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Canada’s Frozen North Feels Financial Burn Of Global Warming


Source: Reuters

YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories, Canada, Oct 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – C limate change is taking a heavy economic toll on Canada's far north, with buildings collapsing as melting permafrost destroys foundations, rivers running low and wildfires all a drain on the region's limited finances, senior government officials said.

A sprawling area spanning the Arctic Circle with a population of less than 50,000, Canada's Northwest Territories has spent more than $140 million in the last two years responding to problems linked to global warming, the territory's finance minister said.


"Our budgets are getting squeezed dramatically from climate change," Finance and Environment Minister J. Michael Miltenberger told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"The roads are constantly moving as the permafrost is melting… massive shore erosion is putting buildings at risk. We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the past few years and the tie to climate change is more and more evident."

In this windswept territory, which already relies on central government subsidies, responding to global warming is crucial for its financial survival.

A major U.N. conference in Paris in December will aim to create a new global deal to curb climate change to take effect from 2020.

Scientists want to keep international temperature rises below 2 degrees compared with pre-industrial levels, while providing poor countries with money for adaptation.

But in parts of the Northwest Territories, average temperatures have already risen more than three degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels, government officials said.


Rapidly thawing permafrost is causing countless roadways to become all but impassible.

"In Paris, we are hoping for whatever it takes to turn this (climate change) around," politician Bob Bromley told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in the territorial capital, Yellowknife.

"It's going to require all hands on deck, and willing hands."

Diesel Dependence

The delicate ecosystem of the wide-skied territory, home to the indigenous Dene people, and where wolves, caribou and bison roam, has been plunged into a environmental vicious cycle.

Climate change has been linked to decreased water levels in the territory's major rivers, partly due to greater evaporation, causing a sharp contraction in hydro electric power generation.

As a result, the government has had to import more diesel, borrowing about $30 million this year alone to make up for the electricity shortfall, hurting its budget and increasing climate-warming emissions in a catastrophic feedback loop.

"It's not sustainable," said Miltenberger, the finance and environment minister.

He called on Canada's national government to provide more financial help for climate change mitigation, particularly in renewable power, to reduce the costs of importing diesel.

With a small population, and high operating costs due to its size and climate, the territory's main employers are diamond mining and the public sector. The region's indigenous people rely on the hunting of caribou as a key food source, but herds are declining, with climate change likely a significant driver.

Northwest Territories receives financial transfer payments of about $1.3 billion, or about $29,000 per resident, from Canada's national government to run public services.

Craig Scott, executive director of Ecology North, a Yellowknife-based environmental group, believes the government should have invested earlier in renewable energy.

Fuel trucks hauling diesel along gravel roads to small rural communities are a common site across the territory.

Generators have been working around the clock following the decline in hydro power, Scott said, and new holding tanks had to be imported to store the diesel.

"Renewable energies (including) micro hydro, solar and biomass have high capital costs in the short-term," Scott told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "But they are sustainable versus the long-term pain of diesel."

Source: Reuters

Over 3 Trillion Trees Have Perished From Our Planet Since The Dawn Of Man


Trees are a miraculous organism, a primary pillar in the web of life on our once thriving planet. They perform countless essential functions including sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. Not only have we already lost over 3 trillion trees during the anthropocene era (the age of man), the trees that remain are dying at blinding speed. No mainstream article dares to mention the climate engineering factor in regard to the catastrophic tree die-off even though this factor is mathematically the greatest and most destructive of all to the trees. The article below should be a shocking call to action. Climate engineering must be exposed and stopped before there is nothing left to salvage, make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” For The Coming Winter In The US


Dane Wigington

"Forecasters" are now trumpeting the arrival of a "Godzilla" El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought (which can be directly linked to the ongoing climate engineering insanity). How can such a prediction be made so early on? Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels, why wouldn't this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California? 


The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as "the ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain starving scenario the result of the climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures?


The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations as shown in the image below. Is "solar radiation management" the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers? The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example.


Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world. Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population. How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers "departure from normal high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets.


What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event?


With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest "forecasts" call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland?


Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US, how can it be possible for winter predictions of a "below average" temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country? The "forecast map" below should be carefully examined.


Other maps (below) use terms like "wintry battle zone" to describe their predictions for the southern states (in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted). The map below also states there may be "above normal" snow in spite of warmer temperatures, who is making and running the weather forecast industry?


Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. The Rothschilds own much of the industry where the very defense industry contractors that are heavily involved in the climate engineering insanity actually supply the weather modeling "predictions" for government agencies like The National Weather Service and NOAA. The Weather Channel is owned by multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let's not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of "Climate Corp" for nearly a billion dollars. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists are (with few exceptions)  paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just "natural weather". Their job is to convince the population that "mostly sunny" predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to is just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineering insanity. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather. So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing, does anyone believe our government does not know how to do the same?


With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east in the US. Whatever unfolds this winter, this point should be clear, the geoengineers and the global power structure have a noose around our collective necks and they are not about to let go. They control not only the weather, but the toxicity of the air we breath, the water we drink, and the soils we need to grow our food in. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system (this must always be considered and remembered), climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most destructive single factor of all. If we are to have any chance at preserving Earth's life support systems, we must all make our voices heard in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering.

New Science Study Confirms Contamination From Climate Engineering Assault


The "International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health" has just published an in depth research report from Dr. Marvin Herndon that directly implicates the use of highly toxic coal fly ash with 99% certainty as base material in the ongoing climate engineering programs. Why would such a material be utilized for climate engineering? Because coal ash is light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods. Additionally, it would give the climate engineers a form of plausible denial in regard to the source of materials raining down on us. Using a refined form of coal ash as a base material for climate engineering would also effectively disposes of the extremely fine coal ash particles in the process which has always been a problem for the industry.

To match Interview POLAND-BELCHATOW/

 Poland’s Belchatow Power Station, pictured here, is the European Union’s most polluting coal-fired power station

The curtain of lethal deception continues to be pulled back exposing the total tyranny of those in power. While they claim to be attempting to clean up our air, all available evidence makes clear the fact that highly toxic materials have been intentionally and continuously sprayed into our atmosphere as part of the ongoing climate engineering experimentation programs. The newly published study below is a very important breakthrough in the ongoing effort to expose the weather warfare assault on humanity. It is a huge addition to reports already posted on by Dr. Herndon. My sincere thanks to Dr.Herndon for his valuable efforts in this critical battle for life on Earth.
Dane Wigington


Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, article by Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015 / Published: 11 August, 2015


The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health. Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material. The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical. The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.


Geoengineering; coal fly ash; aerosol particulates; chemtrails; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); neurological disorders; chemically mobile aluminum.

1. Introduction

The interplay of political, military, and commercial interests during World War II led to the development and grand-scale deployment of a host of herbicides and pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). In her 1962 book Silent Spring [1] Rachel Carson called attention to the unintended consequences of herbicide and pesticide use, and launched the modern environmental movement. Half a century later there is growing evidence of a grave new and persistent global environmental health threat, again fomented by the interplay of political, military, and commercial interests. To date this new threat, posed by widespread, intentional tropospheric aerosol-particulate emplacement, has gone unremarked in the scientific literature for more than one decade. Here, based upon original research, the author discloses substantial evidence as to the identification and nature of the specific particulate substance involved and begins to describe the extent of this global public health and environmental threat.

Recently there have been calls in both the popular and scientific press to begin discussions about the possibility of engaging in future stratospheric geoengineering experiments to counter global warming [2,3]. Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere. The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world’s military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming [4]. Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s effort to engineer “the rivers of the sky”; the U.S. Army’s Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to “make mud, not war” over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, “a force multiplier” [5].

In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there. The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti. In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish (Figure 1). Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day. The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth’s biota to the fine-grained substance. The author’s concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here.

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Figure 1. Composite of four images of the blue sky over San Diego taken on cloudless days showing various instances of the on-going daily tanker-jet spraying of ultrafine-particulates into the troposphere. Upper Left: Spraying just started. Note that one tanker-jet turned off the spray in mid-flight. The “clouds” are dispersed particulates; Lower Right: Overcast “clouds” produced by intense tanker-jet emplacement of particulates.

Since the beginning of the 21st century there have been numerous observations of tanker-jet aerosol particulate spraying. Sometimes samples of rainwater, soil, and other residue were collected by concerned citizens and sent to commercial certified laboratories to be analyzed, although without an understanding of what tests should be made. The composition of the aerosolized particulate matter has been a tightly held secret. In the face of this unknown, there has been much sincere speculation in books and on the Internet, but also disinformation, attempts to convince the public that the particulate trails are nothing more than ice crystals formed from jet exhaust, and to pin on concerned citizens the pejorative moniker “conspiracy theorists”.

From the variety of observations reported in books and on the Internet, one might reasonably conclude that, at least during the early years, various weather-modification experiments were undertaken. But as indicated by photographic data and chemical analyses of post-spraying rainwater, one particular methodology was developed that ultimately was observed by the author to be operational on a daily basis in the skies over San Diego, and reportedly is now operational over much of the United States and in a number of foreign countries as well [6]. Beside the observational commonality, post-spraying rainwater was frequently found to contain aluminum and barium, two elements usually not present in naturally-occurring rainwater; sometimes strontium, a third element, was included in the tests and determined to be present [7]. The presence of strontium together with barium suggests that the undisclosed particulate matter is derived from a natural product, because alkaline earth elements, Group II on the Periodic Table, behave similarly and are often found together in nature. For example, cement contains calcium and often contains some strontium as well. That bit of insight evoked further considerations related to the potential costs and logistics of annually producing millions of tons of the undisclosed particulate matter and doing so out of public view.

Industrial coal burning produces four types of coal combustion residuals (CCRs): fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization product (FGDP), i.e., gypsum. Bottom ash is heavy and settles out; coal fly ash, on the other hand, is comprised of micron and sub-micron particles that would go up the smokestack unless captured and stored. Because of its well-known adverse environmental health effects, Western nations now mandate that coal combustion fly ash is to be captured and stored [8,9]. Representatives of coal burning utilities and their trade organizations actively promote commercial applications for coal fly ash, which, to name a few, include uses as additives to Portland cement, agricultural soil amendments, replacement for compacted backfills, mine reclamation, melting river ice, and as subsurface for roads. Some applications pose potential environmental health risks in the short term and/or in the long term as coal fly ash is a concentrated repository for many of the trace elements that were trapped in coal during its formation, including, but not limited to, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, thallium, thorium, vanadium and uranium. 

Although seemingly unacknowledged in publicly accessible reports and in scientific literature as a potential material for geoengineering, coal fly ash is one major global waste product stream with the appropriate grain-size distribution for aerosolized tropospheric spraying that is readily available at extremely low cost and with existent processing and transport infrastructure. The author submits the following hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

The objectives of the research are to provide substantial scientific evidence as to the correctness of the hypothesis, namely, that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and to reveal some of the adverse human public health consequences and the antagonistic consequences on Earth’s environment and biota.

2. Experimental Section

The methodology is two-fold: (1) Compare element ratios analyzed in rainwater, which were leached in the atmosphere from aerosolized particulates, with the corresponding element ratios that were extracted from coal fly ash into water in laboratory leaching experiments; and, (2) Compare the element ratios analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a HEPA filter with corresponding element ratios analyzed in coal fly ash material.

One of the reasons coal fly ash is sequestered, usually in lined ponds, is that a variety of toxic chemical elements are readily extracted by water, including but not limited to aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, thallium, lead, mercury and uranium. Scientists have conducted leaching experiments on coal fly ash samples, but none of the various investigations appear to be as thorough as that of Moreno et al.[10]. They obtained coal fly ash samples from 23 different European sources (from Spain, The Netherlands, Italy and Greece) which they analyzed for 33 chemical elements. They leached 100 grams of each coal fly ash sample with one liter of distilled water for twenty four hours, and then determined the concentrations of 38 elements in the leachate, the water-extract, from each experiment. Although there were some variations observed in the pre-leach coal fly ash chemical compositions and in the relative proportion of extracted elements in the leachate and variations in the resulting pH, the overall pattern of leachate elements was remarkably consistent among the different fly ash sources. Table 1 summarizes the average values for European coal fly ash pre-leach compositions and the average values of leachate chemical compositions that include those used in the present investigation.

Click image to enlarge

Table 1. Average chemical composition of the 23 un-leached and leached (leachate) European coal fly ash samples from Moreno et al.

With its normally limited natural cloud cover San Diego is ideal for observing tanker-jet dispersal of ultra-fine particulates. Because the city lacks heavy industries and their particulate pollution, it is an ideal environment to ascertain by rainwater measurement the nature of the specific particulates being sprayed which are leached by rainwater. The author personally collected rainwater samples for chemical analysis and compared those data to corresponding average values of experimental leachate chemical analyses [10], which as shown below provides a firm basis for identifying the particulate substance being emplaced as an aerosol in the troposphere as coal fly ash. Because of persistent spraying, rainwater devoid of spray contamination was not available.

For three months during a period of intense aerial spraying in 2011, an individual in Los Angeles, California captured and had analyzed outdoor air-borne particulates.The results were posted on the Internet [11]; subsequently the author obtained the analytical laboratory report. The requested analyses returned results for aluminum, barium and twelve trace elements. But the meaning of the data was not clear at the time. Comparison of those data with corresponding pre-leach average coal fly ash chemical analyses (Table 1), as shown below, further reinforces the correctness of identifying the particulate substance as coal fly ash that is being sprayed into the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering.

3. Results and Discussion

The average elemental composition of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash leach studied by Moreno et al. [10], presented as ratios relative to aluminum, is shown in Figure 2 as a function of Atomic Number. Normalization to one common element, in this case aluminum, makes comparisons possible when total mass or total volume is not available. In this plot, the less abundant leachate element ratios are not shown. Note that aluminum (Atomic Number 13), strontium (38), and barium (56), elements which are sometimes determined in post-spraying rainwater, are relatively abundant.

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Figure 2. The average leachate chemical concentration of each of the 38 elements from the 23 different sources of European coal fly ash (Table 1) studied by [10], normalized to aluminum so as to facilitate comparison with analyzed post-aerosol-spraying rainwater. Elements of lower concentration are not shown. Red leachate elements correspond to those measured in San Diego rainwater (Figure 3), from left to right, Boron, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Strontium and Barium.

Two commercial state-of-California certified laboratories, Babcock Laboratories, Inc. and Basic Laboratory, were engaged for the San Diego rainwater analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Their analytical results were consistent to within 2%–10%. Figure 3 shows concentrations of 8 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with corresponding element ratios in the [10] water-extract of coal fly ash leaching experiments (Table 1).

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Figure 3. The chemical concentrations of 8 elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in post-aerosol-spraying San Diego rainwater for comparison with similar average element ratios in the leachate of coal fly ash from Figure 1. This figure shows that post-spraying rainwater leached the same elements, in similar proportions, to the elements leached from coal fly ash in laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 8-element ratios of the San Diego rainwater extract of the tropospheric-emplaced particulate matter match element-by-element the laboratory water extract of coal fly ash within the range of observations. Said another way, the tropospheric-emplaced matter has the same water-leach characteristics as coal fly ash for at least eight elements, which is indeed strong evidence of the identification of the aerosolized substance as coal fly ash. For any indicated element the difference between the rainwater extract and average experimental coal fly ash element extract is less than the differences observed between the element extracted experimentally from the various coal fly ash sources [10]. 

Without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). Furthermore, the 8-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 3 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties and thus provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

One limitation in the use of commercial laboratories is in their limits of detection for some elements. Note from Figure 2 that the experimental coal fly ash leachate element ratios span six orders of magnitude. When academic research laboratories, with their high sensitivity capabilities, hopefully repeat the post-spray rainwater measurements, additional “matched pairs” for other elements will doubtlessly be added to the coal fly ash “fingerprint” presented in Figure 3.

For about fifteen years concerned individuals have sampled water, soil, and other materials in attempt to learn what is being sprayed into the atmosphere. From 15 May 2011 through 15 August 2011, a period intense tanker-jet spraying, an individual in Los Angeles, California operated a Honeywell model HHT081 HEPA Filter in her backyard in the vicinity of Olympic and La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90035. Samples were collected and then transferred via chain-of-custody to American Scientific Laboratory, a state-of-California certified laboratory for analysis of aluminum, barium, and twelve trace elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 

Figure 4 shows concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash data (Table 1) from [10].

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Figure 4. The chemical concentrations of 14 chemical elements, normalized to aluminum, measured in the Los Angeles HEPA air filter dust for comparison with corresponding average element ratios for un-leached coal fly ash (Table 1) data from [10]. This figure shows the 14 elements measured in the collected filter dust occur in the same relative proportions as similar elements in un-leached coal fly ash from published laboratory investigations [10]. This is strong evidence that the substance emplaced into the troposphere is coal fly ash. At a 99% confidence interval, the two sets of data have the same mean (T-test) and the same variance (F-test).

Like a fingerprint, the 14-element ratios of the HEPA dust match well the corresponding average chemical element ratios of un-leached coal fly ash. As with Figure 3 data, without mass or volume totals, statistical treatment was somewhat limited. Nevertheless, at a 99% confidence interval, the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average coal fly ash have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test). 

Coal fly ash from difference sources vary somewhat in their relative proportions of chemical elements. Figure 5, a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10], provides an indication of the range of variation in the coal fly ash material from different sources. Significantly, for any indicated element ratio in Figure 4, the difference between HEPA dust material and average coal fly ash composition is generally less than the extremes observed between high and low values of the various coal fly ash sources shown in Figure 5. Furthermore, the 14-element “fingerprint” shown in Figure 4 is comprised of elements with different chemical properties, implying a unique process, and thus further provides extremely strong validation of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes.

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Figure 5. This figure is a plot of the normalized high and low value for each of the 14 respective elements from un-leached coal fly ash [10]. It provides an indication of the range of variation in un-leached coal fly ash material from different sources. This natural variation in coal fly ash elemental compositions may help to explain the variations observed in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Reliable observers have reported tropospheric aerosol emplacement since the late 1990s. In the early phases of the program one might suspect that a variety of substances were tried. At what point was coal fly ash chosen as the preferred substance? In the past, one of the great uncertainties about analyzing post-aerosol rainwater has been which elements to measure. Aluminum was commonly measured, while barium and strontium were sometimes measured; other chemical elements were rarely measured. As aluminum, barium and strontium are prominent water-extracts of coal fly ash, their presence in post-aerosol rainwater might be taken as a 3-element fingerprint of aerosolized coal fly ash, albeit with much less certainty than the 8-element fingerprint shown in Figure 3. Based upon the 3-element fingerprint, with its limited certainty, the year 2002 is the earliest data found to date showing simultaneous measurement of these three elements in post-aerosol rainwater [12]. Within that certainty-limitation, the 3-element fingerprint in post-spraying rainwater measurements indicates the global extent of tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash dispersing: such measurements have been made in the United States, Canada, France, Portugal, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Further, this list is unlikely to be exhaustive. The global extent of tropospheric coal fly ash emplacement is inferred from rainwater analyses reporting the three elements (aluminum, barium and strontium) that are prominent in the leachate of laboratory coal fly ash water-leach experiments.

The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.

The rainwater and dust sample collection, in San Diego and Los Angeles, respectively, took place in areas far removed from aerosol-polluting heavy industries under circumstances of intense and persistent aerial spraying of fine grain particulates that left a white haze in the sky. The tropospheric lifetime of the particulates was sufficiently short as to necessitate near-daily spraying, which is an argument against the collected samples originating far away, such as from China due to the global movement of weather. Whereas the “fingerprint” evidence is compelling, strongly suggesting identical processes/materials, additional investigations should be undertaken and, indeed, are being planned.

Off the coast of Southern California individuals have observed tanker jets “dumping” massive quantities of particulate matter in relatively short bursts, colloquially called “bombs”, which disperse significantly before prevailing winds bring the matter to the coast line. One plan under consideration is to use aircraft to capture in flight some of the concentrated material, which would then be analyzed physically and chemically, and as well be subjected to leaching experiments. 

In the 1970s acid rain [13] liberated aluminum in a chemically mobile form from otherwise inert sources, such as mine tailings, that posed an environmental health threat to a host of organisms [14,15]. Forest die-offs, reduced survival or impaired reproduction of aquatic invertebrates, fish, and amphibians were directly connected to aluminum toxicity, while indirect effects on birds and mammals were also identified [16]. Tropospheric aerosolized coal fly ash poses a similar environmental health threat without necessarily requiring an acid environment. In the experiments by Moreno et al. [10], distilled water led to aluminum extraction while other chemical reactions yielded leachate pH values in the range 6.2–12.5. The pH of post-spraying rainwater is a function of the composition of the coal fly ash and the degree of its equilibration with atmospheric water. Natural rainwater has an acidic pH of about 5.7 due to interaction with atmospheric CO2 [17]. The pH of the analyzed post-spraying San Diego rainwater was 5.2 whereas in instances elsewhere it has been observed as high as 6.8.

Long exposure to air pollution particulates, not necessarily coal fly ash, in sizes ≤ 2.5µm (PM2.5) is associated with morbidity and premature mortality [18,19]. One may therefore reasonably conclude that aerosolized coal fly ash, at least the PM2.5 component, is detrimental to human health.

The ultra-fine particles of aerosolized coal fly ash do not remain at tanker-jet operational altitudes: they mix with and pollute the air people breathe. Tropospheric aerosol coal fly ash can potentially endanger humans through two primary routes: (1) ingestion of rainwater-extract of coal fly ash toxins, directly or after concentration by evaporation and (2) particulate intake through inhalation or through contact with the eyes or skin [20]. In the latter instance, harm to humans can arise from in situ body-fluid extraction of coal fly ash toxins [21] as well as from the consequences of tissue contact [22]. Coal fly ash that is PM2.5is readily entrained in terminal airways and alveoli and retained in the lungs for long periods of time; the small grain size enables it to penetrate and reach deep within the airways where it can cause inflammation and pulmonary injury [23].

Coal fly ash contains a host of potentially leachable toxins, including aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium (III), chromium (IV), cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, selenium, strontium, thallium, thorium, and uranium. Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste [24]. Moreover, many of the most toxic elements are enriched in the PM2.5 component of coal fly ash [25]. Whether or not the coal fly ash used for geoengineering is selectively enriched in PM2.5is not known, but enrichment in the small particle size fraction would be advantageous in yielding greater surface area for sunlight reflection.

The extent of adverse health consequences from aerosolized coal fly ash depends on a variety of factors including age, physical condition, individual susceptibility, concentration and exposure duration. Moreover, some toxic elements from tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash, in addition to direct bodily input by inhalation or transdermal infusion, may be concentrated by processes in nature. Arsenic, for example, one of the coal fly ash toxins, poses the greatest health threat in its inorganic form. Arsenic can be taken up by a variety of organisms and, like mercury, can be passed up the food chain [26]. Arsenic can be involved with hypertension-related cardiovascular disease [27], cancer [28], stroke [29], chronic lower respiratory diseases [30] and diabetes [31]. Arsenic leached from coal fly ash taken in by pregnant women can crossover the placenta to the fetus [32]. Concentration and exposure duration increase likelihood of this happening. 

The evidence presented here of deliberate, widespread and pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe, opens new research possibilities into the physiological effects of long-term exposure to a substance that potentially releases multifarious toxins upon exposure to internal body fluids. Those subjects are beyond the scope of the present article. Nevertheless, mention should be made of perhaps the least appreciated coal fly ash potentially water-extracted toxin, chemically mobile aluminum.

Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids. Aluminum is implicated in such neurological diseases as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [33,34,35,36,37] all of which have markedly increased in recent years. Aluminum is thought to impair fertility in men [38] and is also implicated in neurological disorders of bees and other creatures [39,40,41].

If in fact some instances of neurological diseases are related to weather-modification activities during the last two decades involving the tropospheric coal fly ash aerosols, then the recent ramp-up in tanker-jet spraying, as witnessed by this author in San Diego, will likely cause a sharp spike in their occurrence. Epidemiological investigations of wide-ranging scope, including for example childhood and elderly disorders and birth defects, may begin to shed light on the human toll extracted by spraying coal fly ash into the troposphere. Those investigations should especially consider airline flight crews and frequent airline travelers who breathe the air at nearly the same altitude as the spraying.

The near-daily intense aerial spraying over San Diego witnessed by the author is part of a multinational Western, if not global, program that has been observed for a number of years in United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, but never acknowledged publically by officials. Without public candor it is difficult to know the underlying motivations and the range of specific activities involved. One thing seems certain: the potential damage to public health and the environment is likely to be unprecedented in its planetary scope. 

The process of burning coal concentrates the impurities in coal fly ash, an unnatural anhydrous chemical complex whose environmental health hazards are well-known. For decades individuals and organizations have fought long and hard for regulations requiring sequestration of this hazardous industrial waste product. So what, one might ask, is the reason for the current, widespread, pervasive spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere with its potential harm to public health and the environment? 

Since the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 there has been much interest in global warming, which is perceived as a security threat. Geoengineering offers two basic approaches to the problem of global warming: Remove and trap carbon dioxide, or block sunlight from reaching the Earth. Trapping carbon dioxide is a difficult, prohibitively expensive, undeveloped technology. Blocking sunlight is almost universally recognized by geoengineers as being relatively inexpensive, easy to implement, and moreover has a precedent in nature: major volcanic eruptions inject ash into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) which may remain suspended for a year or more, dimming sunlight and momentarily cooling Earth. 

While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future [2,3], evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program. But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash. To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground.

Aside from the serious potential toxicity ramifications on public health and Earth’s biota that derive directly from aerosolized emplacement of coal fly ash into the troposphere, such pervasive, widespread, tanker-jet spraying affects weather and Earth’s heat balance in ways that act in opposition to cooling the Earth. Those who reside in locations where natural cloud cover is rare, like San Diego, notice the rapid cooling after the sun goes down, except on cloudy days when heat is retained. During the daytime coal fly ash clouds may block sunlight, but at night may retard heat loss from the Earth, act to prevent rainfall, and contribute to global warming. Nighttime tanker-jet spraying, presumably to the hide the activity from public view, further retards heat loss.

There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources. As reported by NASA, “Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out. These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop. Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size” [42]. In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall. That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash. The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production.

4. Conclusions

The original research reported here provides strong evidence for the correctness of the hypothesis: Coal fly ash is most likely the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. That evidence is based upon the discovery that: (1) the assemblage of 8 elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and, (2) the assemblage of 14 elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.

Evidence indicates that tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash (1) has been taking place throughout the 21st century, (2) on an international scale, and (3) with significant ramping-up since about 2013. Throughout that period of time there has been a program of well-orchestrated disinformation, but no public disclosure, no informed consent, and no public health warnings.

The profound implications on environmental health include exposing humans and Earth’s other biota to: (1) chemically mobile aluminum, implicated in neurological disorders and botanic demise; (2) exposure to toxic heavy metals and radioactive elements; (3) preventing rainfall with concomitant loss of food production and habitats; and, (4) possibly contributing to global warming with concomitant arctic melting.

More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world’s attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture. Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught. Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science. The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth’s biota. Are we to remain silent? Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth’s perpetually moving atmosphere?


I thank Ian Baldwin for many helpful discussions, criticisms, and advice. I thank Weidan Zhou for professional statistics advice.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest. 


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The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here


Source: Rolling Stone

Historians may look to 2015 as the year when shit really started hitting the fan. Some snapshots: In just the past few months, record-setting heat waves in Pakistan and India each killed more than 1,000 people. In Washington state's Olympic National Park, the rainforest caught fire for the first time in living memory. London reached 98 degrees Fahrenheit during the hottest July day ever recorded in the U.K.; The Guardian briefly had to pause its live blog of the heat wave because its computer servers overheated. In California, suffering from its worst drought in a millennium, a 50-acre brush fire swelled seventyfold in a matter of hours, jumping across the I-15 freeway during rush-hour traffic. Then, a few days later, the region was pounded by intense, virtually unheard-of summer rains. Puerto Rico is under its strictest water rationing in history as a monster El Niño forms in the tropical Pacific Ocean, shifting weather patterns worldwide.

Sea Levels Are Rising 10 Times Faster Than Predicted And Will Soon Reshape The Globe


Catastrophic sea level rise is not an if, but a when. In reality, it is already well underway and getting worse rapidly. Even the newly released study that makes clear oceans are rising 10 times faster than previous estimates still likely falls far short of the true gravity of what is unfolding. Those that are still desperately clinging to their denial of global climate engineering will be forced to face their fears very soon, countless converging climate related cataclysms are closing in on us all. Governments around the globe have long since collaborated and fully deployed global climate engineering programs, they absolutely knew what was coming. The paradox is this, available data indicates climate engineering is actually making the overall warming far worse, not better (while at the same time irreparably contaminating the entire planet in the process). Recent studies prove solar radiation management can't work and will thus only exacerbate an already bad climate scenario. What will the US southern and eastern coasts look like as the seas overtake low lying lands, the map below is sobering and yet is only a tiny glimpse of the overall calamity of biosphere collapse now faced by the human race. 


When all the ice deposits around the globe melt (and this is the fast track that we are on) , the total sea level rise is in the vicinity of 80 meters. The power structure is trying desperately to hide what is unfolding from public for as long as possible for obvious reasons, it is up to each and every one of us to bring the critical climate engineering issue to the light of day. The article below is the most recent study update from the front lines. Though climate engineering is not mentioned in this latest study (as is the case with so many publications which are as of yet afraid to speak the whole truth), data presented is still relevant.
Dane Wigington


Earth's Most Famous Climate Scientist Issues Bombshell Sea Level Warning

Source: Mother Jones, article by Eric Holthaus​

In what may prove to be a turning point for political action on climate change, a breathtaking new study casts extreme doubt about the near-term stability of global sea levels.


The study—written by James Hansen, NASA's former lead climate scientist, and 16 co-authors, many of whom are considered among the top in their fields—concludes that glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica will melt 10 times faster than previous consensus estimates, resulting in sea level rise of at least 10 feet in as little as 50 years. The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, brings new importance to a feedback loop in the ocean near Antarctica that results in cooler freshwater from melting glaciers forcing warmer, saltier water underneath the ice sheets, speeding up the melting rate. Hansen, who is known for being alarmist and also right, acknowledges that his study implies change far beyond previous consensus estimates. In a conference call with reporters, he said he hoped the new findings would be "substantially more persuasive than anything previously published." I certainly find them to be.

To come to their findings, the authors used a mixture of paleoclimate records, computer models, and observations of current rates of sea level rise, but "the real world is moving somewhat faster than the model," Hansen says.

Hansen's study does not attempt to predict the precise timing of the feedback loop, only that it is "likely" to occur this century. The implications are mindboggling: In the study's likely scenario, New York City—and every other coastal city on the planet—may only have a few more decades of habitability left. That dire prediction, in Hansen's view, requires "emergency cooperation among nations."

We conclude that continued high emissions will make multi-meter sea level rise practically unavoidable and likely to occur this century. Social disruption and economic consequences of such large sea level rise could be devastating. It is not difficult to imagine that conflicts arising from forced migrations and economic collapse might make the planet ungovernable, threatening the fabric of civilization.

The science of ice melt rates is advancing so fast, scientists have generally been reluctant to put a number to what is essentially an unpredictable, nonlinear response of ice sheets to a steadily warming ocean. With Hansen's new study, that changes in a dramatic way. One of the study's co-authors is Eric Rignot, whose own study last year found that glacial melt from West Antarctica now appears to be "unstoppable." Chris Mooney, writing for Mother Jones, called that study a "holy shit" moment for the climate.

One necessary note of caution: Hansen's study comes via a nontraditional publishing decision by its authors. The study will be published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, an open-access "discussion" journal, and will not have formal peer review prior to its appearance online later this week. The complete discussion draft circulated to journalists was 66 pages long, and included more than 300 references. The peer review will take place in real time, with responses to the work by other scientists also published online. Hansen said this publishing timeline was necessary to make the work public as soon as possible before global negotiators meet in Paris later this year. Still, the lack of traditional peer review and the fact that this study's results go far beyond what's been previously published will likely bring increased scrutiny. On Twitter, Ruth Mottram, a climate scientist whose work focuses on Greenland and the Arctic, was skeptical of such enormous rates of near-term sea level rise, though she defended Hansen's decision to publish in a nontraditional way.

In 2013, Hansen left his post at NASA to become a climate activist because, in his words, "as a government employee, you can't testify against the government." In a wide-ranging December 2013 study, conducted to support Our Children's Trust, a group advancing legal challenges to lax greenhouse gas emissions policies on behalf of minors, Hansen called for a "human tipping point"—essentially, a social revolution—as one of the most effective ways of combating climate change, though he still favors a bilateral carbon tax agreed upon by the United States and China as the best near-term climate policy. In the new study, Hansen writes, "there is no morally defensible excuse to delay phase-out of fossil fuel emissions as rapidly as possible."

Asked whether Hansen has plans to personally present the new research to world leaders, he said: "Yes, but I can't talk about that today." What's still uncertain is whether, like with so many previous dire warnings, world leaders will be willing to listen.

Source: Mother Jones, article by Eric Holthaus

Veteran Health Department Official Speaks Out On Climate Engineering Dangers, Again


Only a few State and Federal agency officials have shown any courage whatsoever in regard to speaking truth to power, especially on the subject of climate engineering. One shining exception is environmental health specialist Gary Attalla. I have had the honor of communicating with Gary for several years. During this time he has tried diligently and consistently to force the critical geoengineering issue to light with his peers and within his agency, the New Jersey Department of Health. In spite of constant resistance from other agency officials and politicians, Gary has pressed on in his battle to raise awareness. The letter below is Gary's latest update report on what the ongoing geoengineering contamination is doing to our health. My most sincere gratitude to him for his ongoing efforts, if there were more in the "system" with Gary's courage, we would not be in such a dark place today.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Climate Change, Is This How It Ends?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

Hornby Island July 6, 2015  – Yesterday around 4 am, I awoke disturbed and opened my back door on an ominous orange sky. I'm either in an Alfred Hitchcock movie or it's the end of the world, I muttered.

Right the second time.

Last evening down at the cove, shutterbugs snapped away with giant lenses at a fat red ball that looked more like Mars than the setting sun. And this morning, I awoke hacking and choking. The smoke streaming through an open window smelled like a big building burning right next door. 

But there is no big building. 

And it wasn't burning. 

Even more unsettling, the usual daybreak cacophony of robins, ravens, eagles and crows was… silent.

The winged ones had fled.

I flipped on the laptop and booted up… 

“A haze blankets the majority of people in BC,” Global News was reporting. Comparing square-kilometers, this is the same as saying, “a haze blankets most people in California, New Zealand and the UK.” [Global News July 6/15;]


While I'd slept, across the Georgia Strait the Metro Vancouver Air Quality Health Index had gone to 10+ “Very High Risk”. Health officials are warning that secondhand wildfire smoke inflames lung and heart linings – and is especially dangerous for infants, the elderly and those who have diabetes, lung or heart disease. (Yikes! C'est moi!) 

As my wounded ticker protests this latest insult, the Times Colonist confirms that wildfires burning throughout the province are increasing hospital admissions for cardiovascular symptoms. People with chronic medical conditions are being warned to avoid “strenuous exercise” and stay the heck inside. [Times Colonist July 5/15; Global News July 6/15; CBC July 6/15]

I shut the window, cranked the HEPA filter up high and popped another baby aspirin. 

Somebody Call Somebody

Several burning BC communities have declared states of emergency, which means the provincial government must borrow more money to pick up the tab. With climate events cascading, we know how this ends. 

With most of British Columbia officially declared an “Extreme Fire Risk”, a province-wide ban on all fires, campfires, fireworks, torches, “exploding rifle targets” and similar shenanigans is in effect. The fine for violators is 100 grand. But at this point, anyone seen flicking a glowing butt towards the woods will probably be shot. And maybe not with a tranquilizer dart. [Vancouver Sun July 5/15]

A wildfire up north near Port Hardy is burning less than 300 metres from some evacuated homes. This is extremely weird. As a frequent visitor to “Port” informed me by phone, he's been there “maybe two days when it wasn't raining.” [CBC July 6/15]

But not recently. This “wet coast” town at the northern tip of Vancouver Island hasn't seen rain in two months. “People in the north island need to understand that we are in a very unusual place,” advises Port Hardy Mayor Hank Bood. “We’re not fooling around anymore.” [Canadian Press July 6/15]

“We’re in areas where we’ve never been before. We’ve never had a dry May and June like we’ve just had,” echoes North Vancouver Mayor, Darrell Mussatto. “We’re at record low inflows into our reservoirs.” [Global News July 6/15]

Can You Say British California? 

This is the first weekend of enhanced water restrictions. The “Level 4” drought rating currently in effect for southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, means “water supplies are insufficient to meet the needs of communities and ecosystems.” Residents are required to try to cut their water use by an additional 20% over “regular” reductions. [CBC July 6/15]

“Level 4” drought = Panic Now And Avoid The Rush

There is no Level 5. 

With nearly all of the lower mainland, most of Vancouver Island, and vast areas of northeastern and central BC now in extreme fire danger rating, it feels more like late-August 2030 than early July 2015. 

Despite a massive weekend tourist blitz, at least this tinder-dry, 11 square-mile isle isn't burning yet. But with 178 total active wildfires on nearby Vancouver Island and the BC mainland, we are surrounded by burning forests and desiccated grasslands to our north, south and east. [Global News July 5/15]

According to the authorities, much of the smoke settling in the trees outside is coming from a wildfire burning in steep terrain and heavy timber near Pemberton. Tripling in size overnight, this 2,000-hectare fire “is displaying a vigorous and aggressive rate of spread, with periods of organized crown fire,” the BC Wildfire Management Branch reports. Crown fires spread flames from exploding tree top to tree top, igniting “spot fires” ahead of their advance. [CBC July 6/15]

Pemberton is 299 kilometers away. 

Closer across the water, one firefighter has died fire-fighting in Sechelt, where the Shishalh Nation reports a spike in respiratory distress calls to emergency services. The 38-bed St. Mary’s Hospital is filled to capacity with health complications from smoke inhalation. [Global News July 5/15; Vancouver Sun July 5/15]

“It’s unusual for this time of year; there’s no relief in sight in the weather forecast. We’re expecting temperatures in the mid-30s [C], and absolutely no rain forecast in the near future. That’s definitely cause for concern,” worries Provincial Fire Information Officer, Kevin Skrepnek.

How about freaking out? 

Knock Knock. Who's There? Carbon Karma Collectors

And how about mentioning the perils of gung-ho carbon burning? In a deluge of news reports on BC's Big Burning, repeated mentions are being made of this record dastardly drought. But not it's cause. While industrial stacks belch greenhouse gases, and holiday-makers everywhere race crazily around in cars, boats and planes – total mentions of “climate change”, “global warming” and “record-high carbon emissions” in press stories relating to major fires now burning in three provinces, Alaska and Siberia… ?


High And Dry


So go ahead and guess the number of corporate-media references to ongoing geoengineering aerosols sponging up the remaining moisture over North America's gasping western seaboard…


“With temperatures 12–18 degrees [C] hotter than they normally are this time of year,” the Canadian Press suggests, “a massive ridge of high pressure will remain anchored over the Pacific Northwest [with] ongoing dry conditions and warmer than normal” temperatures.

Canada's national wire service neglected to mention how this “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” is being created by a flatlined jetstream, no longer driven by the usual north-south temperature differentials wiped out by human-induced warming… and daily maintained by an ongoing aerosol assault clearly visible to anyone looking up at those telltale white plumes who understands they should be seeing no icy contrails at this time of year. 


Atmospheric-heating gases at 350 parts per million are optimistically considered possibly/maybe/wait-and-see “safe”. 

Right now, on this freakish morning during Earth's careening Sixth Mass Extinction, carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gases (CO2e) are nudging past 478 ppm… [MIT]

Misha phoned next. “Nobody's gets it,” she said in a voice verging on despair. Indeed, frantic denialists are blaming The Big Drying on:

1. Bad luck
2. The pope
3. A vindictive sky god
4. “Cyclical” global extinction events
5. Just one of those things

A poll of 20 countries shows the United States comfortably leading the world in climate denial. Just four out of 10 Americans think climate change is a serious threat to their carbon-belching, weather-wracked nation. 

More than half of USers agree with the statement: “The climate change we are currently seeing is a natural phenomenon that happens from time to time.” 

But 74% of South Koreans and 78% of Japanese disagree.

The populations of France, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Argentina have also totally flunked climate denial, with 80% or more of those surveyed telling pollsters that human activity is driving climate change. While more than 60% of surveyed Spaniards and Italians and more than 70% of Japanese consider climate change a serious threat, in China 91% of those polled say we're doomed if we don't change our ways. [Think Progress July 22/14]

You Think?

Just 10 days ago, a NASA/MODIS satellite shot showed much of Baked Alaska shrouded under a 3,000+ mile cloud of smoke. Now enmeshed in the high-altitude jetstream, “it blankets much of the Northern Hemisphere in a brown-carbon haze.” [Robert Scribbler June 26/15]

Meanwhile, as the hot Pacific Ocean turns anoxic and acidic beneath the keel of my solar-electric outrigger canoe… throughout Siberia, Alaska and the high Arctic, no-longer-frozen permafrost continues to burn in vast underground peat fires. Hundreds of billions of tons of peat drying in record-high winter, spring and summer temperatures “creates an understory fuel that can keep blazes burning for weeks, months, and sometimes years,” Robert Scribbler warns, “pushing blazes to explosive size and dumping massive plumes of smoke into an atmosphere already heavily laden with Alaska’s brown carbon pulse.” [Electra Finds Some WindRobert Scribbler June 29/15]

Back in the White House, someone must be smelling smoke. Earlier last month at the National Hurricane Center, Obama dared suggest that climate change is fuelling extreme weather. “This is the only planet we’ve got,” came the predictable presidential sound-bite. “And years from now, I want to be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could to protect it.”

He'll be lucky if they don't whack him upside the head. This is the same guy who just green-lighted offshore Arctic oil drilling and promised to open vast tracts of public land to heavily-subsidized coal mining. [OtherWords June 7/15]

Reality 10, Denial 0

Here's the real deal: 

On June 18, 2015, some 320,000 square kilometers of reflective Arctic sea ice melted into dark, heat-absorbing waters in a single day. That’s an ice cube the size of New Mexico gone in 24 hours. [Robert Scribbler June 18/15]

In Alaska, on that same day, close to a half-million more forest acres burned. The 314 wildfires raging throughout the state brought the 2015 total to 1,912,000 acres incinerated by human-powered climate shift and abetted by geoengineering madmen. (At some near-future Eco-Nuremberg trial, we're going to ask them why.)

Also in a recent single day, 138 new fires erupting throughout northwest Canada propelled that burn pile to more than 2,250,000 acres since the start of 2015. Some of those fire fronts among the 30 blazes burning near Great Slave Lake were more than 15 miles long.

Oh, Oh, Canada

Nearly eight out of every 10 Canadians say that Earth’s climate is changing and the federal government is failing to address this growing “problem”. More than half of all Canadians (56%) are convinced climate change is the result of human activities. [National Post May 18/15]

But thinking isn't doing. 

With geoengineering aerosols and smoke plumes alternately obscuring our skies, the most pertinent question is:

What are you doing about it?


Stop The Geoengineers [Geoengineering Watch]

Stop Climate Change [Greenpeace]

We're Building A Global Climate Movement []

Center For Climate And Energy Solutions

WorldWatch Institute

Your Carbon Footprint Calculator

Be Part Of The Solution [EPA]

How Millions of People Can Help Solve Climate Change [PBS]

East Siberian Heat Wave


Source: Arctic News

The image below illustrates the intensity of the heatwave over western Europe, with temperatures forecast to keep hitting the top end of the scale for days to come.

Global warming is strengthening heatwaves. The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the world, so the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator is getting smaller. It is this temperature difference that powers the jet stream. The result is that the speed at which the jet stream circumnavigates the globe is falling. Furthermore, the path of the jet stream is changing, sometimes extending far to the north, then deeper to the south, just like a river will meander more where the land is flatter.

Climate Engineering And Weather Extremes Causing Societal Disruption and Mass Mortality


Climate engineering is weather warfare and biological warfare, these issues are all one in the same and cannot be separated. Climate engineering has been the power structure's primary weapon of choice for decades. Anthropogenic activity has inflicted immense and irreparable damage to the planet and climate system on countless fronts. The climate engineers are manipulating these systems as a means of power and control over populations. The geoengineers can create toxic cool-downs over large regions, at the expense of worsening the overall warming of the planet. The weather makers can also engineer protracted drought and extreme heat. One example is massive ionosphere heater induced high pressure zones like the "ridiculously resilient ridge" that is parked over the US West is literally frying the landscape and drying up all sources of water. Global climate engineering programs are ultimately about power and control, period. Even the El Niño phenomenon is not exempt from the climate engineers attempt to manipulate. The geoengineering weapon of mass destruction is being aggressively used against populations around the globe, including the US population. Every single day the geoengineers interfere with the climate, it inflicts even more damage to the climate system and the biosphere. China and Russia are also heavily involved in their own weather modification madness, it is a competitive race of total destruction. The newly published article below only scratches the surface of the ongoing climate carnage occurring around the globe.
Dane Wigington


The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?


The short article below was authored by Penny Teal, a UC Berkeley trained PhD (chemistry). Dr. Teal has outlined straightforward facts on which sound conclusions can and should be formed in regard to the current state of the climate. Penny has also spoken out about the first hand experiences she has had with universities and their power structure paid for agenda to program their students and thus society. 
Dane Wigington


The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?

By Penny Teal, PhD, contributing writer for

The POTUS (President of the United States, or perhaps Puppet of same) has made it clear, most recently in an address to the cadets at the Coast Guard base in New London, CT, that climate change (more appropriately called global heating, or global meltdown) poses a serious threat to the planet's security. He did not clarify, however, what he meant by "the planet's security". From this citizen's perspective it is very clear that global warming poses an existential threat to every living thing on the planet; the planet itself, however, seems likely to remain on course around its star for millennia to come.

How do we know that global warming is a problem? It's in the data, all of which is available on this website already. Just one example: fourteen of the fifteen hottest years on record are to be found in the new century (that is, somewhat shockingly, in the last 15 years); the fifteenth is 1998. Already 2015 is on track to be the hottest year ever. Okay, that was two examples.

Obviously, if we care about the planet, we need to reverse global warming. And since we humans have caused it, we can, at the very least, stop doing whatever led to the problem in the first place. There is no doubt that human activity, primarily the wanton burning of fossil fuels, is causing global temperatures to rise. If you meet a skeptic, here is a simple defense of that statement – that is to say, that fact.

A Tale of Three Planets

One need only look over the planet's shoulders, toward Venus and toward Mars, then to our own blue Earth, to see a perfect model of the Greenhouse Effect (GE) that keeps life thriving on the planet in the middle, while making it impossible for life to develop (life as we know it, at any rate) on the other two.

The GE is quite simple to explain to the skeptic. Sunlight, in the form of… well, light (electromagnetic radiation, if you want to be more precise, because there are non-visible wavelengths in addition to the light) arrives at a planet, warms its surface, and is radiated back upward as heat (or thermal energy – you have to choose the terms based on the look of understanding or confusion on the sceptic's face here).

This radiant heat energy (because it involves only long wavelengths) interacts differently with chemical gases in the atmosphere differently than does the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Specifically, gases like carbon dioxide, water, and methane will reflect some of the heat, sending it back downward like the roof of a greenhouse (hence the name for the… you get it). Just as in a greenhouse, the area under the atmospheric "roof" gets warmer.

Mars, for starters, has no atmosphere to speak of. No atmosphere means no gases, hence, no GE. Hence, a very cold and barren (but nicely red) planet. Venus, over the other shoulder, has a planet thick with greenhouse gases, thus is extremely hot; and Venus is incapable of sustaining life as well (and Venus would not be significantly warmer than Earth without those gases, even though it is closer to the sun).

In the middle is our Earth, with its mix of gases wherein CO2 used to be present at under 300 parts per million (ppm). However, our industrial age burning of fossil fuels has filled the atmosphere with increasing levels of CO2, up to and now over 400 ppm – and done so inevitably. This is a fact that cannot be wished or hand-waved away. Increasing the greenhouse gases increases the heat- retaining capacity of a planet – again, this happens inevitably.

These two facts alone are proof that human activity has caused the planet to warm, regardless of what may have been happening with sunspots, regardless of whatever trend (warming or cooling) the planet has otherwise been on. The planet has means of adapting, within limits, but it also has a need to maintain a balance. Increasing a greenhouse gas by over 33% is utterly disrespectful of that balance.

Putting more red dye in a pool will make make it redder; you can dilute the pool water all you want, or add to it from other sources, but the dye still has the effect of making the water redder than it was. That is all that need be said to refute the claim that humans have not contributed to global warming. It may not satisfy all sceptics, but some people think there is virtue in claiming to keep an open mind (an attitude they would drop in a heartbeat if you told them they were about to be run over from behind by a buffalo, when they finally heard it snorting a half-foot away from them… but alas, too late. Same story with global warming, unfortunately.)

At present, the warming caused by increasing CO2 is intense enough that it is causing the tundra in Arctic regions to melt, and ocean waters to warm dramatically, both of which are causing methane (an extremely potent greenhouse gas – more than 100 times as heat-trapping as CO2 in the short term) to be released into Earth's atmosphere.

The level of CO2 is now well above 400 ppm, although several years ago we were warned that 350 ppm represented a point of no return. The methane level could soon begin to rise exponentially (it could, in fact, be doing that now). Again, all the data and all the sordid truth is to be found, fully documented, on this website, including a discussion of Venus syndrome. A familiarity with the latter might be handy, since the planet is well on its way to becoming more like Venus than like Mars. More like Venus than like Earth as we once knew it, more to the point.

While the Earth's biosphere and adaptive abilities add more variables to the climate equation, those have nothing to do with the direct correlation between the GE, CO2 and humans. Climate change deniers like to say that human activity could have made things swing either way, but it hasn't. It has made things swing toward a rapidly overheating planet – one that will soon be uninhabitable, if we don't make some drastic changes without delay.

The Blue Planet Blues

So what's a species to do, when it knows it has spoiled the beautiful relationship it had enjoyed for eons with its home planet? Going to outer space and going underground are for the ultra-rich exclusively (and both are doomed to failure; we haveto stand by our planet no matter what). The POTUS approach involves, apparently, tough love: he did, after all, insist that this was an issue of a threat to our national security. I must confess, I'm still scratching my head over that one, as well as his predilection for making this climate change speech to military (and other Homeland Security) audiences. Are they going to shoot the heat out of the sky? Does he not understand that that isn't the function of heat-seaking missiles?

I was surprised to notice that the POTUS did not mention putting a halt to jet-produced contrails as a necessary measure. After all, if those strangely non-cloud colored trails filthening our skies really are, as all government officials claim, contrails, that means there is significantly more cloud cover in the atmosphere than there need be; as we all know (from watching the difference in temperature drop on a clear versus a cloudy night, for example – meteorologists used to love to point this out), clouds hold in heat, thus adding to the greenhouse effect.

Given that even with more primitive technology jets were, for decades, able to fly all around without producing those spreading, persistent, non-cloud colored (ahem) clouds, we certainly could and should immediately take the step of eliminating all (ahem) contrails.

Or could it be that all those conspiracy theorists are right that they aren't really contrails, and there is geoengineering running amuck even as you read this?

One consideration that springs to mind: would jet engines really have gotten so much worse as time went on? After all, even the aesthetic effect of those trails is good grounds for eliminating them; besides which, they block the sun and therefore negatively impact plant growth (which means less CO2 absorbers, which means more greenhouse gases to cause global warming). But the reality is obvious. They are not contrails; they are mixtures of metals and other materials being sprayed intentionally into the atmosphere. They are the most deadly component of geoengineering. Documentation: all over this website.

Still, it is encouraging that the ruling class finally seems committed to taking positive action (taking them at their word). All the right measures have already been discussed at length, but lets go through the most important one in condensed form.

The first step is to halt the activities that are causing runaway warming. Without question, the first to go is, and must be, the spraying of metal particulates into the sky, along with all other forms of geoengineering. Not only has research proven that the spraying only worsens global warming, though that is reason enough, even for the most wooden-headed puppet.

Perhaps more importantly, the planet cannot recover unless its healing mechanisms are intact, or at the very least salvageable. Among other problems, the metals being sprayed (among which certainly aluminum, barium and strontium, and possibly others) are killing whole forests and other forms of plant life by poisoning them, by killing off pollinators like bees, by causing them to stop absorbing the nutrients they need from the soil, by reducing sunlight, and (somewhat paradoxically) by increasing the wavelengths of sunlight that can kill them on contact. The only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering immediately.

That bears repeating: the only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering, immediately. And since a fair amount of geoengineering involves spraying from military aircraft, perhaps the POTUS has a point in addressing a speech about global warming to members of the military. If that is what he is thinking, I'll stop with the POTUS and start referring to him as President Obama.

The World’s New Order


Source: Activist Post, article by Catherine J. Frompovich

This article is going to be quite different in format since it will contain more videos than my comments so as to try to tie together and express more than I ever could write in one submission. The theme that runs through all is to dramatize how humans are unknowingly being subjugated at every level and most aspects and phases of life, living and the pursuit of higher consciousness.

It’s an attempt on my part to connect some dots that, when considered side-by-side, may prompt readers to think about what’s going on to implement what I, and many others, expect is “corporate-acracy” or fascism

The perfect place to start is with the TPP—Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.

The TPP What You’re Not Being Told

Readers, can you wrap your minds around 600 corporate representatives being able to read the TPP agreement but the public, whom will be affected the most, cannot know what’s in it? Even Congress can’t see it! Whoa! Doesn’t that sound like the shenanigans that went on to pass the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare.

That kind of BSing regarding transparency has to stop!

Jade Helm 15: 10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercises

That “Truth and Action” reporting on JH15 is “mammoth” in size, scope, and videos! Readers will see video after video of military armored vehicles, etc. moving across the USA – but for what reason? With whom is the U.S. military going to war in 10 U.S. states? Moving all that equipment and personnel, including vehicles marked “UN” around the USA definitely should awaken any skeptic to a “New World Order” of governance apparently coming to the USA!

Are Readers Aware of FEMA camps?

More state-by-state information about FEMA camps is here

Mandatory Vaccination Laws Being Forced Upon and Against Individual Sovereignty of One’s Body and Children (SB277 in California)

Finally and thankfully, African-Americans are awakening to what’s happened, and is happening, to them including medical experiments, e.g., the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and they will be taking action!

Here’s a video news report (WHDT) about what has the African-American community so upset about the CDC/FDA and vaccines.

The U.S. CDC Lies about Its Affiliation with Big Pharma and Big Pharma’s Apparent Influence

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a compelling article about the U.S. CDC’s receiving funding from industry after Jeanne Lenzer, a BMJ journalist, looked into the money part that’s behind the CDC’s infamous statement, “CDC, our planners, and our content experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products . . . CDC does not accept commercial support.”

According to Lenzer, “Despite the agency’s disclaimer, the CDC does receive millions of dollars in industry gifts and funding, both directly and indirectly, and several recent CDC actions and recommendations have raised questions about the science it cites, the clinical guidelines it promotes, and the money it is taking.”

Furthermore, The Washington Post reported that “Pharmaceutical firms paid to attend meetings of panel that advises FDA, emails show.”  Therein is a HUGE indication of corporate influence over government agencies, which definitely should not be.

GMO ‘Phood’ and its Problems – One picture is worth a thousand words!

The question everyone in science ought to ask is this: Didn’t Dr. Seralini’s study use the same strain of rats as Monsanto used in its study to prove GMOs safe? However, Seralini’s study went on for two years, whereas Monsanto’s study lasted for only three months!

Jerry Rosman, formerly a GMO crop farmer turned organic farming consultant, claims the FDA is not concerned about GMOs!

What’s Happening to the Air We Breathe?

Look at the sky above for an impressively visible clue. It’s called weather geoengineering. Here are some videos about that.

Here’s an article which may explain more about climate control.

If you’re a frequent flyer, perhaps, you’d better know about aerotoxic air syndrome. Watch the video embedded in “Climate Engineering Contamination And Aerotoxic Air Syndrome.” 

Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal wraps up much of what’s going on globally better than anyone, I think, has for the last 30 or so years. Very few people, in my opinion, have the insights, passion and “stage presence” quite like Gerald Celente! What do you think?

Is There A [RFID] Microchip in Your Future?

Will humans be treated like cattle getting readied to go to slaughter? Is that the ultimate new order?

Are Readers Familiar with the Decreased Global Population Projection for 2025 posted at

This video may explain more than anyone can imagine.

Are Readers Aware that Alternative Media Censorship is Going On? 

Here’s proof that censorship is alive and well in the USA. Need I mention that my computer also is being compromised; files go missing; and my Norton security program freezes my computer when I try accessing for whom I write, plus research files!

Who’s to Blame?

So really, why are humans, our sovereign rights given by Creator and Nature, and the intricacies of our daily lives being overtaken by Big Brother governments? Is there a possibility that we, collectively, are to blame? How can I make such a comment that probably indicates we are allowing these indiscretions to come down upon us almost like biblical plagues?

Well, this video “The Zombification of the Planet” explains some, but this one reaches into the secrecy of the elites’ and controllers’ strategy meetings.

However, nothing can compare with the Bohemian Grove meetings in Northern California where clandestine meetings with ‘elites’ from all walks of life take place. This video shows some of the arcane trappings of Bohemian Grove. The BG crowd in the past included politicians who were BG participants before they became U.S. presidents! See my article, “Presidential Candidates Apparent Vetting Process” to understand just how pervasive apparent dysfunctionality is in the so-called elites.

One of the events at the BG annual encampment is “The Cremation of Care.” Here is a video of the actual onsite druid-like ritual filmed by InfoWars. Are they really paying homage to the Owl of Bohemia in a sacrificial way?

What would you think of your member of government, or any corporate elite, who participates in such rituals? Can those rituals be compared with witchcraft, black magic or as some speculate, Satanism, which actually is a ‘religion’ of sordid sorts?

Furthermore, are the men who participate at BG—no women allowed—the very same ‘sickos’ who mandate how we are to live; promote wars our spouses, relatives, children and friends are sent to fight; and constantly are formulating treaties and laws for a one-world-government?

Citizens of the USA need to wake up to what’s going on and become engaged in civics, something not taught in schools anymore. I wonder why.

To end this connect-the-dots overview, I’d like to lighten up just a bit, and share a video of a clever songwriter and his especially witty ditty “If My Nose Was Running Money…”

God bless the USA and all it was supposed to stand for that now is being suppressed.

Catherine J Frompovich is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Source: Activist Post, article by Catherine J. Frompovich

Engineering Earth, Do We Really Believe The Government Would Ask Our Permission?


Dane Wigington

Any that answer yes to the question on the title of this article should do a serious rechecking of their reality. Top US military leaders have repeatedly stated on the record that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. In the 43 second video below, Obama's recent statements make the government's stance on our imploding climate system crystal clear.

What rationally thinking person would believe the US government/military industrial complex would ask for public permission before fully engaging in what they themselves admit is the greatest threat to national security? Though the ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already catastrophic climate scenario far worse, geoengineering is an immensely powerful covert weapon that the power structure is not about to admit to or give up. There is one thing you can truly depend on from governments (especially the US government), that they lie and deceive to a degree which can scarcely be comprehended. How consistently did the US government lie to the Native Americans? They signed over 500 treaties, ALL of which were broken. US citizens, who believe what they are told by the criminal cabal (that is our government), are living in a delusion. The criminally insane individuals that actually run our government (which are above our "elected officials" who are little more than puppets) ultimately view American citizens in the same light as the Native Americans, we are an increasing liability to the power structure.  As the American population awakens to the tyranny of its "government", the ever increasing surveillance of the US population is  yet more proof that our government ultimately views American citizens in the same light as any other adversary. Every one of us is being systematically poisoned by the constant highly toxic aerosol spraying of our skies.

The US military has been completely engaged in climate engineering for many decades, historical documents prove this fact. Their climate intervention/modification programs have radically added to the overall damage to the climate system. How bad is it now? Military installations in low lying coastal regions like Virginia are already flooding just from high tides due to rapid sea level rise. 2014 was the hottest year on record, 2015 is headed to shatter that record. Ocean temperatures are climbing so fast that charts constantly need to be remade. The heating is unprecedented in at least the last 3 million years and mass ocean die-off is occurring. Thousands of people are literally dropping dead from the heat in India while Alaska and SIberia are also undergoing rapid meltdown. California snow pack is at ZERO percent of normal

But what about the "global warming pause" that some have claimed is happening? Special interests have propagated the absolute lie of a slowdown in the rate of warming on our planet and now that lie has just been completely exposed.

Many believe it's getting colder in Antarctica overall, is that really the case? Well, NO. In 2015 Antarctica recorded record shattering heat. Ice sheets in Antarctica are now facing imminent collapse due to continued temperature acceleration. Though there is some sea surface ice expansion in Antarctica, this is largely due to the voluminous amounts of fresh water running off the melting land ice. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than sea water.

The military industrial complex does whatever they want because they can, because they are beyond any and all accountability or oversight. They have long since stated their desire to "own the weather". If you think they would ask your permission before intervening in the climate, you are not living in reality. Make your voice heard, get educated, get involved in the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. Our collective futures depend on the outcome of this battle.

Higher Elevations Are Warming Too, And Faster


Source: Radio Canada Int'l

For some time studies have indicated that polar regions, especially the Arctic, is warming at a faster rate than those regions closer to the equator.

A new international study appears to indicate that a similar phenomenon is happening to layers of air, such that higher elevations are warming at a faster rate than lower elevations.

Scott Williamson was involved in the research. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta with expertise in snow and ice climate feedback in the tundra (cryoshpere)


Weather Trading Derivatives, The Epitome Of Disaster Capitalism


Dane Wigington

"Weather trading derivatives" are nothing more than a disaster based gambling casino run by the same global powers that are in many ways orchestrating the disasters in the first place. Weather "forecasts" are now the scheduled weather, major "forecasting" organizations are also owned by the power elite. "Weather risk management"  is the term for the industry that is thriving from the rapidly increasing occurrences of weather disasters. A mission statement from one of the disaster capitalist companies is below.


The weather can generate substantial economic losses. It is essential to take such risk seriously.

Adverse developments in temperature, precipitation, wind, or other weather variables can result in losses for a multitude of companies and state entities. Risks derived from weather moves, independently of whether they are of a extreme or moderate nature, constitute an extended and permanent threat to a country´s productive capacity. Fortunately, these days there exist financial solutions that can provide efficient cover.

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME), through its BME Clima project, endeavours to assist those entities with economic exposures to the weather. The goal is to offer information, data, and specialized advice that can help clients gain awareness as to their exposures, analyze the historical and current behavior of the relevant variables, as well as understand the solutions available in the weather risk management markets.

The weather is possibly the most extended risk within the business community. Unlike other sources of risk, such as interest rates or currencies, weather risk can be inevitable.

"Global catastrophe reinsurance" industry is growing exponentially along with the exponential increase in "natural" (engineered) disasters.


Source: Aon Benfield Securities, Inc.

As temperatures tumble in North America, weather derivatives warm up.

The completely engineered cool-down of the eastern US in the last two years has made fortunes for weather derivatives trading. The engineered drought in the US West has done the same.

One of the more arcane financial innovations quietly continues to change and grow. Unusual atmospheric patterns don't hurt.

Many have concluded that financial profit is the primary motive behind the ongoing climate engineering insanity, the true reality is exponentially larger, more complicated, and much more dire. From the methane release planetary emergency unfolding in the Arctic, to collapsing marine ecosystems, to the dying of forests around the globe, there are many layers to the immense challenges we face and geoengineering is connected to them all. In addition to all of this,  the highly toxic climate engineering fallout is literally contaminating the entire planet and all living organisms on it. There will never be a shortage of those that are willing to profit from misery and destruction, but their "gains" will be short lived. Like pirates filling their pockets with loot while the entire ship goes down, the disaster capitalists will soon be forced to face the consequences of what they have so willingly participated in. We who are awake must combine our efforts to expose and halt the insanity while there is yet some part of the planet's life support systems left to salvage. DW

Climate Engineering And The Collapse Of The Cryosphere


In regard to the true state of the ice deposits on planet Earth, many have been confused by the constant bombardment of completely false headlines by media sources that are totally controlled by special interests. Overall, the cryosphere (ice deposits) are disintegrating and geoengineering is accelerating this process, not slowing it. Geoengineering CANNOT help mitigate the warming of the planet, it can only make it worse and that is exactly what is happening as recent studies prove. Climate engineering is simply weather warfare. The highly toxic fallout is nothing short of biological warfare which is fueling global omnicide. As the cryosphere collapses, runaway methane releases will increase. If the methane releases continue, "Venus Syndrome" will be the final result. The newly released article below further documents the rapidly accelerating implosion of Earth's ice deposits. The Climate engineering assault must be halted immediately so that the biosphere can respond on its own to the damage already done.
Dane Wigington


The Climate Engineers Can No Longer Suppress El Niño


Dane Wigington

From every conceivable direction the climate engineers continue to wreak total havoc on the planet and its life support systems. Their attempt to "own the weather" has now put virtually all life on Earth in the balance. The periodic "El Niño" phenomenon is the planet's process of releasing excess heat from the oceans. El Niño events are directly associated with record warm global temperatures as the seas release this excess heat. Even without an El Niño, 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded on our planet as rapidly rising ocean temperatures shattered records.


Since at least 2007 the geoengineers have done everything they could to prevent El Niño from forming in a highly destructive attempt to keep global temperatures down. In recent years the El Niño has been described as being "elusive" and "super weird". How could the geoengineers actually affect the El-Niño process? By maintaining the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US west coast (which scientists just can't figure out since they are forbidden to even mention climate engineering). 

High Pressure

This constant ridge of high pressure is a phenomenon which is fueled by ionosphere heaters like "HAARP" along with the constant spraying of atmospheric aerosols. The "ridiculously resilient ridge" has in effect altered the trade winds normally associated with the development of El Niño and thus kept the rapidly building heat on our planet contained in the now record warm oceans. The warming oceans are also fueling an unfolding methane release global catastrophe. Along with the warming, the now altered wind and ocean currents (and ocean stratification), are pushing us toward a "Canfield ocean" scenario.

Ocean Temps

The image above shows clearly the radically above normal ocean temperatures around the globe.

This ridge of high pressure continues to bake California in record shattering heat and drought. Even if El Niño does form, the geoengineers  can still keep the rain cut off to the now parched US West if they choose to do so, which it seems is what they have planned. What happens when the El Niño process is actively suppressed? As should be expected, interference with Earth's life support systems can only bring about very bad consequences. Now the bottled up heat is so extreme that is contributing (along with numerous other factors) to mass marine ecosystem die-off and ocean dead zones in the Pacific


Active hurricane suppression in the Atlantic basin by the geoengineers has contributed to built up heat and dead zones there as well. Oceans around the globe are dying, marine ecosystem collapse is accelerating at an ever more rapid pace. Global climate engineering is the absolute epitome of human arrogance and insanity. Not only is geoengineering contaminating the entire web of life, these programs are making an already bad planetary warming scenario far worse overall, not better (though the climate engineers can and are creating short term toxic cooling in some regions, especially the eastern US).  The battle to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering is nothing short of a fight for life, make your voice heard in this critical fight. DW

Formerly Frozen Siberia Is Exploding Into Flames


The vastness of Siberia is difficult to grasp. The importance of the boreal forests that exist there cannot be overstated. Such forests are the second largest source of oxygen production on the planet. The Siberian forests were once a carbon sink but have now become a massive carbon source due to the dying and burning of this expansive wilderness.This once frozen land is now burning with a fury that is completely unprecedented in any historical record. In recent years as much as 100,000,000 acres has gone up in flames annually. Regions that should be frozen solid till mid June are now smoke and ashes. Where are the mainstream media headlines on this? The global power structure will do everything it can to keep populations completely blind and oblivious to the converging catastrophes that are rapidly closing in on us all. All available data indicates climate engineering has played a major role in the die-off and incineration of Siberia. The article below and the short videos in it should be a sobering wake up call, we ignore the darkening horizon at our own peril.
Dane Wigington


"The Dry Land Burned Like Grass", Siberia's Road To A Permaburn Hell

Source: Robert Scribbler

(Residents of the Trans Baikal region of Russia flee through a raging permafrost fire on April 13 of 2015. Video Source: The Road to Hell Recorded by: Vladislav Igorevich.)

The script reads like a scene from some post-apocalyptic disaster film.

Frigid Siberia begins an epic thaw — a thaw set off by an unstoppable dumping of heat-trapping gasses into the atmosphere by human fossil fuel industry. Finally, after years of warming, the thawing land itself becomes fuel for fires. A thick layer of peat-like organic material that serves as kindling to the heat-dried trees and grasses atop it.

Immense blazes ignite in April — fully 100 days before the usual fire season in late July. The fires explode to enormous size, doubling in area in less than a day, covering scores to hundreds of square miles. Residents flee or face off against walls of raging flame in bucket and hose brigades. Military units descend on the regions affected to fight blazes and prevent looting. The fires are freakish, starting from nowhere at a moment’s notice. Eyewitnesses at the scene of one fire describe the surreal situation saying: “… the dry land burned like grass.”

Scientists Can’t Figure Out Why The Eastern US Is So Cold


The whole of the climate science community is completely conditioned (or threatened) into taking a position that a reality can only be a reality if it is acknowledged by a "peer reviewed" power structure ordained study. Without such a study (which in the case of admitting to the ongoing climate engineering will NEVER be allowed) even if you can see something with your own eyes (like jets spraying materials into our skies), the reality does not exist unless a peer reviewed study exists. We are living in what can only be described as an alternate reality with much of the science community helping to tow the line. In the article below, scientists openly ponder the US "warm West, cold East divide". Why can't they figure out what is behind the completely unprecedented "freeze-fry" scenario in the US lower 48 states? Because these scientists are not willing or not allowed  to admit to reality. Again, and again, and again I have documented the completely engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US. "Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought" is one such portrayal. Then there is "Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population". There is also "Engineered WInter, The Deception Of The US Population", "Engineering A World Of Climate Extremes", and "NOAA Scheduled Weather Map, Alarming Forecast".  The climate science community is helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering crimes by their constant attempt to explain away the completely engineered as being "natural". Many that live in the eastern US have convinced themselves that the world is not warming because it happens to be cold in their location. Many more have convinced themselves of the same conclusion by referring to the eastern US as proof. When will climate scientists admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room?
Dane Wigington


Is Geoengineering Pushing Us Into Climate Chaos?


By William Thomas, contributing writer for

The short answer is yes.

Here's how…

Start with something dynamic, like the weather and its increasing propensity toward sudden, drastic and lingering surprises. As the geologic record of mass extinctions repeatedly shows, if pushed too far by various atmospheric forcings (like mass methane releases or meltwater shutdowns of ocean circulations),  the longer-term weather patterns we call climate can change drastically, for a very long time, within a decade. Or a year.

Geoengineers understand that complex weather behaviour emerges from a few simple initial conditions. Change those conditions along a broad atmospheric front by deploying aerial refuelling tankers to spread particles that accrete moisture and scatter incoming sunlight, absorb energy from ionospheric heaters like HAARP, or rapidly cool air masses by dispensing ice-nucleating chemicals like an airborne flash-mob – and you change the heat balance of that airspace and thus the resulting weather. Do this repeatedly, spreading megatons of atmospheric-forcing particulates behind hundreds of heavy aircraft for many years and even climate can be altered.

But which way will it jump? If the flapping of a butterfly's wings can randomly influence the course of a distant hurricane, consider an air force “wing” of 72 jet tankers, each spreading 200,000 pounds of aerosol particles one-tenth the diameter of a human hair along a flight path traversing thousands of miles. With our compounding emissions already hurrying heat and humidity in some places to the edge of liveable limits, geoengineering is the unwelcome bully that threatens to jerk the trigger on looming Abrupt Climate Shift.  (Geoengineering aerosols over Belgium – above)

Earth's climate system is chaotic enough to turn occasional stumbles into full-fledged flipouts. So the last thing anyone would want to do is to trigger such an upset with planeloads of monkey-wrenching aerosols.


To elevate such planetary roulette from blind swings at a constantly shifting atmospheric piñata to a reliably predictable science, the desired weather/climate output must be proportional to each atmospheric modification input. And the resulting atmospheric events must also react the same ways every time. That's why we call such predictable progressions, linear.

But the atmosphere, like life, is so nonlinear.

Nonlinear means “full of surprises”. While short-term moisture, temperature and pressure trends can presage near-term weather over a day or two, the further forecasts extend, the more variables are introduced by air masses feeding back on themselves. Other wild cards faced by the geoengineers include heat-trapping gases accumulated over the past 200 years, atmospheric and oceanic “feedbacks” like major methane burps, hyper-evaporation, warming waters and melting ice sheets, unscheduled volcanic eruptions, the fracking plague, and climax civilizations bristling with dirty stacks and exhausts – plus their own geoengineering efforts, ongoing since at least 1997, when I broke this story worldwide for Environment News Service. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas]

Because changes occur in Earth's intricately-coupled biosphere simultaneously and interactively, attempting to anticipate and alter so many constantly changing conditions makes large-scale climate modification an exercise in juggling snakes. Begin with a few characteristics of the longterm weather patterns you want to change. Just seven building blocks can interact with each other one million different ways. Jump to a hundred climate-determining factors and each one will interact with the other 99, yielding 10 billion possibilities. Some outcomes are more likely than others. But this hardly precludes unpleasant nonlinear responses to deliberate planet meddling. [“Considering Complexity” by William Thomas Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine 1994]

(William Thomas photos Mar. 21, 2015: above)

Remember, the atmosphere is an “adaptive” participant in every geoengineering mugging, responding to each input every time with widely different outcomes. Since abrupt discontinuities are a prime feature of nonlinear systems, when attempting large-scale weather modification, unintended consequences are built-in. Like turning off the African and Asian monsoons on which many billions of not-just-human lives depend. [20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be A Bad Idea]

Every pound of heat-hugging carbon we transfer from deep underground into the air will be our climate legacy for the next hundred years. Every time we start our fourwheeled carbon burner, we're a geoengineer. Every time a commercial jet climbs into the stratosphere, all onboard are geo-engineers. Ditto all those power plants pumping trainloads of burnt coal into the sky.

The big difference is, it's your choice whether to turn the key, board that plane, or join a grassroots group demanding clean energy. As for your input into whether those jets overhead continue dimming the sun – not so much.

The result of all this inadvertent and deliberate atmospheric forcing is climate chaos. “Chaotic” means “unpredictable”. Punch-drunk by our ever-accumulating heat-trapping exhausts, at least 17 years of concerted geoengineering efforts, a wonky jetstream, and dozens of amplifying feedbacks from thawing tundra, clearcut forests, burning forests, melting ice sheets and the expanding ocean heat reservoir (for example) – it's no wonder so much inconvenient weather is lurching across this planet.

With global warming causing more global warming, how do increasingly destabilized weather systems respond to deliberate further prodding by targeted laydowns of particulates powerful enough to disrupt air masses and soak up residual moisture like a sponge?

Nobody knows. The atmospheric predictions produced by our best supercomputers crunching incomplete data that ignores climate feedbacks and geoengineering are falling further behind the alarming headlines resulting from a churning complexity that is ultimately unknowable.

Given all the still-ignored feedbacks we've set in motion, most notably geoengineering, it's not surprising that climate changes continue to outpace our models. Any climate activist or “scientist” who continues to ignore these well-documented aerosol assaults is working with fatally flawed data. (Aerosols & contrail over Ontario -Jim Beck photo: above)

But “gross” geoengineering outcomes can be observed. There is no question that Solar Radiation Mismanagement (SRM) by allied governments is contributing significantly to the Great Drying, which may soon segue into the Great Dying. This is why the authors who studied Mount Pinatubo's eruption do not support geoengineering. “Creating a risk of widespread drought and reduced freshwater resources for the world to cut down on global warming,” they write, “does not seem like an appropriate fix.” [This Changes Everything]

To call geoengineering an inexact science is to suggest that if you repeatedly jab a gut-shot tiger with a stick it might do something unpleasant. We know from years of airborne experimentation that attempting to impose an inherently flawed model on Earth's atmosphere under the official hubris of “Owning The Weatherinvariably produces the opposite result. As Naomi Klein writes, geoengineering “may cause the earth to go wild in ways we cannot imagine, making geoengineering not the final engineering frontier… but the last tragic act in this century-long fairy tale of control.” [This Changes Everything]

So what does climate chaos look like?

  • It looks like dozens of craters, one more than a half-mile in diameter, caused by pockets of exploding methane in the thawing permafrost of northern Russia, where temperatures prowl up to +20°C above longtime norms, and the resulting wildfires over hundred-mile fire fronts are spreading solar heat-absorbing ash over vast stretches of the once reflective far north.
  • It looks like endless pools of meltwater acting as lenses across the tundra, focusing sunlight into thawing even more super-warming methane.
  • It looks like the 80 devastated islands of Vanuatu, where I once sailed my trimaran and where half the population has been left homeless by a hot ocean-fuelled Cyclone Pam.
  • It looks like that blocking high over Brazil, where Sao Paulo's 11 million residents face the prospect of dry taps. Another 33 million people in the Sao Paulo region fear the same fate. And they are not alone.
  • It looks like the sea level rise that has driven 100,000 people away from their Indus River delta farms due to repeated flooding and saltwater intrusion into the water table.
  • It looks like California's “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” of high pressure that anomalously persists, re-building itself after every surge of westerly winds or invading cold air threatens to collapse this weather wall, but to the continuous accompaniment of the aerosol jets… doesn’t. Weather researcher Daniel Swain can find no evidence of a North Pacific ridge of this magnitude and persistence “in the observational record.”

(Russia wildfires, summer 2010 jotman.blogspot: above)

(methane cavern -Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration: below)

As Rutgers University professor Jennifer Francis explains, the loss of reflective sea ice and resulting heated surface air rising from dark waters is producing a northerly bulge in the jet stream that builds high pressure in the East.

Winds flowing “downhill” from this embedded High bring cold Arctic air southward into eastern Canada and the United States, as a persistent high pressure dome off the west coast flows warm, wet air north into Alaska, where the international Fur Rondy sled dog race, held every year since 1946, cannot mush “due to warm weather and heavy rain.

So is atmospheric warming or geoengineering responsible for California's thirst and Alaska's failed winter? The answer: Both are so intricately meshed, it's no longer possible to distinguish one from the other. At least until we shut off Teller's sunscreen.

Are all these chemical and contrail sky plumes painting us into an untenable corner? Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, David Travis measured a roughly 2°F difference over those three contrail free days between the rising daytime and falling nighttime temps across the continental USA. (In 2005, James Hansen's NASA team  crunched slightly different numbers for 9/11 and came up with an  average mean temperature change of just .05°F – a perfect example  of a changed starting point drastically altering complex outcomes.)

There is no way a few days of absent contrails (while geoengineering continued) equate with the disrupted hydrological cycle from 5,000+ days of aerosol spraying. But the 9/11 “experiment” in mass mind control and atmospheric processes means we dare not continue an experiment that artificially desiccates air masses as short-lived speed bumps to skyrocketing air temperatures. If Hansen's right, geoengineering isn't working. If Travis is correct and we stop spraying particulates (whose tiny 10-micron size is deemed an Extreme Human Health Hazard by the EPA) we face an unknown instant temperature jump in a feedback-sensitive atmosphere already heading toward a 4°-6°C rise by 2035. Are your children down with geoengineering continuing to grease the skids into extinction? (Glenn Boyle photo)

Are you?

The geoengineers are saving us to death. Putting our planet's life-support on geoengineering life-support that can't be turned off without an instant spike in temperatures is not a wise idea, Naomi Klein suggests. While many point to geoengineering as the culprit behind the ever more disruptive climate change they otherwise deny, and geoengineers use “climate change” to disguise the climate chaos they're inciting, nearly two decades of large-scale geoengineering have erased the baseline by which we might measure climate impacts and gauge their rates of change.

When unstable systems like Earth's climate are pushed past critical thresholds, selfamplifying feedbacks cause chaos, which eventually degrades into a much simplified state.

Examples include disappeared rainforests flipping into deserts, a once-teeming ocean turning into a vast acidic dead zone, seasonal regional climates suitable for agriculture and human life “simplified” into enduring heatwaves, and seawater inching towards 634 million pairs of human feet.

Like a tightening trigger, climate change is carrying us toward explosively Abrupt Climate Shift. As Klein comments, when “university professor Rob Nixon describes the brutality of climate change as 'slow violence'; geoengineering could be a tool to significantly speed that up.”

Before we can agree to step back from the climate precipice, geoengineering is shoving us toward the kinds of social breakdown stalking Miami Beach, where “slimy green saltwater” from rising seas is filling streets, blocking doors, ruining vehicles, and inundating shops and homes. “Another foot of sealevel rise will be enough to bring salt water into our fresh water supplies and our sewage system,” warns scientist and South Miami mayor Philip Stoddard. “You won't be able to flush away your sewage and taps will no longer provide homes with fresh water.

“Then you will find you will no longer be able to get flood insurance for your home. Land and property values will plummet and people will start to leave. Places like South Miami will no longer be able to raise enough taxes to run our neighbourhoods. Where will we find the money to fund police to protect us or fire services to tackle house fires? Will there even be enough water pressure for their fire hoses? It takes us into all sorts of post-apocalyptic scenarios. And that is only with a one-foot sea-level rise. It makes one thing clear though: mayhem is coming.”

Instead of buying time, every aerosol mission is reducing the time left to act. And by obscuring the true pace of climate change under veils of artificial clouds and 40°F snow, the geoengineers are making it much harder to respond.

Every day the aerosol tankers fly, politicians beholden to Big Oil can delay meaningful action, while making Abrupt Climate Shift and a Canfield ocean more likely. “No reputable scientist I know thinks placing tiny reflecting particles in the stratosphere is a good idea,” saysPhilip Duffy, president and executive director of the Woods Hole Research Center, which focuses on climate change.

And no one's even discussing the quantum effects from aerosol technologies.

So I modestly suggest: Indict the geoengineers for reckless planetary endangerment. And ground the aerosol tankers now.


Use existing state/provincial, national and international air pollution and air traffic laws regulations to apply for legal injunctions to stop geoengineering experiments over cities and entire regions “if and when any such attempts are made.” Then, using the evidence needed to obtain those writs, launch class action lawsuits naming anyone responsible who can be identified by name, title/rank for trust betrayed and damage done.

Criminal charges will follow.

[Current carbon-equivalent emissions (CO2, NOx, CH4) on track to 6°+ C. Civilizations collapse at 4°.]

Are The Climate Engineers Attempting To Shut Down The Gulf Stream?


Dane Wigington

Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? The 5 minute video below is a prelude for the article which follows.

Is it possible that the global power structure is desperate enough and insane enough to attempt  to slow or shutdown the thermohaline circulation? Could this be an effort to slow the rapid warming of our planet by attempting to reduce the catastrophic thawing of methane on the seabed of the Arctic (which is a risk to all life on Earth) by cutting off the flow of warm ocean currents to that region? It is impossible to know the answer to this question, but if a shutdown of the thermohaline occurs (whatever the cause or causes), it will come with yet more dire consequences to the climate. If the thermohaline does drastically slow or collapse, it will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse still. 

A Meeting With Scientist Guy McPherson


Dane Wigington

On Friday, March 13th, 2015, I travelled to Chico California to attend a public presentation on "abrupt climate change" by internationally recognized  scientist Guy McPherson. Before Guy's evening presentation, a "round table" discussion was scheduled with McPherson, myself, two retired highly credentialed biologists (USFS biologist Francis Mangels and California Dept of Fish and Game biologist Allan Buckmann who is also a former Air Force meteorologist) and retired aerospace engineer Steve Massaro (formerly with Raytheon, Boeing, and Hughes). I have had only very limited communication with Guy in the past. In 2012 I authored an article for Guy's web site "Nature Bats Last" titled "Geoengineering, Dangerous Proposal, Or Lethal Reality". I am grateful to Guy for having the courage to post this article and judging from the comments under the article, I believe he took plenty of heat for this posting (so sorry that Guy has just disabled this 3 year old link since this article came out. The article can still be read here, it is an updated version so the date is more recent). 

Guy asked to meet with me privately just prior to the roundtable meeting in Chico. In this short exchange it became very clear Guy was now completely adverse to the subject of geoengineering. As we took our places for the start of this roundtable, and three cameras were set up to record, Guy's discomfort seemed to escalate considerably. A moderator got the discussion going and a number of subjects were briefly addressed, escalating global temperatures, radically increasing tree mortality, and the rapidly increasing solar obscuration (global dimming) that is occurring around the globe. The subject of climate engineering could not be kept out of this conversation of course and the more it was brought up, the more apparent Guy's discomfort became. The two biologists and myself briefly discussed the extensive lab testing we had each done which proved the fact that extreme levels of toxic heavy metals (matching the elements in climate engineering patents) were now present in precipitation. I made clear to Guy that the solar power production on my fully off-grid residence was being radically reduced as a result of the constant jet trails (more conclusive verification of "global dimming", the expressed goal of SRM geoengineering). Conclusions were increasingly voiced as to the reality of climate engineering from 4 of the 5 participating in the discussion (Guy being the clear exception). Guy challenged the validity of the the precipitation tests that were performed, even though all tests were processed at a State Certified lab, clearly there was no justification for Guy's dismissal of these lab tests. A final disagreement came when McPherson challenged any conclusion that geoengineering was an ongoing reality due to the fact that there were no "peer reviewed" studies to prove it. McPherson's position is perplexing when one considers the fact that Guy is himself not specifically a climate scientist and he refers to the opinions of AMEG members (Arctic Methane Emergency Group) as a basis for many of his conclusions (not peer reviewed study). In regard to the climate engineering issue, the AMEG group is also in total denial. Guy got up and left the room stating he was done with the discussion, it was clear that he had no interest whatsoever in examining any data or test results that related to geoengineering. One in attendance overheard McPherson's angry discussion with a member of his staff in another room. We were subsequently asked to give up our film of the "round table discussion". The camera chip was given over as without McPherson's permission to use the footage, it was of no use to us. If McPherson is after the truth, why was he so unwilling to examine any data relating to climate engineering no matter how credible it was? Why did Guy insist on taking our film footage of the discussion?

Engineering A World Of Climate Extremes


Dane Wigington

If the map below does not look terribly out of balance to you, it should. The all out effort to engineer constant cool-downs in the eastern US could not be more obvious and is still being carried out in order to manufacture the media headlines necessary to continue the confusion and division of the US population in regard to the true state of the global climate. The latest GISS map below shows "departure from normal temperatures" for the month of February 2015.


Where is the ONLY anomalously cold place in the whole world (yet again)? As has been the case for a very long time already, it's the eastern half of the US lower 48 states. Now the climate engineers have reached their goal of creating the all time snow record for Boston and that is what mainstream media is spending most of their time talking about. The same overall pattern continues for the US, the West bakes, the East freezes. In between engineered cool-downs in many regions there is a constant extreme weather whiplash occurring. Temperatures swing radically from the engineered record cold events, to record warm, and then back to record cold as the next engineered cool-down is orchestrated.

Climate Engineering Denial, The Deliberate Deception


WIth almost no exceptions, the entire climate science community is completely denying the blatantly obvious and verifiable geoengineering reality. The all out aerosol spraying of skies around the globe is absolutely inarguable and yet the climate scientists/meteorologists are still pretending geoengineering is only a "proposal". How can we explain the total denial of this reality coming from climate scientists? They fit into one of these categories, they are either completely unqualified for the job they hold,  afraid to speak out, willing to lie to protect a paycheck and a pension, or they are clinically blind. None of these reasons are justification for the total deception being fed to us from the so called "experts" that are entrusted with the public welfare. We have long since lived in an Orwellian world but now it has reached a point that is difficult to even comprehend. Articles like the one below are laden with direct lies and lies of omission. They try to paint the picture that a small fleet of jets spraying aerosols into the atmosphere could cool the planet. That the only thing we need to worry about is who will control the thermostat.  After 65 years of geoengineering on an ever larger scale, now involving what is likely thousands of jets, with a planet that is rapidly descending into total meltdown, we can say with total certainty solar radiation management is only making a bad climate situation far worse. Virtually none of the known unavoidable major negative consequences of SRM are even mentioned in most mainstream articles. Total disruption of the hydrological cycle, shredded ozone layer, lack of direct sunlight, and what is never ever mentioned is the fact that what goes up, must come down. Virtually the entire surface of the planet is being systematically contaminated, as is every single breath we take. How is it that this last and most dire point is never mentioned in any mainstream media articles or even in the science studies about aerosol geoengineering? Are we to think that thousands of climate scientists cannot comprehend this fact? That something sprayed into the atmosphere must settle down to Earth? Most of the climate science community should be viewed with contempt for their part in this greatest of all human crimes. Once the public is fully aware of what has been done to them, legal action should be immediately taken against all those that willfully participated in the completely illegal climate engineering assault, or in the criminal attempt to cover up these lethal programs. Make your voice heard in this battle. This does not mean to simply complain, but to help wake others up by passing on credible data on the climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington


Killing California, Climate Engineering Is Turning The State Into A Dust Bowl


California's water supply is being completely blockaded by a "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure and the constant aerosol spraying of the skies over the once golden state. Both factors are a part of the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs. Is California just a "climate sacrifice zone"? Or a target for catastrophic drought creation to provide governmental powers the premise to take control of water rights and for other purposes of control and profit? The likely answer is all the above. The entire country and indeed the entire planet are under an all out weather warfare and biological warfare assault, this has been the case for a very long time (since the elements being sprayed are highly toxic, the biological contamination must be considered an aspect of these programs). The geoengineers control the skies, rain will not return for the West unless or until the weather makers allow it. How bad is the situation in California? The article below penned by James Lee from TABU is an excellent summary.
Dane Wigington


How To Kill The World: A Timeline Of Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction


By William Thomas


Enraptured and enslaved by blinking, beeping, twittering gadgets; increasingly lobotomized by microwaves, toxic chemicals and manufactured “foods”, we are sleep-walking beyond the brink of an unimaginable abyss. As reams of expensive computer projections continue to lag behind daily events, attempting to inhabit no-longer habitable regions is already disrupting human and wild lives.

Hysteria? Hype? Exaggeration? Must be, because if you search “Sixth Mass Extinction” you will be stampeded by reputable scientists freaking out over what is going down. Scientists with hard-earned credentials are not professionally accustomed to writing “scary,” “frightening” and “terrifying”. But they’re using these words now. We need to listen up.

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare, What Are The Consequences?

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded, the rapid heating of our world can no longer be hidden. The weather makers can cool massive regions over the short term, the extremely anomalous temperatures in the Eastern US is proof of that. But what is the true cost of such engineered "cool-downs"? The total decimation being caused by covert global climate engineering could never be quantified and is in many ways already completely irreversible. After as much as six decades of climate engineering insanity (and the total global contamination that has come with it), what are the results? The biosphere is in tatters. The entire climate system is unravelling, the frequency of weather related disasters is off the charts, the ozone layer is completely shredded, and every living thing has been poisoned from the constant aerosol spraying of our skies. These are only some of the consequences of the geoengineering insanity. Let's not forget the role of climate engineering in helping to trigger massive methane release in the Arctic, which by itself may kill the entire planet many times over. How have covert climate engineering programs contributed to the methane warming feedback loop? Climate engineering has radically altered upper level wind currents. This in turn has altered ocean currents. Now we have warm currents pumping into the Arctic which is helping to thaw formerly frozen methane deposits on the seabed. There is enough methane in the Arctic alone to cause a Permian type mass global extinction 100 times over if it releases in entirety. This methane release has already begun.

Our Climate, It’s Not As Bad As You Think, It’s Much Worse

Voices of reality are not appealing to the masses, no one wants to hear unpleasant truths. The majority are not even willing to examine any facts that threaten their perception of reality. Soon, very soon, they will have no choice but to wake up. The planet's energy balance has been horrifically altered. There is unimaginable inertia behind the wheels that are now turning, life on Earth is truly uncharted territory. Even at this late hour total denial in our society is epidemic, this includes many in the ranks of those who claim to be fighting against the climate engineering. Denial of verifiable facts undermines credibility and is thus detrimental to the fight against climate engineering. False conclusions built on ideology and wishful thinking will not change reality. Industrialized society is collapsing even now, it was always doomed in its current form. Perpetual expansion in a finite space is clearly and obviously impossible, but how many in our society even speak of this? If we are to save any part of our miraculous planet's life support systems, we must all find the strength to face reality head on. We must all find the strength to stand firmly against the insanity and make our voices heard. The video below is important to review and consider carefully, the gravity of what is unfolding around us all is clearly conveyed in it. Catastrophic methane release is already occurring in the Arctic.  Many in the climate science community are actually advocating for "massive geoengineering" as if it has not been already going on for over 6 decades and doing nothing but harm. It is up to us all to educate ourselves and hold the climate science community to account. Climate engineering is NOT a cure, but rather it is nothing short of an all out assault on all life. Global geoengineering is making an already dire climate situation far worse, not better. Let us all march together in the fight to expose it and stop it.

Jet Stream Manipulation Is Fueling Weather Extremes

The entire climate science community pretend to be scratching their heads over the ever more erratic jet stream patterns. The "experts" continue to come up with various explanations as to why the jet stream is behaving the way it is, but all of these explanations are willfully blind to the geoengineering elephant in the room. Ionosphere heater installations located around the globe are a major component of the ongoing climate engineering. These extremely powerful and dangerous facilities are being used to manipulate the jet stream. The climate science community as a whole is turning two blind eyes to the ongoing geoengineering insanity while Earth's climate and life support systems are being systematically torn apart. If the current trajectory of planetary destruction continues for much longer, we will have nothing left to salvage of our planet. We must ALL hold the "experts" to account. Email them, their associates, local media, groups, agencies, etc, and share these email contacts with others so that they can do the same. It's up to all of us to take every step possible in the critical effort to raise awareness with the still uninformed public and to give notice to those that are lying for the establishment that we know they are lying. The article below sheds more light on the increasingly destructive weather on our planet, even though the researcher/author of this piece will not mention the climate engineering issue. I have passed substantial amounts of geoengineering data on to the author (Robert Scribbler) and had nothing but silence as a response. Scribbler, just like the climate science community, knows that mentioning anything about the geoengineering issue is a very bad career decision, or worse. This being said, the article does accurately outline the rapidly increasing destruction from ever worsening weather. The entire climate system is unravelling, climate engineering is a major factor in this equation.

Year 2014 Pictures Dire Situation


Source: Arctic News

The year 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record and the heat is felt most strongly in the polar regions and in the oceans.
Surface Temperatures