The Geopolitics of World War III

The US corporate media propaganda machine has blinded much of the population to the dire events unfolding around us all by the day. The short video below is well worth the time to review. It has been put together in extremely articulate, accurate, and direct fashion. It is an all important look at the immediate wider horizon.


The real reason Russia and Syria are being targeted right now

4 Responses to The Geopolitics of World War III

  1. robdas says:

    Brief, fact based, terrifying, I have subscribed to Storm Clouds Gathering and could end up on a government watch list. Think I’m dreaming. Give me 22 minutes, with particular attention to minutes 8 through 11 which you will well remember. Then message me.

    Reading the fearful, myth based comments on youtube to this video gives me little hope. And when we all go down to climate change, those in control will have their towers, not quite like the recent science fiction movie, but close enough.

  2. Lydia White Calf says:

    Dane, I tried to tell people as early as 2001 about chemtrails – I learned all the science from Steve Carnicorn as we both lived in Santa Fe at the time. I received alot of violent responses across the board. The few that did not get violent with me simply labeled me off as crazy. I’ve been following your work since 2010, and I stand behind you with all my might. Thank you on behalf of all that lives.

  3. Raymond Woods says:

    The end is very near and by the end of 2014 people are about to be awaken by a devastation event, which America and the west Ponzi scheme will be expose to the rest of the world and the American people. Much events which propaganda that targets Russia and China has and will continue to demonize them will no longer be of use, because most of the world by now have realize that we’ve been lied too all along for many years. Its the End game and like I said and always said, why after all these years they select a black man to be president of this country. I am black, but I consider myself of just being a Man!. I just believe that the powers to be had to select him for the right time period in which this false system was spiraling down and unstoppable. They step up the weather modification spraying because it was a piece of the puzzle game that played a very important part of the game to distract the world with crazy environmental confusion, which is now back fired along with everything else like North Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, China, and other countries that haven’t been expose but are in the making. The Hegemonic belief will be the cause of our extermination from which I say and it is written.
    “Its for behind the power of love for money and oil is the root of all Evil” Need I say no more!!

  4. Gloria says:

    Don’t forget though The EURO is part of a centralized attempt both financially and socially plan to bring in NWO

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