Another Video That Clearly Shows a Jet Spraying

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Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in HAARP. Raethon also tells the weather to the American Meteorological Service (AMS) and is the leading corporation in Weather Modification Nano Technology, as well as advanced Weather Weapon Systems. Here is Raytheon's RAY GUN.....crowd control, weather modification, weapons systems, weather forecasting.......Raytheon. Still think they can't alter the weather?
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17 Responses
I live in St. Louis, Missouri and since the day (almost literally) that i woke up once and for all to this incomprehensible abomination, not a day goes by when I don’t scrutinize the sky, the regional/national weather patterns etc. Chem spraying is a regular and easily identifiable phenomenon in our skies here in St. Louis. No, the skies rarely look “right” anymore and the persistent haze and chemtrail cloud cover is obvious everywhere. Holy mother of God, what kind of deep cancerous thinking would conceive of and execute such a diabolical agenda?
Check-out George AFb, Victorville, CA. This base was closed decades ago. Thjere are numerous aircraft there and also, there is a prison waiting for ???? Also look around for an underground near-by.
Hey James in Simcoe.
Good to hear someone close to home again. Watchin’ the sky and spreadin’ the word everyday. Ya, I’m noticing the weather everyday. Finger is on the pulse of the planet. Tryin’ to show others.
Yes, I get scoffed at and brushed off all the time. That complacency is the bigger issue here is greater cause for concern. What has happened to people’s self-preservation instinct? Is it the food, water, prescription drugs, mindless TV/sports/movies? Do we wrest their I-Phones away and smash them on the ground? What?
Cappy, from what I have read and heard, it is all of the above and more. We’ve found that the flyers are effective. You just say a little bit about the issue and leave them with a flyer to look at on their own. It seems to me that a lot could be done through the arts to persuade people to think, don’t you? Skull has forged a path in that area. And I think the biggest culprit is probably television. But all that being said, subtle introduction seems to work best. Just give people a fact or two (and a flyer info card, or a video) and let them think about it. Some will tune in and wake up, others won’t no matter what we do.
We just have to continue telling people with compassion and love. If the person you are giving information to does not respond positively, no worries, the seed was planted. Be compassionate to others and kind to yourself, for we are fighting a difficult battle, but love and truth will win in the end. Thank you to everyone who is working hard to stop this atrocity. <3
I live in Sudbury. Lots of chemtrail activity up here as well. People will not listen to me. I’ve been made fun of by co-workers. But, I’m not giving up. I will be marching in Toronto on August 25. I also attended the march against Monsanto on May 25 in Toronto as well. The world has gone insane, and is run by an bunch of insane elites. We need to stick together, wake people up, and stop this madness and reclaim our Earth, before it’s too late. My sister lives in Acton, which is just north of Milton, where I spent the 2nd week of July, and experienced that heavy rain fall that caused flooding in Toronto and Mississauga. Again, lots of chemtrail activity going on. Nothing looks normal in the skies anymore. I want to thank the people involved with organizing the August 25 world wide march. Let’s get this movement started and keep it going.
Hey Brigitte,
Nice to hear support close to home. Tell your sister if she gets a chance to come down to the Milton farmers market on Sat morning. I’m usually just outside the market on the west end of Main st. across from the church right beside the big parking lot on the south side with a table. You know, the outcast, not looking for money, just looking for people who give a damn!
Peace and love.
Hi Andy. My sister went looking for you last weekend and you weren’t there. They went to give you some moral support cause we give a damn for sure. Anyway, don’t give up the fight. I know it’s hard to get through to people and too many people have their blinders on, and I’ve been told many times “ignorance is bliss”, which we all know isn’t. It’s been particularly heavy with trails this week in Sudbury, and the temps have been going down to 9 degrees overnight. It has to be connected, no? It’s not normal. I have issues with our summer temps in mid-July going down to single digits. Everyone just shrugs and act like I’m the crazy one.
Hang in there. Peace and love.
Hi everyone,
I’m in the same boat in Ireland, trying to tell people, and encourage to look it up themselves, and watch the sky, but no success. My colleges wont bother even to look up to the sky.I been in many countries, many places, but people are the same ,and spraying is the same everywhere. No to mention the bigger pictureabout the new world order…. Why the trurtn wont’t win, and why the “evil” take us down?
Eddy Carrasco is my facebook look and see the planes spray
Bonjour Andy,
Thanks for your efforts; I’m with you & Admin’s comment on this.
In my opinion, there is no possible way Humans can control Earth’s ‘thermostats’ within safe boundaries.
The fact that some ‘Agencies’ are attempting to do so with the Chemtrails & HAARP program-besides other plans we are not aware of, is a very scary thought.
The majority of society is being manipulated and that’s a sad fact-period.
A lot of innocent people will be paying a price that cannot be quantified in cash or credit notes as we will soon find out money cannot be eaten.
Idle no more & end the societal model which rules that our environment has a price and that life has no value…
PS: Just bumped on this site, thanks everyone, will visit frequently.
Alain Philippe
Thank you. I will press forward despite the challenge.
Are there printable versions of the info cards?
Andy, not on the site, no. I’ll send you an email with the pdf, though, if you want to print some.
I see this all the time. I was set up this morning close to the farmers market where I live in southern Ontario Canada. I had a table set up with the flyers as placards, my own typed out descriptions of the movies, burnt copies of What, Why, Genetic Roulette and The Great Culling: Our Water and burnt free copies with Dane’s presentation, best evidence of contrail vs. chemtrail, Canadian Chemtrail documentary and Look Up! A Social Action Documentary. I couldn’t give the discs away. Even with spraying AND HAARP activity going on overhead. There were some people that did accept the free discs and were receptive to let me explain the concept and the reality of S.A.G. One guy with his wife and child flat out told me that it’s just water vapor that we’re seeing, then went on a tangent about 911 was done by terrorists and there is no way that these things could be kept hidden, he wouldn’t let me say anything, then said good luck and walked off. The “water vapor” stayed in the sky and turned into a cloud along with all the other “vapor trails”. Then along came HAARP and spread it all out nicely and now we have a nice cloud cover… again. Yes, people here are in a deep sleep. It is absolutely astounding. Then when I arrived home I had my neighbor over. He is privy to whats going on, but he told me I’m going to make myself crazy doing what I’m doing. That we can’t do anything about it. He really took the wind out of my sails. This is coming from a guy who has a child, as do I. Two boys. Which is THE reason I am raising awareness. Tell me something inspirational. PLEASE!
Andy…Awake in Milton Ontario Canada
Hi Andy,
First of all, I commend your heroic efforts! Good for you, being a light shining on the truth in the darkness! The masses are being brainwashed by media, television being perhaps the biggest culprit. What they see on tv is real. If it isn’t on tv it isn’t real. It’s that simple. People are too proud to consider that anyone could ever manipulate them like that. (and besides, it’s not on tv) Still, that being said, we can get through to many people with credible evidence, and a calm approach to the topic. And don’t forget love. It’s still the most powerful force around.
With all our efforts, though, there will be those who just will not listen until it’s too late. That’s the sad part.
Hang in there. We have the truth on our side.
Andy, i’m awake and looking up in Essa Twp. The other night at 1:00am I saw a grid of chemtrails north/south in polarity clear and distinct with several miles between them, looked like 20,000 to 25,000 ft in alt. From the groundn looked similar to strips of bacon laid out for grilling with 6 inches between strips. Very regular pattern seen in the moonlight.
They are spraying here almost daily (north of To. 110km). The weather is nuts. Have you noticed the immediate 10C deg. swings drop in temp after the violent storms?
Don’t be disheartened. Just plant the seeds of awareness as you go along day to day. People wake up at their own speed.
James – Awake in Simcoe County