Dane Wigington
“Atmospheric river triple-threat bringing rounds of rain, mountain snow across West” (Fox News). “Record-breaking lake effect snow arrives as winter starts” (NOAA). “Why Is Lake Superior Full Of Icy Snowballs?” (The Weather Channel). And then there is this headline (also from NOAA): “Great Lakes experience record-warm water temperatures heading into winter”. Record breaking snow from record warmth, welcome to the world of climate intervention operations. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:
For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.
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27 Responses
Thank you everyone for those thoughful comments. Now I have a naive question and if ANYONE could address it, I would appreciate it. Everyone knows the tireless efforts that Dane (and others) have put into educating folks about GeoEngineering (my spelling preference). HOW can we coax Netflix into listing "The Dimming" on their list of mostly time-wasting movies? (Yes, I'm a subscriber.) Is there a way to reach the executive offices and perhaps get some kind of petition going? Yes, on occasion, they do show useful documentaries, but they're (sadly), few and far between.
Send large group email all people CC'd so all see it
C.A.R.B. – The California Air Resources board is pursuing policy to end the sale of gas powered cars by 2035 in CA. In the name of reducing air pollution. Are these people effing serious? It is incredibly disingenuous, tone deaf, and outright pathological lying to pursue policies and gas taxes and everything else CARB does, while planes fly overhead all day long dumping toxic waste into the sky. It is a real slap in the face of every Californian to deal with these mandates while CARB and the rest of the state government ignores the blatant Geoengineering happening daily all over California and the world. They are not stupid. They're well aware of whats going on. How in holy hell has no one taken a single political step in this state to address the pollution problem from Geoengineering? The answer is that they are complicit. And someone somewhere is making enormous profits to hide this ecological terrorism. That's corruption at its finest. Citizens have a right to know the truth. Hold your local and state governments accountable or we're doomed to a very bleak and toxic future in The Golden State. BTW I'm all for getting off of fossil fuels and into renewable energy and cars. I just find it disgusting that our own state government won't acknowledge obvious Geoengineering and weather control while telling us they care about air pollution. F—ing please. What a disgusting sick joke we've become.
The reason the geoengineering programs exist in their current format is that we have normalized lying to such an extent in our culture, that people are having a hard time discerning anything close to the truth. Even Chomsky says we're living in a post truth era. Look around … the truth is getting harder and harder to find. The powers that be are exploiting the truth vacuum. And will continue to do so until they have achieved full spectrum dominance and your humanity is reduced to the point where you are nothing but an ATM machine for the rich.
The first of Don Miguel Ruiz's 4 Agreements is this: Be impeccable with your word. Unfortunately, humanity is not there yet
Stop being ok with being lied to constantly. Call BS
So Dane was talking @ usage sewage 4 growing crops in Cali and I wrote back yeah they have been treating sewage and putting in our taps for years.
He didn't post it cuz I missed what he was saying.
Yesterday, I Had a bite of a kiwi Cali grown.
It tasted like shit.
Not old or strange.
Strait up SHIT.
When faced with the obvious fact that it's in our nature to destroy ourselves I try to remember " we are not physical beings here experiencing a temporary spiritual experience , rather , we are spiritual beings here experiencing a temporary physical experience".
What we do in the time remaining will affect our fate.
Dane,et al,
Well, I have with my late fireman friend observed the
Geo-engineering..So now I note Craig reported on the site,
here Dec 15 Tulane Univ. ..honey arsenic lead others.
noW, KILLING BEES..those nefarius negative beings
And this from local San Francisco, CA area ..first time
ever here Tornado warning..Report stated Sat 12/14
wind from two opposite directions over a small land area.
This from radar screen data Now, I did observe heavy, heavy
Geo trails over San Francisco prior 4 days..
I am sure HAARP did this.
The HAARP has to be exposed much more..as
Mother Earth isNOT creating the hqavoc..Nefarious ones
Today is my 65th birthday and I plan to make the best of what time I may have left, because it will likely be my last. I'm tired of wasting the precious time that's left on trying to save a humanity… that clearly doesn't want to be saved. I'm not a quitter, just a realist… and I will spend my last days with Nature. The only friend I have left that listens to my heart and comforts my spirit, while preparing my soul for the next journey into the great beyond. God Bless All and I wish you the best. Love you all, Eden. See you on the other side.
Happy Birthday Eden and many more
Please keep posting on this site.
Every day is truly special.
Oh to be 65 again – I could climb Mount Everest on a pair of roller skates. I too find peace and inspiration in Nature – but even that is getting harder. I see everywhere how the web of life has been decimated – by the massive pillage and plunder of decades and centuries past – and now by what I term “soul-less humanoid biological robots obeying profoundly evil orders – orders that will perhaps kill all life on this planet. I have concluded that since this evil is so profound and pervasive – it is not only earth-bound, but also being projected on us from beyond the Earth plane. I vividly remember the boundless splendor of Nature in many past decades – now greatly diminished. What force of the Cosmos directs the infinite number processes that make Nature function? Most people call this infinite life force “God”. I prefer to call it “the infinite intelligence of the Universe that permeates all atoms in the Universe”. When I see the native grasses in the desert where I live – side-oats gramma – literally made extinct by 150 years of overgrazing by sheep and goats – when I see this grass make a miraculous come-back – here and there among the Sagebrush – in spite of zero precipitation, zero soil moisture – massive daily spraying from jet aircraft – I know that something big – something Cosmic – is with us. I intend to be a part of this infinite and benevolent Cosmic force – until the day I join the “Great Spirit”. I believe that we are here in the physical plane to take action – benevolent action – in the physical plane.
"The United Nations Human Rights Council's Advisory Committee has warned that geoengineering technologies could significantly infringe on human rights for “millions and perhaps billions of people.” It has also drawn attention to the disproportionate impact on those who have done the least to cause the climate crisis…"
New report shows toxic metals in honey in 48 States.
Arsenic, lead, cadmium, nickle, chromium and cobalt found in a study from Tulane University
"Just what have you been up to,my busy little bees?"
"The Mind Is Like A Parachute, It works best whe opened". Question Everything, Investigate, Take Time to Discern The Truth, Try The Spirits, Beware Of Darkness.
Exciting net zero news is coming from the U.K.! Energy Secretary Ed Miliband recently stated that he is embarking on "the most ambitious reforms to the country's energy system in generations."
This will entail both wind and solar power. The solar power will be about 750 square miles of solar panels. This would mean around a billion of 'em dotting the countryside. This seems odd when one realizes that in the winter, England only gets about 7 hours of daylight. Let's hope for only a few overcast days.
Wind farms will not be left out of this gigantic project. According to The Telegraph, about 5000 turbines are planned for the U.K. In case you're wondering about local push back being a problem on these turbines, that has been taken care of. While visiting a wind turbine factory in Hull, Miliband said that the government would now decide on large scale developments. It will no longer be decided by local council. Well that settles that!!
In a powerful review of all of this news, Miliband stated that "a new era of clean electricity for our country offers a positive vision of Britain's future with energy security, lower bills, good jobs and climate action." Happy days are here again in the U.K.!
As a footnote, I'm not aware of any mention or concern by Miliband of solar radiation management in the U.K., or anywhere else for that matter.
Well sai I agree
A certain individual with a small moustache – or his Minister of Propaganda (it is uncertain which) coined the phrase; "Tell a small fib and no-one will believe you, but tell a monstrous lie and it will be taken in with complete gullibility! The 21st Century bears witness to this day after day after day…
Geoff Hanham
Dane mentioned the presence of light scattering geoengineered particles in the sky. This has affected me in a very direct and personal way. For the past five or six years I have altered my driving habits in order to avoid being blinded by the direct sunlight. On two occasions I nearly had an accident after turning east into the blazing sunlight. So now I do not drive in the morning until the sun reaches high enough in the sky as to be completely behind my visor. Either that or go out before sunrise and not drive again until at least an hour and a quarter after sunrise. Is there anyone else out there who has had this problem? I am sure that I am not the only one.
Hi Gary. Well ! because i do not need to drive early A.M. i have no experienced that. But at sunset i certainly have. I thought it may be cataracts. But with the sun facing me i really have needed sunglasses and the visors down. The road literally sometimes disappears. I have had times i pulled off 10 minutes until the sun changed angle for me to continue. Also at other times in the day, when the sun is on the driver side the light flashes my eyes like i am being flashed by a powerful oscillating camera flash with rainbow like colors. There again I am thinking senior eye problems. On another note about 5 years ago, i read many children were going into a form of blindness in South America due to the abnormally strong sunlight. Now, i am becoming suspicious. Thank You Gary for mentioning this.
Gary, you r not the only one.
It's been @ 6 years and its getting worse every day.
The past few months I can't even see on my bike.
It's dangerous and annoying.
Obvious that others on the road can't see either.
And if you watch football, you'll notice that these pro athletes with 20'20 are dropping balls cuz they can;t see the ball.
Not to mention the slippery snow…
I felt so sorry for the kids playing in the cleveland and buffalo games.
They couldn't set their feet.
This CRAP is totally outta hand.
Yes, Gary. I do experience this blinding effect when driving often. Especially now in the winter when sun takes longer to climb and generally stays lower above the horizon.
It happens either in the morning or in the afternoon before sunset. In extreme cases, driving even slowly is impossible. The visibility is zero, even with sunglasses and sun blocked manually with my hand held in front. I much recommend what you suggested. Planning your travel arrangements around the sun travels.
Thank you for pointing it out. I am in South Western part of Virginia, btw.
The sun has burned the retina in my left eye. So, now I have a driver's side sun visor in place all the time and I have tinted the windows much darker to make driving safer in the daylight hours. I am called a vampire though as most of my activity is at night. Unless I am tending to the crops and I have the same visor/dark windows on the tractors I operate now.
Mystery Drones
I have to believe the Geoengineers are "conditioning" the public to accept Drone Swarms.
The same kind of Psyops used to convince people to accept the "Aircraft Contrails" lie.
They may be preparing to deploy huge numbers of Drones for Weather Mod ops and other purposes.
Hi Gary,
I live in England UK and this applies to both the South West (Somerset) and North-Eastern Northumberland (old Northumbria)… I have still (touch-wood) excellent eyesight and find that driving even on cloudy days requires avaition-grade sunglasses… I use a system where four different colour clip-in filters are used for different flight levels and conditions. They have the max UVA/B standard available (but not yet 'C'… I am finding that they are needed sometimes even inside my North-East facing kitchen due to particle back-scatter!
Many (most?) people are complaining about this in both ends of England (obviously I cannot speak for other parts of the UK) – yet offer an explanation and they simply cannot handle it – it's not mentioned on the BBC d'you see? (!)
I will send details of the make and specs shortly…
Geoff Hanham
PS The weather in the UK is 'crazy biscuits' – here be a sample BBC 'weather programme'
It Is TOO BIG To Be Possible! It Is TOO BIG To Be Credible!
In reviewing the facebook posts of a friend – who I greatly respect and admire – I encountered this post from the past that somehow I missed.
“GEOENGINEERING? March 31, 2023
Today, I saw and heard, many large, noisy, jets flying back and forth, across the sky, over the Gila River Valley. They appeared to be dumping some kind of powdered reflective material as they went over, and back and forth. It spread out across the sky in waves, behind each airplane. Then, when they were empty, they turned west, and flew away, with no spray coming out and spreading across the sky. I watched the material they dumped, spread out in the sky! Here is a photo I took of it. Notice how it appears pulsed, and then spreads out on the winds coming out of the southwest. It covered most the sky, mid-day. Also, if you look at the curved trail on the right side of the photo, you can see where the plane turned around, empty, and headed west. No spray trail! What's going on? What are they spraying out of those planes into our air? Is it toxic? Who is doing it? Why? What chemicals or material is raining down on us?
Look up! Be alarmed! If you see it, take a video. Post it! If you know anything, share it!”
So why the confusion – the lack of knowledge regarding Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare?
A short bio on this incredible individual. “ I have a BS Degree in Biology. In Graduate School, I studied toxicology, endocrinology, geology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and nutrition. I use chemical analysis to measure the nutrient minerals in soil, plants, animals and humans. I have researched the effects of fluoride/fluorine on thyroid hormone, and human growth and development for the last 25 years.”
And this in only a starter. My friend is a master carpenter, mechanic, welder, farmer, horse enthusiast, medical researcher, fixer/restorer of everything/anything, just to name a few. World class cognitive function, plus being a truly magnificent human being.
My friend critically examines geo politics, China/ U.S. relations, bird flu, stolen elections, neonic treated seeds, bee die off, GMOs, pesticides – plus the health effects of floride compounds, glyphosate, “forever chemicals”, plus many more important issues.
Here is my comment and the only comment posted in response to the above facebook post:
Welcome to "Solar Radiation Management" – part of Climate Engineering – aka "Weather Warfare" – ongoing for the past 75 years – starting with "Project Cirrus". Catastrophic for all life on the planet. Only one determined and dedicated individual "Sounding the Alarm" for the past 20 years. Website: GeoengineeringWatch.org – 43,630,125 views – 2500 posts – data – patents – water and soil tests. – UV measurements – Government reports – Videos – "Global Alert News", weekly news program presented for the past 399 weeks without one missed week – Comprehensive documentary: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full…/ – it is all there – check it out!
No reaction or response to my comment. Why?
My friend can look at almost everything – with one notable and critical exception. Yup – you guessed it – Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare.
Why? I have given my friend in the 2014-2015 timeframe the two sided color glossy GeoEngineeringWatch flyers and discussed the issue – while he accessed the GeoEngineeringWatch.org website on his computer. Apparently this awareness effort on my part didn’t stick.
After 15 years of banging my head against this “Brick Wall” – being a “late bloomer”, slow thinker, slow learner, and myopic – and after conversing with hundreds of people over the years – I finally figured out the predominant human mindset which is as follows:
“It is TOO BIG to be possible! It just ain’t credible! There is “no way” that tiny 175 pound humanoid earthlings can influence or control the cosmically semi-infinite atmospheric forces of the Earth – other than minor localized “cloud seeding” efforts using single engine aircraft. Claiming that humans can control the weather is like saying that humans can control the phases of the Moon, or control the trajectory of the Milky Way Galaxy through the universe. Weather control is just TOO BIG to be possible! This Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare stuff is utter nonsense.”
The mere thought of possibly controlling the weather/climate leads to the almost universal “glazed eyes” shutdown. Forget it – on to other more pressing issues – like the current political theater or better yet – the winner of the football Super Bowl.
As a “voice crying in the wilderness” – I will continue my lifelong “hobby” of talking to a “Brick Wall”. Nobody listens. The current human mindset is this: It is TOO BIG, TOO BIG, TOO BIG, TOO BIG to be possible – TOO BIG to be credible!
Get it? – TOO BIG!
It's possible that your friend has to process the information awhile before he's ready to accept it. This happened to me when someone told me about geoengineering. I did not want to accept it at first either until one day I just could not deny it. I looked it up and found a Youtube video of a plane filming another plane from behind spraying aerosols. His non-reply may not necessarily mean he's rejecting what you posted. It just may not compute or fit with his current assumptions, perceptions of cognitive schema of the world right away. When you think about it, weather engineering makes no sense and is crazy to begin with so it's understandable if people wont easily accept the concept of it. "why would people do something like this?" I think he just needs time to realize it on his own. Just my opinion.
I spoke to a cat a week ago.
His father passed away and I was just trying to give him a distraction.
It worked.
He winds up talking for hours.
Knew soooo much @ weapons systems, computers metals and aeronautics, I just let him talk.
So late in the dictation that felt like a uni lecture.
I threw out some questions.
He said yes on ETs and the moon landing, the latter which I did not contest.
I threw out geoengineering…
One more time.
Admittedly, It was an unsecured line on his end while I was on my roommates cell.
In fairness, He knows he is highly monitored by countless gov agencies.
AS IS everyone on this site.
Either way, the elephant in the sky is not spoken of.
Peace and love to ALL of creation for what may be our last fake winter/holiday season.