Search Results for: snow

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 13, 2014


Climate Change Accelerating


Source: Arctic News

Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 11, 2014


Human Handprint Marks Australia’s Hottest Year


Source: Truth Dig

LONDON—Scientists are fond of saying that it is difficult to pin the blame for any one climate event onto climate change. But they have just made an exception by reporting that many things that happened in Australia in 2013 bore the signature of man-made climate change.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 6, 2014


10 Climate Engineering Bullet Points


By Dane Wigington

1. Global aerosol spraying programs for the purpose of climate modification are being carried out from jet aircraft all over the planet each and every day. These programs are known as stratospheric aerosol geoengineeing (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM). Every breath we take contains microscopic toxic nano particulates. Such small particles are extremely damaging to the respiratory and neurological systems and cannot be filtered out with any readily available filtration mechanisms. Nano particles are so small that they penetrate straight through the lung lining and go straight into the blood stream. There, they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely damaging our health and bodily functions such as the immune system. The particulates are also a platform on which fungal proliferation runs wild. Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.

2. The protective layers of the atmosphere, most specifically the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aircraft sprayed  aerosol clouds. This renders all life on planet earth exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. The science on “particulate clouds and their effect on the ozone layer” is very clear. Such clouds destroy ozone. Period. UV levels are already increasing dramatically around the globe (Monsanto has already engineered UV resistant crops).

3.  SAG and SRM have very likely been major contributing factors to the current methane “planetary emergency” now occurring on the East SIberian Shelf of the Arctic. This emergency, as stated by the research scientists involved, is the massive methane expulsion from the sea floor. Methane hydrates have now reached a temperature which will no longer allow its former retention in hydrate form on the sea floor. This warming of the oceans has been fueled in large part by the spraying. Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming. Climate engineering also changes wind currents, this in turn alters ocean currents, and now there is warm water flowing into the Arctic region from the Atlantic ocean. The gravity of this methane event can not be overstated.

4. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates “diminishes and disperses rainfall”. Period. The excess of condensation nuclei causes moisture droplets to adhere to these nuclei and thus droplets do not combine and fall as precipitation, but continue to migrate in the form of artificial cloud cover. This is one of the reasons SAG and SRM cause devastating drought in many regions around the globe. Monsanto is engineering a long list of drought resistant crops in response, welcome to disaster capitalism. (devastating deluges are also connected to climate engineering as moisture that was migrated over one region comes down in a torrent somewhere else). Artificial chemically nucleated engineered snow storms are also wreaking havoc around the globe, causing radical temperature fluctuations in short spans of time.

5. SAG and SRM are causing “global dimming” on a scale that can hardly be comprehended. Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous. This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation.

6.  SAG and SRM greatly reduce wind flow. Again, wind is a major component of evaporation. The science regarding aerosol clouds and their effect on wind is well documented. As convection is altered and reduced, so are wind patterns and flows.

7.  The SAG and SRM particles are “light scattering” materials. This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms. Blocking out the sun alone is of extreme concern regarding photosynthesis, but when one considers the fact that the light which does get through the toxic particulates is in altered wave form, the concern is much greater still. Statistically 98% of the US population is vitamin D deficient, yet another likely result of “global dimming” and the altered light form now reaching the surface of our planet.

8. Our air, soils, and waters are being systematically poisoned day in and day out and thus sterilized by the highly toxic fallout from SRM and SAG spray programs. The totality of damage already caused by this fallout could never be quantified.

9. “Bioavailable” aluminum, now in nearly every drop of rain falling around the globe, is very harmful to most plant life. When the organisms detect the contamination, they shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This can cause a very slow and protracted death of the organism. The effects of “bioavailable aluminum” are also well documented. Again, a point of interest is the fact that Monsanto is engaged in the production of “aluminum resistant” seeds.

10. All global weather is being effected by these spray programs. At this point, there is little or no weather that could be considered “natural”. There is no way to even begin to quantify the damage being done to all life on earth by SAG and SRM. The current global extinction rate is beyond shocking, we are statistically in the 6th great extinction on our planet right now. The losses are in the range of 200 species of plants and animal every single day. This is approximately 10,000 times “natural variability” (1,000,000% of normal). It is impossible not to connect the issue of SAG and SRM to the mass die off once the impact and gravity of these programs is well understood. Global climate engineering is nothing short of an all out assault against the entire web of life. Opinions may vary as to the motives of the ongoing geoengineering programs, but massive die off, total climate disruption, and planetary decimation, are the net result.


UN Report: Human-Caused Climate Disruption Is “Severe, Pervasive, Irreversible”


Source: Truthout

“Why is it . . . that in this world there are men [and women] whose hearts have been so numbed, whose sentiments of honor and delicacy have been so deadened, that one sees them pleased and amused by what degrades and soils them?” – Marquis de Sade

Threatening The Scientists And Masking Reality


So many have bought the lie that climate scientists are paid more or rewarded for stating the dangers of climate change. The fact of the matter is that climate scientists in many cases have been dealt with very harshly if they dare to state the facts as they really are in regard to the severely damaged climate. WIth this consideration in mind, there is absolutely no chance that any reputable climate scientist can openly address the climate engineering nightmare without being subjected to very real threats and potential dangers (this is clearly documented in the article below). Unfortunately, as already mentioned, many have chosen to believe a completely false narrative put out by the power structure, the fossil fuel industry, and the geoengineers. First, that the planet is cooling or not warming. Second, that climate scientists are promoted or rewarded by stating alarming conclusions about the state of the climate. What I hope readers of the article below consider most is that climate scientists and other related academicians are most certainly under threat if they dare to speak out about the ongoing climate engineering in any way, shape, or form. It’s up to all of us to raise awareness of the global geoengineering programs to the point where there is cover enough for the scientists to stand out from the shadows. We are in a race against time in regard to this task, all are needed to join this most critical fight.
Dane Wigington

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 20th, 2014

The unbelievable swings in temperatures will continue to increase as the climate engineers put ever more pressure on the biosphere’s life support systems. In the last week some regions in the US went from 80 degrees, to the high teens with record snow, and back to the 90s. The climate forcing, coupled with the ever increasing contamination from these programs, are threats that we must face and bring to a halt.

Climate Engineering And Dangerously Darkening Ice Sheets


Are there connections between the out of control global geoengineering programs and the rapidly blackening heat absorbing ice packs? The connections are stark and undeniable. Climate engineering programs are rapidly accelerating humanity’s descent toward total extinction. What part has six plus decades of weather modification insanity played in the now unfolding cataclysms? Simply stated, climate engineering has completely derailed Earth’s attempt to respond to anthropogenic effects and damage to the climate system. The ongoing atmospheric manipulation has totally disrupted the planetary hydrological cycle, shredded the ozone layer, and contaminated air, soils and waters around the globe. All of this has contributed radically to the off the chart increase in forest fire frequency and intensity. This in turn has added massive amounts of soot to the atmosphere. As the soot settles back down to Earth it is blackening the surface of glaciers and ice sheets, another climate feedback loop is spawned. Exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs is the greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction. Make every day count in this fight, this battle will take all of us.
Dane Wigington

The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga


By David Tulis

Source: Nooganomics

The name is a grand one, I know, but I cover stratospheric aerosol geoengineering over Chattanooga for the primary purpose of encouraging divestment.

By divestment I mean escaping one capital investment and shifting to another. The developing story of artificial cloud cover over your hometown is a visual proof of numerous arguments that attack the progressive state and its various salvations. The argument for local economy is one for liberty and prosperity, of noninterventionism of every kind. The regulation of even the very horizon lines and the skies by the U.S. suggests you remove far from it, spiritually, socially, economically and financially.

9/13/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


Artificial snow now, heat next week. Disinformation news articles exposed. There is no more natural weather. “Ozone Recovery” articles designed to quell public concern. Media reporting temps lower than actual. Trolls impersonating Dane, Russ, and Max on Facebook. Mainstream media and Meteorologists lying about the spraying. Groves in California dead, being removed now.

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 13th, 2014

The engineered snow storms are being pushed to ever greater extremes. The unprecedented fluctuations in weather and temperatures should be a huge red flag as to the degree to which the climate engineers are forcing Earth’s life support systems. Half the US is baking, the other half continues to get completely engineered cool-downs. How long can this continue before the biosphere is damaged beyond any chance of recovery?


The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows


By Dane Wigington

In the last three plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.

Climate Engineering And Arctic Sea Ice


By Dane Wigington

The Climate System Is Being Torn Apart

Climate Engineering is the most destructive single force ever released on planet Earth. Though countless forms of human activity have caused immense damage to our biosphere, and nuclear cataclysm may trump all at some point soon, for now the ongoing global geoengineering programs are mathematically the greatest assault on all life ever launched by the human race. Available evidence indicates that there are many agendas being carried out by the atmospheric spraying and ionosphere heater installations (HAARP facilities). Some of these objectives appear clear, other functions and goals of these programs are as of yet speculative. Based on all available evidence, there are no benevolent aspects of the climate engineering insanity. Rather, the programs are designed for the further enhancement of the “full spectrum dominance” of the global power structure. “Owning the weather” has long since been the stated goal of the US military. Though weather warfare is recognized by many as a verifiable and historically documented reality, the profound effect geoengineering is having on the overall climate system is still overlooked by many, even in the anti-geoengineering movement.

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 6th, 2014

Though heat waves are still unfolding around the planet, the climate engineers are hard at the effort to whip up the first chemically nucleated artificial snow storms of the season. In late August while temperatures were pushing 110 degrees in Northern California, it snowed in Montana. All must remember, there is NO natural weather at this point, none. This short weather update video will shine more light on the ever increasing all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers.


Rapidly Rising Sea Levels, A New Study Is Released


The weather outside our own windowsill can be very convincing to many as an indicator of the overall global climate situation. Unfortunately the power structure and the climate engineers are well aware of this bias and have used this fact to their advantage. For the entire 2014 season most of the US West, and the planet as a whole, experienced far above normal temperatures while the eastern half of the North American continent remained cool, welcome to geoengineering. Why would the climate engineers fry half the country and chill the other half? For starters, it is a demonstration of the power they wield. In addition, it confuses and divides the population on the highly politicized issue of global warming. The completely engineered cool down in the Eastern US is incredibly anomalous as the GISS map below makes clear. The global elite controlled US media machine focuses media coverage primarily on the engineered cool down zones while largely ignoring the record heat, record forest fires, and methane releases happening around the globe.

New Study Conclusively Confirms Unprecedented Ice Melt In Greenland And Antarctica


While the global power structure and the climate engineers throw everything they have at the effort of hiding the climate meltdown, reality is becoming impossible to cover up. Many have been very confused about the true state of the climate, even many in the anti-geoengineering community.  Data falsification, massive geoengineeering assaults, and manipulated media spin are the cause of the confusion. The reality of what is unfolding around us all is coming to light. The reality of geoengineering and the global cataclysm it has helped to fuel will soon enough be impossible to hide.
Dane Wigington

Weather Warfare Against Innocent Populations Of The World


Was weather warfare waged against the people who attended the famous Woodstock event so many years ago? Was the completely freak snow storm (that completely perplexed meteorologists)  in NY over the Occupy Wall Street protesters also an engineered event? Why would we think otherwise? The technology has been in place for decades and the geoengineering programs have been fully deployed for just as long, why in the world would we not believe that those in power would wreak weather havoc over all that oppose them? It is a matter of historical fact that weather warfare has been waged against countries that resist the global power cabal, we would be very naive to think the same tactics would not be used against civilian populations that don't want to conform to the global elite. People are waking up fast to the climate engineering insanity, we are getting ever closer to critical mass. Those in power are becoming much more desperate and dangerous. All of us need stand together in the fight to expose their crimes and bring the insanity to a halt. This is an excellent 5 minute video compilation.
Dane Wigington

The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls



Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
What’s confusing you
Is the nature of my game

– The Rolling Stones

The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t understand their game.

Renowned Physician Sounds The Alarm On Climate Engineering

“Dr. Hans Kugler, PhD, is one of our most highly recognized researchers in the field of anti-aging medicine; his scientific presentations – supported by impeccable documentation – are eye-openers for professionals and lay-persons alike. As professor of chemistry at Roosevelt University in Chicago, where he also did extensive longevity research, Dr. Kugler not only puts things into perspective, but also provides a complete picture of the anti-aging and regenerative medical sciences that can be applied with successful results.”  -Quote  by Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O. President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)
As the completely out of control global climate modification assault continues to wreak havoc on Earth’s life support systems and the environment, more and more credible members of society are speaking out. Dr. Hans Kugler, who is a president and founder of International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and a director of HK Stem Cell Laboratory at Health Integration Center (as well as a former West-German Air Force officer, pilot and platoon leader), has shown exceptional courage by openly and directly sounding the alarm on the most critical issue that we face, the global climate engineering assault. My most sincere thanks to Dr. Hans Kugler for giving us a very clear assessment of the dangers posed by geoengineering.


Chemtrail Planes Spraying Megatons of Aluminum, Barium, And Strontium: Sacrificing your Health for Anti-Global-Warming Measures, i.e. Geoengineering

By Dr. Hans J. Kugler,  contributing writer for


We – IAAM (International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) – recently called attention to the fact that top Global Warming scientists had issued a doomsday warning, pointing at unusually high Methane levels, caused by the – much faster than expected – melting of Arctic ice which, in turn, warmed permafrost areas and ocean to the point that Methane from now warming permafrost areas, and from deep sea Clathrates – is now being released into the atmosphere at a rate of 50 million tons/year, and threatens global self-destruction if the strongest, immediate, countermeasures are not taken. and
Methane is 105 times stronger than CO2 in causing Global Warming.

Satellites measure what energy comes in and what goes out. Incoming sun energy is equivalent to 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day. 90% of that, previously reflected by Arctic ice, now warms permafrost areas and oceans, causing ever increasing amounts of Methane to be released.

Total Methane, previously safely tugged away in deep cold oceans and permafrost areas, is thousands of Gigatons, and only 1% released into the atmosphere, would be sufficient to change the equilibrium towards an earth-destructing fatality. At that point nothing could be done about it; Goodbye Earth!

You will see some of our greatest minds – Prof. Peter Wadhams, Cambridge U. Arctic expert, John Nissen, AMEG chairman, David Wasdell, director Apollo Gaia project, Dr. Natalia Shakhova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Richard Milne, U. of Edinburgh – confirming/explaining these facts in the quoted URLs.

So, what needs to be done?


CO2 begins warming, causes temperature increases in tundra – increased temperature drives water vapor feedback, water vapor feedback accelerates heating, which initiates more heating, etc., etc.

Because the extreme CO2 amounts created by burning fossil fuels – more than twice the amounts plants and oceans can handle, 36 billion pounds of CO2 per day in the US alone – CO2 is the # 1 trigger/cause of Global Warming, ocean acidification, death of sea life, shifting ecosystem balance, and much more. Therefore the logical thing must be to aim at reducing CO2 by 80%, not by 2050, but by 2020, possibly earlier. ENERGY CALCULATIONS – TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ALL POSSIBLE WAYS OF CO2 PRODUCTION AND REDUCTION – MAKE IT – 100% – CLEAR THAT GREATLY REDUCING COAL, OIL, AND GAS, AND QUICKLY CHANGING TO NON-CARBON SOURCES OF ENERGY – ESPECIALLY SOLAR AND HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY – IS THE ONLY WAY TO ACHIEVE THIS. SHORT-CUTS AND GIMMICKS TO EXTEND USAGE OF CARBON-BASED FUELS DON’T WORK, WILL ONLY WORSEN THE PROBLEM, AND ONLY GETS US CLOSER TO A NO-RETURN CATASTROPHE QUICKER. DON’T LET THE COAL, OIL, AND FRACKING INDUSTRY, WITH THEIR PLANTED BOGUS ARGUMENTS, PULL THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES. For some more details see “NUTS! to the Global Warming Denialists” at
WE CERTAINLY HAVE THE CAPACITY TO DO SO!!!!!: as per RMI – the Rocky Mountain Institute – practicing conservation, as done in Europe, could reduce energy needs by 30%, and hydrogen technology, as per Harvard prof. Dan Nocera, could run the entire US with enough solar electricity and water, while moving the US back into a top position in the world.

This scientifically documented need to GREATLY reduce/eliminate fossil fuel usage, is fought by the carbon industry – coal, oil, fracking – by manipulating our government into OK-eing VooDoo “science” that is not only ineffective, but also douses its people – with total disrespect for their health – with toxic, disease-inducing, chemicals. Thus, the US overall approach towards preventing Global-Warming-induced suicide has become one of extreme stupidity and ignorance. The facts are 100% clear: THIS IS AN EXTREME EMERGENCY! Yet, what are the supposedly responsible branches of our government doing? Besides scientifically flunked Geoengineering VooDoo – under the influence of intentionally planted BOGUS Anti-Global Warming arguments(?) – – and pushed by the carbon industry – NOTHING! This even goes as far as utility companies pushing legislation that makes it more difficult for people to install solar (news item August 8, 2014). Could they possibly use their brains and, for example, acknowledge the fact that in always cloudy Germany solar now supplies 50% of electricity demands???
And thats where – AS WE, AND SCIENTISTS UNAFFECTED BY MONEYED INTERESTS, SEE IT – common-sense science is drowned out by politics, and pseudo-scientific lunacy, attempting shortcuts – Geoengineering – that (according to an interview in the CHRONICLE with Edward Snowden) have been going on for years now, has caused climate disasters (decimated the S-Dakota cattle industry by inducing a sub-zero temperature ice storm that killed thousands of cattle), is counterproductive to established anti-climate-change measures already taken (if you have solar panels on your house, it reduces electricity production by about 20%; does anybody reimburse you for this loss? It also increases deadly UV radiation, burns the bark off trees, and destroys ozone). Most serious, by spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere to reduce sun energy absorption, it induces diseases galore in humans and plants, and kills trees: .

THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE, also referred to as “Chemtrails”, “Geoengineering” – practiced, as per a Chronicle interview with Edward Snowden for years now, and with Government blessings, by Frankenstein-type VOODOO practitioners – motivated not by science facts, but by moneyed interests. Those know-nothing know-it-alls also deny basic physics (that bottom-line energy has to be accounted for, it violates laws of thermodynamics, and that – as screwed up by geoengineering weather modification mechanics, if you cool one part of the world, another will warm, and increase in temperature).
BUT, MOST IMPORTANT, is that those ignoramuses, without government or medical supervision, dare to play God with our health by spraying tons of nano-particles of reflecting metals (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium) into high layers of the atmosphere to prevent sun energy from reaching earth and, obviously oblivious to the facts that these metals are major causes of diseases like Alzheimers, Autism, severe inflammation, risking cancer, heart- and lung disease, ALL OF WHICH HAVE GREATLY INCREASED OVER THE PAST YEARS.
Do a Pub-Med (NIH database) search for “toxic effects of aluminum, or Barium, or Strontium, on human or plant health”, and you get – wow – 60,522 responses/citations.
Geoengineers have stated the goal of 20,000,000 tons of aluminum a year for global dispersement; that will sure make us all coming down with Alzheimers quyickly, and increase big pharma profits. They don’t acknowledge – sometimes still deny – the spraying with Aluminum. So, how come independent lab analysis of rain/soil proved it (see cover story in SOCO magazine, August 2014), and Monsanto – out of the Goodness of their rotten (?) hearts – developed aluminum-resistent crops????
And – ohhhhh – I almost overlooked – because nothing in the geoengineering approach aims at reducing CO2, coal, oil, and Fracking (Fracking, the biggest farce ever pulled over on the American public; bottom-line, including the injection of tons of toxic chemicals, “fracking fluids,” into the wells, fracking is worse than coal), these industries will keep selling their earth-destructing poisons without restrictions. GET THE PICTURE? WHO HAS THE MONEY, BABY!
With total neglect for WE THE PEOPLE, our health is sacrificed for oil/coal industry profits!!!! Don’t we have great health protection here in the US? So screwed up that it is referred to by conspiracy theorists as “population control”.
Get a better picture by following

And if you finally recognized that your participation in this WAR OF GOOD AGAINST EVIL could help to shift the balance, get strong and fit first: Dr. Kugler’s “LIFE-LONG HEALTH: learn how to control your genes to stay young with age”, originally $ 18.95, is now available as health education project e-book for the non-profit price of $ 1.99. and check out

References showing the toxic effects of Aluminum on trees: Aluminum toxicity and forest decline. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jun 1988; 85(11): 3888–3892.
PMCID: PMC280325, D. L. Godbold,* E. Fritz, and A. Hüttermann

Plant and Soil , June 2014. Aluminum toxicity to tropical montane forest tree seedlings in southern Ecuador: response of biomass and plant morphology to elevated Al concentrations.

Calcium Depletion and Aluminum Toxicity May Contribute to Maple Decline. 2007, Paul Schaberg, U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station, VT.

Anti-Aging medical textbooks; Dr.Kugler co-author.


Dr. Kugler, motivational speaker on any aspect of anti-aging, presenter at International Anti-Aging Medical congresses.


Anti-aging, health, and fitness books by Dr.Kugler.

911 Flooded With Difficulty Breathing Calls After Heavy Spraying


The degree of human health impact already caused by the decades long atmospheric spraying could never be quantified. Respiratory mortality is off the charts around the globe along with every other ailment associated with fine particulate exposure. Virtually every disease that is known to be connected to heavy metal contamination has also skyrocketed off the charts. The ongoing climate engineering is contaminating the entire web of life.  Its up to each and every one of us to help with the fight to bring climate engineering to light. No matter how difficult, no matter how uncomfortable, no matter how challenging, we must all engage in this battle. My thanks to the author of the article below.
Dane Wigington

911 Flooded With Difficulty Breathing Calls After Heavy Spraying


About two months ago I woke up one morning in New Hampshire and thought I was in Los Angeles. They sprayed all night long and you could literally see the fallout cascading through the rays of sun desperately trying to break through the man made haze. All of the bad memories I had from having to visit that area of southern California rushed back from recessed areas of my consciousness reserved for hard to handle experiences. If you’ve never seen it in person it’s hard to describe. In Los Angeles you can actually see the air. When it’s bad you can hardly see farther than a few hundred yards. It’s perhaps the most disgusting city in America because of this and people willingly pay huge sums of money to live there and subject themselves and their children to these conditions. This is beyond my comprehension.

Los Angeles On A Good Day

People generally need to be pushed before they will act and do something. That morning I had been pushed. I was mad and was determined to take action in a way previously unexplored. After brainstorming for a little while I concluded the best way to spread awareness about geoengineering/climate engineering would be to illustrate a connection between what we are being sprayed with and the real time human health effects manifesting on the ground.

Curiousity forced me to look into something I had always tried to avoid. When you know something’s going to be bad you tend to not look because you’ll be proven right and you will find the situation is far worse than you thought. Well guess what? As it turns out when you peel back just a tiny little layer of the  chemtrail onion you start to find really nasty human health implications. So how does a regular citizen prove this? You start listening to your local fire/ems/ambulance dispatchers. So I went to my storage unit and unboxed a thirty year old analog police scanner and programmed it with frequencies that covered my area.

In central New Hampshire (Lakes Region) all of the towns are very small and spread out. As a result a central control apparatus was esablished to handle all of the hamlets emergency fire amd medical needs. By funneling all of the 911 calls to a central location towns could forgo the expense of maintaining their own dispatch centers and use the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid dispatch center.

I began listening and recording transmissions after heavy spray days and was immediately shocked by the number of emergency calls coming from people that couldn’t breathe. As it turns out it has become so common that the dispatchers have a term or a code for it. It’s called “difficulty breathing”. After about a week of collating data it was clear I was on to something big. Below is a quick video I put together documenting these calls.

I have already accumultaed hundreds of these difficulty breathing calls. HUNDREDS. I have only been doing this for a little while and I will have to stop because it’s taking too much time to keep track of it all.

Please keep in mind I live in a very sparsely populated area in a state that only has one million permanent residents. Now use your imagination. What are the larger metropolitan areas and cities sounding like in their 911 call centers? Another thing to consider. My state is 85% forested. This is some of the most prestine land in the country with some of the best water in the country. Why are so many people having such a hard time breathing?

Are we witnessing the beginning of the affects of mass oxygen deprivation in humans as a result of the huge plankton die off ocurring that is primarily due to geoengineering? Are we witnessing the affects of decreasing oxygen output by forests because the trees are dying and under extreme stress from the spraying? Are we witnessing the adverse human health effects of breathing unspeakable quantities of nano particulate of aluminum and whatever else they decide to spray on us?

If you were looking for some concrete data that shows a direct connection between the spraying that’s taking place over our heads and the harmful health effects that are being realized on the ground I think we’ve found it. This is a public health emergency. People are literally dropping like flies.

Climate engineering is negatively impacting every living organism on our planet. You must become a super activist, disregarding fears of ridicule, and push this information out to everyone you know. When facing opposition your argument should sound something like this: “Who is crazier? Someone who recognizes the dire consequences of geoengineering and wants to do something about it or someone who refuses to recognize the blatantly obvious weather modification, continues to live in denial, and refuses to act even to save their own kids?”


Assault By Global Weather Modification


My thanks to the editors of “Lotus Guide” (a Northern California magazine) for their courage in addressing the dire threat posed by our collapsing biosphere and also for helping to expose the climate engineering factor in this equation.
Dane Wigington

New Zealand’s ‘dramatic’ ice loss could lead to severe decline of glaciers


Source: The Guardian

New Zealand’s vast Southern Alps mountain range has lost a third of its permanent snow and ice over the past four decades, diminishing some of the country’s most spectacular glaciers, new research has found.

Total Control of the Internet


People are now being forced to wake up to the fact that the internet is totally controlled. Though we have all known this has been the case at some level for a very long time, the degree to which this manipulation is increasing has become startling. In August of 2012 an extremely well done music video was produced by my good friend and fellow anti-geoengineering activist Morgan Carey (singer Mariah Carey’s older brother). The song was titled “Cry Die”, the theme of the video is the horrific spraying of our skies. Shortly after the release of the music video, Mariah Carey sent the link to her incredibly massive email list for their review. The site counter for Morgan’s video barely moved in the days afterward. There should have been tens of thousands of hits or more after Mariah’s mail out, instead, almost nothing. Recent disclosures from Snowden and Glen Greenwald have further exposed the degree of manipulation going on. There is no limit to the control being exercised on social media by the powers that control it. I am told by an internet expert I know that the YouTube counts are indeed “throttled back” by the government controlled servers before YouTube can receive the hits and tabulate them. Whatever the controlling mechanism is, the counts on so many posts are being severely reduced. I and many others are experiencing the same sort of apparent massive manipulation of view counts to the down side on any important data related to climate engineering. I constantly get messages from people that they are unable to “share” our FB posts on the geoengineering subject. Most recently the posting of the Shasta County presentation was picked up and posted on a great many sites, is still picking up momentum, in spite of this, very few views are showing up on the youtube counter. Those who so willingly carry out the bidding of the power elite by censoring data and site counts should consider they are hurting themselves along with the rest of us. If the current course of the human race is not altered completely, we have no chance for long term survival. If truth is censored, our fight is made much more difficult. Even short term survival is questionable on the current trajectory. Get educated, get active, and help to sound the alarm, every day counts.
Dane Wigington

Engineered Climate Anomalies, It’s the Bigger Picture That Matters


The climate engineers have thrown everything they have at keeping the Eastern US cool while they fry Western USDown under, the geoengineers have also been very busy. More “cold” headlines have been created yet again in Antarctica. Since there is literally almost no one in Antarctica (except for a few research stations and bases), the weather makers can do whatever they want without scrutiny. Unlimited chemical climate cool down experiments are the norm for the bottom of the world. Such experiments can and do create a shallow layer of cold air at the surface. Our atmosphere is stratifying (primarily from climate engineering) which helps to keep this cold layer intact. This allows for a few cold records to be orchestrated by the weather makers at the cost of ever more damage to the biosphere overall while the rest of the planet descends into total meltdown. The big picture is what matters, not the temporary, toxic, and destructive geoengineered cool downs. So what is the bigger picture? Examine the article below and view the 14 second GISS ground temperature data video link. The bottom line is this, the planet is not just warming, but rather in a runaway greenhouse effect scenario.  Geoengineering and methane release fueling the fire, the climate engineers must be exposed and stopped.
Dane Wigington

Cataclysmic Fires are Raging Across the Northern Hemisphere


While many are still confused by the ongoing assault of climate disinformation, the planet is burning to the ground, literally. We are all now drifting in uncharted waters. An ever worsening climate hell is unfolding around us by the day while the vast majority of the population is completely oblivious. Denial is epidemic on all sides of the fence in one form or another. Some of the most deeply rooted denial is in the climate science community. Countless academicians are completely silent and blind to the ongoing geoengineering circus being conducted in skies around the globe day in and day out. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel on any subject in human history. Virtually all their modeling is essentially worthless. None of it even considers the horrific effects of geoengineering or the climate feedback loops that it helps to feed. Catastrophic ozone depletion, total disruption of the hydrological cycle, methane release, and a completely contaminated planet, all are connected to climate engineering. Many have been trained to think the climate modeling is “alarmist”, the truth is quite the opposite. The planetary meltdown is far worse than almost any modeling suggests. Though there are of course countless other sources of human activities wreaking havoc on the biosphere, global geoengineering programs are the greatest assault of all on our planet. The article below should be a wake up call, the forests of Earth are burning to the ground.
Dane Wigington

“Justified Vengeance”, The Pretext for Bombing Gaza: Was the Netanyahu Government behind the Killings of the Three Israeli Teenagers?


Source: Global Research

The pretext for bombing and shelling Gaza was the death of three Israeli teenagers allegedly killed by Hamas.

The Poisoning, Bankruptcy and Poverty of Geoengineering


By Nancy Levant

Chattanooga Media Sounds the Alarm on our Toxic Skies


Credible media sources and people are increasingly speaking out about the all too obvious crimes occurring in our skies day in and day out. The undercurrent of awareness in regard to the climate engineering insanity is growing by the day. My most sincere gratitude to David Tulis of Hot News Talk Radio for his exceptional writing in the article below. As respected members of media from all over the globe increasingly address the critical issue of the covert climate engineering programs, soon enough the criminal spraying of our skies will be fully exposed and recognized by the public. Once this happens, the dominos will begin to fall. Populations will be furious when they finally realize they have all been sprayed like lab rats without their knowledge or consent.
Dane Wigington