Ice Nucleated Snow

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare


Though extreme weather events have always taken place on our planet, how can we consider any weather truly natural when we know global weather has been subjected to climate engineering programs at a significant scale for over 65 years? How can we consider any weather truly natural when we know that at this point in time the entire global weather system is being completely hampered by geoengineering programs which are so massive in scope and scale that nothing is left untainted in regard to our weather? The climate engineers decide when it will rain or snow, where, how much, and how toxic the rain or snow will be, where there will be drought or heat, etc. There are of course uncontrollable variables, but in a broad sense the weather is being manipulated and disrupted on a scale that cannot be truly comprehended. One of the most powerful tools in the climate engineering toolbox is artificial/chemical ice nucleation. This allows the weather-makers to create temporary cold zones (a very shallow layer of cold) in a world that is in meltdown. Every "winter storm" the geoengineers orchestrate does immense damage to the environment and worsens the overall warming. The global contamination from the ongoing climate engineering is already irreparable in many ways. We are in a fight for life, this is not speculation, but mathematical fact. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all, every single one of us is needed in this battle. Make your voice heard. The short 10+ minute video below is a sample of weather catastrophes that have occurred around the globe in the last month alone. It will get worse fast from here on out.
Dane Wigington

Engineered Winter Storm Assault, The Weather Makers Are Desperate For Headlines


Dane Wigington

Winter storm "Juno" is here, and it is engineered from top to bottom. The weather event that is unfolding on the East Coast of the US is a completely manipulated monstrosity. The total desperation of the power structure and the climate engineers is so very evident as they throw everything they have at the creation of a "winter storm" which is meteorologically as unnatural as it could possibly be. Snow now generally has nothing to do with elevation, rather, the "heavy wet snow" is focused where most of the moisture is. Massive amounts of moisture are necessary for the chemical ice nucleation process which transforms what should have been rain into snow due to the endothermic reaction it induces. This also lowers the temperatures on the ground as the more dense chemically cooled air (created from the nucleation process) sinks to ground level. The layer of cold air is very shallow, but it does lower the temperatures enough to produce the desired headlines.

Are Weather Warfare Assaults Devastating Noncompliant Countries Around The Globe?


Dane Wigington

Was Slovenia the target of a completely engineered catastrophe?

Slovenia Ice Store 2The photo above was taken in Slovenia, 80% of the forests there were devastated by this completely unprecedented ice storm in February 2014. I was in regular communication with a contact in Slovenia just after the event. This individual made clear the fact that many of the citizens were absolutely convinced this destruction was the result of climate modification/weather warfare. Again, this magnitude of extreme ice storm is historically unprecedented, up to 6 inches of ice accumulation occurred. This is exactly the result that would be expected with massive chemical ice nucleation elements sprayed into a storm system. Is it just coincidence that many countries in recent years are annihilate by "natural cataclysms"? In 2010 Pakistan was resisting US policy just prior to record floods covering 20% of the country with water.

Engineered Snowstorms, What Are They Spraying?

The constant reappearances of the “Polar Vortex” and the unprecedented swings in temperatures that come with this type of climate engineering insanity is finally raising some eyebrows. We have known for a long time that snow storms can and are being engineered.

Main Stream Media “Scientists” Try To Cover Up Engineered Snow Storms.


Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar "Scientists" Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering

Media Increases Mass Distraction While The Walls Close In On Us All


We Are All Lab Rats In A Grand And Lethal Experiment

Dane Wigington

Unimaginable global climate experiments have been going on in many forms for more years than most would believe. One can not even begin to touch the full depth of the rabbit hole without writing a series of books on the activities of the “collective insanity” that runs the world. How can small numbers of clinically insane psychopaths gain such control over the world’s populations? Because until now most could stay in denial, repeat the “official narrative” dictated to them by those in power, and stay in their comfort zone bubbles. The days of “head in the sand” denial are rapidly coming to an end as there is no longer any hiding from what is unfolding around us all. What we collectively do with the time we have will determine whether or not there is anything to salvage for life on planet earth.

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update Feb 2, 2014


Finally the public at large is beginning to realize there is something very wrong with the snow. Chemically nucleated artificial snow storms have been the norm for a very long time.

Climate Engineering, A Toxic Deception


The Toxic Assault On Planet Earth Continues To Be Ramped Up

Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It?


What’s up with the snow?