Dane Wigington
Crop crushing weather whiplash flash freezes and Florida firestorms, weather warfare operations are taking a massive toll in the US and around the world. Devastating drought and deluge scenarios are wreaking havoc in countless countries and racking up “trillions in losses for the financial sector”. But can the true cost of what is taking place be measured with money? How catastrophic will conditions need to become before the climate engineering elephant in the equation is finally acknowledged? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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12 Responses
Please submit the form to contact your representatives – thank you to SHF.
From Stand for Health Freedom:
What is going on in our skies? There are so many reports about the United States being subjected to unauthorized and unregulated atmospheric weather modification, including atmospheric aerosol injection (AAI) — a form of geoengineering deceptively promoted as “climate mitigation.” These operations occur without public knowledge, consent, or congressional approval, and they pose a direct threat to public health, agriculture, the environment, and national security.
Twenty-four states, including Tennessee and Florida, are introducing legislation to ban geoengineering and cloud seeding, but states need federal support to succeed.
Click to tell Congress to investigate!
Hey, weather whiplash is coming here in Southern Minnesota for Friday March 28, 2025. Highs of 84 degrees for Friday afternoon and 40 degrees mixing with “snow” on Saturday and into Sunday morning. It’s not hard to see this whiplash.
Buying Time
Will my lungs fill up first from the overhead aerial assault that I am not seeing in skies according to the experts and mainstream media propaganda ,or will I go blind from all the plastic \ metallic pollen in the air ? At least I won’t be able to see what I am breathing as clearly revealed by the flashlight beam at night if I go blind. Buying of time depends on my body expelling what is in every breath I take . At least I don’t have to worry about the air in the daytime as I can’t see that in a flashlight beam ! I don’t see beautiful sunrises and sunsets anymore I see toxic sky cancer. Maybe I just need glasses to see the reality.
Important update, friends.
Look the storm in the eye.
Have HOPE.
‘Tis always darkest, and coldest, before the dawn breaks.
Be encouraged, all-ways…
Alais Clay – Deadly Rain
Watch this video song– explains alot.
This morning it’s a bright clear sky with minimal chemical haze on the horizon here in eastern Oregon. The weather is scheduled to reach 67 degrees today and possibly reaching 70 degrees for the next couple of days. I’ve only seen one light chemical laydown so far, but I know that won’t last. I have a prediction, and let’s see if it plays out. I predict that after the next few days the weather makers will send down a chemical freeze to kill off all the blossoms that are forming on my fruit trees. This happened last year and I had not one peach form on my trees. I guess you could call this overkill as there are no pollinators flying around to pollinate anyway. A friend of mine who raises honey bees lost all of his colonies this winter, and he was dutiful in feeding and sheltering them from the chemical freezes that they had to endure. So lets see if I’m correct in my prediction, maybe I should start placing bets.
Hello Dane and fellow Spartans,
I was very dismayed by your mention of RFK’s failure to deliver so far on necessary changes, especially on his claim that geoengineering is a crime that must stop. I am praying that the reason for this is his tied up hands that he will gradually be able to loosen. But as you well know, the knot can be enormously tight. Probably wishful thinking because as you pointed out,our new administeation is likely as bad as the last, especially since they make no effort to hide their lack of cerncern for planetary destruction. The major difference between the administration’s appears to be that the present one is less sneaky. But the political theater that you often mention goes on “Broadway style.” Thanks, Dane for hanging in there despite the growing possibilities that we have entered the end times in earnest. In any event I’m hanging on tightly to your coat tails and will try to up my game as you have indicated.
Peter Wadhams professor of Ocean Physics at Cambridge
The Future of Sea Level Rise: “Russian scientists working the region believe a huge pulse of methane could erupt.” This could crank up global temperatures to ultra-dangerous levels in as little as 2-3 years. The consequences would be unspeakable. And with Antarctica joining, the game changes.
As a science researcher/writer of over 400 articles, this new development is extraordinarily spooky and difficult to accept because the consequences feel way too close for comfort. Stated at the opening of the Phantom Ecology video: “Deep beneath the icy plains of Antarctica, a slumbering giant is beginning to stir. Scientists have made a startling discovery. Vast reservoirs of methane hydrates locked away for millennia are showing signs of instability.”
Sun City Texas Retirement Community
Williamson County Texas
GOV. GREG ABBOTT was at the WHITE HOUSE this week taking SELFIES!
Thanks, Rodney. In Wisconsin, I have noticed that our grass is completely dead. By this time it should be growing but nothing. The surface soil really seems dead. I hope you can see some sign of soil life there. Not with chemtrails but I hope you can see something. We have a monocolor, depressing, artifically-created environment now. The kids can’t melt the snow with a lighter kinda bad stuff.
Take good care.
Holding those accountable for all the lies and deception in the battle for survival. A written record , a video, a published opinion , there is a record of it all . At what point will those awake hold the deceivers to answer? When it’s too late ? To knowingly put their name on the deception should already seal the deceiver’s fate but that is not so in the art of deception . No worries about a failing stock market we have the government’s bitcoin reserves 21 million in digital gold assets not that I know what digital gold is,I will blindly trust the government in the art of corruption. For once we first deceive it is a wicked web we weave . Just look up and explain the cobwebs in the sky, for your demise should be accountable.
Ecuador is currently going through what is called its rainy season. I would say what’s happening there is a little on the extreme side.
According to a tele SUR article, 20 people have died and 96 have been injured. 14,000 have been displaced and 110,000 affected in some way. 31,500 homes have been damaged and 143 destroyed.
8 out of 24 provinces are in a state of emergency. 12 bridges have been destroyed and 33 have been damaged. Almost 500 schools have been damaged.
10,000 hectares of crops have been lost and 7500 hectares have been damaged. In the rural areas, about 50,000 animals have died. Is this just the rainy season or is weather warfare part of the equation?
“An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” Quote attributed to Sun Tzu, “The Art of War.”
Today, with the advent of weaponized technology, I guess the evil man can pound it with rain and rule over the mud.