Search Results for: conspiracy


Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High



From pollution to politics, the era of deception and duplicity has reached new heights and hijacked almost every form of media in the world. In the last frontiers for truth such as the internet, disinformation operations are in full swing to discredit and destroy any semblance of authentic and factual information available to the public.

25th March 2014 – European Parliament Accepts the Skyguards Petition on Aerial Spraying/HAARP


On 25th March 2014, national day of commemoration of the outbreak of the Greek Revolution of 1821, a pleasant surprise came to us from Brussels: acceptance by the European Parliament of the petition on aerial spraying and HAARP submitted a year ago by the Skyguards group following the two-day conference “Beyond Theories of Weather Modification – Civil Society against Geoengineering” that was held there at that time.

Chattanooga Flyovers Etch White Stripes in Sky; Contrails or Earth-Cooling Chemtrails?


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)


California’s Engineered Drought


One of the most talked about topics in the media these days is climate change, but it is also the source of much misinformation and skewed science

Another Climate Engineering Coverup Person Is Exposed


by Source: Planet Infowars

Our Time Is Running Out Fast


If you think this is an exaggerated or alarmist statement, you should keep reading.

Are Online “Contrails” Creeps An Organized Movement?


March 7, 2014
Truth and Art TV article
Contributed by Bernie Suarez

Activist Articles Collection: March 13, 2014


Chemtrails Explained; HAARP Exposed; Geoengineering Expounded


How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.

Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship?


Al Gore brings climate change message to Kansas City … Former vice president Al Gore spoke about climate change Saturday during the Folk Alliance International conference at the Westin Crown Center hotel. But the former vice president, speaking Saturday in Kansas City, cited many more recent examples how heavy use of fossil fuels is contributing to extreme weather events and trends, in his view. Gore filled a Westin Crown Center ballroom with a 90-minute presentation, using photos and videos to illustrate a litany of floods, wildfires, torrential rains, droughts, dust storms, rising sea levels and increasing world temperatures. – The Kansas City Star

The Weather Channel Comedy Hour: Sponsored By US Department of Weather Propaganda


How The PhDs Have Wrecked The World


The Geoengineer PhDs are especially dangerous and deadly in their doings

Originally posted at: State of the Nation

This essay is the first of a three part series that delineates how the advanced degreed, highly credentialed PhD professionals of the world have significantly contributed to its relentless destruction.

Red Alert: Engineered Drought Murdering California



By Richard Sacks

Posted Monday, January 27, 2014 at 11:15am EST

How To Murder A State

A state being murdered?  How can that be? It is indeed very hard for most normal people to grasp the evil intent of those at the top levels of the power structure in America, and now in most countries of the world.  For those that have overcome the psychological reluctance to look at such a reality, I will explain to you how this particular crime against humanity is being carried out.

Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers


By Rebel Siren –  January 22, 2014

Internet TROLLS, also known as paid “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being employed by private corporations and contracted agencies, sometimes for marketing purposes, but mostly to distract from the truth and prevent public outcry about dangerous programs such as geoengineering, genetically modified foods, and any issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control over the destruction of the planet and at the expense of our health.  Trolls are employees that answered a work at home job ad on craigslist or some other venue.

EUCAH Director Arrested for Submitting Law Banning HAARP and Chemtrails to EU Committee [video]


The ones who are a threat to the global elite get arrested, committed to psychiatric hospitals… or worse. I think this illustrates that geoengineering, HAARP, et al are not figments of the imaginations of ‘conspiracy theorists’.  ~ BP

CHEMTRAILS: Covert Crimes Against Humanity


Fox News reports on chemtrails


A news report from Fox31 reveals to the masses that chemtrails may be a reality, leaving it up to the viewer to decide.

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California


Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization. 

Mystery Overhead


Area teacher raises questions about streaky-white, cloud-like formations in North State skies – By Evan Tuchinsky


Some North State residents are curious about the nature of certain streaky, white, cloud-like formations such as the perpendicular ones pictured at left, and “dripping” streaks like the one pictured below.


Geoengineering defined:
In Climate Change Science and Policy, Harvard scientist David W. Keith delineates geoengineering as “intentional, large-scale manipulation of the environment” in which “change must be the goal rather than a side effect.” Size and purpose separate geoengineering from other activities; Keith contrasts it with ornamental gardening (too small a scale) and pollution (a side effect, not an intended effect).

Have you ever looked up, or out on the horizon, and seen streaks of white across the sky? They have the cottony appearance of clouds, yet are too narrow and too symmetrical for a natural occurrence. They resemble contrails—streams of condensation following the flight paths of jet planes—but often appear in large numbers, and in lines that are perpendicular to each other.

Just what are those things, anyway?

Patricia Kenyon has been wondering the same thing, particularly for the past year and a half, ever since an engineer friend came to dinner and talked about chemtrails: that is, the aerial spraying of metallic particles designed to deflect solar radiation. Such a barrier could serve as a means for offsetting some of the warming effects of carbon-dioxide emissions.

Intrigued, and more mindful of the sky above her Tehama County home, Kenyon followed her friend’s lead. She discussed the topic with friends as well as fellow teachers at Bend Elementary School. She began researching an area of science known as geoengineering, which encompasses attempts to adjust natural conditions through systematic human endeavors, including aerial spraying.

She’s found plenty of material on the subject: documents, articles, photos and videos. Many are posted online by Geoengineering Watch, whose site ( has logged more than 10 million visitors. The group’s lead researcher, North State resident Dane Wigington—a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation—examines what he calls “weather modification on a global scale”—“the aerosol spraying from geongineering blocking some 20 percent of the sun or more, not to mention jet-stream manipulation … and artificially/ chemically nucleated snow storms.”

In a recorded presentation embedded on the home page, he says: “The dispute as to whether or not these programs are going on is really a moot point. We have more than enough data—we have actual footage—to show that tankers are indeed spraying at altitude. The materials we see showing up on the ground are the exact materials named in numerous geoengineering patents.”

Geoengineering Watch lists, and links to, more than 100 such patents. One (#5003186, to Hughes Aircraft), involves “a method for reduction of global warming” via “seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles” such as “aluminum oxide.” The same site offers a article that states, “Since May 2008, over 40 [rainwater] samples have been collected [in the Mount Shasta area], with the majority showing high levels of aluminum.”

Most compelling to Kenyon is what she and her husband, a veteran law-enforcement officer, have witnessed themselves. Using binoculars, they’ve seen white planes, with no identifying marks, spraying white trails above the North State.


“Through the last year, we have been watching on a regular basis how often the spraying has occurred, and it’s pretty regular in the North State—it’s probably every week, sometimes multiple times during the week—and it saturates the area for 24 hours or longer,” Kenyon said in a recent phone interview. “Only if we get a really strong wind does it dissipate.”

What exactly is in what she believes is a chemical spray, she does not know. Though she worked as a respiratory therapist before switching to elementary education 15 years ago, Kenyon is not a scientist.

Nor is she a conspiracy theorist with a pat explanation. She’s a curious 50-something—teacher, farmer, wife and mother—who values transparency. That’s why she’s been an activist for labeling foods that contain genetically modified organisms. It’s also why she just can’t overlook what she keeps seeing.

“There are more sinister ideas [about geoengineering] coming from some areas and people—which it could be,” Kenyon said in a recent phone interview. “The reality is we don’t know.

“The difference with this and GMOs is genetically modified organisms are something we can choose to purchase or not purchase; we can choose to grow them or not grow them. We can’t control what’s coming from above, and that’s frustrating.”

The concept of geoengineering is hardly new. In just one example, back in 1953, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company began seeding clouds to impact precipitation, including an experiment at Lake Almanor in the 1960s. (According to a 1969 article in the Journal of Applied Meteorology, PG&E put silver iodide in the air around the Almanor watershed and measured the effect on snow and rainfall.)

Climate Change Science and Policy, a textbook by the late author Stephen Schneider—an environmental-studies heavyweight who, among other things, was co-director at the Center for Environment Science and Policy of Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies—says the Johnson administration in 1965 considered “suggestions that climate control using aerosols be used to offset the effects of rising CO2 concentrations,” and in 1992 the U.S. National Academy of Sciences analyzed “the cost of injecting aerosols into the stratosphere.”

According to the book, the NAS put the minimum price-tag at $100 billion a year for a 1 percent reduction in solar radiation in the lower atmosphere; “[w]hile this cost may sound high, it is roughly a factor of 10 lower than the cost to achieve an equivalent reduction in climate change through reductions in CO2 emissions.”

In other words, it’s cheaper to deflect sunlight than to change carbon-fuel consumption.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessed solar radiation management in its well-publicized 2013 report. Its determination: “If SRM were terminated for any reason, there is high confidence that global surface temperatures would rise very rapidly” with an acknowledgement that “SRM methods carry side effects and long-term consequences on a global scale.”

One of those side effects/consequences could be decreased rainfall, as has occurred in the North State (see “A dry spell,” Newslines, Nov. 21). The National Center for Atmospheric Research, in an article titled “Geoengineering the Climate Could Reduce Vital Rains,” predicts a 4.5 percent decrease in average precipitation worldwide, yet “monsoonal rains” in specific regions.

In “Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering,” the Center for Research on Globalization makes a strong case that geoengineering is not just theoretical science. It displays chemtrail photos from around the world, breaks down the chemical composition of sprays and assesses impacts.

Yet, relative to other environmental issues, geoengineering receives little attention.

“If this is happening because global warming is that big a concern, then we need to be making changes,” Kenyon said. “We need a conversation and we need answers, but the questions aren’t being asked [in a public forum, locally].”

Story by Evan Tuchinsky.

Chemtrails: The BIGGEST Coverup of All Time


MASSIVE Government Conspiracy Deceives The Whole Human Race

Chemtrails? ‘Mysterious Fibers’ Fall from the Sky in France


French English-language newspaper The Connexion is reporting that mysterious fibres have dropped from the sky over Drôme and Ardèche in Southern France, leaving residents puzzled while others point to the chemtrail phenomenon:

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change


The term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977)

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race — Paul Craig Roberts


Now we come to chemtrails, branded another “conspiracy theory.” However, the US government’s efforts to geo-engineer weather as a military weapon and as a preventative of global warming appear to be real.

CHEMtrails and CHEMotherapy: More Alike Than You Think


There are mixed reports on chemtrails, which scientists who will talk about them term “geoengineering” to somehow make dumping toxic metals over our heads and poisoning us and our families sound respectable and, well, “scientific.”

Strange radar blob over Huntsville, Ala. was military test – What a Relief!!


Gee, what a relief the “blob” was just the military dumping highly toxic elements all over us. No need to worry!!

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency


The Cost of Geoengineering


I was sitting outside in my wicker rocker with my wonderful hot cup of perfectly brewed organic coffee watching the morning sky as the clouds changed to pink. A jet began to draw a line dissecting my perfect view.