Dane Wigington
Under the cloak of climate mitigation operations, weather warfare continues to be waged on completely unaware populations. “Is it time to talk seriously about geoengineering?” (Politico). Headlines like this are intended to further propagate and perpetuate the public’s already programmed denial. Extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios are worsening by the day which is crushing crop production and causing overall environmental chaos around the world. Empty food shelves are not just a problem in some far away countries, it’s coming soon to a market near you. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:
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22 Responses
Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy
Anyone who wants to take the time and look into the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION -NSF- simple awards grants, one can find thousands of documents that support the CONSPIRACY . Last time I typed in Geoengineering a return of 116 documents came up while aerosol spraying yielded over 3000 as the old statement goes -Follow The Money. Is it any wonder it is not going on ? Put your tin foil hat back on, look into the NSF and go buy a new snowmobile..
Hello Dane:
I've been follow https://www.7320.nrlssc.navy.mil /GLBhycomcice1-12/artic.html for many years. As of September they stopped updating the site. Their data had the most clear understanding of sea ice volume loss and decreased density. It clearly showed massive sea ice volume loss and decreased density. Then… someone shut it down.
I have seen more geo-engineering here in past 6 weeks than prior 12 years living here. WEd Jan. 2, 25 All day those X patterns, not always seen, Today ALL in the sky…All clouds, really looked fake, more fake, as if in a Si Fi movie, setting new planet. I note : possible big use of HAARP .
Yovita, wife of Dane, we bow in silence to honor your courage, virtue, & morality as you continue to go above & beyond the call of duty in this spiritual battle. Thank you 🙏 for your example of family support & the miracles you have helped bring about!
Many thanks to Dane and his family for their sacrifice of their time in this righteous battle for breathable air , clean water, and a living planet !
01/01/2025 How did we arrive at this point in time ? Today is the beginning of a new year. The world agrees on this ,it is measurement of time, a starting point. If the world can agree on this , I would hope we could agree War is bad , poisoning the air and water is bad agreed ? Geoengineering and climate control being the worst yet many people can't even see it. They can't make water , which would solve so many problems , yet they think they are smarter than Mother Nature. The planet is dying and whether you agree or not , "We are thru the guardrail" and somebody better grab the wheel and start driving U.S. backwards.
We have a suspicious afternoon fog in South West Florida 12/31/24. It was a cool and sunny day until approximately 2 pm. Very low clouds began blowing in and now we are under dense fog.
Up in the pan handle too… lasts way longer during the day. Sun doesn't burn it off like it normally does. Sunshine state beginning to feel like Seattle
Happy New Year .
Climate engineering also adding to exposure to polluted air that we all breathe.
We detected plastic chemicals in 86% of the foods we tested.
At least one of the 18 chemicals was found in every baby food, prenatal supplement, human breast milk, yogurt, and ice cream product that we tested, to name only a few categories. We also found plastic chemicals in all the products we tested from Starbucks, Gerber, Chobani, Straus, Celsius, Blue Bottle, RXBAR, Coca-Cola, Tartine, and Ghirardelli.
Plastic chemicals were also in practically all the upscale and healthy products we tested; we tested raw milk and beef straight from the farm, 22 organic foods, and 20 healthy groceries from Whole Foods. Apart from O Organics eggs, all of those products contained plastic chemicals.
Our test results showed phthalates in most baby foods and prenatal vitamins. We also saw that less-processed foods contain fewer chemicals than highly processed ones; water in glass and plastic water bottles have surprisingly similar levels of chemical content; and hot foods which spend 45 minutes in takeout containers have 34% higher levels of plastic chemicals than the same dishes tested directly from the restaurant.
All in all, we detected phthalates in 73% of the products we tested, phthalate substitutes in 73%, and bisphenols in 22%.
Samples of 22 products, from vendors ranging from Starbucks to Shake Shack to Whole Foods, exceeded the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) intake limits for Bisphenol A. The excess amounts ranged from 450% to 32,571% of EFSA limits for a 70 kg (154 lb) person. Additionally, for 2 bottled water brands, one of the samples exceeded the FDA limit for DEHP phthalate (by 217% and 283% respectively), although all other samples of those brands were under the limit.
Here's a complete list of all the presently-available food samples (excluding vintage foods) we tested that exceeded a published daily intake limit for any of the chemicals we tested:
Report — PlasticList
Happy New Year .
I live not that far from NYC — Times Square—there is weather whiplash happening everywhere — one day last week it was bitter cold and felt like below 10 degrees with the wind chill factor
.Yesterday it hit 60 degrees and right now it is in the low 50s.
Here is something to study —Plastic is in almost everything we eat.
The PlastChem project maintains a list of over 20,000 plastic-related chemicals with varying levels of human exposure and health hazards. Testing for each chemical can require a different process, which adds cost. In the end, we selected 18 plastic-related chemicals that we believed to be widely used, and which have been linked to or suspected of adverse health effects in humans. Below are the chemicals we chose; you can click on the names to read more.
Report — PlasticList
A lot of people have been getting sick up here from the chinook wind blowing the toxic dirt around in a brown Christmas. The snow finally turned up today, though.
Happy New Year to all!
They are modifying the weather to blame and tax us for causing climate change. What a perfect textbook problem, reaction,solution strategy used often by them/they to control us all and have been for millennia
What's next, I know micro/nano plastics would be my guess. No people no plastics needed. It's all our fault the whole of earth is contaminated now.
"The world's gone crazy and it's trying to take me with it" couldn't have said it better!.
Blessings to you and your family Dane. I agree with Sally's comment about God our Creator and it being our responsibility to take care of the Earth He created for us.
For some reason, I feel they really hate the state of North Carolina for some reason, as they are destroying this state. Of course, they are destroying every state and country around the world, however, they seem to spray here consistently throughout the night and day.
In speaking with family and friends in Florida and seeing some of their outdoor activities in the photos they send, at least they still have a blue sky.
In North Carolina, however, our sky has not been that true blue for many years now. Every time the sun is shining brightly and the sky is actually a light blue, they immediately start spraying everywhere. White lines continually all over the sky and then the sky becomes a white hazy color. You can hear them spraying throughout the late night hours as well.
I can hear them starting spraying at 10:30 pm, 11 pm, and even when I'm up during the night, they are still spraying like crazy, no matter what time I'm up.
The sun warms up our home so we do not have to turn the heat up but they don't like that so they block it, it gets colder and then we have to turn up the heat. It is infuriating for sure.
I have handed out an entire package of flyers, booklets, business cards and even DVDs that I purchased here. And like Sally said, "Many people do not even notice them" and it makes you wonder how they do not see them when they are as plain as day. Pilots do not fly all over the sky they way those chemical white lines are seen every day, Those lines would make it look like the pilots are confused at which way they are flying.
A few weeks ago I pointed the white lines to my neighbor right next door and he said, "What are those, contrails?" And when I told him what they were he gave me the deer in the headlights look. So I emailed him this website but have not heard back.
What can you do when some people have eyes and are blind? What can you do when some people have ears and don't hear? It is written in the Scriptures. It is the way that it is and so we can get frustrated and shake our heads all day and pray.
We are all accountable on this earth if we do not take care of it.
Many blessings in the New Year to all who post comments here and thank you for being like minded.
Yes ,the aluminum particles in the Chem trail do take heat
from the atmosphere. Notice the variation in chem trail width.
That is sign of new chemicals or the HAARP will be used.
San Francisco, CA has a new increase for us here in the constant
geo lines seen prior 6 weeks. That is what makes me say,
a new tactic for us all. The X patterns are for military
satellite reference. Use as GPS tracking device.
There is so much content in this great broadcast to respond to on many levels.
Many years ago I once read, perhaps studying the classics, the etymology of the word "human" refers to one who looks up. This information seems to be lost in cyberspace.
The other day when the trails were exceptionally prolific I pointed them out to a stranger. She said she had never noticed them before. I directed her to geoengineeringwatch.org and now realize how valuable having this literature is. This cause couldn't be more dire.
Over the past few days here in the Massachusetts Berkshires the temperature has escalated from a single digit to balmy rainfall rapidly melting away the 2' of snow accumulated over the past three weeks.
The mortifying knell of jets overhead never seems to end; morning, noon, night, there is no peace. It does not feel safe to go outdoors. The fireplace doesn't draw because the air is too dense; paper will hardly burn.
Dane concludes this great recent broadcast valiantly leading this crusade to bring awareness to this unregulated malice stripping us of our rights saying, "We owe this to our Creator." Indeed, we do! Our Creator Who entrusts us to be stewards of this world: This is our opportunity to give Him our hearts in obedience.
Yes, how morally bankrupt and ungrateful humans have become.
This broadcast will be the center of my annual New Year letter. Thank you, Mr. Wigington and your family, for fighting the good fight.
God help us to open the eyes of the blind. May Your Justice be served.
Thanks, Sally for this excellent post. And thanks also to all the people who have begun to post for the first time recently. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
1 Corinthians 15:58
"Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord."
Sally, thank you for posting. God is aware and will reward accordingly. Happy New Year to you and all who are abounding in this fight for God's creation.
Sally, I meant to thank you for your comment as well. I look forward to many more of your comments in the future.
A Blessed New Year to You!
I leave peanuts out for the squirrels. They used to take about 24-48 hours to find them all. Now, it only takes them about 2 hours.
In central British Columbia, the remaining forests are in a stage of death. As mentioned in this video- there is no longer a forest smell at any time of year, needles are lifeless and falling off the branches. The branches themselves are brittle- you can break them off a standing tree. The forest floor is covered with kindling. Insects are almost gone- almost no mosquitoes for the past 2 years, almost no flies in the summer. The water trough for my cattle used to get filled with an algal growth and would require cleaning every few months, now only dust collects there. Going outside in the winter you can feel the "chemical cold" and the snow this year is not white. It has a brownish hue. Government employees are such liars- denying this operation. Perhaps they think they'll survive. I like the closing comments saying that their underground bunkers will be their tombs.
Our greatest thanks to you and your family!
As we find ourselves in the thirteenth hour of which makes no sense of time on clocks that keep a relationship to other clocks as a perception of time yet in my lifetime I have witnessed the near destruction of the planet which has had a much greater perception of time than any clock . Growing up I was not afraid to breathe the air, eat the snow ,or drink the rain . Real clouds covered the sky, we could sleep without being destroyed by frequency transmissions. Now I live in a world of the greatest con ever "CON"trails coating the web of life with electrical conducting particles perhaps to take it right down the drain as Science has gone to far.
In the wacky world of commodity investing, Bitcoin is listed as a commodity. This current calender year, Bitcoin gained about 128%. Pretty hard to beat that. Well, in fact, that was easily beaten by cocoa futures. In January of this year, it was priced around $4000/tonne. As of mid – December, it was around $12,000/tonne.
Bloomberg named cocoa the best performing commodity for the year. It came at a terrible cost. RT reported that extreme weather, fertilizer shortages, drought conditions and extreme temperatures caused havoc on crops. The two biggest cocoa bean producers, Ivory Coast and Ghana battled record temperatures above 40 degree Celsius, [104 degree Farenheit.]
According to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, the soil has a health crisis. 2/3 of West Africa's land is degraded. The fertilizer shortage is due to supplier issues as a result of the Russia – Ukraine war.
So, if someone only knew that cocoa prices would jump so much, they could have made alot of money. However, who can know ahead of time about drought conditions? Who can know ahead of time the soil being degraded? Who can know ahead of time war breaking out and affecting the supply chain? I mean, no one, right?
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted recently in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Here is one more rule.
Rule #14 – We Climate Scientists previously discussed the imperative need to propose BIG “Solutions” to the “Climate Change Crisis”. Of course we know deep inside that these “proposals” are totally impractical – but they create the perception for the general population – a critically important perception – that solutions to the ‘Climate Change Crisis” will require BIG, very BIG – BIG like never seen before – BIG programs.
A BIG, IMMENSE, and practical “Proposal” – long since advocated – is to employ 200,000 or perhaps many more – jet aircraft globally – running 24/7 – to “inject’ – spew – between 40 to 60 MILLION TONS annually of nanoparticulates – including aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, plus graphene oxide, polymer fibers, surfactants, bacterial and viral pathogens, and other yet unknown elements – many perhaps toxic – in a base material of fly ash from coal fired power plants – into the global atmosphere to deflect some of the incident radiation from the sun.
This “Proposal” is what we term “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM) – and is the clear winner. As we ramp up the “Crisis” narrative of “Climate Change” – we – as professional and obedient Climate Scientists – all must loudly, vocally, and adamantly advocate this “Proposal”. After all – this is the “Proposal” that we have been advocating for several decades – all other “Proposals” are mere stepping stones to manipulate the perceptions of the masses – so they will demand this seemingly “safe and effective Proposal”.
When this “Proposal” is fully implemented – we will be richly rewarded with fame, and glory, lush government grants, promotions,- and of course – huge salary increases, more under-the-table perks – and ever fatter pensions.