Search Results for: arctic ice

Methane Plume Seen On Radar Returns Moving NW From Offshore SW Of San Francisco Moving Toward Reno, Nevada


Source: otterwalks

Methane deposits are abundant on the continental margin of the Pacific Northwest coast as more methane is seen being released southward. It is calculated that warming at this depth would theoretically destabilize methane deposits on the Cascadia subduction zone, which runs from northern California to Vancouver Island, as well as other areas heading southward along the west coast. The Ring of Fire, with its Geologic processes, is one action which creates fissures allowing this type of release. Other potential Action/Reaction, Cause and Effect potentials, will be addressed here.

Here is a Link with more links to foundational research on the Methane GHG Issue. Methane is roughly thirty times more potent than CO2 as a heat trapping gas. There have been numerous Global Extinction Events over Earth’s history. Methane has been a culprit, the primary cause, in several of these events.

Updated, Is Global Warming “An Inconvenient Lie”? A Public Response to Ed Griffin


Dane Wigington

Exposing and halting the global climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault must be our greatest priority if we are to have any chance of salvaging what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. When patently false "global warming is a hoax" and total climate engineering denial disinformation is pushed on the population by individuals that actually claim to be in the fight against climate engineering, the anti-climate engineering cause is greatly harmed. Mr.G Edward Griffin is the organizer of an upcoming event that is titled "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie". The top speaker at this event ("Lord Monckton") completely denies the climate engineering/weather warfare reality, on the record. What has Ed Griffin's other top "expert", Tim Ball, said on the record about the climate engineering reality? Mr. Ball also catagorically denies climate engineering. It's all just "contrails" according to Mr. Ball. Mr. Griffin claims to be against climate engineering, if this is so, why is he helping to completely discredit this most critical cause with speakers that completely deny the issue? Why is it so imperative to expose this kind of blatantly false disinformation, and all those involved with it? Because credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. The 13 minute video below is my public response to G. Edward Griffin's attempt to refute my full article on his disinformation event (The full article begins below the video response and recent update comment).

Credibility Matters, A Public Response To G. Edward Griffin

When I publicly documented the fact that Mr. Griffin's upcoming event will completely undermine the anti-climate engineering cause (on which all of our futures depend), Mr. Griffin promptly challenged me to debate the issue with himself and his "experts" (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball). I contacted the only radio show host who has previously interviewed all the parties involved: myself, Mr. Griffin, Tim Ball, and Lord  Monckton. This radio host is Jeff Rense, who is well known and respected in the alternative news community. Jeff's previous unbiased interviews of all the individuals in question is a clear reflection of his unbiased position. On Tuesday, November 22nd, Mr. Rense sent the following message to G Edward Griffin. 

Dear Ed…
I hope this finds you well.  The world stage has become ever more dark and dangerous
as we all see on a daily basis.  
I received a note from Dane yesterday in which he suggested we have a round table 'debate' between
you and Dane of the issue of GeoEngineering and the evidence for it.  
We agreed this was the place to do it and I'd be very happy to donate a two hour segment 
on the program to host you both and present your positions. Equal time will be the format.
If this is something you'd like to do, just say the word and I'll pull some dates together
for everyone to agree upon.
Will all good wishes…

Mr. Griffin has, unfortunately, sent no response to this invitation, the invitation still stands. If Ed Griffin truly believes in the validity of his upcoming conference, why hasn't he accepted the debate challenge that he himself offered? The 13 minute video below is a public statement which makes clear all the reasons why G. Edward Griffin's disinformation event is so harmful to the critical effort of exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Griffin's top two speakers/experts (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball) completely deny the climate engineering reality and have stated on the record that all we are seeing in our skies is just "condensation" (which is of course false).


Is Global Warming "An Inconvenient Lie"?

Global warming disinformation is greatly harmful to the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering (which is greatly exacerbating planetary warming and poisoning the entire planet in the process). Though Al Gore is a criminal, and carbon credits are a scam, reality is still reality. Because patently false climate information is so harmful to the anti-geoengineering cause, we must not look the other way when individuals of noteriety push total disinformation on the public. Countless lies relating to the climate are so egregious and increasingly blatant that it is nearly impossible to imagine that they are still being propagated. Could a 3 day symposium pushing the "Global warming is a hoax" false narrative actually be carried out with a straight face while the planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown? While BOTH of the planets ice caps are at record low levels with the science community sounding the alarm? Are there people who would pay nearly $400 dollars to attend such a symposium and have so called " world's top experts" attempt to convince them that "global warming is the biggest deception in history"? Mr. Griffin claims to be fighting climate engineering, yet his top "experts" also completely deny the climate engineering issue. Exactly who would sponsor a "global warming is a myth" event? What would be their motive? The organizer of the "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie" conference (with top speakers that deny climate engineering) is Mr. Ed Griffin of "Freedom Force International" who seems to be running some sort of multi-level marketing program.  Who is Mr. Griffin's top "expert" for the upcoming "global warming is a hoax" event? Enter "Lord Monckton" of Benchley. (who has falsly claimed to be a member of the "House of Lords")


"Lord Monckton" has a long resume indeed, but in reality his resume is better described as a "wrap sheet" which should be examined by anyone who has any notion of attending this disinformation event. Why would "Lord Monckton" put so much time and energy into the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative? Could the fact that Monckton receives funding from the fossil fuel industry have anything to do with his tireless efforts to parrot the oil industry disinformation? Is this the same reason that "Lord Monckton" ardently denies the climate engineering issue in a shocking interview? Exactly as the fossil fuel industry and the geoengineers would want him to?

Who is the second string "expert" in the "global warming is a hoax" line up? Yet another fossil fuel funded actor, Tim Ball (who also denies climate engineering), 


Tim Ball has been called "the lie that just won't die" for good reason. Ball's trail of disinformation has been well documented by numerous sources. An international radio show host (Vinny Eastwood) once invited Mr. Ball to debate the geoengineering issue with me on a live radio broadcast, Mr. Ball refused. He denies the reality of the issue, as does Mr. "Lord" Monckton. Individuals like Monckton and Ball are simply paid props in a rapidly disintegrating disinformation theater. There are more featured "experts" that are apparently pushing the "global warming is a hoax" disinformation, but you get the idea (again, denial of the true state of the climate greatly harms the fight to expose and halt climate engineering). Who is the head of the coming disinformation event? It's Mr. Ed Griffin.


Ed Griffin made the following statement on the record in 2013:

… the planet now is in a cooling stage…global warming is a politically inspired myth…

What has happened since 2013? And was already inarguably happening for many decades before 2013? Anthropogenic activity has continued to inflict immense damage to the planet. This damage is fueling what may already be a runaway greenhouse effect. 2016 will break the global temperature records yet again, beating out the record just broken in 2015 which beat the record from 2014. Ice is at record low levels at the North Pole AND the South Pole.The anthropogenic (human caused) sources of decimation to our biosphere and climate of course includes climate engineering at the top of the list. Mr. Griffin is apparently already receiving emails of criticism from his followers for his ridiculously false position in regard to the state of the climate. Griffin actually just published one such message that stated "Griffin, you've got it wrong, climate change is real". Ed seems have been motivated to publish this criticism because he was proud of his answer to critic who had expressed justifiable concern about sea level rise submerging islands. What was Mr. Griffin's answer? 

That is part of the global-warming myth. In some places….. the land is sinking…

So, according to Mr. Griffin there is no sea level rise, the land is just sinking. For the record, Mr. Griffin, rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at shorelines all over the globe. So here is a question for Ed, is all the land sinking all over the world where coastlines are being inundated? What are Mr. Griffin's views on climate engineering? That is also a very interesting narrative that is truly baffling. Apparently (according to Mr. Griffin) the grid patterns we see in the sky are just being blown into these patterns by the wind. Why would someone who claims to be in the fight against climate engineering push the exact "global warming is a hoax" false narrative that the geoengineers, big oil, and the military industrial complex want the public to believe?

So what is the bottom line in regard to the state of the climate? The planet and climate system is not just warming, both are descending into a state of total meltdown with global climate engineering programs helping to fuel the overall fire. Those who have made it their mission (for whatever reason or motive) to deny the planetary meltdown, are simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers.

Here is the climate reality, the record breaking heat on our planet continues to build. Septemper 2016 was the 16th consecutive month of all time record shattering hot months. October 2016 will likely break the record yet again, but that data is not yet available. 2016 will be the hottest year ever recorded since record keeping began, breaking the record set in 2015, which broke the record set in 2014. On the top of the world, the Arctic is in a state of total meltdown (along with the rest of the planet). Even Antarctic sea ice ( the last vestige for the global cooling false narrative) is also now at record low levels.


The "departure from normal high temperature" map above shows the Arctic meltdown with startling clarity. The US is also experiencing record shattering heat with no end in sight.

Ice deposits are crashing around the world. Front-line film footage of the imploding ice deposits (the cryosphere) proves this fact beyond any doubt. 


The graph above is a shocking image of the radical decline of global sea ice. And about the front-line reality, we don't need graphs, we have front-line fim footage.

What is the bottom line? There is either the truth, or there is a lie. Those that are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative are pushing an unimaginably ridiculous lie. Why does it matter? Because credibility is critical in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. Why is stopping climate engineering so important? Because the global weather warfare assault is mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. When so called "independent" news sources completely discredit the anti-geoengineering cause by pushing completely false disinformation, bridges with the science community cannot be built. Such bridges are absolutely essential if we are to have any chance of fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. Investigating the truth is our responsibility, as is sharing it. Make your voice heard.

The extensive list of articles below is only a sample of the front-line information that is available on the state of the climate. We have a responsibility to investigate, all of us.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Are Microwave Transmission Weapons Of Mass Destruction Being Used To Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes?


Dane Wigington

Are unimaginably powerful microwave transmissions actively and aggressively being used as weapons of mass destruction? If all available evidence is examined, the logical conclusions are chilling. Understanding the full potential of the power that can be projected from the ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) is difficult and complex. We all know and understand that microwave transmissions produced in our countertop ovens can heat a cup of water (or frozen TV dinners) at blinding speed. Unfortunately, most don't know and thus have never even considered (let alone investigated) what massively powerful and interlinked microwave transmissions can do to the planet. When immensely powerful microwave transmissions are bounced off the atmosphere (facilitated by the atmospheric aerosol saturation) and directed back into the Earth's strata (in a seismically sensitive location), the triggering of seismic activity becomes scientifically possible. The constant jet aircraft spraying of reflective and electrically conductive particles into the atmosphere (as part of the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering assault) is a verifiable fact. Is New Zealand, yet again, the victim of microwave transmission super-weapons? There is a long list of shocking facts surrounding a number of recent catastrophic earthquakes. It is imperative to examine these facts without preconceptions or programmed denial. Let's start with the month leading up to the extremely destructive 2010 earthquake in Haiti, MIT satellite monitoring detected a radical increase in ULF (ultra low frequency/microwave) radio transmissions over the quake epicenter

Spacecraft Saw ULF Radio Emissions over Haiti before January Quake

A French satellite observed a dramatic increase in ultra low frequency radio waves over Haiti in the month before the M7.0 earthquake earlier this year.

DEMETER’s is an unusual mission. Its job is to monitor low frequency radio waves generated by earthquakes.

Today, a group of geoscientists release the data associated with the M 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in January. They say that DEMETER saw a clear increase in ultralow frequency radio waves being emitted from the Earth’s the crust in that region in the build up to the quake.

The anecdotal evidence of electromagnetic effects associated with earthquakes is legion. Various accounts link earthquakes with mysterious light and heating effects.

After the Haiti quake, the US military moved in and occupied the country. In addition, the long drawn-out Clinton Foundation reconstruction debacle began. The following year a deadly earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. Many circumstances surrounding this disaster were also troubling. Did US officials know the earthquake was coming? Some excerpts from a report on the disaster are below.

Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE disaster?

9 members of US Congress were in Christchurch for a summit meeting on Feb 21 & 22 but left Christchurch 2.5 hours before the earthquake hit and relocated to Wellington even though the meeting was not due to finish until the evening of Feb 22nd. 

The US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, was supposed to be visiting Christchurch and speaking at the summit meeting on Feb 22, but on Feb 18 announced she was cancelling her visit 3. The Deputy Administrator of FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency), Timothy Manning, just happened to be in Christchurch at the time with a US delegation. 

All of the rest of the delegation left Christchurch shortly before the quake hit except for Mr Manning who stayed behind, and then after the quake hit he assisted with directing the emergency response.  Exactly the same thing happened with FEMA delegates with the Haiti earthquake.  In Haiti , the FEMA delegates just happened to be there at the time conducting training exercises for responding to major earthquakes.

Recent releases from Wikileaks resulted in the headline below:

Hillary Clinton Emails Show Advanced Warning of Christchurch Earthquake.

In the days before the catastrophic Japanese Earthquake (that occurred on March 11, 2011), world renowned research institution, MIT, yet again, noted extremely profound and anomalous atmospheric heating directly over the quake epicenter.  MIT published the following report:

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.

Though the science community is desperately trying to link pre-quake atmospheric heating to some unknown phenomenon of an atmospheric coupling with the pressure buildup in the strata, is this a rational conclusion? The much more logical and straightforward conclusion is this, the atmospheric heating is being intentionally created by the global network of ionosphere heaters as immense microwave signals are bounced off of the atmosphere and back down into the planet. Unfortunately, the science community is not allowed to even consider this possibility, let alone talk about it. In the period preceding the decimating Japanese earthquake, US Japanese relations were very strained. The post-quake scenario of US/Japanese relations seemed to suddenly be unquestionable, was there a connection? Was the catastrophic quake just a natural event? Or an engineered warning to Japan?

On the 13th of November, 2016, another catastrophic earthquake struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The list of troubling questions surrounding this earthquake is long and growing. Below are some quotes from seismologist Anna Kaiser (who is investigating the latest New Zealand earthquake activity):

We don't know what we are dealing with right now but it may be … it involves potentially more than one fault … we need to figure out what was going on before and after the 7.5 magnitude quake…

Kaiser went on to say this:

We're working very hard … this is looking quite complex. The epicenter was possibly just south of the Hope fault, but it did look like "something else was going on.

The seismologist statements are only the beginning, there are many more concerning factors surrounding the latest New Zealand Earthquake that should be considered.

In spite of the unfolding US election circumstances, in the days before the latest New Zealand quake John Kerry first went to Christchurch, and then on to McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The stated purpose of Kerry's visit was to examine the effects of global warming and the record low sea ice, but this trip at this time was criticized by some.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to head back to New Zealand after checking out summer in Antarctica.

He's been criticized for heading to such a remote place while the US election riveted the world

He tweeted a photograph of himself boarding C-17 cargo plane in Christchurch saying "headed to Antarctica to see firsthand some of the drastic effects of climate change".

In Antarctica he was scheduled to meet with scientists and researchers at McMurdo Station, the largest research station of the US Antarctic programme, as well as visit surrounding areas on Ross Island, and the US Government's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

He is the first secretary of state and the most senior US government official to ever travel to Antarctica.

He is hosted by the US National Science Foundation, which manages the US Antarctic program me.


In fact Antarctica has just broken a new climate record, with record low winter sea ice. After a peak of 18.5 million square kilometers in late August, sea ice began retreating about a month ahead of schedule and has been setting daily low records through most of September. Though Antarctic sea ice (and global sea ice) are at record shattering low levels, why else might John Kerry go to McMurdo Station at this exact window of time? Could the ionosphere heater (microwave transmission) facility that is constructed at McMurdo be a factor? 

Noctilucent clouds are an ominous harbinger of atmospheric damage.

Many are under the belief that HAARP, now labeled IRI, no longer exists Operationally due to the Gakona,  AK  spin. One must understand that these Frequency Generators are Globally Ubiquitous. There are so many that are of dissimilar designs, and go by different acronyms, it is not seen as functionally one and the same. In the case of McMurdo’s Radome and all of the Radar equipment there; Raytheon has had the contracts beginning to end. The National Science Foundation and Raytheon Polar Services Company are housed in the same building. For years the station has grown. It can house 1258 personnel and an average of 200 winter over. 

Raytheon is one of the largest private "defense contractors" on the planet, this corporation is also the holder of numerous climate engineering patents including some that relate directly to ionosphere heaters. The power structure is likely microwaving the skies for a multitude of reasons, none of those reasons are in the interest of the common good.

Shocking atmospheric flashing lights were filmed in the skies above New Zealand as the massive Earthquake was occurring.

Kerry returned to Christchurch from Antarctica, and then promptly (and conveniently) departed only hours before the catastrophic earthquake struck

The statement below is from CBS news.

Sec. John Kerry had left the country before it struck, and just landed in Singapore on his way to Oman when news of the quake was reported.

Is it just a coincidence that US officials always seem to safely depart quake impact zones just prior to the event?

Then there is this headline to consider:

World’s Biggest Seismic Testing “Blast” Ship – Amazon Warrior – Parked on top of New Zealand Fault Line

Is this just a coincidence?

Another point of interest, New Zealanders protested against US Oil exploration continued right up to the day before the quake. Then there was the conflict in New Zealand over the visit of a US warship, this story was covered the day before the quake hit.

The New Zealand Prime Minister's apparent apprehension about the US election results just days prior to the quake are also of interest.

Finally, could known massive oil deposits just off the New Zealand coast also be a part of the equation?

Microwave transmission signals/rings near Antarctica are clearly visible in the satellite composite image shown below.


The regions of New Zealand near the epicenter have been constantly assaulted with aerosols spraying and microwave transmissions.


The uniform ribbing of aerosolized cloud cover is a clear indication of microwave transmission exposure. Though some "official" sources try to explain this type of cloud pattern as being a result of the underlying land topography, this explanation is patently false. The same patterns are now regularly seen over oceans as well as land as is shown in the satellite photo below that was taken of New Zealand directly over the quake region.

The image below bears testimony to what the global power structure does to those that try to get in the way of their agendas and operations. This photo is of the bridge of the Greenpeace ship "The Rainbow Warrior". It was bombed and sunk by the French Secret Service in order to prevent the ship and its crew from witnessing ongoing illegal and unimaginably destructive nuclear detonations. 


Over 2 decades ago I dove alone on the wreck of the Rainbow Warrior, as it laid on the seafloor off the coast of New Zealand. I swam through the area shown above, around the ship, and examined the gapping bomb blast hole in the hull of the once noble vessel. I hovered over the wreck and contemplated the tyranny of those who rule the world. We are all at a crossroads, and the horizon is darkening rapidly. The power structure wields weapons of unimaginable destruction, they can only do so because of the order-followers that carry out their insanity. As the saying goes, "we have seen the enemy, and they are us". It is up to us, the people, all of us, to refuse any further participation in the insanity. It is up to us to fully investigate and fully face the whole truth. It is up to us to prioritize the fight for the greater good because we owe that debt to our children, to the planet, and to the whole. Make your voice heard, while you can, while it can still matter.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And Microwaved Skies


Dane Wigington

We are all swimming in a sea of microwave transmissions that are decimating the climate system and are extremely harmful to all life forms. What you don't know about microwave transmissions can hurt you. Many are now finally beginning to look up and take notice of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying that is occurring in skies all over the globe. Incredibly anomalous cloud shapes and forms which can only be considered engineered have been photographed from satellite.  Extremely powerful microwave transmissions are a major aspect of the climate engineering assault that often goes unnoticed by many, even within the ranks of the anti-climate engineering movement. Radio frequency transmissions are utilized by the climate engineers to manipulate the aircraft sprayed heavy metal and chemical particulates. Like sound waves, microwave transmissions ripple through the atmosphere, leaving their telltale signature on the geoengineering aerosol laced cloud cover.


Radio frequency transmissions emanating from the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, captured on satellite imagery.


French Southern and Antarctic Lands


Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Port Washington, New York. Photo credit:


Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Morongo Valley, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Morongo Valley, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Morongo Valley, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Cantabria, Spain. Photo credit: Alberto Ibañez


Morongo Valley, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Morongo Valley, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan


Honolulu, Hawaii. Photo credit: Irmina Bernal

Atmospheric microwave transmissions are a major and lethal aspect of the ongoing weather warfare assault. The climate engineers are inflicting immense damage on the already decimated climate system and biosphere. The more damage the geoengineers do, the more they expand the climate engineering insanity. This is not global warming mitigation, it is omnicide. If these highly destructive programs of climate intervention are allowed to continue, it will soon enough be at the cost of life on Earth. If we are to have any chance of turning the tide, we must ALL make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And Cryosphere Collapse


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are mathematically the single greatest assault against nature ever launched by the human race. Incredibly, the majority of global populations still remain oblivious to the ongoing blatant climate engineering atrocities occurring overhead day after day. This willful blindness of the masses is largely due to the total betrayal of the truth by the vast majority of the science community and all of mainstream media, both of whom are heavily invested in covering up the crimes of their paymasters. How badly damaged is our once thriving biosphere? We are past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet we have known. Below is a quote from a powerful and moving recent article by Dr. Glen Barry which accurately outlines the reality we collectively face.

Miraculous nature is being murdered. Everywhere we look inequitable over-consumption is devastating the natural ecosystems that sustain a living Earth. Together we yield to ecological truth – personally embracing a global ecology ethic, and demanding others do so as well – or we all needlessly die at each others’ throats as the global ecological system collapses and being ends.

A primary sign of biosphere collapse is clearly evident by the rapidly imploding cryosphere.  Arctic sea ice continues to advance further into record low levels. Though official agencies like NASA will never admit to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, they are beginning to acknowledge that the excessive cloud cover over the Arctic in recent years (solar radiation management) is exacerbating the overall warming, not mitigating it. Other studies also confirm the overall planetary warming is being fueled by "contrails" (which are in reality solar radiation management sprayed particulate trails). The 30 second video below fully illustrates the shocking loss of Arctic sea ice.

Not only is the Arctic sea ice at a record low level, but now the ice on the opposite end of the Earth, Antarctica, is also rapidly retreating to record low levels as well. This is a fact that the US corporate media is not covering. The 2 minute video below elaborates on the rapidly accelerating loss of Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been the last vestige of denial for those who still desperately cling to the "global warming is a hoax" fossil fuel industry false narrative. To dogmatically cling to this false narrative is also to toe the line for the power structure, big oil, and the climate engineers. The poles are not the only part of the cryosphere that is imploding, the Himalayan glaciers are disappearing at blinding speed. The 8 minute video below is a recent update from the Himalayas.

Our planet is already free-falling into a runaway warming scenario, global climate engineering is further fueling this scenario. The graph below illustrates the rapid increase of warmer days being recorded on our planet.


Though official sources have never admitted to the undeniable global climate engineering assault, as already stated, these same sources do admit that "contrails" are worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. The latest scheduled weather for the US is shown in the NOAA map below. Though the Western US temperatures are scheduled to be near normal (due to vast flows of incoming moisture from the Pacific that is being saturated with chemical ice nucleating agents by the geoengineers), the rest of the country is heading for yet more heat waves following a very brief chemically engineered cool-down in some locations that are utilized to manipulate the perception of the US population.


Global climate engineering programs not only worsening the overall warming of the biosphere, but also destroying the ozone layer, derailing the hydrological cycle, and contaminating the entire planet due to the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout


Where do we go from here? How can we stand against the power structure that currently controls the fate of the world in which we live? The single greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction is by fully exposing the climate engineering issue to the masses. If we can expose the geoengineering assault, populations around the globe would unite in a common cause. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Those, that are still clinging to the insanely false "global warming is a hoax" narrative, are doing great harm to credibility of the overall anti-geoengineering community, and thus to the cause itself. The planet is accelerating into total meltdown. Climate engineering is making an already horrific anthropogenic warming scenario far worse overall. Those who truly claim to be committed to the fight to stop climate engineering have an obligation to objectively examine frontline facts and film footage. Sadly, even some major "independent" news sites are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative. Pushing this patently false narrative is exactly what climate engineering/industrial complex wants, and is extremely harmful to the cause of exposing and halting the ongoing weather warfare assault. Why? If we are to have any chance of stopping the climate engineering insanity, if we are to have any chance of convincing the climate science community to start telling the truth about the climate engineering assault, the anti-climate engineering community must stand on frontline facts and not on ridiculously false ideological dogma. Investigate, and make your voice heard, time is not on our side.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 8, 2016


Dane Wigington

Climate engineering is an undeniable reality as recent NASA satellite photos prove. Hurricane Matthew was a well timed engineered distraction that provided a great deal of cover for the now completely out of control power structure that is pushing us perilously close to a nuclear WWlll. Locations off of the US mainland coast (such as Haiti where the decimation suited the agenda of those in power) were slaughtered, while Matthew was kept from making catastrophic damage on US shores. Overhyped Matthew media coverage successfully eclipsed other headlines of imploding global ecosystems, and more lines in the sand being drawn from the global powers that have had enough of the US/NATO aggression. The pharmaceutical industrial complex has decided there is not enough aluminum in the existing Gardasil vaccination so they have decided to double the amount of aluminum in this already lethal injection. The fossil fuel industry has been radically underreporting the amount of methane they are spilling into the atmosphere, but the fountains of methane that are now blowing out in the Arctic completely overshadow it all. The Pentagon is pumping hundreds of millions into fake Al-Qaeda terrorist videos, and the US population is for the most part still asleep at the wheel. The human race remains on a trajectory toward near term extinction. The October 8th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Can we still make a difference for the better? If the masses can be awakened in time, possibly. Make your voice heard.

Climate Trackers Say August Was Record-Warm Globally



Source: Summit County Citizens Voice

Staff Report

August 2016 is down in the global climate annals as the warmest August on record and the second-warmest month of all time, just behind July. According to Copernicus, Europe’s earth observation program, August’s global average temperature was 0.62 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average, and 0.17 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous August record, set in 2015.

According to the Copernicus update, the global temperature anomaly crested in February, coinciding with the peak of ocean-warming El Niño conditions, dropped from March to June, but spiked again during July and August. Each month from August 2015 onward has been the warmest on record for that particular month.

Across Europe, temperatures varied from month to month, from well-above average in December 2015 to below average in January, then back to warmer than average in February, with each subsequent month through August remaining above average.

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun


Source: New York Times, written by Justin Gillis

Scientists’ warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline are no longer theoretical.

NORFOLK, Va. — Huge vertical rulers are sprouting beside low spots in the streets here, so people can judge if the tidal floods that increasingly inundate their roads are too deep to drive through.

Five hundred miles down the Atlantic Coast, the only road to Tybee Island, Ga., is disappearing beneath the sea several times a year, cutting the town off from the mainland.

And another 500 miles on, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., increased tidal flooding is forcing the city to spend millions fixing battered roads and drains — and, at times, to send out giant vacuum trucks to suck saltwater off the streets.

For decades, as the global warming created by human emissions caused land ice to melt and ocean water to expand, scientists warned that the accelerating rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline.

Now, those warnings are no longer theoretical: The inundation of the coast has begun. The sea has crept up to the point that a high tide and a brisk wind are all it takes to send water pouring into streets and homes.

The Climate Crisis Is Already Here – But No One’s Telling Us


Source: The Guardian, story by George Monbiot

The media largely relegate the greatest challenge facing humanity to footnotes as industry and politicians hurtle us towards systemic collapse of the planet.

What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.

This, on current trends, will be the hottest year ever measured. The previous record was set in 2015; the one before in 2014. Fifteen of the 16 warmest years have occurred in the 21st century. Each of the past 14 months has beaten the global monthly temperature record. But you can still hear people repeating the old claim, first proposed by fossil fuel lobbyists, that global warming stopped in 1998.

Arctic sea ice covered a smaller area last winter than in any winter since records began. In Siberia, an anthrax outbreak is raging through the human and reindeer populations because infected corpses locked in permafrost since the last epidemic in 1941 have thawed. India has been hammered by cycles of drought and flood, as withering heat parches the soil and torches glaciers in the Himalayas. Southern and eastern Africa have been pitched into humanitarian emergencies by drought. Wildfires storm across America; coral reefs around the world are bleaching and dying.

Weird Frakin’ Shtako – Climate Engineering aka Chemtrails


Source: Weird Frakin' Shtako

In this episode we chat with Dane Wigington; the man leading the charge against atmospheric spraying, and climate engineering.  We go over the supporting evidence, and what it means for our blue marble: Earth.

Some links mentioned:


The Threat From Climate Disintegration Is Not Coming, It’s Here


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel ever created on any subject in human history. Many have, unfortunately, chosen to believe this panel of scientists is paid to put out falsified "alarmist" data. The reality is this, yes, the IPCC has put out a great deal of false and misleading information, but in the exact opposite direction of what many have convinced themselves of. The threat we face is not off on the horizon somewhere, the climate and biosphere implosion is here, now, and the entire web of life is at stake. Government sponsored organizations like the IPCC are tasked with masking the true extent of climate disintegration, not disclosing it. Once the wider population fully awakens to the truth that the biosphere is indeed imploding and that we have all been forced to be a part of a massive and highly toxic climate engineering experiment (which has helped to fuel the overall planetary meltdown), panic will ensue. What other steps have governments taken in the attempt to hide the converging cataclysms and the climate engineering insanity? The US is firing many climate scientists and putting illegal federal gag orders on the rest. On the other side of the planet US ally Australia is doing the same. In the meantime, the carbon industry continues to fund a constant parade of disinformation while the Arctic melts and heat records continue to topple. Global climate engineering is further fueling the planetary meltdown from every direction. If the human race does not completely and immediately alter its current course, "Venus syndrome" will be the final destination. Though the report below does not cover the geoengineering factor, the front line assessment of biosphere damage is on target.
Dane Wigington


 Global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall planetary meltdown.

Could This Be Our Biggest Blunder On Climate Change?

Source: The Mound Of Sound

In the early years of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, we were introduced to what was presented as a long-distance, multi-generational phenomenon. We were told if we didn't change our ways things would be pretty rough for those who would follow us two or three generations down the road.

Take Arctic sea ice, for example. The IPCC warned us, not that long ago, that if we continued with our usual fossil energy pattern the Arctic could be "ice free" by 2100. To forestall that we were told we needed to sharply cut our carbon emissions and rapidly transition to a clean energy economy.

2100, they might as well have said 4100. A number of studies have shown that it's human nature to see numbers as distant as 2100 as almost irrelevant. People will sacrifice if necessary for their children's survival. They might even entertain some sacrifice if they perceive a realistic prospect of harming their grandchildren. But 2100, 84 years from now? Who cares? They can't connect themselves to that. It's too distant. Why should they sacrifice now for something that might, might benefit people they can't even envision that far down the road?

You know what does work, what does motivate people? You may see it soon enough. What works is when people see what's barreling down on them – here, now, or in the next ten to twenty years. That gets their attention.

Florida. When it comes to climate change many Floridians have been dead from the neck up until very recently. Three words – sea level rise – and the switch was flipped. The governor may still be brain dead but people with those lovely waterfront homes and condos woke up from their collective coma. They began to understand that the seas were going to rise and this was not a good thing when you own low-lying waterfront property. They began to understand the climate change Trifecta – sea level rise, high tides and storm surges. People began to learn what that holds in store even for their utilities – electricity, fresh water and that all important one, sewage.

Let's go back to the Arctic and that sea ice business. 2100 was the date until just a couple of years ago when the US Navy said its people figured the Arctic would be ice free for navigation by 2020, perhaps even as early as 2016. Guess what? It's going to be ice free for navigation this year and, if not, next year for certain. What ever happened to 2100? In 2010 they were telling us 2100. They were only out by 84 years. How in hell did that happen? What else did they get wrong? Plenty, it seems.

Back in 2010 we talked a lot about "tipping points." The idea was that we had to keep man made warming below 2 degrees Celsius if we wanted to avoid triggering these tipping points that would launch us into runaway global warming. These tipping points were triggers that would activate natural mechanisms that would release masses of greenhouse gases far in excess of anything man ever emitted.

That magical 2C target? Well that was a political number ginned up by – you guessed it – the same people who said the Arctic would be ice free by 2100.

At the Paris climate summit last December, even our politicians could no longer put up with that 2C nonsense. So they came up with a new nonsensical figure, 1.5C. That was the new, "never exceed" number to avoid catastrophic global warming.

The scientific community was quick to point out that, with the existing atmospheric loading of persistent greenhouse gases, we've already locked in 1.5C of warming. In a combination of sarcasm and anger they pointed out that it was a great target but it meant decarbonizing our economy and our societies now, immediately.  In other words, that horse has left the barn. Our enviromin, Ms. McKenna can say she's going to close that barn door but she's just blowing smoke up our backsides.

How could the IPCC get it so wrong? How could they warn of an ice free Arctic in 2100? How could they not see it coming by 2016? Here's an explanation. They were working on man made emissions. They didn't factor in tipping points and natural feedback loops. Humans may have pulled the pin but the grenade that's going off up at the pole, that's a natural feedback loop. That's nature's doing. It's part of runaway global warming. No point fretting about tipping points when the canoe has already turned turtle.

This is where the scientific debate on global warming comes in. Scientific debate? What debate? That's over, surely. 97% of climate scientists have reached a powerful consensus, right? Oh sure, they've agreed that 1) climate change is very, very real, and 2) that climate change (or the aspects of it that were in dispute) is man made. But that's not today's debate. The current debate is whether we can arrest global warming or have we already left it too late.

Climate science is tough, demanding work. It's not for the faint-hearted. There have already been casualties. Some just can't bear it and leave the field, taking a teaching post or doing industrial research. Some have succumbed to depression, something akin to climate PTSD. Some, like Guy McPherson, have thrown in the towel and now spend their time chronicling tipping points we've already passed. (A word of caution. The information at that link will be deeply unsettling. Proceed with care.) The rest, those who soldier on, figure out whether we can still arrest global warming and how we can prepare for what's coming. There aren't a lot of cheerleaders in that crowd.

Hydrologist Robert Ellison  put the struggle this way:

"This is a cultural clash for the hearts and minds of people and at stake is the future of the planet." Can you imagine sitting down to that grim notion at your desk every morning?

We allowed climate science to be politicized, transformed into another front of our culture wars. What madness.  Along the way the narrative got hijacked, ginned up, corrupted.

What if we had said, forget about 2100, you'll be taking a hammering by 2020 or 2025? In other words, this isn't some abstract notion that may affect people that aren't even born yet. This is a reality and you will have to deal with it.

2020 that's the predicted arrival date of what's being called "climate departure." Think of it as the abrupt transition from "old climate" – the climate you've known all your life – into a "new climate." One of the hallmarks of this new climate is that every year of the new climate will be hotter than the hottest year ever experienced in the old climate. There won't be any cool years, only very hot years.

Climate departure is supposed to set in first in areas such as the Caribbean, Central America and in equatorial regions elsewhere. Insufferable heat will be one problem but heat brings any number of knock-on effects – severe weather events of increasing intensity, frequency and duration; disease and pest problems; disruption of freshwater resources, on and on and on. If you haven't been following conditions across Central America you should know that they're already on the ropes, have been for years. Herehere, and here.

Climate departure will spread, sort of like the "creeping damp," until it's everywhere by 2047. It's not to say that cold places will be as hot as more tropical regions. They won't. They'll just be consistently hotter than they ever were prior to the "new climate" era.

As the Telesur article points out, America will soon be facing a major climate migration problem on its southern borders as today's trickle of migrants, about 10,000 a year, becomes a tide of people in search not of better paid jobs but survival. In case you're wondering, America is not planning to throw open her doors to a horde of climate migrants. I don't want to get into how they're planning to stop them.

In other words, our great blunder, this illusion about distant events in 2100, long after we're safely gone, may be erased from our minds by climate events overtaking our serenity and ease over the next five to ten years. Will that be enough to shake us out of our complacency toward climate change? Will we become willing to accept what must be done to upgrade our own economy, our society, even our governance? I don't know but we won't have long to wait for the answer.

Source: The Mound Of Sound

May Marks 8th Consecutive Record Hot Month In NASA’s Global Temperature Measure


Source: Robert Scribbler

According to NASA, the world has just experienced another record hot month.

May of 2016 was the warmest May since record keeping began for NASA 137 years ago. It is now the 8th record hot month in row. In other words, since October, every month has been the hottest such month ever recorded (October vs October comparison, November vs November etc). And May’s record is just the most recent high mark during a period that has now vastly exceeded all previous measures for global temperature tracking.

The month itself was 0.93 C above NASA’s 1951-1980 baseline measure. It’s the first month since October that readings fell below the 1 C anomaly mark. A range that before 2015 had never before been breached in the 136 year climate record and likely during all of the approximate 12,000 year period that marks the Holocene geological epoch.

It’s a reading that is fully 1.15 C above 1880s averages. A very warm measure in its own right but one that is thankfully somewhat removed from the 1.55 C monthly peak back during February of 2016. To this point, it’s worth noting that hitting 1.5 C above 1880s temps in the annual measure is the first major temperature break that scientists consider to be seriously threatening to human civilization and the life support systems of planet Earth. And we’re getting close to that mark now. However, considering the fact that El Nino is now transitioning toward La Nina, it appears that 2016 averages may peak closer to 1.2 C.

May Was Hot Pretty Much Everywhere

Geospatially, hottest readings again centered near the Poles. Particularly, a region of the Barents Sea experienced temperatures above 4 C hotter than average for the month in the north. More disturbingly, in the south, a region of 4 to 9.4 C above average readings dominated a large zone over West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is of particular concern due to numerous destabilized ice masses that are now accelerating toward the Southern Ocean and that have the ability to dramatically raise global sea levels over rather short time intervals.


(Another picture of a record warm month globally provided by NASA. This time, highest above normal temperatures centered over the near polar regions of the Barents Sea and the vulnerable and rapidly destabilizing ice sheets of West Antarctica. Image source: NASA GISS.)

Overall, extents of above average readings covered most areas of the globe. Exceptions included the North Atlantic cool pool southeast of Greenland that has been prevalent now for the better part of two years, a storm and trough related cool pool in the North Central Pacific, and storm and trough related cool zones over the Central US, Central Asia, and the Southern half of South America. Storms in these regions generated record rainfall amounts over Texas, Argentina and Russia during the month as global temperatures fell from El Nino peaks and some of the record atmospheric moisture load was wrung out.

Analysis of the May Global Zonal Anomalies Map finds that polar amplification dominated — resulting in peak temperature readings in zones near 75 North and 75 South Latitude.


(Hot poles, cooler, stormy mid-Latitudes is a sign that climate and weather impacts related to human-caused climate change are starting to ramp up. Image source: NASA GISS.)

Cooler readings in the mid 40s North Latitude and mid 50s South Latitude indicates that the climate change related deep trough zones are starting to get more fully involved (highlighted by various severe and record flooding events occurring around the world during this time).

As climate change advances and global temperatures push toward the 2 C mark, we can expect more heavy involvement in storm generation as the Poles continue to more rapidly warm and as ice sheets speed destabilization — generating the powerful regional climate variations and greater atmospheric moisture loading that greatly amps up peak storm potential energy.

Looks Like 2016 is Settling into a Range near 1.2 C Above 1880s

On the whole, the first six months of the climate year starting in December have averaged 1.36 C above 1880s readings. A strong departure that the second half of the year will almost certainly not repeat. Given current guidance along with a developing transition to La Nina, temperatures should fall into a range between 0.95 and 1.15 C above 1880s for the second half of the climate year.

A 1.2 C annual 2016 departure is firmly within the range of estimates for global temperatures that occurred within the Eemian climate period around 115,000 years ago. At that time, global ocean levels were between 16 and 25 feet higher than they are today. And if such warm temperatures continue for any significant duration, we could expect oceans to at least rise by as much (especially considering the fact that about 15-20 feet worth of sea level rise is locked into the ice of glaciers that are now in the process of heading into the global ocean).

We’re Well Behind the Curve in Providing Adequate Mitigations to a Rapidly Worsening Climate Situation

Atmospheric CO2 levels peaked at 407.7 parts per million in May as well. A jump of about 3.8 parts per million above peak readings during May of 2015. A new record that not only represents the highest levels of atmospheric carbon ever experienced by human beings (and likely the highest ever seen in the past 15 million years), but one that also marks a record rate of accumulation. A combined overburden and unprecedented rate of increase in heat trapping gasses that now represents a very serious global hazard.

If carbon dioxide levels were to remain so high we could expect global temperatures to, over the course of 300-500 years, hit near 3 C above 1880s levels and oceans to rise by as much as 60-120 feet. Adding in methane and other greenhouse gasses — current CO2 equivalent for all global heating gas estimates are now in the range of 490 parts per million. Enough to warm the Earth by about 4.6 C over hundreds of years and to, among other things, eventually raise oceans by 120 t0 200 feet.


(Record May temperatures coincided with record levels of atmospheric CO2. We haven’t seen such high levels of CO2 since the Middle Miocene Climate epoch — a period that occurred 15 million years ago. Image source: The Keeling Curve.)

Continued human fossil fuel burning makes an already bad climate situation worse. The rate of emission from human sources is probably at least ten times faster than the build-up of heat trapping gasses that set off the last hothouse mass extinction event — the PETM — about 55 million years ago. In addition, an Earth System response in the range of 10-30+ percent of the human emission each year is possible by the end of this Century. A dangerous amplifying feedback whose emergence grows more likely the longer human beings continue to add heat to the global atmosphere and ocean system.

May of 2016, therefore, is just the most recent heat record along a path toward an ever-worsening global climate situation. Current rising rates of renewable energy and efficiency adoption do provide a growing mitigation effort to combat the harmful systemic problem of fossil fuel burning and a related very high rate of human carbon emission. But the fact that we are, at best, looking at a decades-long energy transition and an eventual dropping of the human emission to near zero by 2030 to 2050, means that climate hazards will continue to rise for some time to come (an absolute practical best case will probably achieve 450 ppm CO2 and 550 ppm CO2e at peak — very dangerous levels of heat trapping gasses that we’ll want to reduce at the most rapid rates possible). In addition, serious challenges both to the rate of energy transition and carbon emissions cuts coming from various political and economic powers around the world threaten to either push the time of hitting zero carbon emissions back or to remove the possibility of such a necessary mitigation altogether.


GISS Global Temperature Analysis

Eemian Sea Level Rise

Holocene Geological Epoch

The Keeling Curve

Ten Times Faster Than a Hothouse Extinction

Source: Robert Scribbler

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down For The US


Dane Wigington

As the global climate system implosion gains momentum, the geoengineers are displaying increasing desperation in their attempt to create temporary toxic cool-downs in a rapidly warming world. Again, and again, and again, the Eastern US has been the focus of massive (and highly toxic) climate engineering cool-downs. Why? To continue feeding the climate confusion amongst the public in the most populated portions of the US while the meltdown of the planet continues into a runaway warming scenario with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Where are the only below normal temperature zones in the current "departure from normal high temperature" map shown below? Heavily populated regions of the US and Europe. Why aren't the paid actors on power structure owned propaganda programs like The Weather Channel (who also has ties with Monsanto) even mentioning the continued incineration of Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest,  Australia, India, Asia, the UK,  the Arctic, Siberia, and the rest of the planet as a whole? Because they are paid to pacify the population and to cover the tracks of the climate engineers


The bright blue regions of record low temperatures that stand out in the Eastern Center of the US are a shocking (and completely engineered) anomaly in a record warm world.

A further highlighting of specific temperature "departures from normal" is shown in the next map. 


Radical varied localized temperature extremes (that have become the norm in recent years) are historically unprecedented.

In order to carry out the chemical ice nucleated cool-down assaults (fueling devastating hail storms), considerable atmospheric moisture is required over the target zones.


Note the near 90 degree corner taken out of the precipitation convection zone to the west of Florida. This is an ever more common signature of radio frequency manipulation. 

Consider that much of moisture that fueled the record cold and May snow that just fell in the US East originated in a record warm Florida and gulf of Mexico. The morning LOW temperature in Florida on 5/17/2016  (the date the above satellite photo was captured) tied all time record of 78 degrees (again, 78 degrees was the nighttime LOW temperature). The record Florida warmth has also fueled record rain. (A record warm world/atmosphere must produce more precipitation unless the geoengineers choose to create drought as is the case in California and other regions around the globe which is radically impacting populations). How does record warm moisture flow north to create record cold and snow? Welcome to the engineered winter deception carried out with jet stream manipulation and chemical ice nucleation. As the weather makers prepare for the coming radical cool-down in the US West, massive aerosol spraying can be seen in the current satellite image shown below, taken on 5/19/2016


Blanket solar radiation management spraying over the oceans (and over land) is wreaking havoc on the web of life and the climate system as whole. "Ocean fertilization"  with highly toxic materials is another deadly aspect of geoengineering

So what is the "scheduled weather" for the days following the engineered cool-down of the Eastern US? The NOAA "forecast" map below is yet another shocking illustration of complete manipulation of the climate system. 


From record warmth in the US West, to potential record cold. The record cold in the East will flip to possible record highs. Each color shade represents 2-3 degrees of variation from normal, high or low, depending on the hue.

What is the bottom line regarding the overall state of the global climate? The planet is already in a runaway warming scenario, April 2016 yet again shattered all former global temperature records


The gravity of the overall global temperature rise cannot be overstated, climate engineering/solar radiation management is not a form of "mediation" as those in power would have us believe, geoengineering is a weapon of mass deception and war, nothing less. 

In the desperate effort to hide reality from the population for as long as possible (and thus to keep business as usual for the military/industrial/corporate complex) the climate engineers continue to create the toxic temporary cool-downs which are only fueling the climate destruction and overall warming of the biosphere. Why aren't employees of the National Weather Service and NOAA sounding the alarm? These government scientists have no first amendment protection and now also have also had an illegal federal gag order placed on them. The anomalous cool-downs are as engineered as the corporate media hype surrounding these weather whiplash events. The fight to expose and halt global climate engineering is nothing less than a fight for life, make you voice heard in this most critical battle.

Dead Fish, Dying Planet, And Dangerous Denial


Dane Wigington

Fish are dying, wildlife is dying, the entire web of life is dying, but willful denial of verifiable realities continues to thrive. The global fish die-off is already beyond catastrophic, but the "experts" seem to have little to offer in the way of answers. Why? Because those in power are largely in control of the chess board, at least for the moment. Those who print the money (the bankers) control militaries, countries, and every imaginable institution down the line. How can we expect the paid "experts" to disclose the true severity of what we collectively face (and the true causes behind the converging catastrophes) when their paychecks and pensions almost always depend on them not disclosing the whole truth? Those who are truly in the know and thus in a prime position to sound the alarm face much more dire consequences than the loss of their employment. In regard to the global fish die-off, what don't we hear from the "experts" and the media? That the oceans (and fresh water lakes) are rapidly heating along with the rest of the planet. That this heating de-oxygenates the water and fuels algae blooms which further de-oxygenate the water. We don't hear that warming oceans are causing mass deposits of formerly frozen methane to thaw and release, also contaminating and deoxygenating oceans. And we certainly never hear a word from the "experts" about the ongoing climate engineering assault that is exacerbating the now runaway warming (in addition to contaminating the entire planet). Of course, we also never hear about the military's other devastating activities that are slaughtering marine life, or about the military's willingness to lie about their actions. And about Fukushima, yes, it is a catastrophe for the seas (and the planet as a whole), but there is much more to story in regard to the fish die-offs. The bottom line is that the vast majority of media sources (even "independent" sources), are only telling half-truths at best.


Massive recent fish die-off on Chile's Queule River. Photo credit: Sernapesca

First, about the rapidly accelerating global fish die-off, the excerpt below is from a report that was just posted by Michael T. Snyder from "The Economic Collapse" website.

Why are millions upon millions of dead sea creatures suddenly washing up on beaches all over the world?  It is certainly not unusual for fish and other inhabitants of our oceans to die.  This happens all the time.  But over the past month we have seen a series of extremely alarming mass death incidents all over the planet.  As you will see below, many of these mass death incidents have involved more than 30 tons of fish.  In places such as Chile and Vietnam, it has already gotten to the level where it has started to become a major national crisis.  People see their coastlines absolutely buried in dead sea creatures, and they are starting to freak out.

For example, just check out what is going on in Chile right now.  The following comes from a Smithsonian Magazine article entitled “Why Are Chilean Beaches Covered With Dead Animals?“…

Compared to other countries, Chile is almost all coast, and that geographical fluke means that the country is known for its beautiful beaches. But that reputation may be on the wane thanks to a new sight on Chilean shores: dead animals. Lots of them. Heaps of them, in fact. As Giovanna Fleitas reports for the Agence France-Presse, the South American country’s beaches are covered with piles of dead sea creatures—and scientists are trying to figure out why.

Tales of dead animals washing up on shore are relatively common; after all, the ocean has a weird way of depositing its dead on shore. But Chile’s problem is getting slightly out of hand. As Fleitas writes, recent months have not been kind to the Chilean coast, which has played host to washed-up carcasses of over 300 whales, 8,000 tons of sardines, and nearly 12 percent of the country’s annual salmon catch, to name a few.

Authorities in Chile are scrambling to come up with a reason for why this is happening, but nobody appears to be quite sure what is causing this tsunami of death.

In Vietnam, things are even worse.  At this point, so many dead fish and clams have been washing up along the coast that soldiers have been deployed to bury them

Millions of fish have washed up dead along a 125-kilometre stretch of the Vietnamese coast in one of the communist country’s worst environmental disasters.

Soldiers have been deployed to bury tonnes of fish, clams and the occasional whale that began dying in early April along the north-central coast, including some popular tourist beaches.

Vietnamese officials facing growing anger over the disaster have not announced the official cause of the deaths, which have affected the livelihoods of tens of thousands of families.

Elsewhere in Asia, there have been similar incidents.  For example, CNN is reportingthat one lake in southern China is currently dealing with 35 tons of dead fish…

At least 35 tons of dead fish appeared in a lake in southern China, leaving residents stunned.

The piles of fish washed up in a lake in Hainan province on Wednesday, Chinese state media reported.

Residents expressed concerns on pollution, but local authorities said the fish died as a result of salinity change.

On the other side of the world, similar incidents have also happened in major lakes.  Here is one example from Bolivia

Thousands of dead fish have washed up onto the shores of a lake in Bolivia.

Just before they died, some of the fish had just hatched from their eggs in lake Alalay, in the central Bolivian city of Cochabamba.

No one yet knows the number of dead fish, but they have stockpiled five cubic metres (177 cubic feet) so far, so it’s possible there is over a tonne of dead fish in the lake.

And here is an example from Brazil

More than 200 tons of dead fish were removed from the Furnas Lake on Sunday (1st) in Alfenas (MG). According to the Military Police of the Environment, both fish raised in ponds, networks and those who are released, all of the tilapia species in the lake were affected. The damage to the psicultores is estimated at around R $ 900 thousand.

I could go on and on all day with examples such as these.

Just within the last month, 40 tons of fish died in India, 65 tons of fish died in Cambodia, 70 tons of fish died in Colombia, and millions of fish “suddenly died” in Indonesia.

So why is this happening?

I don’t know.

Could it be possible that these mass deaths are somehow related to the alarming earth changes that we see happening all around us?

Without a doubt, we have seen a dramatic rise in seismic activity during the early portions of 2016.  There has been a series of very destructive earthquakes around the world in recent months, and once dormant volcanoes are coming to life all over the globe with distressing regularity.

Of course humanity has done much to destroy the planet as well, and we continue to deal with the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  I do think that it is very interesting to note that most of these mass fish deaths have happened in nations that border the Pacific Ocean.

I am certainly not claiming to have an answer for why so many fish are dying.  All I know is that millions upon millions of dead fish are washing up on shores all over the globe, and people are really starting to freak out about this.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and major disasters seem to be getting more frequent and more intense.  Just look at what is happening up in Alberta right now.

I believe that we are entering the “perfect storm” that myself and so many others have been warning about for so long.

Or could it be possible that I am just being overly dramatic?

Though I am grateful to Mr. Snyder for helping to document the extremely alarming fish die-off, it is interesting that he seems to be in complete denial of the fact that our planet is descending into total meltdown.

But some climate “experts” are really playing down the impact of El Nino.  Instead, they are attempting to convince us that what we are witnessing is simply the result of “man-made climate change”, and they are using this as an opportunity to promote their agenda.

Is our climate really as damaged as the "experts" are telling us? No, in reality, it is much much worse. Unfortunately people like Mr. Snyder are only telling half-truths, climate engineering and climate realities are not a part of the narrative for Snyder and others like him. The engineered "cool-downs" of key regions like the most populated zones of the US has helped those in power keep populations confused and divided on the true state of the climate. When confused, many end up actually toeing the line for the very power structure they claim to be fighting against. How fast is the planet warming? The recently released data reflected on the 20 second animated graph below paints a very clear and very dire picture.

GIF credit: Ed Hawkins, climate scientist at University of Reading

Will global geoengineering help? No, 70 years of global climate engineering has only helped to further fuel the overall warming of the planet. Those in power have always known that climate engineering/solar radiation management/weather warfare would only ever cause immense and irreparable harm,  geoenginering is a weapon of total control they will never willingly give up. Man's attempt to engineer earth's life support systems is the absolute epitome of human insanity. Geoengineering has played a major role in the dying of the seas. The planet is heating so rapidly that we may an ice free Arctic as early as September of this year, 2016. All mainstream media and most "independent" media will not mention such dire front line data. If the oceans die, the planet dies, and all of us with it. Do your part in the most critical battle to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity, educate yourself and learn how to make the most effective difference in the fight to raise critical awareness.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration


Dane Wigington

Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with the Co2 and methane greenhouse gas buildup being all too real), global climate engineering programs are the single greatest factor creating droughts and fueling fires on planet Earth. What will it take for the human race to abandon their tendencies of suicidal denial? What will it take for the paid liars in the ranks of academia to start telling the whole truth about the climate implosion? A subject which cannot be legitimately discussed without including the lethal reality of climate engineering.


An exploding inferno of flames and unimaginably intense heat erupts along a highway near Fort McMurray, Alerta, Canada, May 7, 2016. This fire is expected to burn for months to come as the wild fire threat continues to increase around the globe. Even the Himalayas are now being ravaged by wildfires. Photo: Mark Blinch

The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres – an area the size of Mexico City – officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges.

Some mainstream sources are acknowledging the "extreme weather pattern" that has created the anomalous heat dome over central Canada. But, of course, the part climate engineering has played in this engineered weather scenario is completely omitted as is any mention whatsoever of the blatantly obvious and unarguable ongoing geoengineering atrocities visible in skies around the globe.. It is up to us to hold mainstream media accountable for their lies of omission

Unseasonably hot weather in Alberta, Canada, is fueling the worst wildfire disaster in the country’s history. An extreme weather pattern, known as an omega block, is the source of the heat.

[Fort McMurray wildfire evacuation was largest on record in Canada, database shows]

An omega block is essentially a stoppage in the atmosphere’s flow in which a sprawling area of high pressure forms. This clog impedes the typical west-to-east progress of storms. The jet stream, along which storms track, is forced to flow around the blockage.

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GFS model simulation of jet stream pattern and "omega block" over parts of Canada. Geoengineering is further fueling a climate of extremes that have now made "weather whiplash" the norm.

The "departure from normal high temperature" map below highlights the magnitude of the engineered heat dome over central Canada


Extreme (and historically unprecedented) temperature variations like those reflected in the map above have also been increasingly documented in the US over the last decade.

70 years of climate engineering insanity have left a decimating swath of total destruction across the entire planet. This statement in no way negates the countless other forms of catastrophic damage caused to the biosphere by human activity. But, mathematically speaking, climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are the single greatest destructive factor in regard to climate disruption, forest fires, and planetary contamination. Solar geoengineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare


How much decimation will have to occur before the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is acknowledged by the climate science and environmental communities? Photo: Scott Olson

On Friday, May 6th, 2016, record heat was also recorded in the US. On this date, the warmest location in the entire country was Minneapolis, Minnesota


On this same day (May 6th) that the all time high temperature records were set in Minnesota (in excess of 90 degrees), the Weather Channel live reporting forecast was for several inches of snow to fall in the US Southeast. By Sunday, May 8th, snow was still falling in some locations of Colorado and New Mexico. On the morning of May 9th, snow was falling in Montana at 45 degrees. Again, such radical anomalies are profoundly unprecedented, completely unnatural, and totally engineered. Chemical ice nucleation processes are a major component of the engineered cool-downs.​

The global "departure from average" temperature map below reflects an increasingly "blotchy" world of radical temperature extremes. There are, of course, countless contributing factors. One primary element is the buildup of greenhouse gasses (Co2, methane, and others). A second major factor is the creation of heat domes by the climate engineers (which are a part of jet stream manipulation process carried out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP). A third major factor in regard to the increasing anomalies are the chemical ice nucleated engineered cool-downs previously mentioned.  

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We now occupy a world of increasingly engineered climate extremes. This is in addition to the underlying overall damage to the biosphere and climate system by ongoing anthropogenic activity on countless fronts.

The satellite image below was taken on May 8th, 2016. Massive aerosol spraying particulate trails are clearly visible over regions off the US West Coast and over parts of the interior US. Two circular pressure zone perimeters are also very visible which are related to the jet stream manipulation already outlined.  So, while the fires in Canada rage on, the geoengineers continue wreak havoc on the climate with their all out assault against the planet and all life. Yet another ice melting heat wave is expected in the Arctic this week.


The atmosphere and the climate system have long since been completely derailed by the constantly expanding geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. This assault must be exposed and halted if Earth is to have any possible chance to find a new life supporting equilibrium given the level of irreparable damage already done by geoengineering and industrialized/militarized society

The GISS map below reflects the average degree of planetary warming that has occurred in only the last 16 years. The warming is now accelerating at unimaginable speed and is likely already a runaway event. Global climate engineering has further contributed to the overall meltdown of the of the planet, not mitigated it. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, there is no benevolence in these programs, none. The short term toxic cool-down anomalies created by the climate engineers (in order to mask the true severity of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible) have come at the cost of pushing the planet past the point of no return in regard to the once hospitable host that we formerly knew. The illegal federal "gag order" that has been placed on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees is yet another act of desperation on the part of the power structure in their ongoing attempt to hide climate engineering and biosphere implosion. All of us have been subjected to a grand and lethal experiment without our knowledge or consent, an experiment that massive US Senate documents prove has been going on since at least the late 1940's. If the climate engineering assault is not fully exposed and halted, very soon, there will be nothing left to salvage. If these programs can be stopped, the human race must then face the unimaginably long list of challenges that has been created by the damage inflicted on the biosphere due to anthropogenic activity (which, of course, includes climate engineering).  

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With each passing day, the unfolding planetary meltdown will be increasingly hard to hide or deny.

What is the single greatest battle we could collectively win for the survival of our life sustaining biosphere at this late hour? Exposing and halting the climate engineering assault. Please make your voice heard in this most critical battle while there is yet time to affect the outcome, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 23, 2016


Dane Wigington

Has "science" been an overall benefit to the human race? Or has complete corruption of the science community already helped to push us past the point of no return? As 2016 continues to unfold, the manifestations of human activity are turning into a tidal wave of global decimation and destruction. From Florida, to Vietnam, to South America, the massive sea life die-offs continue to escalate. 


Thousands of dead squid wash ashore in Chile

Volcanic and seismic activity are also spiraling upward. Some may consider such events completely natural, but is that truly the case? The equation is much more complicated. With the planet now warming at blinding speed due to anthropogenic activity, thermal expansion has become a factor relating to geologic and seismic events. Ice is melting so fast over land masses like Greenland and Antarctica that "glacial rebound" must also be considered. Finally (and perhaps most importantly) what part may the military/industrial complex controlled global ionosphere heaters be playing in the increasingly catastrophic geological activity?  


The HAARP ionosphere heater facility in Alaska is only one of many in the global network of ionosphere installations 

Earth's atmosphere has long since been completely saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nano-particles from the constant geoengineering jet spraying dispersions. The constant microwaving of the atmosphere by the ionosphere heater installations can only add to the overall runaway warming and destruction of our biosphere. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The critical fight for the greater good is in desperate need of objective and assertive activists, not just passive observers. What part will you play in this all important battle? Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race


Dane Wigington

Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates. 


The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating. 

Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race.


Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day.

In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue?


Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day.

As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome".


2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy.

How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace.


We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops.

The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia.


The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare.

In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences. 


The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents. 

The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map.


The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems.

What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding to what is already the warmest US winter on record ) as the West gets the toxic cool-down complete with constant chemical ice nucleation of the incoming moisture flow.


Extreme and unprecedented imbalances like those shown in the map above are telltale signs of a climate system that is completely unraveling. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, global geoengineering is mathematically the most destructive of all.

The Total Betrayal Of The Climate Science Community

Mainstream media is not the only group that has completely betrayed humanity, the climate science community has done the same. Though a constant parade of false headlines from well funded sources has convinced many that the climate change threat is being exaggerated, the exact opposite is true. What we face is far more grave and immediate than any of the "worst case predictions" from completely controlled organizations like the IPCC (the largest scientific panel ever created in human history). The most severe betrayal is now coming from "science organizations" like "AMEG" (the Arctic Methane Emergency Group). Though AMEG's assessment of the threat from thawing and releasing methane deposits is valid, AMEG's call for global geoengineering are nothing short of criminal tyranny

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) -Blog of AMEG, the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, discussing the situation in the Arctic and the action necessary to avoid catastrophic warming, including the need for geoengineering to be accepted as an indispensable part of a comprehensive plan of action to cool the Arctic and to bring the atmosphere and oceans back to their pre-industrial state.

In regard to AMEG's call for emergency geoengineering to be immediately deployed (as if it has not already been going on for 70 years with catastrophic consequences), there are only two possibilities, either they are criminally ignorant of the very subject of which they claim to be experts, or they are lying. In either case, their calls for the commencement of climate engineering is criminal and should be publicly confronted. Taking the time to locate public email contacts for AMEG members, mainstream media and meteorological personnel, is essential. These contacts should then be circulated to others so that a constraint stream of communications calling for their accountability can be unleashed by the public. Such communications must be articulate and peaceful. This being said, the communications can and should point out that the public is rapidly waking up to the climate engineering crimes and will certainly soon hold legally and morally accountable ALL THOSE that directly or indirectly participated in these crimes. This includes all the journalists, scientists, and meteorologists that helped to hide the ongoing geoengineering assault by deceiving the public about the issue. There can be NO LEGITIMATE DISCUSSION about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. As the climate system continues to implode, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever before. Will WWlll be their final option as populations awaken to their crimes? There is much work to be done in this critical fight for the greater good, all of us must make our voices heard while we yet have time to do so.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Our Hemisphere’s Temperature Just Reached a Terrifying Milestone


Update, March 3, 2016: Since this post was originally published, the heat wave has continued. As of Thursday morning, it appears that average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above “normal” mark for the first time in recorded history, and likely the first time since human civilization began thousands of years ago.* That mark has long been held (somewhat arbitrarily) as the point above which climate change may begin to become "dangerous" to humanity. It's now arrived—though very briefly—much more quickly than anticipated. This is a milestone moment for our species. Climate change deserves our greatest possible attention.

Global temperatures hit a new all-time record high in February, shattering the old record set just last month amid a record-strong El Niño.
Ryan Maue/Weatherbell Analytics

Original post, March 1, 2016: Our planet’s preliminary February temperature data are in, and it’s now abundantly clear: Global warming is going into overdrive.

There are dozens of global temperature datasets, and usually I (and my climate journalist colleagues) wait until the official ones are released about the middle of the following month to announce a record-warm month at the global level. But this month’s data is so extraordinary that there’s no need to wait: February obliterated the all-time global temperature record set just last month.

Using unofficial data and adjusting for different base-line temperatures, it appears that February 2016 was likely somewhere between 1.15 and 1.4 degrees warmer than the long-term average, and about 0.2 degrees above last month—good enough for the most above-average month ever measured. (Since the globe had already warmed by about +0.45 degrees above pre-industrial levels during the 1981-2010 base-line meteorologists commonly use, that amount has been added to the data released today.)

Keep in mind that it took from the dawn of the industrial age until last October to reach the first 1.0 degree Celsius, and we’ve come as much as an extra 0.4 degrees further in just the last five months. Even accounting for the margin of error associated with these preliminary datasets, that means it’s virtually certain that February handily beat the record set just last month for the most anomalously warm month ever recorded. That’s stunning.

It also means that for many parts of the planet, there basically wasn’t a winter. Parts of the Arctic were more than 16 degrees Celsius (29 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than “normal” for the month of February, bringing them a few degrees above freezing, on par with typical June levels, in what is typically the coldest month of the year. In the United States, the winter was record-warm in cities coast to coast. In Europe and Asia, dozens of countries set or tied their all-time temperature records for February. In the tropics, the record-warmth is prolonging the longest-lasting coral bleaching episode ever seen.

The northernmost permanent settlement, Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, has averaged 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal this winter, with temperatures rising above the freezing mark on nearly two dozen days since Dec. 1. That kind of extremely unusual weather has prompted a record-setting low maximum in Arctic sea ice, especially in the Barents Sea area north of Europe.

The data for February is so overwhelming that even prominent climate change skeptics have already embraced the new record. Writing on his blog, former NASA scientist Roy Spencer said that according to satellite records—the dataset of choice by climate skeptics for a variety of reasons—February 2016 featured “whopping” temperature anomalies especially in the Arctic. Spurred by disbelief, Spencer also checked his data with others released today and said the overlap is “about as good as it gets.” Speaking with the Washington Post, Spencer said the February data proves “there has been warming. The question is how much warming there’s been.”

Of course, all this is happening in the context of a record-setting El Niño, which tends to boost global temperatures for as much as six or eight months beyond its wintertime peak—mainly because it takes that long for excess heat to filter its way across the planet from the tropical Pacific Ocean. But El Niño isn’t entirely responsible for the absurd numbers we’re seeing. El Niño’s influence on the Arctic still isn’t well-known and is likely small. In fact, El Niño’s influence on global temperatures as a whole is likely small—on the order of 0.1 degree Celsius or so.

So what’s actually happening now is the liberation of nearly two decades’ worth of global warming energy that’s been stored in the oceans since the last major El Niño in 1998.

Numbers like this amount to a step-change in our planet’s climate system. Peter Gleick, a climate scientist at the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California, said it’s difficult to compare the current temperature spike: “The old assumptions about what was normal are being tossed out the window … The old normal is gone.”

Almost overnight, the world has moved within arm’s reach of the climate goals negotiated just last December in Paris. There, small island nations on the front line of climate change set a temperature target of no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius rise by the year 2100 as a line in the sand, and that limit was embraced by the global community of nations. On this pace, we may reach that level for the first time—though briefly—later this year. In fact, at the daily level, we’re probably already there. We could now be right in the heart of a decade or more surge in global warming that could kick off a series of tipping points with far-reaching implications on our species and the countless others we share the planet with.

*Correction, March 4, 2016: Due to a data error at Weatherbell Analytics, the graphic added in the March 3 update to this post showed that in recent days, the temperature had reached approximately 2.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The graphic has been replaced with an updated version showing a less dramatic temperature spike, to approximately 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, though still exceeding 2 degrees Celsius when measured from pre-industrial levels. This spike has been reproduced in a separate dataset, so there remains high confidence that the 2-degree level was breached.

Future Tense is a partnership of SlateNew America, and Arizona State University.

Source:, article by Eric Holthaus

Total Climate Control Captured On Satellite Images


Dane Wigington

The radar loop film footage in the 6 minute video below is an exceptional documentation of the total climate control that is being inflicted on our once thriving planet. The ongoing global geoengineering assault is becoming unimaginably blatant and extreme. The greater the damage to the climate system becomes, the more the climate engineers ramp up their atmospheric programs of drought, deluge, devastation, and destruction. From ozone layer depletion to mass methane releases in the Arctic (and elsewhere), to complete contamination of the biosphere, the weather-makers are wreaking havoc on planet Earth. My most sincere gratitude to "1Pacific Redwood", the producer of this very revealing 6 minute presentation.

Of all the anthropogenic forms of damage to the atmosphere and environment, global geoengineering programs are mathematically the most decimating. What we collectively face is nothing short of a fight for survival. Make your voice heard in this critical battle while you can

Climate Engineers Continue To Disrupt Global Weather As US Military Conducts Climate Change War Games


Dane Wigington

The vast majority of global populations are unfortunately not yet willing to face the fact that Earth's climate and life support systems are being totally disrupted and derailed by a global power structure that is inarguably insane and completely out of control.


"US military planners have been ordered to war game climate change scenarios, focusing on geopolitical and socioeconomic instability linked to extreme weather". Photo: US Military/Flickr

A new directive says forces need to undertake joint training exercises with allies to “enhance capacity” and “improve tactics” for tackling impacts linked to global warming.

"Mission planning and execution must include identification and assessment of the effects of climate change on the DoD [department of defense] mission"…

The blocking of the the previously forecasted rains from the US West is one of the latest assaults being carried out by the climate engineers. In May, of 2015, stated on the record that in spite of the coming record El Niño, the climate engineers could still suppress the rain if they chose to (that is exactly what is occurring). Even mainstream sources are admitting "This Is Not What California Expected From A Super El Niño".The forecast map below clearly shows the previously predicted El Niño wet weather for drought stricken California (long since a victim of the ongoing climate engineering programs).


Though some locations in California have received moderate amounts of early season precipitation, reservoirs are still not filling up. As "winter" passed its mid point, the climate engineers have yet again shut off the spigot.

The NOAA precipitation map below reflects the complete antithesis of the predicted El Niño event. Far "below normal" precipitation is forecasted (scheduled) for the US West and South.


As previously stated, the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of ionosphere heater induced high pressure is completely blocking the flow of precipitation from the US West once again. 

The corporate controlled media has recently been glossing over the western US drought catastrophe which has not improved and in fact may now be heading into even worse territory in spite of the record El Niño. The population as a whole is unfortunately all too willing to continue ignoring and denying the geoengineering issue and its catastrophic impacts. The climate science community's denial of climate engineering is criminal.


The protracted drought is ongoing in California.

The geoengineers are again demonstrating that they can freeze the eastern half of the country (conveniently timed for election primaries?) while frying the West


The completely unnatural and historically unprecedented scenario reflected in the NOAA map above has become all too often the norm in recent years as the weather makers wreak havoc on the overall climate system.

The ongoing attempt to"Engineer winter" is clearly a top priority for the geoengineers as the climate continues into total meltdown from the Arctic to Australia. The January ice cover in the Arctic was the lowest ever and Australia is in "uncharted territory" in regard to the relentless record heat and increasing drought. Earth's oceans are superheating while global methane releases are also far worse than previously acknowledged by official sources. The planetary meltdown is accelerating with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

Engineered snow storms are a primary tool for the climate engineers. The 90 second video below of an East Coast radar loop has clearly captured recent chemical ice nucleating efforts over the US East. On this short video clip, waves of precipitation can be seen migrating in from the record warm Atlantic Ocean. The flashes of blue (frozen precipitation) occur as chemical nucleating agents/elements are sprayed/dispersed into the rain cells.

Our planet is not just dying, it is being killed. If we wish to survive for much longer, exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare insanity must be our top priority. All of us are inhaling the toxic particles being sprayed, the damage done to our health from air particulate contamination lasts for decades even after the exposure is stopped. Though there are countless anthropogenic sources of damage to the climate system and the biosphere, mathematically speaking, the global geoengineering is the most decimating of all. If you care, make your voice heard while we still have something left to salvage of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Accelerating Into Total Collapse, The Consequences Of Denial And Inaction


The propensity of the human race to deny unpleasant and frightening realities until the last possible moment is truly profound. The power structure (and the mainstream media they control) are using every imaginable means at their disposal to fuel the constant distraction of the masses. The current facade is disintegrating on every front and even now the vast majority are completely oblivious to what is unfolding. As the horizon grows ever darker, we must all examine our priorities. What can we yet accomplish at this late hour that would have the most impact toward the greater good? Combining our efforts to expose and halt climate engineering would be the greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction. The ongoing global atmospheric assault has already horrifically affected every living organism. This being said, there are also countless other aspects of the reality we have all known which are unraveling by the day. The report below directly addresses dire issues which the powers that be are doing their best to hide from public view. Get educated and help to sound the alarm, every one of our voices is essential in the fight for the greater good.
Dane Wigington

Runaway Sea Level Rise, Collapsing Coastlines, And The Chemical Climate Engineering Assault


Dane Wigington

The current condition of the the climate and Earth's life support systems is not as bad as we have been told, it is unimaginably worse. Global climate engineering is the epitome of anthropogenic damage to our planet. Geoengineering programs are further fueling the biosphere implosion in what is already a runaway scenario. If we continue on the current course, "Venus Syndrom" will likely be the final destination.  We are not just facing climate change, we are facing what is more correctly termed as an "abrupt climate shift" which science makes clear is anthropogenic in nature. Climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are pushing the planet past any point of possible recovery. The record shattering heat in 2015 (breaking the record global heat just set in 2014) is compounding the rate of ice deposit melting around the globe. This in turn is pushing rapidly accelerating sea level rise which is now estimated to be happening at 10 times the rate previously predicted.


Record coastal flooding caused by "Winter Storm Jonas"

Sea level can mount due to two factors – melting ice and the thermal expansion of water as it warms.

Sea Level Realities

The amount of sea level rise that comes from the oceans warming and expanding has been underestimated… 

The findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer-reviewed US journal, suggest that increasingly severe storm surges could be anticipated as a result. 

The 6 minute video below of expensive apartments in Pacifica, California, is a glimpse of what is to come on coastlines around the world.

In the decades to come, thousands more from along America's most fragile shorelines will embark on a great migration inland as their homes disappear beneath the water's surface. Over the last 10 years, the Isle de Jean Charles community in Louisiana has lost two-thirds of its residents to dislocation. In the Chesapeake Bay, Tangier Island's shoreline recedes by about 14 feet a year. On Washington's Olympic Peninsula, the Quinault Indian Nation relies on a 2,000-foot-long sea wall for protection until it can complete its move uphill.

In the attempt to continue masking the true severity of climate disintegration, the geoengineers are carrying out ever more desperate weather events. "Winter Storm Jonas" was a stunning example of this desperation.


Disaster cleanup at the taxpayers expense after "Winter Storm Jonas"

Winter Storm Jonas was multi-billion dollar disaster

“It is anticipated that this will be the first billion-dollar weather event of 2016 for the United States,” the re-insurer said in a statement. “Given the physical damage to homes, businesses and other structures and automobiles, plus the high costs incurred due to business interruption, it is expected that this will end up being a multi-billion-dollar economic cost.”

The global power structure now controls most of academia and nearly all of the media. These completely subjugated institutions have repeatedly tried to tell the public that we should expect more severe "winter storms"  because of global warming. But is this counterintuitive conclusion that is pushed on us really backed up by the most recent science studies? The short answer is NO. 

Climate change does not cause extreme winters, new study shows

Cold snaps like the ones that hit the eastern United States in the past winters are not a consequence of climate change. Scientists at ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology have shown that global warming actually tends to reduce temperature variability.

The climate engineers are chemically nucleating every bit of moisture they can (causing weather whiplash) in their increasingly desperate attempt to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures on the ground. Engineered snowstorms keep the confusion and division going in regard to the populations perception of the climate.

How else is climate engineering costing the planet and its inhabitants? Geoengineering is causing drought and fueling fires. On a warming planet, the laws of physics state there must be much more overall rainfall, not less (the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture for every degree centigrade of warming). Solar radiation management programs (and the global dimming scenario the atmospheric spraying causes) are pushing protracted drought all over the globe.


Sau Palo, Brazil is one of countless locations around the world that is going dry

From the Amazon to the Nile to the Mekong, rivers are a lifeblood for many nations, filling taps and irrigation canals and generating hydroelectricity that is powering economic development. But a new study warns that changes to river flows caused by climate change threaten that. Thousands of hydrodams risk being left high and dry by mid-century as global warming takes hold.

The findings are stark… “climate change will reduce the existing power capacities of hydropower in most regions worldwide”. Up to 74% of current hydrodams will likely see reductions in useable electricity-generating capacity by mid-century.

River water is the little-noticed essential for much of our energy supply. As the climate changes, that looks increasingly like a problem.

Though mainstream science sources cite "air pollution" as a cause of drought, such sources have not yet admitted to the atmospheric particulate spraying. 

How are things going in the Arctic?

The geoengineers have been busy in the Arctic for a very long time, the artificial cloud creating solar radiation management programs are truly taking their toll. Recent studies now prove that constant cloud cover is rapidly speeding up the Greenland ice melt (also contributing greatly to the accelerating sea level rise), though, yet again, researchers are sill unwilling to admit to the ongoing geoengineering reality.

The more the climate system and the biosphere breaks down, the more the climate engineers ramp up their planetary assault in the destructive attempt to mask the damage already done (while at the same time inflicting far greater damage in the process). Exposing and stopping geoengineering/weather warfare must be our top priority if we are to salvage what is yet left of the planet's life support systems. 

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineered Mass Distraction, “Winter Storm Jonas”


Dane Wigington

The total desperation of the the global power structure and the geoengineers is manifesting into ever higher levels. There is no question that global climate engineering is a weapon mass destruction, but it must be considered (and remembered) that weather/modification (AKA weather warfare) is also a weapon of mass distraction. What are those in power trying so desperately to hide? Much more than the public wants to know or is willing to accept (on many fronts). The massive corporate media hype about "winter storm Jonas" started immediately before the global release of headlines like the one below from The Washington Post.

It's Official: 2015 "Smashed" Global Temperature Records, It Wasn't Even Close


Let's rewind almost exactly one year from the headline above, and move to a previous headline (also from The Washington Post) that is a near mirror image of this year's headlines.

It's Official, 2014 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History

What were the weather-makers up to after this headline was released around the globe from countless media sources a year ago? The same thing they are doing right now with "winter storm Jonas". They were doing their best to completely eclipse dire news stories by manufacturing "winter storm Juno" in January of 2015. How parallel can these two scenarios be?

What else is the massive media hype about "winter storm Jonas" helping to hide? The global economy is crashing and it's not coming back. This is not a bump in the road for industrialized society, it is the descent to the end of the road. The delusion is shattering, perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources was never sustainable and it is reaching its breaking point. Global shipping is skidding to a halt, economies around the globe will follow. There are many other headlines those in power would like to hide including the poising of the population in Flint, Michigan and the rapidly worsening gas leak disaster in Southern California. And then of course there is the ongoing Fukushima cataclysm which continues to worsen and which those in power wish to obscure with headlines of mass distraction.

Back to "winter storm Jonas", how engineered is it? Completely. If you don't believe winter storms can be engineered, think again. The power structure controlled "Weather Channel" has been tasked with hyping the manufactured winter weather to the maximum degree possible. One of the ways The Weather Channel accomplishes this is by assigning theatrical names to the engineered winter weather. The 2015-2016 list of "winter storm" names is below.


The beginning of "winter storm Jonas" is documented in the map below. On the so called "warm side" of the "winter storm" there were temperatures in the 70s with a threat of tornados and thunderstorms. Then, heading further into the chemically ice nucleated "winter storm", there is a transition zone where the chemically nucleated materials reach the ground before freezing. These "ice storm" zones have now become the norm due to the constant engineering of "winter weather" events. Still farther into the chemically nucleated "snow storm", a layer of cooler dense air builds in depth (from the cooling endothermic reaction of the nucleating materials), the generally large flakes of "heavy wet snow" begin to form and fall. Thundersnow" is related to the chemical nucleation of warmer convective rain bands that would not have produced frozen precipitation without the artificial/chemical nucleation process. Those that don't believe jet aircraft are spraying in our skies, (as part of the ongoing global climate engineering programs) have simply not objectively investigated. Though the western powers continue to completely deny the ongoing climate engineering, China has openly admitted to engineering snowstorms in the past, though they have since also gone covert with their operations.


The low pressure center and moisture feed for "winter storm Jonas" (shown in the map below) is feeding directly off of record warm oceans. The Weather Channel actors that masquerade as meteorologists are having an ever more difficult time covering the tracks of the geeoengineers. Watching them try to explain away the "warm side" of the "winter storm" (complete with thunderstorms and tornados) is troubling. Weather systems are being chemically ice nucleated all over the globe.11ac

As "Jonas" is migrated north toward its target area, the chemically nucleated "ice storm" zones will expand and likely do significant damage as reflected in the graphic below.


The next forecast map below shows "Jonas" hitting home Saturday morning. With the warm flow of moisture coming off the Atlantic the temperatures along the coast are far above freezing. As outlined earlier, there is an "ice storm" transition zone where the chemical nucleation materials are still reaching the ground before freezing. Further into the "winter storm" (as the chemical nucleating materials are sprayed over the precipitation cells), some cooler air accumulates from the chemically reacting materials and thus facilitates the formation of the "heavy wet snow". The headlines of mass distraction sought by the power structure and the geoengineers are thus achieved. The "snow line" within the engineered winter storms now has little to do with elevation, rather, it is related to a particular side of the "winter storm"(the "warm" or the "cold" side). A word of caution about the chemically nucleated frozen precipitation, don't eat it. Main stream media sources have already sent out a warning against eating the snow, though they won't admit to the most significant source of contamination in the snow, climate engineering fallout.


What is the final result of this massive climate engineering effort? The most populated urban centers of the most populated zones in the country are hit the hardest with the completely engineered winter weather. The desired headlines are thus created, maximum public distraction and political impact is achieved. Conveniently, Washington DC and Baltimore are at the center of the "Jonas" bullseye.


What is the latest and most compelling update on the actual overall state of the global climate? The just released 30 second animation below is a stark and shocking glimpse of a reality that much of the public still does not know, understand, or believe.

While the climate engineers manufacture weather in major US population centers, the Arctic continues into meltdown. The "departure from normal high temperature" graphic below clearly shows the far above average Arctic temperatures. Temperatures at the North Pole have recently been above the freezing mark even in the middle of winter . Where is the mainstream media coverage of this?


How long will "snow storm Jonas" remain in the Northeast? Likely not for long as the NOAA extended forecast below clearly illustrates (unless, of course, the climate engineers decide to again alter the "scheduled" weather). Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree increase in temperatures above the range of "normal". The engineered cool-downs in the US East are losing ground as the planetary warming continues to accelerate.


From collapsing economies to the imploding climate system, those in power will continue to use every weapon at their disposal to hide the severity and immediacy of what is unfolding until the last possible moment. All the while they are rapidly preparing for what is coming. Every day that climate engineering continues, an already horrific global warming scenario is made far worse. Geoengineering/solar radiation management is not a cure, rather, it is a curse that is even worse than the crisis it claims to mitigate. Our task is to beat the global criminal cabal to the intersection. We must fully expose the climate engineering assault and stop geoengineering before those in power are prepared for this to happen. 

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 2, 2016


Dane Wigington

The great unraveling of the reality we have all known is not off in the distance somewhere, it is now.  Even at this late hour (with a horizon that is getting darker by the day), the vast majority of the population is all too willing to diligently defend their denial of the converging catastrophes we face, apparently until the last moment. Rapidly unfolding events will soon enough break down such denial. It is thus imperative for us all to keep sowing the seeds of reality and awareness. During this last week of 2015 (the warmest year ever recorded globally and capping the warmest 5 year period ever recorded) it was warmer at the North Pole than it was in Southern California. In fact, at the very top of the world, in the pitch black of the sunless Arctic winter, it was raining at well above freezing temperatures. It was also colder in Texas than the center of the Arctic circle. This latest engineered cool-down in the Lone Star state has just killed 30,000 dairy cows, some of the best and most productive in Texas. 


Normally cold hardy cattle have little chance in the chemically nucleated precipitation events. The heavy wet snow sticks to their coats, the endothermic reacting materials are extremely cold to the touch (can flash burn exposed surfaces), and the adhesive "snow" clogs their nostrils so they suffocate. 

Events like what has just occurred in Texas are not new. On October 4th of 2013, 100,000 cattle were killed in an engineered snowstorm staged in South Dakota. At the same time the cows were dying in the heavy, sticky, chemically nucleated precipitation, it was almost 90 degrees and raining  a short distance away. 


I took a screen shot of the South Dakota event at the time the cattle were dying (such telling maps were soon taken offline). How is it possible for 100,000 cattle to die in South Dakota with such extremely warm temperatures in all the surrounding areas? Climate engineering and Chemical ice nucleation.

The ongoing geoengineering insanity is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain site. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of an already decimated climate system. In addition to the devastating weather events already mentioned, the end of 2015 has also brought record flooding to the US, to the UK, and a rapidly expanding list of weather extremes around the globe


In this aerial photo taken on 12/31/15, homes in Arnold, MO, are surrounded by floodwaters. Photo credit: Jeff Roberson

As the immensity of what is unfolding on countless fronts becomes ever more apparent to the formerly sleeping masses, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever. Global conflict has always been the final option of choice for the military industrial complex and the central banking cartel. The Bush family history provides a shocking look into the tyranny of the global elite. How many are aware of their involvement with the funding of Nazi Germany? Now we have Obama and ISIS, the tyranny is still the same. We will face challenges in 2016 that are as of yet unimaginable to the vast majority. The danger now posed by those in power is more extreme and immediate than ever before. The January 2nd installment of GeoengineeringWatch radio is below. 

We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the battle to sound the alarm. What will you do? What will be your part in the play? Choose to make a difference, make your voice heard in the battle for the greater good.  

The Storm That Will Unfreeze the North Pole


Source: The Atlantic

It caps off a month—and year—of weird weather.

The sun has not risen above the North Pole since mid-September. The sea ice—flat, landlike, windswept, and stretching as far as the eye can see—has been bathed in darkness for months.

But later this week, something extraordinary will happen: Air temperatures at the Earth’s most northernly region, in the middle of winter, will rise above freezing for only the second time on record.

On Wednesday, the same storm system that last week spun up deadly tornadoes in the American southeast will burst into the far north, centering over Iceland. It will bring strong winds and pressure as low as is typically seen during hurricanes.

That low pressure will suck air out of the planet’s middle latitudes and send it rushing to the Arctic. And so on Wednesday, the North Pole will likely see temperatures of about 35 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2 degrees Celsius. That’s 50 degrees hotter than average: It’s usually 20 degrees Fahrenheit below zero there at this time of year.

Geoengineering Is Fueling Blindingly Rapid Climate Shift


The final week of 2015 may bring temperatures to the North Pole as much as 75 degrees above normal (complete report on this is below). At the same time the completely engineered "cool-downs" continue in the US. How far does the scale need to tilt before people begin to open their eyes? The vast majority of global populations are still completely oblivious to the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding around us all. Epidemic denial is theme of the day on all sides of the climate issue. The reality is this, the "worst case" predictions of the climate science community fall far short of how severe the climate situation actually is. Some, astoundingly, deny that there is any problem with the climate system at all, even while the planet descends into total meltdown. Others (like most of academia) acknowledge the damaged climate but refuse to admit to the ongoing global geoengineering programs. In May of 2014, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius stated we had "500 days to avoid climate chaos".

“And very important issues, issue of climate change, climate chaos. And we have – as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos, and I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success on this very important matter,”  the foreign minister said.

What did Fabius know that was not disclosed? How could the human race possibly avoid such "climate chaos" given the degree of damage already done to the planet and the climate system from countless sources of anthropogenic activity?  Was Fabius betting on the delusional hope of geoengineering saving the day and helping us to avoid the "climate chaos" he referred to? After 70 years of climate engineering/weather warfare, all available data makes clear the conclusion that geoengineering is wreaking immense havoc on an already decimated climate system. The equation we face is as non-linear as it could be. Unfolding climate cataclysms are already overturning the paradigm we have all formerly known. Man's decades long intentional intervention with the climate system (global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs) are only further fueling the climate destruction. The final week in 2015 will likely bring completely unprecedented and highly destructive conditions to the Arctic (and elswhere). We all have a responsibility to help in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. Though the report below does not admit to the climate engineering elephant in the room, the front line data is still completely relevant, and absolutely shocking.
Dane Wigington


Warm Arctic Storm To Hurl Hurricane Force Winds at UK and Iceland, Push Temps to 72+ Degrees (F) Above Normal at North Pole

Source: robertscribbler

We’ve probably never seen weather like what’s being predicted for a vast region stretching from the North Atlantic to the North Pole and on into the broader Arctic this coming week. But it’s all in the forecast — an Icelandic low that’s stronger than most hurricanes featuring a wind field stretching over hundreds and hundreds of miles. One that taps warm tropical air and hurls it all the way to the North Pole and beyond during Winter time. And it all just reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth’s climate…

Freak North Atlantic Storm Featuring Extremely Low Pressures

Today, a powerful, hurricane force low pressure system is in the process of rounding the southern tip of Greenland. This burly 960 mb beast roared out of an increasingly unstable Baffin Bay on Christmas. As it rounded Greenland and entered the North Atlantic, it pulled behind it a thousand-mile-wide gale force wind field even as it lashed the tip of Greenland with Hurricane force gusts. To its east, the storm now links with three other lows. Lows that are, even now, drawing south-to-north winds up from a region just west of Gibraltar, on past the UK, up beyond Iceland, over Svalbard, and into the Arctic Ocean itself.


(GFS forecasts predict a storm bombing out between 920 and 930 mb over Iceland by Wednesday. It’s a storm that could rival some of the strongest such systems ever recorded for the North Atlantic. But this storm’s influence is unique in its potential to shove an unprecedented amount of warm air into the Arctic. A warm storm for the Arctic Winter time. Image source: Earth Nullschool.)

Over the next few days these three lows are predicted to combine into a storm the likes of which the far North Atlantic rarely ever sees. This storm is expected to center over Iceland. But it will have far-reaching impacts ranging from the UK and on north to the pole itself. As the lows combine, GFS predicts them to bomb out into an unprecedentedly deep low featuring 920 to 930 mb (and possibly lower) minimum central pressures by this coming Wednesday. These pressures are comparable to the very extreme storm systems that raged through the North Atlantic during the Winter of 2013. Systems that featured minimum pressures in the range of 928 to 930 mb.

It’s worth noting that the lowest pressure ever recorded for the North Atlantic occurred in the much further southward forming Hurricane Wilma at 882 mb. In the far north, a January 11 1993 storm between Iceland and Scotland featured 913-915 mb pressures. It’s worth noting that the GFS model currently puts the predicted storm within striking distance of setting a new record for the far north. Meanwhile, ECMWF models predict a somewhat less extreme low in the range of 940 mb. By comparison, Hurricane Sandy bottomed out at around 940 mb as well.

Regardless of peak strength, the expected storm is predicted to be both very intense and wide-ranging as both model forecasts feature numerous lows linked in chain with a much deeper storm center near Iceland. Among these and further north, two more strong lows in the range of 965 to 975 mb will round out this daisy chain of what is now shaping up to be a truly extreme storm system. The Icelandic coast and near off-shore regions are expected to see heavy precipitation hurled over the island by 90 to 100 mile per hour or stronger winds raging out of 35-40 foot seas. Meanwhile, the UK will find itself in the grips of an extraordinarily strong southerly gale running over the backs of 30 foot swells.

Warm Winds to Force Above Freezing Temperatures For the North Pole


(By early Wednesday, temperatures at the North Pole are expected to exceed 1 degree Celsius readings. Such temperatures are in the range of more than 40 degrees Celsius (72 degrees Fahrenheit) above average. Image source: Earth Nullschool.)

All along the eastern side of this storm, powerful warm winds are expected to funnel northward. Originating along the 35 degree North Latitude line west of Spain, these winds will force a train of warm air and moisture pole-ward ahead of our storm. The winds will rush up over a very riled North Sea, they will howl into a far warmer than normal Barents, and they will roar on past Svalbard — finally turning as they pass beyond the North Pole.

These winds will bring with them extraordinarily warm temperatures for the High Arctic region during Winter time. By Wednesday, the North Pole is expected to see temperatures in the range of 1-2 degrees Celsius or 41-42 degrees C above average (73-75 degrees Fahrenheit above the normal daily temperature of -40 F for a typical Winter day). Such an extreme departure would be like seeing a 120 degree (Fahrenheit) December day in my hometown of Gaithersburg, MD. Needless to say, a 1-2 C reading at the North Pole during late December is about as odd as witnessing Hell freezing over. But, in this case, the latest wave of warmth issuing from a human-driven shift toward climatological hell appears to be on schedule to arrive at the North Pole in just a few more days.


(The Arctic region as a whole is expected to experience a [frankly quite insane] temperature anomaly in the range of 4 degrees Celsius above average by January 3rd of 2016. Note the broad regions over Northern Canada, Siberia, and the Arctic Ocean that are predicted to experience temperatures in the range of 20 degrees Celsius above the already hotter than normal 1979 to 2000 baseline readings. For some areas — particularly in Northern Canada — this will mean near or even above freezing temperatures for tundra and permafrost zones in the depths of Winter. A set of conditions that has serious implications for permafrost thaw and related carbon store feedbacks. Image source: Climate Reanalyzer.)

New Freakish Weather Patterns Concordant With Human-Forced Climate Change

The deep, northward-driving synoptic pattern associated with both powerful high Latitude storms and warm winds is only something we’ve begun to see during recent years. The warming polar environment itself generates weaknesses in the Jet Stream which tends to allow these warm air invasions. In addition the warming oceans — which hold heat for longer than land masses — generate pathways for warm air invasions of the Arctic during Winter time. The Barents Sea, for example, has been particularly warm during recent years which has resulted in numerous warm wind invasion events issuing northward over Svalbard and regions eastward during recent years.

A final ingredient to this highly altered weather pattern appears to be a cooling of the sea surface in the North Atlantic just south of Greenland. This cooling has been set off by an increase in fresh water melt outflows from Greenland as glacial melt there has accelerated concordant with human-forced warming. The cool pool of glacial melt water south of Greenland has aided in the generation of a dipole featuring cool air to the west, warm air to the east. This year, warm air has tended to flow northward over Spain, the UK, and along a region between Iceland and Scandinavia. During the Winter of 2015-2016, this warm air slot has also been the breeding ground for very unstable weather and a number of powerful storm systems.


(It’s an El Nino year. But despite a climate feature that would typically strengthen the Jet Stream, what we see is another Arctic warm air invasion reminiscent of the recent polar vortex collapse events of Winters 2012 through 2014-2015. Note that the region of coldest air, which would typically tend to center over the North Pole has been driven south toward Greenland and Baffin Bay. A pattern that we’d expect concordant with world ocean warming and Greenland melt as a result of human-forced climate change. Image source: ECMWF.)

Unfortunately, this larger overall pattern marks a progression away from typical North Atlantic weather and toward a much more stormy environment. It’s an environment that is all too likely to be marked by features of warm air invasions moving up through the Barents and into the High Arctic during Winter. Of the Northern Hemisphere storm circulation tending to wrap around Greenland as the center of cold air shifts from the North Pole to the last bastion of dense glacial ice. And of a very unstable storm generating cold water and surface air temperature zone deepening and gaining an ever-stronger hold within the North Atlantic.

These are influences we see now. Ones that are impacting both the current powerful storm over Iceland and the unprecedented surge of warm air that is now preparing to invade the High Arctic. And though El Nino likely also played a part in the shifting of the storm generation zone toward Iceland, the far northward propagation of warm air into the Barents and High Arctic along with the extreme strength of the predicted storm are both likely new features of an overall altered pattern. What we witness here are both climates and weather features changing before our eyes in the form of what to us may seem a freak event — but what is actually part of a dangerous transition period away from the stable climates of the Holocene.

Source: robertscribbler

Catastrophic Pacific Ocean Die-Off, The US Military’s All Out Assault On The Web Of Life


Dane Wigington

Many have heard about some of the die-offs occurring in our oceans, but most have no understanding of how catastrophic the actual reality is


Fukushima is where all the fingers point as the source of the carnage along the coast, but there is much more to the story. Those who control the US military have virtually no regard for any of the destruction they are wreaking on the entire web of life, including marine life. The US Navy has long since been using live depleted uranium ammunition and devastating sonar devices along the Pacific coast (the US Navy is now also waging electromagnetic warfare along our forests and our coasts). The US (and other nations) have also routinely dumped nuclear waste into our oceans. The excerpt (shown below) from the US Navy's "Environmental Impact Statement " is beyond shocking. Their position is this, if there are no studies to prove the harm they are causing, then no harm was caused.

"The study area for consideration of impacts on marine plants and invertebrates includes the open ocean west of Washington, Oregon, and Northern California….Aircraft overflight and training activities are assumed to have no impacts to marine communities, because impacts of sound on plants and invertebrates are unknown and difficult to quantify."


The statement below was appropriately presented (along with other pressing points) to the US Navy's EIS staff by concerned Oregon resident Carol Van Strum.

The question of past and current Naval activities is highly significant. For example, the EIS acknowledges that past and present activities off the Oregon coast have involved the use of rounds comprised of depleted uranium. Uranium, depleted or otherwise, is an exceptionally persistent material in the environment. The EIS revelations of Navy use of depleted uranium thus raise very serious concerns about how long the Navy has been using depleted uranium rounds in the Pacific Ocean, how much was used per year, where that use has occurred, and what environmental impacts have already accrued from such use, such as uptake by fish and synergistic effects with other wastes and products from Naval exercises. The EIS mentions none of these issues.


In 2010 I personally spoke to a US Navy Public Relations representative that very cavalierly confirmed the Navy's use of depleted uranium ammunition for "practice" off of the US West Coast. She seemed to have no idea of the dangers posed by this ammunition, but rather was only repeating whatever she was told.  The US Military has also permanently contaminated vast areas of land masses with its deadly depleted uranium ammunition. An epidemic of birth defects in Iraq and elsewhere is the legacy of this use. But there is an even larger ongoing assault on the ocean, the planet, and all life, global geoengineering/weather warfare. The blatant atmospheric aerosol spraying so clearly seen of the coast of California in the satellite photo below is nothing short of shocking.


Geoengineering is undeniably a major factor relating to the die-off of the oceans. The US military is certainly the single largest participant in the ongoing global climate engineering insanity (though all major powers are involved). Geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer which has subjected the planet to deadly levels of UV radiation greatly contributing to the die-off of plankton populations around the world. The plankton die-off has taken the foundation out of the food chain for marine ecosystems. Geoengineering has also radically altered upper level wind currents which have in turn altered ocean currents. This has contributed to the massive methane release in the Arctic which holds the future of our planet in the balance if it continues. In regard to the Pacific ocean, the altered wind currents have greatly contributed to the record heat buildup. This in turn has fueled the extreme algae blooms, sea bed gassing of methane, hydrogen sulfide (which create hypoxic and anoxic zones), and thus even more marine die-off. There is also the less known form of geoengineering, ocean fertilization, which is also taking its toll on our once thriving seas. Seven decades of highly toxic and destructive global geoengineering programs have inflicted unimaginable decimation to the planet. These programs (combined with the other US military operations already mentioned), have played a major part in the collapse of life in our oceans, most especially in the Pacific. If the oceans die, we die


Our military brothers and sisters must awaken to what they are participating in, the destruction of their own planet and the health of their own citizens. Military personnel are sworn to protect their countrymen from all threats, foreign AND DOMESTIC. All of us are needed to help awaken the population, this includes the families of military personnel. Pass on credible information to all those that need to see it, every day counts in this battle. Make your voice heard.

Hotties, Coolers & The Geoengineers


by William Thomas

(See Illustrated version here)

Feeling the heat? How about some Coolers?

Not the drink.

The cult.

You know. Folks like Alex Newman, who in August 2013 slammed “wildly inaccurate supposed 'climate models'… that predicted major warming based on increasing CO2 levels.”

Computer programs failing to factor seesawing ocean temperatures known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation had slightly overestimated the rate of 1998-2012 warming, which began with an extremely warm year and the strongest El Niño yet recorded and ended in somewhat less warm years of reduced El Niño activity. The corrections due to El Niño fluctuations “were in the range of a few hundredths of a degree” and did not affect the overall upward warming trend, Earth scientists point out. There was no “warming hiatus”. [Real Climate June/15]

Temperature records everywhere were still being torched. In late July 2013, China’s meteorological center issued a nationwide “Red” temperature alert for 14 straight days as an ocean “heat dome” stalled off the China coast, cooking Shanghai at 105ºF. High humidity made record temperatures lethal as residents fried eggs atop manhole covers. [Robert Scribblers Aug 6/13; Washington Post Aug 8/13]

Geoengineering And The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie


Dane Wigington

We are being lied to on every level and to an unimaginable degree. The supposedly recovering Southern hemisphere ozone layer has hit a new record size, but "don't worry", the power structure controlled World Meteorological Organization says there is no reason for alarm. Really? Why shouldn't we be alarmed? And there is of course the "unprecedented" northern hemisphere ozone hole that the power structure controlled mainstream media won't even mention. Global geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Previous mainstream media tales of ozone hole recovery are lies designed to pacify the public for as long as possible. 


The northern hemisphere ozone hole (unknown to most) is also expanding.

It seems appropriate to wonder what will it take for the gravity of the aerosol spraying to be realized by a larger percentage of the population. What it will take to compel more people to make halting climate engineering their priority issue? What it will take to prompt more to take action in order to bring this most dire issue out into the light? Off the chart UV radiation levels are increasingly evident in the environment, scorched tree trunks are one glaring red flag. How can we say for certain that the UV levels are too high? Because metering proves this fact beyond any doubt. The 3 minute video below is a UV metering demonstration.

Extreme UV radiation is frying the bark off of many tree species in countless locations.


This example of UV radiation scorching is from Redding, California

Each and every day the global assault on our planet, and all that lives and breaths, continues. The decimation being caused by the "SAG" (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) and "SRM" (solar radiation management) is far too immense to ever be quantified. Though no mainstream media source dares to mention SAG and SRM as primary causal factors regarding ozone layer damage, the mountain of data on the undisputed ozone layer destroying effects of SAG and SRM paint an all too clear conclusion. Extreme UV radiation levels are a major contributing factor in regard to overall forest decline. The short video below covers some of the UV damage from the front lines.

Particulate clouds (formed from the aircraft spraying) cause ozone destruction, period.  Government agencies and mainstream media would have us believe that the ozone decimation is primarily caused by by limited sources of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) from the ground level, this is also a lie. Though CFC's are certainly harmful to the ozone layer, they have been banned for decades. Why is the ozone destruction continuing to accelerate? The clearly visible spraying occurring in our skies and around the globe (by jet aircraft), is the primary source of ozone layer loss.  Science sources admit atmospheric particulates from geoengineering would cause ozone loss and drought (though they don't acknowledge the ongoing climate engineering reality). Internationally recognized geoengineer, David Keith, stated on the record his "proposal" of achieving an annual goal of 20,000, 000 tons of aluminum to be sprayed by jet aircraft (actual amounts are in all likelihood higher). 


Wilmington, NC. Photo credit: Marla Stair Wood

Again, all scientific study on the atmospheric effect of aerosol clouds makes clear that they have an ozone destroying effect. The higher the albedo (reflectivity) of the aerosols that are being sprayed, the more damage it does (aluminum has 400% higher albedo than sulphur dioxide).  The ozone layer is not recovering and cannot recover so long as the ongoing climate engineering continues to take its toll on this critical layer of our atmosphere.


The official mantra of ozone layer recovery is a lie. The massive ozone holes actually have a cooling effect in some regions like Antarctica. Is it possible the geoengineers may view the ozone holes (resulting from their atmospheric spraying programs) as beneficial for their objectives? Without the ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. The sun feels increasingly hot on your skin because it is. Even the backs of whales are being sunburned.  UV readings are skyrocketing around the globe and the damage is mounting at blinding speed. Many have begun to notice the intense UV radiation as the protective layers of the atmosphere continue to be shredded by the spraying. Why aren't we being told? The Canadian government has long since been refusing to let their scientists communicate with media. In the US, "gag orders" have been placed on all NWS and NOAA personnel. Nearly all current information is controlled. Finding the truth is an ever more difficult endeavor. A rapidly growing mountain of scientific data makes the lethal consequences of the atmospheric spraying all too clear. Its destructive and toxic fallout is ever more evident around the globe. Climate engineering/weather warfare (which is also biological warfare) is our greatest and most immediate threat short of nuclear disaster. 


All who are aware of this most dire issue need to do everything in their power to bring it to light for the masses before our biosphere is damaged beyond any meaningful recovery. It is imperative for those who have been "sitting the fence" on the critical climate engineering issue to realize its gravity and help in the effort to expose this greatest of all untold crimes in human history. Investigate and familiarize yourself with at least the basic facts in regard to SAG, SRM, ozone destruction, and the complete biosphere contamination from these programs. If all of us pulled together, who can say what good we may yet accomplish even at this late hour. Our "collective futures" are in the balance, we must make every day count.

Doubling Down On Geoengineering, Upcoming Conference To Discuss Microwaving The Atmosphere


Dane Wigington

The layers of insanity continue to grow, each heaped on top of another. The programmed human delusional mindset of the "techno fix" will very soon lead us to the total extermination of all life on Earth if it is not stopped. Methane is rapidly saturating the atmosphere of our planet. There have been countless triggers and causal factors to the unfolding cataclysm occurring over our heads, but the single greatest component of biosphere decimation is climate engineering.


Geoengineered skies in Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo credit: Regimantas Mimas

The front line Arctic scientists are in a justifiable panic about the blanket of methane that is rapidly covering the planet. They are urgently proposing the immediate deployment of mobile RF (radio frequency) transmitters to microwave the atmosphere with opposing frequencies. This proposal is a last ditch effort of total desperation to try and degrade the atmospheric methane buildup. There will be a presentation to address this "proposal" at the American Meteorological Society's 18th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, January 10-14, 2016, in New Orleans.  Unfortunately, these same Arctic scientists are either completely disconnected from reality or lying about the fact that geoengineering has already been going on for 65 years or more. The microwaving of the atmosphere to attempt degrading of methane (check project LUCY and Alamo) has also likely already been fully deployed long ago and is furthering the overall decimation of the climate system.


Project "LUCY" and "ALAMO"

The atmospheric methane acts like a layer of glass, thermal energy comes in, but cannot effectively escape. The continuing expansion of geoengineering is nothing more than an escalation of the already catastrophic destruction inflicted by these programs. Climate engineering is the "cure" that is even worse than the crisis it claims to mitigate. Microwaving the atmosphere will only further exacerbate already unimaginable environmental destruction. The latest NOAA "forecast" map below is alarming to say the least. It is nothing more than the scheduled weather from private defense contractor Raytheon. All the weather modeling for the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (both organizations now have federal "gag orders" placed on them) is done by Raytheon, who is also heavily involved in climate engineering. The radical imbalance reflected in the NOAA map below will worsen as the climate engineers continue to chemically cool selected regions on a rapidly warming planet.


Each color shade above reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal temperatures". If this NOAA map does not alarm you, it should.

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel ever created in human history on any subject. Contrary to what many would like to believe about the IPCC, they are not exaggerating the severity of global warming, but radically underreporting it. Thawing methane deposits (the most threatening climate factor of all) is not even considered in IPCC climate models. The buildup of thermal energy on our planet is already skyrocketing beyond comprehension (the equivalent heat energy of 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per day). El nino continues to build as sea surface temperatures go off the charts.


Ocean temperatures are going off the charts

The bottom line is this, we are in completely uncharted waters. The ever increasing layers of climate engineering insanity are exponentially increasing the severity of what we collectively face. The January 2016 meeting of the American Meteorological Society in New Orleans is an important event that should be attended by as many anti-geoengineering activists as possible. Any activists that do attend should arm themselves with credible informational flyers to distribute. It is up to all of us to send the following message: it is not OK for societies and scientists to participate in the lethal climate engineering programs in pursuit of their paychecks and pensions. We must send the message that the public will soon enough hold them legally and morally accountable for their criminal actions. All of us are needed to assists in this critical fight for the common good.