Chemtrails Back To The Future


By John Massaria

6 Responses to Chemtrails Back To The Future

  1. Hey guys,

    I’m currently conducting research for my MSc dissertation. Please could you read the following post and comment in the section below it. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Kind Regards

    Scott Sleight

  2. Lauren Larrimore says:

    We should do this on earth day. April 20th. There is a large protest going on in Australia. People could also test to confirm the presence of these heavy metals. That would be more fuel for the fire.

    • g harvey says:

      what a brilliant idea april 20th . count me in .
      anything happening in brighton uk.
      look up wake up chemtrails

  3. Steve Mobley says:

    I was just thinking why don’t we have a national “Chemtrail Day” and encorage everyone to call their representive or senator on that day flooding them with calls and emails to do something to stop this NOW!!

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