Global Flash Points

The West Paves The Road To War With Lies


Source: Paul Craig Robers

Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of “our Western partners” to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is there no evidence of this good will in Western capitals, the hostile measures against Russia are increasing. Moreover, hostile measures are on the rise even though their main effect is to disadvantage Europe.

Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin for Lies on MH17, Syria, Ukraine


Source: Macedonia Online

A letter sent by a prominent Dutch Professor to Russian president Vladimir Putin has attracted much media attention in Europe.  The letter was written by Professor Cees Hamelink and signed by dozens of Dutch intellectuals and professors. Below is the letter in its entirety.

9/11 False Flag Operation: HUGE Tipping Point As State-Sponsored Terrorism Is Exposed


State Actors That Staged 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Disclosed, Plot Revealed, Justice Inevitable

Source: State of the Nation

“The synthetic terror fabricated on September 11, 2001 is like a boomerang fashioned as a double-edged samurai sword.  Just as the manufactured War On Terror has since produced ‘death by a thousand cuts’ in those countries targeted by the real Axis of Evil, the karmic boomerang will now return to those state actors who launched the 9/11 false flag operation .”  – State of the Nation

Governments Kill Without Hesitation In The Pursuit Of Their Agenda


A Sobering Look At The Attack On The USS Liberty. Not only are we all expendable to the governments that rule us, we are all an increasing liability to them. Those in governments, with very few exceptions, are nothing more than state sponsored criminals. Most “elected officials” are not at their post to serve us, their motives are only to expand their power and control over us at any cost. People must wake up and comprehend this fact. The stakes are now far beyond critical. To better understand the present, we must examine the past. The details of the attack on the USS Liberty should be reviewed and considered by all. It is yet another glaring example into the true nature of governments and their crimes.  Though the story of the Liberty should be taught in every school, this crime will never be officially acknowledged, rather it will always be officially denied. The public must base their opinions and conclusions on facts, not well spun programming and ideology. We are all in a fight for our lives, the clearer we see the bigger picture, the better our chances.
Dane Wigington

The ISIS Monstrosity, What The US Corporate, Military, Industrial, Media Complex Is Not Telling You


The US media is doing what it does best, putting out the message of the military/industrial complex and completely omitting facts that do not fit the official narrative. The creation and arming of the terrorist group ISIS appears to be the latest in an almost endless list of completely criminal operations being carried out by those in power. The US Government and its allies have yet again helped to form a terrorist group (in this case ISIS) and then armed this group to the teeth. Now the actions of this murderous group will be used to galvanize the American population in whatever direction the power structure wants them to go. Get informed, get the whole picture to what is going on around you. The US corporate media will only continue to put out propaganda and half truths that serve those in power.
Dane Wigington

Militarization Of Urban Police Forces: Government Fears Its Citizens


Purpose: To ‘Shock & Awe’ The Citizenry Into Submission

Source: The Millennium Report

By any objective assessment of the daily news, it is readily apparent that police brutality is at an alarming all time high.

The number of citizens killed by on duty police officers — by gunshot, taser, and physical abuse — is as shocking as it is criminal.

The conduct of police departments across America has descended into unprecedented violent criminality. Because they wear a badge, they virtually always get away with it.

Evidence Conclusive: Ukraine Military Shot Down MH17 In False Flag Operation


US And Ukraine Fabricated Evidence To Blame Russia And The Rebels 


Source: The Millennium Report

There is now a growing body of irrefutable evidence which points directly to the MH17 shoot down being a classic false flag operation. Each piece of evidence definitively places at least three nations at the scene of both the crime and the cover-up.

Sanctions against Russia and War Edge Closer. “Truthful Resolution” to MH17 Tragedy was Not Washington’s Goal


Source: Global Research

It is abundantly clear that a truthful resolution to the tragedy of the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was never the goal of Washington, London, and Brussels. Citing baseless accusations surrounding the tragedy, the West has leveled a series of incrementally expansive sanctions against Russia while using the tragedy to justify increased military support for Kiev’s military forces even as they wage total war against their own population including the use of ballistic missiles, airstrikes, artillery barrages, and tanks. Clearly the goal then was to exploit the air disaster as long as possible before the truth began to emerge – and when that truth did emerge, to ensure the subject of MH17 altogether faded from the collective consciousness of the general public.

Surely if the facts surrounding the disaster tallied with Washington, London, and Brussel’s initial and baseless accusations, it would make the subsequent moves by the West to sanction Russia while propping up the regime in Kiev, Ukraine, all the more poignant. Instead, the West appears to be intentionally playing down the actual investigation and pushing forward its gains made – wrought from the tragedy and hailed as a “game changer” in a conflict the West was decidedly losing.

Another Descent Into Hell


25 Critical Facts About This Ebola Outbreak That Every American Needs To Know




What would a global pandemic look like for a disease that has no cure and that kills more than half of the people that it infects?  Let’s hope that we don’t get to find out, but what we do know is that more than 100 health workers that were on the front lines of fighting this disease have ended up getting it themselves.  The top health officials in the entire world are sounding the alarm and the phrase “out of control” is constantly being thrown around by professionals with decades of experience.  So should average Americans be concerned about Ebola?  If so, how bad could an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. potentially become?  The following are 25 critical facts about this Ebola outbreak that every American needs to know…

The Gulf of Mexico Is Still Dying: A Special Update On The BP Gulf Oil Spill


Pathogenic Micro-organisms Proliferate Due
To Polluted And Poisoned GOM ‘Bioterrain

Source: State of the Nation

There have been several significant developments over the past few decades in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) which now require special and immediate attention.  The multitude of oil spills — both large and small — require extraordinary remediation measures, as well as the application of safe and proven technologies which will not make the existing hydrocarbon pollution worse. There are other major sources of water pollution in the GOM which have also became apparent, particularly since the eye-opening 2010 BP oil spill.

Ebola: Spider’s web of infection is growing as hunt continues for 30,000 ‘victims’ of outbreak


Nigeria’s Special Advisor on Public Health Dr Yewande Adeshina said: “We’re actually looking at contacting over 30,000 people”

Source: Mirror

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III


Source: Global Research

The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals.

The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!


Source: Global Research

Chaos reigns and spreads as enraged leaders in the US, Europe and their clients and allies pursue genocidal wars.

Mercenary wars in Syria; Israel’s terror bombing on Gaza; proxy wars in the Ukraine, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia.

Former Reagan Administration Official Speaks Out About The Slaughter In Gaza.

Paul Craig Roberts

Source: Paul Craig Roberts

Israel Is Stealing and Murdering Its Way Through Palestine

The Moral Failure Of The West

The Malaysian Airline MH17 Crash: Sixteen Central Issues Which Cannot be Ignored


Source: Global Research

In establishing who was behind the shooting down of MH17,  there are a number of central issues as well as factual evidence which cannot be overlooked:

The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist


Source: The Intercept

The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.

US Intelligence: Russia Didn’t Do It


Source: Paul Graig Roberts

July 24, 2014 “ICH” – After days of placing hostile blame for the downing of the Malaysian airliner on Russia, the White House permitted US intelligence officials to tell reporters that there is no evidence of the Russian government’s involvement.

Global wildlife decline driving slave labor, organized crime



Global decline of wildlife populations is driving increases in violent conflicts, organized crime and child labor around the world, according to a policy paper led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The authors call for biologists to join forces with experts such as economists, political scientists, criminologists, public health officials and international development specialists to collectively tackle a complex challenge.

US coy on Malaysian plane evidence, points to social media and ‘common sense’


Source: Russia Today

​Over 600 deaths in Israeli Gaza op: Military hits mosques, stadium, homes, hospital


Source: Russia Today

Israel kept up attacks on Gaza on Tuesday, killing three Palestinians and hitting over 70 targets, including five mosques, a sports stadium and the home of the deceased Hamas military chief.

Foundation of the US Empire: Axes of Evil


Source: Information Clearing House

July 22, 2014 “ICH” – Empires are not easy to sustain given the multiple enemies that they provoke: at the international level (imperial rivals and emerging new powers), at the national level (national resistance movements, unreliable clients and untrustworthy ‘Sepoy’ armies) and at the local level (boycotts, sabotage and strikes). Imperial difficulties are multiplied when an empire is in economic decline, (loss of market shares with growing debt), facing domestic unrest as the economic costs to the taxpayers exceed the returns by a substantial margin; and when the political elite is internally divided between ‘militarists’ and ‘free market’ advocates.

Total Control of the Internet


People are now being forced to wake up to the fact that the internet is totally controlled. Though we have all known this has been the case at some level for a very long time, the degree to which this manipulation is increasing has become startling. In August of 2012 an extremely well done music video was produced by my good friend and fellow anti-geoengineering activist Morgan Carey (singer Mariah Carey’s older brother). The song was titled “Cry Die”, the theme of the video is the horrific spraying of our skies. Shortly after the release of the music video, Mariah Carey sent the link to her incredibly massive email list for their review. The site counter for Morgan’s video barely moved in the days afterward. There should have been tens of thousands of hits or more after Mariah’s mail out, instead, almost nothing. Recent disclosures from Snowden and Glen Greenwald have further exposed the degree of manipulation going on. There is no limit to the control being exercised on social media by the powers that control it. I am told by an internet expert I know that the YouTube counts are indeed “throttled back” by the government controlled servers before YouTube can receive the hits and tabulate them. Whatever the controlling mechanism is, the counts on so many posts are being severely reduced. I and many others are experiencing the same sort of apparent massive manipulation of view counts to the down side on any important data related to climate engineering. I constantly get messages from people that they are unable to “share” our FB posts on the geoengineering subject. Most recently the posting of the Shasta County presentation was picked up and posted on a great many sites, is still picking up momentum, in spite of this, very few views are showing up on the youtube counter. Those who so willingly carry out the bidding of the power elite by censoring data and site counts should consider they are hurting themselves along with the rest of us. If the current course of the human race is not altered completely, we have no chance for long term survival. If truth is censored, our fight is made much more difficult. Even short term survival is questionable on the current trajectory. Get educated, get active, and help to sound the alarm, every day counts.
Dane Wigington

6 Reasons To Question the Official Story of the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine


Source: Activist Post

With the recent shooting down of a Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine, the Western media is aflame with fingerpointing at Russia and Ukrainian separatists. However, while NATO and its media mouthpieces attempt to rekindle the Cold War and ignite a confrontation with Russia, there exists a number of fundamental questions surrounding the events that have taken place in Eastern Ukraine.

“Justified Vengeance”, The Pretext for Bombing Gaza: Was the Netanyahu Government behind the Killings of the Three Israeli Teenagers?


Source: Global Research

The pretext for bombing and shelling Gaza was the death of three Israeli teenagers allegedly killed by Hamas.

Lethal Engineered Pathogens are the Stock and Trade of Our Government


Where do you think all the Nazi bioscientists war criminals went after World War ll? Many went to Russia and many more came to the USA. There are now numerous cases of outbreaks around the globe that appear to be from engineered pathogens. There are things going on behind the military industrial complex curtain that are beyond rational comprehension. If we continue to look the other way in regard to the activities of those in power, and the militaries they control, the consequences will soon be total.
Dane Wigington

False Flag Events, the Tool of Terrorist Governments


How is it possible that the vast majority of the population still cannot recognize what they see with their own eyes (from 9/11 to our geoengineered skies)? Or if they do, they seem to lack any sense of responsibility in regard to helping in the effort to expose the truth and stand against the tyranny.  Governments are state sponsored crime syndicates, nothing more, nothing less. The article below is an important educational refresher course on the “business as usual” practice of staged terrorism by governments around the globe, including, of course, our own. This threat is now total. Using the atmospheric spraying platform which is already in place, those in power can take all of us out of the game any time they wish. We are all being poisoned slowly already due to the toxic fallout from the climate engineering programs. If the mix is altered, it could be game over on any given day of their choosing. At minimum, the slow kill from climate engineering continues each and every day.
Dane Wigington

10 Naked Truths About the American Police State


by John W. Whitehead – Source: ActvistPost

“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself…Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.”H.L. Mencken, American journalist.

On Thin Ice: Inuit Way of Life Vanishing in Arctic


NBC’s Ann Curry reports from Greenland, providing a rare glimpse of Inuit hunters facing a rapidly changing way of life in the Arctic.

The Desperation of the Human Race


We are all living in a real life science fiction movie. Our skies are sprayed with toxic metals and chemicals for the stated purpose of “controlling the weather”, there are nuclear plant meltdowns, massive fish and animal die offs, etc. The implosion of Earth’s life support systems is confronting us on all sides. Ever more elaborate and colossal efforts are being undertaken as man’s struggle to survive increases in scope, scale, and intensity. The effort to survive itself causes yet more damage to the planet. The reality we have all known is rapidly unraveling, this fact will become clearer by the day to any that are even slightly awake. “The Greenhouses of Almeria” is a glaring example of man’s desperate attempt to cope with an increasingly harsh and inhospitable environment of his own creation. The science fiction movie is now. This is the future for us all as man struggles to feed increasing populations on a dying planet. Climate engineering is the epitome of human insanity. The attempt to mediate the damage done to the planet by a further escalation of the same activities that helped create the damage in the first place is a textbook example of insanity.
Dane Wigington