
Winter Storm "Nemo"


The engineering and naming of “winter” storms, and the Weather Channel coverage that goes with them, is truly becoming ridiculous.

Extreme Weather Fluctuations as the Climate Reacts to Geoengineering


Dane Wigington – The Most Important Topic For 2013


Extreme Weather around the World


The U-tube video below is a very important compilation of global weather “variation” in only the last month. Please take the time to view it.

January 29, 2013: Climate News


Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Drought Inducement


Recent analysis leads to the conclusion that the extensive and systematic aerosol operations that are being conducted without informed consent are aggravating, if not instigating, the elevated drought conditions that are now commonly being observed.