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Geoengineering, Square Clouds, And Massive Microwave Transmissions


Dane Wigington

Completely unnatural square cloud formations continue to appear off of the North American west coast, why? All available data confirms that the last decade of record shattering drought in California was a direct result of covert global climate intervention programs. Now that the drought has been reduced or eliminated throughout much of the state, does this mean climate manipulation programs have been scaled back or halted? Not at all. The geoengineers control the flow of precipitation, that must be constantly kept in mind. A primary goal of "solar radiation management" (SRM) programs is to create, expand, enhance, and chemically cool (via chemical ice nucleation processes) cloud cover over the surface of the planet. Though the weather-makers have allowed and augmented the flow of Pacific moisture into the Western US this year (which has resulted in much more overall precipitation), the aerosol spraying assault and massive microwave manipulation of atmospheric moisture has continued to accelerate.

Significant zonal flows of moisture from the Pacific have in recent months been directed toward Northern California and the Northwest (as already stated), which contributed to significant precipitation totals. But, much of the moisture in these weather systems was in fact migrated over the West Coast in a desperate attempt by the geoengineers to cool inland regions of the US via atmospheric aerosol saturation and radio frequency/microwave transmissions (used to expand and disperse aerosolized cloud canopy). Short term toxic climate intervention cool-downs come at the cost of a worsened overall planetary warming. Climate engineering programs are not mitigation for Earth's imploding life support systems, rather, the ongoing weather warfare is further fueling the destruction of these systems.

The transmissions from the "Lost Coast" region of Northern California (southwest of Eureka) have become almost constant as the weather makers attempt to broadcast incoming rivers of moisture into the widest possible expanse. Transmission sites are located all over the country and all over the world. There are also SBX transmission facilities (sea based X-band radar which is also used for climate manipulation). New facilities are constantly being erected in a desperate attempt by the power structure to expand their weather modifying global radio frequency/microwave grid.

Not only are these extremely powerful transmissions completely disrupting weather and climate patterns, all life forms within the rapidly expanding broadcast zones are being exposed to these verifiably dangerous and damaging signals. What visible effect can the RF transmissions have on cloud system formations? The recently taken NASA satellite image below is an example. 90 degree angles with straight sides do not exist naturally in nature, such phenomenon are the result of massive geoengineering operations.

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Yet another shocking example of radio frequency/microwave transmission effects is shown in the image below (also taken off the west coast of North America).

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The combination satellite/radar image shown below was just captured. This image clearly reveals the climate engineering scenarios described in this article. The brighter the cloud cover is, the more aerosolized it is. "Cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE) is a component of climate engineering/SRM. Though official sources would have us believe that CAE processes are only a "proposal" for marine cloud formations that would be created with ship emissions, the ongoing jet aircraft aerosol dispersions in our skies are undeniable. The overall result of solar radiation management is vast areas of largely rainless cloud cover that blots out our once blue skies.


The creation of a "global dimming" scenario is a primary objective of geoengineering/SRM/CAE programs. Though overall atmospheric relative humidity has been declining as a result of climate engineering and global dimming (creating protracted drought in countless regions around the globe), catastrophic deluges and flooding are also increasing. The global climate engineering assault has completely derailed and disrupted the planetary hydrological cycle creating countless weather whiplash scenarios. The ongoing global climate engineering insanity must be fully exposed and halted, this is the great imperative. All of us need to make our voices heard in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 15, 2017


Dane Wigington

Even the most ardent deniers of unpleasant realities are having difficulty maintaining their delusion and willful blindness. Anyone that summons the courage to honestly and objectively examine the wider horizon cannot avoid concluding that the current paradigm will not continue for much longer. The fossil fuel industry is being supplemented by over 5 trillion annually, the military industrial juggernaut of destruction continues to bomb and contaminate what is yet left of ocean life in the Eastern Pacific, while the US military prepares to invade Syria. Rising seas are causing increasing difficulties for coastal cities as record numbers of icebergs from the imploding Arctic are clogging some northern shipping lanes. As has been stated so many times on my previous broadcasts, biosphere implosion will fuel power structure desperation toward WWIIl. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

This broadcast was taped 5 days ahead of schedule due to my out of state attendance at an important awareness event. Some recent breaking events not covered in this broadcast will be woven together in my next program. All of us are needed at the front-line of the battle to sound the alarm, every day counts.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.





Photos of this week's Geoengineering Watch booth at the Gem Faire event which I attended.

Microwave Transmissions And Sprayed Aerosols Continue To Manipulate California Precipitation


Dane Wigington

The ongoing global climate engineering operations are constantly being ramped up to ever higher levels, the all out assault against Earth's natural systems is relentless and growing. The geoengineers have for decades manipulated the flow of precipitation on our planet. The weather makers decide where it will rain, and where not. They decide how toxic the rain will be, or not. Who gave them this right? Though California has received significant precipitation this year in many locations, a great deal of additional rain is still being migrated over the state in order to be utilized by the climate engineers for their toxic operations further inland. The precipitation radar animation loop below is a glaring case in point. A very powerful radio frequency/microwave transmitter is located near the California coast just south of Eureka. This transmitter is constantly used to disperse the moisture from incoming storm systems.

The inability of precipitation to fully form in the radio frequency/microwave transmission zone is very evident in the above animation.

An actual transmission animation from the California transmitter in question is shown below (which was recorded a few days before).

These extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions (from transmitters all over the world) are not only completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, they are devastating to the entire web of life.

Earth's once deep blue skies are being completely decimated by the illegal and highly destructive climate intervention/solar radiation management programs. The shocking time-lapse video below taken over the iconic Yosemite valley is a case in point.

How much longer can the web of life sustain the constant bombardment of toxic climate engineering aerosols and highly damaging microwave transmissions?

It is imperative to awaken global populations to the climate engineering atrocities. Constant bombardments of toxic atmospheric aerosol dispersions and relentless RF transmissions are truly taking their toll on what is yet left of the planet's natural processes. Exposing and halting these programs will take the combined effort of awakened populations, we must each do our part in the essential battle to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 8, 2017


Dane Wigington

How long will the masses continue to march to the power structure produced propaganda? President Trump has now fully revealed who he is. Like all the administrations before him, Obama, Bush, Clinton, and others, Trump is a prop in the global power structure play. The Syrian false flag event revealed much. The military industrial complex, as expected, is still pulling the strings of the presidency. Academia is finally being forced to admit that parts of the world will soon be uninhabitable. In regard to the global geoengineering assault, the New York Times stated that "Science Fiction May Soon Be Science Fact". Not an admission of the truth, but inching closer to a glaring reality that cannot be hidden much longer. The biosphere implosion continues, a recent study states the current planetary changes are unprecedented in the last 420 million years. We are all in completely uncharted territory, where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The sooner we abandon preconceptions of what we formerly thought would be, and fully accept what is, the greater our chances of positively affecting the immense challenges we collectively face by being more effective in the critical battle to sound the alarm. Make your voice heard.

GeoengineeringWatch.org Event Announcement

Dane Wigington will be at the Geoengineering Watch informational booth at the GEM FAIRE event in Eugene, Oregon. Dane will be at the booth on the first two days of the three day event (1pm to 6pm on April 14th, and 10am to 2pm on the 15th). Free Geoengineering Watch informational materials will be available (including DVDs), and a display preview copy of the soon to be released book by Dane, "Geoengineering: A Chronicle Of Indictment".
The GEM FAIRE show will be held at the Lane County Events Center, 796 W. 13th Ave., Eugene, Oregon. For more information click HERE.

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This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Pushes WWlll, While Global Geoengineering Omnicide Continues


Dane Wigington

The US government and the western power structure as a whole is completely out of control. Though there is no denying the corruption and criminality that is rampant in other countries like China and Russia, the most dangerous desperate behavior being displayed by a global power center is that of the US / NATO / Trump administration, and the military industrial complex they all stand for. The US / NATO military industrial complex wants total global hegemonic power and will stop at nothing in the attempt to achieve it. The latest desired excuse to ramp up US / NATO military aggression in the Middle East has now been conveniently provided, but what really happened? And why? Do Americans even remember the earlier false flag chemical weapons attack that was staged in Syria, just as the UN weapons inspectors arrived in Syria? Does any rational person believe the Syrians would invite the UN inspectors to their country (after giving up all their chemical weapons willingly) and then launch a chemical weapons attack (with chemical weapons they did not even have) just in time for the UN inspectors to witness it? Really?  The 7 minute video below is very important and informative report of the latest chemical weapons attack false flag launched by western powers that are desperate to trigger global conflict.

What does Google show when you search "Trump / Syria chemical weapons attack"? The Google search results show only the criminally corrupt mainstream media official military industrial complex narrative. That is what the criminal corporate media are paid to do. Some of the "official narrative" headlines from Google are below.

Trump says 'heinous' chemical weapons strike in Syria 'cannot be tolerated'

Blaming Assad, Trump says Syria attack 'cannot be tolerated'

Trump blames Assad and Obama for chemical attack in Syria

The 2 minute video below is yet another glaring example of power structure controlled corporate media pumping out the scripted false narrative of the military industrial complex. This CNN carefully crafted propaganda report is shockingly transparent in regard to its attempt to create public support for continued US military intervention / aggression.

The US mainstream media is a criminal collaborator and contributor to the totally tyrannical and completely out of control military industrial complex. Their lies also include deceptions of total omission. What else is happening in Syria (and all over the world) that mainstream media has never said a word about? An incomprehensibly massive and unimaginably destructive global climate engineering/weather warfare assault that must also be considered biological warfare due to the highly toxic fallout from these programs.

Chemical weapons false flag attacks are not the only toxic activity being carried out in Syria by those in power. The photo below of the skies over Hama, Syria, was taken on the same day as the false flag chemical attack, April 4th, 2017.


Tartus, Syria (4/4/17). Photo credit: Ali Ali

The next group of startling photos were also recently taken in the skies over Syria.

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Hama, Syria (1/21/17). Photo source: Bassel Keilani

Available evidence clearly indicates that the US / NATO military industrial complex pushing for WWlll. Due to accelerating biosphere implosion and waning global resources, it seems the power structure feels that creating global conflict and chaos is their last available option. In the meantime, every single human being on the planet (and the entire web of life) is being subjected to the highly toxic fallout from ongoing illegal global climate engineering / intervention programs (which must also be considered a form of biological / chemical warfare). All of us are facing what must be considered a fight for life. Whether or not we accept this or believe it is irrelevant, the front-line facts speak for themselves. All of us are desperately needed in the fight for the greater good. Investigate, participate, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 1, 2017


Dane Wigington

These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. The human race is spiraling toward the paradigm shift of critical resource depletion, climate disintegration, mass starvation, and global conflict. Not only is there no attempt by global powers to slow down the unraveling, every imaginable effort is being made by the power structure to accelerate the looting, pillaging, and plundering of our dying planet. As our species approach the cliff, we are collectively hitting the accelerator, not the brakes. Could there be any silver lining to the increasingly catastrophic events that are battering populations around the globe? Could the rapid acceleration of such events finally trigger the forced wake-up of the masses before all is lost? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The ongoing fight for the greater good is arduous, and in many ways, never ending, but it is not in vain. The journey is the destination, if each of us resolves ourselves to forging forward on this path with focus and determination, who can say what profound good we may yet accomplish. Face to the wind, we must never give up.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Washington State Fair Events Center, Puyallup, Washington, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Trump Administration Backs Geoengineering, Full Disclosure Of The Climate Engineering Atrocities Grows Near


Dane Wigington

Many ask if the Trump administration knows about climate engineering, the short answer is yes. In January of 2016 Trump's top campaign representatives (and Carson's) attended a meeting at the home of a former USAF 2 star general (who is in direct communication with GeoengineeringWatch) which was specifically for educating them on the geoengineering issue. The Trump representatives and the Carson representatives were given full packages of GeoengineeringWatch.org informational materials (in addition to input on the climate engineering issue from the USAF general). What has been the response since the Trump administration took office? A doubling down on the climate engineering insanity.

The ongoing global geoengineering assault has long since inflicted catastrophic and irreparable damage to the biosphere, climate, and life support systems of our planet (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic activity). It is truly incomprehensible that such blatantly obvious "climate intervention" programs can be carried out in skies all over the world, in plain site (for over 70 years), and still be officially denied. 

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Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick

Though all former US administrations at least publicly pretended to care about the environment (while carrying out business as usual behind the scenes), the Trump administration doesn't even go that far. The excerpts below were taken from a new UK Guardian article titled "Trump Presidency Opens Door To Planet-Hacking Geoengineering Experiments

Harvard engineers who launched the world’s biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning.

Under the Trump administration, enthusiasm appears to be growing for the controversial technology of solar geo-engineering, which aims to spray sulphate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s radiation back to space and decrease the temperature of Earth.

What is the true agenda of the weather warfare insanity being carried out in our skies? What are the ultimate objectives? Why would the Trump administration enthusiastically embrace, promote, and back geoengineering/climate intervention programs given the fact that Donald Trump and most of his appointees patently deny that there is any global warming in the first place? More excerpts from the Guardian article are below.

While geoengineering received little favour under Obama, high-level officials within the Trump administration have been long-time advocates for planetary-scale manipulation of Earth systems.

David Schnare, an architect of Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency transition, has lobbied the US government and testified to Senate in favour of federal support for geoengineering.

“Clearly parts of the Trump administration are very willing to open the door to reckless schemes like David Keith’s, and may well have quietly given the nod to open-air experiments,” said Silvia Riberio, with technology watchdog ETC Group. “Worryingly, geoengineering may emerge as this administration’s preferred approach to global warming. In their view, building a big beautiful wall of sulphate in the sky could be a perfect excuse to allow uncontrolled fossil fuel extraction. We need to be focussing on radical emissions cuts, not dangerous and unjust technofixes.”

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 GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard on I-80 near Elko, Nevada (3/20/17). Photo credit: Steve Small

… former House speaker and Trump confidant Newt Gingrich was one of the first to start publicly advocating for geoengineering.

“Geoengineering holds forth the promise of addressing global warming concerns for just a few billion dollars a year,” he said in 2008, before helping launch a geoengineering unit while he ran the right-wing think tank American Economic Enterprise. “We would have an option to address global warming by rewarding scientific innovation. Bring on American ingenuity. Stop the green pig.”

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Geoengineered skies, Hampstead, North Carolina. Photo credit: Sheen Perkins

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also appeared to support geoengineering, describing climate change as an “engineering problem.” ExxonMobil’s funding of the climate denial industry is under investigation by attorney generals in the United States, but it’s less well known that ExxonMobil scientists under Tillerson’s reign as CEO were leading developers of geo-engineering technologies 

Asked about solutions to climate change at an ExxonMobil shareholder meeting in 2015, Tillerson said that a “plan B has always been grounded in our beliefs around the continued evolution of technology and engineered solutions.”

The ongoing atmospheric particulate (SRM) spraying is undeniable as film footage proves.

Geoengineers argue that such methods would be an inexpensive way to reduce global warming, but scientists have warned it could have catastrophic consequences for the Earth’s weather systems.

Scientific modeling has shown that stratospheric spraying could drastically curtail rainfall throughout Asia, Africa and South America, causing severe droughts and threatening food supply for billions of people.

Climate engineering is not a "proposal", it has long since been a lethal reality. This reality cannot be hidden in plain site for much longer as the cataclysmic consequences from the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault manifest in every conceivable way. The Trump administration is just the latest military industrial complex puppet to occupy the White House. This administration has repeatedly shown it has no regard whatsoever for environmental protection, thus their doubling down on climate engineering comes as no surprise.  All of us are needed and essential in the most critical battle to fully expose the geoengineering insanity. If we can expose it, we can stop it, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 25, 2017


Dane Wigington

Mainstream media has just officially admitted solar geoengineering experimentation is about to commence. Of course, the official cover-up of the blatant ongoing global climate engineering assault continues. NASA and other agencies are pushing egregious disinformation by naming geoengineering aerosol cloud formations as if they are somehow natural. The biosphere implosion continues unabated with a now official declaration of a total collapse of Pacific salmon that is being described as "cataclysmic". Environmental disintegration can only lead to economic unraveling. This process is not on the horizon, it is here. As many as 3500 major retail stores are closing their doors across the country. In other nations, the situation is already much worse. The true federal budget deficit is likely 100 trillion or more, but so long as the fictitiously valued stock market facade is maintained, few Americans yet care. Will stock portfolios matter if the planet no longer supports life? Near term extinction will be the outcome if the current course of the human race is not completely and immediately altered. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

A significant percentage of the human race must be awakened to the rapidly converging catastrophes, each and every one of us who are already awake has a profound part to play in this effort. We must rethink our perspectives, our priorities, and our sense of purpose. No matter how dark the horizon, great solace exists in fully focusing on the fight for the greater good. Can we still make a difference? Yes.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the South Towne Exposition Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.



Geoengineering, Methane Eruptions, And Imploding Arctic Ice


Dane Wigington

The East Siberian Sea is "boiling with methane", scientists have called what they are witnessing "truly terrifying". Massive methane eruptions are pushing the planet toward Venus Syndrome. With the use of patented artificial ice nucleating elements / processes, the climate engineers are completely committed to chemically ice nucleating the polar regions. Geoengineering operations are part of an unimaginably desperate and destructive attempt to cover up the rapidly unfolding methane catastrophe. For well over 70 years global powers have been consistently ramping up covert climate engineering programs that have now all but completely derailed the planet's life support systems. Without the knowledge or consent of their populations, governments around the world colluded and collaborated on the organization and deployment of incredibly destructive climate "intervention" programs that are further fueling the catastrophic consequences of anthropogenic activity on planet Earth. Of all the forms of decimation the human race has inflicted on our formerly thriving biosphere, the ongoing geoengineering assault is mathematically the most ominous and destructive. 

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Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are obscuring skies and completely disrupting climate patterns all over the globe. Photo credit: Piotrek Biraga

Earth's climate during the past 10,000 years has likely been the most stable in the history of our planet. The miraculous energy balance, previously maintained by our atmosphere, has now been completely destroyed. In an unimaginably desperate and insane attempt to hide the extent of biosphere damage (due to countless forms or human activity including climate engineering) from unsuspecting populations for as long as possible, the global power structure may have sealed our fate. Climate engineering/intervention programs are NOT about the common good in any way, shape, or form. Rather, such hubris is about power and control, period. The planet is now reacting and responding to the damage done, the signs are ominous.

Scientists have discovered as many as 7,000 gas-filled "bubbles" expected to explode in Arctic regions of Siberia after an exercise involving field expeditions and satellite surveillance, TASS reported.

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Like giant blisters on Siberian landscape, countless bulges are being pushed up from the explosive force of rapidly thawing methane deposits in the permafrost. Photo credit: The Siberian Times"

When enough pressure is built up from the heating and expanding methane, an eruption of immense force occurs.

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 Recently the inhabitants in the Taimyr Peninsula reported hearing a "big bang", another methane blowout was formed. Photo credit: Sergei Lapsui, Stanislav Yaptune, Vladimir Epifanov

The methane craters are alarming harbingers of immense planetary change.

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"This giant crater formed after pingo explosion near Bovanenkovo gas deposit in 2014". Photo credit: Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Yamal governor's press-service, Vladimir Pushkarev

Trump' Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as National Security "Challenge"

“Climate change is impacting stability in areas of the world where our troops are operating today,” Mattis said

“It is appropriate for the Combatant Commands to incorporate drivers of instability that impact the security environment in their areas into their planning.”

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned Tuesday that the drastic shifts seen in the global climate system that resulted in a range of alarming records last year appear to be continuing unabated.

"We are now in truly unchartered territory," David Carlson, head of the World Climate Research Programme, said in a release from the WMO.

Arctic sea ice has just set yet another record low, breaking the former record low level set last year. The power structure and the geoengineers who serve it are increasingly desperate to mask the unfolding Arctic cataclysm. Why? To avoid panicking populations in order to maintain the current paradigm (and thus their stranglehold on power) till the last possible moment. 

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Does this mean climate engineering is somehow for the greater good? Such a notion could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering programs are actually fueling the overall global meltdown while poisoning the entire planet in the process.

Security Challenge

James Mattis’ unpublished testimony before a Senate panel recognizes a threat others in the administration reject or minimize

Secretary of Defense James Mattis has asserted that climate change is real, and a threat to American interests abroad and the Pentagon's assets everywhere, a position that appears at odds with the views of the president who appointed him and many in the administration in which he serves.

In unpublished written testimony provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee after his confirmation hearing in January, Mattis said it was incumbent on the U.S. military to consider how changes like open-water routes in the thawing Arctic and drought in global trouble spots can pose challenges for troops and defense planners. He also stressed this is a real-time issue, not some distant what-if.

The recent NASA satellite images shown below reveal astoundingly anomalous sea surface ice formation patterns taking place in various regions of the Arctic (in spite of record high ocean temperatures). The anomalous ice formations are the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleating materials

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The patterns of ice formation along the perimeters of the ice resemble a chemical spill pattern of dispersion. Why? Chemical ice nucleation elements are being used. The power of these endothermic reacting materials is nearly beyond comprehension. Spherical ice balls forming on 40+ degree waters in Lake Michigan are only one example.

Given all the information already covered in this article, are the climate engineers actually helping to cool off the Arctic overall? No. When an artificially/chemically nucleated ice cap is engineered over an already overheated Arctic ocean, the ocean heat is trapped below this artificially enhanced engineered ice cap. The warmer seas then continue to thaw and thus release even more methane deposits from the sea floor. This process is further fueling feedback loops that are pushing the planet into a runaway climate shift.

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Global sea ice deposits are plummeting to record low levels in both polar regions.

Climate engineering is not mitigating the unfolding abrupt climate shift, it is exacerbating it.

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The current rate of biosphere change is so extreme and non-linear that many statistics are going "off the charts".

Climate engineering and atmospheric experimentation are greatly contributing to our rapidly disintegrating climate system. Life on Earth is now in completely uncharted territory, all life on our planet is in the balance. Are we powerless to alter the current equation? That answer remains to be seen or known. The final outcome will depend on what we collectively do, or don't do.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 18, 2017


Dane Wigington

The power structure's all out assault on countless fronts continues to accelerate. Recent studies state that fully half the adults in America are chronically ill. US invasions of foreign nations continue unabated with troops now being sent into Syria. The US Navy is planning to dump 20,000 tons of heavy metals and explosives into our oceans. The Trump administration is attempting to dismantle any and all forms of environmental protection and monitoring, this is exactly what the geoengineers want. A recent report discloses that the oil industry is benefiting from 5.3 trillion in subsidies annually. The oceans are absorbing so much Co2 that the acidification of the seas is unparalleled over at least the last 300 million years. Massive marine ecosystem collapse is occurring all over the globe. If the oceans die, we die. NBC has just published the following headline, "Climate Engineering: Scary idea should be tried out" (as if the weather warfare assault has not already been going on for over 70 years. Where is Mr. Trump? He has just made his 9th trip to one of his golf courses since taking office. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Many are beginning to awaken to the peril that is surrounding us from all sides. This being said, the pace of the wake-up must increase if we are to have any chance altering our trajectory before total societal collapse commences. The threats we face are existential, all are needed in the critical effort to sound the alarm. We will sink or swim together.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, Reno, Nevada, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Climate Engineering Desperation, Winter Weather Warfare Assault Waged On US East Coast


Dane Wigington

"WInter Storm Stella" is the latest all out geoengineering assault to be launched by the power structure against the US population. "Stella" is now also "predicted" to inflict winter weather warfare damage in regions of the UK in spite of London remaining warm.

The first satellite image below (from NASA), clearly reveals massive atmospheric aerosol spraying operations in skies along the US East Coast as the climate engineers prepared for the manufacturing of "Winter Storm Stella". Virtually all the "cloud cover" visible in the NASA satellite photo is from geoengineering / solar radiation management (SRM) aerosols being sprayed by jet aircraft.

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The planet is now covered in a haze of toxic metal and chemical particulates which are a major component of "global dimming". These highly toxic materials are a primary aspect of the ongoing "solar radiation management" climate intervention programs.

The next two radar images below should be examined very carefully. The scenario they reveal is meteorologically impossible short of massive climate engineering deployments of chemical ice nucleating materials. The "stripe" of snow just north of New York that extends far out into the Atlantic Ocean is shocking proof of chemical ice nucleation operations being carried out.

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Glaring anomalies like the strip of snow extending through warm bands of incoming rain (shown above) are never  addressed or even mentioned by mainstream meteorologists. Mainstream sources of weather and climate data are being used to cover the tracks of the climate engineers. In regard to all the meteorologists who are engaged in the climate engineering cover-up, we must conclude one of two possibilities, they are either criminally unqualified for the positions they hold and thus don't recognize the inarguable impacts of the ongoing geoenigneering planetary assault. Or, they are paid liars who will parrot any narrative they are given by those who supply their paychecks and pensions.

The next screenshot (shown below) was taken 20 minutes after the image shown above. The first stripe of chemically ice nucleated precipitation that was north of NY has already reverted back to rain (leaving a patch of grey (sleet) on the map just north of NY). In the image below another completely anomalous stripe of snow has appeared just south of NY (which extents out into the Atlantic through the far above freezing temperature bands of rain). As this second line of chemically nucleated precipitation drifted north, it likely provided the New York City snow which was an objective of the climate engineers.


Creating theatrically named chemically nucleated winter storms is a major component of the ongoing climate engineering assault.

The short but very revealing radar animation loop below clearly shows the chemically nucleated "snow stripes" flashing in and out of the radar screen.

The chemically nucleated winter weather warfare has been ramped up to levels that are far beyond blatant.

The temperature map below clearly illustrates just how warm the surface air temperatures are along the US North East coast.


Why would far above freezing temperature moisture migrating over these regions suddenly "change over" to snow for no apparent reason?

What is the true state of global temperatures? The GISS global temperature map below reveals that the average global temperatures for the last 17 years have been far above the baseline average from 1951 to 1980 (a period which was already experiencing temperatures that were far above the pre-industrial eras). Geoengineering is a highly destructive attempt to mask the true severity of climate implosion from the public for as long as possible while fueling the overall warming in the process.

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Globally there are almost no regions that have had below normal overall temperatures during the last 17 years.

The next GISS map for January, 2017, shows far more magnified and alarming temperature anomalies. The blue toned "below normal temperature" regions are meteorologically unprecedented given the overall surrounding far above normal temperatures. Further, recent studies reveal that "rich nations are warming at a slower rate than poor nations", such a scenario is not possible without global covert climate intervention programs.

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The start of 2017 has already seen many thousands of high temperature records broken in the US  following years of record setting heat all over the world. Record ice melting at the poles is also occurring with sea ice at record low levels in both polar regions. The climate engineers commonly orchestrate winter storms like "Winter Storm Stella" in the highest population zones where they can create the most sensationalized headlines in order to add to the populations continued climate confusion.

The NOAA "Departure From Normal Temperature"  forecast map below reveals still more alarming extreme temperature anomalies predicted for the US.

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Each color band in the map above represents a 3 to 4 degree forecasted departure from average temperatures (reds for above, blues for below). Such extreme imbalances are deeply alarming, historically unprecedented, and meteorologically impossible without massive climate intervention programs.

Global  geoengineering / climate intervention programs are creating radical weather whiplash scenarios all over the world. As chemically ice nucleated engineered cool-downs are carried out, the highly toxic endothermic reacting materials being used can and do radically lower ground temperatures by creating a cool dense layer of air that settles to the surface. The weather-makers are becoming ever more aggressive and desperate in their ongoing attempts to engineer winter in a rapidly warming world. The fight to expose and halt toxic climate engineering programs is nothing less than a fight for life. Find out what you can do to help sound the alarm by clicking HERE.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 11, 2017


Dane Wigington

National ID systems are being set up, along with press and social media censorship. How tight does the noose have to get around our collective necks before populations connect the dots? Will the latest Wikileaks release "Vault 7", help with the all important effort to fully pull back the curtain of the power structure? Up to 90% of many bee species have died off, how long will we last when all the pollinators are gone? The triple meltdown nuclear volcanoes at Fukushima continue to dump unimaginable amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and oceans. The latest sea level rise projections are catastrophic for coastlines all over the world. As the biosphere and climate implosion accelerates exponentially, the Trump administration is doing everything it can to completely dismantle virtually all forms of government environmental oversight. Is this the last ditch effort of those in power to hide the converging cataclysms from public view until the last possible moment? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The crossroads of human existence is upon us. Now is when all of us must decide what matters, and what does not.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Climate Engineering, Cooling Wealthy Nations While Poorer Countries Incinerate


Dane Wigington

How is it possible that the abrupt climate shift unfolding on our planet is not creating nearly as much heat in wealthy nations as compared to poor countries? This, now statistically proven scenario, is yet another glaring red flag to confirm the ongoing global climate engineering insanity being carried out by militarized / industrialized nations. Highly toxic and environmentally devastating global geoengineering programs are a primary tool and weapon of the more powerful nations. The worldwide weather modification assault has been used to confuse and divide populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of the threat that we collectively face. The ongoing effort by the climate engineers to mask the full degree of climate damage from first world populations has been aggressive and consistent.

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Geoengineered skies, Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

Recent studies have now proven that a completely unnatural global temperature scenario is taking place which would not be possible without the existence of ongoing climate intervention programs. Temperatures in high income nations are rising at a far slower rate than low income nations

Based on an average of three data reanalyses, the researchers found the percentage of hot days each year in low-income countries rose from a base of 10 per cent – or 37 days – during the 1961-90 base period to 22 per cent – or 80 days – by 2010.By contrast, rich nations had the percentage of hot days rise much slower, from 10 per cent to 15 per cent, or 37 to 55 days.

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These graphs show an astoundingly unnatural scenario which is virtually impossible without massive climate intervention programs.

"It's not good for low-income or high-income countries but it's particularly worse for the low-income countries as they are the ones which can least afford to adapt," (Dr. Nicholas Harold from the Climate Change Research Center at the University of New South Whales).

Poorer nations typically have far smaller accumulated or annual per-capita greenhouse gas emissions than industrialised ones. With the uneven warming trends likely to continue, poor nations have a case for demanding rich world assistance to cope with climate change… Poor countries have "contributed the least, but in terms of temperature effects, they will suffer the most". 


"A Somaliland goat herder besides the carcasses of some of his last remaining animals, which had just starved to death" (Ashley Hamer/VICE News)

Even within the boundaries of wealthy nations, the climate engineering signature of completely out of balance temperature contrasts are clearly visible. Geoengineered weather whiplash continues to batter the US (and other nations) with historically unprecedented abrupt temperature swings and shockingly stark temperature boundaries.

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Each color tier in the NOAA long-lead forecast map above (the scheduled weather) represents a temperature departure from normal of 3-4 degrees (blues for below, reds for above). Temperatures 25 or 30 degrees above normal will persist in regions of the southern US while incoming Pacific moisture will continue to be chemically ice nucleated to cool down the Pacific Northwest.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been commonly referred to by "global warming is a hoax" disinformation sources as "proof" that the planet is not warming. The latest sea ice data from Antarctica is reflected in the graph below. The sea ice at the bottom of the world is at record low levels and still plunging. Geoengineering can and is creating short term highly toxic cool-downs at the cost of an even worse overall warming and an accelerated climate disintagration.

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The ice levels at both poles is at record low levels.

In the graph below a slight statistical decline of global temperatures can be seen after the peak warm year of 1945. This 30 year temperature "hiatus" from 1945 to 1975 perplexed climate scientists that were unaware of the geoengineering / solar radiation management programs that had been deployed just after WWll.

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As the countless negative consequences of climate engineering began to manifest in the mid to late 70's (and the greenhouse gas buildup continued), the military industrial complex simply doubled down on the geoengineering insanity. They have been doing so ever since.

Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet, climate engineering is the single most destructive of all (short of nuclear cataclysm). What can we do to expose and halt the global geoengineering assault? Each of us can do a great deal to help with advancing this most critical cause, but we must all take action if we are to have any chance of changing directions. Click HERE for more input on what you can do to help.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Anti-Geoengineering Legislation Effort In Rhode Island Continues


Dane Wigington

Rhode Island State Representative Justin Price continues to show a level of courage and determination that is almost nonexistent in the halls of elected government officials at any level. In February of 2016 Geoengineering Watch published a report detailing the ongoing efforts by Rhode Island legislators to bring exposure and accountability to the critical issue of global geoengineering/climate engineering programs which are decimating the biosphere and the entire web of life. GeoengineeringWatch.org supplied climate engineering informational materials and educational DVDs to the legislators and committee members. A compelling short video testimony from the 2016 Rhode Island Legislation hearing is below.

On March 1st, 2017, Rhode Island State Representative Justin Price has courageously introduced the latest anti-geoengineering legislation proposal, 2017 — H 5607. This most recent draft is more complete and comprehensive.

Click image to open full size PDF text of document.


Thanks to the ongoing unyielding efforts of Rhode Island State Representative, Justin Price (and former efforts of RI Representative, Karen MacBeth), the criminal climate engineering programs continue to be forced to the full light of day. All of us are needed to assist this critical effort by Representative Justin Price. Each of us, in our individual regions and circumstances, can start spot fires of critical awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. Make your voice heard, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 4, 2017


Dane Wigington

What is president Trump's part in the play? Was his election truly an unexpected blow to the power structure? Or was Trump's victory simply another chapter of the ongoing shadow government script? The military industrial complex is making preparations for WWlll as the human race accelerates toward total societal collapse. The ongoing biosphere implosion is crossing new boundaries on many fronts with research teams in Antarctica being evacuated. New mainstream media headlines admit that the HAARP ionosphere heater installation is heating Alaskan skies. The toxic geoengineered chemical ice nucleation cool-downs continue, though thousands of all time high global heat records have already been set this year. What circles of our society bear the greatest burden for the unfolding insanity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The reluctance of the masses to face reality truly defies reason, but very soon, there will be no more room for denial. It is essential for us all to continue sowing the seeds of awareness. The sooner populations are fully awakened to our common plight, the more we may yet have to salvage.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 25, 2017


Dane Wigington

The forced contamination and degradation of populations and the planet continues from countless sources. The military/medical/industrial complex is showing signs of desperation on every front. The shadow government that controls our country will stop at nothing to defend its lifeblood, the petrodollar and the flow of oil. The pharmaceutical industry is helping to fuel the national opiate addiction epidemic that has already killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. Weather whiplash is evolving into full blown climate disintegration. Record heat to chemically ice nucleated snowstorms in a days time is now a regular occurrence. Below is an example from Northern California recorded on 2/24/2017.

This animation clearly reveals waves of far above freezing moisture from the Pacific "changing over to snow" (a newly coined term from The Weather Channel) even at very low elevations as jet air craft disperse chemical ice nucleating elements above the migrating rain cells.

Texas hits 107 degrees in February (shattering all former former February records for the entire US). Globally, 20,000,000 people are predicted to perish in the next 6 months due to starvation. The latest issue of Global Alert News is below.

What will it take for the masses to realize that we all sink or swim together? A committed collective effort to sound the alarm is the great imperative.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Climate Engineering Awareness Efforts, How Do We Sound The Alarm?


Dane Wigington

We collectively face a long list of planetary emergencies that are unfolding on countless fronts with blinding speed. Will we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by the darkening horizon? Or will we face the gathering storm head-on, prioritize our efforts, and each do what we can to effectively and efficiently sound the alarm in order to wake the masses? Of all the threats we face, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare assault is the single greatest short of nuclear cataclysm. If we are to have any chance of stopping geoengineering, we must first expose it, this effort will take all of us. Powerful awareness raising tools like the jet aircraft particulate spraying shown in the 2 minute video below are an example.

Many other methods of raising awareness can be utilized in any city or town in the US or the world. There are currently four public transportation buses running in Redding, California with the “Stop Climate Engineering” GeoengineeringWatch.org banner. Our deepest gratitude to Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran for making these banners/billboards happen. Click here to support stop climate engineering billboards by Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran.

GeoengineeringWatch.org Buses

Five new digital GeoengineeringWatch.org billboards (three of them are shown below) have gone up in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada (2/11/17). Our most sincere thanks to Dwight Erickson for spearheading this effort. To view articles on other Geoengineering Watch billboards/signs check the attached link: www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/geoengineering/billboards/ 

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USA Watchdog News Site Covers Critical Climate Engineering Issue


Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past.  Greg continues to make his voice heard as the producer and creator of USAWatchdog.com. The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that most of his peers are afraid to even mention. In the article and video below USAWatchdog helps to shine the light on the extremely dire issue of global climate engineering and the planetary devastation it is causing. The sixteen minute video in Greg Hunter's article below is the latest update from USA Watchdog on the critical climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington

Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth – Dane Wigington

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says the number one threat facing humanity is extreme weather modification (being sold as a mitigation measure) to cool the planet.  It’s being done by geoengineering (commonly known as chemtrails) and it must be stopped now because it’s having the opposite effect. Wigington says all climate engineering is really just “weather warfare” and explains, “How long can humans survive without habitat?  If we have an issue that is mathematically the greatest single assault launched by the human race against earth’s natural life support system, why wouldn’t we deal with that first and foremost above anything else?”

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Geoengineered skies, Phoenix, Arizona. Photo credit: Josh Schultz

One scientific report shows that, at the current rate, life as we know it could end in 10 years. Dane contends, “That is not my data. That data is coming from the most recognized frontline arctic methane climate scientists.  Methane is an issue that is also not being reported.  That is the linchpin on our collective coffin if the atmosphere fills with enough methane.  I don’t want to downplay the damage done to the planet because we have cut down over half of Earth’s forests, we’ve poisoned the oceans, we’ve paved the planet and those are all significant sources of damage, but the single greatest assault on Earth’s natural systems at this time is climate engineering.  When we have that kind of engineering going on, it prevents the planet from responding to the damage done.”

Dane goes on to say, “The power structure knows this is going on, and they know they can’t hide it much longer. What’s their likely hole card that they will play when they know they can’t hide it any longer?  They’ll start World War III, and they are maneuvering for that right now.”

Dane also points out the phenomenon called “weather whiplash,” where it is hot one day and snowing the next, as it did recently in New York. Wigington says this is all being covered up to keep the public in the dark for as long as they can.  Wigington says, “We have the paid liars, and I wish I could use a more diplomatic term.  For example, The Weather Channel is owned by the corporate power structure. . . . We have the foxes running the hen house.  We have people at The Weather Channel trying to explain away the completely engineered weather as natural.  At this point, can we call them anything but paid liars?  With “weather whiplash,” people should understand that something is radically wrong in New York when more than a week ago, we went from record shattering high temperatures to snow in less than 24 hours. . . . This kind of “weather whiplash” can only be created by climate engineering.”

In closing, Wigington says, “We are facing converging cataclysms. When people focus on jobs, economy and retirement, how much will any of that matter if we have a planet that doesn’t support life?  If we lose our habitat and every breath we take is full of toxic heavy metal that is making us sicker and dumber by the day . . . . And my only goal is to bring this issue to light and to a halt.  We know we have major collusion between all the major powers in the world on this issue.  The single biggest leap we can take in the right direction is to expose and stop weather engineering which is weather warfare, and stop these programs in their tracks.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington, Founder of GeoEngineeringWatch.org.

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview: 

Dane Wigington has jam packed GeoEngineeringWatch.org with information, numerous sources and articles to back up his points. Wigington sent me a few links that reinforce the points he brought up in this interview, and you can click on them below.

You can also donate to GeoEngineeringWatch.org, and that information can be found at the top right hand side of their homepage.

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 18, 2017


Dane Wigington

All over the world shrinking economies are taking their toll on civilizations that can only function in a paradigm of perpetual expansion. The law of the jungle is becoming increasingly overt as the US backed Saudi Arabian military slaughters more innocent civilians in Yemen. The US secretary of defense recommends deploying ground troops to Syria. Has the US already used deadly Depleted Uranium weapons there? On the biosphere front, ever more extreme weather whiplash is becoming the norm. Oklahoma hits 100 degrees in the dead of winter while the polar ice on both ends of the world reaches record low levels. As the great unraveling of civilization progresses, will a splintering of various power centers begin to unfold? Or are such hostilities between the most powerful nations all part of a grand facade at the deepest levels? For many decades all major global powers have been collaborating and colluding on climate engineering programs, statements in historical US Senate documents prove this fact. Will developing events soon forever overturn our former reality? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Is the power structure solely to blame for converging catastrophes that are now manifesting around us on every front? Or do countless societies and citizens also deserve to bear much of the burden for the scenarios we now face? How much time do we have? What will each of us do with that time?

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


The “Forum For Climate Engineering Assessment” Interviews Dane Wigington From GeoengineeringWatch.org


Dane Wigington

Official institutions are still attempting to mask the ongoing climate engineering atrocities by parroting the "official narrative" of denial. The "Forum For Climate Engineering Assessement" recently contacted GeoengineeringWatch.org and requested an interview with me. The fact that institutional organizations feel they need to engage in such interviews is a clear sign that our combined efforts are gaining ground in the battle to reach a critical mass of awarenes. Some excerpts from their mission statement are below:

Mission Statement

The Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment’s (FCEA) overarching objective is to assess the social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering”). We produce high-quality and policy-relevant research and commentary, and work in a variety of ways ensure that the climate engineering conversation maintains a focus on issues of justice, equity, agency, and inclusion.

Scope of Work

  • Facilitation of climate engineering research in the academic sector.

Our work in this context includes: ongoing development of a timeline that chronicles the history of climate geoengineering and provides access to critical source materials; an occasional paper series; and development of a range of other materials for teaching and research on the social and political implications of climate engineering.

The 18 minute interview I did for this "Climate Engineering Assessment" group is below (full audio and full transcript). Whatever the overal agenda was behind this interview was (perhaps to try and marginalize those that are completely committed to exposing the climate engineering assault), the interviewer, Holly Buck, was cordial and professional. This being said, Ms. Buck has made her position on geoengineering clear. Though she claims climate engineering is only a "proposal", she advocates for all the "benifits" of deploying climate engineering/SRM programs.  Publically denying existing climate engineering is likely a mandatory position for any in academia who wish to preserve their paychecks and pensions. Does this excuse the denial of academia? Absolutely not. There are volumes of verifiable facts, documents, and film footage which confirm the ongoing climate engineering reality. Unfortunately, academia (as a whole) refuses to honestly speak out about the ongoing geoengineering insanity. The recent illegal federal gag order on all NWS and NOAA employees is certainly one of the reasons why. Whatever the hurdles to speaking out, academia's betrayal of the public trust must be brought to light.  The only way forward in the battle to expose and halt the ongoing weather warfare assault is to reach a critical mass of awareness with global populations, this effort will take all of us. Again, whatever the agenda of the interviewing institution may have been, the fact that they carried out this interview at all will help us carry the message to the halls of academia.

An Interview with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

By Holly Buck

Recently, I talked with Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org.

This site often features at the top of Google results for informational searches such as “geoengineering”, “geoengineering definition”, “examples of geoengineering”, etc.

You can listen to the interview or read the transcript below.

Note to listeners: I do not share Dane’s view that there is an ongoing deployment of solar radiation management.

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Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch

Holly: I was hoping we could start out by hearing a bit more about your site.

Dane: Our site, geoengineeringwatch.org, is simply a informational repository. We are nonpolitical. We don’t sell anything. We are simply trying to put data forward to the public so they can examine information on the geoengineering, climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection subjects; and come to their own conclusions.

Holly: Can you tell us more about the scope of your site — who uses it, and how they find it?

Dane: Well, we have about 20,000 visitors a day and we’re over 25 million total visitors. Any search engine, if you search the word “geoengineering”, we are typically at the top of that list. Sometimes ahead of Wikipedia, so we are not hard to find. Again, we stick to the science terms and the science issues and data to back that up, so again, not hard to find if someone searches the subject of “geoengineering”.

Holly: Given that international readership, do you have a “typical” reader? Do you have return readers? Or is mostly people from all around the world who are just searching for information about this?

Dane: Well in Google Analytics, we can search fairly accurately as to who’s getting on, and we have broad, expansive demographics, if you will. Everyone from military organizations, agencies, general public and everything in between. So we’ve had very high numbers of agency people on the site as well. In fact, when we published the 60 day notice of pending legal action from our legal alliance to stop geoengineering legal team, within 3 hours, I heard from Marcia McNutt. I think you know who she is, perhaps. National Academy of Sciences. So, she apparently had looked within three hours of us posting. So there’s a wide range of people looking at this data.

Holly: I would like to back up a little bit and hear your views on climate change. I was reading one of your articles recently, where you talked about runaway global warming, and my understanding is that you believe that people are doing geoengineering to either stop or cover up the runaway warming. Is that a correct reading?

Dane:  I think all available science data backs up that conclusion. I mean, I think you’re studying the issue of solar radiation management, and that is the purpose of the proposal of those programs, which again, we would argue the data indicates its long since been deployed.

The problem … there are some in the anti-climate engineering movement that have not accepted the fact that the planet is in full-blown meltdown. I gave global warming lectures before I focused everything on the climate engineering issue. But I don’t think we can argue logically, any of us, that the planet’s … what would be mathematically, statistically in a runaway greenhouse effect right now.

And we’re seeing statistically, an under-reporting of official high temperatures. Not an over-reporting as many people would like to convince themselves of, but we’re seeing an under-reporting. That means it’s even hotter than what we’re officially being told. And we are seeing significant under-reporting. Two, three, four, five degrees; so how hot is it really, if we looked at accurate data? And I would argue the data is being falsified. But in the opposite direction of what, unfortunately, many people choose to think. They think it’s being over-reported. It’s being radically under-reported.

The planet, I would argue, is much further into the warming curve than we are being told. And climate engineering is the last ditch effort to try to mask that fact from the public as long as possible.

Holly: There’s been a lot of talk lately in the media about so-called “fake news”. Some even say we are in a post-truth era. And I’m curious how you approach the topic of fake news, I mean, people must send you articles all the time. You’re a writer yourself, so how do you decide what’s real and what’s fake?

Dane: It needs to be verifiable. Period. And if we have, let’s look at the subject of climate engineering and the fact that all available data indicates it’s long since been deployed.

Our legal team; again, The Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering, surveyed fifteen hundred climate scientists and meteorologists. Fifteen hundred. We published the full list of the contacts, every individual, so the authenticity of this could be verified. Not one, of fifteen hundred climate scientists surveyed — and your listeners can look this up on our site — not one was willing to deny on the record that climate engineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, had already been deployed. Not one.

When we post articles, for example, 750 page congressional documents, historical presidential reports, all referring to global ongoing weather/climate modification operations, we let the listener or the reader decide for themselves. Those documents are real, verifiable, available on government archives. The data is there. People have to make up their own minds if they choose to accept that data or not. But the data is there and verifiable.

Holly: I’m curious if you could tell us a little bit about how you got into this topic.

Dane: Yes. It’s not a job I wanted. I’m non-political, I’ve never been an activist. I have a background with Bechtel Power Corporation, a very corrupt corporation that I left at an early age because of issues I was not comfortable with.

My home was on the cover of the world’s largest renewable energy magazine. I’m completely off grid with wind, hydro, and solar power. When I began to lose massive amounts of my solar PV uptake. My photovoltaic power uptake from whatever these aircraft were emitting, not a single natural cloud formation in the sky. Only the lingering, spreading emissions from these aircraft. Losing sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety percent on some days, of my solar power uptake. Unimaginable losses. Something was clearly wrong. This was not condensation.

And as I began to research and found mountains of data on geoengineering, solar radiation management. Researched the primary elements listed in those patents. We have about 160 patents posted at geoengineeringwatch.org. The primary element being aluminum. I began to do precipitation tests, processed at the state certified lab. Found an initial baseline test of 7 ppb aluminum, 7 parts per billion. And I further investigated with a hydrogeologist that stated, given my filtered forested location, that amount was very high. It should be less than 1 ppb. Subsequent tests over the next year, in a single rain event, went as high as 3450 ppb of aluminum. Unimaginably high levels of aluminum and barium. Primary elements in climate engineering patents.

And after finding these government documents, presidential documents, patents, film footage up close, which we have posted at geoengineeringwatch.org. Of aircraft KC-10s, C-17s, KC-135s. Up close footage of them dispersing materials at altitude.

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Geoengineered skies, Clarksville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Brandy Glick​

Global dimming is at 20 to 30 percent, you may know that. Every single dot connects. And the mountain of materials coming down on us, for example, in California, CARB, California Air Resources Board, has done studies on the materials migrating from China. From coal-fired power plants and so forth. Aluminum not amongst those materials. Nor barium.

Where was it coming from, when elements have escalated that high in that short of time? No other plausible source. I was simply forced to face the fact that these programs were in fact deployed and raining an unimaginable amount of toxicity down, destroying the ozone layer, the list goes on and on. And so, I was simply forced to either turn away or face this issue. And I couldn’t turn away.

Holly: If I recall, a few years ago, some of your work was more about chemtrails. Now it seems it has more of an emphasis on geoengineering, and I’m just wondering if you could talk a little about the evolution there, about the relationship between the two concepts.

Dane: Can you cite any of my work that uses that term?

Holly: No, I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about maybe three to five years ago.

Dane: So am I. I mean, if you can cite any of my work other than to make the point that geoengineering refers to the layman’s term of chemtrails as no scientific basis whatsoever. And I had adamantly always adhered to the science terms. Thus the name of our site, which has always been the name geoengineeringwatch.org. So I would just ask not to be confused with other groups that are using that term. I don’t use it. And adamantly and tenaciously adhere to the climate science terms on this issue.

Holly: Okay. I know you said you’re nonpolitical, but I’m curious if you have any thoughts on what the recent election and the new administration means for geoengineering programs.

Dane: I think it remains to be seen. Certainly we know the new administration is sending out incredibly alarming signals with their appointees and their apparent denial of what is really undeniable. That the climate is changing radically. That anthropogenic causes are creating the damage. We’re putting 100 million tons of CO2 in the atmosphere a day. We’re lopping down the forest, we’re poisoning the oceans. I mean, I can’t truly fathom that anyone could not understand that that would radically disrupt the energy balance of the planet.

You know the military has always known this and we know that right now your listeners can research this. We have the US military stating on the record, the greatest national security threat of all is the disintegrating climate. So, I would argue, why would we think that the military would ask our permission before they would engage in climate engineering when we know, historically, they have been engaging in weather warfare for many, many decades. We know this. Project Popeye in Vietnam. The rain seeding over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Project Storm Fury, on and on.

So, for the Trump administration to, apparently, at least at this point, deny the climate emergency which we face right now is certainly extremely alarming. That being said, I’m working directly with a retired Air Force Major General. Retired Army Major General. Both of whom are communicating with the Trump administration about climate engineering. Because they want these programs stopped as well. Our only goal is to expose these programs and to bring them to the light of day. And that’s hard to do when you have, Holly, I’m not sure if you know this, are you aware that there is a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees?

Holly: No, I hadn’t heard that.

Dane: Your listeners might want to examine that. And that should certainly send up a big red flag for them. I first was notified of that from PEER, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. Who works directly with NWS and NOAA employees. I got a no return address, no identity, but I got a copy of the legal action. And there is in fact a federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all NOAA employees right now. We have to ask ourselves, what are they trying to hide?

Holly: I’m curious, in the course of your work, what kinds of people do you meet?

Dane: Well, we’re dealing with a lot of people right now. In fact, the former CEO of the world’s largest environmental and engineering consulting firm communicates with us on our attorney conference calls. Because he also, is very aware of these programs.

The former MP, Canadian MP for British Columbia, I communicate directly with him. In fact, he was just, he’s aware of these programs as well. He’s endorsed a book that we’re about a week away from releasing. And, again, the purpose of that book is simply to disclose the programs and give data to back up that disclosure.

We have also, at geoengineeringwatch.org, visual proof of climate engineering in the form of NASA satellite images and people who would search this on our site and look at these images, you don’t need to know anything about meteorology. If you look at these images, you will be absolutely shocked at what you see. Not just the aerosol operations, but the interaction with radio frequency signals that are used to manipulate the particulates.

I simply would ask people to look at the visual data and if you don’t believe what you see with your own eyes, there’s not much else I could say. But the attempt to engineer our way out of this without reducing carbon emissions, reducing deforestation, reducing ocean contamination. That’s simply a fool’s errand. It’s an extremely counter productive life. Holly, you remember the chemical Corexit that was used in the Gulf of Mexico to mask the severity of the oil spill …

Holly: Yeah.

Dane: Do you remember that?

Holly: Actually, I do.

Dane: I would argue that climate engineering is in that category. Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico, according to environmental impact studies, made that situation 52 times more toxic. But they used it anyway. To hide the problem. Not to make it better, to hide it.

And that’s, in fact, what we see now. The UV levels, we’re seeing from climate engineering, for example, I’m working directly with a 40 year former NASA aeronautics engineer. Forty year veteran. With expensive UV metering equipment that we supplied him. He’s seeing … we’re seeing UVB 1000 percent higher than we’re being told. It’s burning the bark off of trees. The cambium layer. We have [inaudible 00:14:47] huge study of whales with massive UV burns on them. We’re seeing UVC now on the surface. Five percent of incoming UV is now UVC, that’s the last band of UV before x-ray.

Your listeners can search — geoengineering destroys the ozone layer. There’s no question in the scientific community that will be the result. But, that is the result. For those that aren’t willing to admit for reasons I just cited, there’s federal gag orders and so forth, these programs are ongoing. We see yet another confirmation they are ongoing by the massive ozone destruction, the massive UV levels, also not being officially disclosed.

Holly: I’m wondering if you could tell us, what’s your goal or strategy? What do you and other concerned people plan to do about geoengineering?

Dane: Well, I would argue that the interference with Earth’s natural processes is highly destructive overall. Much like a pharmaceutical with the human body. How many pharmaceutical ads do we see now that say take this for this particular ailment and by the way, here’s twenty side effects that are unimaginably worse than what the quote cure is claimed to mitigate.

I would argue that we need to have disclosure on these programs. And when we have the environmental and the green community, for example, justifiably fighting to save forests and to preserve ecosystems through the world. If we have an element in the equation that is so horrifically destructive and not being admitted to, can we really have a legitimate discussion about the environment or the climate unless this issue is disclosed?

And that issue is climate engineering, when we have the world’s most recognized climate engineers, like Dr. David Keith stating on the record his goal, their goal to put 20 million tons of aluminum nano particulates into the atmosphere annually. And not even having studied the toxicological effects.

And that is a fact, that’s on film. If your listeners search “Dane Wigington/David Keith”, they can see me confronting Dr. Keith at an international geoengineering conference where he admits that they have done no study whatsoever on the toxicological environmental effect. So, I would simply argue this, this is the goal of our study; to have full disclosure of this issue. Because we can’t really have any legitimate discussion about the climate or the state of the environment without acknowledging and considering this massive unacknowledged factor of climate engineering.

Holly: Well, I think we’d better wrap up there. But thanks for sharing your perspectives. I appreciate your time.

Dane: Only asking people to investigate. That’s our only goal. We don’t ask anybody to believe anything we state, we’re simply asking them to investigate the data. So thank you for allowing us to do that.

Holly J. Buck biography excerpt:

Faculty Fellow

Holly Jean Buck is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University, where she is also a Research Fellow at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.

Her work looks at climate change, energy system transformation, and human-environment interactions in the Anthropocene.  As a NSF-IGERT fellow in Food Systems and Poverty Reduction in East Africa, she looked into potential socio-ecological impacts of large-scale land acquisitions for biofuels; currently, she is interested in the intersection of climate engineering with food systems and land use.

Academic Interests:  Geographies of climate change, energy security, remote sensing with UAVs, appropriate technology and algal biofuels, marine bioprospecting, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, open-source biotechnology, startup culture, Anthropocene pedagogy & writing, the sociology of expectations, future studies

Holly holds a M.Sc. in Human Ecology from Lund University in Sweden, and previously worked in the geospatial industry.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 11, 2017


Dane Wigington

The relentless courage and dedication of the VAXXED group continues to expand the wave of vaccine danger awareness. More and more populations around the globe are going hungry, how is it that the grocery shelves in the US are always completely stocked? Where is all this food coming from? Dementia and Alzheimer's mortality rates have gone exponential. The chemically engineered winter storms in the US continue in spite of record shattering high temperatures. The Arctic pushes 60 degrees above normal while being battered by a category 4 equivalant cyclone. Australia is suffering in a heat wave that experts have called "horrifying". Locusts are devouring the food crops in Bolivia's heartland, an official state of emergency has been declared. And there is Fukushima, every time it seems it can't get any worse, it does. Nearly 500 whales have beached themselves in New Zealand, is this heartbreaking tragedy the result of US/NATO/fossil fuel industry seismic activities in the region? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

For many, the darker the horizon grows, the deeper their denial manifests. Each of us must struggle against such a tendency. We are not helpless, we are not without a voice, but we must choose to fully utilize it, no matter how ominous the gathering storm appears to be.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 4, 2017


Dane Wigington

Much has already transpired since Donald Trump took office, and road signs do not bode well in regard to the direction we are headed. Should this be a surprise? More than ever before the power structure is trying desperately to hide reality from a population that is largely uninterested in the bigger picture in the first place. More than ever, those in power are doing their best to completely eliminate any remaining restraints on the military/industrial/banking complex. Will the last remaining remnants of the planet's life support systems (that are still functioning) be looted, plundered, and pillaged in order to keep business as usual till the last possible moment? Environmental and societal collapse will be blindingly swift. What is the current state of our oceans? US government officials declare fisheries disaster for the entire west coast of North America.

GeoengineeringWatch.org 6654

The satellite photo above was captured at 11 pm Pacific time on 2/1/17. This is a shocking example of radio frequency/microwave transmissions manipulating a square cloud perimeter around an extensive circular low pressure circulation.

On the other side of the world, in the Bay of Bengal, another fisheries collapse is unfolding. The global refugee crisis from collapsing ecosystems will soon "fuel an unimaginable refugee crisis" according to a new military analyst report. The city of Miami Beach is going to spend half a billion dollars ($500,000,000) to temporarily keep a few neighborhoods from being inundated from rapidly rising seas. Coastline cities all over the globe face the same fate, the efforts to mitigate this process is futile. Total nuclear fuel rod meltdowns at Fukushima are confirmed, and the world's top scientists have advanced the hands of the "Doomsday Clock" to an alarming 150 seconds to "midnight". Will the masses be awakened to our collective peril before the sand in the hourglass runs out? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Many choose not to stand up and make their voice heard in the battle for the greater good unless or until someone somewhere can give them a guarantee of certain success, this scenario must change. Life gives no such guarantees, ever. No matter how daunting the odds, we must make the decision to do what is right, because it is right. We are free falling into the most defining and critical chapter of our species, indeed, of life on Earth. How can we know what difference we may have made unless or until we are willing to stand and be counted in the critical effort to fully expose the untainted truth on countless fronts? We must take a stand today, if we are to salvage any tomorrow.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Placer County Fairgrounds, Roseville, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.



Exposing Faces Of The Carnegie Science Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-Up


Dane Wigington

Industrialized/militarized society is, unfortunately, filled with individuals who are willing to do anything (or say anything) so long as it provides a paycheck, a pension, and what they perceive as a secure place in the most powerful tribe. The global climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by humanity and the web of life (short of nuclear cataclysm). When specific individuals have made a career out of helping to cover up the criminal geoengineering programs by their "professional" public denial, these individuals need to be exposed. The "scientists" in question are paid to pretend geoengineering is only a "proposal" which helps to pacify the population in regard to the threat already posed by the ongoing geoengineering programs. "Carnegie Science" appears to be major sponsor of the ongoing climate engineering cover-up disinformation campaign. The 3 minute video below from Carnegie representative Ben Kravitz is a very revealing example of the "geoengineering is just a proposal" deception.

Two more primary actors in the geoengineering deception effort (also part of "Carnegie Science") are Dr. Ken Caldeira and Douglas MacMartin (AKA Doug MacMynowski). The 10 minute video below is a very revealing exposé, is their acting convincing?

Climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are obscuring skies all over the globe. Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals from these illegal programs are supersaturating our breathable air column and thus contaminating every breath we take.

GeoengineeringWatch.org 445

Geoengineered skies, Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Sydne Pomin

Yet another "Carnegie Science" climate engineering disinformation representative is Dr. David Keith. Keith has helped to draft the new study shown below. Ken Caldeira, and Doug MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) also contributed to this "study".

Carnegie Council Announces Launch of Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative 

Two excerpts from this report are below:

"There is a considerable lack of understanding of the governance requirements for addressing climate geoengineering—technologies that fundamentally require multilateral governance approaches," said Pasztor, the executive director. "This is what the C2G2 Initiative plans to address."

there is no comprehensive international framework to govern these technologies, which have planetary-wide consequences, pose many serious, unknown risks, and raise profound ethical questions.

What did Ken Caldeira do when he worked as a scientist for the United States government? In the 1 minute video below you can hear some of the shocking answers in Mr. Caldeira's own words (how to spray pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below, create tsunami's for destroying costal cities, weather as a weapon, etc).

In the 5 minute video below, David Keith ( also exposed publically be Stephen Colbert) has stated at an international science conference that the goal of the geoengineers is to put 10,000,000 tons of aluminum nanoparticules into the atmosphere annually (by jet aircraft dispersion).

This final 2 minute video (below) is of Mr. MacMartin (AKA Mr. MacMynowski) explaining how we can "test" global geoengineering programs. 

With all the above information considered (along with other geoengineering studies and solar radiation manegement reports drafted by Douglas MacMartin), the dialog shown below becomes very relevant. It is a full transcript of my very recent communications with Douglas MacMartin in which he compares "believing" that geoengineering is already deployed, is to believe that "the moon is made of blue cheese".

The conversation with "Carnegie Science" climate engineering disinformation representative Douglas MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) began from an initial message sent to MacMartin from a very dedicated and credible anti-geoengineering activist, Maciej Kocialkowski, who expressed his very dire and justified concerns about climate engineering to Mr. MacMartin. 

Response to Maciej from Douglas MacMartin (AKA Douglass MacMynowski):

Good day Maciej,

I am sorry that you have been so deliberately deceived, but if you were a decent human being you would learn the facts before accusing other people of bad behaviour.

Theory #1: Clouds are made of water vapour

Theory #2: There is a vast conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of people in every single country on the planet, not one of whom is willing to break the silence and acknowledge that clouds are, in fact, not made of water vapour.

Personally I find Theory #1 to be more likely, but I understand that there are some people on the planet who find Theory #2 to be compelling, and that they are even capable of taking pictures and posting them on websites; just because they know how to use a camera and know how to type doesn’t mean that you should trust what they say.  Like I said, I’m sorry you’ve been deceived by dishonourable people, but please don’t accuse us of lying when we tell you that clouds are made of water.

I think it is clear who is cowardly, morally and ethically bankrupt here…

I was cc'd the above communication between Maciej and Douglas, and joined in the dialog:

Hello Mr. MacMartin,  our legal team (Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineeing, LASG) recently conducted a survey of almost 1500 climate scientists/meteorologists. These academicians were asked if they were willing to deny (on the record) ongoing geoengineering deployment. Not a single scientist was willing to deny the geoengineering reality Mr. MacMartin, not one. Are you willing to tell us on the record that you know with certainty that global geoengineering/climate engineering/solar radiation management/stratospheric aerosol injection programs have not yet been deployed?

Survey of 1500 scientists/meteorologists (the entire list of academicians surveyed is contained in the link, PDF file)



I have been on conference calls all week with a growing # of attorneys that are joining our effort, geoengineering will be exposed, wait and see. When that happens, how will the public react to your narrative of denial which in effect has helped to cover up the ongoing climate engineering crimes? Time will soon enough reveal the answer to that question.


Dane Wigington


Response from MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Hi Dane,

Yes, there is no deployment anywhere of any deliberate stratospheric aerosol injection program that is intended to significantly alter the climate.  If there were some clandestine operation somewhere on the globe that was big enough to matter, we would be able to detect it from satellite data.

The fact that most scientists don’t waste their time responding to random emails from people doesn’t prove that they believe such a program exists.  I tend to get about 100 emails a day on average, I can’t possibly waste my time responding to everything that comes in.  A quick skim of some of the responses you got makes it quite obvious that no-one believes such a program exists. 

I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding.  If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional. 

Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people).  I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant.  You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information.

There are real problems in this world that demand real attention.  Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time.


My reply to MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Mr. MacMartin, it seems you continue to irrationally display your adversity to reality. As a "scientist" you can amazingly say with certainty that you somehow  that no climate engineering programs have been deployed anywhere by anyone? And for proof you state you would "detect" such spraying activity from satellite data? Though 1500 scientists refused to deny the climate engineering issue on the record, you somehow know for certain that no climate engineering whatsoever is taking place?


Perhaps you need to take a closer look at some satellite images Douglas, which you claim prove there is nothing going in our skies.

FYI, there are countless satellite images that clearly show ongoing aerosol operations, clearly not commercial traffic,

geoengineering trails satellite images

If your claim is that this is all just "condensation trails" Mr. MacMartin, this also does not hold up to any legitimate investigation. 



Are the NASA satellite images in the link below also just "natural cloud cover" Douglas?


or these NASA images


Perhaps you should comb through this 750 page historical congressional document on global climate intervention programs and explain to us all why we should ignore it.



The final statements in your message to me truly reveal an irrational desperation to deny on your part, Mr. MacMartin (the quote from MacMartin is below). 

"I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding.  If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional. 

Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people).  I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant.  You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information.

There are real problems in this world that demand real attention.  Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time."

The public is rapidly waking up to the willful mass deception being propagated from the very "academicians" like yourself that the public has been so well trained to trust. I would ask you, Mr. MacMartin, how do you think the population will react (once fully awakened to the truth) to individuals such as yourself who have done everything in their power to hide the lethal climate engineering reality from them? Do you not believe that such an awakened public will hold people like you legally and morally accountable as accessories in the crimes of the climate engineering cover-up? Time will soon enough tell as the critical mass of awakening draws near. About my statements relating to your total disregard for the truth, I stand by them. There are only three possibilities in your case, Mr. MacMartin, either you are criminally negligent in your knowledge of the very profession in which you claim to be an expert, or you are visually challenged and cannot see the blatant aerosol spraying that is so clearly visible in countless satellite images that you claim prove there is no aerosol spraying, or finally, yes, for whatever reason or motive, you are willfully choosing to deceive the population on this most critical issue, Mr. MacMartin.

The truth about the ongoing climate engineering reality will soon be known by all, Douglas, wait and see. When that time comes, you, and all those like you (who have willfully deceived the public about the geoenigneering reality and dangers), will face the public's demand for legal and moral accountability.

Dane Wigington


MacMartin's (MacMynowski's) reply:

On Jan 23, 2017, at 5:29 AM, Douglas MacMartin wrote:

It is clear that you are not interested in reality.  Please don’t waste our time.

My reply to MacMartin (MacMynowski):

Is that the best response to all the data I posted that you could come up with Douglas? "It is clear that you are not interested in reality. Please don’t waste our time". Did you even bother to examine the NASA satellite images included in the last message? Or the 750 page US Senate report? I see that Dr. David Keith is on this email list which someone has put together. Mr. Keith, like you, will soon enough likely be held legally and morally accountable by an awakened and enraged population.

Another FYI below Douglas, a very damning 5 minute video of Dr. Keith discussing the dumping of 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum into the stratosphere annually.


The next FYI 6 minute video below is shocking time-lapse footage of solar radiation management programs being carried out. Yes, populations are beginning to wake up to the fact that they are all a part of a grand and lethal experiment without their knowledge and consent. An illegal and unimaginably destructive experiment that individuals like you, Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira, are willfully deceiving the public about.


And there are countless other up close film captures of what is clearly jet aircraft aerosol dispersions


2 minute video


And another


And another


And another


And there are many more.

Douglas, can you state with a straight face that this is just "condensation" being turned on and off from these jet aircraft?

Understand this, Douglas, I and a rapidly growing number of others all over the country and, indeed, the world, will continue to do our best to make sure the public is completely aware of the part you (and people like Dr. Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira) have played in the criminal climate engineering cover-up.

Dane Wigington


Reply from Douglass MacMartin (MacMynowski)

Hi Dane,

I’m sure that you are a well-intentioned person who simply cares deeply about the planet (like me and presumably everyone else you email), but that you have misled yourself, and in doing so have gotten yourself too angry to have a polite and informed conversation from which you might learn something.

At some level I don’t really care if you believe things that aren’t true, but you are misleading other well-intentioned people and filling them with mis-placed anger as well.  The world would be better off if people spent their energy working on real problems in constructive ways.  If you are concerned about climate change, for example, write your representatives and senators and ask for policies to address climate change.  Unfortunately, by convincing people of things that aren’t true, you aren’t helping make the world a better place but simply wasting people’s energies.

While I unfortunately don’t have high confidence (based on your previous emails) that there is any chance that you will be swayed, I would ask the rest of the people that you have tried to influence to think carefully about why they are believing you rather than believing the tens of thousands of people who have devoted their entire careers towards understanding the climate and how to make the world a better place.

My understanding from people I’ve talked to about this is that the root confusion here is that what any meteorologist looks at as a natural contrail, you take pictures of and claim it isn’t a contrail.  Why do you believe that water vapour can make clouds under the right atmospheric conditions, yet water vapour that comes out of a jet exhaust shouldn’t do the same?  (Especially in the presence of lots of appropriate cloud condensation nuclei in the exhaust.)  This isn’t anything mysterious…

And I am utterly baffled as to why anyone would draw any connection between aircraft contrails and those of us who are working to understand climate engineering.  Those of us involved in that research are motivated entirely by concern over the suffering of humans and non-humans alike due to climate change, and we think there is sufficient cause for alarm about the future to do the research into the idea of putting something like sulfate (not a significant part of aircraft exhaust) into the stratosphere (higher than the airplanes you see making contrails).  No-one is doing anything like this now.  No-one ever has.  No-one is even proposing it.  When you claim that those things are true, you are simply making it up and then accusing lots of other people of lying.  (And if in 30 years someone does decide that the situation is dire enough to warrant geoengineering, it won’t look remotely like contrails from aircraft.)  The only connection between aircraft contrails and geoengineering is that both of them involve the atmosphere; that’s a pretty tenuous link.  The only thing that exists today is computer modeling.  Everything that you have said about me is something that you have simply made up and then tried to convince other people is true.

If you want to understand something about climate engineering, I would recommend reading the National Academy report on the subject from 2015, and you will quickly learn that it has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the things that you write about on your website. 

If you are interested in learning something from polite, curious, open-minded conversation, that’s great.  If you are only interested in ranting and accusing people of bad behaviour, I don’t think that is constructive or useful to any of us.  Sorry to be blunt, but I don’t go around making things up and convincing dozens of my friends to send meaningless hate-mail to random people, and I think you could help make the world a better place if you didn’t do that either.


P.S.  You might also want to know that when you try to disparage other people and falsely accuse them of bad behaviour in a public way, that doesn’t come across well and doesn’t reflect well on your values.

My response to MacMartin (MacMynowski)

Mr. MacMartin (or is it Mr. MacMynowski? Isn't that your former name? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o8wBo4R7ME), perhaps you think you are fooling some on this email list by pretending to be a victim (which you absolutely are not), but even the academicians and corporate media sources on the list are becoming aware that the climate engineering elephant in the room can't be hidden much longer. Coming article posts will continue to present data that exposes you, and those like you, who appear to be making a career out of public deception on an issue of unimaginable gravity.  Douglas, the truth about the global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management programs will soon be known by the masses, how do you think they will react to those who did their best to cover-up the highly toxic and environmentally devastating climate engineering crimes? We will soon enough find out…




The questions below, already sent to you, which you never gave an honest answer to, or any answer to, Mr. MacMartin. (other than to compare the ongoing climate engineering issue to the moon being made of  "blue cheese" even when you have been directly involved in the climate engineering issue for a very long time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o8wBo4R7ME).  


Questions formerly sent but never even acknowledged by you. No comment on the NASA photos and US Senate documents?

Perhaps you need to take a closer look at some satellite images Douglas, which you claim prove there is nothing going in our skies.

FYI, there are countless satellite images that clearly show ongoing aerosol operations, clearly not commercial traffic,

geoengineering trails satellite images

If your claim is that this is all just "condensation trails" Mr. MacMartin, this also does not hold up to any legitimate investigation. 



Are the NASA satellite images in the link below also just "natural cloud cover" Douglas?


or these NASA images


Perhaps you should comb through this 750 page historical congressional document on global climate intervention programs and explain to us all why we should ignore it.



Final response from MacMartin (MacMynowski)


First, don’t bother responding to this email, as I’ve already blocked your email address, as it is clear that you are not interested in any polite discourse from which you might learn something.  So I will never see what your response is, and you won’t be able to receive any satisfaction from thinking that whatever you type, someone just might feel insulted.  Any response you type will just be wasted effort going into a meaningless void (kind of like this email, come to think of it)…

So many in the circles of academia (and journalism) have completely betrayed the human race, and the entire web of life. One cannot help but wonder how such individuals can so completely and totally abandon any sense of honor or morality. Man's attempt to manipulate Earth's life support systems is the epitome of human folly and insanity, it is nothing short of willfull planetary omnicide.  Exposing the criminal climate engineering deception and cover-up (and all those contributing to it) is essential, all of our efforts are needed in this battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 28, 2017


Dane Wigington

We are now over a week into the Trump administration takeover. Mass muzzling of agencies and information is taking place, where are we headed? Yet more toxic air alerts are occurring in major cities. Climate engineering is a major factor that is radically contributing to the lethal contamination of our breathable air column. A new peer reviewed study now confirms that bumblebees are also succumbing to toxic aluminum overload (just like the honeybees, also proven with peer review study). The worst forest fire disaster in Chile's history is still unfolding. The price of salmon is going to keep escalating rapidly as now farmed salmon is dying as fast as wild salmon populations. Our warming oceans are further fueling marine die-off around the globe. The nuclear contamination from Japan may soon become far worse as the Japanese government considers dumping its nuclear waste into the seabed. What are the super rich doing? Preparing for "doomsday". The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

As our former reality unravels, all will be forced to make a critical decision. Will we choose to be a part of the cure? Or part of the disease? The collapse of the reality we have all known is a given, and in fact, already in the process. If we are to salvage any future for our children, the effort will take all of us.

Climate Engineering, Ozone Destruction, And Radiation Clouds, The Dangers Of Air Travel


Dane Wigington

Air travel is becoming ever more hazardous to human health for a host of reasons. Not only are air travelers inhaling high concentrations of toxic particulates as they fly through various layers of solar radiation atmospheric haze (contributing to aerotoxic syndrome impacting passengers and crews), radiation clouds at aviation altitudes also pose a dire threat.


Climate engineering and the health dangers of air travel are completely interwoven issues.

A recently published study in a peer-reviewed journal is now acknowledging the radiation clouds and the dangers they present to air travelers. 

Jan. 20, 2017: A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Space Weather reports the discovery of radiation “clouds” at aviation altitudes. When airplanes fly through these clouds, dose rates of cosmic radiation normally absorbed by air travelers can double or more.

“We have flown radiation sensors onboard 264 research flights at altitudes as high as 17.3 km (56,700 ft) from 2013 to 2017,” says Kent Tobiska, lead author of the paper and PI of the NASA-supported program Automated Radiation Measurements for Aerospace Safety (ARMAS). “On at least six occasions, our sensors have recorded surges in ionizing radiation that we interpret as analogous to localized clouds.”

Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic activity negatively affecting the atmosphere and ozone layer (including the ongoing Fukushima disaster), climate engineering aerosol spraying and the accompanying radio frequency/microwave transmissions are a primary factor that is wreaking havoc on the biosphere, the atmosphere, and all of Earth's life support systems.


Though the chart above reflects the official narrative for UV exposure, official sources are not disclosing the off the chart UV radiation levels that now showing up even at ground levels (including UVC). At higher altitudes, much higher concentrations of radiation are present and at far more dangerous UV spectrums.

The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is much more extensive than just UV radiation. 


Electromagnetic radiation exposure is a very real danger, what is the full extent of damage being done to Earth's atmosphere from the ongoing climate intervention operations?

The vast majority of air travelers are not even slightly aware of the risks they are taking when they fly.

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Ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management programs have transformed skies all over the globe. Geoengineered skies in Volo, Illinois. Photo credit: Robert Snell

The fact that air travelers absorb radiation is not news.  Researchers have long known that cosmic rays crashing into Earth’s atmosphere create a spray of secondary particles such as neutrons, protons, electrons, X-rays and gamma-rays that penetrate aircraft.  100,000 mile frequent flyers absorb as much radiation as 20 chest X-rays—and even a single flight across the USA can expose a traveler to more radiation than a dental X-ray.

Conventional wisdom says that dose rates should vary smoothly with latitude and longitude and the height of the aircraft.  Any changes as a plane navigates airspace should be gradual.  Tobiska and colleagues have found something quite different, however: Sometimes dose rates skyrocket for no apparent reason.

Most of the human race takes Earth's protective atmosphere for granted, this is a grave mistake.


We are told that the Earth's atmosphere stops most types of electromagnetic radiation from reaching Earth's surface, but current metering and corroborating data greatly disputes this official narrative. (Image credit: STScI/JHU/NASA)

We are all immersed in an increasingly toxic and radiated environment that is rapidly taking its toll on our health and the entire web of life. Of all the dangers we face, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare is mathematically the most dire and immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. We will sink or swim together. If the human race is to have any chance of long term survival, a complete course correction of our species must occur in the very near term. Who will join this epic battle to sound the alarm?  Who will stand and make their voice heard for the greater good?

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 21, 2017


Dane Wigington

Barack Obama leaves office with a legacy of war without end. A man that was given the Nobel Piece Prize has been responsible for countless innocent deaths, and the numbers are still going up. With Trump now in the White House, will things be any better? Or even worse? On the economic front, Puerto Rico is about to collapse, Japan's core machinery orders are plummeting, and US retailer "American Apparel" has just gone bankrupt. The globalists will continue to try and cling together as the ship goes down, but their desperate efforts will only speed the process. Japan's largest coral reef is all but dead, just like so many other ocean ecosystems that are collapsing around the globe. Yet more beach strandings of marine mammals as "Canfield Ocean" conditions continue to manifest globally. A mainstream media journalist has recently come forward to expose the truth about the US government's total control over media sources, now he is dead. Who will help to pick up the torch of truth and carry it forward into the darkening horizon? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The rate of change on countless fronts will continue to accelerate exponentially, there is no going back. If we stand together in a united and unyielding quest to expose the full unvarnished truth, and turn the current tide, we may yet avert the unfolding planetary omnicide. Will you make your voice heard?

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Marin Center/Exhibit Hall, San Rafael, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.



Climate Engineering Denial In The Face Of Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

So many circles in academia have completely betrayed the populations of the world and, indeed, the planet as a whole. Even now, as Earth continues to free-fall into what is already a runaway warming scenario (mathematically speaking), the ongoing blatant global climate engineering assault goes completely unacknowledged by the whole of the climate science/meteorological community. 


Hampshire, UK. Photo credit: Marcus William Biggs​

Though the climate science/meteorological community officially denies the rationally undeniable climate engineering reality (that is so clearly visible and occurring in skies all over the globe), individuals within these same science circles refuse to deny the geoengineering reality on the record. In a recent survey of almost 1500 scientists, not a single scientist was wiling to deny on the record that climate engineering/solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud albedo enhancement had already been deployed. In summary, not one of almost 1500 scientists was willing to deny (on the record) the climate engineering atrocities in our skies.

2016 has just been officially confirmed as the warmest year on record, by far. 2016 is the third record shattering warm year in a row. We have now passed over 30 consecutive years of above normal temperatures on planet Earth, and even now, individuals from the climate science/meteorological communities are actively propagating the blatant lie that climate engineering/solar radiation management will save us from planetary incineration (which geoengineering is making far worse, not better). All available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that  illegal, immoral, and unimaginably destructive climate engineering programs have been fully deployed for over 70 years. Yet, the official denial of ongoing geoengineering continues to be pumped out from the circles of academia. A case in point is a recent article titled "Solar Geoengineering Is The Terrible Idea That Just Might Save Us". Below are excepts from that article that clearly reveal the total deception that is being propagated by so many academicians. 

There are serious scientists in the world right now who believe that a last-ditch effort to save the planet from the worst consequences of global warming could include a bold plan to inject massive quantities of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere where it will partially block out the sun.

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Reno, Nevada. Photo credit: Justin Pera

The climate science community still pretends sulfur dioxide is the material of choice for SRM (solar radiation management) programs (which would be unimaginably harmful). But in reality, aluminum is the chosen primary element for SRM due to the high albedo (reflectivity) of this extremely toxic heavy metal.  

“If the idea of putting megatons of sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere doesn’t scare you, I think there’s something wrong with you,” says Douglas MacMartin, a research professor with California Institute of Technology who studies the problem of deliberately manipulating Earth’s climate. He spoke Tuesday at a panel discussion hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on the subject of the role of aerospace industries in potential geoengineering schemes.

Solar radiation management by seeding the stratosphere with sulfates is undeniably risky. But we know that it works — large volcano eruptions perform this feat naturally, and the effect is that Earth gets cooler, at least for a year or two. It’s also likely to be feasible from economic, technological, and logistical standpoints.

“It’s very quick, and it’s probably very cheap,” says MacMartin. “All you have to do is basically fly airplanes up into the stratosphere and dump a pile of crap up there, and you’ll cool the planet.”

So, a region experiencing increased drought from climate change might become even drier through a solar engineering scheme. The local environmental effects are difficult to predict and measure.


Record setting drought is wreaking havoc all over the globe. The drought causing effects of geoengineering/solar radiation management are scientifically acknowledged and beyond dispute.

In all plausibility, the world will descend into deep and widespread climate crisis before a scheme like solar radiation management is tried on a large scale. MacMartin thinks it will get that bad.

Though, in this light, the prospect of solar radiation management starts to look less terrifying and more like a saving grace. “One can be depressed that it has gotten to this point, but one can also be hopeful for the fact that we may be able to alleviate a lot of human and non-human suffering,” says MacMartin.

The statements above from Callifornia Institute of Technology scientist, Douglas MacMartin, amount to total disinformation and deception. There are only two possibilities regarding Mr. MacMartin's denial of existing climate engineering (and his advocating of climate engineering as a potential cure), either MacMartin is unimaginably unqualified for the job he holds, or he is lying. The same is true for the rest of the climate science community that has so far chosen to deny the catastrophic climate engineering assault. The existing illegal federal gag order on all NWS (National Weather Service) and all NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) employees must be considered in this equation. In addition, there is no doubt that it is a very bad career decision (or worse) for any academician to openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering assault (which is a matter of historical record), but do these factors excuse the criminal denial of existing climate engineering programs by the climate science community? Absolutely not, life on Earth should matter more than a paycheck and a pension. We all face a very real fight for our very survival, and time is not on our side. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Onslaught


Dane Wigington

The now near total desperation of the climate engineers to turn warmth into winter is becoming incredibly obvious and blatant to any that are even slightly awake. "Winter Storm Jupiter" is the latest creation of the climate engineers. This so called "winter storm" is simply the product of ionosphere heater generated jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation processes. Highly destructive ice storms are occurring due to the climate engineering chemical cool-downs. These temporary toxic cool-downs are further fueled by "global dimming", a primary goal of the geoengineers and their "solar radiation management" (SRM) programs. The map below shows the "Winter Storm Jupiter" scenario just described. An extremely anomalous and deep jet stream dip is utilized to help siphon up copious amounts of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture.


The power structure owned and operated climate engineering cover-up institutions like The Weather Channel do their best to explain away the completely engineered and anomalous weather as being all just "natural" conditions.

The first satellite/radar animation below reveals the early stages of "Winter Storm Jupiter". As bands of warm moisture migrate north, they are bombarded with chemical ice nucleating agents from above via jet aircraft dispersions. The effect of this chemical ice nucleation process can be clearly seen as cells of precipitation suddenty "flash out" to frozen in spite of the far above freezing temperature moisture. 


A close examination of this animation shows rain "changing over to snow" as far south as northern Mexico while rain can still be seen as far north as Utah, Iowa, and Pennsylvania.

The next satellite/radar animation shows yet more anomalies of warm rain cells "turning over to snow" as moisture continues to migrate north. 


The zone of moisture over New Mexico is of special interest in the satellite/radar loop shown above. Not only is the rain "change over to snow" extremely visible, the radio frequency/microwave transmission manipulation of this moisture zone is also shockingly apparent (circular configuration). The epicenter of this New Mexico RF transmission zone is located just west of Albuquerqe.

The animation below reveals the epicenter of the RF transmission zone (just west of Albuquerque NM) and the effect to the precipitation from the transmissions. Also of interest is the precipitation free wedge that begins just east of the transmission epicenter. This precipitation free wedge is also very visible in the in the satellite/radar animation just shown above.

Radio frequency/microwave transmissions are a core aspect of the climate engineering process. Such transmissions are utilized to manipulate jet aircraft dispersed particulate/chemical elements causing these elements to repel or congeal.

The "forecast" (scheduled weather) map below reveals the core temperatures of the migrating warm moisture as chemically ice nucleated "Winter Storm Jupiter" was unfolding. 


As shown above, temperatures as high as 60 degrees (with rain) immediately decline toward the cores of the chemical cool-down zones.

The "forecast map" for 1/16/17 is even more revealing and shocking in regard to the incredibly warm temperatures in occurring in "Winter Storm Jupiter". With atmospheric conditions this warm, the chemically ice nucleating elements often reach the ground level before setting up as ice, thus creating extremely destructive "ice storms".


With warm migrating moisture with temperatures in the low 70s (straight out of the Gulf of Mexico), why is warm rain "changing over" to ice? With most temperatures on the ground still at well above freezing This is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements that are being utilized on an unimaginable scale as the climate engineers try desperately to turn warmth into winter.

How warm will it be following "Winter Storm Jupiter"? Temperatures will immediately rebound. 


As chemically created "Winter Storm Jupiter" fizzles out, weather whiplash yet again sets in.

Only days after "Winter Storm Jupiter" record or near record heat is forecasted to return to much of the US with some regions warming to almost 30 degrees above normal.


Formally anomalous temperature divides like that shown in the "forecast" map above have become the norm. The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to "force" the climate system by trying to chemically create short term (and highly toxic) cool-downs in a rapidly warming world (Japan and Europe are also being assaulted by completely engineered storms). The slightly below normal temperatures shown for the western US in the forecast map above likely contain the next engineered winter event for the US, "Winter Storm Kori". Warm moisture flowing in from the Pacific will be subjected to yet another climate engineering chemical onslaught in order to continue manipulating the climate perceptions US population. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face. Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity have done immense damage to the planet and climate system,  there can be no legitimate discussion of the weather or the climate system without first and foremost including the single greatest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, global climate engineering. Our planet is accelerating toward a state of total meltdown, though highly destructive (and toxic) covert geoengineering programs can create short term cool-doowns, this manipulation comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming. All of us are needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 14, 2017


Dane Wigington

Winter Storm Jupiter is the latest example of weather warfare being waged against the US population by their own government and their own military. This most recent theatrically named manufactured ice storm truly reflects the growing desperation of the climate engineers. Desperation is also the driving force behind the power structure's continuing demonization of Russia as the military industrial juggernaut of destruction runs out of options. Yet another senior Russian diplomat is found dead, this time in Athens, Greece. Walmart is laying off, as is Boeing. The cost of the remaining fish from dying oceans is getting inconceivably high in some cases, a Japanese fish buyer has just paid $636,000 for a single Tuna. The New York Times discloses that the White House is urging Geoengineering as an option to "combat" global warming. The Times made this statement as if illegal climate engineering has not already been going on for over 70 years and inflicting unimaginable decimation to the planet and the entire web of life. What is the highly toxic climate engineering fallout doing to us? Yet more respiratory distress epidemics are clogging hospitals, this time in the UK. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The battle for the greater good has already been unimaginably long and arduous for all those that are truly committed to it.  But now, more than ever, we MUST keep our stride. Now, more than ever, we must make our voices heard.

This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Manufacturing Winter With Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

In the combination satellite/radar image below, two flows of moisture (one in the west, one in the east) are being orchestrated and utilized by the climate engineers in the attempt to cool large regions of the US with chemical ice nucleation processes. The "Pineapple Express" of warm air and moisture is flowing in from the Pacific in the west. This flow of warm moisture was the beginning of "Winter Storm Iras". In the East, an anomalous flow of warm air and moisture from the warm waters southeast of Florida is pushed up the eastern seaboard, this warm flow was the fuel for the final chapter of "Winter Storm Helena".


How can such warm sources of moisture "change over" to snow and cold? Welcome to climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation.

The radar map below was captured at the same approximate time as the combination satellite/radar image above. When comparing these two images, the following question should be considered: how does a warm flow of air and moisture originating from warm oceans south of Cuba suddenly "change over to snow"? The "change over to snow" term is now commonly used by power structure owned "The Weather Channel" paid actors (and other power structure owned sources of weather "forecasting").


Looking closely at the above radar map, some rain cells (unfrozen precipitation) are still visible near the eastern fringes of the chemically nucleated snow zones. 

The next combination satellite/radar map below was taken approximately 20 hours after the similar image shown earlier in this article. The flow of warm moisture from south of Cuba to Maine and beyond was still fueling "Winter Storm Helena". In the west, the "Pineapple Express" was ramping up to fuel "Winter Storm Iras".


As the ongoing global climate engineering assault continues to be ramped up, satellite and radar images are becoming increasingly bizarre. Note that in the image above the entire North American continent is completely covered with a canopy of clouds and atmospheric aerosols. The same is true of mainland Mexico and almost all of the Gulf of Mexico. This is "solar radiation management" in action.

The satellite map below must be compared with the satellite/radar map directly above. As already stated, the warm flow of moisture being utilized for "Winter Storm Iras" is flowing in from the warm Pacific. Consider that there is virtually no snow of frozen precipitation visible in California, even in extremely high mountain locations with elevations well over 10,000 feet. Why not? Because of the very warm sources of this moisture. The day before the image below was captured, it snowed at the valley floor in Redding, California. Redding is at an elevation that is just above sea level at 500 feet. Then, the next day, as shown in the image below, no snow anywhere in the state including at elevations of far over 10,000 feet. 


A final note on the map above to consider, snow is shown falling in southern Mississippi, and only rain at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. What is wrong with this picture?

The short satellite animation below was taken approximately 8 hours after the radar image directly above. The beginning of chemical ice nucleation processes were beginning to appear in California at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Further inland, the warm flow of rain can be seen "changing over" to snow. As the chemical nucleation assault unfolds, the temperatures on the ground level can and do cool dramatically as a cold dense layer of air is created.

Also of note in the animation above, the impact of powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions (used for climate modification) can clearly be seen in parts of Idaho and Washington.

The close up screen shot below is of a radio frequency transmission source in Washington, taken at the same time as the animation above was recorded.


The RF transmissions are a primary component of the ongoing climate modification processes.

The next close up screen shot below, taken over an Idaho RF transmission source, was also captured at the same time as the animation shown earlier.


The RF/microwave transmissions are just one more catastrophically harmful aspect of geoengineering programs.

The next two NOAA extended "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below reveal what is coming for the US, yet more extreme weather whiplash. The chemical cool-downs cannot be kept up indefinitely, the record warmth will again re-appear in the south and East.


Every engineered cool-down that is carried out by the climate engineers comes at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming.

The next extended forecast map below clearly shows a continued expansion of the extremely rapid rebound of warmth for the US. This extended "forecast" map also clearly shows where the climate engineers plan on focusing their efforts next, Alaska (along with continueing massive operations in Europe). The 48 of the US are headed back toward record heat as the geoengineers will do all they can to chemically cool the Arctic in their ever more desperate attempt to hide the implosion of the ice at the poles. The climate engineering chemical cool-downs are used to temporarily (and toxically) mask the ongoing planetary meltdown. 2016 was yet another record shattering warm year on planet Earth.


Radical weather whiplash scenarios will continue to rapidly worsen.

The final NOAA extended "forecast" map indecates that record breaking high temperatures will rapidly replace the preceeding  climate engineering chemical cool-downs.


We must expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, this is not an option, but an absolute imperative. Make your voice heard in this epic battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.