Climate Change
Scorched Earth, Climate Engineering Continues To Fuel Planetary Meltdown
Around the globe record numbers of wildfires have continued to rage in 2015. Of all the sources of anthropogenic damage to the planet (and there are countless sources) the greatest single factor fueling the wildfire increase is climate engineering. Fires are currently raging all over the US West, all the way north to Alaska where record levels of acreage are going up in flames. Further east into Canada the story is the same. There was an extremely early start to the now record fire season in Siberia where vast sections of boreal forest are incinerating. In Russia, many recent fires in the Chernobyl "exclusion zone" pose radiation dangers in addition to the fire threat. Southern California is ablaze yet again. Portugal is one of many more countries battling wildfires. How about the southern hemisphere? The story has been the same. Brazil is burning to the ground, so is Chile. In Australia, the fires have been relentless and horrific.
As the forests burn, the feedback loop of continued burning is fed. All the while, the decimating affects of climate engineering are feeding the planetary meltdown. Below is the latest update from Alaska where fires are continuing to devour the landscape at a record pace.
Dane Wigington
Decorated War Veteran Adam Kokesh Addresses Climate Engineering And Catastrophic Methane Release
Adam Kokesh is completely dedicated to the fight for the common good. He is a former marine and a decorated war veteran. Adam has given his all to exposing the power structure and its ongoing crimes against humanity. This short interview addresses the dire issue of global climate engineering and the unfolding cataclysms geoengineering programs are fueling. So many of the unfolding global environmental cataclysms can in one way or another be directly linked to climate engineering as a causal factor. The entire climate system has been completely derailed, the ozone layer is decimated, the life support systems of the planet are breaking down. Exposing and halting climate engineering is not an option, it is an absolute necessity if life on Earth is to survive. Though this interview was done a while ago, it slipped through the cracks and never got posted at geoengineeringwatch. The information it contains is completely accurate and relevant today, this is confirmation of previous research and conclusions.
Dane Wigington
“Mysterious” Extreme Warming Of Oceans Baffles Scientists
It is increasingly hard to find words which accurately describe the willful blindness of the so called "science" community. How high a price has the planet and global populations already paid for the behavior of the science community? No matter how enormous the global geoengineering "elephant in the room" becomes, no matter how much destruction and devastation the ongoing climate engineering assault causes, the effects are all a big "mystery" to the "experts". Ocean temperatures are skyrocketing along both coasts of the North American continent causing marine ecosystem collapse (see article posted further down this page). The experts correctly acknowledge that part of the warming is linked to carbon emissions, but then go on to admit "there may also be another explanation, so far undiscovered". The seas are warming so rapidly that researchers must constantly upgrade charts. The extreme ocean warming off the coasts of North America is clearly visible in the current departure from average sea temperature map below.
Click image to enlarge
Climate engineering is the most dire and immediate threat to the oceans, to us, and to the planet's life support systems as a whole. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest threat we face. Many blame Fukushima for all the die-off of the Eastern Pacific, but there is much more to what is unfolding. The toxic heavy metal geoengineering aerosols being sprayed from jet aircraft (and the radio frequency transmissions used to manipulate them) are completely altering atmospheric convection, wind currents, ocean currents, ocean "mixing", and the hydrological cycle as a whole. The climate engineers have actively tried to suppress the El Niño event since at least 2007. The climate engineering is forcing ocean stratification which is contributing to an increasing "canfield ocean" condition. Our oceans are dying, if the oceans die, we die. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to our biosphere, academia has so far not shown a shred of courage in regard to openly acknowledging the geoengineering assault on the planet. The recently published article below is yet more proof of this fact. It is up to each and every one of us to expose this criminal denial and thus bring climate engineering to light once and for all.
Dane Wigington
Climate Engineering And Weather Extremes Causing Societal Disruption and Mass Mortality
Climate engineering is weather warfare and biological warfare, these issues are all one in the same and cannot be separated. Climate engineering has been the power structure's primary weapon of choice for decades. Anthropogenic activity has inflicted immense and irreparable damage to the planet and climate system on countless fronts. The climate engineers are manipulating these systems as a means of power and control over populations. The geoengineers can create toxic cool-downs over large regions, at the expense of worsening the overall warming of the planet. The weather makers can also engineer protracted drought and extreme heat. One example is massive ionosphere heater induced high pressure zones like the "ridiculously resilient ridge" that is parked over the US West is literally frying the landscape and drying up all sources of water. Global climate engineering programs are ultimately about power and control, period. Even the El Niño phenomenon is not exempt from the climate engineers attempt to manipulate. The geoengineering weapon of mass destruction is being aggressively used against populations around the globe, including the US population. Every single day the geoengineers interfere with the climate, it inflicts even more damage to the climate system and the biosphere. China and Russia are also heavily involved in their own weather modification madness, it is a competitive race of total destruction. The newly published article below only scratches the surface of the ongoing climate carnage occurring around the globe.
Dane Wigington
Engineered Western Meltdown To Cool The East
Dane Wigington
The weather warfare being waged against the US population continues to escalate. Due to the highly toxic fallout, weather warfare is also biological warfare against the entire web of life. How hot is it going to be under the completely engineered high pressure heat dome in the West? Record shattering. Is it any wonder the Western states are burning to the ground? This includes Alaska where more than 200 wildfires are burning as of late June.
The engineered high pressure zone facilitates the jet stream manipulation the climate engineers are after. By pushing the upper level winds up and over (north of) the heat dome, the winds then spin clockwise around the high pressure. A large "dip" in the jet stream is then formed, which contributes to yet another engineered cool-down in the Eastern US which is scheduled for late this week. Though the Western US could be considered a "climate sacrifice zone", available data indicates the West is also a target for engineered drought.
The latest NOAA map below will look very familiar to any that have reviewed my past articles documenting the geoengineering assault against the US, but this map is new and simply reflects the exact same climate engineering scenario being repeated again, and again, and again. Though there has also been heat in the Northeast, the climate engineers have "scheduled" a cool-down. The Western US is baked and burned while the Eastern half of the country gets the engineered cool-down.
Each color shade in the NOAA map represents a deviation of 2-3 degrees or more above or below "normal" (depending on the shade). The West will be 20 to 30 degrees above normal, the East will be be nearly 20 degrees below normal (this map is for the forecast for the period from June 28th through July 2nd).
It is important to consider that "official" high temperatures are consistently being UNDERREPORTED by 4 to 5 degrees. This means it is actually far warmer than what is being disclosed (which is already at critical levels). How bad is the global climate situation? Much worse than most yet comprehend, this fact is now becoming all but impossible to hide. Americans in the Eastern US need to look at the global picture in order to gain an accurate perspective on reality. How cold is the rest of the world? 2014 was the warmest year on record and 2015 is on pace to shatter that record. The GISS surface temperature departure from normal map below represents the combined data for the past 2 years. What is the most anomalously below normal temperature zone in the world? For over two years it has been the eastern half of the North American continent.
The entire global climate system has been derailed, there is no completely natural or untainted weather, none. The ongoing scenario in the US lower 48 is as meteorologically unnatural as it is unprecedented. There are many agendas being carried out by the weather makers, one is the manipulation of US population's perception of the climate. At the core of the weather warfare that is being waged is, of course, the agenda of total power and total control, this must always be remembered and considered. I have repeatedly documented the radical "fry/freeze" scenario being continuously engineered in the US lower 48. The climate science community, of course, will not speak about the geoengineering elephant in the room so they just claim not to know or understand why the Eastern US is cool while most of the world isn't. The bottom line is this, we are all in a fight for life, every one of us is needed in the effort to sound the alarm. Exposing and halting climate engineering MUST be our top priority.
The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?
The short article below was authored by Penny Teal, a UC Berkeley trained PhD (chemistry). Dr. Teal has outlined straightforward facts on which sound conclusions can and should be formed in regard to the current state of the climate. Penny has also spoken out about the first hand experiences she has had with universities and their power structure paid for agenda to program their students and thus society.
Dane Wigington
The Most Serious Threat? Or Climate Science 101?
By Penny Teal, PhD, contributing writer for
The POTUS (President of the United States, or perhaps Puppet of same) has made it clear, most recently in an address to the cadets at the Coast Guard base in New London, CT, that climate change (more appropriately called global heating, or global meltdown) poses a serious threat to the planet's security. He did not clarify, however, what he meant by "the planet's security". From this citizen's perspective it is very clear that global warming poses an existential threat to every living thing on the planet; the planet itself, however, seems likely to remain on course around its star for millennia to come.
How do we know that global warming is a problem? It's in the data, all of which is available on this website already. Just one example: fourteen of the fifteen hottest years on record are to be found in the new century (that is, somewhat shockingly, in the last 15 years); the fifteenth is 1998. Already 2015 is on track to be the hottest year ever. Okay, that was two examples.
Obviously, if we care about the planet, we need to reverse global warming. And since we humans have caused it, we can, at the very least, stop doing whatever led to the problem in the first place. There is no doubt that human activity, primarily the wanton burning of fossil fuels, is causing global temperatures to rise. If you meet a skeptic, here is a simple defense of that statement – that is to say, that fact.
A Tale of Three Planets
One need only look over the planet's shoulders, toward Venus and toward Mars, then to our own blue Earth, to see a perfect model of the Greenhouse Effect (GE) that keeps life thriving on the planet in the middle, while making it impossible for life to develop (life as we know it, at any rate) on the other two.
The GE is quite simple to explain to the skeptic. Sunlight, in the form of… well, light (electromagnetic radiation, if you want to be more precise, because there are non-visible wavelengths in addition to the light) arrives at a planet, warms its surface, and is radiated back upward as heat (or thermal energy – you have to choose the terms based on the look of understanding or confusion on the sceptic's face here).
This radiant heat energy (because it involves only long wavelengths) interacts differently with chemical gases in the atmosphere differently than does the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Specifically, gases like carbon dioxide, water, and methane will reflect some of the heat, sending it back downward like the roof of a greenhouse (hence the name for the… you get it). Just as in a greenhouse, the area under the atmospheric "roof" gets warmer.
Mars, for starters, has no atmosphere to speak of. No atmosphere means no gases, hence, no GE. Hence, a very cold and barren (but nicely red) planet. Venus, over the other shoulder, has a planet thick with greenhouse gases, thus is extremely hot; and Venus is incapable of sustaining life as well (and Venus would not be significantly warmer than Earth without those gases, even though it is closer to the sun).
In the middle is our Earth, with its mix of gases wherein CO2 used to be present at under 300 parts per million (ppm). However, our industrial age burning of fossil fuels has filled the atmosphere with increasing levels of CO2, up to and now over 400 ppm – and done so inevitably. This is a fact that cannot be wished or hand-waved away. Increasing the greenhouse gases increases the heat- retaining capacity of a planet – again, this happens inevitably.
These two facts alone are proof that human activity has caused the planet to warm, regardless of what may have been happening with sunspots, regardless of whatever trend (warming or cooling) the planet has otherwise been on. The planet has means of adapting, within limits, but it also has a need to maintain a balance. Increasing a greenhouse gas by over 33% is utterly disrespectful of that balance.
Putting more red dye in a pool will make make it redder; you can dilute the pool water all you want, or add to it from other sources, but the dye still has the effect of making the water redder than it was. That is all that need be said to refute the claim that humans have not contributed to global warming. It may not satisfy all sceptics, but some people think there is virtue in claiming to keep an open mind (an attitude they would drop in a heartbeat if you told them they were about to be run over from behind by a buffalo, when they finally heard it snorting a half-foot away from them… but alas, too late. Same story with global warming, unfortunately.)
At present, the warming caused by increasing CO2 is intense enough that it is causing the tundra in Arctic regions to melt, and ocean waters to warm dramatically, both of which are causing methane (an extremely potent greenhouse gas – more than 100 times as heat-trapping as CO2 in the short term) to be released into Earth's atmosphere.
The level of CO2 is now well above 400 ppm, although several years ago we were warned that 350 ppm represented a point of no return. The methane level could soon begin to rise exponentially (it could, in fact, be doing that now). Again, all the data and all the sordid truth is to be found, fully documented, on this website, including a discussion of Venus syndrome. A familiarity with the latter might be handy, since the planet is well on its way to becoming more like Venus than like Mars. More like Venus than like Earth as we once knew it, more to the point.
While the Earth's biosphere and adaptive abilities add more variables to the climate equation, those have nothing to do with the direct correlation between the GE, CO2 and humans. Climate change deniers like to say that human activity could have made things swing either way, but it hasn't. It has made things swing toward a rapidly overheating planet – one that will soon be uninhabitable, if we don't make some drastic changes without delay.
The Blue Planet Blues
So what's a species to do, when it knows it has spoiled the beautiful relationship it had enjoyed for eons with its home planet? Going to outer space and going underground are for the ultra-rich exclusively (and both are doomed to failure; we haveto stand by our planet no matter what). The POTUS approach involves, apparently, tough love: he did, after all, insist that this was an issue of a threat to our national security. I must confess, I'm still scratching my head over that one, as well as his predilection for making this climate change speech to military (and other Homeland Security) audiences. Are they going to shoot the heat out of the sky? Does he not understand that that isn't the function of heat-seaking missiles?
I was surprised to notice that the POTUS did not mention putting a halt to jet-produced contrails as a necessary measure. After all, if those strangely non-cloud colored trails filthening our skies really are, as all government officials claim, contrails, that means there is significantly more cloud cover in the atmosphere than there need be; as we all know (from watching the difference in temperature drop on a clear versus a cloudy night, for example – meteorologists used to love to point this out), clouds hold in heat, thus adding to the greenhouse effect.
Given that even with more primitive technology jets were, for decades, able to fly all around without producing those spreading, persistent, non-cloud colored (ahem) clouds, we certainly could and should immediately take the step of eliminating all (ahem) contrails.
Or could it be that all those conspiracy theorists are right that they aren't really contrails, and there is geoengineering running amuck even as you read this?
One consideration that springs to mind: would jet engines really have gotten so much worse as time went on? After all, even the aesthetic effect of those trails is good grounds for eliminating them; besides which, they block the sun and therefore negatively impact plant growth (which means less CO2 absorbers, which means more greenhouse gases to cause global warming). But the reality is obvious. They are not contrails; they are mixtures of metals and other materials being sprayed intentionally into the atmosphere. They are the most deadly component of geoengineering. Documentation: all over this website.
Still, it is encouraging that the ruling class finally seems committed to taking positive action (taking them at their word). All the right measures have already been discussed at length, but lets go through the most important one in condensed form.
The first step is to halt the activities that are causing runaway warming. Without question, the first to go is, and must be, the spraying of metal particulates into the sky, along with all other forms of geoengineering. Not only has research proven that the spraying only worsens global warming, though that is reason enough, even for the most wooden-headed puppet.
Perhaps more importantly, the planet cannot recover unless its healing mechanisms are intact, or at the very least salvageable. Among other problems, the metals being sprayed (among which certainly aluminum, barium and strontium, and possibly others) are killing whole forests and other forms of plant life by poisoning them, by killing off pollinators like bees, by causing them to stop absorbing the nutrients they need from the soil, by reducing sunlight, and (somewhat paradoxically) by increasing the wavelengths of sunlight that can kill them on contact. The only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering immediately.
That bears repeating: the only way to salvage what is left of Earth's self-healing abilities is to stop geoengineering, immediately. And since a fair amount of geoengineering involves spraying from military aircraft, perhaps the POTUS has a point in addressing a speech about global warming to members of the military. If that is what he is thinking, I'll stop with the POTUS and start referring to him as President Obama.
Manipulating The Climate, Manipulating The Data
Dane Wigington
Take a good look at the latest NOAA "forecast" map below, the radical temperature anomalies it shows are meteorologically unprecedented. Each color band represents 2-3 degrees of temperature escalation or decline depending on the color shading. Blues are below normal, reds and oranges are above. In summary, the NOAA map shows three distinct extremely hot zones with one below normal zone of cooler than normal. How can there be such anomalies? Radical and highly destructive climate manipulation is how.
All NOAA modeling is done by defense contractor Raytheon (a part of the climate engineering cabal). This makes the weather "forecasts" nothing more than the "scheduled" weather.
The global power structure has tried to sell geoengineering as "mitigation" for global warming by manipulating constant cool-downs in the same areas over and over again as they did in Boston during the 2014-2015 winter, but what is the overall cost of such engineered events? What is the true extent of climate system damage attributable to the ongoing climate manipulation? Climate engineering is radically worsening an already horrific planetary warming. The warming accelerating, not slowing down, geoengineering is helping to fuel the fire. Intentionally creating hot zones in one area actually appears to be a part of the process the climate engineers use to engineer a cool-down elsewhere. The high pressure heat domes rotate the upper level winds clockwise in the northern hemisphere, this is connected to jet stream manipulation. When the atmosphere is saturated with electrically conductive ozone destroying metallic particulates, and then microwaved with radio frequencies from ionosphere heaters like HAARP, heat and high pressure can be created.
HAARP is only one of many ionosphere heater installations around the globe
The rate of biosphere warming never slowed down, it is accelerating. Many point to the "climate gate" event as proof that there was no warming and data was being falsified, this conclusion was a manufactured lie. This is not to say that data isn't being falsified, it is, but in the opposite direction of what many would like to believe. The planet is already exponentially hotter than what is being "officially" disclosed. A colleague I know with the union of concerned scientists has monitored a 4.6 degree UNDERREPORTING of high temperatures in Northern California, other experts who are also monitoring temperatures have noted a similar underreporting in regions investigated. The planet is in full blown meltdown, climate engineering/weather warfare is making the overall situation far worse, not better, and the power structure is doing everything it can to hide this fact while they prepare for total environmental and societal collapse. Those that have any sincere regard for the truth will actually investigate what is happening on the front lines around the globe. Forests are burning to the ground at a record pace all over the globe. From the Pacific Northwest, to Spain, to Siberia, forests are incinerating as temperatures go off the charts. As of the writing of this article yet another out of control blaze is raging in Alaska. Rapidly rising sea levels are causing increasing havoc around the globe, Arctic ice hit a record low this winter.
How bad is it? The latest data is more alarming than ever before. In spite of "official" temperatures being falsified to the DOWN SIDE by the power structure in order to confuse populations and help to sell climate engineering behind the scenes to governments around the globe as a "cure", for the meltdown is accelerating rapidly. 2015 is on pace to shatter the all time record warm year just set in 2014. Ocean temperatures are increasing so rapidly that the temperature charts cannot keep up. Extremely alarming warm zones are now appearing which appear to be directly linked to massive marine die-off.
If we are to have any chance of success in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, we MUST have credibility. Credibility comes with standing on conclusions built with solid and verifiable facts. Climate engineering is making a very bad climate situation far worse, not better, and is contaminating the entire planet in the process. Stand on solid facts, make your voice heard in this fight for the common good.
Criminal Governments, Apathetic Populations, And Climate Disintegration
The all out human decimation of our biosphere is manifesting itself by the day. The planet’s climate system is unravelling as the planet continues into meltdown. The worse conditions become, the deeper many will descend into denial, but their denial will not save them. Earth is dying and even now most of the global population remains completely oblivious thanks to the constant bombardment of distractions from the government controlled mainstream media machine of deception which the majority of people are still all too wiling to embrace. When links begin to fall out of the chain that keeps industrialized society running, the implosion of the reality we have all known will be fast and furious. The power structure is rapidly preparing for this approaching inevitability, we must expose them before they have completely tightened the noose around our collective necks. If humanities current trajectory of total environmental destruction is not completely altered, it will very soon be game over. The single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. If we can do this, we must then face a long list of additional and rapidly mounting challenges directly related to the human assault on the planet. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do everything we can to credibly and effectively sound the alarm within the limits of our individual circumstances. Fighting for the common good is not an option, it's an obligation. The article below is hard hitting and well written, but, of course, does not mention the geoengineering reality. We must all understand that mainstream authors fully realize what would happen to them if they did speak of the climate engineering issue, they would feel the immediate wrath of the power structure.
Dane Wigington
Engineering Earth, Do We Really Believe The Government Would Ask Our Permission?
Dane Wigington
Any that answer yes to the question on the title of this article should do a serious rechecking of their reality. Top US military leaders have repeatedly stated on the record that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. In the 43 second video below, Obama's recent statements make the government's stance on our imploding climate system crystal clear.
What rationally thinking person would believe the US government/military industrial complex would ask for public permission before fully engaging in what they themselves admit is the greatest threat to national security? Though the ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already catastrophic climate scenario far worse, geoengineering is an immensely powerful covert weapon that the power structure is not about to admit to or give up. There is one thing you can truly depend on from governments (especially the US government), that they lie and deceive to a degree which can scarcely be comprehended. How consistently did the US government lie to the Native Americans? They signed over 500 treaties, ALL of which were broken. US citizens, who believe what they are told by the criminal cabal (that is our government), are living in a delusion. The criminally insane individuals that actually run our government (which are above our "elected officials" who are little more than puppets) ultimately view American citizens in the same light as the Native Americans, we are an increasing liability to the power structure. As the American population awakens to the tyranny of its "government", the ever increasing surveillance of the US population is yet more proof that our government ultimately views American citizens in the same light as any other adversary. Every one of us is being systematically poisoned by the constant highly toxic aerosol spraying of our skies.
The US military has been completely engaged in climate engineering for many decades, historical documents prove this fact. Their climate intervention/modification programs have radically added to the overall damage to the climate system. How bad is it now? Military installations in low lying coastal regions like Virginia are already flooding just from high tides due to rapid sea level rise. 2014 was the hottest year on record, 2015 is headed to shatter that record. Ocean temperatures are climbing so fast that charts constantly need to be remade. The heating is unprecedented in at least the last 3 million years and mass ocean die-off is occurring. Thousands of people are literally dropping dead from the heat in India while Alaska and SIberia are also undergoing rapid meltdown. California snow pack is at ZERO percent of normal.
But what about the "global warming pause" that some have claimed is happening? Special interests have propagated the absolute lie of a slowdown in the rate of warming on our planet and now that lie has just been completely exposed.
Many believe it's getting colder in Antarctica overall, is that really the case? Well, NO. In 2015 Antarctica recorded record shattering heat. Ice sheets in Antarctica are now facing imminent collapse due to continued temperature acceleration. Though there is some sea surface ice expansion in Antarctica, this is largely due to the voluminous amounts of fresh water running off the melting land ice. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than sea water.
The military industrial complex does whatever they want because they can, because they are beyond any and all accountability or oversight. They have long since stated their desire to "own the weather". If you think they would ask your permission before intervening in the climate, you are not living in reality. Make your voice heard, get educated, get involved in the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. Our collective futures depend on the outcome of this battle.
The Consequences Of Humanity’s Assault On Planet Earth Are Accelerating
Societies around the globe have been trained and conditioned to believe a multitude of complete fallacies and falsehoods regarding man's interaction with the planet. Many actually feel that modern civilization can perpetually expand on a finite planet with finite resources. Many have bought into the lie that nature will always compensate for the damage humanity has done, or that technology will miraculously fix all the problems. The reality is this, on our current course near term human extinction is a mathematical certainty. The current rate of human population growth and species extinction rates make this conclusion clear. We are on track for a climate scenario called "Venus Syndrome". If there is not a complete change of direction, Earth's ability to support life will soon be compromised beyond any recovery. Of all man's assaults against the natural world, climate engineering is the greatest. The short video below is a sobering recent update on the rapidly accelerating climate chaos.
Dane Wigington
The Engineered Cooling Of The US In A Record Warm World
Dane Wigington
Record cold temperatures and a few late season snows are occurring in very isolated locations of the US, but what is the cause of this and what is the reality in the rest of the world? The climate engineers and their media servants are doing everything in their power to keep the division and confusion going with the US population in regard to the true state of the climate. Unfortunately far too many people are willing to ignore the facts and continue to base their opinions on what they would like to believe instead of what actually is. Does the map below look in any way "natural" or "balanced"? While mainstream media continues to focus only on the completely engineered cool-down of the lower 48 states, massive regions in the Arctic continue into meltdown due to far above normal temperatures.
Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to reach record shattering ranges of near 90 degrees in areas of northern Alaska in the coming days (May 24, 2015). Where are the headlines from mainstream media about this? Even many from the "alternative" media are towing the line for the power structure by reporting a radically inaccurate perspective on the real overall climate picture. has tried to consistently report credible and verifiable data on the completely engineered cool-down of the eastern US. Below are links to a few of the most important and relevant articles highlighting these engineered cool-downs.
Engineering The Climate To Control Populations
Dane Wigington
Climate engineering is the most powerful and most utilized weapon of the western power structure to destabilize and topple the countries and governments around the globe which it wishes to control. Geoengineering is a primary tool that has been used to help force nations to allow US or NATO occupation. If you don't believe the US military is concerned with the climate, think again. The military industrial complex has always sought to "control the weather" and historical documents prove that the US has been heavily invested in climate modification for a very long time.
US/NATO occupation of the Middle East
How many countries have US military boots on the ground? There are at least 156 US occupied countries around the globe with some 900 bases. Does anyone really believe that all these countries just wanted the US to occupy them? Is it a coincidence that many if not most of these countries endured some sort of climate cataclysm prior to the occupation being allowed? How many countries in Africa were subjected to record drought before being destabilized and occupied? Occupations that often began under "humanitarian" pretexts due to climate catastrophes?
What about the Middle Eastern countries that have recently been destabilized? Many of these countries were not cooperating with the US agenda before they experienced record drought, is there a connection? Record drought in Syria preceded the recent destabilization, was weather warfare used to help trigger the ongoing civil war? Yes.
Climate Engineering And The Collapse Of The Cryosphere
In regard to the true state of the ice deposits on planet Earth, many have been confused by the constant bombardment of completely false headlines by media sources that are totally controlled by special interests. Overall, the cryosphere (ice deposits) are disintegrating and geoengineering is accelerating this process, not slowing it. Geoengineering CANNOT help mitigate the warming of the planet, it can only make it worse and that is exactly what is happening as recent studies prove. Climate engineering is simply weather warfare. The highly toxic fallout is nothing short of biological warfare which is fueling global omnicide. As the cryosphere collapses, runaway methane releases will increase. If the methane releases continue, "Venus Syndrome" will be the final result. The newly released article below further documents the rapidly accelerating implosion of Earth's ice deposits. The Climate engineering assault must be halted immediately so that the biosphere can respond on its own to the damage already done.
Dane Wigington
Engineered Winter Theater Continues In The US
Dane Wigington
Yet again the climate engineers managed another "winter" storm to keep the confusion and division of the US population going in regard to the true state of the climate. "Winter storm Venus" is the latest installment of manipulated weather from the weather makers. Take a good look at the temperatures on the map below, the white bullseye in the center of the US is the core of "winter storm Venus". The rest of the country is experiencing far ABOVE normal temperatures to RECORD HIGH temperatures (and tornados), while this extremely anomalous (and meteorologically ridiculous) "winter storm" is occurring.
Completely engineered (also temporary and toxic) cool-downs are exactly what the military industrial complex controlled media machine needs to produce the headlines they are looking for to continue fortifying the climate confusion of US citizens. Every engineered event that is carried out furthers the total destruction of Earth's climate and life support systems. Where are the engineered cool-downs being carried out over and over and over during the course of the last two years running? The GISS temperature anomaly map below paints a very clear picture.
The map above represents compiled temperature readings over the last two years. How can the eastern US be so anomalously cold while the whole of the Arctic is in superheating, the western US is burning up, and while all of Siberia and most of the rest of the world is in meltdown? Recent peer reviewed study proves extreme and anomalous cold events ARE NOT connected to global warming, so what is the cause? Welcome to the world of climate engineering. The constant engineered cool-downs of the eastern US are psychological operation to hide the true extent of climate disintegration from the US population for as long as possible while the power structure makes preparations for total collapse. The NOAA map below shows with shocking clarity the radical extremes of contrast between engineered heat in the US West and the engineered cold in the US East, this pattern has been very consistant for two years.
What happens when populations in the western US start to wake up to the fact that they are being subjected to record drought and heat by the climate engineers? It seems that the geoengineers have scheduled a temporary unprecidented cool-down for the west in the attempt to cover their tracts. The NOAA "forecast" map below (which amounts to the scheduled weather as all of NOAA's maps are provided by climate engineering contractor Raytheon) is no less shocking and meteorologically unprecedented as the map above.
I have covered the completely engineered cool-downs of the eastern US again and again and again, the articles linked below are filled with essential data and source links on this scenario. Those who wish to be most effective in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering should take the time to review as much information as possible. Clear understanding and credible conclusions which are essential if we are to gain ground in this most critical battle. DW
Climate Scientists Allude To Total Failure Of Climate Engineering
Climate scientists cannot (or will not) yet openly admit to the geoengineering elephant in the room, but it seems they are finally concerned enough to begin shining some light on the issue. Based on all available data, the conclusions of have always been that global geoengineering programs were making an already bad climate situation far worse. This conclusion continues to be confirmed as new studies are published. Climate engineering has completely derailed and disrupted the entire life support system of planet Earth and contaminated the biosphere from the clouds to the ground in the process. The repercussions of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying assault (combined with the constant bombardment of radio frequency transmissions), has now pushed our planet well past the breaking point. Though the scientific community is still not directly acknowledging the geoengineering reality, they are moving ever closer to coming out of the shadows. The newly released article below is a big step toward exposing the total failure of climate engineering to cool the biosphere (clearly weather warfare and other agendas are the true foundation of the geoengineering programs). Not only is geoengineering not working to cool the planet, it CAN'T work. The laws of basic physics make this fact inarguable and the facts from the front lines on planet Earth confirm this. The geoengineers can create large scale (highly toxic) regional cooling at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Climate engineering programs are not benevolent in any way. What is being done in our skies is nothing less than all out weather warfare against populations around the globe. The highly toxic fallout is equivalent to biological warfare, this is an indisputable fact. Don't stand idly by, join the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. Our lives depend on winning this battle.
Dane Wigington
Is There Any Chance Our Changing Climate Is A Natural Cycle?
The short answer is NO. Mathematically speaking there is absolutely no chance that our current warming is in any sense a part of a natural cycle. There are still many clinging to the notion that the human race has had little or nothing to do with the rapidly warming climate, but all available data and mathematical statistics say otherwise. Human activity has completely altered the biosphere in countless ways, especially in regard to the climate system. Of all the anthropogenic factors affecting the climate, the ongoing climate engineering programs are the single most significant source of disruption and decimation. To say the changes to our biosphere are "natural" would be like pushing someone off a cliff and then saying "people die, it's natural". So what are the odds of the changes in our climate being just a "natural cycle"? The Associated Press hired statisticians to find out, the results shown in the article below should paint a very clear and sobering picture. The fact that climate engineering is not mentioned or considered in the article is irrelevant. Climate engineering is still a form of human activity so the equation remains completely accurate.
Dane Wigington
Formerly Frozen Siberia Is Exploding Into Flames
The vastness of Siberia is difficult to grasp. The importance of the boreal forests that exist there cannot be overstated. Such forests are the second largest source of oxygen production on the planet. The Siberian forests were once a carbon sink but have now become a massive carbon source due to the dying and burning of this expansive wilderness.This once frozen land is now burning with a fury that is completely unprecedented in any historical record. In recent years as much as 100,000,000 acres has gone up in flames annually. Regions that should be frozen solid till mid June are now smoke and ashes. Where are the mainstream media headlines on this? The global power structure will do everything it can to keep populations completely blind and oblivious to the converging catastrophes that are rapidly closing in on us all. All available data indicates climate engineering has played a major role in the die-off and incineration of Siberia. The article below and the short videos in it should be a sobering wake up call, we ignore the darkening horizon at our own peril.
Dane Wigington
"The Dry Land Burned Like Grass", Siberia's Road To A Permaburn Hell
Source: Robert Scribbler
(Residents of the Trans Baikal region of Russia flee through a raging permafrost fire on April 13 of 2015. Video Source: The Road to Hell Recorded by: Vladislav Igorevich.)
The script reads like a scene from some post-apocalyptic disaster film.
Frigid Siberia begins an epic thaw — a thaw set off by an unstoppable dumping of heat-trapping gasses into the atmosphere by human fossil fuel industry. Finally, after years of warming, the thawing land itself becomes fuel for fires. A thick layer of peat-like organic material that serves as kindling to the heat-dried trees and grasses atop it.
Immense blazes ignite in April — fully 100 days before the usual fire season in late July. The fires explode to enormous size, doubling in area in less than a day, covering scores to hundreds of square miles. Residents flee or face off against walls of raging flame in bucket and hose brigades. Military units descend on the regions affected to fight blazes and prevent looting. The fires are freakish, starting from nowhere at a moment’s notice. Eyewitnesses at the scene of one fire describe the surreal situation saying: “… the dry land burned like grass.”
Redefining The Map Of Planet Earth
Dane Wigington
Will rapidly rising sea levels soon radically alter coastal shorelines around the globe? There is no question of this fact, this process is already well underway and accelerating rapidly. So much inertia is behind the rising global land and sea temperatures that even if all contributing factors to this equation were to stop immediately, 69 feet of eventual sea level rise is mathematically locked in and guaranteed. There are numerous reference sites and articles which are sounding the alarm on the coming exponential sea level rise, but even the worst case predictions currently being published likely fall far short of reflecting the true gravity and immediacy of what we face. Though many have chosen to believe false headlines about expanding Arctic ice, the Arctic ice cap is in fact at record breaking low levels.
Similar false headlines about Antarctica ice expansion have been accepted by the public, but such headlines were also extremely deceptive. Though some Antarctic sea ice has expanded, this is largely due to changing wind patterns and all the fresh water pouring off the continent from the melting of the land based ice. Antarctica's land based ice is melting rapidly, this is what contributes to sea level rise. Antarctica also recently recorded record shattering high temperatures. 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded and 2015 looks set to surpass that. So what will the world look like when all the ice melts and sea levels rise from 220 to 240 feet? The planet is in total meltdown. Though there are many factors fueling the fire, climate engineering is mathematically the greatest disrupting force of all. Global geoengineering is the most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. The 2 minute video below should be a stark wake up call on the changing geography of our planet. It's not a matter of if, but when.
There is a tremendous and ongoing effort by the power structure to hide the reality of our imploding biosphere and the climate engineering insanity that is helping to fuel this implosion, but the unfolding cannot be hidden much longer.
Are The Climate Engineers Attempting To Shut Down The Gulf Stream?
Dane Wigington
Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? The 5 minute video below is a prelude for the article which follows.
Is it possible that the global power structure is desperate enough and insane enough to attempt to slow or shutdown the thermohaline circulation? Could this be an effort to slow the rapid warming of our planet by attempting to reduce the catastrophic thawing of methane on the seabed of the Arctic (which is a risk to all life on Earth) by cutting off the flow of warm ocean currents to that region? It is impossible to know the answer to this question, but if a shutdown of the thermohaline occurs (whatever the cause or causes), it will come with yet more dire consequences to the climate. If the thermohaline does drastically slow or collapse, it will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse still.
NOAA “Scheduled Weather” Map, Alarming Forecast
Dane Wigington
If the NOAA map below does not shock you, it should. Raytheon supplies weather modeling for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the National Weather Service. Raytheon is a major player with the ongoing climate engineering. The facts just mentioned add up to this, maps like the one below represent nothing less than the "scheduled weather". Global weather systems are completely manipulated and have been for a very long time. How far can the weather makers force the Earth's climate and life support systems to achieve their own agendas? How much more can the planet take? If climate engineering is not exposed and halted very soon, the consequences of these programs will eventually be total. The "forecast" map below shows departure from normal high temperatures (2-3 degrees for each color shade either above or below normal depending on the color shade). If the "scheduled" weather on this "forecast" map comes to pass, there will be record shattering high temperatures all over the Western US and Alaska while the US East will continue with engineered storms and record cold temperatures. This map shows what geoengineering is doing to our planet with shocking clarity, it should be contemplated and considered. The map below is the most alarming NOAA map of the US I have ever seen, the engineered extremes keep getting worse. The responsibility of exposing climate engineering rests on us all, make every day count in this fight.
Each color shade generally represents about 2-3 degrees of temperature departure from "normal" (above or below depending on the shade)
Engineering A World Of Climate Extremes
Dane Wigington
If the map below does not look terribly out of balance to you, it should. The all out effort to engineer constant cool-downs in the eastern US could not be more obvious and is still being carried out in order to manufacture the media headlines necessary to continue the confusion and division of the US population in regard to the true state of the global climate. The latest GISS map below shows "departure from normal temperatures" for the month of February 2015.
Where is the ONLY anomalously cold place in the whole world (yet again)? As has been the case for a very long time already, it's the eastern half of the US lower 48 states. Now the climate engineers have reached their goal of creating the all time snow record for Boston and that is what mainstream media is spending most of their time talking about. The same overall pattern continues for the US, the West bakes, the East freezes. In between engineered cool-downs in many regions there is a constant extreme weather whiplash occurring. Temperatures swing radically from the engineered record cold events, to record warm, and then back to record cold as the next engineered cool-down is orchestrated.
Climate Science Is Built On A Foundation Of Lies And Omissions
Dane Wigington
Most would interpret the title of this article to mean that the planet is not warming as rapidly as we are being told, but the reality is this, planet Earth undergoing unprecedented and catastrophic warming. The 6 minute video at the bottom of this article is extremely revealing and alarming, but even the information in this video falls far short of conveying the true gravity and immediacy of what we collectively face. The "worst case" projections by "official government agencies" is for a 3 degree Celsius rise in temperatures by the end of the century, but such projections and modeling assume global geoengineering will work. This fact is astounding when all "official" agencies completely deny that geoengineering is even going on. All available data already makes clear the fact that the ongoing climate engineering programs are a total disaster. Climate intervention is making an already bad situation far worse, not better. In addition, "feedback loops" in the climate system like methane release are radically worsening an already dire climate scenario. Methane and its horrific effect on the greenhouse gas buildup are not even considered in IPCC climate models, how is this possible? What are the "scientists" being paid to hide? Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a 20 year time horizon. Because land and ocean temperatures are going up so rapidly, formerly frozen methane deposits are thawing and releasing. This factor is already pushing atmospheric methane levels off the charts.
Geoengineering, Record Low Arctic Ice And Catastrophic Drought, What’s The Connection?
Dane Wigington
The climate engineers continue to orchestrate global weather patterns with catastrophic consequences. The US West has consistently been baked and dried into oblivion in order for the weather makers to create the headlines they want on the East coast, and also to hide news they don't want known in the Arctic. The NOAA map below shows what has become a typical (though historically unprecedented) pattern. The West experiences record heat, the East gets record cold.
The record breaking heat in the West continues to intensify as the weather makers try to hide the imploding Arctic ice pack from public view. Those who have been lead to believe Arctic ice is expanding have been deceived. False headlines filled with false data by powerful interests with self serving agendas have been accepted as fact by many who don't want to believe global climate and environmental conditions are as bad as they are. Media is not mentioning that January 2014 through January 2015 were the warmest 12 months ever on planet Earth. The rapid warming is triggering "feedback" loops like methane release which is of grave concern. So what is the current state of Arctic ice?
As of March 5th, 2015 Arctic Sea ice is at ALL TIME record low levels
The graph above shows the normal increase of Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) during winter months. The now descending 2014/2015 blue line reflects the Arctic ice declining into record low territory at a time of year when it should still be expanding. What is the long term trend for Arctic ice volume? The graph below should be revealing. This image is assembled from the most scientifically accepted source of data on Arctic ice. The overall picture in regard to the state of the Arctic sea ice could not be more clear.
The climate engineers have been pushing cold air south from the Arctic over and over (polar vortex) with constant jet stream manipulation.
This is accomplished from constant aerosol spraying and the use of the global network of ionosphere heater facilities comparable to the HAARP installation shown below.
The "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US West (which meteorologists cannot explain) is a part of the jet stream manipulation mentioned. What happens when the climate engineers rob cold air from the northern regions to create the headlines they desire in the Eastern US? The arctic then heats up. While engineered winter storms pile up record snow in Boston, Alaska doesn't have enough snow for the annual Iditerod sled race for the second year in a row and the Sierra snow pack is at record shattering lows. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below clearly shows the most anomalously cold zone in the entire world for the period from January 2014 through January 2015, the eastern half of the US lower 48. The Arctic and most of the rest of planet Earth is at far above normal high temperatures.
What will the climate engineers do now that they have created enough of their desired "winter" headlines in the Eastern US? They will lock the colder air to the north in their attempt to slow the accelerating ice melt, this will bring a rapid heating back to most of the lower 48 states as the NOAA map below clearly shows.
Note the NOAA maps "prediction" for a switch from the previous far above normal temperatures in Alaska (shown in the GISS global temperature map in this article) to below normal temperatures is a reflection of the "weather whack a mole" being carried on by the geoengineers. To accomplish this the US lower 48 will heat rapidly. Some of the spraying during the building of high pressure zones actually increases the UV radiation readings on the ground. Is a "lens effect" a goal of the climate engineers under certain circumstances? Are the climate engineers intentionally creating heat in some regions at some times in order to increase the strength of the high pressure zones which is used for jet stream manipulation. This appears not only possible, but likely. Though the geoengineers can create large scale temporary cool-downs, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming (overall global high temperatures continue to smash records). In addition, climate engineering continues to contaminate the entire planet and every breath we take.
The Bottom Line
Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare
Though extreme weather events have always taken place on our planet, how can we consider any weather truly natural when we know global weather has been subjected to climate engineering programs at a significant scale for over 65 years? How can we consider any weather truly natural when we know that at this point in time the entire global weather system is being completely hampered by geoengineering programs which are so massive in scope and scale that nothing is left untainted in regard to our weather? The climate engineers decide when it will rain or snow, where, how much, and how toxic the rain or snow will be, where there will be drought or heat, etc. There are of course uncontrollable variables, but in a broad sense the weather is being manipulated and disrupted on a scale that cannot be truly comprehended. One of the most powerful tools in the climate engineering toolbox is artificial/chemical ice nucleation. This allows the weather-makers to create temporary cold zones (a very shallow layer of cold) in a world that is in meltdown. Every "winter storm" the geoengineers orchestrate does immense damage to the environment and worsens the overall warming. The global contamination from the ongoing climate engineering is already irreparable in many ways. We are in a fight for life, this is not speculation, but mathematical fact. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all, every single one of us is needed in this battle. Make your voice heard. The short 10+ minute video below is a sample of weather catastrophes that have occurred around the globe in the last month alone. It will get worse fast from here on out.
Dane Wigington
Killing California, Climate Engineering Is Turning The State Into A Dust Bowl
California's water supply is being completely blockaded by a "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure and the constant aerosol spraying of the skies over the once golden state. Both factors are a part of the ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs. Is California just a "climate sacrifice zone"? Or a target for catastrophic drought creation to provide governmental powers the premise to take control of water rights and for other purposes of control and profit? The likely answer is all the above. The entire country and indeed the entire planet are under an all out weather warfare and biological warfare assault, this has been the case for a very long time (since the elements being sprayed are highly toxic, the biological contamination must be considered an aspect of these programs). The geoengineers control the skies, rain will not return for the West unless or until the weather makers allow it. How bad is the situation in California? The article below penned by James Lee from TABU is an excellent summary.
Dane Wigington
Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population
Dane Wigington
(Updated) If you live in the eastern half of the North American continent you may be convinced that the planet is actually cooling instead of warming even though 2014 is officially the warmest year ever recorded on Earth. If you live on the east coast of the US would you believe that January 2015 was the warmest January ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere? It was.Those that have come to the conclusion that the whole planet is cooling should carefully examine the map image below. This is a GISS "departure from normal temperature" map for the entire 2014 year. What does this map reveal? The darker the colors, the further above normal the average temperatures were for the 2014 year. The light colors reflect departures from average to the below normal side. Where was the most consistent anomalous cold region on the entire planet for the 2014 year? The eastern half of the North American continent. How can this be when most of the world is far above normal temperatures? Climate engineering, is how. The engineered cooling of the Eastern US is very much a psychological operation. Most people cannot accept the possibility of a warm world if it is cold where they live. How short many people's memories are considering 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the continental US by far. In fact there were 362 all time record high temperatures set in the US during 2012, there were ZERO all time record lows. Why is it so important to know the facts in regard to the true state of the climate? Because spreading the "global cooling" propaganda is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do. To push the "global cooling" myth is in effect helping the geoengineers sell climate engineering as an effective method of climate mitigation when in reality the exact opposite is true. Climate engineering is making the climate scenario far worse overall, not better. Worse still, the ongoing climate engineering fallout is contaminating the entire planet with toxic metal and chemical particulates.
Is The Whole Solar System Warming? No
Many claim that the whole solar system is warming, but is this really the case? What does available science tell us about this conclusion? I have had many make this claim to me, but none have yet been able to offer a single bit of science to substantiate the "whole solar system is warming" claim. So what does the science say?
Dane Wigington
How Dark Is The Horizon?
Dane Wigington
Denial is the prevalent theme of the human race. We now live under skies that often look like something from another planet, but how many will admit anything is wrong? The environment that sustains life on our planet is collapsing on every front, how many have even noticed? In the last 40 years the human population has doubled while the global wildlife populations have been been more than cut in half. Nuclear contamination catastrophe's, oil spill disasters, fracking, mass fish and animal die-off, does the general public even care? So far the answer is no. More jobs, more expansion, less restrictions on business, these are the themes that occupy the narrative. The human race is already reaping what it has sown. Yes, the power structure has laid out the paradigm that has brought us to this dark place, but a huge segment of the population must also bear responsibility for being all too willing to participate in the insanity and to remain in ignorance in regard to all that is unfolding. There are two videos below. The first is from University of Arizona Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson.