Chemtrails Content Blocked


10 Responses to Chemtrails Content Blocked

  1. Robin Nelson says:

    We all need to make a stand and let ‘them’ know we won’t stand for it anymore. ORGANIZATION and ACTION!!!

  2. Chinook says:

    Remember when u heard about Acid Rain? Now it’s Acid Earth. Mother Nature will win.

  3. Mimi Taylor says:

    Warnings from our founding fathers and other notables:
    Freedom is lost gradually from an uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved people. …
    – Thomas Jefferson

    Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men. – Alexander Hamilton, 1787

    A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
    – Thomas Jefferson

    “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
    – Albert Einstein

    “Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?” – Maurice Freehill

  4. LOLA says:

    Maybe this old news I just heard Dane on Coast To Coast last week. Did u know that the CME sells calls & puts on weather. O r they did last time I looked!
    Think about that.

  5. rosemary schroeder says:

    The only way to retain our freedom, liberty, justice, honesty and survival is to continue to expose via email, word of mouth, people to people. the issues of protecting ALL our environment…fracking, tar sands, GMOs, all geoengineering, banksters/wall street crooks/wealthy corporations [oil/phharma, Big Ag, traffikers in humans/arms/drugs/everything] and families are destroying the planet and simply do NOT care. We must have the hope to acquire facts and knowledge best we can….we CAN do it…Keep up the good work for our lives.

  6. Joseph Hiddink says:

    AS long as they get paid well, they would not care.
    Apres nous le Deluge.

  7. Barbara Snowberger says:

    The people who DO believe that some form of government has the unlimited funds (funneled from taxpayer dollars, no doubt!) seem to believe we can’t do anything about it, now that some counties and major cities, plus the legal government have drones at their disposals. “Perhaps they can’t actually shoot us,” I hear, “but they can spray us with something which might harm us; it’s too big a risk…” I’m too old to care if they spray me; the chemtrails have already made me sicker than I deserve to be at my age. They’re killing our trees from the tops down, they’re damaging my flowers and vegetables, and they are harming the wildlife. Surely those pilots must know they’re also harming themselves and their own families… It’s sad.

    • J2theJ says:

      sweetheart, i hear u. i developed a 200 species garden only to have it all die in a month. my husband says he hates working out in this filth and my son cannot breathe when he runs. makes me sick

  8. Karen F. says:

    “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.

    George Orwell

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