Search Results for: Program In Weather Modification

ABC Completely Omits Climate Engineering Facts


When I agreed to do an interview about geoengineering with ABC weatherman Chris Edwards (former military meteorologist), I was fully expecting a disinformation “hit piece”. My decision to press on with the interview was because I felt that such obvious spin and coverup would clearly expose the agenda of ABC and Mr. Edwards to quell ever increasing public awareness of global climate engineering. (geoengineering)

Was there a complete lack of journalistic integrity in the interview linked below? I will leave that up to the reader to decide.

Thin Ice


Now hear this. Our ancient space colony is the only home we have. It’s floundering on the shoals of denial, greed and immutable feedback processes. There are no lifeboats. If exploitive corporate interests, their political lackeys and mesmerized “consumers” keep focusing on the frivolous while trashing this singular blue oasis like there’s no tomorrow… there won’t be.

CHEMTRAILS A Planetary Catastrophe Created By Geoengineering


This photo-documentary has been revised and updated as of December 5, 2013.

Original post at

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. The quantum leap in applied science and technology has “precipitated” a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geo-engineering.

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe


Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

Health and Societal Consequences of Geoengineering


"We knew the world would not be the same. Few people laughed, few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."  – J. Robert Oppenheimer, 1965 NBC interview on the decision to drop the bomb for the Trinity Explosion

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race — Paul Craig Roberts


Now we come to chemtrails, branded another “conspiracy theory.” However, the US government’s efforts to geo-engineer weather as a military weapon and as a preventative of global warming appear to be real.

The US Government Commits Chemical Assault Against Its Citizens


Taking A Stand Against The Unrelenting Chemical Assault…
And Other Forms Of Atmospheric Chemical, Radioactive and Electro Pollution

White Elephant in the Sky

A growing movement of “We the People” have awakened from the smoke and mirrors control matrix. Once you awaken and arise, you fully realize the magnitude of the challenges to survive faced by humanity and life on earth. I have faith the human spirit will overcome but not until the majority are awake.

Chemtrails – Geoengineering: The Greatest “Crime of All Time”


This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes.

Chemtrails – Origins and Implications


Thanks to the internet reformation, chemtrails are now common knowledge, with only the most obtuse among us in denial. The proof, after all, is found not only in scientific treatises or articles on the web by unknowns such as this writer, but easily discerned by simply looking up into the sky on almost any given day.

Skyder Alert Wins International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality Award


Award-winning director, George Barnes is proud to  announce his win at this year's IFFPIE (International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality.) The new documentary, "Look Up", has established a new genre of activism documentaries. In addition to captivating and troubling content, it has integrated a unique mobile app and harnessed the power of social media to provide a new platform for activism.

CIA Is Funding Government-Led Chemtrailing Project: Spy Agency to Help Study “Security Impacts” of Geo-engineering


The CIA is funding a scientific study to determine the feasibility of altering the planet’s climate in order to stave off climate change, according to documents released by The National Academy of Sciences.

Greeks Reject US Doublespeak on Chemtrails and Climate Change


FN,- Wayne Hall, a Greece chemtrail activist, takes a look at how the US steers the discussion of climate change and geoengineering in a 15-minute video.

Scott Stevens – Coast to Coast


Television weatherman Scott Stevens shared his view that Project HAARP or similar technology has been used to manipulate the weather by altering atmospheric waves, and that this has been going on for decades. He came to this conclusion after studying visible satellite imagery showing large weather systems with anomalous “punched out” sections and square clouds. The punched out energy from these systems are moved to other parts of the sky, he explained.

Global Dimming


“New evidence that air pollution has masked the full impact of global warming suggests the world may soon face a heightened climate crisis.”
– After reading this article you will find the above quote is grossly underestimated.

Nano Aerosols and You


First, the almost good news: The 10-micron particles called for in the Hughes aerosol spray patent are not nano-size. Each microscopic 10-micron particle is 100th the diameter of a human hair. The bad news: Regardless of their inherent toxicity, all airborne particles 10-microns or smaller are classified “an extreme human health hazard” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because of their propensity to invade and inflame heart tissue. Sometimes lethally.

WHO Radio Interview with Dane Wigington 5/22/13



Geoengineering, The Ongoing Methodical Destruction Of The Biosphere – with Dane Wigington


Michael Gosney interview with Dane Wigington

Some Anti-Geoengineering Activists Are All Over The Board


So many people with so many different opinions in regard to what is going on in our skies. Who do you believe? If you read someone's opinion on the dire issue of geoengineering/chemtrails, is it possible to find any real science data to back up that opinion? Or is the opinion just more "hot air" ? (Which we already have far to much of)

What the hell are they spraying on us?


A review of “CASE ORANGE: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and Its Allies”

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth


More major publications are trying to “condition” the population to the idea of “geoengineering” as a cure for the increasingly extreme climate. It is ever more shocking that publications like “Foreign Affairs” can still pretend they don’t know SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) has been a lethal reality for decades. They say “SRM could cool the planet in a few months”, really? A mountain of data to date says otherwise.

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic “Cool Down”


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Geoengineers Pull Off Toxic "Cool Down"


“Winter Storm” Ukko materialized as planned. Considerable manipulation of the jet stream and extensive aerosol spraying of the cloud tops with ice nucleating elements brought it all together. Though many of the regions that received snow got it at temps well above the freezing mark. Other zones have now cooled off considerably and may stay that way for a while if heavy manipulation continues and it looks as if that’s what is planned. The second most extreme March jet stream on record is an additional profound factor in this “cool down” equation. It seems the geoengineers are playing every card they have at great cost to the planet. Are they trying to make us forget what it was like last year at this time?  March of 2012 saw the US literally baking in a completely unprecedented heat wave

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


What Is "Venus Syndrome"?

"Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

HAARP Geoengineering with Alchemy, Arctic Methane Global Emergency, UK Gov tells climate alarmists to “Chill Out”


The Arctic Methane Group (AMEG) is a group of scientists/concerned citizens studying the release of methane trapped under our North Pole’s icecap.  They claim that not only is methane currently being released, it is poised to explode again as it did in the dinosaurs age:

Winter Storm "Nemo"


The engineering and naming of “winter” storms, and the Weather Channel coverage that goes with them, is truly becoming ridiculous.