Global Meltdown

Climate Change Accelerating


Source: Arctic News

Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below.

Antarctic Heat Heralds Hottest September in the NASA Record


Acid Seas


So many are still claiming Co2 is great for the planet, the more the better they claim, but what planet are they talking about? Oceans are absorbing massive amounts of the excess Co2 that is now being pumped into the atmosphere at the rate of 100,000,000 tons a day. What is all this doing for the health of the seas? Nothing good. Earth’s oceans are acidifying at a rate that is exponentially faster than any other time in the planet’s history short of massive meteor impact. Acidification is not the only problem, the oceans are also warming at breakneck speed. Global climate engineering is contributing to the accelerated acidification and the overall warming in many ways. Warmer oceans mean less oxygen and less life. Changes are now occurring on our biosphere at blinding speed. These changes are complex and extremely ominous. It’s up to all of us to try and understand the bigger picture to some degree. Jumping at a well spun headline put out by corporate media or special interest groups does not help the fight for truth. It’s up to each of us to do honest investigation before we come to conclusions. The subject in the article below is in reality even more dire than the report would suggest, ocean acidification is an ever more critical reality.
Dane Wigington

“It’s Worse Than We Thought” — New Study Finds That Earth is Warming Far Faster Than Expected


Image Above: (Upper ocean heat anomaly map for 2002 through 2011 shows extreme global heating of the upper ocean during the past decade. Image source: Quantifying Underestimates of Long-Term Upper Ocean Warming.)

Global warming’s effect on oceans is greater than realized, researchers say


Effect of climate change on upper-ocean temperatures has been underestimated by 24 to 58 percent, a study by NASA and Livermore Laboratory concludes.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

The world’s upper oceans may have stored far more heat from the warming climate than previously thought, according to a new study that purports to provide the first rough estimate of the amount of heat researchers have missed in their attempts to measure changes on the oceans’ heat content.

The Ocean’s Surface Layer Has Been Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought


Source: Think Progress

Surface layers of the ocean have been warming significantly faster than previous estimates had projected, according to a new study.

Human Handprint Marks Australia’s Hottest Year


Source: Truth Dig

LONDON—Scientists are fond of saying that it is difficult to pin the blame for any one climate event onto climate change. But they have just made an exception by reporting that many things that happened in Australia in 2013 bore the signature of man-made climate change.

Changing Antarctic waters could trigger steep rise in sea levels


Source: Arc Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science

Current changes in the ocean around Antarctica are disturbingly close to conditions 14,000 years ago that new research shows may have led to the rapid melting of Antarctic ice and an abrupt 3-4 metre rise in global sea level.

Antarctica Has Lost Enough Ice to Cause a Measurable Shift in Gravity


Antarctica Has Lost Enough Ice to Cause a Measurable Shift in Gravity

Source: Wired

Gravity Shift Reveals West Antarctic Ice Loss


Source: Climate Central

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is headed toward “unstoppable” collapse according to recent studies. A new visual released by the European Space Agency show what the start of that collapse looks like both for the mass of the ice sheet and its signature on the planet’s gravitational field.

Hot Or Cold? Unravelling The Confusion

Divided houses don’t stand for long and those in power know it all too well. The video below is a very light, humorous, but accurately assembled presentation on realities that are very spun by the media and thus very misunderstood by the public. In the words of Mark Twain “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”. For those in the anti-climate engineering community, we must be sure our conclusions are grounded in rock solid facts and not in preconceptions and ideology. We cannot ask or expect others to reexamine their reality on issues like climate engineering, if we ourselves don’t constantly examine our own conclusions on the true state of the climate and how it relates to the geoengineering programs. Though the 6 minute video below does not address the ongoing climate engineering and its horrific effects, the information it does present is on target in regard to the current state of the climate system. Understanding the data on this issue is imperative to gaining credibility and traction in the fight against climate engineering.


UN Report: Human-Caused Climate Disruption Is “Severe, Pervasive, Irreversible”


Source: Truthout

“Why is it . . . that in this world there are men [and women] whose hearts have been so numbed, whose sentiments of honor and delicacy have been so deadened, that one sees them pleased and amused by what degrades and soils them?” – Marquis de Sade

Threatening The Scientists And Masking Reality


So many have bought the lie that climate scientists are paid more or rewarded for stating the dangers of climate change. The fact of the matter is that climate scientists in many cases have been dealt with very harshly if they dare to state the facts as they really are in regard to the severely damaged climate. WIth this consideration in mind, there is absolutely no chance that any reputable climate scientist can openly address the climate engineering nightmare without being subjected to very real threats and potential dangers (this is clearly documented in the article below). Unfortunately, as already mentioned, many have chosen to believe a completely false narrative put out by the power structure, the fossil fuel industry, and the geoengineers. First, that the planet is cooling or not warming. Second, that climate scientists are promoted or rewarded by stating alarming conclusions about the state of the climate. What I hope readers of the article below consider most is that climate scientists and other related academicians are most certainly under threat if they dare to speak out about the ongoing climate engineering in any way, shape, or form. It’s up to all of us to raise awareness of the global geoengineering programs to the point where there is cover enough for the scientists to stand out from the shadows. We are in a race against time in regard to this task, all are needed to join this most critical fight.
Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering And Arctic Sea Ice


By Dane Wigington

The Climate System Is Being Torn Apart

Climate Engineering is the most destructive single force ever released on planet Earth. Though countless forms of human activity have caused immense damage to our biosphere, and nuclear cataclysm may trump all at some point soon, for now the ongoing global geoengineering programs are mathematically the greatest assault on all life ever launched by the human race. Available evidence indicates that there are many agendas being carried out by the atmospheric spraying and ionosphere heater installations (HAARP facilities). Some of these objectives appear clear, other functions and goals of these programs are as of yet speculative. Based on all available evidence, there are no benevolent aspects of the climate engineering insanity. Rather, the programs are designed for the further enhancement of the “full spectrum dominance” of the global power structure. “Owning the weather” has long since been the stated goal of the US military. Though weather warfare is recognized by many as a verifiable and historically documented reality, the profound effect geoengineering is having on the overall climate system is still overlooked by many, even in the anti-geoengineering movement.

The Pentagon — The Climate Elephant


Source: Global Research

There is an elephant in the climate debate that by U.S. demand cannot be discussed or even acknowledged. This agreement to ignore the elephant is now the accepted basis of all international negotiations on climate change.

Climate Engineered Dustbowl In The West


This map is as unnatural and historically unprecedented as they get, but now it has become the norm. Each color shade represents up to a three degree temperature range. As the map below makes clear, this means that the West may be 15 degrees above normal or more, and the East may be nearly the same below normal. While the population goes about business as usual as if nothing is wrong, the weather makers are burning the West to the ground. The engineered heat and drought in the West are so severe, recent studies indicate nothing like this has happened in at least 2000 years and even that statement is likely conservative. Is the unprecedented nature of the record warm West and record cold East being acknowledge by official agencies? Yes, the NOAA article further down this page admits to this fact as it is impossible to hide. It is important to remember that NOAA is little more than a branch of private defense contractor Raytheon. Raytheon is a primary player in regard to climate engineering patents and programs. The geoengineers have global populations by the throat with their weather warfare machine of insanity. The highly toxic fall out from these programs is getting worse by the day also. We are all in a fight for life right here and right now, all are needed in this battle to bring climate engineering to a halt.
Dane Wigington

Rapidly Rising Sea Levels, A New Study Is Released


The weather outside our own windowsill can be very convincing to many as an indicator of the overall global climate situation. Unfortunately the power structure and the climate engineers are well aware of this bias and have used this fact to their advantage. For the entire 2014 season most of the US West, and the planet as a whole, experienced far above normal temperatures while the eastern half of the North American continent remained cool, welcome to geoengineering. Why would the climate engineers fry half the country and chill the other half? For starters, it is a demonstration of the power they wield. In addition, it confuses and divides the population on the highly politicized issue of global warming. The completely engineered cool down in the Eastern US is incredibly anomalous as the GISS map below makes clear. The global elite controlled US media machine focuses media coverage primarily on the engineered cool down zones while largely ignoring the record heat, record forest fires, and methane releases happening around the globe.

The Global Methane Emergency Is Now


Headlines released today from the frontline arctic scientists are the most dire yet. On the current trajectory there will be NO LIFE left on the planet by the middle of this century if the human race does not make a total course correction. What is not mentioned in these headlines is that the math points to a total end of life in the Northern Hemisphere much sooner. Methane hydrate is already spewing from the sea floor as warm water currents thaw the formerly frozen gas deposits. Methane seeps are now also being discovered all along the eastern seaboard and the arctic tundra is thawing as well (methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a ten year horizon). Here is where the equation becomes complex in regard to people’s perspectives and conclusions from different sides of this issue. Denial is epidemic all the way around in one form or another. First, though the assessment from the front line scientists is accurate in regard to the critical nature of the emergency, these same scientists are in total denial on the issue of geoengineering. The entire scientific community is either denying or afraid to discuss the climate engineering elephant in the room. Climate scientists are not even willing to mention the geoengineering reality, let alone point out the fact that geoengineering has made the climate situation far worse overall, not better. Geoengineering is not about making anything better for the common good, its about power and control. On the other side of the fence there is unfortunately a lingering refusal to examine current facts to form an accurate picture. A large percentage of the anti-geoengineering movement is still convinced of exactly what the power structure and the climate engineers want them to believe, either that the climate system has not been damaged or even that the planet is cooling. Geoengineered cool downs are still confusing many for the moment, but the overall meltdown of the planet cannot be hidden much longer as massive amounts of methane belch into the atmosphere. The article below is well worth the time to read. All must learn to “sift the baby from the bathwater” so to speak. We can not “connect the dots”, if bias and preconception blinds us to the facts. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our biosphere, the ongoing climate engineering is the greatest of all. Once the issue of geoengineering is fully exposed, the climate science community will have much explaining to do. I look forward to that day.
Dane Wigington

The Planet Continues To Burn To The Ground


Mainstream media is continuing to hide countless global catastrophes from the public view. Huge areas of Canada and Siberia are quite literally going up in smoke. Climate engineering is fueling the global meltdown, not mitigating it as so many in the climate science community would have us believe. The geoengineering programs are nothing short of mechanisms for weather and biological warfare against helpless populations. As the forests go, so will we. We MUST expose and stop the spraying. Though the article below does not admit to the climate engineering nightmare, what is unfolding on the ground still a reality.
Dane Wigington

New Study Conclusively Confirms Unprecedented Ice Melt In Greenland And Antarctica


While the global power structure and the climate engineers throw everything they have at the effort of hiding the climate meltdown, reality is becoming impossible to cover up. Many have been very confused about the true state of the climate, even many in the anti-geoengineering community.  Data falsification, massive geoengineeering assaults, and manipulated media spin are the cause of the confusion. The reality of what is unfolding around us all is coming to light. The reality of geoengineering and the global cataclysm it has helped to fuel will soon enough be impossible to hide.
Dane Wigington

Very Warm Waters are Invading the Arctic Ocean


Historic Wildfires Burn Through Canada As Sub-Arctic Forests Heat Up


Source: Climate Progress

Wildfires are taking off in Canada as the country goes through one of its hottest and driest summers in decades.

Greenland And West Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss More Than Doubled In Last Five Years


Planetary Meltdown Continues


The oceans of the world are the bottom line factor in determining the overall global temperatures. As the oceans heat up, the land masses will follow. It is important to remember that a cubic meter of sea water can hold 4000 times the thermal energy of a cubic meter of air. As the climate engineers and their completely controlled weather agencies like NOAA and NWS try frantically to make it appear that the world is not as hot as it really is, nevertheless the planetary high temperature records continue to be broken. The geoengineers can temporarily and toxically cool down large areas in order to gain a few “cooling” headlines and statistics in order to help sell climate engineering behind closed doors. NOAA and NWS are falsifying statistics TO THE DOWN SIDE  to help hide the true magnitude of the warming. In spite of all these efforts, the warming is so rapid that it cannot be truly hidden from any who do honest and objective investigation.
Dane Wigington


Last month, Earth’s ocean surfaces tied the previous record for the hottest July during the 130 years the U.S. government has been compiling data.

Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima


Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is certainly having horrific effects on the entire world including the oceans. There are other forms of geoengineering focused specifically on the oceans. Those in power do not care what means they utilize to accomplish their goals, they never have. They are always blind to the overall long term decimation they cause in the pursuit of a short term goal. The oceans of the world are dying. There are a great many causes, including Fukushima, but is there a major factor that is being hidden from view? Again, the die off is global, not just in the Pacific. Fukushima is, of course, a cataclysm, but only one of many. There are big die offs occurring far from the reach of Fukushima's radiation.Though Fukushima radiation is contaminating the entire Pacific ocean and beyond, this contamination is not the primary causal factor behind the unfolding marine ecosystem collapse. Our seas are heating radically, becoming hypoxic and anoxic, and acidifying, there are countless anthropogenic factors / causes in this equation. The bottom is falling out from the ocean food chain, this will affect the entire web of life on Earth.  We know the power structure has long since unleashed the full destructive fury of climate engineering in the skies. We would be fools not to believe that they have been doing the same in the oceans for just as long. Dead zones are appearing everywhere in our seas, mass fish kills are now common. Just as the "official agencies" and "experts" have been completely silent about the cataclysmic climate manipulation, they have likely also turned two blind eyes to lethal ocean carbon sequestration experiments. The article below is new, it eludes to the possible if not probable likelihood of radical carbon sequestration engineering experiments. Carbon sequestration with iron fertilization experiments are already well documented. To keep the captured carbon from being quickly recycled back into the atmosphere by bacterial interaction an engineered virus could be used. Is this already happening? Why would we think this sort of experimentation is not being done? Why would anyone believe the geoengineers are not also experimenting in our oceans? Hypoxic zones (low oxygen) and anoxic zones (no oxygen) are increasing rapidly in our oceans. Algae blooms are associated with such zones. Are engineered viruses being used to sequester carbon from engineered algae blooms at the expense of killing our oceans? Perhaps a bit more time will unfold this mystery. Read the article below and decide for yourself if the dots seem to connect. The power structure is becoming more desperate and dangerous by the day. Their destructive actions will only get worse until all of us stand up in the fight to expose and stop them.
Dane Wigington

Sweden Burning Under Record Heat


Snow missing from New Zealand’s ski slopes at a time when scientists say glaciers are melting


Derailments May Increase as ‘Sun Kinks’ Buckle Tracks


Source: Climate Central

In a warming world, the U.S. could see its cities inundated with water, its power grids threatened by intense storms, its forests devastated by wildfire and insect infestations, and its coastlines washed away by storm surges.

Record Heat and Loss of Glaciers Mark the Global Climate in 2013


Source: Circle of Blue

It was business as usual for many climate indicators.

New Zealand’s ‘dramatic’ ice loss could lead to severe decline of glaciers


Source: The Guardian

New Zealand’s vast Southern Alps mountain range has lost a third of its permanent snow and ice over the past four decades, diminishing some of the country’s most spectacular glaciers, new research has found.