When I agreed to do an interview about geoengineering with ABC weatherman Chris Edwards (former military meteorologist), I was fully expecting a disinformation “hit piece”. My decision to press on with the interview was because I felt that such obvious spin and coverup would clearly expose the agenda of ABC and Mr. Edwards to quell ever increasing public awareness of global climate engineering. (geoengineering)
Was there a complete lack of journalistic integrity in the interview linked below? I will leave that up to the reader to decide.
(Should you choose to question Mr. Edwards about his “journalism” after reviewing this article, he can be reached at: cedwards@wxyz.com .)
Dane Wigington
Actual interview aired by ABC:
Below is the audio for the full interview, almost all of which was edited out.
Unfortunately there was a problem with the video portion taping, but the audio is complete.
So what did ABC and Chris Edwards actually use as “proof” that climate engineering (geoengineering) is not occurring?
- One “expert” is questioned about what is in “jet engine exhaust”, (what does that have to do with sprayed payload disbursements associated with geoengineering/climate engineering programs?)
- Next, Mr. Edwards cites himself as a source of fact to prove geoengineering/climate engineering is not occurring.
- Edwards then goes on to cite a hand picked pentagon pal to “prove” his case.
- Finally, the single water test, which according to Edwards, proves there is no spraying going on over our heads. (Are we to have any faith at all in such a test conducted by those with an obvious agenda to omit any and all facts relating to the geoengineering issue like those listed below? Are we to ignore countless other tests from around the globe because of one test that Edwards did?)
What did ABC meteorologist Chris Edwards omit from his report?
- Background of interviewee, research experience of interviewee, website on the subject at hand which is administered by interviewee. (I was introduced as a “solar power user”? Isn’t that every living thing on the planet?)
- Virtually no mention of the terms “geoengineering”, “climate engineering”, “SRM” (solar radiation management), “SAG” (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering). All these terms and definitions were passed on to Mr. Edwards, why did he fail to mention any of these terms even once? Because to do so might lead some to Google the terms and thus find out there is solid science to back up this discussion, not “questionable science that grows like a cancer on the internet” as Edwards states in his so called “report”.
What else did ABC and Chris Edwards fail to investigate or even mention from the data supplied to them? (facts mentioned in interview which were deleted from aired report, facts on web site given to Edwards, video documentary links passed on to Edwards, etc)
- Video of KC 10 tanker spraying at altitude. (Though a few seconds of this vid was shown on air, the most damning parts were omitted)
- Lab tests of precipitation/snow
- Global Dimming due to atmospheric particulates. ( This is the primary goal of geoengineering programs like SRM and SAG) also This
I could go on, and on, and on. Obviously we can not expect ABC and Chris Edwards to address all the facts, but to totally omit virtually all relevant facts, like those listed above? Even total omission of every single scientifically recognized term for the climate engineering programs being conducted in our skies? Is this total omission of facts an accident?
Global geoengineering programs appear to be ripping the natural climate system apart. The “weather” is already incredibly chaotic, this will likely increase rapidly as the “climate forcing” programs continue to be ramped up, blue skies are now rare.
We can expect more and more efforts from main stream media to cover up the ever more visible geoengineering programs and their effects. It is up to each and every one of us to get informed, arm ourselves with credible data, and help with the challenge of shining the light on global geoengineering. We must also help with the effort to expose those that are doing their best to hide the ongoing catastrophic geoengineering programs.
Again, if you wish to express your concerns to ABC meteorologist Chris Edwards, please do so. Taking the time to let people like Mr, Edwards know that you are not OK with their total omission of facts is important to the cause of exposing the horrific crime of global geoengineering. ( cedwards@wxyz.com )
If you take the time to view the recent ABC “Report” on “chemtrails” (ABC made it a point never to mention the terms “geoengineering” and “climate engineering”) you will see that Professor Joyce Penner is asked to answer a particular question about “jet exhaust” (not the subject at hand) The way in which she answered this question leads one to believe she knows nothing about “geoengineering’ or “climate engineering”.
ABC article link with original interview
The link below is only one of many and ongoing lectures done by Professor Joyce Penner on the subject of “GEOENGINEERING”
ABC’s goal in the “report” they did was clearly to hide the truth, not to tell it.
Does the Mainstream Media have a track record of telling us the truth?Mainstream Media Lies: 23 Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be On Television
The following are 23 things that are not what they seem to be on television….
The Lie: Mitt Romney won Iowa. The Truth: Mitt Romney may not have won Iowa. The following report of a documented vote discrepancy comes from KCCI….
So how many other “vote discrepancies” were there in Iowa? Was this just a “coincidence” or did someone do this on purpose? The Lie: SOPA is all about cracking down on international sellers of counterfeit goods. The Truth: SOPA is all about censoring the Internet and cracking down on websites that the federal government does not like. The Lie: The U.S. unemployment rate is now at 8.5% and will continue to fall as the U.S. economy recovers. The Truth: If the number of Americans considered to be “looking for work” was the same today as it was back in 2007, the “official” unemployment rate put out by the U.S. government would about 11 percent, and the U.S. middle class continues to be systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes. The Lie: The debt crisis in Europe has been stabilized and the euro is going to be just fine. The Truth: The debt crisis in Europe continues to get worse and the euro is dropping like a rock. The Lie: The U.S. stock market is in great shape and is poised to soar to new heights in 2012. The Truth: Investors are pulling money out of stocks at an alarming rate. In fact, as CNBC recently noted, investors have pulled more money out of mutual funds than they have put into mutual funds for 9 weeks in a row. A lot of people out there expect that something really bad is going to happen very soon….
The Lie: There are no plans to replace the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. The Truth: Top financial authorities all over the world have been developing plans for a new global currency for a long time. The following comes from a CNN article….
The Lie: Federal employees are not overpaid. The Truth: The federal government is advertising for an “invitations coordinator” that will make between $53,500 and $102,900 per year. The Lie: The old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are bad for the environment and it is a good thing that the federal government is requiring that they be phased out. The Truth: The new CFL light bulbs are filled with mercury, they are an environmental nightmare and they are incredibly toxic and dangerous if they are broken. The Lie: The number of earthquakes is not increasing. The Truth: The number of earthquakes is increasing dramatically. As the “Ring of Fire” continues to wake up the next few years could be very, very interesting. The Lie: The nuclear crisis at Fukushima is under control and things are getting back to normal. The Truth: Large areas around Fukushima will be uninhabitable for the indefinite future. Back in April, I published an article entitled “Much Of Northern Japan Uninhabitable Due To Nuclear Radiation?“ At the time, almost everyone in the mainstream media was insisting that Fukushima was nothing like Chernobyl and that those that lived near Fukushima would be able to return to their homes fairly soon. Well, it turns out that those of us that feared the worst were right after all. Just consider the following quote from the New York Times….
The Lie: Fluoride is good for our teeth and we should put huge amounts of it into our drinking water. The Truth: Fluoride is a very toxic sedative and can be very harmful to the teeth. Incredibly, even the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the “recommended amount” of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years. We probably won’t see them ban fluoride any time soon, but for them to even acknowledge a problem with fluoride is a major step. In a recent article on CNN, it was reported that the federal government is now saying that high levels of fluoride in the water have now officially been linked with fluorosis….
The Lie: Using cell phones is perfectly safe and they do not cause cancer. The Truth: Using cell phones can definitely increase your risk for cancer. Some very startling scientific studies have come out recently that are hard to ignore. The following is an excerpt from a recent CNN article about one of these studies….
The Lie: The federal government works very hard to keep dangerous prescription drugs from ever entering the marketplace. The Truth: America’s addiction to prescription drugs is getting a lot of people put into the ground. Adverse reactions to prescription drugs kill a huge number of Americans every year. A recent Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine” began with the following statement….
The Lie: Members of Congress work really hard to fix the problems that this country is facing. The Truth: Members of Congress work an average of about two and a half days per week. The Lie: The United States has the best health care system in the world. The Truth: The United States spends far more on health care than anyone else in the world, but we rank 50th in life expectancy, 47 countries have a lower infant mortality rate than we do and the federal government is chasing millions of good doctors out of the medical profession. The Lie: The U.S. education system is producing a huge crop of really sharp students who are prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow. The Truth: The U.S. education system is a complete and total joke. It is producing millions of students that are not prepared to face the real world at all. The following is a short excerpt from a recent article by Mac Slavo that many of you will find illuminating….more…
13 Responses
What is happening is easily believed when directly witnessed. In regards to those I’ve personally expressed my concerns to, the ratio of those who believe the skies are being systematically and deliberately contaminated to those who dismiss such a reality is about 5 to 1, the 5 being those who look up, the 1 being those who, well, whatever…truth is stranger than fiction and harder to lump, but most people can recognize the difference. In rural areas, the acceleration of these operations since July is especially glaring.
In regards to the diminished resource of true journalism, it never ceases to amaze me how many good people allow bad things to happen as long as their rice bowls are full. But then there are masters like Stephen Colbert! I replay that clip when I need cheering up and don’t have time to listen to Dane’s brilliant presentation. The look on Mr. Keith’s face when he realizes Mr. Colbert has played him is medicinal.
I am so grateful for this wonderful website, Dane. I was told by a friend yesterday that information about chemtrails is all over the internet. Thank you for championing a mission you wish wasn’t necessary.
Dane .. so good to hear you telling the facts even though you had the “editing out from hell” experience.
I did wonder if they were doing some sort of covert information gathering as to how much you know considering the clear and concise questions by CE – but this can’t be right, you have your own site they and monitor don’t they?
For what its worth I laugh at the weathermen on the television – they are so out of a job are they not!
ABC & Chris Edwards have clearly been exposed.
You have set the record straight.
The rainfall tests are clear hard evidence of the Truth.
There is a “Day of Reckoning” as my farmer Grandfather always reminded us.
Thank you for having integrity & ethics.
The Truth Will Set Us Free.
Great work Dane! Mainstream media is NEVER going to tell the truth about these things. They are bought & paid for, you KNOW that! I thank you so much for all of your work. I also agree with the statement above that it really is NOT too late to stop the ignorance and insanity. I happen to believe it just may be though. I too live on the east coast, where everything in nature is dead or dying! I feel I’m not too long for this world either, yet as long as I’m here I’ll keep fighting the GOOD FIGHT!
“Geoengineering” is the terra-forming of a planet (geo means earth; hence the word “goelogical”)–NOT weather control. Geoengineering is the act of forming or altering topography…such as the position or shape of mountains. Words already have meanings, and “geoengineering” definitely doesn’t mean “weather control.”
Chris Edwards is not only selling out humanity for 30 pieces of silver he is selling out his family. His children and grandchildren can one day thank him for the cancers and Alzheimer’s that they will one day get from these geoengineering programs. May he and they enjoy the blood money while they can.
I couldn´t have said it better than you, Dan Cieri.
And to Dane W; we are many also here in Europe who are ever so greatful for your work! Thank You!!
Good advice Francis and thanks for the report.
Dane, we talked about this before.
The lesson is clear.
Activists will never get their message heard when they get suckered into doing a geoengineering feature on a local news affiliate. It has never, ever worked.
We must continue to present the facts and promote our own coverage.
The Skyder feature is an example of what works many times better than a predictable hit piece on a local news affiliate.
this interview is exactly why I don’t do them anymore. That audio tape of the entire interview was probably sent to some military don just so they have it on record how much you know, and where your knowledge holes are.
I once spent an hour on the phone with an LA Times writer who not only mocked the concept of food freedom, but never once mentioned my name or website.
Maybe we need people willing to dialogue with the masters of disinformation, but to me, it’s a waste of time.
I’m with you on that Dan… Dane, great job. Hugely frustrating listening to the aired version of the story and then the original interview. This guy is a dick. Yup, just kissin’ ass to keep his job. ONE rain test comes clean, well that settles it, it must just be carbon and soot. Gimme a break. Sadly, millions were just looking for that kind of report to reinforce their belief that those are just “vapor” trails or, exhaust from the jets. Then again, this could have put the bug in enough people’s ear to do rain testing on their own. Let’s hope. Keep up your hard work Dane and we’ll do our part to get the word out and send them here.
Peace and love.
latest rainfall in Mt shasta, CA has 13,100 ug/l aluminum, 283 ug/l of barium, 382 ug/l Strontium. And the national contest a few years ago said our water was pure and #2 in the nation. yeh, sure. Frankly, chris edwards is a toady for the 1%. Buy smart locally and stop playing their game. Go organic. Grow a garden. Back to the small farm.
Dane…great article exposing the truth and the mis- and disinformation campaigns being waged against us all. This was no accident…it is, as you allude to, a testimony to an expose of the power structure that exists that is called fascism. The lengths people like this guy will go to in order to toe the line is sickening. Great end run to have done this interview knowing full well what the end result would be. People ARE waking up to what these people are doing, have done, and are going to do to us. The notion that a guy like Chris Edwards would go out on a limb and lie like this, manipulate truth like he did, and kiss the back sides of those above him is just a sad commentary on how ignorant he must be…imagine that he might possibly think he isn’t affected by the aerosols. The fact that he is a former MILITARY meteorologist speaks volumes to me. We are truly engaged in a battle between good and evil, and are waking up to the fascist elements that are called corporations and governments. We were warned about the military-industrial conplex. Let’s hope that it really isn’t too late to stop the ignorance and insanity. Thanks for your work Dane.