

However, the team claims to have identified an aerosol that could also repair the ozone layer at the same time as cooling the planet.

The announcement will no doubt set tongues wagging in the chemtrail conspiracy theory community.

The chemtrail conspiracy is one of the most widely believed on Earth and centers around claims that world governments are secretly spraying chemicals into the air – as seen by the contrails on high-altitude airplanes.

At its most extreme, conspiracy theorists believe that the contrails which form behind jet aircraft are actually streams of toxic “mind-control” chemicals, which dilute before they reach the ground, leaving a gas we breathe in that keeps the general population in check.

But there are a growing number of chemtrail believers, whose number include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris, who claim the conspiracy is actually a secret global plot to change the Earth’s climate in the hope it will reverse the effects of climate change.


Chemtrail believers include Hollywood hardman Chuck Norris. Photo credit: Getty

Dane Wigington, a solar energy expert and former employee of Bechtel Power Corp, now runs, a website set up to expose the “harmful” conspiracy which has had more than 24.8 million visitors.

He investigated why solar panels at his home lost power as aircraft contrails formed in the sky.

According to Mr Wigington, the contrails, or chemtrails, we see forming behind aircraft most days are carrying out geoengineering.

An introduction to the subject on his website states: “It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you."

He said a system called "Solar Radiation Management” (SRM) was being used, whereby scientists have tried to mimic the effects of a major volcanic eruption on temperature.

Bizarrely, scientists behind the new study are proposing to do what Mr. Wigington claims has secretly been happening.

But the team behind the new study insist this is all a breakthrough that has YET to be put into practice.

David Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at SEAS and professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, the first author of the paper, said: "In solar geoengineering research, introducing sulphuric acid into the atmosphere has been the only idea that had any serious traction until now.

“This research is a turning point and an important step in analysing and reducing certain risks of solar geoengineering.”

They found that calcite, a constituent of limestone, could counter ozone loss by neutralising emissions-borne acids in the atmosphere, while also reflecting light and cooling the planet. 

But, the researchers said it was not an alternative to reducing emissions to slow down global warming.

Frank Keutsch, the Stonington Professor of Engineering and Atmospheric Science at SEAS and professor of chemistry and chemical biology, a co-author of the paper, said:

Geoengineering is like taking painkillers.

When things are really bad, painkillers can help but they don’t address the cause of a disease and they may cause more harm than good. 

We really don’t know the effects of geoengineering, but that is why we’re doing this research.

This research fundamentally rethinks what kinds of particles should be used for solar geoengineering.

Anytime you introduce even initially unreactive surfaces into the stratosphere, you get reactions that ultimately result in ozone destruction, as they are coated with sulphuric acid.

Instead of trying to minimise the reactivity of the aerosol, we wanted a material that is highly reactive but in a way that would avoid ozone destruction.

Essentially, we ended up with an antacid for the stratosphere.

Source:, article by Jon Austin

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down Continues


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are not a proposal, but have long since been a lethal reality. "Winter Storm Decima" is bearing down on the US, but is this storm truly a natural weather occurrence? Will the hyped headlines on this event tell the real story of the global climate picture? An examination of the latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map below very clearly reveals where it is cool, and where it is not. The rapid heating of the polar regions continues to accelerate (as is the overall heating of the planet), but key western power population centers are miraculously cool. How can this be? Why does mainstream media exclusively cover the cool zones (with enthusiastic theater-like portrayals) while at the same time completely ignoring temperatures in the Arctic that have recently been almost 60 degrees ABOVE NORMAL?


The chemically ice nucleated cool-down focus zones are very visible in the global "temperature departure from average" map above. The extremely anomalous cool zones (in a record warm world) are located in regions which provide the headlines of "dangerous cold" that power structure controlled western media sources like The Weather Channel are paid to hype.

There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by the completely out of control power structure, none of those agendas are benevolent or for the common good. One of the primary objectives of the climate engineers is to keep the first world populations of western nations confused and divided as to the true condition of the overall global climate. Keeping the masses oblivious and bewildered in regard to what is unfolding until the last possible moment is a key aspect of power structure planning. The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation/geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and/or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element). If you don't think water (cloud moisture) can artificially be chemically ice nucleated, think again. The Chinese government openly announced that they were engineering snowstorms. Engineered snowstorms are wreaking havoc around the globe. The two very short videos of lab tests below are examples of chemical and biological ice nucleation.

When the climate engineers seed storm clouds (via jet aircraft spray dispersions) with chemical or biological ice nucleating elements, precipitation that falls often reaches the surface before setting up and freezing. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly aggressive with the use of chemical ice nucleation in a desperate attempt to create short term (toxic) cool-downs.


In recent years freak ice storms have become the norm. Ice storms are occurring even in coastal zones with oceans that are at record warm temperatures. ​

The short weather radar map below should be examined carefully. Rain cells that are in far above freezing air masses can be observed anomalously "changing over to snow". This is a recently coined phrase that has now been adopted by many "forecasting" (scheduled weather) agencies.

Click to enlarge

Virginia Weather Radar Loop

In the animation above take note of the rain cells that are migrating toward Morgantown which are "changing over to snow". At the same time the radar map loop was recorded, the temperatures in Morgantown were from +35 to +41 degrees (shown in the screenshot below), why was the rain from a warm flow of southerly moisture suddenly "changing over to snow? 


As the chemical ice nucleation process progresses, a shallow cold dense layer of air is eventually created at the ground level. The chemical nucleation process creates an endothermic reaction that tends to reduce the overall precipitation amounts. 

The highly toxic short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming, this includes the Earth's oceans.  Sea surfaces are also being chemically nucleated in the polar regions.


The extremely anomalous sea ice formations along the polar shoreline shown above are a harbinger of aggressive chemical ice nucleation programs being carried out by the climate engineers.

Global sea ice volume (mass) is declining rapidly as shown in the graph below.


The plummeting sea ice levels are of grave concern, but there is very little media coverage of what is unfolding at the poles.

The thinning of sea ice is especially profound in the Arctic. As the melting of polar ice accelerates, the Arctic could be ice free by next year, the summer of 2017. The desperate attempts of the climate engineers to mask the unfolding reality is only greatly exacerbating the overall climate and biosphere implosion.


Arctic sea ice volume (mass) is seldom referred to by "official" sources for a reason, ice mass has crashed and is still declining. Massive sea floor methane deposites in the Arctic are also thawing and releasing into the atmosphere.

Climate ​engineering has also greatly contributed to exponentially increasing forest fires around the globe. The atmospheric soot and ash from these fires settles down on ice deposits making them darker and thus more prone to absorb solar energy.


Greenland ice is melting at a record pace, the meltdown will continue to contribute to rapidly increasing sea level rise. Photo credit: Sara Penrhyn-Jones

The west coast satellite animation below was captured as "Winter Storm Decima" began to hit the US west coast on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The flow of relatively warm moisture from the Pacific can clearly be seen "changing over" to snow over large regions for no logical reason as the incoming flow of Pacific moisture was not cold enough. Also of note in the satellite loop below is the anomalous precipitation-free zone that is around the Eureka region of the California coast. Precipitation flows toward this zone, stops, and then continues farther to the north east. With careful observation of the animation below, a microwave transmission location can be deciphered southwest of Eureka (these transmissions are part of the climate engineering process). A very high percentage of the moisture flowing over California (and the west) is heavily sprayed with atmspheric aerosols which effectively keeps much of the moisute from falling. The aerosol saturation contribues to vast expanses of largely precipitationless cloud cover. This helps the climate engineers to migrate available moisture further inland where they can continue the chemical ice  nucleation cool-down process. Additional seeding of the clouds with larger condensation nuclei further inland can bring the migrating moisture down in the location of choice for the climate engineers.

Click to enlarge

Redding Radar Loop

Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation dispersions are creating engineered snow storms in many regions where it is not cold enough for natural ice nucleation to occur. When chemical ice nucleation is utilized in colder zones, the ground level temperatures can be dropped to dangerous levels like those recently seen in the Dakotas which followed a record warm autumn in the US.

The satellite/radar image below shows the earlier mentioned microwave transmission source (southwest of Eureka) with much more clarity.


Radio frequency/microwave transmissions can manipulate the sprayed electrically conductive atmospheric particulates. This, in turn, can manipulate air masses and precipitation patterns. 

Anomalous "ice balls" have been washing up on shores all over the globe in recent years. Often these "ice balls" appear on bodies of water that are far above the freezing point, why? It is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements. This type of artificially nucleated material can also remain "frozen" in astoundingly high temperatures.


Perfectly spherical "ice balls" are now becoming common on shorelines in northern latitudes. Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

So, how cold is the start of "WInter Storm Decima"? Not so much. Warm moisture off the Pacific is nucleated as it heads inland. An "ice storm" zone exists in the transition zone between the warmer moisture and the chemical nucleated storm interior.


How cold will the end of "Winter Storm Decima" be? Outside of the chemically nucleated jet stream manipulated interior of the "storm", not very cold. Again, there are large "ice storm" zones predicted (from the chemically nucleated precipitation) in the transition zones between the warmer moisture flows and the interior sections of the "storm". Why are there "icy" zones predicted in regions with such high temperatures in the "forecast"?


It is essential to understand the full arsenal of climate engineering weapons that are being implemented against unsuspecting populations. Chemically nucleated engineered cool-downs and snowstorms are a primary aspect of the global climate engineering onslaught. Climate engineering will continue to fuel ever more abrupt and radical "wheather whiplash" events all over the world. Help us to expose and halt the insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 3, 2016


Dane Wigington

How stable are the world's democracies?  "Warning Lights Are Flashing Red" is a recent headline on the subject to consider. More and more of the Earth's atmosphere is being saturated with toxic particles from the constantly expanding climate engineering global assault. An update from Australia, as many as 8500 people were reportedly hospitalized from "thunderstorm asthma". Does anyone believe that this is the real reason behind the health catastrophe? The Weather Channel continues to lie about the geoengineering insanity. Since the US military is their primary sponsor, The Weather Channel's lying to cover the tracks of climate engineering comes as no surprise. We are told that over 100,000,000 trees have now died in California due to the drought, but there are lies contained in the media reports that say so. First, there are many more than 100,000,000 trees dead, it is not just the drought, and climate engineering is the primary factor related to the tree die off. The biosphere as a whole continues to collapse, more weather warfare is on the way for the Dakota water protectors, and all while a climate disinformation event in Arizona is attempting to deny there is anything even wrong with the climate (or the environment).  Countless biases are held by the masses and these biases are fueled by the power structure. How can such bias be overcome? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Our host, planet Earth, is dying. How many members of the human race are willing to make saving Earth their top priority?

A billboard on a Gem Faire event transport truck touring the Western U.S.


This week's outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Power Structure Wages Weather Warfare Against Dakota Pipeline Protesters


Dane Wigington

The Dakota pipeline protests have become the frontline representation of the critical struggle against a completely out of control totalitarian power structure. Those in power cannot afford to allow this justifiable protest to continue or succeed. Geoengineering/weather warfare has now been added to the already long list of criminal assaults that have been hurled at the peaceful pipeline protesters. In the coming days and weeks, weather warfare will likely be the most deadly and effective weapon that the power structure will wield against the pieceful Dakota pipeling protesters.


Record snowfall amounts have buried the pipeline protest camp at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, November 29, 2016​. Photo credit: Reuters

Climate engineering and the use of toxic chemical ice nucleation elements are the reason a record early season snow has just occurred in the exact region of the protests (named winter storm "Blanche"). If you don't believe snowstorms can be completely engineered, you have not done your research. Weather warfare has long since been a covert weapon of choice for the criminals that truly control our government. Is it just a coincidence that a record early season snowstorm also decimated the Occupy Wall Street protesters?


Occupy Wall Street protesters prepare for the record October, 2011, snowstorm that decimated their camp.

Weather modification activities were also noted over the massive historical gathering in Woodstock. The combination satellite radar images below clearly reveal extreme and completely unnatural weather anomalies over the continental US. The first satellite/radar image below was taken at 11:30 am (ET), Monday, shows a ribbon of warm air and moisture flowing in a northeasterly direction all the way from far west of Baja California, across Mexico and Texas (picking up even more warm moisture from the Gulf of Mexico). This flow of warm air and moisture pushes north where some of it eventually gets caught up in the counterclockwise low pressure system being held directly over the protest region (via atmospheric manipulation with radio frequency/microwave transmissions). An engineered winter chemical ice nucleation assault (by jet aircraft aerosol spraying) was then unleashed in the stationary low pressure circulation.


Note the center of the counterclockwise spinning low pressure system centered almost exactly over the pipeline protest region.

Massive atmospheric aerosol spraying operations were also occurring off of the US west coast on Monday, November 28, 2016. The aerosol saturation reduces west coast precipitation and thus contributes to the effective migration of Pacific moisture further east toward the low pressure vortex over the protest zone.


In addition to the extensive aerosol spraying visible in this NASA satellite image, some radio frequency manipulation waves can be seen in the upper right corner of the satellite image.

By the evening of Monday, November 28, 2016, the huge plum of warm moisture is pulled closer to the still stationary spinning vortex over the Dakota protests.


Aerosolized chemically cooled moisture flowing in from the Pacific also merges with the engineered Dakota snowstorm.

At 9:45 am (ET), November 30, 2016, the stationary Dakota vortex continues to spin (winter storm "Blanche"). The plume of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture is now directed at Maine, where "winter storm Blanche" has been scheduled by the weather makers to continue (completely separated from the still ongoing original "winter storm Blanche" over the Dakotas).


The engineered cutoff low pressure zone has remained incredibly stationary and nearly centered over the Dakota pipeline protest zone.

The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals just how warm it actually was in the regions near the center of the Dakota storm and along the entire track from which much of the storm moisture came.


Radical temperature divides, like the departures from "normal" reflected in the map above (shown in degrees Fharenheit +/-), are historically unprecedented. Now such incredible imbalances have increasingly become the norm.

The animation below contains the most revealing and important images of all. Drifting cells of liquid precipitation (rain) should not just "flash out" to frozen precipitation (snow) for no reason whatsoever (no change in topographical elevation and no colliding cold air masses). Areas of the storm then suddenly flash back to rain as the jet aircraft sprayed chemical ice nucleating agents settle down through the air column. Examine this animation closely, it is the "smoking gun" of a completely engineered chemically nucleated weather warfare assault.

Minnesota Weather Radar Loop

Massive climate engineering/chemical ice nucleation deployments can and will continue to create toxic cool-downs and radical weather anomolies. These anomalies will continue to manipulate the perception of populations who don't realize (or are not willing to accept) what is going on in our skies.  All the weather modeling for NOAA and NWS (National Weather Service) is done by private defense contractor, Raytheon, a corporation that is a primary climate engineering entity. This means that the weather forecasts are now the "scheduled" weather. Why don't employees of NOAA and NWS speak out about the climate engineering insanity? Because all the employees of both agencies have a federal gag order on them. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) extended temperature forecast map for November 6-10 is below. 


The ongoing geoengineered cool-down is then "forecast" to center almost directly over the Dakota protests (shown in the NOAA map below). Again, it is important to understand and remember that engineering snowstorms is a well established technology that has long since been admitted to by mainstream sources.


The center of the cold zone in the US has remained astoundingly centered over the Dakota water protecter region as the 3rd NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals.


The NOAA map above shows continued predictions for record cold temperatures at or near the Dakota pipeline protest for yet another 6-10 day period.  Also anomolous in the latest forecast map is the building heat dome in the US southwest. Climate enigneerign is greatly contributing to increasingly alarming extream temperature imbalances. Each color tear represents a 2-3 degree departure from normal high temperatures. The NOAA extended forecasts temperature predictions from late November were for the middle northern tear states to be at or near record high temperatures, what changed? The US military industrial complex has long since stated its desire to "own the weather" on the record, now they do. If you don't think that the order followers within the ranks of own government and military would carry out such toxic and deadly experimentation/assaults against US citizens, think again.

Why would the global power structure go to such lengths in the attempt to bring the Dakota pipeline protests to end? Because the Dakota protests represent the rapidly growing will and unity of the people to take a stand against the criminal corporate and government tyranny that has completely taken over our country. The power structure will clearly do anything they can get away with to crush this all important protest. We must not let this happen. is working directly with representatives from the protest to test samples of precipitation and aircraft aerosol spraying that has taken place at the protest site. All of us are needed in the critical battle to sound the alarm on what is occurring at the Dakota protest, share credible information, wake others up to the truth, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Updated, Is Global Warming “An Inconvenient Lie”? A Public Response to Ed Griffin


Dane Wigington

Exposing and halting the global climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault must be our greatest priority if we are to have any chance of salvaging what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. When patently false "global warming is a hoax" and total climate engineering denial disinformation is pushed on the population by individuals that actually claim to be in the fight against climate engineering, the anti-climate engineering cause is greatly harmed. Mr.G Edward Griffin is the organizer of an upcoming event that is titled "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie". The top speaker at this event ("Lord Monckton") completely denies the climate engineering/weather warfare reality, on the record. What has Ed Griffin's other top "expert", Tim Ball, said on the record about the climate engineering reality? Mr. Ball also catagorically denies climate engineering. It's all just "contrails" according to Mr. Ball. Mr. Griffin claims to be against climate engineering, if this is so, why is he helping to completely discredit this most critical cause with speakers that completely deny the issue? Why is it so imperative to expose this kind of blatantly false disinformation, and all those involved with it? Because credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. The 13 minute video below is my public response to G. Edward Griffin's attempt to refute my full article on his disinformation event (The full article begins below the video response and recent update comment).

Credibility Matters, A Public Response To G. Edward Griffin

When I publicly documented the fact that Mr. Griffin's upcoming event will completely undermine the anti-climate engineering cause (on which all of our futures depend), Mr. Griffin promptly challenged me to debate the issue with himself and his "experts" (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball). I contacted the only radio show host who has previously interviewed all the parties involved: myself, Mr. Griffin, Tim Ball, and Lord  Monckton. This radio host is Jeff Rense, who is well known and respected in the alternative news community. Jeff's previous unbiased interviews of all the individuals in question is a clear reflection of his unbiased position. On Tuesday, November 22nd, Mr. Rense sent the following message to G Edward Griffin. 

Dear Ed…
I hope this finds you well.  The world stage has become ever more dark and dangerous
as we all see on a daily basis.  
I received a note from Dane yesterday in which he suggested we have a round table 'debate' between
you and Dane of the issue of GeoEngineering and the evidence for it.  
We agreed this was the place to do it and I'd be very happy to donate a two hour segment 
on the program to host you both and present your positions. Equal time will be the format.
If this is something you'd like to do, just say the word and I'll pull some dates together
for everyone to agree upon.
Will all good wishes…

Mr. Griffin has, unfortunately, sent no response to this invitation, the invitation still stands. If Ed Griffin truly believes in the validity of his upcoming conference, why hasn't he accepted the debate challenge that he himself offered? The 13 minute video below is a public statement which makes clear all the reasons why G. Edward Griffin's disinformation event is so harmful to the critical effort of exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Griffin's top two speakers/experts (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball) completely deny the climate engineering reality and have stated on the record that all we are seeing in our skies is just "condensation" (which is of course false).


Is Global Warming "An Inconvenient Lie"?

Global warming disinformation is greatly harmful to the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering (which is greatly exacerbating planetary warming and poisoning the entire planet in the process). Though Al Gore is a criminal, and carbon credits are a scam, reality is still reality. Because patently false climate information is so harmful to the anti-geoengineering cause, we must not look the other way when individuals of noteriety push total disinformation on the public. Countless lies relating to the climate are so egregious and increasingly blatant that it is nearly impossible to imagine that they are still being propagated. Could a 3 day symposium pushing the "Global warming is a hoax" false narrative actually be carried out with a straight face while the planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown? While BOTH of the planets ice caps are at record low levels with the science community sounding the alarm? Are there people who would pay nearly $400 dollars to attend such a symposium and have so called " world's top experts" attempt to convince them that "global warming is the biggest deception in history"? Mr. Griffin claims to be fighting climate engineering, yet his top "experts" also completely deny the climate engineering issue. Exactly who would sponsor a "global warming is a myth" event? What would be their motive? The organizer of the "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie" conference (with top speakers that deny climate engineering) is Mr. Ed Griffin of "Freedom Force International" who seems to be running some sort of multi-level marketing program.  Who is Mr. Griffin's top "expert" for the upcoming "global warming is a hoax" event? Enter "Lord Monckton" of Benchley. (who has falsly claimed to be a member of the "House of Lords")


"Lord Monckton" has a long resume indeed, but in reality his resume is better described as a "wrap sheet" which should be examined by anyone who has any notion of attending this disinformation event. Why would "Lord Monckton" put so much time and energy into the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative? Could the fact that Monckton receives funding from the fossil fuel industry have anything to do with his tireless efforts to parrot the oil industry disinformation? Is this the same reason that "Lord Monckton" ardently denies the climate engineering issue in a shocking interview? Exactly as the fossil fuel industry and the geoengineers would want him to?

Who is the second string "expert" in the "global warming is a hoax" line up? Yet another fossil fuel funded actor, Tim Ball (who also denies climate engineering), 


Tim Ball has been called "the lie that just won't die" for good reason. Ball's trail of disinformation has been well documented by numerous sources. An international radio show host (Vinny Eastwood) once invited Mr. Ball to debate the geoengineering issue with me on a live radio broadcast, Mr. Ball refused. He denies the reality of the issue, as does Mr. "Lord" Monckton. Individuals like Monckton and Ball are simply paid props in a rapidly disintegrating disinformation theater. There are more featured "experts" that are apparently pushing the "global warming is a hoax" disinformation, but you get the idea (again, denial of the true state of the climate greatly harms the fight to expose and halt climate engineering). Who is the head of the coming disinformation event? It's Mr. Ed Griffin.


Ed Griffin made the following statement on the record in 2013:

… the planet now is in a cooling stage…global warming is a politically inspired myth…

What has happened since 2013? And was already inarguably happening for many decades before 2013? Anthropogenic activity has continued to inflict immense damage to the planet. This damage is fueling what may already be a runaway greenhouse effect. 2016 will break the global temperature records yet again, beating out the record just broken in 2015 which beat the record from 2014. Ice is at record low levels at the North Pole AND the South Pole.The anthropogenic (human caused) sources of decimation to our biosphere and climate of course includes climate engineering at the top of the list. Mr. Griffin is apparently already receiving emails of criticism from his followers for his ridiculously false position in regard to the state of the climate. Griffin actually just published one such message that stated "Griffin, you've got it wrong, climate change is real". Ed seems have been motivated to publish this criticism because he was proud of his answer to critic who had expressed justifiable concern about sea level rise submerging islands. What was Mr. Griffin's answer? 

That is part of the global-warming myth. In some places….. the land is sinking…

So, according to Mr. Griffin there is no sea level rise, the land is just sinking. For the record, Mr. Griffin, rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at shorelines all over the globe. So here is a question for Ed, is all the land sinking all over the world where coastlines are being inundated? What are Mr. Griffin's views on climate engineering? That is also a very interesting narrative that is truly baffling. Apparently (according to Mr. Griffin) the grid patterns we see in the sky are just being blown into these patterns by the wind. Why would someone who claims to be in the fight against climate engineering push the exact "global warming is a hoax" false narrative that the geoengineers, big oil, and the military industrial complex want the public to believe?

So what is the bottom line in regard to the state of the climate? The planet and climate system is not just warming, both are descending into a state of total meltdown with global climate engineering programs helping to fuel the overall fire. Those who have made it their mission (for whatever reason or motive) to deny the planetary meltdown, are simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers.

Here is the climate reality, the record breaking heat on our planet continues to build. Septemper 2016 was the 16th consecutive month of all time record shattering hot months. October 2016 will likely break the record yet again, but that data is not yet available. 2016 will be the hottest year ever recorded since record keeping began, breaking the record set in 2015, which broke the record set in 2014. On the top of the world, the Arctic is in a state of total meltdown (along with the rest of the planet). Even Antarctic sea ice ( the last vestige for the global cooling false narrative) is also now at record low levels.


The "departure from normal high temperature" map above shows the Arctic meltdown with startling clarity. The US is also experiencing record shattering heat with no end in sight.

Ice deposits are crashing around the world. Front-line film footage of the imploding ice deposits (the cryosphere) proves this fact beyond any doubt. 


The graph above is a shocking image of the radical decline of global sea ice. And about the front-line reality, we don't need graphs, we have front-line fim footage.

What is the bottom line? There is either the truth, or there is a lie. Those that are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative are pushing an unimaginably ridiculous lie. Why does it matter? Because credibility is critical in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. Why is stopping climate engineering so important? Because the global weather warfare assault is mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. When so called "independent" news sources completely discredit the anti-geoengineering cause by pushing completely false disinformation, bridges with the science community cannot be built. Such bridges are absolutely essential if we are to have any chance of fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. Investigating the truth is our responsibility, as is sharing it. Make your voice heard.

The extensive list of articles below is only a sample of the front-line information that is available on the state of the climate. We have a responsibility to investigate, all of us.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 29, 2016


Dane Wigington

Defections from the ranks of the power structure continue to build. A group of CDC (Center for Disease Control) whistleblowers is now putting pressure on CDC management to start telling the truth about the systemic corruption and public deception that this government organization represents. Yet more truth-tellers will likely come forward as the CDC ship goes down. A Harvard University publication states this about climate engineering: "it can help us combat the worst effects of climate change." How blatant can the betrayal from academia become? Massive geoengineering aerosol spraying operations around the globe continue decimate Eath's climate and life support systems. A former NASA engineer (now working with Geoengineering Watch) gives an extremely alarming report on our disintegrating ozone layer (primarily caused by climate engineering).  Madagascar is starving due to geoengineering induced record droughts. Rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at Africa's coastlines. Sea ice at both poles is at record low levels, and US generals say they can win WWlll with Russia. Where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, as well as the fight for the greater good. We must all abandon preconceptions and ideology in exchange for verifiable front-line facts. Anything short of this is completely counterproductive to the causes we claim to be fighting for. We must all stand on a foundation of facts, and make our voices heard.

Climate Engineering And Cryosphere Collapse


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are mathematically the single greatest assault against nature ever launched by the human race. Incredibly, the majority of global populations still remain oblivious to the ongoing blatant climate engineering atrocities occurring overhead day after day. This willful blindness of the masses is largely due to the total betrayal of the truth by the vast majority of the science community and all of mainstream media, both of whom are heavily invested in covering up the crimes of their paymasters. How badly damaged is our once thriving biosphere? We are past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet we have known. Below is a quote from a powerful and moving recent article by Dr. Glen Barry which accurately outlines the reality we collectively face.

Miraculous nature is being murdered. Everywhere we look inequitable over-consumption is devastating the natural ecosystems that sustain a living Earth. Together we yield to ecological truth – personally embracing a global ecology ethic, and demanding others do so as well – or we all needlessly die at each others’ throats as the global ecological system collapses and being ends.

A primary sign of biosphere collapse is clearly evident by the rapidly imploding cryosphere.  Arctic sea ice continues to advance further into record low levels. Though official agencies like NASA will never admit to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, they are beginning to acknowledge that the excessive cloud cover over the Arctic in recent years (solar radiation management) is exacerbating the overall warming, not mitigating it. Other studies also confirm the overall planetary warming is being fueled by "contrails" (which are in reality solar radiation management sprayed particulate trails). The 30 second video below fully illustrates the shocking loss of Arctic sea ice.

Not only is the Arctic sea ice at a record low level, but now the ice on the opposite end of the Earth, Antarctica, is also rapidly retreating to record low levels as well. This is a fact that the US corporate media is not covering. The 2 minute video below elaborates on the rapidly accelerating loss of Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been the last vestige of denial for those who still desperately cling to the "global warming is a hoax" fossil fuel industry false narrative. To dogmatically cling to this false narrative is also to toe the line for the power structure, big oil, and the climate engineers. The poles are not the only part of the cryosphere that is imploding, the Himalayan glaciers are disappearing at blinding speed. The 8 minute video below is a recent update from the Himalayas.

Our planet is already free-falling into a runaway warming scenario, global climate engineering is further fueling this scenario. The graph below illustrates the rapid increase of warmer days being recorded on our planet.


Though official sources have never admitted to the undeniable global climate engineering assault, as already stated, these same sources do admit that "contrails" are worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. The latest scheduled weather for the US is shown in the NOAA map below. Though the Western US temperatures are scheduled to be near normal (due to vast flows of incoming moisture from the Pacific that is being saturated with chemical ice nucleating agents by the geoengineers), the rest of the country is heading for yet more heat waves following a very brief chemically engineered cool-down in some locations that are utilized to manipulate the perception of the US population.


Global climate engineering programs not only worsening the overall warming of the biosphere, but also destroying the ozone layer, derailing the hydrological cycle, and contaminating the entire planet due to the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout


Where do we go from here? How can we stand against the power structure that currently controls the fate of the world in which we live? The single greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction is by fully exposing the climate engineering issue to the masses. If we can expose the geoengineering assault, populations around the globe would unite in a common cause. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Those, that are still clinging to the insanely false "global warming is a hoax" narrative, are doing great harm to credibility of the overall anti-geoengineering community, and thus to the cause itself. The planet is accelerating into total meltdown. Climate engineering is making an already horrific anthropogenic warming scenario far worse overall. Those who truly claim to be committed to the fight to stop climate engineering have an obligation to objectively examine frontline facts and film footage. Sadly, even some major "independent" news sites are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative. Pushing this patently false narrative is exactly what climate engineering/industrial complex wants, and is extremely harmful to the cause of exposing and halting the ongoing weather warfare assault. Why? If we are to have any chance of stopping the climate engineering insanity, if we are to have any chance of convincing the climate science community to start telling the truth about the climate engineering assault, the anti-climate engineering community must stand on frontline facts and not on ridiculously false ideological dogma. Investigate, and make your voice heard, time is not on our side.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineers Disrupt Hydrological Cycle In A Desperate Attempt To Mask Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

Hiding the severity and immediacy of countless converging catastrophes from populations (until the last possible moment) remains a top priority for the global power structure. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below covers the period from October 16th through the 20th. NOAA modeling is done by private defense/geoengineering contractor, Raytheon, thus their "forecasts" amount to the scheduled weather. Every color tier reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" to the high side or low side, depending on the color hue. If the profound imbalance of temperatures shown in this map does not alarm you, it should. While record high temperatures are being set throughout much of the country (and the world as a whole), the US West Coast and parts of Alaska are temporarily (and toxically) cooled off by a massive plume of moisture (snow is even falling in the Western US). Atmospheric aerosol spraying (including chemical ice nucleation elements) are being dispersed by jet aircraft as the ongoing climate engineering operations further derail Earth's weather and life support systems. 


Record setting high, summer like, temperatures will continue into the week for much of the US.


At the same time that record high temperatures being set in so much of the US, snow is miraculously falling in other parts of the lower 48 states. Snow is occurring (due to chemical ice nucleating elements) in some locations in spite of above freezing temperatures and in spite of warmer flows of moisture off of the record warm Pacific Ocean. Snow (shown in blue on the map below) is cleary showing up across the Western US.


As the climate engineers continue to force the climate system to ever greater extremes of temperature imbalances, the biosphere's ability to cope is rapidly breaking down. In addition to the temperature extremes, there is the issue of the highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management fallout that is contaminating the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reflects variances from "normal" temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. These imbalances are already far beyond extreme and growing worse rapidly.


As the moisture flows in from the coast, the air masses below it are cooled by the aerosol/ice nucleating dispersions already mentioned (chemical ice nucleated events are occuring all over the globe). The same aerosols (which are manipulated with radio frequency transmissions) have the effect of scattering the moisture into vast expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. This is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM). The sun blocking aerosolized clouds, of course, also trap heat (in addition to countless other negative effects) which further fuels the overall planetary meltdown.  The planet is already warming at a "runaway" pace with nightime low temperatures rising even faster than daytime highs. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown in the combination satellite radar image shown below, the more aerosolized the cloud cover is.


The constant aerosol saturation of the moisture flows, as they approach from the west, continues to rob desperately needed rain from California. The US Drought Monitor map below does not begin to reflect the true severity of the drought and the decimation it is causing.


Why are National Weather Service and NOAA employees completely completely mute on the subject of climate engineering? Illegal federal gag orders have ensured their silence. Global climate engineering is weather warfare, and biological warfare, nothing less. Geoengineering is not mitigating the overall planetary warming, it is actually fueling it. In their increasingly desperate attempt to mask the unfolding climate crisis from the public, the climate engineers are tearing Earth's life support systems apart. Our battle for survival is here, and now. Help us with the critical battle to sound the alarm, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation


Dane Wigington

Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Is this storm being manipulated by the weather/climate modification programs? Though countless anthropogenic factors have contributed to the rapid warming of our planet, there is no question that global climate engineering/weather warfare is a reality and making an already horrific climate scenario far worse. What agendas might the power structure be carrying out by manipulating and/or exacerbating climate chaos over specific regions and during critical windows of time? Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mahem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane "Matthew"? All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Why has "Matthew" been at minumum allowed to strengthen? Was the unexpected 90 degree northward turn of this storm a natural occurance? Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? What other objectives might also be in the balance? There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Though many sources tried to claim that Hurricane "Hermine" ended the anomalous hurricane drought for the US, this is not true, as "Hermine" was barely a category 1 hurricane, and even then only for an extremely short period just prior to landfall. "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. Though some might claim that cyclone suppression for the us (that, again,  has gone on for over 11 years) is beneficial (and therefore should be embraced), this very suppression contributes to even more overall heat buildup in the climate system and thus eventually even more hurricanes of even greater strength. This must also be considered, ALL forms of climate engineering involve the use of highly toxic materials that quickly descend through the breathable air column and are, therefore, inhaled and absorbed by all life forms. 


Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. Photo credit: Dirk Poole

Again, about hurricane "Matthew", why is it being allowed to strengthen (or possibly even being aumented by the weather makers)  when the climate engineers have patented hurricane suppression technology to suppress this storm? There are likely many agendas being carried out with "Matthew"(including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll), but as already stated, cyclones provide cooling and ocean mixing for our rapidly warming planet. So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (or over regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The "moisture pump" effect of this cyclone as it is steered northward (while possibly being prevented from making a landfall on the US east coast and thus the military ports based there) will also provide some temporary cooling for the record warm oceans and for the East Coast. But at what cost does the hurricane manipulatioin come in regard to the planet as a whole? As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the storm to create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possibly to keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. This being said, in the end, we can't know the full agenda of those behind the levers of power and thus we cannot say with certainty how they will attempt to manipulate this storm in the coming days.


Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided.


"Matthew" has even transitioned through phases where there were actually 3 major zones of convection.


The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew.


Hurricane Matthew's new projected path as of 10/3/16, a near 90 degree northerly turn from the original projected path.


The photo above was taken on 10-2-16 near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince (photo: AFP)

Haiti is a country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and excacerbated by outside influences. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? How many countries around the globe have had to endure engineered climate catastrophes which then led to military occupation under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"? When countries do not cooperate with the agenda of the western power structure, are they then made the victims of weather warfare?  

The planet's climate system is aggressively being used as a weapon of war, conquest, and control. As power structure becomes more desperate (due to unfolding global scenarios), they will likely become rapidly more aggressive with weather warfare operations. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. All are needed to help with the most critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Obama Authorizes: “Presidential Memorandum – Climate Change And National Security”


Dane Wigington

The stakes are raising by the day as the Earth's climate and life support systems continue to unravel. The US military has long since acknowledged that the disintegrating climate system is the greatest national security threat of all. What has never been admitted to by our government, the military, mainstream media, and legions of academicians (that are either paid off or threatened into silence), is the ongoing global climate engineering assault. Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are nothing short of weather and biological warfare (due to the highly toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs). The recent "Presidential Memorandum" from President Obama is revealing. Not just because of what it covers, but because of the glaring omission of the climate engineering issue which is only eluded to in the document (excerpts below).

Presidential Memorandum — Climate Change and National Security

September 21, 2016


SUBJECT: Climate Change and National Security

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:

Section 1. Purpose. This memorandum establishes a framework and directs Federal departments and agencies (agencies) to perform certain functions to ensure that climate change-related impacts are fully considered in the development of national security doctrine, policies, and plans.

The US military has long since stated its objective to "Own The Weather".

Sec. 2. Background. Climate change poses a significant and growing threat to national security, both at home and abroad. Climate change and its associated impacts affect economic prosperity, public health and safety, and international stability. Extended drought, more frequent and severe weather events, heat waves, warming and acidifying ocean waters, catastrophic wildfires, and rising sea levels all have compounding effects on people's health and well-being. Flooding and water scarcity can negatively affect food and energy production. Energy infrastructure, essential for supporting other key sectors, is already vulnerable to extreme weather and may be further compromised. Impacts of a changing climate can create conditions that promote pest outbreaks and the spread of invasive species as well as plant, animal, and human disease, including emerging infectious disease, and these can further undermine economic growth and livelihoods. Impacts can also disrupt transportation service, cutting off vulnerable communities from relief immediately after events and reducing economic output. These conditions, in turn, can stress some countries' ability to provide the conditions necessary for human security. All of these effects can lead to population migration within and across international borders, spur crises, and amplify or accelerate conflict in countries or regions already facing instability and fragility.

Climate engineering/weather warfare is a primary means by which countries and populations around the globe have been assaulted and manipulated.

Climate change and associated impacts on U.S. military and other national security-related missions and operations could adversely affect readiness, negatively affect military facilities and training, increase demands for Federal support to non-federal civil authorities, and increase response requirements to support international stability and humanitarian assistance needs.

The top US military leaders have stated again and again that the disintegrating climate system is the greatest national security threat of all.

(a) The Climate and National Security Working Group. The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, or their designees, will chair an interagency working group (Working Group) to coordinate the development of a strategic approach to identify, assess, and share information on current and projected climate-related impacts on national security interests and to inform the development of national security doctrine, policies, and plans.


US weather/climate modification programs are a historically verifiable fact.

Historical documents (a massive 750 page US Senate document is one) verify that global weather modification/climate engineering programs have been going on for some 70 years.

(b) Representation. The Working Group shall include representatives, at the Assistant Secretary or equivalent level, or their designees, from:

(i) the Department of State;

(ii) the Department of the Treasury;

(iii) the Department of Defense;

(iv) the Department of Justice;

(v) the Department of the Interior;

(vi) the Department of Agriculture;

(vii) the Department of Commerce;

(viii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(ix) the Department of Transportation;

(x) the Department of Energy;

(xi) the Department of Homeland Security;

(xii) the United States Agency for International Development;

(xiii) the Environmental Protection Agency;

(xiv) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration;

(xv) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence;

(xvi) the U.S. Mission to the United Nations;

(xvii) the Office of Management and Budget;

(xviii) the Council on Environmental Quality;

(xix) the Millennium Challenge Corporation; and

(xx) any other agencies or offices as designated by the Co-Chairs.

(c) Functions. The Working Group, in close collaboration with the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), shall:

(i) identify the U.S. national security priorities that are within the scope of the Working Group's mission;

(ii) develop recommendations for requirements for climate and social science data and intelligence analyses, as appropriate, that support national security interests;

(iii) catalog climate science data, intelligence analyses, and other products and programs that support or should be considered in the development of national security doctrine, policy, and plans. This catalogue shall include climate and social science data repositories and analytical platforms; climate modeling, simulation, and projection capabilities; and information-sharing tools and resources supporting climate risk analyses and assessments, such as the Climate Data Initiative, the Climate Resilience Toolkit, the Global Change Information System, and the National Climate Assessment;

The very same governmental agencies that are named in this new "Obama Climate Change Memorandum" have already been involved in the weather modification/climate engineering arena for over a half century as historical presidential reports prove.

(x) in coordination with the NSTC, recommend research guidelines concerning the Federal Government's ability to detect climate intervention activities;

The US government (and other major powers around the globe) have been actively and aggressively  engaged in a toxic tug of war with the Earth's climate system since the end of WWll.

(xiv) have classified and unclassified capabilities, as required and appropriate, to consolidate and make available climate change-related impact information, intelligence analyses, and assessments for access and use by Working Group member agencies;

Even weather "forecasting" agencies like The Weather Channel are owned by corporate entities that are completely connected to the power structure. To help silence government employees in organizations like The National Weather Service and NOAA, illegal federal gag orders have been used.

(xvii) coordinate on the development of quantitative models, predictive mapping products, and forecasts to anticipate the various pathways through which climate change may affect public health as an issue of national security.

Though the government is admitting to the impacts of climate change on public health, there is, of course, no mention of the global climate engineering assault and the catastrophic impact to public health being caused by geoengineering programs.

(b) identify climate change-related risks to agency missions, and risks that may be caused by agency policies, programs, and actions… 

Global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs have been wreaking havoc on the climate system for over 7 decades. 

(g) identify climate change-related impacts on global water and food security and nutrition and the resulting impacts on national security, and recommend actions to mitigate these impacts;

Though anthropogenic climate change is undeniable and dire, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor in regard to the record droughts occurring all over the globe.

f) "Global health security" refers to activities required, both proactive and reactive, to minimize vulnerability to acute public health events that endanger the collective health of populations living across geographical regions and international boundaries and includes the efforts of the Global Health Security Agenda to establish capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to disease threats, whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental.

Geoengineering is also biological warfare, all available data makes this fact undisputable.

(d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


The final paragarph in Obama's "memorandum" is essentially a statement of full immunity for the US government. The power structure is increasingly desperate and maneuvering as rapidly as they can. The time we have remaining to fully expose the criminal cabal that has taken over our government (and our weather) is running out. The task of sharing credible information with the still uninformed belongs to all of us, make your voice heard in the critical battle to sound the alarm.

Snowstorms And Raging Wildfires In The Same Region On The Same Day, Welcome To Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

The Climate engineers are increasingly desperate to hide the accelerating planetary meltdown with short term chemically nucleated cool-downs. Engineered cool-downs have been a major component of the climate engineering assault for many decades. The chemical cool-downs create the headlines the power structure needs to continue the population's confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate. Yellowstone National Park is the latest example of chemically ice nucleated deception. 


The photo above was taken in Yellowstone National Park on Monday, September 12, 2016. Photo credit: Devon Hannan

The Yellowstone event is not unique, a chemically nucleated "snowstorm" in South Dakota that occurred on October 4th of 2013 killed up to 100,000 cattle. This event occured while it was 85 degrees and raining in Chicago and 89 degrees with rain in Kansas City.Other anamolous cool-down chemically nucleated events in South America may have been responsible for the death of up to 200,000 alpacas.​ 

On Monday, September 12th, 2016 (the same day that the snowstorm photo above was taken), the south entrance to Yellowstone park was closed due to an ongoing out of control wildfire (as shown in the photo below).


Again, this wildfire was raging on the same day (and at the same time), that other parts of Yellowstone Park were experiencing a summer snowstorm​.

Liquid precipitation can be chemically converted to frozen precipitation under a variety of conditions when there is enough moisture present and a large enough geoengineering operation deployed. The Chinese openly announced the fact that they were chemically nucleating snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing.


Radar map multi-hour loops can be revealing in regard to chemical ice nucleation process. Migrating bands of precipitation can often be seen "flashing out" to frozen precipitation with no elevation change on the topography below the storm/precipitation.

Do US temperature maps for September 12, 2016, indicate conditions are present that would facilitate such a summer snowstorm? NO.


The map above is for Monday, September 12, 2016, the same day as the snowstorm in Yellowstone. 

 Above normal temperatures are, again, returning to the Yellowstone region and are predicted to peak by Sunday, September 18th, 2016.


The very rapid rebound of high temperatures is a glaring red flag as to the engineered nature of the Yellowstone "summer snowstorm". Weather "whiplash" is becoming the norm.

As previously mentioned, the engineered cool-downs are a means of confusing and dividing the population as to the true state of the global climate. Though climate engineering can create the temporary toxic cool-downs, they come at the cost of an even worse overall warming. How warm is our planet? This is not about Al Gore and carbon credit scams, it is about reality. July 2016 was the 15th consecutive month of all time record high temperature months. August, 2016, just broke the record again. Records are being shattered in spite of wide spread UNDER REPORTING of official high temperatures.

The animation above clearly shows the trend of rapidly rising temperatures on planet Earth. Geoengineering, and its endless list of negative consequences, is making an already dire global climate scenario worse overall, not better.

Does the long term forecast call for "cooler than normal" temperatures for the US (including Alaska)?  Again, the answer is NO.


The rapidly increasing orange and red zones (all reflecting above normal and far above normal temperatures) on US "departure from normal temperature" forecast maps should be extremely alarming to all of us.

Are global land and temperatures cooling? NO


The planet may well be in a runaway greenhouse event already with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

The biosphere was in a cooling phase until the start of the industrial revolution. The two level periods of temperatures in the historical graph below were due to the climate forcing effect of aerosols loading/saturation of the atmosphere.


The toxic tug of war between increasing greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosols (with geoengineering adding to the aerosol loading since the mid 1940s) is wreaking havoc on the climate system.

On a longer timescale, the impact of anthropogenic activity (which includes geoengineering) can clearly be seen.


The long term cooling trend on the planet turned to an abrupt climate shift toward extremely rapid heating.

On an even longer scale, the total disruption of Earth's normal and natural cyclical pattern is shockingly visible


On a time scale of this duration, the heating up of our planet appears as a straight up vertical trajectory at the far right of the graph.

Arctic sea ice is one of the most measurable and visible harbingers of our rapidly changing planet. Headlines of Arctic ice expansion are patently false as are headlines of global glacier expansion. Though Arctic sea ice is imploding, the use of chemical ice nucleation is being heavily utilized in the desperate attempt to keep the headline from full public veiw for as long as possible. The Greenland ice sheet is also rapidly melting. To deny the unfoding planetary meltdown is simply to toe the line for big oil and the geoengineers, public ignorance and denial of the front line reality is what they want. The climate engineers have used climate modification as a weapon of war, nothing less. In their attempt to manipulate the planet's life support systems for their own agendas, the overall warming has been accelerated due to the endless list of climate engineering consequences. The 30 second video below illistrates the melt rate of Arctic sea ice.

From ozone layer destruction, to devastating drought, to fueling wildfires, geoengineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe. Though the US military has just admitted on the record (again) that the disintagrating climate is a massive national security risk, what they won't admit to is that they (and the global geoengineering programs they are a part of) are a huge factor further forcing the disintagration to begin with. Climate engineering is nothing short of a covert weapon to control populations at the expense of the entire web of life. If we are to salvage what is left of the planet's life support systems, the climate engineering insanity must be exposed and halted. Help us in this most critical battle, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Rapidly Increasing Awareness Of The Climate Engineering Crimes Is Panicking Corporate Media


Dane Wigington

The recent rash of mainstream media propaganda pushback against the rapidly rising global climate engineering awareness is a glaring red flag which proves that we are indeed gaining ground in this all important battle. Those who work for the mainstream media organizations of mass deception should at this point be considered as accessories to the geoengineering/weather warfare crimes of omnicide when they willingly participate in the cover-up of these crimes. "Scientists" like Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira have been (and still are) leading the effort to deceive the public with yet another major disinformation pushback from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These two individuals should not only be considered accessories to the criminal climate engineering cover-up, but should also be considered primary instigators of this cover-up.

Dr. Caldeira and Dr. Keith were both contributors to a recent disinformation "study" designed to deceive the population and intimidate others in academia from speaking out about the climate engineering crimes. Caldeira's employer, Carnegie "Science", was the supporting institution for this "study" (orchestrated survey). The Carnegie group has long since admitted on the record that geoengineering would not only "make the skies whiter", but it would actually "turn them white". So how is it that this power structure institution, Carnegie "Science", (with defense industry contracts) now tries to completely marginalize the very issue they have issued reports about? They deny the very reality of the solar radiation management effect in our skies which mountains of data prove is an ongoing reality. The CBC Canadian corporate news empire has added their voice to the cover-up effort, again with Dr. Keith at the helm of the deception. Once the Canadian billboard in the photo below came to Dr. Keith's attention (the billboard's link leads directly to, Keith apparently made sure there would be a corporate media pushback to blatantly lie about the billboard's meaning and message.  78

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jason and Lorna Hardy 80

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jamie Allen-Miller

‎For the record, David Keith's entire career is centered around the "solar geoengineering" issue which is exactly what the Canadian billboard was in fact about. With this in mind, let's consider the following quotes made about the billboard by Dr. Keith (in the CBC disinformation article).

"I think it's stunning and frightening because it is complete lunacy"

And this:

"A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all"

Watch this video and again consider Dr. Keith's quotes about geoengineering shown above. Bill Gates has even contributed to Dr. David Keith's and Dr. Ken Caldeira's efforts in the geoengineering field. If, after examining the CBC disinformation article, you feel the CBC author, Kyle Bakx, has been criminally deceptive, let him know what you think about his blatantly false and deceptive "reporting" by contacting Kyle Bakx directly. About Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira, if you are not OK with the part they are playing in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them yourself (their contact links were given earlier in this article and are shown again at the bottom of this post). Communications should be done in a non threatening manner, though we can and should still point out to these individuals that once the public wakes up to the lethal deception, populations will undoubtedly hold those that participated in the criminal climate engineering cover-up legally and morally accountable. When messaging these individuals by email, it is important to openly cc as many other credible people as possible. Doing so further assists with the effort to expose those that are participating in the disinformation, and thus helps  to hold them accountable for their actions.

Climate Engineering Cover-Up Continues In The US

Redding, California, has been and will continue to be an epicenter for the effort to expose the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Shasta Dam (the second largest in the country) is located just north of Redding and the Sacramento River (a primary source of the State's water) flows through Redding. Lab tests prove that the Sacramento River and tributaries are being contaminated by the toxic heavy metal and chemical climate engineering fallout (starting with aluminum). The fight to expose the climate engineering issue in Shasta County has been long and arduous, but not in vain. As more and more in the Redding area have awakened to the climate engineer atrocities, Northern California's primary newspaper (The Record Searchlight) has displayed rapidly increasingly tyrannical behavior. In a blatant effort to sensationalize headlines of total deception, the Searchlight avoids the use of hard science terms and instead focuses on launching personal attacks in order to distract from the real issue of the illegal covert climate engineering assault. The local page photo of the latest Record Searchlight disinformation and personal attack publication is below. This travesty of "journalism" was published on 8-19-16.


Recent Record Searchlight headline on cover of the local section of the newspaper

Why does it matter to even bother exposing this completely immoral propaganda publication for what they are? Because the anti-geoengineering legal action from LASG may concentrate in this region. By continuing to shine the light on the Searchlight's unethical conduct, once the climate engineering issue can no longer be hidden the citizens of Northern California will then fully realize the part the Record Searchlight staff played in hiding critical information from Shasta County citizens. This will assist us with the legal effort to fully expose the climate engineering assault and with reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue. The corporate media owned Record Searchlight "newspaper" has not only completely blacked out any coverage of numerous past major community climate engineering awareness events in Redding, but is at the same time giving front page coverage of any and every disinformation propaganda that attempts to falsely marginalize the critical climate engineering issue.

The editor for the Record Searchlight is Silas Lyons. Below is a message from Mr. Lyons after he was confronted with the Searchlight's blackout of a major community climate engineering awareness gathering with over 1000 in attendance.

Mr. Wigington,

Thanks for your note. The Record Searchlight certainly has no monopoly on the public receiving information, and you've used the Internet, events and other channels pretty effectively from what I can tell. Because scientists and government agencies are actively exploring geoengineering — SRM, etc. — it may be that the reality will someday catch up with your claims. I expect our newspaper will carry many stories about the subject, as the idea of using technology to cool the planet in the future is a debate with enormous potential consequences and grave ethical questions. But your claims about present-day conspiracies to poison the planet are not rooted in that reality. We continue to believe it's our journalistic responsibility not to lend coverage and — by extension — credence to thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories. 

Our position on this is consistent. As I told another correspondent, I recognize that by declining to participate in coverage we are fueling claims that there's a vast conspiracy and we are co-conspirators with our military, public servants and the entire body of mainstream science. I can't help that, as that is the very nature of conspiracy theories — and what makes them so elegantly self-perpetuating.

Best regards,


My response to Mr. Lyons:

Mr. Lyons, I would have expected a more plausible response from you than that which you put together, but I will say it is revealing. Have I ever stated there was a "conspiracy to poison the planet"? (stated in Searchlight article) No, that is just more spin from you and your publication which is what we have all come to expect. What I have always stated is that all available evidence indicates geoengineering is a reality, not just a "proposal". Our "claims" are "rooted" in countless lab tests done at state certified labs. Our "claims" are grounded in actual film footage of military tankers spraying at altitude with nozzles fully visible. Then there are the historical government documents, recent congressional documents calling for the global governance of geoengineering, , etc, the list goes on. The highly toxic heavy metal contamination is beyond dispute as already stated (proven by dozens of lab tests in Shasta County alone). The very dangerous UV radiation levels are also beyond dispute as metering proves. The ongoing spraying of our skies is beyond dispute as film footage proves. You have a moral and ethical responsibility to the community you claim to represent, Silas. You have repeatedly and willfully failed to uphold that responsibility. Did I ever claim there was a "vast conspiracy" that kept you from doing your job, no. Let me be clear, I simply believe you lack the moral fortitude to carry out your job, Mr. Lyons. You are entitled to your denial of the climate engineering reality, I grant you that, but there is absolutely no excuse for you to black out any coverage whatsoever of a major community event with about 1000 in attendance. A community event that featured testimony from our top local neurologist, from numerous former government scientists, from former military personnel, former defense industry technicians, A CEO from one of the worlds largest environmental and engineering consulting firms, etc. The public is rapidly waking up to the fact that media representatives like yourself are in fact not doing their jobs. Rather, in many cases (like this one) editors like you are going out of their way to omit stories that citizens have a right to hear about. The climate engineering/geoengineering reality cannot be hidden in plain sight much longer, the decimation related to these programs is becoming too great. Once the public is fully aware (especially in the North State), I believe they will want you to do some serious explaining, Silas. In the meantime, we will post communications like this so that everything is out in the open as I am sure you would want it to be. Again, Silas, to set the record straight, I have never said and don't believe there is a conspiracy linked to your decision to blackout this major community event, I simply believe you lack courage and are primarily focused on the protection of your paycheck and pension. Again, there is no rational justification for the editor of the primary local newspaper blacking out any and all coverage of a major community event with 1000 in attendance, local city officials in attendance, local physicians speaking along with testimony from former government scientists, a CEO a global environmental and engineering consulting firm with 10,000 employees, former defense industry personnel, former military personnel, etc. The citizens are waking up, Silas, and I can only imagine they will not be happy once they have a clear picture of reality and those that have done their best to hide it.
Dane WIgington

Who is the real Silas Lyons? How does he contribute to the greater good? The 1 minute video below is very revealing. In it Mr. Lyons displays his approach to dealing with ALS (a disease related to aluminum contamination and exposure), and the California drought (a direct result of climate engineering).

Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons, has exercised incredibly unethical behavior as "media" representative on which Northern California citizens depend.

More stellar examples of the Record Searchlight's completely unethical behavior have been displayed from the Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson.


Record Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson

After receiving a valid press release about a climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management study, Ms. Feguson gave the following response.

A news release about a study by a chemtrail believer in a questionable journal posted to the PR Newswire does not add up to Reuters covering geoengineering.

And none of it matches sound scientific principles or even passes Occam’s Razor, which is why we don’t cover it. 

Carole Ferguson
Managing editorRecord Searchlight
1101 Twin View Blvd. • Redding, CA 96003
530-225-8232 • Fax – 530-225-8236

After the Searchlight's recent publication of the disinformation/personal attack article shown earlier, Robert Wegman, an attorney from the LASG team, sent the following letter to Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson.

Dear Ms. Ferguson:

I am one of the attorneys with the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoeingeering ("LASG").  I just spoke with Jessica Skropanic who referred me to you.  Jessica confirmed that your paper received the rebuttal piece written by Dane Wigington concerning the article your paper ran on August 19, 2016 by Damon Arthur entitled "Contrail or Chemtrail."

That editorial piece mentioned Dane Wigington by name and, frankly, parts of the article were patently false.  Dane and, if necessary, the LASG should have an opportunity to respond to the unsupportable assertions made in the article.  Moreover, we welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter openly with your staff.  Our only goal is only to bring awareness to this dire issue and to hopefully stop it.  I run a very busy practice as do all the other attorneys.  We have all felt impelled to rally around this cause for the sake of our children. It's no more complicated than that.  

To say what is happening in our skies is destructive to the earth's ecology is a gross understatement.  Unless geoengineering immediately ceases, we will experience cataclysmic effects (including mass extinction) of biblical proportions. I think your readers would be quite interested to know about the clandestine work its government is doing to its unwitting subjects. Publishing articles filled with misinformation (disinformation) only serves to further lull the populace into complacency.  It is no coincidence that California is experiencing the worst drought in history, while Texas and Louisiana have experienced historical flooding.  It is also no coincidence that wild fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before.  They are nearly uncontrollable.  Dry vegetation and fire fueled by aluminum oxide will have that effect.    

The LASG and Dane understand New York Times v. Sullivan gives the media nearly carte blanche to publish whatever it wishes, but Dane should be afforded the opportunity to have his voice heard and to set the record straight.  We trust you agree. That is, after all, the very essence of editorializing. 

I kindly ask you to advise whether Dane's piece will be published and when.  Should you need to discuss this matter with me, my contact information is included below. 

Best regards,

Robert L. Wegman, Esquire


Ms. Ferguson's reply:


Thanks for your interest in the letter sent by Dane Wigington.

We will not be publishing it. It will not clear our fact checking efforts.

We do not agree with your movement’s claims that the government is engaged in a plan to alter the weather using airplane exhaust.

Yes, there are studies on the effects of contrails on how they reflect sunlight back into space and thus may provide a cooling effect. Temperatures rose slightly after all planes were landed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And we acknowledge that climate change caused by too many fossil fuels – including jet fuel — is causing the more severe weather patterns such as drought and flooding.

But we follow real science and find that nearly all of Mr. Wigington’s claims to be false. It is against our policy to publish letters full of falsehoods.

Mr. Wigington had his chance to discuss his concerns when our reporter called him. But for the most part he didn’t say much and directed our reporter to a statement posted on

I see where you suggest we can talk with Mr. Wigington about this further. Over the years, he and many others who follow him have discussed their beliefs at length with us. Another sit-down session would be futile for all sides.

The "letter to the editor" reply which I submitted in rebuttle to the Searchlight's disinformation/personal attack article (and which Ms. Ferguson flatly refused to print) was in complete conformity to the Searchlight's submission requirements. The refused submission is below.

Searchlight Blatantly Omits Facts On Critical Climate Engineering Issue

The Record Searchlight continues to demonstrate an unfortunate disregard for factual reporting. An article in the Friday edition of the paper (8-19-16) by Damon Arthur titled "Contrail or Chemtrail" is a glaring case in point. The "science study" (in reality an informal survey) which was the entire basis of the Searchlight post (clearly directed at me) is very deceptive. First, the Searchlight (and the propaganda report they published)  chose to sensationalize with completely unscientific terms like "chemtrails" and thus they completely omit hard science terms that would have lead readers to real facts and data. Terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), and "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE). Instead of objectively reporting the science terms that relate to the subject of global climate engineering, the Searchlight falsely infers that this issue in question is about "a conspiracy to poison the planet".  Mr. Arthur,  since you have directed your hit piece toward me, can you now show your readers when and where I have ever, even once, recited such a statement? The "study" in question actually solicited 450 scientists, not 77 as the Searchlight (and the "study") falsely reported. Of that 450, nearly 84% were unwilling to even participate in the study. Why not? Could it be due to the fact that there is an illegal Federal gag order on ALL National Weather Service and ALL NOAA employees?  Why is there a gag order? Why wasn't this illegal gag order reported by the Searchlight or the "study"? This means that of the total number of scientists surveyed, only slightly over 16% were even willing to respond. Why was this crucial fact also completely omitted? Next, the Searchlight repeatedly quotes the head of a disinformation website as if he is some sort of authority. The primary function of this individual and his site is to falsely discredit anyone who says anything negative about the actions of our government. Do the opinions of such an individual really belong in a "science study"? The Searchlight article author  then falsely reports on the citizen attendance at a 2014 Shasta County Supervisors meeting on geoengineering by stating "dozens of people attended". In fact, at the peak of the supervisors meeting, there were estimated to be 500 people at the supervisors chambers. The supervisors admitted on film (posted at that the attendance was the largest in the facilities history. "A few dozen", Damon? Continuing,  Damon Arthur did not bother to mention anything about the 750 page US Senate document that proves conclusively the US government has been heavily involved with international climate engineering programs for decades. Mr. Arthur further failed to mention that the head of the CIA, John Brennan, just spoke in front of the Council on Foreign Relations about geoengineering. There are also extensive historical presidential reports, military documents, and 160 geoengineering patents, (all posted at Finally, Damon and the Searchlight continue to completely omit any mention of the fact that a team of US attorneys (Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering) has started legal proceedings to expose climate engineering along with the agencies and officials that are helping to hide it by failing to disclose a proven and dangerous heavy metal contamination from the public. How would Mr. Arthur know about all this information? Because he telephoned me days before the Searchlight hit piece and I informed him of virtually every verifiable fact stated above, none of which Mr. Arthur bothered to report. The bottom line is this, the Record Searchlight has not honestly and objectively reported the facts. 

Dane Wigington

A follow-up reply was then sent to Ms. Ferguson by the LASG legal team:

Double click to enlarge and read




The Searchlight's managing editor reply is below:


We stand by our decision and our story.

The point of this example of corporate media tyranny is this, honorless individuals will continue to lie, falsely report, or completely omit whatever they want until the population as a whole takes a stand for truth and justice. The power structure could not continue to carry out their crimes if not for the complete and total obedience of the mainstream media machine of mass deception. How do we effectively push back? We start by taking the time to send articulate but direct (and non-threatening) messages to every individual that is participating in the criminal cover-up, whether actively or passively. Let them know that we know who they are, that we are not OK with their criminal behavior, and that once the crimes in question are fully exposed, we, society, will hold them legally and morally accountable. I am supplying some key email contacts for criminal propaganda perpetrators below for a starting point. Make your voice heard, forward the contacts to others so that they can continue and build the wave.

Dr. David Keith: (click open the link to access email address)

Dr. Ken Caldeira: (click open the link to access email address)

Record Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons:

Record Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson:

Record Searchlight journalist, Damon Arthur:

CBC "reporter", Kyle Bakx:



The global weather warfare/biological warfare assault that is being waged against populations and the entire web of life is now becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. The power structure controlled mainstream media weapon of criminal propaganda has recently launched an all out disinformation campaign to try and fortify the official denial of the geoengineering atrocities that are clearly occurring in our skies. Chuck Norris has drafted yet another hard hitting statement of facts in his unyielding effort to expose the ongoing global climate engineering assault and the government's increasingly desperate attempt to hide it. Our deepest and most sincere gratitude to you, Mr. Norris.
Dane Wigington



Exclusive: Chuck Norris Warns Of 'Grave' Risks Of Climate Intervention

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

Last week, I addressed how CIA Director John Brennan gave a historic speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few thought they would ever hear: the federal government’s explicit and intentional climate intervention via operations like stratospheric aerosol spraying or injections, or SAI.

What I didn’t explain is that SAI is a ginormous federal geo-engineering cover-up that is now being exposed, and yet not a single mainstream media outlet has reported on it. Let me explain.

In April, the U.S. Senate directed the Department of Energy (DOE) “to review the findings of the National Academy of Sciences (or NAS) report,” “Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth,” and “to study the potential impacts of albedo modification (or solar radiation management), a potential method of geoengineering,” which included “smaller scale field trials.”

Science magazine explained: “Albedo modification would work by lacing the atmosphere with tiny particles or aerosols that would reflect sunlight and mimic natural processes. For example, in 1991 the volcano Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, which spans altitudes from 10 to 50 kilometers. There, the sulfur dioxide produced aerosols that reflected enough sunlight to reduce global temperature by an estimated 0.3°C for 3 years. Albedo modification might also work by using aerosols to seed cloud formation in a lower atmospheric layer called the troposphere.”

The U.S. Senate pushed the DOE to pursue albedo modification action a couple months before CIA Director Brennan gave his blessing to stratospheric spraying as a government operation that “potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.”

What’s crazy about all that government endorsement is that the February 2015 NAS report, on which the feds base their entire toxic rain operation, “warned explicitly that albedo modification shouldn’t be deployed now because the risks and benefits were far too uncertain.”

What are those risks? Here are just three grave consequences that we know about:

Drought: The team under Chien Wang, a co-author of the NAS study and a senior research scientist at MIT’s Center for Global Change Science and the Department of Earth, concluded that albedo modification would lead “to dangerous changes in global weather: Precipitation would also decline worldwide, and some parts of the world would be worse off. Europe, the Horn of Africa, and Pakistan may receive less rainfall than they have historically.”

Loss of blue sky: According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science explained, “Releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere should in theory reduce global temperatures by reflecting a small percentage of the incoming sunlight away from the Earth. However, the extra particles would also scatter more of the remaining light into the atmosphere. This would reduce by 20 percent the amount of sunlight that takes a direct route to the ground, and it would increase levels of softer, diffuse scattered light,” making the sky appear hazier.

Hazards to human health and other earth life: The gravest of all consequences of atmospheric aerosol spraying is that, simply put, what’s sprayed above us settles down upon us and in us, as well as other life on earth. 78

Photo credit: Penny Oliphant

The U.S. government’s own National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI, released a report in January 2016, the goal of which was “Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols.” The NCBI concluded: “Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials. There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.”

No wonder the co-author of the study on “Climate Intervention,” Dr. James Fleming called geo-engineering like SAI: “untested and untestable, and dangerous beyond belief.”

Another colleague and co-author, Dr. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, the Louis Block professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, and Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustafn, chairman in environmental science at Stockholm’s University, took it one step further. He warned, “The nearly two years’ worth of reading and animated discussions that went into this study have convinced me more than ever that the idea of ‘fixing’ the climate by hacking the Earth’s reflection of sunlight is wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad” (that is why Dr. Pierrehumbert prefers to call albedo modification by the name “albedo hacking”).

Dr. Pierrehumber added: “The report describes albedo modification frankly as involving large and partly unknown risks. It states outright that albedo modification ‘should not be deployed.'”

So, why are the U.S. Senate and CIA director disregarding the dire and passionate warnings of scientists like Dr. Pierrehumbert and Dr. Fleming by demanding that the Department of Energy proceed with trials on geo-engineering? In the words of Dr. Pierrehumber, are they “wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad”? Answer: Yes!

Is it a mere coincidence that the very government agencies that are spraying our stratosphere with toxic chemicals were the actual sponsors of the NAS report? The NAS itself confessed: “The study was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. intelligence community, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Department of Energy” (italics mine).

Isn’t that like your right hand quoting your left hand so that your right hand can grab what it’s already holding? Is the NAS report another government push and ploy to collaborate and cite “scientific proof” to justify its clandestine climate agenda? Why else would the CIA and U.S. Senate be proceeding in climate aerosol spraying when the very scientists preparing the study warned, “Stop! Don’t do it! It’s crazy and dangerous!”

The most colossal and tragic of all government cover-ups is the fact that the feds have been waging climate warfare for more than 30 years, lacing our clouds and stratosphere with dangerous nano-particles, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum and aluminum oxide aerosols. The truth is, for decades, the feds have been covertly and overtly running sky criminal operations behind (above!) our backs, leaving humans and the rest of the planet life as lab rats of their toxic cocktail fallout. 79

Photo credit: Austin Clark reported that a 1978 750-page congressional report was recently discovered with a mountain of information going back decades that “confirms the ongoing extensive involvement of our government in climate modification/weather warfare. This document also confirms the involvement of foreign governments around the globe, even governments that would otherwise have been considered ‘hostile to US interests.'”

Why hasn’t a single mainstream media outlet reported on the CIA and DOE’s march forward with SAI when the scientific community has explicitly and repeatedly warned against it?

Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled by government and media?

And why in hell are watchdogs on both the left and right dodging the feds’ intentional and hazardous climate intervention, when they seek to uncover government cover-ups and conspiracies with the most scant of evidence?

Dane Wigington, the lead researcher for and a fierce fighter for government geoengineering transparency, was absolutely right when he wrote: “How big does the climate engineering elephant in the room need to be before it can no longer be hidden in plain site? How much more historical proof do we need of the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare before the denial of the masses crumbles? When will populations around the globe bring to justice all those responsible for the ongoing and rapidly worsening worldwide weather warfare assault?”

Is it a mere coincidence that, in October 2015, the feds put a universal “gag order” on agency employees in “The National Weather Service,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration” and the “U.S. Dept. of Commerce”?

Is it a mere coincidence that the Obama administration has spent more taxpayer monies for legal prosecutions of government whistleblowers than all other U.S. presidents combined, resulting in 31 times the jail sentences?

It’s time to blow the lid off the government’s climate cover-up!

That is why my wife, Gena, and I encourage citizens everywhere to do their own research on geo-engineering and then write their government representatives to demand action.  We also encourage the support of the Legal Alliance of lawyers now amassed as a united front to fight the geo-engineering government cover-up in court.

To read or learn more immediately, I highly recommend the work and website of Dane Wigington. is loaded with great research on the many facets of climate intervention.

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

The Melting Of The Arctic Ice Continues Apace


Source: Seemorerocks

Some thoughts of my own on the melting sea ice in the Arctic and on recent headlines.

Sam Carana has given an update on the Arctic ice in his latest article, Arctic Sea Ice Getting Terribly Thin

Now I would like to give my own perspective as a relatively-informed lay person.

This is how I see it.

Mostly what we get through media reports is the sea ice area.  If we look at the graph below we are due to beat the record for sea ice extent set in 2012.

This makes the situation look pretty pretty bad, but not dire.

The Climate Crisis Is Already Here – But No One’s Telling Us


Source: The Guardian, story by George Monbiot

The media largely relegate the greatest challenge facing humanity to footnotes as industry and politicians hurtle us towards systemic collapse of the planet.

What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.

This, on current trends, will be the hottest year ever measured. The previous record was set in 2015; the one before in 2014. Fifteen of the 16 warmest years have occurred in the 21st century. Each of the past 14 months has beaten the global monthly temperature record. But you can still hear people repeating the old claim, first proposed by fossil fuel lobbyists, that global warming stopped in 1998.

Arctic sea ice covered a smaller area last winter than in any winter since records began. In Siberia, an anthrax outbreak is raging through the human and reindeer populations because infected corpses locked in permafrost since the last epidemic in 1941 have thawed. India has been hammered by cycles of drought and flood, as withering heat parches the soil and torches glaciers in the Himalayas. Southern and eastern Africa have been pitched into humanitarian emergencies by drought. Wildfires storm across America; coral reefs around the world are bleaching and dying.

Exclusive: Chuck Norris Sees Signs Of ‘Geo-Engineering Government Cover-Up’


Internationally known celebrity Chuck Norris continues to show exceptional courage by yet again publicly addressing the critical climate engineering issue in an extremely direct, articulate, and forceful manner. Mr. Norris has previously addressed the geoengineering issue and the power structure's attempt to silence anti-geoengineering researches and informational sites. Now, in the article below, he continues his examination of global geoengineering, and publicly states his warnings on this extremely dire issue. Let's hope that other well known personalities take a much needed example from Chuck Norris's unyielding moral fortitude. I wish to extend my deepest regard and respect to Mr. Norris for his steadfast and courageous effort to take a critically needed stand for the greater good and for recommending as a reference site.
Dane Wigington


Exclusive: Chuck Norris sees signs of 'geo-engineering government cover-up'

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

The smoking gun is definitely still smoking. CIA Director John Brennan shot another round of evidence in the proof that our government is involved in climate intervention or weather warfare.

In June, CIA director John Brennan gave a historical speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few thought they would ever hear.

To set the context, Brennan’s speech addressed threats to national and global security, cyber attacks, hacking, as well as biological warfare and other potential threats. But what caught listening ears and raised eyebrows was Brennan’s lengthy discussion about geo-engineering – intentional climate intervention via operations like atmospheric aerosol spraying or injections.

Liberals defended Brennan’s big government speech by explaining that he didn’t actually say the feds were presently engaging in geo-engineering. The truth is, he would have been foolish to do so because, as you’ll learn, many eminent scientists have warned Washington about the extreme dangers of climate intervention, not to mention the public outcry would be massive.

Brennan spoke at length about the future use of geo-engineering. And if you listen carefully to his words, you can even hear innuendos of a government that has already tested its effectiveness. How else could he be so confident of its utility?

Brennan explained:

Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI: a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures, and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive. The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.

As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI and other geoengineering initiatives. 99

Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

What is striking but not surprising is the missing link in Brennan’s “challenges”: namely, climate intervention’s threat to humans and other life on earth. Outside of the many adverse and consequential environmental affects of seeding the stratosphere, which we will hear about from renowned scientists in my next column, there is the toxic fallout of particles upon human life. Or does the Obama administration really think that injecting sulfate aerosol precursors and designed nanoparticles into the stratosphere will not result in grave health effects when they literally rain down upon us?

The U.S. government’s National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI, just released a report in January 2016 regarding “Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols.” In the report, it describes “the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM [Solar Radiation Management], including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols.”

The NCBI concluded: “Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials. There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.”

Did anyone pass this health report to CIA Director John Brennan?

Let’s be clear about at least one thing: Despite that those on the right and the left (including our president) have denied the government’s use of stratospheric aerosol spraying in the past, chemtrailing just collapsed as conspiracy. The climate cat is now out of the bag!

But President Obama already told us this was coming, or has come.

Back in February 2013, Obama warned Capitol Hill: “If Congress won’t act soon [on climate change] to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future. …”

In January 2015, he repeated his threat: “If we do not act forcefully, we’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods, and massive disruptions that can trigger greater migration, conflict, and hunger around the globe. The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security. We should act like it.”

No wonder Obama said about himself, “Call me the rainmaker.”

But no one ever told us that the rain coming down upon us would be toxic!

And where is the “Environmental Protection Agency” when we need it? It is in the stratospheric aerosol injection bed with the rest of the administration!

The question is: Is there hard evidence for a government cover-up of its already-active stratospheric aerosol injection program?

To find out that answer, please don’t miss my column next week. In it, I will explain the CIA’s direct involvement in geo-engineering (particularly SAI) and demonstrate how the agency is using the National Academy of Sciences to produce a report that the Obama administration can manipulate to the public to justify its sky crimes. I’ll also show how the U.S. Senate is swallowing the pro-geo-engineering bait hook, line and sinker, and how a massive multiple-agency government gag order and unprecedented whistleblower penalties are suppressing those on the inside from leaking or confirming the feds present geo-engineering operations. Lastly, I’ll discuss what you can do to help blow the lid off of the government’s covert operations.

To read or learn more immediately, I highly recommend the work and website of Dane Wigington. is loaded with great research on the many facets of geo-engineering. In addition, we encourage support of the Legal Alliance of pro-bono lawyers now amassed as a unified front to fight the geo-engineering government cover-up in court.

Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris

Former CNN Reporter Greg Hunter Covers Global Climate Engineering Assault


Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past. Greg is the producer and creator of, a highly trusted independent news site with a huge following. The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that the majority of his media peers are afraid to even mention. In the 26 minute interview below, Hunter continues to make his voice heard in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering assault. I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to Greg for helping to move the ball forward in this most critical fight for the greater good.
Dane Wigington


Chemtrails are Greatest Threat to Life on Earth – Dane Wigington

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Dane WigingtonLast month, CIA Director John Brennan admitted Chemtrails, or as he put it, “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection,” is established geoengineering science used to fight global warming. Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says if the government is admitting it, the negative effects of spraying are too big to hide much longer. Wigington explains, “When CIA Director Brennan has to address it publicly, clearly it’s getting very difficult for them to hide this elephant in the room and the damage it has done, not only to the environment, but to us. It is irreparable already, and they know the liability already. They know this. They also know the amount of liability that has been created. That’s why they have been so desperate to hide this. To put this into the nutshell, the amount of destruction these programs have caused environmentally, it’s contaminated the entire web of life. This is, mathematically speaking, the greatest and most immediate threat to the web of life on earth, including human health. It is greater than any other threat short of nuclear cataclysm. That’s a mathematical fact.”

Wigington is the founder of and has teamed up with pro bono lawyers to sue the U.S. government to expose and stop the spraying. Wigington contends, “A 60 day notice has been put together by our team of U.S. attorneys to put all those potential defendants (which include Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and many others) on notice that this litigation is pending. They have been notified by certified mail, a 33 page 60 day notice . . . a very comprehensive document that outlines what they are doing, what laws its breaking and why this suit is being filed.”

Wigington goes on to say, “This is indisputable fact. What these programs have done, full deployment over 70 years ago, are breaching countless environmental laws and countless laws for protections of populations. This is an unbelievably egregious act and a willful assault on the population. It can’t be called anything else. It’s just been under the radar for so long because our completely controlled corporate media is doing everything they can to try to suppress this most important issue from the public as long as they can.”

The high ranking people in the scientific community have also been covering up chemtrails and geoengineering for decades. Wigington told one official via email exchange, “The wake up is real, and we have documentation to back up our accusations. Once the public finds out what’s been done to them, they will hold them responsible. Not just the ones who have done these crimes, but people facilitating these crimes by people helping to hide them like Marcia McNutt (President of the National Academy of Sciences). The public, at some point, would hold Nuremberg type trials. We are talking about ecocide and omnicide (extinction of human species). We are talking about a population that has been irreparably damaged by these programs. The heavy metals build up in our system, and they do immense amounts of harm. You can’t fix that, and once the population knows what’s been done to them, people . . . will be held accountable.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:

I also asked Wigington about the reports of improving drought conditions in his home state of California. Wigington told me, “The drought in California is worse, and the notion that it is better is an absolute fallacy. Whole forests are being wiped out, and springs are drying up faster than ever before. High temps are being under reported by four or five degrees, and overnight temps are much higher than normal.”

If you want to contribute to, go to the home page and look near the upper right hand side of the page. There’s also a snail mail address. If you want to donate to the Legal Alliance that is paying to sue the government to stop geoengineering or chemtrails, click here.

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Is Climate Engineering Real? Square Cloud Formations Are Undeniable Proof


Dane Wigington

The climate science and meteorological communities (along with mainstream media and countless other agencies) have long since completely sold out to the power structure. Countless individuals within these groups have committed themselves to what is nothing less than a total betrayal of populations around the globe (along with the entire web of life). The ongoing global climate engineering assault could not be more obvious or indisputable to anyone that does any objective investigation and has the courage to face reality. Yet, the so called "experts" continue to fortify the public denial of climate engineering by themselves adhering to the lie on the officially dictated blatant deception. 

Radio frequency signals leave a very clear and visible signature, this signature is extremely recognizable on the image above.  Radio frequency transmissions are utilized for manipulating weather systems, cloud formations, and jet stream patterns. The electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles (that are constantly being sprayed into our atmosphere by the the geoengineers) are manipulated with the global grid of radio frequency transmitters (which the weathermakers control).

Square cloud formations are not the only indication of the climate engineering insanity, voids in cloud canopies are also a telltale sign of the ongoing manipulation. Nature does not make 90 degree corners in weather systems. 

The hazy wispy composition of many "clouds" seen in these satellite photos are also a result of heavy atmospheric aerosol saturation. Unfortunately the vast majority of the population currently cannot distinguish between natural clouds and aerosolized artificial "cloud" cover.

Squares within an existing canopy of aerosolized cloud cover are yet another profound signature of extreme atmospheric manipulation. These two photos (above and below) reveal extraordinary and completely unnatural variances of cloud canopy composition.

In the capture below, again, extremes of composition and geometry are shockingly clear.

90 degree notches taken out of existing aerosolized cloud canopies are increasingly being noted on radar images.

Photos like the one below have become commonplace in recent years as the climate engineers completely manipulate the flow of moisture entering from over the US West Coast.The ongoing engineered drought catastrophe in California is only one of countless horrific impacts form the geoengineering assault. Record forest die-offs and record forest fires are yet more downstream effects. 

All of us completely depend on Earth's life support systems, these systems have been derailed and decimated for decades by the global power structure. Though many populations around the globe are already rapidly sinking into a daily fight for survival, the majority of citizens in heavily industrialized nations still have a choice (for the moment). So far, most have chosen apathy, denial, and total willful blindness. The masses must be awakened to the immense and immediate challenges we collectively face. Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing from countless forms of human activity. Climate engineering is the greatest assault on the biosphere ever launched by industrialized civilization. Exposing and halting the ongoing geoengineering insanity should be (must be) our top priority. Every single individual that is awake and aware of this most critical issue is needed in this all important battle. Help us to reach a critical mass of awareness with populations around the globe, please make your voice heard while we still have anything left to salvage of our once thriving planet Earth.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?


Dane Wigington

Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide. 


Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit:

The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning.


Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP

Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after. 


Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes.

The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry.


The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought.

Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead.


A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher

Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault.


A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup

The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India.


Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala

If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 18, 2016


Dane Wigington

The power structure is fracturing and losing ground on every front. This includes the medical/industrial complex that has been the source of immeasurable and irreparable suffering for far too long. Thanks to the film VAXXED, the lethal dangers of vaccinations are finally being exposed. A major VAXXED screening event is now scheduled for Northern California on August 5th that will include the VAXXED film producers, pediatricias, and climate engineering presentation from (more details coming on this event). There is also a 1 week showing of VAXXED at the Valley 11 cinemas in Anderson California (near Redding) beginning on June 24th.  On the wider front, May, 2016, broke yet another all time climate heat record. It was the 13th consecutive month of record breaking global temperatures. We are already descending into a runaway greenhouse event with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Record heat, record floods, record droughts, and unprecedented weather whiplash is now the norm. The Florida terrorist attack is playing perfectly into the hands of the power brokers and their corporate media weapons of mass distraction. With the biosphere implosion accelerating, corporations like Shell Oil use private mercenary armies to police their pillaging of countries like Nigeria.


Shell Oil and other multinational corporations have plundered countries like Nigeria for decades.

All the while elements of our government do all they can to protect the military/carbon fuel/ industrial complex and to hide their crimes. The Australian government is doing all they can to hide the fact that much of the barrier reef just died in the geological blink of an eye. The Saudi dictatorship is helping to fund the Clinton presidential campaign, while using US made cluster bombs to kill innocent men, women and children in Yemen. We are told by FOX news that "ISIS may take over the world", but what countries are actually part of the overall ISIS support system? The USA, Turkey, and Israel are three. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

How can we remain sane and focused through the gathering storm? It is imperative for us all to examine our believes, our perspectives, and our philosophies. Solace lies in an unyielding commitment to the greater good, make your voice heard.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 4, 2016


Dane Wigington

The criminal corporate media and the order followers that fill its ranks continue their campaign of total deception. Though the majority of the population is still committed to their denial on many fronts, there is a rippling of the coming forced awakening. The VAXXED documentary is triggering a justifiable outrage among those who have had the courage to face the truth and view the film. How much more rage will global populations feel when they completely realize the full extent of harm that has been inflicted on them by their governments (who are all participating either passively or actively in the ongoing global climate engineering assault). The death rate in the US has suddenly and unexpectedly spiked. Where is the corporate media coverage of this fact? Societal implosion and chaos continues to unfold in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, and many more.


Venezuelan police fire tear gas and plastic bullets at protesters in Altamira, Caracas. 

As the global economic house of cards crumbles, the most destructive and dangerous corporations like Bayer and Monsanto will try to merge in an effort to stay afloat. DuPont and Dow Chemical are also merging. Populations around the globe must be awakened to what is coming, starting with the issue of the climate engineering atrocities. From record droughts, to record fires, to record floods, anthropogenic activity and climate engineering are taking their toll on what is left of the planet's life support systems. The most important step in this direction is to efficiently, effectively, and publicly expose all the media personnel, meteorologists and others that are actively or passively toeing the narrative of deception for those in power.  The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Make fighting to expose the whole truth your top priority. Make the fight for the greater good your mission, time is not on our side.

Climate Engineering Contributing To Climate Chaos


Dane Wigington

Earth's former energy balance has been completely derailed, we are now in a free-fall state toward an irreparably altered and very inhospitable planet. The majority of populations (especially in industrialized countries) are even now immersed in total denial in regard to the damage that has been inflicted to the environment and climate systems by human activity. Any form of anthropogenic activity that impacts Earth's natural processes must be considered a form of geoengineering. The greatest and most destructive form of biosphere interference is the ongoing highly toxic climate engineering/weather warfare global assault. Burning forests, drought, deluge, volcanic eruptions, nuclear contamination and die-off, are already now the norm and this process will accelerate rapidly. Geoengineering is being ramped up to unimaginable levels as the collapse of the biosphere and social structure unfolds. The 9 minute video compilation below is a revealing recent update that covers numerous climate and environmental catastrophes.

Catastrophic flooding has just occurred in Europe, the stunning 45 second video below is yet another example what is unfolding and accelerating around the Globe.

France is one of the latest victims of flooding while the torrential downpours in Texas are becoming relentless. Though such disasters are still considered "natural" occurrences, this conclusion should be considered complete deception. The human race has decimated the planet and its life support processes, climate engineering is the epitome of this destruction. 

Each of us bears the responsibility of choosing what our priorities are, each of us chooses what we will do with the time we have been given. Make your voice heard in the critical battle for the common good, all are needed in the effort to sound the alarm. The greatest single leap we could make in the right direction is to fully expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Help us to fully expose global geoengineering by forwarding credible information to media sources and those that are uninformed on the issue. Every day counts in this fight to salvage what is yet left of our planet's life support systems.

Major UK Publication Covers Climate Engineering


With all of us working together we are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness, the geoengineering/solar radiation management atrocities in our skies are now becoming all but impossible to hide. The just published article below from the "Daily Express" is the most recent example of mainstream media addressing the global climate engineering assault. As we should expect, any mainstream source tries to utilize the "chemtrails" term in their ever more futile attempt to marginalize the subject at hand. Those in power desperately want the to enforce the use of the non-science "chemtrail" label. This fact is glaringly revealed in a short interview I did with mainstream media "hitman" David Pakman. Another example is CBS, who also utilized the same tactic in an interview I did with them last year. The author of a recent article in "The Guardian" newspaper (from UK) relied on the constant use of the "conspiracy theory" term to try and marginalize the critical ongoing climate engineering issue. The more consistently we use the science terms to raise awareness (climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, etc), the more credibility and progress we will gain in this most critical battle. Use of the "chemtrails" term is not helpful to the credibility of our cause. This being said, in spite of the using nonscience terms, and completely incorrectly quoting me in places, the coverage we have now gained in the just published article below is still another leap forward in the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity by bringing the issue to the attention of the masses. Let's all keep sounding the alarm (please take a moment to vote in the poll that is within the article below).
Dane Wigington

CHEMTRAILS: Are jet planes REALLY secretly spraying chemicals to REVERSE climate change?

Source:, article by Jon Austin

MILLIONS of people are convinced a secret global conspiracy is taking place in front of our eyes on a DAILY basis.

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down For The US


Dane Wigington

As the global climate system implosion gains momentum, the geoengineers are displaying increasing desperation in their attempt to create temporary toxic cool-downs in a rapidly warming world. Again, and again, and again, the Eastern US has been the focus of massive (and highly toxic) climate engineering cool-downs. Why? To continue feeding the climate confusion amongst the public in the most populated portions of the US while the meltdown of the planet continues into a runaway warming scenario with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Where are the only below normal temperature zones in the current "departure from normal high temperature" map shown below? Heavily populated regions of the US and Europe. Why aren't the paid actors on power structure owned propaganda programs like The Weather Channel (who also has ties with Monsanto) even mentioning the continued incineration of Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest,  Australia, India, Asia, the UK,  the Arctic, Siberia, and the rest of the planet as a whole? Because they are paid to pacify the population and to cover the tracks of the climate engineers


The bright blue regions of record low temperatures that stand out in the Eastern Center of the US are a shocking (and completely engineered) anomaly in a record warm world.

A further highlighting of specific temperature "departures from normal" is shown in the next map. 


Radical varied localized temperature extremes (that have become the norm in recent years) are historically unprecedented.

In order to carry out the chemical ice nucleated cool-down assaults (fueling devastating hail storms), considerable atmospheric moisture is required over the target zones.


Note the near 90 degree corner taken out of the precipitation convection zone to the west of Florida. This is an ever more common signature of radio frequency manipulation. 

Consider that much of moisture that fueled the record cold and May snow that just fell in the US East originated in a record warm Florida and gulf of Mexico. The morning LOW temperature in Florida on 5/17/2016  (the date the above satellite photo was captured) tied all time record of 78 degrees (again, 78 degrees was the nighttime LOW temperature). The record Florida warmth has also fueled record rain. (A record warm world/atmosphere must produce more precipitation unless the geoengineers choose to create drought as is the case in California and other regions around the globe which is radically impacting populations). How does record warm moisture flow north to create record cold and snow? Welcome to the engineered winter deception carried out with jet stream manipulation and chemical ice nucleation. As the weather makers prepare for the coming radical cool-down in the US West, massive aerosol spraying can be seen in the current satellite image shown below, taken on 5/19/2016


Blanket solar radiation management spraying over the oceans (and over land) is wreaking havoc on the web of life and the climate system as whole. "Ocean fertilization"  with highly toxic materials is another deadly aspect of geoengineering

So what is the "scheduled weather" for the days following the engineered cool-down of the Eastern US? The NOAA "forecast" map below is yet another shocking illustration of complete manipulation of the climate system. 


From record warmth in the US West, to potential record cold. The record cold in the East will flip to possible record highs. Each color shade represents 2-3 degrees of variation from normal, high or low, depending on the hue.

What is the bottom line regarding the overall state of the global climate? The planet is already in a runaway warming scenario, April 2016 yet again shattered all former global temperature records


The gravity of the overall global temperature rise cannot be overstated, climate engineering/solar radiation management is not a form of "mediation" as those in power would have us believe, geoengineering is a weapon of mass deception and war, nothing less. 

In the desperate effort to hide reality from the population for as long as possible (and thus to keep business as usual for the military/industrial/corporate complex) the climate engineers continue to create the toxic temporary cool-downs which are only fueling the climate destruction and overall warming of the biosphere. Why aren't employees of the National Weather Service and NOAA sounding the alarm? These government scientists have no first amendment protection and now also have also had an illegal federal gag order placed on them. The anomalous cool-downs are as engineered as the corporate media hype surrounding these weather whiplash events. The fight to expose and halt global climate engineering is nothing less than a fight for life, make you voice heard in this most critical battle.

Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration


Dane Wigington

Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with the Co2 and methane greenhouse gas buildup being all too real), global climate engineering programs are the single greatest factor creating droughts and fueling fires on planet Earth. What will it take for the human race to abandon their tendencies of suicidal denial? What will it take for the paid liars in the ranks of academia to start telling the whole truth about the climate implosion? A subject which cannot be legitimately discussed without including the lethal reality of climate engineering.


An exploding inferno of flames and unimaginably intense heat erupts along a highway near Fort McMurray, Alerta, Canada, May 7, 2016. This fire is expected to burn for months to come as the wild fire threat continues to increase around the globe. Even the Himalayas are now being ravaged by wildfires. Photo: Mark Blinch

The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres – an area the size of Mexico City – officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges.

Some mainstream sources are acknowledging the "extreme weather pattern" that has created the anomalous heat dome over central Canada. But, of course, the part climate engineering has played in this engineered weather scenario is completely omitted as is any mention whatsoever of the blatantly obvious and unarguable ongoing geoengineering atrocities visible in skies around the globe.. It is up to us to hold mainstream media accountable for their lies of omission

Unseasonably hot weather in Alberta, Canada, is fueling the worst wildfire disaster in the country’s history. An extreme weather pattern, known as an omega block, is the source of the heat.

[Fort McMurray wildfire evacuation was largest on record in Canada, database shows]

An omega block is essentially a stoppage in the atmosphere’s flow in which a sprawling area of high pressure forms. This clog impedes the typical west-to-east progress of storms. The jet stream, along which storms track, is forced to flow around the blockage.

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GFS model simulation of jet stream pattern and "omega block" over parts of Canada. Geoengineering is further fueling a climate of extremes that have now made "weather whiplash" the norm.

The "departure from normal high temperature" map below highlights the magnitude of the engineered heat dome over central Canada


Extreme (and historically unprecedented) temperature variations like those reflected in the map above have also been increasingly documented in the US over the last decade.

70 years of climate engineering insanity have left a decimating swath of total destruction across the entire planet. This statement in no way negates the countless other forms of catastrophic damage caused to the biosphere by human activity. But, mathematically speaking, climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are the single greatest destructive factor in regard to climate disruption, forest fires, and planetary contamination. Solar geoengineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare


How much decimation will have to occur before the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is acknowledged by the climate science and environmental communities? Photo: Scott Olson

On Friday, May 6th, 2016, record heat was also recorded in the US. On this date, the warmest location in the entire country was Minneapolis, Minnesota


On this same day (May 6th) that the all time high temperature records were set in Minnesota (in excess of 90 degrees), the Weather Channel live reporting forecast was for several inches of snow to fall in the US Southeast. By Sunday, May 8th, snow was still falling in some locations of Colorado and New Mexico. On the morning of May 9th, snow was falling in Montana at 45 degrees. Again, such radical anomalies are profoundly unprecedented, completely unnatural, and totally engineered. Chemical ice nucleation processes are a major component of the engineered cool-downs.​

The global "departure from average" temperature map below reflects an increasingly "blotchy" world of radical temperature extremes. There are, of course, countless contributing factors. One primary element is the buildup of greenhouse gasses (Co2, methane, and others). A second major factor is the creation of heat domes by the climate engineers (which are a part of jet stream manipulation process carried out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP). A third major factor in regard to the increasing anomalies are the chemical ice nucleated engineered cool-downs previously mentioned.  

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We now occupy a world of increasingly engineered climate extremes. This is in addition to the underlying overall damage to the biosphere and climate system by ongoing anthropogenic activity on countless fronts.

The satellite image below was taken on May 8th, 2016. Massive aerosol spraying particulate trails are clearly visible over regions off the US West Coast and over parts of the interior US. Two circular pressure zone perimeters are also very visible which are related to the jet stream manipulation already outlined.  So, while the fires in Canada rage on, the geoengineers continue wreak havoc on the climate with their all out assault against the planet and all life. Yet another ice melting heat wave is expected in the Arctic this week.


The atmosphere and the climate system have long since been completely derailed by the constantly expanding geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. This assault must be exposed and halted if Earth is to have any possible chance to find a new life supporting equilibrium given the level of irreparable damage already done by geoengineering and industrialized/militarized society

The GISS map below reflects the average degree of planetary warming that has occurred in only the last 16 years. The warming is now accelerating at unimaginable speed and is likely already a runaway event. Global climate engineering has further contributed to the overall meltdown of the of the planet, not mitigated it. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, there is no benevolence in these programs, none. The short term toxic cool-down anomalies created by the climate engineers (in order to mask the true severity of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible) have come at the cost of pushing the planet past the point of no return in regard to the once hospitable host that we formerly knew. The illegal federal "gag order" that has been placed on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees is yet another act of desperation on the part of the power structure in their ongoing attempt to hide climate engineering and biosphere implosion. All of us have been subjected to a grand and lethal experiment without our knowledge or consent, an experiment that massive US Senate documents prove has been going on since at least the late 1940's. If the climate engineering assault is not fully exposed and halted, very soon, there will be nothing left to salvage. If these programs can be stopped, the human race must then face the unimaginably long list of challenges that has been created by the damage inflicted on the biosphere due to anthropogenic activity (which, of course, includes climate engineering).  

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With each passing day, the unfolding planetary meltdown will be increasingly hard to hide or deny.

What is the single greatest battle we could collectively win for the survival of our life sustaining biosphere at this late hour? Exposing and halting the climate engineering assault. Please make your voice heard in this most critical battle while there is yet time to affect the outcome, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 7, 2016


Dane Wigington

The  all out assault against the planet being waged by the human race continues to expand and intensify. Catastrophic forest fires connected directly to the effercts of climate engineering are raging completely out of control from Fort McMurry, Canada, to Manitoba, to the Himalayas. The global burn-down has been accelerating around the globe in recent years and will continue to spiral ever further out of control.


The expanding fire catastrophe occurring in Fort McMurry, Canada.

Deadly radiation spewing from the Fukushima nuclear volcano is contributing to the countless other sources of anthropogenic contamination which are rapidly poisoning our formerly thriving planet. Is the Fukushima fallout the greatest source radiation danger to the US West Coast? Or is there an even greater radiation threat that is largely unknown to the US public and that is being aggressively hidden by those in power? The massive nuclear nightmare in Hanford, Washington is just such a threat. 


The lack of concern our government has shown to the care and maintenance of this sign is a direct reflection of their attitude toward protecting Americans from real and immediate dangers to their health and their lives.

The power structure, the "public protection" agencies they control, and the corporate media that represents them all, are constantly and actively engaged in the effort to hide the severity of the converging catastrophes from the population for as long as possible. Will the masses finally turn their eyes to the horizon and wake up in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Yes, the horizon is dark indeed, but does that fact exempt any of us from our obligation to press on in the battle to sound the alarm until we reach a critical mass of awareness? No. Make your voice heard efficiently and effectively by passing on credible data to those that are still unaware of the rapidly gathering storm on many fronts and the climate engineering insanity in our skies. Make every day count in the all important battle to sound the alarm.