Search Results for: commercial airliners

Courageous Former Commercial Pilot Joins The Fight To Stop Geoengineering


How could the cancer of destruction and insanity that is tearing our planet apart grow so unimaginably massive? Because there are so many individuals in the "system" that have long since sold their morality and honor for a paycheck and a pension. Thankfully, there are exceptions to this rule who are making their voices heard. When credible professionals speak out about the ongoing climate engineering insanity, people listen. Former commercial airline pilot, Willem Felderhof, has long since shown the courage to make his voice heard in the battle to expose the toxic air inside aircraft cabins. Willem is also helping to sound the alarm in the fight to expose and stop global geoengineering, his testimony is below. My most sincere gratitude to Willem Felderhof for his dedication to fight for the common good.
Dane Wigington

The Washington Post Covers Climate Engineering Issue

The Washington Post has now addressed the climate engineering issue, the weather warfare assault in our skies is becoming all but impossible to hide. As our collective reality continues to rapidly deteriorate, many are beginning to look around and some are finally looking up. Blue skies are now a rare site as the all out aerosol spraying bombardment continues to increase around the globe. Though The Washington Post used the usual mainstream media terms like "conspiracy theory", all things considered this article is a giant leap forward for the cause of exposing the climate engineering insanity. The reporters at The Washington Post certainly had an uphill battle in getting this article even accepted for print, my sincere gratitude to them for their efforts. We are nearing critical mass of awareness regarding global geoengineering, those that wish to further the strides made with this article should take the time to click the "original source" link, and then comment under the article. Let's make our voices heard more than ever before.

Evidence Conclusive: Ukraine Military Shot Down MH17 In False Flag Operation


US And Ukraine Fabricated Evidence To Blame Russia And The Rebels 


Source: The Millennium Report

There is now a growing body of irrefutable evidence which points directly to the MH17 shoot down being a classic false flag operation. Each piece of evidence definitively places at least three nations at the scene of both the crime and the cover-up.

Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts


“In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease, a condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed. “

Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider


The interview transcript  below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago, but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of government scientists. They are all "compartmentalized", they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious.


They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man's right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an insider's perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? To restate for the record, though the scientist in the interview below has chosen to believe that the climate engineering insanity is for the overall greater good, front line data completely refutes any such conclusion. Geoengineering operations are further fueling the biosphere implosion, not mitigating it.  All are needed to stand and make their voice heard for the greater good. What will you do?
Dane Wigington

International “Eluxe Magazine” Makes Their Voice Heard On The Geoengineering Threat


We can now add yet another source to the growing list of important publications that have already spoken out about the critical climate engineering issue, "Eluxe Magazine". Below is an excerpt from their impressive "about" section.

Eluxe Magazine is the world’s first ever publication fully dedicated to sustainable luxury. We’re a quarterly published paper magazine and a digital publication based in London and Paris, dedicated to showcasing luxury brands that demonstrate a strong commitment to good ethics and environmental sustainability.  We determine the sustainability of a brand on several factors, including whether it:

  • Uses organic, biodegradable, recycled or renewable materials
  • Traces the environmental accountability of the product throughout the supply chain
  • Follows a strict Corporate Sustainability Policy, with transparent annual reports.
  • Uses recyclable, recycled or no packaging
  • Creates a product whose consumption can greatly reduce the owner’s environmental impact

Other publications that have already done their part to sound the alarm on atmospheric spraying atrocities are SOCO magazine and National Health Freedom magazine. The wave of awareness and outrage is building very rapidly as people around the globe wake up to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent. Momentum is growing exponentially in the most critical battle of all, the fight to take back our skies from the grip of the collective insanity that has all but decimated our planet. We must all keep marching forward in this battle with all the strength and speed we can manage, every day counts. My most sincere thanks to Eluxe Magazine for solidly joining us in all important effort to expose global climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Climate Engineering Using Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifies Global Climate Change


GLOBAL WARMING Is Reaching An Environmental Tipping Point

Source: State of the Nation

The position of this essay on the Global Warming issue is unequivocal; therefore, we highly recommend a complete reading especially for those who have their doubts.  The deleterious effects of Geoengineering via Chemtrails and HAARP on the weather patterns and regional climate trends around the globe is now conclusive and inarguable .  Look closely at all the destruction that Global Warming has inflicted on both cityscapes and landscapes alike.  The damage wrought by unrelenting Global Climate Change is becoming so severe and ubiquitous that many of the wars and armed conflicts across the planet are occurring as a direct result.

Climate Engineering Threatens The Planetary Civilization


Geoengineering Using Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifies Global Warming


A Day in the Life: 4/22-23/14


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)

Thin Ice


Now hear this. Our ancient space colony is the only home we have. It’s floundering on the shoals of denial, greed and immutable feedback processes. There are no lifeboats. If exploitive corporate interests, their political lackeys and mesmerized “consumers” keep focusing on the frivolous while trashing this singular blue oasis like there’s no tomorrow… there won’t be.

Global Dimming


“New evidence that air pollution has masked the full impact of global warming suggests the world may soon face a heightened climate crisis.”
– After reading this article you will find the above quote is grossly underestimated.